Veldacademie Graduation Studio

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GRADUATION @ VELDACADEMIE On-site design studio Rotterdam Architecture & Urbanism


On-site design studio Rotterdam Architecture & Urbanism At Veldacademie graduation studio (Msc 3+4), you design in practice, meet stakeholders and give a meaningful contribution to the city of Rotterdam AR3VA110 In association with

Rotterdam, May 2018


Consider Rotterdam as a giant laboratory. Can we use empty buildings in the city more cleverly? Do safe pedestrian routes through a neighbourhood reduce loneliness? Is it time to bring community centres back to communities and if so, what should community centres be like? Use your expertise on urban issues. Delve into the subject and the theory. Then go out into the neighbourhood, talk to the parties involved and learn to look through the eyes of the users of the city, that is, the residents, businesses and visitors. Apply innovative methods and learn to present your research findings in writing and in images. One major advantage of doing research at Veldacademie is that you know exactly who you are doing it for. You work in the neighbourhood on relevant issues together with local partners. You work as a team member, are coached in practice and work together with students from various disciplines.

Otto Trienekens (lab coordinator)

“Het fijne aan de Veldacademie is dat je veel vrijheid hebt, maar dat je wel werkt binnen een kader.

Je kan heel erg je eigen gang gaan, en tegelijkertijd werk je wel veel samen met mensen. De projecten zijn echt ingebed

in de wijk. Daarnaast was er een fijne sfeer en een vriendelijke omgeving.’’ Anne Schaap, Master Architectuur 2012 – 2013

‘‘The great thing about Veldacademie is that you have a lot of freedom, but also clearly defined frameworks. You can choose your own path, and at the same time you get to co-operate with people. The projects are really embedded in the neighbourhood. Also, the environment is really friendly.’’


Master Architecture Between school and leisure Davey Giesen, 2013 - 2014 Research & design for the expansion of a Rotterdam elementry school with room for after school care.

Graduation Studio

‘’Mijn afstudeerproject was een stuk concreter: wat is er mogelijk met winkelleegstand in Charlois? […] Hoe is het ooit ontworpen? Wat was de bedoeling? Het project had een echte Veldacademiesaus, ze hebben in de wijk

een maand een appartement voor ons geregeld zodat we bewoners konden uitnodigen en interviewen.’’

Timo van de Ven, Master Architectuur, 2013 – 2014

‘‘My graduation project was very concrete: what can we do with unused retail space in Charlois? How was it designed in the first place? What was it meant for? The project really had a Veldacademie vibe, they even arranged an apartment onsite for us so we could invite and interview the locals.’’


Master Architecture Working at the Wielewaalstraat Timo van de Ven, 2013- 2014 Redevelopment of a street in Rotterdam Charlois while preserving the historic design principles.

Graduation Studio

“Het leuke aan de Veldacademie is dat je heel breed begint, maar uitkomt op een afgekaderd onderwerp. Je begint met het vormen van een onderzoeksvraag en eindigt met het daadwerkelijk ontwerpen, tot aan bakstenen en kozijnen toe. De Veldacademie is goed in het leggen van verbindingen tussen theorie en de praktijk. Het

netwerk van de Veldacademie wordt ingezet om het afstuderen sociaal maatschappelijk relevant te maken.’’

Fabian van Aerschot, Master Architectuur, 2012 – 2013

‘‘The great thing about Veldacademie is that you start out very broad, but you end with a framed subject. You start developing a research question and end with realising your design, including the stones and window frames. The Veldacademie is really good at connecting theory and practice. They let you engage in their network in order to make your project relevant for society.’’


Master Architecture The multi-generation house Andrea Fitskie, 2015 - 2016 A design for the transformation of a postwar apartment block into a residential building in which residents form a multi-generation social network and provide one another informal care and support.

Graduation Studio

“Wat ik heel leuk vond aan de onderzoekswerkplaats bij Veldacademie was de combinatie van sociologie en bouwkunde. Binnen de studie Bouwkunde blijft een term of begrip, zoals ‘ontmoetingsplek’, wat vager. Sociologen gaan daar dieper op in.”

Hedwig van der Linden, stagiaire Bouwkunde, 2016

‘‘What I liked very much about my research workplace at Veldacademie was the combination of sociology and architecture. While studying architecture the concept of a ‘meeting place’ remains somewhat vague. Sociologist go into that more thoroughly.’’


Master Architecture The neighbourhood plant Martijn Sterk, 2015 - 2016 The research and design of a new architectonic form for the combination of care and wellbeing that puts ‘meeting each other’ in the centre.

Graduation Studio

‘’Bij de Veldacademie was ik voor het eerst echt in de praktijk bezig, terwijl ik daarvoor vrijwel alleen op de computer op zoek ging naar gegevens. Maar tijdens mijn keuzevak mocht ik zelf mijn probleemstelling formuleren, was ik zelf aanwezig op de

locatie en kon ik de bewoners daadwerkelijk spreken. Je deed geen aannames op basis

van online statistieken, maar haalde kennis op uit de buurt.’’

Stef Bogaerds, Bachelor Bouwkunde, 2012

‘‘At Veldacademie I really worked in practice for the first time. Previously I used the computer to search for input. I could define my own research question and I was present on-site myself so I could talk to residents. You didn’t make assumptions based on statistics, but collected knowledge in the neighbourhood.’’


Master Urbanism Design for co-creation Jurrian Arnold, 2012 - 2013 Area renewal by private initiative in the ‘Eilandenbuurt’. An urban design that enables house owners to initiate renovation and management by connecting individual, collective and public interests.

Graduation Studio

GRADUATION @ VELDACADEMIE On-site design studio Rotterdam Architecture & Urbanism At Veldacademie graduation studio (Msc 3+4), you design in practice, meet stakeholders and give a meaningful contribution to the city of Rotterdam

In association with

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