Staying Connected in VET eZine | November 2017 | Volume 10

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STAYING CONNECTED IN Australia’s biannual VET eZine


The Hon Karen Andrews Supporting Australia’s Future



2017NVC Recap Building Quality in VET

Skills & Thrills and WorldSkills Australia


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2017 NVC




Supporting Australia’s future 6

2017NVC recap 12

Velg2Go launch 18

Dr Irene Ioannakis joins ASQA 7

Australian skills show 16

Skills & Thrills 20

AISC cross sector projects 17

The Six Steps 21

Evidence-based strategy in VET 8 AVETMISS release 8.0 11




© Velg Training All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without explicit written permission of the editor, except in the case of brief quotations and other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the editor at the address below, with the subject “Permissions Request”. CONTACT Velg Training Pty Ltd. 1/52 Jeffcott Street Wavell Heights QLD 4012 | 07 3866 0888 | BECOME A MEMBER To stay connected with Velg Training and find a membership option that best suits you visit CONTRIBUTE Velg Training welcomes previously unpublished editorial contributions in the form of VET sector news, events and feature articles supplied with high quality web resolution photographs. All submissions will be published at the editorial committee’s discretion and may be used in Velg Training’s eNewsletters upon confirmation with the contributor. ADVERTISE Advertising space is limited and bookings will be confirmed upon receipt of payment on a ‘first in, best dressed’ basis. Advertising bookings do not guarantee editorial submissions will be published. For more information, view the Terms and Conditions of Contract in the 2017 Media Kit. Publication design by Amy Lynch. Icon design by Freepik from

Australia’s biannual VET eZine








Michelle Weaver


his is our tenth edition of our VET eZine which was first published in April 2014. 2017 has been another busy year in VET with big changes that have affected many within the sector, particularly with changes to VET FEEHelp and VET Student Loans funding. Once again, a key event on the VET professional development (PD) calendar for the year was the National VET Conference (NVC). This year, the conference was held at the International Convention Centre in Sydney on 13-15 September 2017. The theme of the 2017 NVC was ‘Building Quality in VET’ and our conference program ensured there was a focus on how to do this at the practitioner level. We heard from many great presenters, and we thank them for sharing their knowledge and experiences with the wider sector. I would like to personally thank the sponsors of the event for assisting us in making this such a successful event year again. In 2018, we will continue to focus on Building Quality in VET but will focus in on building capability of our VET workforce through a number of initiatives and our NVC theme. The theme for 2018 will be ‘Skilling Australia’s VET Future’

and the event will take place on 12-14 September at the Adelaide Convention Centre (ACC). We are looking forward to heading back to Adelaide for a second time, and we can’t wait to see the new sections of the ACC, including a brand new theatre for our plenary sessions. The Call for Presenters has now been launched and the program will be released in late March 2018. You can read more about the 2017 NVC in Velg Training’s editorial feature, or you can contact our office on (07) 3866 0888 or email for more information on opportunities at our 2018 NVC. Another initiative Velg Training has launched is our new eLearning program for professional development – Velg2Go. This new program will revolutionise the way professional development is delivered in the VET sector, meeting the needs of many practitioners who are not able to attend face-to-face workshops for some reason, or who want a bit more learning that what is available through webinar delivery methods. For more information please read our feature article on Velg2Go or visit our website to register for our very first course being run in January 2018. In October 2017 ACPET and Velg Training worked together to deliver National VET PD Week (NVPDW). Over the course of the week two webinars were on offer each day, one hosted by ACPET and one hosted by Velg Training, at a flat rate of $49 per webinar. NVPDW provided PD for over 1,000 VET practitioners across the country. I would

like to thank ACPET for working with us on this project and to everyone across the country who supported the initiative. This fits firmly in line with our mission to ‘Educate, Inspire and Empower’ the VET sector. In June over 150 delegates attended the inaugural VET CEO Conference which was a great success. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive about the unique experience this event provided. The calibre of speakers was outstanding and focused on both compliance as well as business processes for CEOs to consider within their RTO. Registration is now open for our 2018 CEO Conference which will be held in Brisbane on 18 May 2018 at the Hilton Hotel. We hope to see you there! As always, I would like to thank all of our article contributors and eZine advertisers for their continued commitment to supporting excellence in Australia’s VET sector, and for collaborating with Velg Training. On behalf of the Velgy Bunch, we wish you all the best for the remainder of 2017 and thank you for your support once again throughout 2017. We look forward to working with you in the New Year.

Michelle Weaver CEO/Founder of Velg Training

Stay Connected in VET - the team at Velg Training can’t wait to hear from you! 1/52 Jeffcott Street, Wavell Heights Qld 4012 (07) 3866 0888



Australia’s biannual VET eZine





LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Welcome to the final edition of the Staying Connected in VET eZine for 2017. Our Volume 10 edition features articles to Educate the VET sector with information from the Office of the Hon Karen Andrews, Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills. This includes a summary of activities being undertaken in the sector. ASQA has welcomed a new Commissioner, Dr Irene Ioannakis. Learn more about Dr Ioannakis in this edition’s ASQA article. Jonathan Chew provides us with an informative article surrounding data and decision making in the VET sector. The Educate section of this volume is rounded off with a contribution from NCVER with the aim of raising awareness about the transition to the latest AVETMISS release from 1 January 2018. Velg Training seeks to Inspire the VET sector, and one of our key channels for


this each year is through our National VET Conference. Please take the time to read our article recapping the event. This section also features an article by John Pollaers, CEO of the AISC, regarding the range of cross-sector projects being undertaken by the AISC that will shape the future of training.

public speaking and read about how Velg Training is revolutionising the way PD is being delivered via our new eLearning PD offering, Velg2Go. We look forward to seeing you online in a course in 2018!

WorldSkills Australia aims to inspire the sector through promoting skills excellence and showcasing VET as a valid pathway for young people. Be sure to read our article from Brett Judd, CEO of WorldSkills Australia, outlining the 2018 program and new inclusions for the national competition, including a brand new Skills Pathway Expo. The Empower section contains a related article from SkillsOne on the hosting of Skills & Thrills with the WorldSkills Australia competition.

Velg Training Members will notice that articles from this eZine are featured in our Member eNews. If you are a NonMember, you can still access timely VET news each week by signing up online for our free Follower Bulletin.

Rounding out the edition our resident MC, Gerry Gannon, is sharing his expertise in

The next edition of our VET eZine will be published on Thursday 20 April 2018. Bookings are now open for advertisers in the 2018 edition. We hope you enjoy this edition! Kerri Buttery Editor, Velg Training

Did you know? This FREE eZine is sponsored.

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Velg Training works with advertisers from across the VET industry to publish our biannual eZine and enable our readers to stay connected in VET!

Download our 2017 Media Kit. Book your ad by Friday 7 April 2018. Email us:

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Supporting Australia’s future The Hon Karen Andrews MP Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills


he importance of vocational education and training (VET) to supporting Australia’s future job and economic growth cannot be understated. The sector provides Australians with the skills they need to secure employment, succeed in the workplace, to drive future innovation for business, and to underpin productivity. Over the past year the Turnbull Government has been working to improve the quality of the sector to support better outcomes for students and employers. The year started with the introduction of VET Student Loans. It’s no secret VET FEE-HELP caused considerable harm to students, taxpayers and the reputation of the sector. But the VET Student Loans program, introduced on 1 January holds training providers to a much higher standard. Since implementing the new program, the government has only provided loans to assist students undertake courses being delivered by high quality providers where there is a clear skills need for the nation. And while it is still early days, initial results are encouraging and show the VET Student Loans program is meeting its objectives. The Government is determined to make quality a hallmark of the Australian VET system – which is good for students, good for employers and good for the Australian economy. We’re also currently undertaking a review of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator 2011



Act to ensure the Australian Skills Quality Authority has the functions and powers it needs, and that the sector continues to deliver quality education well into the future. And while quality education and training is essential, another priority is to arrest and reverse the decline in the number of commencements and completions of apprentices and trainees which had been occurring since 2012. In this year’s Federal Budget we announced the Skilling Australians Fund. This new, ongoing fund will commit an estimated $1.5 billion from the Commonwealth over the next four years to significantly increase our skilled workforce. There is no better way for a student to gain the skills they need to break into and succeed in the workplace than through the practical, on-the-job training offered by an apprenticeship or traineeship. The Skilling Australians Fund represents the Government’s commitment to this model of training and, working together with the states and territories, will seek to create opportunities for an additional 300,000 more apprentices and traineeships over the next four years. I have taken time this year to meet with a number of my ministerial counterparts from Indonesia, India, Singapore and Sri Lanka. In a rapidly changing world it is important to maintain a global perspective on our work. Australia already has a strong international reputation and our VET system is very highly regarded. Our high quality, industry relevant training

Australia’s biannual VET eZine





attracts students to undertake study, not just here but also in training delivered offshore. Australia is in a fortunate position to make a lasting contribution to global skills and knowledge, and I’m committed to working with our regional partners to learn from each other to improve our practices and maximise these opportunities. We have made important headway this year, but there is always more to do. I look forward to working with you over the next 12 months, as we continue our focus on ensuring the VET sector continues to deliver the skills required by industry, increases confidence in the quality of training, and supports individuals and businesses to make informed choices about training.

Elected in 2010, re-elected in 2013 and 2016 to represent the southern Gold Coast electorate of McPherson in the House of Representatives, Karen is a member of the Liberal National Party. Karen is passionate about encouraging the study of maths and science in schools and promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics professions. As a member of the Women in Engineering Alumni Network at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), she promotes study in these crucial fields. In 2016, The Hon. Karen Andrews MP was appointed as the Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills. Karen now has a great opportunity to work closely with the Minister for Education and Training Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham to create positive outcomes for Australians undertaking vocational education.


Dr Irene Ioannakis joins ASQA as New Commissioner


any people in the training sector in Western Australia will know Dr Irene Ioannakis who, for more than 17 years, was a member of the Training Accreditation Council (TAC). For those working in the VET sector in other parts of Australia you will now get to know Dr Ioannakis in her new role as Commissioner, Regulatory Operations with ASQA. After starting her career as a maths and science teacher, Dr Ioannakis has spent much of her working life in VET. Dr Ioannakis’ most recent position was Chief Executive Officer of Ioannakis and Associates, a training, development and human resources consultancy based in Perth. Prior to this she was employed by Chevron as the Australian Business Unit Manager - Organisational Capability and

“I’m passionate about VET, learning and people”

Australia’s biannual VET eZine


Development and, prior to this role, was the inaugural Director of the GE Oil and Gas Skills Development Centre.

“It gives Australians the skills they need in order to take their place in the workforce.”

She is also a former Managing Director responsible for expanding the Caterpillar Institute (now the WesTrac Institute), a registered training organisation, specialising in the heavy vehicle mechanical trade area and Executive General Manager (HR) for WesTrac.

In her new role Dr Ioannakis will lead the work of ASQA’s national network of regulatory operations teams. She will also oversee a range of strategic projects to enhance ASQA’s regulatory operations activity and ensure that this work is conducted efficiently, professionally, ethically and consistently.

She also served as the Director – Safety, Education and Training at the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia and served on the Curtin Business School of Management Advisory Board. “I’m passionate about VET, learning and people,” Dr Ioannakis said. “VET has been a big part of my life and as ASQA Commissioner it will continue to be a part of my life. I’m looking forward to applying everything I have learnt in my time with TAC to the broader, national VET sector.” Dr Ioannakis said VET continued to play a critical role in Australian society. “Australia’s VET sector adds considerable value to our economy and our community,” she said.




“I look forward to working with my follow Commissioners to further enhance ASQA’s capacity to effectively and efficiently protect students, employers and the public against providers that don’t meet high quality standards,” Dr Ioannakis said. “As a regulator, ASQA is well-placed to work with other sector stakeholders to address any new challenges that emerge into the future. “One of the key challenges I see going forward is to continue to enhance our communication with providers and industry stakeholders. We need to be clear about our regulatory approach and regulatory decisions to the sector and to bring all stakeholders along with us.”




The coming of age of

evidence-based strategy in VET by Jonathan Chew, Nous Group


ome hold the mistaken view that the VET sector is entirely made up of ‘mom and pop’ operators. While it is undoubtedly true that the sector is fragmented, with a long-tail of small providers, the sector has always been highly commercial, and is becoming increasingly professionalised. The increasing professionalisation of the sector has been driven by four key factors. 1. The introduction of contestable models of funding has pushed RTOs to become more responsive to government funding and the market. 2. The decline in public funding for VET over time has made RTOs much more focussed on revenue diversification, especially in the feefor-service market, both domestically and internationally. 3. The rise and fall of mega providers like Vocation Ltd – primarily as a result of excessive reliance on a single source of government funding – has made RTOs more attuned to the sustainability of their business models. 4. The interest in VET from highly commercial boards, from public shareholders (following IPOs),



and/or from private equity owners has induced a step change in governance and management rigour. The most significant driver however is simply cultural change across RTOs. A new generation of senior managers from both inside and outside of the VET sector are emerging, bringing a new set of capabilities and perspectives. This increased professionalisation is in turn driving an expectation of evidencebased strategy. Strategy has been simply defined by Michael Porter as “Where to play and how to win”. Evidencebased strategy in VET therefore can encompass: • Go/No-Go decisions: Decision whether to commence, continue or cease delivery in a given market. Market may be defined according to particular customer segments, geographic regions or industries/ sectors. • Product development decisions: Decisions in relation to the design and delivery of courses, including course curriculum, delivery mode, and distinctive features. • Market positioning decisions: Decisions as to what market segments and regions to target,

Australia’s biannual VET eZine





including the RTO brand narrative, course level differentiators, marketing channels, and setting of specific marketing and recruitment targets. The great thing about VET is that it is a data rich environment. But an excess of data creates its own problems. The data dictionary for the NCVER’s portal to AVETMISS, TVA and other data runs to 193 pages. Accessing the data is free and relatively easy. Analysing data with an understanding of the detailed and subtle nuances of the various datasets is a potential risk for RTOs. The most significant issue however is not the ability to access the data or to use it well, but rather being able to synthesise the evidence into meaningful insights. It is important to recognise that quantitative data is only part of the picture. Quite often internal business intelligence initiatives fail because organisations fail to blend numbers on the page with the understanding stored in the minds of its resident experts. There are thus hard and soft requirements for implementing effective evidence-based strategy within an RTO. These are summarised in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

‘Hard’ requirements

‘Soft’ requirements

for evidence-based decision making

for evidence-based decision making

Access to relevant datasets

A clear and common purpose/question

Internal and external data sources that are routinely collected, cleaned and collated

A desire for answers to the same questions across management/executives

Analytical frameworks

Buy-in and trust

A shared conceptual approach that delivers insights relevant to an RTO’s decision makers

A willingness to consider and interact with the evidence to ascertain the best course of action

Analytical and research capability

Appetite for evidence

Skills and competencies for quantitative and qualitative analysis available within the RTO

Understanding of the benefits of making decisions in with the support of evidence

Infrastructure and tools

An understanding of limitations

The necessary computing power, storage solutions and software packages

Recognition that there are no definitive answers and working with what’s available

Resourcing and capacity

Willingness to invest

The time and attention required to build and improve evidence-based outputs

A shared vision for working towards increased maturity in evidence-based decision making

Many RTOs are looking to increase their reliance Jonathan’s expertise is in policy design, market analysis and evaluation with on evidence to inform strategy, particularly those in a focus on the VET and higher education sectors. As Director at the Nous a growth phase faced with the questions of what to Group and Principal of The 5Rs Partnership, Jon works extensively with offer, how to operate, and where to market. In order governments, universities and training organisations to understand and meet student, community and industry expectations, both in Australia and overseas. to address the hard and soft requirements listed, RTOs should look to harness both internal and Jonathan Chew will be presenting on external expertise — including off-the-shelf data Day 2 of the 2017 Virtual VET Summit reports currently being developed for Velg Training - RTO Management & Compliance. members.

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Course facilitated by Steve Robinson - 1 Day

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk

Course facilitated by Steve Robinson - 1 Day

BSBPMG513 Manage Project Quality

Are past students eligible? Yes, we welcome past students who have completed some of the units to continue their journey with us. Credit will be given to past students who currently hold valid qualifications (see right).


Course facilitated by Steve Robinson - 1 Day

BSBMGT516 Facilitate Continuous Improvement Course facilitated by Steve Robinson - 1 Day

Membership Velg Training Membership supports your compliance with the national VET Standards. As a member you have access to programs and resources that assist in the continued development of knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment. Membership is available to all VET practitioners from private, public and enterprise training organisations as well as VET consultants. Velg Training prides itself on being a member serving organisation. Member Benefits • Weekly members eNews

• Knowledge Hub

• Advice & assistance from Velg

• Discounts on events and

Training staff*

• Free professional development with member only webinars and VelgCasts

consulting services

For more information regarding the Velg Training Membership, contact





$290/year incl.GST

$390/year incl.GST

$990/year incl.GST

$1490/year incl.GST

*Advice is limited to responding to brief, general VET queries. More in depth questions or specific review of RTO documents or processes may require a formal consulting quote to be raised. For more information contact

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Transitioning from AVETMISS release 7.0 to 8.0 by Airlie Waddicor, National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)


elease 8.0 of the AVETMIS Standard comes into effect from 1 January 2018. New AVETMIS Standard releases occur periodically, triggered by changes in the sector, to improve data quality, or to reduce burden on registered training organisations (RTOs). Release 8.0 is the first update since total VET activity came into effect in 2014. For RTOs who may not have been through a Standard update before, we have outlined below how to treat data which occurs over the two different years:

2017 activity Any activity that occurred in 2017 must be submitted in release 7.0 format. This is the same format you used for reporting your 2016 data. If 2017 is the first year you had any activity, please speak with your student management system (SMS) provider on how to export your data in release 7.0 format. 2017 activity data for the full year is due to be reported in early 2018. If you report data directly to NCVER, you can submit your data via the AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS) between 2 January 2018 and 28 February 2018. If you submit data to a state training authority (STA), check with them directly for reporting deadlines, as they are often earlier than NCVER’s.

Australia’s biannual VET eZine


2018 activity Any activity that occurs from 1 January 2018 must be collected, stored and submitted in the new release 8.0 format. Please ensure you do the following in preparation for reporting: • Speak to your SMS provider to ensure their software will be able to collect and export data in the release 8.0 format. If you build your own in-house system, you can refer to the ‘Get ready for release 8.0’ section of the AVETMISS Support for RTOs page on NCVER’s Portal for documents detailing the new requirements. • Have your enrolment form updated to be release 8.0 compliant from 2018. NCVER provide a sample enrolment form which you can use as a basis for your own form. Please note – the updated form only needs to be used for any students enrolling from 1 January 2018. Until then, any new students should use your existing enrolment form. • If you submit data through an STA, check with them directly for any different reporting requirements.

What if I have data that started in 2017 and ended in 2018? You must include this activity in your submissions for both years, therefore you will need to be able to record and export




your activity in both release 7.0 and release 8.0 formats. Speak to your SMS provider to ensure that they can meet this requirement for you. Their system should also prompt you if there is any extra information to be provided, or information that needs to be recorded differently.

Further support Remember that you can obtain further assistance from our Client Support team, either from the AVETMISS support for RTOs webpage, or contacting them via the Support Form or on 08 8230 8400. Airlie Waddicor works in the Standards branch at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), where she works on maintaining AVETMIS Standards and the AVETMISS validation software (AVS) to ensure they are up to date with VET sector requirements. Airlie has been working with NCVER for four years, starting out with NCVER’s Client Support team where she became well acquainted with issues facing RTOs and student management system vendors. Following this, Airlie moved into the AVETMISS team where she is particularly driven by finding ways to reduce burden on stakeholders, whilst also seeking to improve the quality of data submitted to NCVER. Airlie will be presenting a complimentary webinar ‘AVETMISS release 8.0: are you prepared?’ on 8 December 2017.



Building Quality in VET

2017 National VET Conference | 13-15 September, Sydney


his year, the National VET Conference returned to Sydney for the first time since 2010. There has been a major focus in the sector over the past 12 – 18 months on increasing quality and improves outcomes for learners and for industry. In line with this, the 2017 National VET Conference theme was Building Quality in VET and was attended by more than 1,300 VET professionals coming together over three days at the International Convention Centre on 13-15 September 2017. The event kicked off with preconference Master Classes delivering professional development on compliance, engagement and self-development topics. These sessions were well attended and allowed registrants to collect their satchels early, providing them with a copy of the handbook and sponsor materials to plan their main NVC days in advance. The National VET Conference was opened by Velg Training’s Director of Content & Strategy Kerri Buttery providing an official welcome to delegates. In her keynote speech, Kerri



also provided an outline of the state of play within the sector including current trends and hot topics. To build quality in the training and assessment within the sector requires trainers and assessors to build their own knowledge and capability. To do this it is vital to provide access to affordable and relevant professional development. Velg Training have developed a brand new eLearning option for professional development, Velg2Go, and this was launched during the opening address. For further information on Velg2Go please read the feature article on page 18. Day One served up a morning of new initiatives, including a partnership with WorldSkills in delivering the Skills Pathways Expo. This expo will be held as an add-on to the WorldSkills Australia competition in Sydney on 2 – 4 June 2018 and provides an opportunity for RTOs to showcase their offerings and pathways to students who are interested in taking on vocational qualifications. Velg Training’s Marketing, Conference & Events Manager Dimity Redcliffe also presented housekeeping information for

Australia’s biannual VET eZine





the event including detailing some of the fantastic prizes on offer for delegates and a presentation from our Platinum sponsor, The Learning Resources Group. The morning plenary session concluded with a keynote session from Global Futurist Chris Riddell who had the audience on the edge of their seats thinking about how the future is a reinvention of everything we know. The 2017 NVC program included streams covering The Department of Education and Training, RTO Management & Compliance, Training & Assessing, VET Shapers, Regulator (presented by ASQA), Foundation Skills and eLearning. This year all streams had a focus on improving quality in delivering training and producing quality outcomes for learners, in line with the conference theme. The presenter line-up included our usual favourites such as John Dwyer, John Price, Carol Hunter, Angela McGregor, Marc Ratcliffe, Mark Hodgson amongst others. We also welcomed many new faces who have received glowing feedback.

Our signature NVC service – The Guru Bar – adopted a new app-based booking system this year, allowing delegates to book in their appointments with a VET expert and receive SMS updates to remind them to attend the appointment. There were twelve gurus on hand ready to sit down and discuss delegate’s burning questions this year. The popular Beauty Bar made a return this year, managed by the NSW TAFE students. Delegates were able to pop-in for a make-up touch up or have their nails done. If a more relaxing break was needed, there was the opportunity for a little pampering at the RnR Bar, where students from Evolve College offered hand and neck massages on both days. Day One wound up with an exciting Mexican themed Welcome Function. We were entertained by The Grove Academy while delegates took part in competitions such as limbo, selfie-bingo and our annual dance off. After lots of Mexican food, drinks and dancing everyone settled in to prepare for a jam-packed Day Two. The second day of the NVC

Australia’s biannual VET eZine


commenced with keynote sessions from the Honourable Bill Galvin AO, representative of the Australian Industry and Skills Committee, followed by ASQA’s Commissioner the Honorable Michael Lavarch AO. Commissioner Lavarch outlined progress with ASQA’s new intelligence gathering processes along with plans for moving forward with the student centred audit approach in 2018. The plenary session was rounded out with an address from the Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills the Honourable Karen Andrews, who shared insights into her vision for the VET sector and the impact and opportunities related to international delivery of training and education and the reputation of Australia’s high-quality VET Sector. The day continued with many more excellent presentations across all streams. Velg Training would like to thank all Sponsors, Exhibitors, Presenters and delegates for making this year’s conference a success and for providing feedback to help us plan next year’s event.




Save the date for our 2018 National VET Conference on 12-14 September 2018, where we will focus on ‘Skilling Australia’s VET Future’! The event will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre. We look forward to seeing you there!

2018 National VET Conference Date: 12-14 September 2018 Venue: Adelaide Conference Centre




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TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment RTO Leadership Institute is now offering this new qualification for trainers and assessors released in 2016. We offer a supportive, structured online program with intakes every month. Participate in regular online tutorials with your trainer. Submit assessments online. We can customise a blended delivery model to meet your workplace needs and deliver onsite for your staff. Need to upgrade to make sure you have the two new core units before April 2019? We have upgrade options available. Study loans available.

Visit our website to find out more.

We also deliver BSB51615 Diploma of Quality Auditing, and non-accredited professional development programs for the VET sector.

Or enquire online at: 1300 178 179 RTO ID: 40682. RTO leadership Institute is a division of RTO Advice Group


Australian Skills Show SAVE THE DATE: 2 – 4 June 2018, ICC Sydney


fter an outstanding performance at the 44th WorldSkills International competition in Abu Dhabi, WorldSkills Australia is now on a mission to discover the next generation of skilled Australian champions. Next June, WorldSkills Australia will be the proud hosts of the largest skills excellence event in 2018, The Australian Skills Show. To be held at the state of the art International Convention Centre (ICC) in Sydney, the Australian Skills Show is a fun, interactive and inspiring event for students, educators and experts to experience the future of Australia’s trade and skill industry, all under one roof. During the Skills Show, the nation’s best in dozens of skills will battle it out at the National Championships for the opportunity to go on to represent their country at the 45th WorldSkills International competition in Kazan, Russia in 2019. Brett Judd, CEO of WorldSkills Australia, the host for the Australian Skills Show, said the event is set to raise the profile of skills in Australia. “The main goal for us is to promote skills excellence and demonstrate the importance VET as a pathway for young people to consider. We want to be the key driver in helping our future workforce gain the skills they need to adapt to the demands of a changing economy.” The Skills Pathway Expo will also form a key part of the Show, demonstrating the diversity of VET options available for students to pursue across a variety of



skills. The Skills Show will include: • A selection of hands-on skills, Try’aSkill Visitors can try out a skill and learn more from industry experts. • Young Australians go headto-head in the National Championships The opportunity to witness the best apprentices and trainees in Australia compete at the national Championships to decide on who will be the nation’s best! • A new and exciting Skills Pathway Expo An exhibition designed to connect pathway seekers directly with skills and vocational pathway providers. For the first time WorldSkills Australia will partner with Velg Training to deliver a hub of reputable resources and information relating to VET pathways, as well as access to key industry leaders. If you are an RTO who wants to help drive the future of young people, become part of this incredible event that has been designed to demonstrate the diversity of VET options available for students to pursue across a variety of skills.

to make an immediate and direct connection to RTOs who offer nationally recognised qualification vocational pathways. After seeing the best trainees & apprentices in the country, watching expert skills being displayed by industry, we believe parents, prospective students and school representatives need access to VET pathways providers who can offer information about the next steps to exploring their educational journey” states Michelle Weaver (Chief Executive Officer). Visit to express your school’s interest in attending.

“Velg Training is very excited to be partnering with WorldSkills Australia through the Skills Pathway Expo. The Skills Pathway Expo has been specifically designed to provide an opportunity for those visiting the national championships

Australia’s biannual VET eZine






AISC cross sector projects:

preparing students and industry for the future by John Pollaers, Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC)


oday’s vocational education and training (VET) graduates are highly valued by employers for their technical knowledge and practical skills. But what skills and knowledge will tomorrow’s graduates need? As workplaces become increasingly digitalised and automated, and the nature of work changes, what can Government, training providers, regulators and employers do to make sure students have the right skills and knowledge for the future? These questions are top of mind for the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC), which I Chair. Working with industry, through our network of Industry Reference Committees (IRCs), our focus, among other things, is ensuring training packages provide the skills and knowledge that meet the needs of employers and students – now and in the future. While predictions about machines replacing jobs are increasingly seen as exaggerated, it is clear new skills will be required in the workplace of the future. For instance, OECD data predicts only nine per cent of jobs are at risk of automation in G20 countries. Jobs won’t disappear but they will change and the types of skills required will also change. The workplace of the future will require a new breed of VET graduate. As well as having technical know-how, they will increasingly need to be able to solve problems, work as a team, have strong

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verbal and written communication skills and be able to move seamlessly between occupations and industry sectors as new job opportunities arise.

To help modernise the training system and give people common skills that can be applied to multiple jobs and industries, the AISC is leading a new approach to the way industry collaborates to develop training packages. We have established nine innovative cross sector projects in the areas of disability, big data, automation, coding, consumer engagement through social media, supply chain management, cyber security, environmental sustainability, and team work and participation. These cross sector projects have a focus on emerging technologies and bring a range of industries together to determine the common skills people will need to transition into future jobs. This approach moves away from the traditional siloed model where each industry sector develops training packages for their particular sector. With more collaboration in design, and shared ownership of the product, training can be designed to give people the skills they need to adapt to future workforce needs. This new approach to training is a potential game changer for the way VET is delivered, and we want to work with you, VET professionals, to complement this picture.




Recognising and formalising skills across multiple industries is part of the cultural shift people will need to adapt to as technology continues to transform jobs and workers tap into lifelong learning over the course of their careers. Not only will this approach benefit employees, but it will also give employers greater certainty and confidence in our VET sector and in VET qualifications.

I am a firm believer in the value of VET to deliver the skills Australia needs to drive jobs growth, productivity and competitiveness – not to mention its flexibility and responsiveness to upskill or reskill employees to move laterally as the nature of work changes and jobs transform. To find out more about the AISC’s cross sector projects visit content/cross-sectorprojects.

John Pollaers is a leader who has steered large companies on a path to success and is navigating a strong future for Australian industry. He chairs the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC), the Australian Advanced Manufacturing Council, and the Australian Government’s Aged Care Workforce Strategy Taskforce.




Velg2Go launch

Quality VET PD anywhere, anytime!


here are many reasons why it is important for people working within the VET sector to undertake regular professional development. People new to the sector are thirsty for information and opportunities to access an orientation to what is a quite complex and unique system. Experienced practitioners want to extend their knowledge with latest information and techniques. There is also constant change in the area of regulation and everyone needs to be on top of meeting the latest requirements (one of which is Clause 1.16 of the Standards for RTOs requiring trainers and assessors to undertake professional development!). Professional development (PD) is important and it is a necessity. However, there are a number of barriers to accessing PD. These include: • the expense of registration and travel; • time to travel, then time out of the RTO; or • matching up trainer availability with when the PD is on offer. So how do we overcome these barriers and still ensure that the VET sector still has access to high quality professional

development that aligns with adult learning principles and theories? We achieve this with Velg2Go, providing access to quality VET professional development, anywhere, anytime! Since the beginning of the year, Velg Training has invested extensively in researching learning theories, instructional strategies and development models for the creation of Velg2Go. Each course offering will be developed in line with the appropriate theory and model that best caters for the content being delivered and the level of existing knowledge of participants. Velg2Go will be delivered in a way

Velg2Go’s first course is now available to register!

go 18


Beginning in January is The A-Z of Planning and

Australia’s biannual VET eZine

Mapping Assessment.





that is different to all other VET PD providers, revolutionising the way PD is delivered in the VET sector. It is true eLearning option, allowing participants time to develop an understanding of a range of concepts, participate in collaborative activities, group work and discussion forums as well as tap into expert facilitators over a period of approximately six weeks per course. Velg2Go courses make use of custom designed multi-media learning materials to expand your skills and knowledge. You will be provided with document samples and templates as well as opportunities to work on materials that you can use in your Registered Training Organisation.

Kerri Buttery will be presenting a complimentary webinar ‘Velg2Go Live Demonatration’ on 7 December.

EMPOWER Chat with the facilitator and other participants!

Velg2Go courses provide affordable, flexible and accessible ways of undertaking professional development for all RTO staff, regardless of location. Courses are on offer from January 2018, so why not take the opportunity to register for a course today! For more information, or to register for a course, visit and navigate to the Velg2Go tab!

Select your course from the dashboard

Consulting #VTConsulting

Our specialist consulting services are delivered by VET industry experts.


We work with RTOs across Australia and Queensland Schools to provide internal audits, training product reviews, compliance and one-on-one assistance. Services can be tailored to your organisation from consultants located around the country. Consultants specialise in: ▪ RTO & CRICOS set up and compliance

▪ Training product reviews

▪ Internal auditing and rectifications

▪ Assessment development

▪ Contract funding audits and reviews

▪ Course accreditation

▪ Australian Quality Training Framework ▪ Standards for RTOs 2015 ▪ Government funding including VET Student Loans

For more information, contact or view our services online at

3937 Velg Training - Consulting Ad.indd 2

27/06/2017 9:52 AM


or the past four years, SkillsOne has taken careers advice out of the office and onto the stage and screen, utilising an engaging and action packed collaboration of video, music, animation and ambassador profiling to promote vocational education and training (VET) and importantly career outcomes for Australian students. SkillsOne Television in Partnership with WorldSkills Australia will be showcasing their event at the new International Convention Centre (ICC) in Darling Harbour in the 2,500 seated theatre that would further endorse and compliment careers advisers’ professional development in the field of understanding VET and the career pathways. The theatre at the ICC is fully equipped and provides the latest technology, enabling the live shows to employ greater creativity and theatre. 100% of careers advisers feel that the film provided good information for students to stimulate ideas surrounding career choices. 96.4% of attendees would recommend



and support a family member or friend into a VET pathway having seen the show. Don’t miss out on: • Live band and theatre • Fashion Week show • Light show in conjunction with Vivid • Guest speakers; Luke Mangan and Todd Sampson • Industry sectors relating to future skills needs and trends addressed • Dynamic video content promoting VET • Panel speakers including Australian Training Awards ambassadors, WorldSkills Australia representatives, NRL representatives and celebrity ambassadors “The show was put together really well and the students really seemed to enjoy it. The day was well planned and thought out. It was really good to see so many students participate and I think it was a really great approach. I have not seen

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Save The Date 4 June 2018, ICC Sydney

a careers event presented in this way before and I thought it was a really good way to connect with the students on their level. It was really great to see a careers event with a focus on vocational training.” Ness Barton, Training Services NSW For more information contact lisa.

Launched in 2007, SkillsOne works with Industry, Educators, Government and TAFE (RTO’s) to engage and promote the extensive career opportunities and pathways in traditional trades and emerging skills areas ranging from automotive, construction & mining; through to hairdressing, healthcare and horticulture. SkillsOne is dedicated to embracing and reflecting the diversity, quality and opportunities within the skills community. It is reputable, contemporary and proven as a respected resource for careers advisers, parents and students. The primary aim has been to create a skills community. Inherently, online content includes the key elements of lifestyle, career opportunities, positive attitudes and job satisfaction reflected through individuals sharing their experiences, skills, stories and wisdom.


The Six Steps By Gerry Gannon


hen making a presentation there are six steps I follow to ensure I hit the mark. First, make sure you know why you are there. What is your purpose? There always has to be something to be achieved. Otherwise you’re just flapping your gums! Allied to that is knowing your audience. Take the time to research who they are. What’s their expectation? What brings them together? Knowing your audience ensures your presentation is relevant to their needs. Having decided what you want to achieve and who your audience comprises, construct your presentation or speech with the end goal in mind. These days there is no excuse for lack of research. We have the world’s libraries at our fingertips and good, reliable information can easily be found and verified. Verification of material is important because there’s a lot of rubbish out there! Now that you have the information the next step is to prepare your presentation. This is essentially a construction project. You will move parts of your presentation around like bricks until you have the perfect building. You’ll shape a concept here, edit a sentence there until “the thing just works”. Rehearsal is important for a few reasons; refinement, revision, reassurance. Your material is massaged until it bristles! And importantly, it gives

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you the confidence that you have built something great. Confidence contributes to a good performance. Finally, it’s showtime! Your nerves are tingling. This is good; everyone should feel some nerves. They seldom last very long. You deliver your presentation; don’t read it. Communicate it from the heart. Connect with your audience, use eye-contact, light and shade, pauses, maintain a pace that keeps the audience’s engagement.

“Finally, it’s showtime!”

Finish strongly and enjoy the experience!

Gerry Gannon has been a journalist, broadcaster, MC and media trainer in Australia for the last 30 years and is now one of the best known speakers and facilitators in Australia. A specialist conference MC, facilitator and media expert, Gerry is renowned for his wit, passion, easygoing nature and commitment to those he works with. He has worked extensively in both Australia and overseas and provides media skills training to government, not-for-profit organisations and industry entities, as well as conducting speech and presentation training courses. Gerry’s real passion is people; whether it is helping them reach their potential through training and support, MC at an event or providing valuable perspective and advice, Gerry’s easy humour and experience provides a refreshing opportunity for growth and knowledge for everyone he meets.




Gerry Gannon will be presenting at the 2018 VET CEO Conference! Date: 11 May 2018 Venue: Hilton Brisbane






Plan your professional development over the coming months! We have listed the major VET events and key dates taking place across Australia until April 2018.

We use acronyms throughout this publiction and on our website. Please see our VET eZine glossary below and access your complimentary copy of our extensive VET glossary online.

2017 Virtual VET Summit - RTO Management & Compliance 21 - 22 November 2017, Online

- Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) - Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) - Australian Vocational Education & Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS)

2017 Australian Training Awards 23 November 2017, Canberra

- Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - Industry Reference Committee (IRC)


National Indigenous Health Conference - Closing the Gap 27 - 29 November 2017, Cairns

- International Convention Centre (ICC) - Master of Ceremonies (MC) - Member of Parliament (MP)

ACDEVEG VET Teaching and VET Teacher Education Conference 7 - 8 December 2017, Brisbane

- National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) - National VET Conference (NVC)

2018 NVC Call for Presenters Closes 31 January 2018, Online

- Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD) - Professional Development (PD)

National FutureSchools Expo 21 - 22 March 2018, Melbourne

- Registered Training Organisation (RTO)

To submit your VET events leading up to our next edition in April 2018, email us at

- Student Management System (SMS)

- Skills Service Organisation (SSO) - State Training Authority (STA) - Total VET Activity (TVA) - Training Accreditation Council (TAC) - Training and Education (TAE)

Advertise your business in the next Volume of the Staying Connected in VET eZine!

- Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Velg Training Members have access to complimentary online resources via our Knowledge Hub.

Download our 2017 Media Kit at or email for further information.

Webinars Join Velg Training online throughout the year with our ongoing webinar program. Our webinars have been developed to provide quality content on key VET sector developments in a flexible medium. Visit our website to see our upcoming webinars!

Any enquiries please contact the Webinar Team!



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PURCHASE YOUR 2018 DIARY! Let Velg Training help you get organised in 2018! Purchase yours today!


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Buy Now!


2018 VET CEO CONFERENCE Velg Training recognise that owning and managing an RTO goes beyond maintaining compliance and developing training and assessment materials. Business development, human resource management, marketing, innovation and entrepreneurship all play their own part in the growth of a successful RTO. For this reason, Velg Training held its first ever VET CEO Conference in 2017. The feedback was resoundingly positive. Due to popular demand, we are adding it to our annual calendar! Don’t miss out in 2018 to be part of this high level event which will include lively discussions, engaging sessions and opportunities to reflect on how to grow your RTO!

Date 18 May 2018 Venue Hilton Brisbane


Contact 07 3866 0888

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