Architecture Portfolio - Vella Nabila

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Curri cul um Vi t ae & Archi t ect ure Port f ol i o Vel l a Nabi l a

Sel ect ed W orks 2017-2019

Hel l o,

My name i s Vel l a, I ' m an archi t ect ure graduat e who passi onat e aboutal ldesi gn-rel at ed experi ences and l oves t o gethands-on i n t he desi gn process.Thi s port f ol i o cont ai ns some ofmy sel ect ed works f rom 2017 t o 2019 i ncl udi ng st udi o assi gnment s, archi t ect uralcompet i t i ons,and phot ography.



vel l anabi l aul i a@ gmai l . com +6281214148663 @ vel l anabi l a ht t ps: / / i ssuu. com/ vel l anabi l a ht t ps: / / www. l i nkedi n. com/ i n/ vel l a-nabi l a8a3168199/

Curri cul um Vi tae

Educat i on Pri mary School SDN Pel i t a Bandung Juni orHi gh School SMPN 13 Bandung Seni orHi gh School SMAN 8 Bandung

Born :Bandung,December23rd 1996

Language :I ndonesi a (nat i ve),Engl i sh

Bachel orofArchi t ect ure Parahyangan Cat hol i c

Uni versi t y

Sof t ware Ski l l s

Addi t i onalSki l l s

BI M Archi cad

Phot ography

Sket chup Adobe Phot oshop

I nt erest

Mi crosof tW ord

Desi gn

Mi crosof tPowerPoi nt

Archi t ect ure Exhi bi t i on Phot ography


Organi zat i on Experi ences MemberofPubl i c Rel at i ons Di vi si on i n Parahyangan Archi t ect ure St udent Associ at i on (HMPSARS) MemberofArtI nst al l at i on Di vi si on Fest i valArsi t ekt urParahyangan MemberofLogi st i cs Di vi si on Fest i valArsi t ekt urParahyangan

W ork Experi ences Creat i ve Event& Desi gn atDi nas Kebudayaan dan Pari wi sat a Jawa Barat

Achi evement s 2nd Pri ze Sayembara Arsi t ekt urRumah Murah AREXPO (Arsi t ekt urExpo) Uni versi t as Pendi di kan I ndonesi a

BestCont entCat egory ofThesi s Award 47 Thesi st i t l e :The Tect oni c ConceptofSpace,St ruct ure,and Ornament s atGedhe Kauman Mosque i n Yogyakart a

Curri cul um Vi t ae

Commi t t ee ofI ni si asi& Adapt asi(SI AP)Parahyangan Cat hol i c Uni versi t y

ol i o Port f ol i o Cont ent s


Cont e page5

page1 7

Fi nalst udi oassi gnment

St udi o6assi gnment



Ar c hi t ec t ur ec ompet i t i on: T r opi c al Cont empor ar yHouse, Mi t r a1 0+I dea

Ar c hi t ec t ur ec ompet i t i on, Uni v er si t asUday ana

nt e nt s page2 7

page3 7

St udi o5assi gnment

Ar c hi t ec t ur ec ompet i t i on: Say embar a Rumah Mur ahAr c hi et c t ur eExpo, UPI

Di gi t al&Anal ogCamer a

Port fol i o Cont ent s



01 Ac ademi cAssi gnment


Pr oj ec t :Fi nal s t udi oas s i gnment Year :2019 Loc at i on :J l . Sunda,Bandung Cat egor y:Publ i c ,educ at i on

Bandung Ci t y Gov er nment cur r ent l y mak es many r ecr eat i onalf aci l i t i est oi mpr ov et hewel f ar eoft hepeopl e ofBandungf r om v ar i ouspubl i cf aci l i t i esconst r uct i on,t he gov er nmentt r i est oi nser teducat i onal andcul t ur al v al ues. BandungMuseum ofDev el opmenti sex pect edt obeabl e t ocompl ementeducat i onalf aci l i t i es,especi al l yhi st or i cal educat i on.

Mas s i ngDev el opment

Ax i sof2nodesont he si t e, t ugu Si mpang Li ma and Nar i pan st r eet .

Themassdi v i dedi nt ot wo par t s,t he mass f or t he museum andt hemassf or ot her f unct i ons such as museum l i br ar y and ser v i cear ea.Themassof t he back becomes t he t h a ‘ back gr ound’ wi massi v e/ moder nl ook .

Themassoft hef r ont asaf or egr oundwi t ha f acader esembl i ngt he hi st or i cal bui l di ng ar ound. The mi ddl e par ti s subst r at ed t o cr eat e an i nnercour t asanact ual i z at i onof gr eenspace.

Thef i nal f or m

St at ueof Wi r anat ak usumahI I “ Thef oundi ngf at her ofBandung”

Tr ansi t i on Ent r ance Thef r ontv i ew r epr esent s" dev el opment "ast het r ansi t i onf r om t hev al l eyt oast ur dy bui l di ng,f r om t heol dci t yf acadet ot hemoder nmonument al ,massi v e,r epr esent i ngt he pr esent .


BandungMuseum ofDevel opment

Locat edi nt hedownt own ar ea, wi t h0m GSB.The si t e sur r ounded by hi st or i cal bui l di ngs.

Li br ar y

Academi c Assi gnment


R. A.Wi r anat ak usumah I I St at ue

Ex hi bi t i onRoom


Jl .Sunda

Vehi cl eEnt r ance

Bandung Museum ofDevel opment

The gl ass mat er i ali s used t o suppor tt he pi l ot i s ex pr essi on t ot he bui l di ng.Theaddi t i onofv er t i calorhor i z ont alel ement si naddi t i ont o f unct i oni ngasSPSM andt ocr eat ehar moni z at i onofbui l di ngmasses. NORTHEXTERI ORVI EW

Jl .Sund a

Jl .Nar i pan

Academi c Assi gnment

9 ani dY a hm .A Jl


1.Vehi cl e ent r ance 7.Commer ci al bui l di ngs 2. Pedest r i anaccessf r om j l . A. Yani 8.By ci cl eshop 3. Pedest r i anaccessf r om Jl .Sunda 9.Bank 4. BandungMuseum ofDev el opment 5. R. A.Wi r anat ak usumahI Ist at ue 6. Ser v i ceent r ance

Commer ci alar ea ( cof f ee shop,r et ai l ,& t empor ar y gal l er i es)

Vehi cl eaccessf r om Sunda st r eet

Ent r ance Museum ar ea Li br ar y

10 Bandung Museum ofDevel opment

Museum z oneandser v i cez oneont heupperf l oorcanbe seenf r om t hedi f f er encei nmassbet weent het woz ones.

1.Vehi cl e ent r ance 2. Dr opof far ea 3. I nf or mat i oncent er 4. Vehi cl e ent r ance 5. Tempor ar ygal l er y 6. Museum caf e 7. Ex hi bi t i onent r ance 8. Loadi ngDockAr ea

Museum Sequence



6 7

8 5 4



Cul t ur al Her i t age

1 1 Ent r ance

Academi c Assi gnment


Tangi bl eher i t age:def i nedas phy si cal pr oduct st hatcanbe count ed( ar cheol ogy , ar chi t ect ur e,ar tobj ect s) I nt angi bl eher i t age:def i nedas ar t ,t r adi t i on,l egend

1.Bandung Pur ba Ar t ef akexhi bi t i on, r epl i ca boatf r om t he st or yofSi t u Hi 2.BandungTempo Dul u :PastUr ban Devel opment Wi r anat akusumah I Ihi st or yas‘ The Foundi ng Fat hero Bandung’ 3.Daendel s-0 Km Bandung Augment ed r eal i t yr oom,‘ Pr eangerPl ant er s’di or ama i 4.Gement ee 1906 Col l ect i onsofr el i cs( f ur ni t ur e,ki t chen equi pment ) ,di o 5.Gr oot e Post weg 1911 6.Bandung Par i sVan Java 1925 7.Bandung Rai l wayCi t yEnl ar gement 8.Bandung Laut anApi

9.Pahl awan Bandung Hal lofFame Cont empl at i on ar ea t o commemor at et he f al l en her oes


i l l ust r at i on

i or ama


Bandung Museum ofDevel opment

Hi ang


Academi c Assi gnment



Bandung Museum ofDevel opment

Academi c Assi gnment




Bandung Museum ofDevel opment

Topr ov i deacont i nuousher i t agef i gur e,t hegr ound f l oormass f aci ng t he Pensi lBui l di ng was made di f f er entf r om t he mass abov e whi ch t ends t o be moder n,adopt i ng t he f acade ofa her i t age bui l di ng ar oundt hear ea.


02 Academi c Assi gnment


Pr oj ec t:Mi x edUs eHot el s t udi oas s i gnment Year:2018 Loc at i on:J l .KebonKawung,Bandung Ty pe:Hot el ,c ommer c i al








Bandung has al way s been a t our i stdest i nat i on because i thas a beaut i f ul env i r onment ,v ar i ousr ecr eat i onal ,andcul i nar ypl acesonev er ycor ner .Comf or t abl e l odgi ngt hatpr ov i desadi f f er entat mospher ei sneeded.Thehot eli sl ocat edon KebonKawungst r eet ,basedongov er nmentpol i cy ,t hi sar eawi l l bedev el opedasa Tr ansi tOr i ent ed Dev el opment( TOD)ar ea as a t r ansi tpoi ntf r om v ar i ous dest i nat i ons,i taf f ect st heeconomi candt our i sm sect or s.Thepr esenceofhot el s& ar t gal l er i esi sex pect edt ost r engt hent heconcept oft heaer obi opol i sar ea( st r at egi c i ndust r y )i naddi t i ont odev el opi ngbusi ness&t our i sm aswel lasi nt r oduci ngl ocal cul t ur et hr ough wor k s ofar ti n cont empor ar y gal l er i es.Because wi t ht he dev el opmentofcr eat i v i t y ,i tcangener at eneweconomi cr esour ces.


ArtHot el Thebasi cf or mi sl i near ,i ti sdi v i ded Bui l di ng or i ent at i on ex t ends f r om Tr ansf or mat i onoft hef i nalf or m of i nt ot wopar t sconsi st i ngoft hehot el westandeastt oav oi dex posur et o ar t hot elcr eat es t wo separ at es f unct i onont hebackandsuppor t i ng sunl i ghtf r om t hewestdur i ng t he massasi ft heyar emer gedi nt oone. f unct i ons( r est aur ant ,gal l er y ,et c. ) day t i me.

Meet i ngr oom Wor k shop ar ea

Ret ai l


Pl az a

Rest aur ant Gy m Vehi cl eent r ance

2ndFl oor

3r dFl oor

4t hFl oor

Ther e ar e sev er al suppor t i ng f unct i ons, such as r et ai l , meet i ng r ooms,wor k shopar eas.

Pl az aandv oi dsoneachf l oort ogi v e t heex pr essi onofopenspace.

Kebon Kawung ar ea oft r af f i c,e BandungTr ai nSt t hedr opof far ea ar el ocat edatt he si t et oav oi dheav

Academi c Assi gnment



Pedest r i anpl az a

z a

st r eeti s a busy especi al l yar ound St at i on.Ther ef or e, eaandhot ell obby hebacksi deoft he av yt r af f i c.

5t hFl oor The ex i st ence of Bandung Tr ai n St at i on mak est hear eaasat r ansi t poi ntt hathaspot ent i ali nt het our i sm f i el d.


ArtHot el

1.Vehi cl e ent rance 2.Gal l ery drop of farea 3.Hot eldrop of farea 4.Hot ell obby 5.Hot ell ounge 6.Gal l ery 7.Ent rance Gal l ery 8.Pl aza 9.Open space f orpubl i c 10.Servi ce ent rance

1s tFl oor

2ndFl oor

Academi c Assi gnment


3r dFl oor





ArtHot el



4t h Fl oor

5t h Fl oor

Academi c Assi gnment


6t h Fl oor



ArtHot el



Academi c Assi gnment







ArtHot el


03 Academi c Assi gnment


Pr oj ec t:Ai r por tDes i gn St udi oas s i gnment Year:2018 Loc at i on:T as i k mal ay a,J awaBar at Ty pe:Ai r por t ,publ i cf ac i l i t y

Tasi k mal ay ahasal otofpot ent i al s,especi al l yi nt heeconomi cand cul t ur al sect or s.Thedev el opmentofanai r por ti nTasi k mal ay ai sone oft hef act or st hatsuppor t seconomi candcul t ur aldev el opment st o at t r actpeopl e’ si nt er est st ov i si tTasi k mal ay a.Wi r i adi nat aAi r por tcan be one oft he f act or st hatcont r i but es t he i mpr ov ementoft he economi csect ori nt hesout her nr egi onofJav a.



The basi cl i near shape accor di ng t ot hesi t eex t ends f r om west and east .

Fr om t he basi c f or m,t her ei san addi t i on on t he mi ddl eshapeas t he mai n ent r ance t ot he bui l di ng.

The bui l di ng adopt s pl ane shape t o gi v e t hei mpr essi on of an i coni c bui l di ng.

The f i nal f or m of Wi r i adi nat a ai r por t .At t hemai nent r ance,t he t r i angl e i s v er t i cal l y ar r angedasananal ogy f r om t heshapeoft he mount ai nt ak en f r om t he meani ng of t he name ofTasi k mal ay a ( mount ai nocean) .


Wi ri adi nat a Ai rport

Academi c Assi gnment

7 3


29 5






Wi ri adi nat a Ai rport



1.W i ri adi nat a Ai rport 2.Apron 3.Vehi cl e drop of farea 4.Bus drop of farea 5.CarPark 6.Parki ng l ot 7.Bus parki ng 8.Exi t

Zoni ng

Depar t ur e Ar r i v al Ser v i c ear ea Ret ai l

Academi c Assi gnment


1s tFl oor

Ai rs i de

Lands i de 2ndFl oor


Wi ri adi nat a Ai rport


Academi c Assi gnment





Wi ri adi nat a Ai rport


Academi c Assi gnment


Maquet t t e


Wi ri adi nat a Ai rport

04 Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on


Pr oj ec t:Res i dent i al Conc eptI deas 2ndPr i z e“ Say embar aRumahMur ah” Ar c hi t ec t ur eEx poUPI Year:2018 Loc at i on:Mal eer ,Bandung Ty pe:Res i dent i al I nc ol l abor at i on: Ar i Tr i awan J ui t aEs t er

Mac r oConc ept

Locat edi nt hemi ddl eoft hecemet er y ,t hehouseownedbyMr .Dodi Mar sadi i s i nhabi t edbyoneoccupantandwasbui l tt obeashar i nghousei nt hef ut ur e,f or f ami l i es,r el at i v es,ort hepubl i ci nneed.Thef i r stphaseofdev el opmentt obe i nhabi t ed f ort hemai n owner .Becauset her ear e const r uct i on l i mi tcost s, l owcosthousi ngshoul dst i l lbeabl et oaccommodat er esi dent si ncar r y i ngout t hef undament al act i v i t i esofahouse.Howev er ,duet ol i mi t edcost st hatcannot beav oi dedwi l l l i mi t t hebui l t upspace. Ther ef or e, t hemax i mi z at i onofspaceand t he cr eat i on off l ex i bl e space i s needed t ok eep t he r esi dent sf eelt he at mospher eofacomf or t abl ehome.


DM Growi ng House

Redef i ni ngHous e

Secur i t y Theex i st i ngwal l i sr epr ocessed ast heguar dr ai l oft hehouseso t hatr esi dent sgetpr i v acyl i k ea housei ngener al . Ener gyEf f i ci ency Thehousehas3l i ghtbul bst hat canbet ur nedonbysmal l sol ar panel st omi ni mi z eel ect r i ci t y usage. Nat ur al Li ght i ng Thepol y car bonat epanel par t i al l y f i l l st heout erwal l sot hatl i ght dur i ngt hedaycanbemax i mi z ed, t hesameast hesemi t r anspar ent r oofont het oi l et .


Hous ewor kasI nc ome

Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on

Gr eenAr ea Thegr eenar eai susedf or pl ant i ngpapay at hatcanbe cul t i v at edathome.

Thel ocat i oni nt hecemet er ymust beat t endedbypi l gr i msatl east ev er ymont h.

Si t ePl an

Bl oc kPl an

Pl anConf i gur at i on

Theconceptof openspacef or user st o accommodat e v ar i ousact i v i t i es t hatr equi r e suf f i ci entspace.

Sl eepi sasi ngl e act i v i t yt hati s t empor ar y ,t o max i mi z et he space,t he conceptofa hi ddenbedcan mi ni mi z et he space.

Theuseof cr at esas shel v esal so canbeusedas aseatandt abl e i nt endedt o r ecei v eguest s i nt hehous. eor t er r ace


Cr at esar e f l ex i bl eenough t obest ackedi n suchawayand ar r anged accor di ngt o needs.

Pedest alf oundat i onmadeof 30x 30x 40concr et e

wat er sour ces

Repai r edex i st i ngwal l

DM Growi ng House


Modul ari nAr ea

4m2-6m2f oreachact i v i t y Gr i d1x 1met er

Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on





DM Growi ng House


Hi ddenBedDet ai l

Hi ddenbedcov er

Bedsi z e90x 200cm

Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on


Cr at eDet ai l

32usedbot t l ecr at esmodul esar edesi gnedt obegoodsr acks andf l ex i bl echai r sandt abl es.Thecr at esar edesi gnedsot hat t heycanbeat t achedt ot hewal lbyasuppor t i ngi r onmodul et hat i si nt egr at ed wi t ht he pol y car bonat ef acade f r ame so i tcan pr oducel i ghtwi t ht heshadow pat t er noft hecr at es.


DM Growi ng House

Caps ul eConc ept

Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on



Theaddi t i onofmodul esi nt hesecondphaseofdev el opmentt obea“ shar ed house” .



DM Growi ng House




Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on





DM Growi ng House


05 Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on


Pr oj ec t:Hous eDes i gn Mi t r a10&I DEAAr c hi t ec t ur eDes i gnCompet i t i on Compet i t i onEnt r y Year:2018 Loc at i on:J l .Sul t anTi r t ay as a,Bandung Ty pe:Res i dent i al

Thehousel ocat edi nt hear eaof90m2at Ti r t ay asaSt r eetBandung,i nhabi t edby 2 occupant s( husband and wi f e)and desi gned t o be a house t hatcan accommodat eal lhousehol dact i v i t i esf oral ongper i od.Wi t ht heav ai l abi l i t yofa f ai r l ysmal l l and,t hi shousei sex pect edt oaccommodat et heneedsofr esi dent s andst i l lbeabl et ocar r youtt hef undament alact i v i t i esofahouse.Max i mi z i ng spaceandcr eat i ngf l ex i bl espacei sneeded.

Gr eenAr ea Nat ur al l i ght i ng Gr eenar easont her i ght Theuseofgl asson andl ef tsi deoft hehouse. sev er al si des t o max i mi z el i ghti nt he r oom dur i ngt heday .


B House

Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on




Moder nandpr act i cal l i f est y l ei st hemai nr easonf orchoosi ngamoder ncont empor ar yhome desi gnt osuppor tt heact i v i t i esofi t suser s.Howev er ,especi al l yi nt r opi calenv i r onment s, cer t ai npoi nt smustbeconsi der edsot hatmoder ncont empor ar yar chi t ect ur aldesi gnscan adaptt ot heenv i r onment .What ev erdesi gnst y l ei schosen,i tmustpr ov i decomf or ti nan opt i mal f unct i on.

1stFl oot

Mez z ani ne

2ndFl oor

3r dFl oor


1stFl oor

Mez z ani ne

2ndFl oor

3r dFl oor

B House

Thepr i v at ez onei sont he3r df l oor .St ar t i ngf r om t hegr oundf l oor ,t her ei sal i v i ngr oom, di ni ngr oom,andk i t chenasaser v i cear ea,t henont hemez z ani ne,t her ei sat vr oom,anda mi ni l i br ar y .

Asphal tt i l e adar k col or edt i l ewi t hav er ydi st i nct i v easphal tt e t i l ehaschar act er i st i cst hatar ef l ex i bl e,st ai nl ess dar kcol oront hi st i l ei swat er pr oof . Asphal tt i l ehas r oofconst r uct i onsuppor t edbyl i ght wei ghtst eel r o posi t i onwi t h1590degr ees.

Br i ckasheati nsul at or

3r dFl oor

2ndFl oor

Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on


Mez z ani ne

1stFl oor


tt ex t ur eandcandi spel heatwel l . Asphal t ss,l i ght wei ght ,andar esoundpr oof .The asaf ai r l yl i ght wei ght ,i tr equi r esasi mpl e r ooft r uss,andcanbeusedf oranysl ope


B House

06 Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on


Pr oj ec t:Beac hc l ub Uni v er s i t asUday anac ompet i t i onent r y Year:2017 Loc at i on:Pec at u,Badung,Bal i . Ty pe:Commer c i al ,l ei s ur e I nc ol l abor at i on:Aul i anaKhas ana


Cul t ur e

Lei s ur e

Nat ur e

Bal ihas manybeach cl ubs domi nat ed bywest er n cul t ur e,especi al l yi n ar chi t ect ur e.I tai mst oat t r actt our i st sbyadapt i ngt het ast esandl i f est y l esof i nt er nat i onal t our i st sasat ar getmar k et .Fort hi sr eason,t hemai ni deasar et o br i ngl ocal t r adi t i onal cul t ur al v al uesi nt ot hedesi gnoft hebeachcl ub.Locat ed i nt hesout her npar toft hei sl andofBal i ,t hesi t ei ssur r oundedbyhi l l sand bor der edbybeachcl i f f s,compl ement edbyabeaut i f ul sunsetat mospher e.


Pecat u Beach Cl ub

Archi t ect ure Compet i t i on


Ent r ance Ret ai l


Ent r anceHal l ManagementOf f i ce




Si t t i ngAr ea


Rest aur ant Of f i ce

Ret ai l

Pecat u Beach Cl ub


i oL

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