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Inspired Spring/Summer 2013


Virginia Vi ta lone

From the

RUNWAY to the


Struggles of being a Woman

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commited people can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead

table of contents: Between Two Worlds

4 Love is in the Air

Struggles of Being a Woman

Roadtrip Essentials

Non-Profits Highlighted

Fashion for the Hallways

Boundless Discovery: Eating Disorders Tea Party Fashion and Event Planning

5 6


Doing Good. Do LESS Wrong


Night Out With The Girls


Cooking for One


Summer Necessities


Insight on Inspired




7 9 13 15

Pain is an ugly guest whom we try to lock out but find we cannot; yet, when he is gone, we may discover that he was a friend who left behind a rich treasure. - B.W. Woods

Between Two Worlds Vivi Vitalone My name is Virginia “Vivi� Vitalone and I am from Rome, Italy, studying journalism at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas. My Harding Experience and overall my American Experience has been a crazy journey, especially because I have done it by myself. My first year at Harding I was the only Italian student in the school and not having anybody to talk to in my own language or somebody who could give me hints on how to survive in an American college has been a struggle. Continue page 28

Vivi Vitalone Photographed by Kristi Soto 2013 Spring/Summer 4

STRUGGLES I am in nursing school and it is a daily struggle to stay positive. I have to remind myself of why I am here and why I love my life. I tell myself that God would not have blessed me this much and this far if this was not his plan for me. I also incorporate fun activities into my busy schedule. -Victoria, 21, FL

As a college student I really took the time to learn who I was and become my own person. I also made some really great friends Looking back, I wish I had spent more time with my family. Not that making new friends isn’t a great thing to do, but family is so important. As I have grow more, I have seen how much you will always need your family to help you through what life throws at you. Our future is never guaranteed; make time to be with your family. - Lauren, 26, TN

I had to grow up a lot faster than I wanted. I would advise you to not let anyone take your power away. When you let the things of this world steal your joy, you no longer have control over your situation. Do not be defined by your struggles, others’ opinions or your own self-doubt. - DeAnn, 21, TN

of being a woman. and how to stay positive

Be wary of advice from those who have vested interest in your decisions. Follow where your heart tells you to go and listen to what others recommend, but don’t let it trump your heart.That inner voice is often on target. Ignore it and you often live to regret it. Love is amazing but don’t compromise who you are and what you believe in, in order to have it, for that is not authentic love. Honor and care for your body. It’s the only one you have and injuries can come back to haunt you later in life. Get your checkups, have your dental cleanings, eat your vegetables, drink water and go to the gym. Age comes faster than you canpossibly imagine. Happiness is a decision, choose to make the most of every situation and laugh about your mistakes. We all make them, but it’s how you grow. - Ginger, 44, AR

5 Spring/Summer 2013

When you graduate from college or move to a new city, create a community. In college I was so used to having friends within walking distance and around all the time. That doesn’t come so easy when you’re not in school and not living in a 500 square foot community style apartment from the 70s. Find a community. Don’t worry about what you’re supposed to be doing at your age. Go overseas, go work for a non-profit and make $12 a month, go to grad school, do what you want. Think about the future, but don’t stress. You’re out of school or almost there and need to plan your life. - Jennifer, 25, AR


pring is here and the season of spontaneous road trips is upon us. Whether it’s for your friend’s wedding, Easter festivities or a day trip to the beach, taking a road trip with your closest friends is bound to happen. Some tips to consider as you venture onto the open pavement:


ack snacks (and plenty of diet cokes). Sometimes the easiest way of staying awake and alert on the road is having something to nibble on. Pretzels are your best bet. We don’t eat on road trips because we’re hungry, we eat because we’re bored.


hoose snacks like combos and sour patch kids, foods that take you long to eat. And if you’re feeling really productive, fruit. Snacking on junk food in the car can make you seem like more of a slob than ever. Consider packing some healthy options like Quaker rice cake crisps, it’s roughly 110 calories for about 13 mini rice cakes.


repare for music to be played the whole time! If that means purchasing that Justin Timberlake album you’ve been drooling over, then do it! Make the car ride as fun as you can. Think about getting the free one-month trial of Spotify Premium and stream from your phone. Spotify provides endless amounts of music and that will make any car ride seem like a breeze.


e’ve included some songs that should really be a requirement on your road trip playlist. Enjoy. •


oadtrip Essentials:

1. “Orange” - Young Wonder

2. “You & I”- Local Natives

3. “My Blood” - Ellie Goulding 4. “Take a walk” - Passion Pit 5. “Tightrope”- Walk the Moon 6. “Gold” - Britt Nicole 7. “Mother We Share” CHVRCHES 8. Don’t Just Sit There” Lucius 9. “Breezeblocks” - Alt-J


ON-PROFITS You Should Know

Let’s take a moment and look at some organizations that are doing some

good out there. Non-profiting the right way (if you will). Whether you know about these organizations or not, it will warm your heart to know of some people who are doing great things in our world.

Kibo Group International is committed to working with the communities

in East Africa. Its name taken from the highest point in Africa on Mt. Kilimanjaro, the Kibo Group was founded by 15 climbers taking the challenge to climb to the top. The trip to the highest point inspired these climbers to form an organization that helped with the communities in need in East Africa.

Their efforts reach the countries of Uganda,

The events and activities hosted by SPD help

Mozambique, Tanzania and Rwanda.Based in the

to bring the society of journalists and designers to

small town of Searcy, Arkansas, the Kibo Group is

work towards their efforts together. SPD reinforces

not affiliated as a Christian organization but expresses

the importance of online publications and the ways to

their faith in God as their main motivation. Kibo was

improve its efforts.

founded upon five principles:

1. To facilitate creative development ideas in East Af-

award shows and speaker series for its members. This


organization helps to provide resources for its mem-

2. To be good stewards of financial resources

bers and students studying in the related fields. For in-

3. To have little organizational superstructure

formation on how to be a part of SPD visit

4. To have strong relationships with their partners 5. To be inspired by their faith and openness to work

SPD provides annual design competitions,

Kibo supports multiple businesses and projects

The Hunter Museum of American Art is set on the edge of the Tennessee River

in the states, as well as in Africa whose profits go direct-

in Chattanooga. It’s nestled on an 80-foot bluff that

ly towards the efforts made in East Africa. Midnight Oil

overlooks the beautiful river. With beautiful panoramic

Coffeehouse is just one of these businesses. A popular

views, the museum emphasizes American history from

coffeehouse among the students of Harding University

the colonial times to today.

in Searcy, Arkansas, all of Midnight Oil’s proceeds ben-

efit the Kibo Group. Combining great work in Africa

classes for their members and non-members. “It’s not

with the aroma of coffee, you really can’t deny buying

about the art, it’s about you.” The collections of art fea-

yourself a latte here. For more information about the

tured include paintings, works on paper, sculpture,

work being done by Kibo Group and Midnight Oil, you

furniture and studio glass.

can visit their website at

with anyone.

The Society of Publication Designers (SPD) is a nonprofit organiza

The museum provides seminars, events and

The three buildings that make up the museum

share over 100 years of rich history of our nation. They want you to learn, learn about the importance of art in our community. It appeals to all ages and provides

tion based in New York City, New York. Its purpose

something for everyone. To learn more about exhibits,

is to promote the excellence of work done in editorial

events and ways to donate visit

design. Art directors, designers, photo editors, editors, •

and graphics professionals make up this organization. Editorial design has become a crucial part in documenting history in our world and this organization helps with spreading that message. 2013 Spring/Summer 8

From the Runway

to the Hallway

Nothing says professional, like a nice fit blazer. Whether you’re stepping into the elevator for your first job interview or running late to your 8 am psychology class, you can never go wrong with a top quality blazer. It’s one of those pieces that’s just timeless. You can dress it up, dress it down, wear with shorts, wear with a dress, you really can do whatever you want with it. It makes your ensemble just a little more unique. Kayla and Zoe chose great colors and patterns for the spring season. The teal goes with everything and the floral piece just warms your soul. You can find affordable blazers at places like Forever 21 and H&M. •


Spring/Summer 2013


oundless: Discovering God in Your Eating Disorder

Little Rock resident Ashli Roussel, a

something hard, big and significant for God,”

senior nursing major at Harding University,

Roussel said. “That’s when I felt like he was

is the author of the recently published book

leading me to write a book about it.”

“Boundless: Discovering God in Your Eating

Disorder.” The book was published November

September 2008, her senior year of high school.

2012 by Sonfire Media Publishing Company in

This was right after she had been released from

Galax, Va.

an eating disorder clinic and was well on the

road to recovery.

After battling an eating disorder in high

Roussel started writing “Boundless” in

school, Roussel felt the need to write about her

journey and the healing she found through her

joy in boasting about my weaknesses,” Roussel

faith in God. Roussel wrote about her disorder

said. “By the time I started writing, I was

because she has always felt that God played a

excited to get the word out.”

major role in her journey, and she wanted this

journey to be shared.

began to post her chapters to a blog and directed her

Roussel views her eating disorder as a

friends and family there for feedback. After much self-

“surrender adventure.” She would never change

and peer-editing, Roussel finally sent her manuscript

a thing about her struggle because in the end, it

to Sonfire Media Publishing in May 2010, who then

brought her closer to God.

offered her a contract in October.

“I was asking the Lord, ‘Why did I have to

go through all this?’ I was being challenged to do

“God transformed my heart and gave me

Once her first draft was completed, Roussel

Roussel’s favorite part of the publishing

process was sharing her drafts with her home

congregation in Little Rock. She was able to

through eating disorders,” Roussel said. “I have

distribute her book to the girls in the youth group

to rely on God to give me the strength to share

and get their feedback.

truth and counsel others.” Not only does the book

“More than anything else, I want readers to

share Roussel’s testimony, but it also includes 30 days

get a clearer and bigger picture of who God is for

of scripture-based devotionals for young women

them,” Roussel said. “I want them to see that God is

who face these struggles. Her book can be found and

right in the middle of their eating disorders.”

purchased on and

The publishing process has created a special

ministry for Roussel.

“ I wa s a s k i n g t h e Lo r d , ‘W hy d i d I h ave t o go t h ro u g h a ll this?”

“I feel like the book is a product of God’s

work, not mine,” Roussel said. “This whole thing is his project, and I really give him the credit for writing and publishing it.” •

She has been able to comfort others who are struggling with the same issues she did. These amazing opportunities have enabled Roussel to continue to grow even more in her relationship with God.

“These opportunities have kept me in check

and helped me to grow because I am introduced to friends and women that are currently going

Young Ashli Roussel shares her battle with an eating disorder that

nearly took her life and the road to development of a deeper

relationship with God that ultimately saved her. Not only does Ashli share the intimate details of her struggle physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but she takes the reader on a 30 day devotional journey to help them find their way to God’s restoration - and new life in Him. Join Ashli as she shares first hand her amazing story of victory through surrender. -Amazon Description 2013 Spring/Summer 14

Tea Party Attire

Kayla, Zoe and Hillary have all chosen to wear beautiful green and blue

pastels. These colors are easy to match with other colors and patterns. The dullness of the pastels make for great items for the spring and summer months, as well as fall.

Match these items with a dark color cardigan and your closet suddenly

expands. Don’t be afraid to wear fall clothes in the summer and summer items in the fall. These warm, yet spring colors will make casual get-together a little more festive.

You can also wear dress shirts that are too big for you own by adding a belt

around it. Add a skirt and some cute flats and your outfit will definitely make a statement. • 15

Spring/Summer 2013

Tof partyhhosting e andfhoweto overcome a rthems


he spring and summer months are upon us and

the season of outdoor cookouts and porch hangouts are happening pretty much every weekend. Hosting is such a daunting and intimidating task, but really it’s a lot easier than people make it out to be. Be the house that your friends want to congregate to, be the house that people don’t want to leave and have fun doing it all.

Stop putting pressure on yourself to throw the best party out there. Each get-together will

be different, no matter whose hosting, so don’t beat yourself up over every single detail. Hosting really can be the least stressful. Really it’s a great position to be in, you can set the mood, music, attire and even who gets to come!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Since you’re providing the house, ask your friends to pro-

vide the food, music or entertainment.

2013 Spring/Summer 18

Start simple. For the first time host-

the bed” party, where appearance doesn’t matter,

ing, only invite your closest friends, and make

just good company and great food.

them all girls. Having only girls is less pressure

and less stressful. This way, everyone can talk

matter what kind of event you may be hosting.

about anything they want. You won’t need to

It’s amazing how much of a difference music can

filter what’s being said because the men won’t


be there! This should relieve any stresses of

The constant stream of noise makes the silences

trying to come up with “co-ed” conversation.

not so silent and they cause for great conversa-

This also allows the host to be as cutesy as they

tion. If you want the party to really get started at


9, tell everyone to get there at 8. Without fail, ev-

Make sure there’s always music playing no

A great first party to host is a Saturday

eryone will want to make a “grand entrance.” Be-

morning tea/coffee get-together with your

ing late is a trend that we will never rid of in our

closest girlfriends, and here are some tips to

society. So just accept it, live with it and embrace

do just that:


Go to the local thrift store and pur-

To relieve some of the pressures of the eve-

chase cheap mugs to give to all your guests as

ning ask a close friend to arrive early to help set

party favors. Have your friends bring different

up. Just that friendly face, who you are most com-

breakfast casseroles and compare recipes. Have

fortable with, will help when the people start ar-

a fun coffee bar with different types of coffees

riving. And really, don’t be afraid to ask for help!

and creamers. Girls want any excuse to dress

In the long run, your guests will be appreciative

cute and instagram their food, so make sure to

of the work you put in if you make the time and

set the mood for cuteness. Or even go the op-

effort to appease the needs of your guests. •

posite direction and make it a “just rolled outta


is in the


You’ve received your “Save the Dates” which

means its spring and love is in the air, am I right? Well, that also means finding the right attire for all that love. If you’re anything like every other girl in America you still wonder if wearing white is ok. Well, it’s really not. Even if that cute lacey dress fits you just right, don’t do it, don’t even be tempted. You can’t do it and don’t even ask the bride if it’s ok. She will probably say she doesn’t care, even though she does. Pure white dresses have been worn by guests and let me tell you, you will be talked about, if you fall under this trap.

This may be harsh, but it’s the truth, now let’s

clarify, the white dress rule doesn’t have to apply to white accents. It’s ok to have a bit of white shown,

Francesca’s “Pinecrust Ruffle Dress” $44.00 (9 colors)

especially for the spring and summer weddings. White sheer or off-white lace at the top or bottom of a dress is alright. Ask a friend though, just in case. Getting that second opinion will make you feel a little better aboutyour decisions whether to wear something or not.

Be cautious of your back showing. The exposed

back is a spring must, but remember you may be having the ceremony in a church, so just be aware. Be ready to wear the cardigan for the entire ceremony and even a part of the reception. Strapless is ok, just again continue page 29 “Triple Date Dress” $47.99

D o i n g G o o d. Do Less Wrong.


tarting your young professional life can be a scary thought. The pressures of fitting in

at the office, excelling at what you do and making you stand out to your employer all turn out to be stressful situations. The temptations of manipulation and deceitfulness are constant struggles within the office.

Being an honest and fair employee is easier said than done. Doing good is such a simple

concept but is so easily forgotten about. “Climbing the corporate ladder” to get selfishly get ahead happens daily. People would be surprised to know that honesty truly triumphs. It will not get unnoticed, and for the most part people will respect you more for taking the time to be honest.

Excelling at your job comes with real dedication, a great attitude and honesty. Complaining

about a task with your colleagues will undoubtedly get back to your boss. The office is smaller than you think it is and complaining will get you nowhere.

Knowing that you are doing a job with the right intentions will benefit you more than you

realize. It cannot be stressed enough how much doing good will do you good. Take the time to take the extra mile and treat the people around you with respect and encouragement. Simple things like buying donuts for the break room, complimenting someone else’s work or even just holding the door open, will take you far in your professional life. Really the fears of getting the first job will lessen and lessen if you have the right attitude, strong work ethic and reveal kindness to others. • Spring/Summer 2013


Night out with the Girls

Night out

with the Girls

Let’s stick to the basics, and probably the most classic of all, black and white. How can you go wrong? It’s

a color combo that will always look good. It is flattering on everyone and really just a staple in every wardrobe. Invest in great black and white pieces (mostly black). You can wear blacks all year long. White can be tricky but obviously can be done. You may feel uncomfortable with white, but we are here to tell you to embrace the risk and get that white lace fancy dress you’ve had your eye on. Pair it with great accessories and your outfit will come to life. Whites and blacks are universal and go with all skin tones.

Take the time to buy a great black dress as well as a white. These colors also make buying accessories that

much more fun. Not to mention, you can have about seven different outfits with only one dress. With different accessories you have different outfits for every occasion. Pair with a chunky necklace and red lipstick and you have a great “night out” ensemble. Tone it down with a muted cardigan and sandals and you’re ready for your neighbor’s cookout. Endless possibilities. •


Spring/Summer 2013

2013 Spring/Summer 26

“One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself” - Lucille Ball”

Continued from 4

“ I was the only Italian student in the school and did not having anybody to talk to.”

Thank God, I made it through and now I feel at home at Harding University. I had been

several times to America before coming to Harding but I was definitely not expecting this! Arkansas and especially Harding are a world apart from what I am used to. Being around Christians is very uplifting but I also have met several narrow minded people that did not understand me for who I was or why I would do things differently.

Italian people are warmer than American and more laid back. On the other hand I have

learned a lot of skills by Americans, like being on time or focusing on business when is the time.

I like Arkansas because of its nature and its beauty. I am a city girl and I have not been

around nature a lot so I appreciate every time I see a river or I climb a mountain. I like the Southern culture and I know that if I was not Italian I would definitely be a Southerner... but without the crazy accent.

I am learning and growing through this experience and I am looking forward to what is

ahead of me! •

- Virginia “Vivi” Vitalone

2013 Spring/Summer 28

don’t let your dress overpower the bride and even the bridesmaids. Take into account the bride’s family and their conservative (or not so conservative background). Again, ask for a second opinion! It will never steer you wrong.

Let’s talk hair. It’s always smart to plan for your

hair and how it would look if you were to easily pull it back. If the wedding involves dancing or if it’s July, plan to pull your hair back. You will be more comfortable and hopefully by the time you pull your hair up, all the pictures would have already been captured.

Also don’t forget to bring your makeup with

you! There is nothing wrong with a little touchup, so don’t be ashamed. Spring is the time of oily skin and the

Anthropologie “Sonja Lasercut Dress” $228.00

season of feeling like your face is melting off. Doing a quick little wipe down of the oils and reapplying is fine, in fact probably encouraged. Also if there is dancing involved, wiping the sweat and putting another layer of foundation on will be beneficial to everyone.

The biggest mistake of all, wear comfortable

shoes! Don’t think that those 3-inch heels will be fine into the third hour of the evening. You will be doing lots of standing and dancing at weddings so do yourself a huge favor and invest in a great pair of black or nude color flats. You will wear those things till you break them. Be practical, most people will remember the dress you wore, not the shoes. Don’t stress too much about it. Also most instagrams that will be posted are from the waist up, so don’t fret about the feet. •

J. Crew Sparkle Dot Dress $178.00


our young 20s is a learning experience. You grow more between the ages of 2025 than any other 5 year span in your life. Moving out and moving up in the real world, you learn so many valuable lessons about yourself, others and the world around you. One thing that cannot go unnoticed is the art of cooking. One can only assume that while in your early 20s, money isn’t exactly easy to come by. And well the thought of going out every night to trendy restaurants while you’re single sounds appealing, your wallet just can’t cut it. Let’s talk how to cook for one. Such a daunting task really. It’s hard to get motivated to cook when there’s only one person eating it. Here are some items that will provide endless cooking options for you:

For the pantry: 1. Tomato pasta sauce 2. Dried pasta 3. White rice 4. Chicken broth 5. Canned beans (such as chickpeas, green beans and black beans) 6. Extra-virgin olive oil 7. Dried herbs and spices

Cforooking one 8. Tortillas 9. Onions You can get creative with any of these ingredients! Really these are your staple pieces. And it’s not that harmful to your wallet either.

For the Fridge: 1. Eggs 2. Butter 3. Plain yogurt 4. Milk 5. Cheeses (such as shredded cheddar, Parmesan, and mozzarella)

There is really no arguing with these items. There are the glue that holds any meal together. Not to mention, plain yogurt is a great healthy substitute for sour cream.

For the Freezer: 1. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2. Ground beef (divided into 1-pound portions) 3. Frozen vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli florets, peas, and mixed vegetables) 4. Peeled and deveined shrimp The good thing about buying stuff for your freezer is that they will last a long time! Also, frozen vegetables are a great and cheap way to have another side with your meal. These items give you a great starting point to being the best chef you can be. For more ideas and suggestions check out for awesome and easy recipes. •

2013 Spring/Summer 30


Accessories you can’t

Concerts, festivals, cookouts, that means one

thing, summer is here and we couldn’t be more ex-

Here are the top three accessories this summer:

cited. Floral dresses, printed shorts and sandals can be worn again! Bright colors and sunshine, what more “Biking Through Florence Vest” $29.99

could a girl ask for? To really make any outfit complete, a woman needs accessories. They had personality to any outfit and any day. The three crucial pieces you cannot live without this summer has to be the vest, stackable bracelets and the perfect brown sandal.

The trends of vests are always a toss-up. The

choice between the floral or denim vest and whether or not vests are even a thing in this day and age is a common concern among our generation. We are here to tell you that vests are in, they are totally in. Now more than ever, a vest just completes the whole ensemble. It’s a way of wearing a cute jacket, without wearing the jacket. It’s like the summer’s cardigan. It adds personality without being over the top. Also, it’s rare that two vests are in fact the same. No two denim vests are the same. Each one is a different fade, different buttons and different lengths. Don’t be afraid to pick up your first at a thrift store. If you are still Continue Page 34

Anthropologie “Simone Denim vest” $98.00

live without this SUMMER

Urban Outfitters “Arrow Cuff Bracelet” $12.00

J. Crew “Alie Gladiator Sandal” $150.00

Urban Outfitters “Leather Cuff Bracelet” $18.00

Free People “Fairfield Sandal” $74.00

2013 Spring/Summer 32

Pool Reads

If you’re anything like any woman during the

summer, any spare moment you have, you run with your favorite book in hand and go to the pool. Cheap entertainment with great results, sign me up right?! Well laying out and getting that great vitamin D is something we all look forward to every summer. You’re probably reaching that age where the magazines don’t provide you with as much entertainment as they once did. You flip through the pages and scan the pictures and it takes about 10 minutes. You need some lasting entertainment that will keep you occupied as long as your skin can take it. Books are the way to go, and here are some great reads to get into this summer.



If you haven’t seen the movie “Perks of Being

a Wallflower” then please take the time to read the book first! Everyone has their own opinion about whether to watch the movie or read the book, but you are more likely to read the book if you actually read it before the movie. So take the time to read. You really appreciate the movie more and get more emotionally connected with the characters. If you were at all awkward, shy or timid in high school and growing up was a struggle, then you can guarantee a connection to “Perks of Being a Wallflower.” You will embark on the journey of growing up all over again.

It is no surprise that “The Great Gatsby” hits theatres May 10 this summer. Everyone is talking


about this beautifully artistic rendition of this classic literature. Most people have read “The Great Gatsby” because of a requirement for high school or college, but taking the time to read it again will not disappoint. Whether it’s before or after its debut to theatres, getting immersed in the characters all over again will make your pool time read that much more exciting.

Summer is also a time for those guilty plea-

sures. And the book series written by Emily Grif-

fin, appeals to just that. “Something Borrowed,”

People will appreciate your risk and all vests are flatter-

“Something Blue” and “Baby Proof ” are three

ing, remember that.

books that take you through the journey of two

best friends, Rachel and Darcy, and the

have to choose any jewelry piece this summer season,

obstacles along the way. They are great chick books

go with the stacks. Get creative, mix and match. Brace-

that also can be passed around to your

lets are just a cheap way to express yourself. Start with

girlfriends. Start on the first book then hand it

the basics and find a cheap small wrist watch at a thrift

down to a friend, you could even split the costs.

store, then travel onto Urban Outfitters and check their

sale section, they will most likely have bangles on sale

Also reading the same books your friends

The stackable bracelets, a summer-must. If you

are makes it that much more enjoyable. These

and most likely you will love them. Mix colors but be

books will leave you laughing or crying and teach

sure to be careful about mixing golds and silvers. It can

you lessons of friendship, love and forgiveness. No

be done, but rarely. Also wearing different bracelets

matter what, at the end of any of these books, it

everyday adds a splash of creativity to your wardrobe.

will end with a phone call to your best friend.

time and energy to invest in a great pair of strappy

Books are some of the best conversation

Sandals, sandals, sandals. Please take the money,

starters out there, so no matter what, if it’s one of

brown/dark beige sandals. You will not be sorry. Choose

these books we suggest or a new best seller, take

ones that you love and spend a little money on them.

the time to read this summer. •

These sandals go with literally every single outfit you

Pictures from

have (even black). Take our word for it and go out, right now and be on the search. You will probably bewearing

Accessories You Can’t Live Without Continued:

these sandals, most every day so quality means everything. Don’t settle. •

unsure, experiment. Buy a cheap vest and see if you like it. And denim goes with everything and chances are that it will look good with pretty much everything you own. Vests are great for concerts and outdoor get-togethers. Most likely you will get a compliment or seven from a vest. It’s not as common, so now is the time to get a jump on them.

2013 Spring/Summer 34


“Inspired” is founded upon the art of doing good. We want to bring back to life the concept

of treating others the way you would like to be treated. This is an outlet of encouragement to speak through the words and visuals we provide. This is a journey of the struggles of being a woman in today’s society. It’s a light-hearted testament of your “roaring 20s” and the things you learn along the way. It is useful, clever, innovative, and well, inspiring.

Join us as we help share the beauties found in life and the hardships along the way. Boys,

fashion do’s and don’ts, party tips and troubles in the workforce are just some of the hot topics we cover. We want to uplift and encourage you. This is about you. You, seeing the good in yourself, and in others.


Spring/Summer 2013

Kaelyn Tavernit

Kaelyn is a lover of denim, autumn and hazelnut lattes. She is a public relations enthusiast and is

constantly seeking stories to share with others. She is from Raleigh, North Carolina and will argue with anyone that it is the best state around. She loves finding bargains at thrift stores and keeping up with the latest fashion dos and don’ts. Music is a huge part of her life and if it were possible, she would be attending a concert every night.

Travel has been a newfound love for Kaelyn. She was privileged to be given the chance to study

abroad in Florence, Italy last fall. She learned so much about herself and the cultures that surrounded her. The people she met along the way has been an incredible learning experience for Kaelyn. The breathtaking views and the unbelievable history discovered is a memory that she will take with her the rest of her life. Those moments spent in the beautiful European countries remains to inspire her every day.

Kaelyn enjoys the simple days spent in coffee shops with friends while discussing the latest trends

found at Anthropologie or Urban Outfitters. Her friends are her backbone and shewouldn’t be the woman today, without them.

You can connect with her @ kaelyn_tav

Jenny Cisneros Jenny is an undergraduate student at Harding University majoring in advertising. She was born in California but grew up in El Salvador, Central America. Cisneros started college in her hometown and compeleted two years majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications but when she came to the United States she had no option but to change to advertising major. Jenny is bilingual; her native language is Spanish but knows English too.

Among her favorite activities to do

in her free time are searching top music hits and popular advertising or spend time with her friends or family. She challenges herself to do new things.

Some of the things that inspire her

are the sunny days, quotes, photos and art pieces. Some interesting facts about her are that she avoids drinking soda, during the day she likes to eat sweet things, she walks really fast, and she has a fascination for fairies and angels. The place where she’s always at is her room, the Bracket Library or the front lawn. Her exploring spirit calls her to visit Europe or Italy at least once.

You can connect with her @JayCP

Velvet Janelle

Velvet Janelle is a recent gradu-

ate from Harding University and is a professional communicator from Reading, Pennsylvania. She enjoys adventure, black coffee and good conversations but hates cell phone ringers, being late and losing her planner.

You can find Velvet lounging on

her couch watching “Gossip Girl,” “The Office” or “Downton Abbey” at any given time of the day. If not there, she’s probably drinking coffee with her best friends as they laugh at each other’s stupidity.

She has a hard time staying away

from buying shoes and jackets, regardless of the season. Ironically though she is from the North East, she strongly dislikes

winter but thinks buying jackets compensates for its awfulness.

Velvet finds her inspiration from the random strangers she meets at her waitressing job.

Her friend’s and family’s encouragement provides a great deal of inspiration, too. She seeks style inspiration from Europe but specifically London, England.

You can connect with her @velvetjanelle

Contributors 39

Spring/Summer 2013


Kaeyln Tavernit Vivi Vitalone

Photographer: Kristi Soto


Zoe Growald Kayla Sheehan Vivi Vitalone Breana Josephson Hillary Miller Velvet Janelle

Layout Design: Jenny Cisneros Velvet Janelle

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. - Audrey Hepburn

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