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Bulletin Special

Bolivarian Government Ministry of People’s Embassy of the Bolivarian of Venezuela Power for Foreign Affairs Republic of Venezuela

volume 5, 2019

Venezuela suffers major power outages after alleged cyber attack

Functions of USAID, the "Humanitarian" mega agency of the CIA 1

Content 1) Editorial 2) Venezuela suffers major power outages after alleged cyber attack 3) The Energy Trap 4) African states should back Venezuela against Trump's selfish interests 5) Another Failed Coup in Venezuela? 6) The US wears out Guaidó to make way for war 7) Venezuela: The US seeks a way out of its systemic crisis and geopolitical decline 8) Why is the US now calling for "free elections" in Venezuela? 9) Humanitarian aid from China, Russia, Cuba, UNICEF, PAHO and the UN 10) The 10 functions of USAID, the "Humanitarian" mega agency of the CIA

Editorial During his 14 years as leader of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Chávez was always wickedly criticised by Western powers because of his socio-economic policies that were designed to serve the masses. Indeed, in the eyes of Western powers, any policy that does not serve their interests is criticised from the start and attacked from all sides. With his vision of La Patria Humana or “Humane Homeland”, Chávez launched a revolutionary programme he called “social missions”, basically transforming all government agencies and ministries into missions to serve the needs of the people. As we commemorate the anniversary of the passing on of President Chávez, it is a good opportunity to reflect on his leadership, but also on his vision of a world where ordinary people have the power to build a society whose purpose is not to serve the interests of the top one per cent of the planet’s population, but the basic needs of the masses. It is also an opportunity to remind our leaders that they have the responsibility to serve their fellow Africans and not the interests of multinational companies and other imperialist interests. If we contextualize within the world dynamics the alternative model that Commander Hugo Chávez undertook, his only proposal of a participative and protagónica democracy ignited the alarms of the hegemonic powers, whose societal structures wanted to be exemplary. That is why Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow and always Chávez was, is and will be the embodiment of a people aware of their leading role in the construction of a better and possible world.

Venezuela suffers major power outages a�er alleged cyber a�ack Rodriguez went on to deny the opposition’s claim that 79 people had died in hospitals as a consequence of the outage, but did not offer an official number. NGO Doctors for Health reported 21 deaths as of Sunday evening after allegedly contacting hospitals throughout the country.

An electricity blackout has affected most of Venezuela for several days after an alleged cyber attack crashed the country’s main electricity generator, the Simon Bolivar Hydroelectric Plant in Bolivar State, commonly known as the Guri Dam. Starting around 5 PM on Thursday, the outage affected 70 percent of the country, with only several eastern states unaffected. By Saturday morning, power had been restored to most of Caracas and to central states such as Miranda, Aragua and Carabobo, when a second major outage took place as a result of a renewed cyberattack, according to Venezuelan authorities.

Beginning in the middle of rush hour Thursday afternoon, the outage immediately affected public transit networks, with the Caracas metro and suburban trains paralyzed. Miranda’s governorship mobilized buses to help take citizens home, while many were forced to walk back from work. Caracas’ metro system has yet to restore service, with authorities waiting for the electrical supply to stabilize. The Venezuelan government has suspended work and school activities on Monday.

As of Sunday evening, power has been restored to most of the capital and to parts of the western states of Tachira and Barinas. According to on the ground testimonies on social media, various other states, including Merida and Zulia, have not had power since Thursday.

The power outages generated some skirmishes in various cities, with groups burning tyres or garbage, but no major confrontations with authorities have been reported at the time of writing.

On Saturday, President Maduro told crowds at the end of a pro-government rally that a large scale attack against the country’s electric infrastructure had taken place on Thursday afternoon. He pointed the finger at the US, stressing the high level of sophistication of the alleged aggression and adding that efforts to restore power were set back by a new cyber attack on Saturday morning. Maduro announced that he was ordering a massive distribution of food and drinkable water starting Monday, as well as efforts to secure the normal functioning of hospitals. Water Minister Evelyn Vazquez announced on Sunday that water tanks were being deployed while the water pumping system was getting up to speed. On Friday, Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez told press that a cyberattack had taken place against the “Ardas” computerized system of the Guri Dam, targeting 3 of the 5 generators and forcing the dam’s turbines to stop. He added that Venezuela would present evidence of the attack to the United Nations Human Rights Commission and to other international bodies. 3

Venezuela’s electrical system has been dogged by poor maintenance and sabotage in recent years, with infrastructure strained by under-investment and Washington’s economic sanctions further compounding difficulties. In addition, as The New York Times reported, fuel shortages caused by US sanctions have prevented thermal power plants from backing up the Guri Dam.

“All options are on the table,” Guaido told supporters when pressed about calling for a foreign intervention, while adding that further mobilizations will be announced in the near future. Hours earlier he had tweeted that “electricity will return once the usurpation ends.” A Chavista anti-imperialist march from the city center to Miraflores Presidential Palace also took place Saturday, marking the fourth anniversary of the executive order declaring Venezuela an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to US national security.

Self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido gave a press conference on Sunday, slamming the government’s handling of the electricity crisis and repeating calls for the armed forces to back his efforts in ousting the Maduro government.

Maduro and other Chavista leaders slammed what they termed as the “worst aggression” in recent history, praising the population’s “resistance” and urging patience while efforts to restore electricity to the country continue.

Guaido announced he would ask the opposition-controlled National Assembly, which has been in contempt of court since 2016, to declare a state of “national alarm” on Monday.

For their part, US officials blamed the Maduro government for the blackout, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeting “No food. No medicine. Now, no power. Next, no Maduro.” Venezuelan officials have pointed to tweets by Pompeo, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, and other US leaders as evidence of a US hand behind the blackout, though further evidence has yet to be made public.

The opposition leader had previously addressed supporters after a march on Saturday in the east side of the capital. Tensions flared up between opposition followers and security forces after the former blocked the Francisco Fajardo highway for a short period.




We are vulnerable because the conďŹ guration, the methods, the "way" in which we are designed as a society were decided and developed by the enemy.

You destroy while you are building. Check to see what we have destroyed and what we have built. *** Saying "oil is ours" is a naive statement. It would be ours the oil if we had created some of the mechanisms and machineries necessary for its extraction and processing. Having an ocean of oil but depending on the artifacts created by the enemy to extract and process it is like having a mother but having her dead.

If the enemy created and designed the way we access energy, the enemy decides when and how that access to energy will be and how and when that access is interrupted. Energy: food, electricity, gasoline, diesel, domestic gas. Take the count of how many times we have cut or blocked access to these energy sources and there they have, diaphanous and monstrous, the method, the perverse way in which the enemy exercises the energy management against us, every time please.

What the United States is trying to reverse is the audacity of a madman who wanted to turn history around and decided that this oil was not from the gringos and the rich but from the blacks, the Indians, the poor, the condemned and the cursed of the earth. The play worked a while, but the gringos come here for what they consider theirs; Our mission is to prevent the global hegemony, owner of the energy of the planet, from coming and destroying Chavez's dream so easily and for free.

*** A people that declares itself in rebellion has a primary mission, which is to destroy or at least question what exists, which we were accustomed to seeing as something normal. A people who declares themselves in Revolution has another primary mission, which is to replace the way of functioning of the existing society, that "normal" thing where energy has to be bought.

*** That of the ownership of energy in the hands of governments and corporations, of the hegemonic powers, has become a norm and order, a de facto empire, through force, through legal blackmail and also through a persistent and very skilful management 5

dancing: that irresponsible does not deserve to be shown as an example of what it means to be happy. Among other things, because that same idiot who threw that pile of energy resources, body, logistics and machinery, probably jumped on Friday night and launched his sentence: "Marico but what happened? Why does the government administer energy so badly? I demand that they give me back my right to waste energy, OR BE! "

of ideology and culture, the imposition of values and needs not always real. Let's see if we can illustrate that twisted statement with some current example. UNTIL WE CREATE OUR METHODS, DAMAGES AND STRUCTURES, WE WILL NOT PRODUCE A PERFORABLE VICTORY Let's see: Guri. Any of us is asked: "If the United States sabotages and disables Guri, what should be done?" The majority response will surely be: "Well, we have to repair the Guri". It sounds obvious, and in a certain way it is, but it is not deďŹ nitive or conclusive; we must repair what they damaged in Guri to solve what the immediate future holds. But there is a future that is not so immediate, and that is a territory that we should imagine, design and build using a logic dierent from that made possible by the system based on the Guri dam. Unless, of course, our plans are to be subject forever to the United States and pay for the stability of a national electricity system at the peak of oil and submission. We behave well with the United States and the United States does not sabotage the Guri anymore. Let this source of energy follow the service of transnational capitalism: it sounds easy, and many have already bought that option.

If happiness consists in wasting limited resources then you will never be happy, because resources and energy do not belong to you. You access the forms of energy to which we are accustomed by the capital because you have what to pay for them or there is "someone" who pays for you. Is gasoline free? No: the State pays for you. And you decide if you administer it for righteous purposes or waste it. This is how the imposition of a civilizing model has worked and continues to work: convince your slaves / consumers that beyond this system there are no alternatives or possibilities. We have held unusual discussions with Marxist comrades, who spit and are scandalized when one proposes to rethink the way of producing food, because according to his vision it is neither viable nor desirable to activate the collective powers of the people in the mission to carry out production tasks. No sir: that corresponds to the peasant class; What is needed is to give the peasants a decent salary and improve the quality of life and hum, partner, in the agroindustrial logic. Quality of life, employment, agroindustry, peasants: we dare not move and even question the schemes and concepts of capitalism, but we claim the revolutionary vanguard label.

At the end of the gigantic blackout of these days the expression and the general feeling were of joy: we saved ourselves, we surpassed the sabotage. Very few people will have thought that this thing that we have repaired is the work of the enemy, and that the essentials of its operation will continue to depend on the enemy: the spare parts, the technology, the knowledge of the mechanism and the system are the work of capitalism, Therefore: The happiness of our people for the feat of having restored the Guri system reminded me, inevitably and irremediably, to that repulsive, stupid (I was going to say "childish" but most children do not deserve the insult) and inexplicable attitude of our propagandists, who exhibit and disseminate as a rash social achievement that thousands or millions of people are mobilized in carnival and Easter to rejoder the beaches and other natural environments with its noise, consumerism and urban garbage. "There is no crisis here, look how you mess up and get drunk that crowd." The crisis is also that mental condition (cultural and imposed) that leads to these splits to squander what we should invest better as a country (gasoline, labor force, productive time: ENERGY). A subject who squandered 500 liters of gasoline and several kilos of food and drinks in the supreme mission of moving 600 kilometers round trip, just to tan, saturate shit and noise a small town in Venezuela; to escape from the current war situation, to take some photos and see him

From our Simon Rodriguez and the example of Vietnam we should or should have learned long ago the essentials of the great civilizing war in which we are involved: the enemy is defeated with weapons, thought and procedures of their own. With the weapons that they themselves invented we will achieve some victory, but only the genuine creation of methods, works and structures produces lasting victories. www.misionverdad.com


African states should back Venezuela against Trump's selfish interests

When Kenya and Africa were fighting for independence, Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyerere, Kwame Nkrumah and other African leaders asked the free world to give them support and solidarity. The solidarity and support they got finally weakened colonialism and made it easier for African and Asian countries to be free.

At this point, we must pause and congratulate the Democratic Party that through Congress denied President Trump use of military force against Venezuela. It must be clear to Congress and everybody else that if Trump is a bad leader for America and Europe, he cannot be waging a just war against Venezuela. He is already waging a political war against America, his own country.

But in taking solidarity and support from other countries, Kenya and other African countries incurred a moral debt that they must now repay by supporting and expressing solidarity with other states such as Venezuela and Cuba, which are suffering from oppression from bad leaders such as US President Donald Trump.

He is also waging an economic war against China, which he intends to bring down the same way he wants to bring down Venezuela and Cuba. Tragically President Trump is also waging a medical war against poor Americans by negating insurance scheme for the poor, which Obama initiated in his first term. President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro may not be a perfect leader but that does not give Trump moral right or authority to change the country’s leadership by substituting him with what western countries are calling “interim President” Juan Guaidó.

The truth is that American leaders such as President Barack Obama were better for the poor and weaker countries like Venezuela than Trump, who regards African states as shithole. An African proverb says, firewood drying in the rack would be foolish to laugh at dry firewood burning in the fire. Equally, African countries that Trump calls shithole countries and are drying in his rack will be ill-advised to deny Venezuela and Cuba that are firewood burning in the fire of President Trump.

Every country is entitled to its own leadership, however, bad it maybe, and it is upon the citizens to change it, not foreign powers. And while it is tempting to ask for support from other countries to topple a government you may not like, it is better for people to change their 7

government rather than rely on foreign military that is bound to interfere and negate a country’s sovereignty. This is what Trump is doing in Venezuela.

President Maduro is right when he argues that £20 million aid to turn Venezuelan support against him cannot substitute the country’s right to have their own £60 billion returned home by the US, Britain and other western countries to buy whatever they need and want. If you impoverish someone by taking away his money, you cannot claim mercy when returning a drip of the same money to stop him from dying.

Yes, all people desire a good and democratic leadership for themselves. They must, however, not rely on others, who might impose their own rules when changing the incumbent government. The consequences will not only limit rights and freedoms but also independence and sovereignty.

Ultimately we must not just have a free world, we must also have a just world that defends everyone’s right to life, equality, freedom and sovereignty.

Even Trump’s so-called desire to give Venezuelans aid cannot be an excuse to change their government and substitute it with a puppet that will serve US’s interests rather than those of their country.

Article By: Koigi Wa Wamwere @kwamwere www.the-star.co.ke The opinions expressed in these articles are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Embassy


Another Failed Coup in Venezuela? If you repeat your own lies enough—so goes the apocryphal Goebbels quote—you start to believe them yourself. For two decades, the Venezuelan opposition and its supporters in Washington have smeared Hugo Chávez and now his successor, Nicolás Maduro, as despotic strongmen kept in power solely through military force and paltry payouts to the poor. So it’s no surprise that they are once again underestimating both Chavismo and the resilience of its supporters today.

So when opposition backbencher Juan Guaidó declared himself interim president of Venezuela on January 23, he and his co-conspirators thought the military would quickly fragment before eventually falling in line behind the self-proclaimed president. Things didn’t work that way: Aside from a handful of soldiers and the U.S. military attaché, the Venezuelan armed forces remained solidly behind Nicolás Maduro. And despite large demonstrations both for and against the government, there have been no signs of sustained, mass resistance in the streets in favor of the coup either.

Underestimating the People

We’ve seen this all before: On April 11 of 2002, the Venezuelan opposition—according to the most credible accounts—unleashed snipers on its own supporters and used the ensuing deaths to justify a coup against Hugo Chávez. But the opposition dramatically overplayed its hand and underestimated the Chavista grassroots, who it routinely smeared as the blind followers of a populist strongman. When coup leaders abolished all branches of government and scrapped the constitution, hundreds of thousands of poor Venezuelans poured into the streets demanding, and eventually forcing, Chávez’s return to power.

Why? In part because the frustration many poor Venezuelans feel today is just that: frustration. They are fed up with the economic crisis, and many place at least a share of the blame on Maduro. But as in the past, most don’t see frustration as justifying undemocratic regime change, much less foreign intervention—which the majority of Venezuelans oppose. What’s more, wanting the economy to improve has not led many to identify with opposition parties that still represent the most elite sectors of Venezuelan society and have offered no credible solutions to the economic crisis.

Much has changed since 2002. A perfect storm of Chávez’s death, collapsing global oil prices, a mismanaged system of currency controls, ferocious aggression from the opposition and—more recently—U.S. sanctions, has thrown the Venezuelan economy into a tailspin. Many of the impressive accomplishments of the Bolivarian Revolution—in health care, education and poverty reduction—have quickly evaporated, producing frustration, confusion and desperation among even Chavismo’s most hardline supporters.

The Trojan Horse of Humanitarian Aid

But if much has changed, much has also stayed the same: Unable to believe that the poor might hold such a nuanced position, the opposition has again overplayed its hand and bet it all on yet another failed coup. February 23 marked one month since Guaidó’s self-coronation, and also the expiration of the 30-day period during which any interim president must hold new elections. According to even the opposition’s 9

bundles known as CLAPs were packaged and distributed.

contrived reading of the Venezuelan Constitution, since Guaidó never called those elections, he has no remaining claim to the presidency. And so it was that on February 23, Guaidó resorted to increasingly desperate measures, attempting to provoke a crisis by forcing deliveries of US-provided “humanitarian aid” across the border.

Provocation on the Border

On February 23, as in 2002, the opposition sought to sow blood and chaos to justify its coup, but this time it was unsuccessful. Any objective analysis of video footage from the Colombian border makes this clear: On the Venezuelan side, Venezuelan troops were standing in a single line behind riot shields. On the Colombian side, masked opposition protesters hurled molotov cocktails toward them. When two “aid” trucks suddenly burst into flames, Guaidó and most of the media immediately blamed the fire on Maduro. So overwhelming was this media narrative that few observers seemed to notice that the trucks never reached the Venezuelan side, and were almost certainly ignited by those same molotovs.

It’s not difficult to debunk this false humanitarianism. The United Nations refused to participate in what it deemed “politicized” aid shipments, and the Red Cross denounced the border charade as “not humanitarian aid”—and rebuked the unauthorized use of Red Cross insignia by opposition forces. Given that Contra war criminal Elliott Abrams is now in charge of U.S. policy in Venezuela, it’s worth recalling that U.S.-backed Contras used the Red Cross insignia toward similar ends in Nicaragua.

Desperate for any pretext to justify foreign intervention, Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) even blamed Maduro when an opposition lawmaker and his aide were “poisoned” on the Colombian side of the border. Despite an utter lack of any evidence, the international press ran with the story. But it turned out the assemblyman was apparently drugged and robbed by sex workers he had brought back to his room after a night of partying. And when long-simmering tensions between the Venezuelan military and indigenous Pemones on the southern border with Brazil led to violent clashes and several deaths, their longstanding concerns were opportunistically folded into the opposition narrative about aid deliveries. Opposition parties had been stoking dissent among indigenous groups for years, and many of those involved in clashes were less concerned with aid shipments than with what they perceived as years of corrupt military activity in the region.

And then there’s also basic math: While the opposition mounted a spectacle to deliver a few million dollars in aid, U.S. sanctions have already cost Venezuela billions, and will cost billions more. Economist Mark Weisbrot estimates the death toll of the sanctions to be “in the thousands or tens of thousands so far,” with more deaths from Trump’s draconian tightening of the sanctions almost guaranteed.

The opposition has been oddly silent about its own violence, however. When three defecting Venezuelan soldiers hijacked armored personnel carriers, driving them at full speed into the border barriers in order to defect to the Colombian side, they struck a crowd of civilians that included Nicole Kramm, a Chilean photojournalist. Kramm, who was nearly killed in the attack—and whose camera was running the entire time—later described the scene: “This was an attack on civilians. I can’t believe they are being treated as heroes. If I didn’t run, and was 15 centimeters closer, I would not be here to tell you this.”

In contrast, the Trump government essentially handed over the keys of Citgo’s bank accounts and assets—worth around $7 billion—to Guaidó, who has also demanded control of more than a billion dollars’ worth of Venezuelan gold held by the Bank of England. And if we harbored any illusions about the humanitarian credentials of the Venezuelan opposition, it’s worth noting that it routinely attacks a social welfare infrastructure it associates with Chavismo—most recently burning a warehouse where subsidized food 10

The Danger Isn’t Over

In the coming months, U.S. sanctions will continue to tighten the economic screws, heaping suffering on those who always suffer most—the poorest Venezuelans—while waiting out defections from the military and the population as a whole. In 1990, Nicaraguans voted the Sandinistas out of power, knowing full well that if they didn’t, both U.S. sanctions and the Contra War would continue. With many of the same people once again in charge of U.S. policy today, the strategy remains the same: to “make the economy scream,” in Nixon’s words. This coup may be failing, but Washington will fail and try again. Venezuela can’t afford to fail even once.

“Plan A” failed on January 23rd and “Plan B” similarly failed a month later, leaving Guaidó in dire straits and without a clear path forward. When he attempted to reach out to disaffected Chavistas by tweeting that Hugo Chávez would not approve of Maduro’s actions, Guaidó was attacked by his own supporters on Twitter, revealing old tensions simmering within the opposition coalition. And with all other options exhausted, Guaidó and U.S. vice president Mike Pence failed to convince the Lima Group—a regional coalition of mostly right-wing governments and Canada—to support military intervention. With the threat of U.S. intervention stirring dissension even within the cabinet of far-right Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, Guaidó’s coup appears to be on its last legs.


This doesn’t mean that the danger is over, however. On Monday, Guaidó made a less-than-triumphant return to Venezuela and, despite his violation of a travel ban, the government has opted not to arrest him for now. If anything, Maduro will protect him at all costs: Amid threats on Guaidó’s life, the Lima Group has warned of dire consequences should anything happen to him. If Guaidó were to be killed, however, it would almost certainly be at the hands of a Venezuelan right-wing eager to provoke military intervention (the government has dismantled similar plots in the past).


The US wears out Guaidó to make way for war

Recently the American financial medium Bloomberg published a report that illustrates the paradoxes and dead ends that the recent road map of the siege of Venezuela undertaken and in escalation since the beginning of this year is finding. The publication, making reference to some anonymous sources that in theory are officials of the Trump Administration and Venezuelan politicians, explains how they disable the artificial presidency of Juan Guaidó to make viable a mercenary war that is taking shape. These and other issues were explained by that financial means.

The invasion of the "deserters"

The publication begins with the story of the alleged intention of some 200 Venezuelan soldiers "deserters" in Colombian territory, led by retired General Cliver Alcalá, were willing on February 23 to open the way "with armament" to convoys of "aid humanitarian "that sought to enter the country, action allegedly stopped by the Colombian government to prevent a bloodbath that would be public and notorious in an act that had been promised as" peaceful. " However, the armed violence deployed on the Colombian-Venezuelan border in those days put paid to the "humanitarian marketing" of the concert Aid Live, for which, says Bloomberg, "the impulse to eliminate Maduro, which at the discretion of the United States it's 'inevitable', it's becoming increasingly chaotic and risky. " Bloomberg indicates that the improvisation is accentuating the level of miscalculation and "risk" in the actions to be taken and endorsing that affirmation indicating that "the hopes that the military commanders abandon Maduro, have been destroyed so far", adding that as that the Venezuelan political struggle is prolonged "the need to seek some kind of military solution will only increase". 12

position of the "interim president" is reduced to "maintain the momentum" of the orchestrated climbing from Washington. But that position is fundamentally political and only opposition supporters who have not been invaded by disenchantment are susceptible to it.

In fact, the dispute of February 23 did not occur because of the entry of "humanitarian aid" to Venezuela. Rather, those events were the re-creation of a shock event that in theory would fragment the FANB into a dispute between the formal and legitimate presidency of President Maduro versus the ethereal presidency of Guaidó. The defeat suffered by Guaidó and his sponsors in Colombia and the United States in the Venezuelan borders, meant then a point of bifurcation that makes evident the uselessness of the "internal president", for effects of the political and military institutionality of Venezuela, that until now they remain imperturbable.

According to the media, according to his sources, Juan Guaidó hoped to make a tour of several European capitals during this week, "but the Americans told him he had to return to Venezuela so as not to lose the momentum that he had left." This statement is perfectly consistent with the hypothesis that the sacrifice of Juan Guaidó, through his imprisonment upon returning to Venezuela, was posed by the United States as one more piece of his gear. They expected him to be imprisoned so that such an event would function as a vital component of the agenda.

On this point it is essential to consider the possibility that such an operation occurred on false and unfounded expectations that assumed that on February 23 would break the FANB in favor of Guaidó. The disappointment surprised the organizers of the coup.

This suggests that Guaidó now has the obligation, by US order, to provoke the Venezuelan authorities to seek his imprisonment. The physical integrity of Juan Guaidó is also on the table as Venezuelan authorities, including the president of the National Constituent Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, have warned that Guaidó's life is in danger as an errand boy at the hands of his masters, who could sacrifice him for considering him more useful dead than alive.

In addition, Bloomberg notes, the process of destabilization of Venezuela will now be "long and messy", in a clear apology to a mercenary war that would happen in an unthinkable way: out of all American control, participation and foresight. Such a thing is impossible to happen. The US media cites apparent reflections between Latin American and European diplomats who foresee that President Maduro will remain solid in power, that the Chavismo board has been and will continue to be "resilient" and that "sanctions and international pressure may end up strengthening his regime " These events, according to the publication, make us suppose the "urgency" of the armed route even if it is "disorderly".

The presence of Guaidó, irrelevant in the political and functional structure of Venezuela, is lagging behind with each passing day being reduced to a figure of mere political agitation. All this in unison of the drums of the outsourced war, which in the words of Ambassador Samuel Moncada in the UN Security Council, would be organizing on Colombian soil to appear in Venezuela as a supposed split of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB ) in the full development of a civil war.

On provocations, the sacrifice of Guaidó and the pretexts for war

The fabrication of a consensus on a war in Venezuela is clearly condensed in the narrative that the United States must act aggressively to "protect" Venezuelans from the "humanitarian crisis" and the "dictatorship" of Chavismo. But in addition to this, the US agenda needs key events to legitimize those intentions.

In a pre-war scenario and in which the United States does not intend to create political distensions, as has been appreciated so far, the possibilities increase from and to various directions.

Behind the scenes in the UN Security Council

Bloomberg notes to the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, as an actor that bets on the US policy of destabilizing Venezuela "with the hope that Maduro will make a movement that can justify a more aggressive US action" . In this road map, the instrumental use of Guaidó is essential. Bloomberg infers that the arrest in Venezuela of Guaidó, for violating an order of the Supreme Court of Justice that prohibited his departure from the country, was necessary as a key event and that now the

The media also points out that in the European chancelleries there is distrust of the White House's policy toward Venezuela and this was palpable in recent days behind the scenes in the last session of the Security Council of the United Nations (UN).

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They underline that, according to diplomatic sources, also anonymous, "in the Security Council, the allies supported the defeated US resolution on Venezuela

only after the language that could have served to justify a military action was eliminated." In that forum, the Venezuelan spokesman in charge of Samuel Moncada warned the structuring of the armed route of irregular type against Venezuela, as an increasingly consistent possibility in front of the exhaustion and wear that the nonviolent fronts are suering from this new attempt of change of regime in Venezuela.



Venezuela: The US seeks a way out of its systemic crisis and geopoli�cal decline The United States leaves the Middle East without major achievements. The Islamic State, its proxy in Syria, was displaced out of the fragmentation game of the Arab nation; the situation in Afghanistan has forced him to negotiate with the Taliban; it renounced the Agreement with Iran, weakening its historic alliance with Western Europe.

Two pillars hold the power of the United States as a world superpower since 1945: the military force and its network of 800 bases, and the dollar as the undisputed world reserve currency, which allows it to control the world economy. Since 1944 all other currencies were linked to the dollar, there began to be retained by the central banks of the world as reserve or reference currency, helped by the fact that the OPEC countries agreed to sell their oil in dollars and that the Most trade financing is done in that currency.

Given these geopolitical circumstances, Washington is working to overthrow Chavez and thus take political and economic control of Venezuela, reshape its identity and win a political pulse in which the dollar from the oil business is a fundamental weapon. This pulse is also global and involves allies of the Venezuelan government: China and Russia.

The United States extorts all countries by forcing them to change real work for the petrodollar, a currency that only costs them what is worth the paper and ink with which the bill is made, and more recently does not cost even that for the preferential issuance of digital dollars.

The petrodollar: Fundamental weapon of the global state of emergency To speak of petrodollar is to allude to the strategy used by the governments of the United States since 1974 to maintain the hegemony of its currency after eliminating its convertibility with gold.

The creation of new dollars is that a private entity, the Federal Reserve Bank, receives a promise of payment from the Treasury and proceeds to create that amount requested in the promise of payment. It is worth noting that this debt is never paid and will probably never be paid, so that the creation of the dollar develops debt, and this is only a small part of this web of irregularities that surrounds the currency.

It is a tool of power to control oil and sustain its global financial dominance by "convincing" oil producers that their dollars could be safe in US banks. In an agreement made by the former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, and firstly with the House of Saud, it was agreed that the dollar was the only currency used in the trade of the most important product on the planet, oil, generating the need for count on dollars to trade energy.

Coercion, intimidation, commercial and financial sanctions, diplomatic encirclement, coups, invasions and selective assassinations are some of the resources used by the United States to maintain these trade conditions from that time to the present. The most 15

ous, are those of Libya and Iraq in recent years, where the express intention of leaving the petrodollar system left the two countries completely devastated.

with the highest economic growth in recent years, precipitates the existential crisis of the dollar in the geopolitical.

The decline of the currency of all currencies

Venezuela, among other countries, has suffered economic sanctions from the United States that almost always hinder, if not eliminate, the possibility of acquiring necessary resources for daily life: food, industrial inputs, raw materials and even processed products, especially here, where the United States is the main commercial partner.

By unilaterally eliminating the conditions of the Bretton Woods agreement during the Nixon administration, the United States was able at the time to afford a gigantic debt capacity that, four decades later, is the turning point towards its decline, and in addition to the debt crisis global, that every so often causes disastrous collapses like the explosion of the real estate bubble in 2008.

Evading dependence on petrodollars and sanctions Since China and Russia financed the United States military budget in recent years through the purchase of bonds and bills that allow the Treasury to manage this deficit without raising interest rates, they began to implement alternatives free of US influence: Along with Russia, China established an investment fund worth 68 billion yuan (10 billion dollars), also plan to extend the bilateral exchange agreement for another three years, and trade between them increased by one third in the first eight months of 2017. In 2018, Russia wanted to place sovereign debt bonds valued at approximately one billion dollars but to be traded in yuan. In this way, it echoes the actions of the Chinese government and amplifies the scope of the yuan much more as an alternative currency to the dollar to obtain financing and for sovereign reserves beyond the Chinese border.

The problems of the dollar's weakness, partly due to its uncontrolled issuance, its intrinsic relationship with the Wall Street gambling system (where the greatest amount of wealth is created by the least amount of work) and the trillion-dollar debt of the United States, are already making a dent in the credibility of this currency.

China has also set out to create a yuan marker for the price of crude oil, but this requires producing countries to accept the yuan as a form of payment, which is becoming increasingly attractive given the incentives offered by a convertible futures contract. gold like the one that recently proposed the petroyuan. There are already advanced agreements with Nigeria, Angola, Venezuela, Russia and Iran to negotiate crude in yuan, and this complements the first steps to dethrone the petrodollar and to forge an energy economy based on the yuan.

Still 64% of all world reserves are in dollars while the euro is at 20%, even though the United States has had budget deficits in 41 of the last 45 years. For many countries this is a huge disadvantage because investments in US dollar Treasury bills from their own central bank reserves are becoming worthless paper. There are countries that see the hegemony of the dollar as an obstacle to the development of their sovereignty and their good development within the global economy, not only those who have been attacked for seeking the de-dollarization of their economy but the BRICS countries ( Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). This group of economies that together make the largest in the world and the axis

A multipolar system of international trade would reduce the scope of arbitrary sanctions by a lone player, as seen in the cases of Iran, Russia and Venezuela, which have some alternatives that were previously nonexistent. 16

The construction of this railway network within the framework of the ICR will consolidate the Asian integration that will allow China to enjoy a privileged access to the strategic natural resources of Central Asia and at the same time have the capacity to place its merchandise in new potential markets.

China, Russia, allied countries of Eurasia, the rest of the Brics, countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and possible members such as Iran and Turkey, are preparing to reduce their vulnerability to a bankrupt world bank system. If they resort to bilateral agreements to liquidate trade by overlooking the US dollar, it will fall as a global reserve currency and others will replace it. The Chinese yuan is the main candidate.

The system of settlement of direct payments between China and Russia will be combined with other countries of the ICR in Eurasia, Brics and Venezuela as part of this new geopolitical axis, will be a contribution in the creation of this alternative monetary system, an alternative supported by gold, independent of the politically explosive and speculative US dollar system, which could protect its Washington allies and the European Union's financial war in the coming years.

New geostrategic axes, new monetary systems Without the participation of some oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, Indonesia or Venezuela, it will be difficult to create a market that makes a difference. Iran, in particular, was one of the first to adopt yuan-based oil sales due to sanctions and the global persecution of the US Treasury Department. This was joined by Venezuela in 2017. For the same reason, Russia agreed to some yuan-based oil trade in 2015. Any decline in the state of the dollar severely weakens Washington's ability to wage an economic war against Russia and destabilize the front. Eurasian.

The world in a dangerous curve called Venezuela A few days ago it was learned that representatives of the Saudi state oil company, Aramco, has signed an agreement for 10 billion dollars to build a refinery and a petrochemical complex in Panjin (Liaoning, China) with companies of the Asian giant, the project more expensive between Chinese and foreign companies.

On the other hand, the grand design behind the Belt and Route Initiative (ICR) has an integral component of gold-based currency that could change the balance of global power in favor of the Eurasian nations, from Russia and the nations of the Eurasian Economic Union to China and all of Asia.

The world in a dangerous curve called Venezuela A few days ago it was learned that representatives of the Saudi state oil company, Aramco, has signed an agreement for 10 billion dollars to build a refinery and a petrochemical complex in Panjin (Liaoning, China) with companies of the Asian giant, the project more expensive between Chinese and foreign companies.

The plan that has determined China to encourage the use of the yuan in the world as opposed to the dollar is framed in the need to finance the railway network project that connects China with Central Asia, Russia, Europe and the Middle East in the context of the ICR, which will allow the land flow of goods in the north, south and west of China and not in the Indian Ocean, as is currently done. The Asian Development Bank, now led by Japan, with clear US influence, has set the stride to China limiting the amount of loan to pay for the construction of such infrastructure network.



Why is the US now calling for "free elec�ons" in Venezuela? Two Russian pranksters contacted the envoy for Venezuela, Elliot Abrams, posing as the president of Switzerland, Ueli Maurer. The call, they told him, was to consult him about what the president should do with accounts in Switzerland of President Nicolás Maduro. "Freeze" was the response of Abrahms, who also said that if they do not, the Swiss banks could have problems when Juan Guaidó will arrive, finally and cessation of the usurpation through, to the presidency of Venezuela. The snowball, however, got bigger because after talking with Abrams, Carlos Vecchio, business manager of Guaidó in the United States, communicated with the pranksters, sorry the president of Switzerland. Without being lazy or lazy, they asked Vechio to filter the information to some medium so the ghostly president Ueli Maurer could proceed to freeze Maduro's accounts. Instantly, Bloomberg published a note entitled "Maduro has some millions of dollars in the Baldilba fund, according to an opponent." The joke published by Sputnik serves to show how oiled the mechanism works between the White House, the Venezuelan opposition and the media when it comes to pursuing the money of Venezuela, as on other occasions it has been seen with agencies such as Reuters. Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexei Stoliarov, the comedians in question, have made jokes similar to presidents like the Ukrainian Pier Poroshenko and the Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan, when in 2017, his country shot down a Russian plane in Syria. However, the most important political fact in the joke is found in one of Abrahms' responses to the imaginary Swiss president when referring to the US strategy regarding Venezuela. "We do not want to make you and Congress nervous, we want to make the Venezuelan Armed Forces nervous, we think it would be a tactical mistake to give them assurances that US troops will not go in. But we are really doing something different. what he sees: financial pressure, economic pressure, diplomatic pressure, "he says in one of the emails exchanged with the comedians.


This statement coincides, of course, with the refusal of countries allied with the United States to include the use of force in the last declaration of the Lima Group and in the failed resolution of the Security Council promoted by Washington. A time before, on February 7, the Democrats refused to include the figure of a military intervention in a bill dealt with in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Senator Marco Rubio called the decision "problematic" because it should be an option that is available in clear line with the thesis of putting more pressure on Caracas.

Beyond Abrahms: the White House now talks about "free elections" The answer of Abrahms on "not to put nervous" to the imaginary Swiss president and his congress denotes precisely the efforts of Washington not to break a coalition that in its majority is positioned against an intervention. But above all, it reveals the last steps taken by the former head of the Nicaraguan Contras regarding the possibility that the pressure he is talking about could lead to "free elections". This week, for example, he affirmed that it would be "a gift" for the opposition that Maduro would re-present himself to an election because according to the polls that "he has seen, he has between 10 and 15% intention of votes". The same discursive line was repeated by the OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro, and the head of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, at a meeting last week. According to reports from The Wall Street Journal, Washington tried to move the agenda of encirclement and suffocation against Venezuela from a plan of "transition", designed, firstly, by the leaders Leopoldo Lopez, Maria Corina Machado, Julio Borges and Antonio Ledezma However, a high official from Latin America, not identified, said that on February 23 when they tried to enter the "humanitarian aid everything failed: coordination, information and organization." Even versions leaked by WSJ and Bloomberg note that the failure was such that even the Chilean president, Sebastían Piñera, and the Colombian, Iván Duque, criticized Guaidó for not having brought to the border the thousands of opposition volunteers promised a few days before. Even the fact that Guaidó had to return to Caracas when he planned to continue his tour of Europe demonstrates the need to maintain a mometum that matches with greater measures of pressure against Venezuela. In this context, the director of the National Security Council, John Bolton, announced measures against third parties that have economic relations with Venezuela, as well as repeating once all the measures are "on the table". 19

That is why in the menu of options of Miraflores, geographic location of who has the initiative, the statements of Chancellor Jorge Arreaza in the Security Council highlight the possibility that there may be some type of elections, contemplated in the Bolivarian constitution, as a form to further isolate intervention threats. Another consistent solution may be to hope that the Montevideo Mechanism instance, made up of Uruguay, Caricom and Mexico, will be strengthened with a possible entry from Argentina, if Cristina Fernández de Kirchner triumphs in the October presidential elections. This coalition could strengthen a dialogue, dragging other countries reluctant to support the thesis of military intervention, and achieve credible agreements that result in an electoral process that is triggering in the medium term, as it was in 2004 the recall referendum against President Hugo Chávez with the presence of a mediation mission of the OAS.

Once again, it is totally credible for the United States to continue with the thesis that all its resources of power be used in order that the threat against Venezuela be so great that it is willing to give in to a negotiation table, a way of operating in the National Security doctrine of the Trump Administration. In this sense, according to the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zajárova, "the objective of the United States' coercive measures such as sanctions is to produce a large-scale deterioration of the quality of life of [Venezuelan] citizens and a blockage of state mechanisms that ultimately lead to anarchy and chaos to avoid internal political stability. " For Russia, in addition, the next step of Washington is the implementation of a "back-up plan that tries to introduce in Venezuela armed groups illegally trained in order to carry out sabotage and subversive activities, as well as forming pockets of resistance" .

Thus the confession on the part of Abrams, "we are doing what we see, pressure in different ways", naked that beyond the shortcuts that they intend to take, there is still a window for the Bolivarian government to move an exit to the siege and suffocate with support, in the medium term, of a coalition that represents the nascent multipolar order, as in other international arenas has already occurred.

Abrams and company may believe that in the medium term, if they can not get Maduro out of power, it is feasible to create a Venezuelan counter that accumulates pressure points against the state to achieve the desired change of regime through "free elections." In Nicaragua, the historical example shows that the Reagan Administration succeeded in taking the Sandinistas, through a covert war, to some presidential ones in which they lost to Violeta Chamorro and then withdrew to the Nicaraguan armed forces as a way of safeguarding their existence. This condition was negotiated in the framework of a negotiating process supported by a group of Central American countries.

Article by: Bruno Sgarzini www.misionverdad.com

The calculation obviates the resilience of Chavism, such as the inability of Washington's local and regional allies to impose such a scenario. The wear of Guaidó, in addition, allows observing a repetition of the context of guarimbas post 2017, where the antichavist political defeat, together with the frustrated expectations, led to regional ones where the immobility of their base favored the victory to the chavismo.


Humanitarian aid from China, Russia, Cuba, UNICEF, PAHO and the UN In conversation with the delegation of the International Contact Group (GIC) of dialogue in Caracas on February 21, Vice President Delcy Rodriguez delivered a list of medicines and medical devices requesting their delivery and funding facilities. They will be delivered through the UN. The arrivals of the humanitarian aid were publicly announced by the Venezuelan Government, although reported only by a small number of media, that is, they were silenced. However, the organizers of the violent events in the Colombian-Venezuelan borders were fully aware of them. Given the amount in tons and its quality in terms of humanitarian aid already present in the country on February 22, it was obvious that they could cover the needs of the vulnerable population for a time. In this weekend, there was not, under any circumstances, a situation in Venezuela that required a forced invasion into the territory, ignoring its borders. The orders of humanitarian material in such enormous dimensions show the preoccupation of the rulers and their eorts to mitigate the crisis in the immediate, being answered in turn by the enormous eorts of other solidarity towns. The facts must be recognized, the democratic forces should take note of them and not fall into the trap of media manipulations.

The cooperation with humanitarian agencies by the Venezuelan authorities is not new, it has been a long-standing one. China, Cuba and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) sent 933 tons of humanitarian aid to Venezuela.

The cooperation with humanitarian agencies by the Venezuelan authorities is not new, it has been a long-standing one. As early as November 2018, the United Nations, in cooperation with the Common Emergency Response Fund (CERF), allocated some 9.2 million dollars in humanitarian programs in Venezuela. The objective was to improve the health and nutritional care of pregnant women, nursing mothers after high-risk pregnancies and children under ďŹ ve years of age.

It was requested by the Government. The containers arrived on February 14 at the port of La Guaira, Venezuela. The solidarity countries coordinated with the UN agencies and with the Venezuelan State in time and form the arrival and subsequent distribution in the country.

In January 2019, the CERF supplied medicines to the Venezuelan authorities for some 3,000 patients, in addition to three million pills for antiretroviral therapy. In the course of cooperation, a vaccination rate of more than 95% against measles and diphtheria was also achieved. Venezuela has maintained close cooperation with the World Health Organization for several years.

Russia sent 300 tons of humanitarian aid that entered on February 20 through the Maiquetia airport. On February 21, Russia sent another shipment of 7.5 tons of medicines to the Venezuelan population. 21

The same happens with cooperation with UNICEF. On October 7, 2018, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) signed an action plan in the order of 32 million dollars with the Government of Venezuela. The aim is to reduce maternal and infant mortality and improve conditions for the protection and development of children and adolescents.

According to UNICEF, these products will be used to treat some 25,000 pregnant women, some 10,000 newborns and some 2,300 children with HIV. The same Friday, when the US humanitarian aid He was going to "enter by sea, land and air" to Venezuela, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza reported a new conversation with the Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, agreeing on cooperation in the field of humanitarian aid.

On November 27, Venezuela signed an agreement with UNICEF for a supply of more than 130 tons of supplies (food and medicines) to Venezuela, through a program developed jointly with the Venezuelan Government, in order to optimize social programs that already they are developed in the country.

They confirmed the technical support from the UN to facilitate the purchase of food, medicines and hospital equipment. The Government of Venezuela intends to finance the aid. Due to the economic blockade, the possibilities of buying and importing medicines and medical supplies are extremely restricted.

The efforts have benefited some 350,000 people, including women and children, who have received medical and nutritional assistance. In addition, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, some 30 tons of medicines and health products were sent to the country with the intention of curbing the spread of diseases and improving health in communities with fewer resources.

Article By: Gabriele Kuehnle www.telesurtv.net


The 10 func�ons of USAID, the "Humanitarian" mega agency of the CIA The US Agency for International Development (USAID) was created in 1961 with the intention of expanding the "Marshal Plan" to the strategic countries of the world.

fascism in World War II, take power, and 2) open new markets to US companies. The link between USAID and the Office of Public Safety, then led by CIA agent Byron Engle, has been renewed year after year: in 2015 Barack Obama appointed White House National Security Council director Gayle Smith as the director of the agency.

USAID charity trucks destined for Venezuela are still stationed on the border with Colombia, while Donald Trump, the man who embodies solidarity, threatens the South American country with a military attack: he wants thousands of Venezuelans killed by the impact of bombs and bullets do so with a stomach full of cookies that could not sell in the market of developed countries, perhaps by using modified seeds, or because they were about to expire.

According to WikiLeaks, between 2004 and 2006, USAID carried out various actions in Venezuela and a donation of 15 million dollars to dozens of civil organizations, in order to carry forward the strategy of the former ambassador of Washington Venezuela William Brownfield, based on causing a fracture in chavism and organize the discontented sectors with the reforms of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela.

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) was created in 1961 with the intention of expanding the "Marshal Plan" to the strategic countries of the world, channeling its policies to 1) prevent the communist forces, which were strengthened by defeating to 23

The functions of USAID

2) To impoverish the Indians, putting an end to the savings of many small merchants and producers, who did not manage to deposit their money.

Choose the right country for the project prepared by the Secretary of State, and obviously, is not always the most needy. Then the agency must decide in which sector it is going to be involved, although its preferred ones are energy, education, health, security and agriculture. In this one it substitutes the production of food crops for commercial ones. Afterwards, he places his staff in key positions to subvert local economies. The times he hires valuable native solidarity people, is to reduce those who should be military in the political parties for a fundamental change in mere managers of charity.

3) Obtaining user data. By reducing the use of cash worldwide, it allows the US to strengthen the dollar through the predominance of its companies over international finance. 4) Monitor the global business: Washington can thus sanction, for example, the companies that work with Iran, such as China's Huawei. 5. Train the forces of repression of a state, preparing them to dismantle the resistance of the population. USAID man in Uruguay Dan Mitrione gave courses in the 1970s about the "complex art of interrogation" and how the detainees should be tortured, using "live" men and women without roofs as human guinea pigs. USAID, along with Green Berets and CIA, is involved in the torture, killing and disappearance of thousands of progressive Guatemalan men and women, training about 30,000 police and paramilitary groups for this mission. In Brazil, the Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI), a USAID contractor dedicated to destabilizing non-allied governments, operated in the same way. One of his victims was Dilma Rousseff, detained and tortured for being a Marxist student.

In colonized Iraq, USAID injects neoliberal economics, imposes massive privatizations, including a part of the oil industry, and forces the installed puppet theocracy to compare Monsanto's transgenic grains. In Peru, the agency donated 35 million dollars in the 1990s to Alberto Fujimori's campaign, whose economic measures plunged the country into misery. The solution of the USAID protégé was not to reduce poverty, but to reduce the poor: Fujimori forcibly sterilized 300,000 indigenous women. Weaken and even eliminate the institutions of the host country, creating networks and parallel entities, promoting the denationalization of the fundamental sectors in favor of the management of the "entrepreneurs". Obviously, the interest of the US bourgeoisie is not in the self-sufficiency of other countries, but quite the opposite.

6. Create thousands of jobs for US NGOs and endow them with huge public and private funds to serve the interests of donors such as Rockefeller, Soros, Gates, Ford and Omidyar, while opening markets to US corporations. USAID itself claims to return to its country about 80% of the money invested in this organization. Once Bus and its allies turned Iraq into rubbish in 2003, one of USAID's contractors, "Creative Creative Associates International Inc. (CAII)" was awarded a contract worth $ 157 million. to buy chalkboards and chalk for schools previously destroyed by American missiles.

Facilitate the CIA "plant their men in the police of strategic countries around the world," says former New York Times correspondent AJ Langguth. In fact, the USAID budget is partly the hidden financing of the US intelligence agencies. Strengthen the US dominance over world finances. In India, China's catch country for Washington, USAID in coordination with the far-right government of Narendra Modi implemented the "digitization of the economy", forcing tens of millions of people from the most disadvantaged classes of the country to abandon the payment in cash in favor of digital, giving them only one month -November 2016- to deliver their large banknotes to the bank, when most of them did not even have a bank account. and What did USAID get?

Another, International Relief and Development (IRD), received 2.4 billion dollars for the same purposes, and Halliburton and Bechtel as many others. In Afghanistan, the main recipient of US aid, and where hundreds of Western "gender experts" landed to "save women", USAID allocated 216 million dollars in 2018 to empower 75,000 women: according to the Inspector General Special for the Reconstruction of Afghanistan they only employed about 50 and the taxpayers' money vanished. It happened something similar to other 89.7 million dollars. Arnold Fields, its director was forced to resign by Congress.

1) Serve the interests of Information Technology (IT), payment service providers and credit card companies MasterCard, Visa and the Gates Foundation that promised in exchange to donate a generous check to the UN

The "Democratization of Afghanistan" led by Bush-Cheney and 300,000 NATO troops and tens of 24

8. To provoke popular protests against the governments that it repudiates under the banner of "Promotion of democracy". USAID has been expelled from Russia, the countries of ALBA (Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Dominica, Nicaragua and Venezuela) and Burkina Faso. Here, the president of Thomas Sankara, Che Guevara of Burkina Faso, was overthrown by a coup d'état sponsored by France and assassinated in 1987 in punishment for his great measures aimed at self-sufficiency of the nation. Libya, one of the most developed countries in Africa, today is the best example of this kind of "liberation".

thousands of the "Jihadist" subcontractor of the Pentagon, in addition to ending the lives of nearly one million Afghans and causing the flight of millions of Afghans. families of their homes, has meant erasing the historical memory of this nation from the textbooks: few remember that the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (1978-1992), led by the Communists, eliminated usury, the cultivation of opium, legalized the unions, established a minimum wage law, the collective agreement, equality between men and women, which allowed for the first time 40% of doctors were women as well as 60% of the faculty of the University of Kabul. Education was declared free and universal, as well as health, also doubling beds in hospitals. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), the number of civilians killed or injured in the NATO attacks in 2017 increased by 50% compared to 2016, and that two thirds of the total were women, boys and girls . Today in USAID schools they do not teach the values of the collectivity, but the most perverse individualism of "save yourself who can."

9. Create their own apparently depoliticized media (Sports, music, etc.) by sending subliminal messages to the benefit of the market economy, consumerism, lack of solidarity, etc. USAID, through the OTI, introduced in 2010 in Cuba a messaging system similar to Twitter called ZunZuneo. While collecting the personal data of hundreds of thousands of users through their mobile phones, I intended to organize dissent on the web and also on the streets. Creative Associates International Inc. (CAII), another of USAID's contractors, sponsored some rappers to catch the youth.

7. Undermine the resistance to imperialism and the allied dictatorships, in countries in tension, alleviating hunger in a timely manner and at specific moments with a handout, preventing the population from organizing demanding social justice. In Egypt, both in the period of the Mubarak regime and today under the despotism of General al Sisi, Washington forces Cairo to buy weapons when thousands of people live in cemeteries, and then sends it to USAID to distribute bread in neighborhoods that They rose during the kidnapped "Spring" of 2011, undermining the resistance. He has done the same in Haiti: in the neighborhoods where the workers had organized "public pots" to demand justice, he distributes miserable bags of food, forging loyalties: "everyone would kiss the hands that he gives them to eat," he thought.

10. Receive more subsidy for further destruction because of the war: in March 2017, the US bombed "by mistake" a building in Mosul killing 105 Iraqi civilians: two days before USAID had submitted its request for new budget for the reconstruction of Iraq: Merchants of "war-construction"? Firemen pyromaniacs? All resemblance to the scene of the movie "Child" in which Charlot proposes to his son to break the windows of the neighborhood to profit by installing new glasses is purely coincidental! If war and poverty were not so profitable, they would be forbidden by law.

By: Nazanín Armanian www.telesurtv.net



EDITORIAL TEAM: Jose Avila, Keyla Castillo, Milka Aweyo, Fredrick Kasuku, CONTACT: UN Crescent, Opposite Diplomatic Police Gigiri, Nairobi Kenya, P. O. Box 2437- 00621, Tel: (+254 - 20) 712 06 . 48 / 712 06 . 49


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