2015 July September

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R 2015



Volume 3, Issue 3

The Homeland of Bolivar, ChĂĄvez & Maduro Should be Respected

Bolivarian Government of Venezuela

Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs Office of The Deputy Minister for Africa

Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Kenya Concurrent to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia

Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations Environment programme (UNEP)and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (ONU Habitat).

DIRECTOR: Professor Jhony Balza Arismendi, Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the Republic of Kenya and Permanent Representative to UNEP and UN - Habitat. CONTRIBUTORS: Ricardo Salas Castillo, Deputy Head of Mission, Counsellor, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the Republic of Kenya. Keyla Castillo, AttachĂŠ, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the Republic of Kenya. Daniel Ascanio Montesinos, Second Secretary, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the Republic of Kenya. Daniel Mwangi, Administrative Support (Language revision). Sara Perez Administrative Support DESIGN / PRINTING: By Smiling Miles Ventures smilingmilesventures@gmail.com 0733 442 714

Published by the Venezuelan Embassy in the Republic of Kenya CONTACT INFORMATION: UN Crescent, Opposite Diplomatic Police, Gigiri, Nairobi Kenya P. O. Box 2437- 00621 Tel: (+254 - 20) 712 06 . 48 / 712 06 . 49 email: bulletin.nairobi@gmail.com Website: kenia.embajada.gob.ve


July - September 2015 Volume 3 Issue. 3

EMBER 2015



Volume 3, Issue 3


The cover picture shows liberator Bolívar, former president Chávez and president Maduro.

The Homeland of Bolivar, Chávez & Maduro Should be Respected

Bolivarian Government of Venezuela

Editor's comment Communique

Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs Office of The Deputy Minister for Africa

Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Kenya Concurrent to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia

Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations Environment programme (UNEP)and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (ONU Habitat).

3 5

Petrocaribe Energy for Union

Jamaica letter

Editor's Comment


Homeland of Bolívar Chávez and Maduro 8

Venezuela Colombia border situation 10 President Maduro’s 2015 Speech at UN Headquarters, New York 12-13 Fauna, Flora & Oil




The Mediterranean, the common Grave of migrants 18-19

We celebrate more than two years since the start of this publication, this is our 10th issue. We have established as a priority informing our readers of our national events, together with other tasks in the framework of bilateralism and multilateralism. Disseminate and promote information about the Venezuelan reality is fundamentally strategic and an obligatory task before the world when corporate media distort and discredit our efforts as a country to set ourselves up as independent and sovereign country, convinced that the interests of our people are above any other interest . Venezuela will remain open, despite the ideological war that it is submitted to, to meet the challenges of this historic time. Intensely and passionately we will follow in this effort to disseminate the ideas of human fulfillment in peace and freedom.

Venezuela promotes cooperation and solidarity 20 - 22

Jhony Balza Arismendi Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the Republic of Kenya, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Environment Programme, (UNEP) and UN - Habitat

Meeting of Venezuelan Ambassadors in Africa, 4th - 6th September 2015

Dakar Declaration W

e, inspired by the Letter of Jamaica, written by Simon Bolivar, a key document in the history of Venezuela and our America on the occasion of its bicentennial under the Ninth Meeting of Ambassadors and Heads of Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Africa, chaired by Professor Reinaldo Bolivar, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs for Africa of the Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Recalling that in the land of Senegal in West Africa, the heroic warriors set off who staged Wolof, in December 1522, the first revolt against slavery in America, a foundational action of the struggles against exploitation and colonialism; Considering the emergence and mobilization of terrorist groups and armed paramilitaries, the tragedy that forced migration has produced; that terrorism is supported financially by the dominant powers that affect the whole world, especially to countries that are fighting for their emancipation; Analyzing the serious threats to the peace, security, independence and development of our nation and brother African countries, by the destabilizing and interventionist aggressive action of the current imperial powers;


Understanding that these attacks generate social, political, economic and security similar as we live in Venezuela in the form of economic warfare, killings, paramilitaries, smuggling problems, among other manifestations of violence; In our capacity as Ambassadors, promoters and advocates for peace, justice and international law, we decided to stay in State of Alertness to participate in building a strong movement for peace, security of our nations, non-interference and the defense of our institutions and natural resources; We reiterate our unconditional support to Comrade President, Nicolas Maduro in the decisions that for these purposes must be arranged with the supreme goal of achieving peace and a dignified life, which was promoted by our Eternal Commander Hugo Chavez Frias. Dakar, September 05th, 2015

A Historic Document: 1815-2015 Roadmap for today’s integration On September 6th 1815, while in exile in Jamaica, our liberator Simon Bolivar drafted the Letter of Jamaica, also known as in its original title "Reply of a South American to a Gentleman of This Island". This document was Bolivar's response to a letter he received from Mr. Henry Cullen, a Jamaican businessman of British origin, which was intended to draw the attention of the Caribbean people to libertarian causes of the time. In this letter Simón Bolívar expressed his thoughts and hopes for the Americas; After the fall of the First (1810-1812) and the Second Republic (1813-1814) in Venezuela, despite the apparent defeat, Bolivar did not give up and left us as historical heritage a prophetic document that will trace the road map for the future relations of cooperation and integration of Latin American countries. These integrationist ideas are still valid after 200 years because this cause is not over yet. President Chavez, in his presidency (1998-2013), acted always influenced by the thinking of Bolivar, he gave life to these visions of Bolivar referred to the creation of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples Our America - Treaty of Commerce of the People (ALBA-TCP) in 2004, then two years later the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in 2011. September This year claims the bicentennial of this historic document, which remains the letter of commitment to finalize the emancipatory ideas that our people continue to claim at this historic moment.We consider it important to emphasize some ideas of that time in this document that are transcendent today: “More than anyone, I desire to see America fashioned into the greatest nation in the world, greatest not so much by virtue of her area and wealth as by her freedom and glory.” “Since it is not possible for us to select the most perfect and complete form of government, let us avoid falling into demagogic anarchy or monocratic tyranny. These opposite extremes would only wreck us on similar reefs of misfortune and dishonor; hence, we must seek a mean between them. I say: Do not adopt the best system of government, but the one that is most likely to succeed.” “The states of the Isthmus of Panamá, as far as Guatemala, will perhaps form a confederation. Because of their magnificent position between two mighty oceans, they may in time become the emporium of the world. Their canals will shorten distances throughout the world, strengthen commercial ties between Europe, America, and Asia, and bring to that happy area tribute from the four quarters of the globe. There someday, perhaps, the capital of the world may be located – reminiscent of the Emperor Constantine’s claim that Byzantium was the capital of the ancient world.” “It is a grandiose idea to think of consolidating the New World into a single nation, united by pacts into a single bond. It is reasoned that, as these parts have a common origin, language, customs, and religion, they ought to have a single government to permit the newly formed states to unite in a confederation.” “When success is not assured, when the state is weak, and when results are distantly seen, all men hesitate; opinion is divided, passions rage, and the enemy fans these passions in order to win an easy victory because of them. As soon as we are strong and under the guidance of a liberal nation which will lend us her protection, we will achieve accord in cultivating the virtues and talents that lead to glory. Then will we march majestically toward that great prosperity for which South America is destined.”



1815 - 2015


Antigua & Barbuda












Dominican Republic

Saint Kitts & Nevis

Sait Vincent & The Grenadines

Saint Lucia



Petrocaribe Energy for Union COMMUNIQUÉ OF MEMBER COUNTRIES OF PETROCARIBE IN DEFENSE OF THE SOVEREIGNTY AND INDEPENDENCE OF VENEZUELA PETROCARIBE member countries, according to their full adherence to international law, “we express our permanent and unwavering determination to uphold the principles of independence, self-determination, sovereignty and sovereignequality of States, which govern the harmonious relations of countries in the international community. The member countries of this cooperation continue to advocate for brotherhood and regional integration, in an atmosphere of peace and respect for the internal political order of our countries. It is for this reason that we recognize and respect the full exercise of the judiciary within a constitutional democratic rule of law, such as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, where the competent court in the exercise of its sovereign jurisdiction, has issued a statement to address acts of a terrorist nature and thus the effective protection of human rights of victims. Caribbean countries consonant with its policy of respect and non-intervention in the internal affairs of nations and attached to our historical struggle for emancipation, continue to defend our democratic right to exercise full independence without interference by any foreign country seeking to intervene with the intention to take over our strategic resources and abort the emancipation process in the exercise of self-determination of the people.” PETROCARIBE countries expressed their firm determination to continue building a region of peace and prosperity for our people attached to our legitimate right to defend the independence and sovereignty of our countries. Caracas, September 15th, 2015 6

COMMUNIQUÉ OF THE COUNTRIES OF ALBA-TCP IN DEFENSE OF THE SOVEREIGNTY AND INDEPENDENCE OF VENEZUELA The countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Treaty of Commerce of the People (ALBA-TCP) express its firm commitment to the principles of independence, self-determination, sovereignty and legal equality of states, which allow a harmonious relationship of the members of the international community. The ALBA-TCP countries cannot accept attitudes that seek to interfere with or constitute interference in the internal affairs of a State by another State or other States, thereby they express --their concern about valuations from legal decisions in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, acting through the relevant public authorities and under their sovereign rights to confront acts of a terrorist nature and for the effective protection of human rights of the victims. Certain countries that have commented on this fact demonstrate the double standard that undermines the international legal order and supports the political conditions to overthrow the constitutional order and seize their governments’ strategic natural resources. These high-sounding declarations intended to conceal serious violations of human rights in their own territories and also prevent the deepening of democratic and redistributive processes that ALBA-TCP countries have been developing in the exercise of their right of self-determination. The ALBA-TCP countries alert the public about the smear campaign and attacks against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which they will need to be vigilant against threats to its independence and sovereignty. Caracas, September 14th, 2015.


The homeland of Bolívar, Chávez and Maduro is still threatened "There will be no shortage of those who try to take advantage of difficult situations to maintain that commitment to the restoration of capitalism, neoliberalism, to end with the country" Hugo Chávez, 2012

By: Jhony Balza Arismendi, Venezuelan Ambassador to Kenya,

Since 1998, once the triumph of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela was known, a process of destabilization against his government began. Distinct domestic sectors in partnership with international economic and financial groups initiated a plan of opposition-destabilization in the country. This is for several reasons; one of them, being that a revolution would be established in Venezuela that would address the social and economic problems of the majority of the population. Hugo Chávez's win meant for the local bourgeoisie losing hegemony, losing political power, to be displaced from the privileges that they had long usurped. Losing several economic and political privileges was another reason that they to undertook a set of adverse plans against the revolutionary and democratic government that was installed in Venezuela, in 1998 by popular mandate. 8

From the year 1999 at national level, President Chávez dismantled one by one the various neoliberal programs that agencies like the IMF and the WB had been implementing since the decade of the year 80s. There was no doubt that Venezuela began a series of transformations where the people play a leading role. Chávez inspired in the Bolivarian thought claimed the sovereign character of the Venezuelan State, reaffirmed the independence and emphasized the will to define a new relationship with the world. A human development project was launched inspired in values rooted in our independence historical process. A cycle that stopped the coveted exploitation of natural and energy resources by some imperialist corporations began. Chávez established as a strategic priority, boosting international relations to strengthen the South-South cooperation in the framework of solidarity and complementarity. These ideas were left by Chávez as a legacy. The Bolivarian Revolution claims its right to exist by discontinuing projects defined by colonial doctrines of hegemonic and imperialist governments, for programs inspired by the emancipatory dimension of Simón Bolívar. Chávez formulated a roadmap to support the stimulus to integration processes fundamentally between Latin America and the Caribbean ALBA-TCP, PETROCARIBE, UNASUR and CELAC. No doubt Chávez's strategic vision would propitiate a geopolitical architecture that would strengthen links beyond North. In this manner, a feat to strengthen ties with China, Russia, India and others began, besides reaffirming the historical links with Africa, relaunching the Africa-South America (ASA) dialogue table. Anyone keen on international relations can understand that these new parameters of the Venezuelan foreign policy worried the hegemonic US policy that historically has destabilized those who try to impede the expansionist plans of its power groups. A variety of financial and military groups in the world are concerned about the existence of any model that represents an alternative proposal to the capitalist model, especially if it Continuation

comes from a country like Venezuela which holds the main oil reserve in the world. These groups try to prevent at all costs the sovereign and emancipatory processes in Latin America and the Caribbean. These groups aim to choke and stop the Venezuelan Revolution.

The destabilizing plans against Venezuela are increasing These plans are not new; there were the attempts of the oil strike of 2002 and the 2003 coup attempt against President Chavez. There was the coup attempt in February 2015 against President Maduro, plus all the constant interventionist actions favored by foreign governments, hundreds of NGO (USAID, NED) and the whole structure of communication corporations that daily with perversity and lies run campaigns from different countries of the world to misrepresent the progress and achievements of the Venezuelan revolution in public and social policies. Discrediting Chรกvez's legacy and the legitimacy of President Nicolรกs Maduro is now the main objective of these destabilizing plans against Venezuela. The communication campaign tries to demoralize the Venezuelan people that play a leading role in the transformation of Venezuelan society. This vicious media campaign seeks to ignore the legitimate government of President Nicolรกs Maduro who is guarantor with the people of the legacy that President Chรกvez left us. They have been 16 years of constant aggression to undermine the Venezuelan political process. The aggression plans against Venezuela do not stop; there are international logistical and economic plans to encourage internal opposition that triggers various conspiratorial actions that accrue daily. The campaign of information matrices to attack Venezuela overflows its limits. Use of lies to defame, to misrepresent the Venezuelan reality, they do not tell the truth they are only left with lies to use. The Venezuelan people despite the particular problems faced every day strive to build an inclusive, humanistic and revolutionary society. A communications war trying to discredit the Venezuelan democratic process and display it

as a government that does not respect the rules of international coexistence is encouraged. They persist in representing Venezuela as a threat to its neighbors in terms of security. Remember Obama's statement as part of the security strategy of the United States to signal Venezuela in the month of February 2015 as a threat. This statement meant aggression and disrespect for international law and our sovereignty. They have used all kinds of plans against Venezuela, they have resorted to all sorts of blackmail and pressure against sister nations of Latin American and Caribbean region to hinder the progress of integration that every day strengthens the independence process that the Latin American and Caribbean people deserve. They have raised from Colombia since August 2015, encouraged by national and international financial sectors, a campaign against Venezuela for having decided to stick to our constitutional right, defend our territorial integrity. The Venezuelan government issued a set of measures, including the decree on state of emergency (closure to an area of the Colombian Venezuelan border), to dismantle networks of fuel smuggling, illegal business practices and deviation of food that severely affects the Venezuelan economy. The Venezuelan government justified the application of the decree a state of emergency to deal with the presence of Colombian paramilitary groups that propitiate violent actions against the Venezuelan people. Venezuela has the legitimate right to establish constitutional measures to avoid any destabilizing actions. As a democratic State and respectful of permanent dialogue, we trust in regional bodies to propitiate agreements and decisions that promote the principles of peace held by the Bolivarian government. In the belief that they will guarantee the stability required in the border between Venezuela and Colombia to the integral development of both nations.

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs

THE TRUTH ABOUT THE VENEZUELACOLOMBIA BORDER SITUATION Colombia has been ravaged by more than 50 years of a civil conflict that has presented security concerns for Venezuela along our shared border. The effects of this war, including drug trafficking, paramilitary violence and the second highest number of displaced persons in the world, have spilled over throughout the hemisphere, leading the U.S. to appoint a special envoy to the peace process in 2015. Venezuela has played a crucial role under both presidents Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro in seeking a solution to the conflict, including helping to negotiate the release of captives and supporting the peace talks. However, Venezuela has been forced to take extraordinary constitutional measures by closing a partial section of our border in order to protect our citizens. Serious threats to our national and economic security have risen in the past few years, including the incursion of paramilitary violence, drug-trafficking and the proliferation of illicit commercial practices such as contraband of subsidized gasoline, food, medicine, and other basic products, as well as currency manipulation schemes that affect the economic conditions of the population. Despite these problems, Venezuela remains committed to supporting peace and ensuring the wellbeing and human rights of refugees, migrants and citizens alike. On September 4, Venezuela ordered a partial opening of the section of the border it had closed in order to facilitate legal commerce, and to permit students and workers to cross.

Threats to Economic and Citizen Security: Paramilitary violence The latest incident that spurred the extraordinary measures was an attack on 3 members of the Venezuelan Armed Forces and 1 civilian while conducting an anti-contraband operation in the border city of San Antonio del Táchira. Unfortunately, this has not been the only case of Colombian paramilitary violence in Venezuela during the last several months, but rather part of a build up that includes cases as grave as the assassination of Congressman Robert Serra, a member of Venezuela’s National Assembly, and many others. Contraband Smuggling and contraband have become lucrative criminal activities along the Venezuela-Colombia border region, particularly with regards to gasoline and food, medicine and basic products that are subsidized in Venezuela. For instance, oil smugglers can obtain a 3,000% profit by transferring gas illegally from Venezuela to Colombia. In Cúcuta, Colombia, 5 gallons of gasoline cost 14,000 bolívares, while in Venezuela the cost is no more than 3 bolívares. Other basic and household products like corn flour used to make the traditional arepas cost 650 bolívares in Colombia compared to 19 in Venezuela. This is what is known as “extraction contraband”. Continuation

• At least 30% of Venezuela’s food imports are smuggled out of the country. • Around 40% of Venezuela’s goods in general are smuggled out. • 80% of products sold in Cúcuta, Colombia, are smuggled from Venezuela. • The partial border closing is saving Venezuela over 260,000 gallons of gas a day. • Venezuela loses at least $2 billion a year from contraband. Currency manipulation These practices seek to undermine the value of the Venezuelan bolívar. Persons with Venezuelan bank notes of 100 bolívares can sell these bills at currency exchange counters in Colombia for 140 bolívares each and return to Venezuela with 40% percent profit for each 100 bolívares bill sold. In Cúcuta, more than 1,000 exchange centers contribute to the de facto devaluation of the Venezuelan bolívar. Measures taken by the Venezuelan Government President Maduro announced a “state of exception” in two areas in the border region. The Venezuelan government has repeatedly called upon our Colombian counterparts to develop a shared strategy for the border zone and make it “a Bolivarian area of cooperation”, as President Maduro has described it. The state of exception has enabled Venezuelan police and security forces to:

• Arrest at least 32 alleged paramilitaries; • Dismantle a prostitution brothel where minors were being sexually exploited; • Discover and raid a house used for the production of explosives; • Discover a mass grave with 13 corpses; • Discover and raid underground dungeons presumably used for stashing kidnap victims; • Seize 385 tons of hoarded, subsidized food during the first five days of operations; and • Curtail the illicit diversion of thousands of tons of food, thousands of barrels of gasoline and other subsidized commodities that had been routinely transported illegally across the border into Colombian frontier towns. Colombians in Venezuela: A history of peace and integration There are 5.7 million Colombian citizens living in Venezuela who have been included in our social programs, including free education and healthcare, and subsidized food and housing. It is estimated that an average of 150,000 Colombians migrate to Venezuela annually in search of a better life. The United Nations Human Rights Council has recognized Venezuela’s humane treatment of refugees, acknowledging our global leadership by allowing refugees to benefit from our social programs and by not having refugee camps, thus easing the assimilation process into Venezuelan society. President Nicolas Maduro believes we can build a new border of peace, productivity, unity and respect, within a legal framework.


Address by President Nicolás Maduro to the 70th General Assembly of the United Nations Organization UN Headquarters, New York Distinguished delegations from the various sister nations of the world, we witness today the signs of a new epoch for humanity. The United Nations system arrives at its 70th anniversary as it attempts to heal the deep wounds of the most destructive war humankind had ever endured. World War II left physical marks in millions of women and men, and very deep moral marks caused by the fight against fascism and nazi fascism and its various forms of despising of the human essence, for the diverse essence of culture and human civilization. Seventy years ago, humanity began to build a system for encounters and, as Pope Francis said just a few hours ago from this very rostrum, to draw a route in the construction of a common house – the Common House of Humankind. We are close to the end of this Summit to set the goals common to our countries, to our people, to our governments concerning social development as a core element of this Summit to review the Millennium Goals and to define the 2030 agenda, the 2030 Plan. I wish to acknowledge and congratulate the delegations of all the countries on their work of many months to evaluate the 2000-2015 goals. They managed to integrate the proposals from various countries, from various governments, with various visions, and render what we are approving today, the 2030 Development Agenda. From Venezuela, we say it is an agenda for the development of a world of equals, a 2030 agenda to eradicate inequalities which constitute the source and the womb of all miseries, of all poverty, of the cultures that cab discarded, as Pope Francis said in his tour around Cuba and the United States. Poverty is the offspring of the inequality imposed by domination systems over centuries all over the planet which tore Africa apart for centuries, thus imposing colonialism and slavery. Inequality is, in turn, the offspring of all forms of domination, exclusion and exploitation which devastated the aboriginal cultures, the primeval cultures currently represented in our America by our brother Evo Morales Ayma of whom we take pride. Inequality is the womb of all miseries and all poverty. If we wish to set lofty objectives, as we effectively intend, if we wish to meet the lofty goals we set today – 17 goals which have been defined by our delegations and that we are subscribing to today; 169 objectives to move forward with such significant topics as abating poverty, inclusive, cost-free, public and quality education, universal healthcare, universal right to housing, right to the environment, respect for Pacha Mama, that is, respect for Mother Earth. If we wish to move forward with the lofty goals and objectives that we have set, there is no doubt that we need to think of constructing an alternative economic

model, an alternative social model, an alternative model for power relations in the world for the next 15 years. There is no other way, we say in Venezuela, precisely after going through 15 years attaining the Millenium Goals, one of the most beautiful, deep and significant processes of our history, which we experienced hand in hand with our brothers and sisters of Latin America and the Caribbean an awakening process, a process of reinvigoration of the struggles waged by those who were poor in the past, by those who were the forgotten ones, the shirtless, the barefoot. In the past 15 years, from 2000 to 2015, Venezuela has undertaken an economic, social and political revolution – The Bolivarian Revolution inspired in the fundamental original cause of our Liberator Simon Bolivar, designed, directed and conducted by our unforgettable Commander The first step was to regain our political independence – the capacity to make decisions on our domestic affairs, the capacity to plan how to invest our national wealth. The second step was to regain our natural resources, and especially, to recover the wealth produced by the Venezuelan oil, the nationalization of our natural resources, the sovereign management of our fundamental resources, produced in our homeland, in this case, oil. The third step was to constitutionally reinstate the fundamental rights of our people, rights which were denied for decades by the domestic oppression systems which were subject and submissive to foreign world powers beyond the borderlines of our homeland. Such path, in our humble experience -and we say it today at this Summit on the 2030 Goals- such path undertaken by our people which has meant a deep and genuine Revolution is what placed us in conditions to begin to establish and practice and construct a wealth redistribution system and reinstate the elements leading to economic equality and universal access to wealth. Our Commander used to say since the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution that if we wish to overcome poverty, let us empower the poor, let us empower the people. And when we speak of power, we refer, first, to the national branches of power. When we speak of power, we mean the citizens’ power – To empower the people so that they themselves take the reins of the construction of their own happiness, and overcome their own conditions. Today, Venezuela can actually present a satisfactory balance, a positive balance to the United Nations Organization General Assembly. Today, Venezuela can say that the significant wealth of our country has been distributed through investment in education, housing, healthcare, the right to food and the right to life.


We have managed to revert the exclusion trends of the capitalist culture to discard, paraphrasing Pope Francis, and from investing in the past barely 33% of the national income, of the national wealth. Today Venezuela invests 62% of the national wealth in the development of our people, in the development of equal conditions to abate poverty and misery with resulting indexes showing significant improvements in education, healthcare, employment, labor remuneration. We have managed to reverse the trends towards de-regulation of labor conditions of the workers, creation of precarious Jobs that overexploit workers, especially the youngest workers. The right to a stable job, as referred to by documents of the United Nations Organization, the right to a decent job, which we call the right to a fair and egalitarian job, is a fundamental right if we wish to think of protagonist people who can overcome their difficulties and their poverty and misery. We have fully adopted with full satisfaction the 17 goals that have been proposed for this new term, 2015-2030. They are 17 goals to eradicate poverty, put an end to hunger, ensure healthcare, guarantee a quality education, attain gender equality, guarantee the availability and sustainable management of water, and ensure the access to energy on a fair basis as we currently do through the Petrocaribe project. Made up of 18 member states, Petrocaribe provides for joint projects for a genuine access to energy, which I deem worthy of study by the committees that will follow up this 2015-2030 plan. So, it is a plan with 17 goals to foster fair economic growth, a transformation of an economic model as provided by the 8th goal. Without the transformation of the unfair economic model, of the single mind model which attempts to impose political and social conditions that are unacceptable for our people, a model that is imposed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on our countries which renders impossible the development and the attainment of the long-awaited, lofty, necessary and just goals that we are proposing for 2015-2030. Only a deep transformation of the economic systems, only a full and absolute change of the systems imposed by the single minded neoliberal thinking that the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank represent, the goals and objectives proposed today to eradicate poverty and develop universal social happiness can be economically viable and sustainable. Lastly, Mr. President, dear brothers, dear sisters of the governments represented at the United Nations Organization, 2030 is a goal that must bind us all. Based on the history of the last 15 years, and of the 70 years of the United Nations System, which involved great challenges and big problems faced by humanity, we think that the next 15 years will bring big challenges for the consolidation of world peace, for the consolidation of new fair, equality-based, inclusive relations, for the construction of social and technological models enabling our people to access the rights that today are denied to over 1.2 billion poor people existing in the world today. Those are significant topics that the United Nations Organization has to define. If it is true that for the attainment of these

social goals a new economic model becomes necessary, as well as addressing new schemes for the construction of equality, it is also true, at least we believe so in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, that the construction of a system ensuring peace and sovereignty for our people also becomes necessary. The tragic history endured today by the Arab people, our brothers and sisters in Africa, and our brothers and sisters in Asia with the most tragic and painful massive migration ever known to humanity in 70 years of history at this time suffered by the Mediterranean countries and Europe, is but an example of what I mean. What is the cause for such massive migration that flees from misery and pain? There is one cause alone: Unfair wars that attempt to conquer entire countries. Fifteen years for the Millennium Goals have elapsed, how come that that region of the world is living a scary movie? Millions of Muslim Arab brothers and sisters in the Middle East look for a thread of peace, a beacon of hope. The specific concrete cause which has negatively impacted these brotherly people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria is but the unfair imperialist wars, the attempt to control the world by a single hegemony which intends to dominate the people. Let us stop the unfair wars! Let us stop the imperialist wars! In this fashion there will be truly human conditions to move towards lofty objectives which, after 70 years of the United Nations system, humanity has been able to identify and construct. As Pope Francis said with a full house and the moving applause from all cultures and all the peoples, if we wish to have by 2030 a common house -and we in Venezuela have that dream and will indefatigably struggle to make it true- we need to think of a common house without imperialist wars, without destruction, without racism, without xenophobia, without looking down on others, without inequality. Let us think of a common cause of the people whose relations are based on the respect for the international laws and let the people take on the 2030 Agenda as the great human agenda for the construction of peace, happiness and universal justice. Thank you very much, dear brothers! Thank you very much dear sisters! The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its joy for and abides by this 2030 Plan. Thank you very much! 70th General Assembly of the United Nations Organization UNO Headquarters, New York, Sunday September 27th, 2015

President NicolĂĄs Maduro: Racism is the ghost of slavery that haunts our people Racism is a ghost that even after 200 years of independence struggle, remains a ghost that haunts the people of the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean, the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, said Monday.

People of African Descent Leadership Summit With the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela NicolĂĄs Maduro

“From South America, believe me, dear brothers in the United States, we have suffered with you finding that the old racism is out there like a ghost chasing our people," the Venezuelan leader said during his participation in the Summit of Leaders of African Descent, in the National Black Theater of Harlem, in New York, USA, after a meeting with union leaders of the North American country. "We must build a new setup where we are recognized as human beings, as brothers and sisters," said the Head of State in his speech broadcast by Venezolana de Television. He said that racism is a legacy of the slave ideas imposed by European colonies on the continent, and through the years, "exterminated more than 80 million indigenous grandparents were from Alaska to Patagonia", He said the feeling of struggle is shared among all indigenous and African communities killed for imperial interests. "We consider Africa our mother, a loving mother who knew how to bring us her singing, her drum, her joy and that despite the pain and the feelings transcended in her drum in her dancing, in her song as a tribute to those that were, but above all what we will be too," he said. During the meeting attended by various activists and defenders of the rights of black communities, as Estela Vasquez, Ivette Modestin, James Early, Esmeralda Brown and Michael Lythctott to discuss the lines that strengthen and reinforce the struggle for equal rights of these communities , constantly buffeted by racism characteristic of countries neoliberal economic systems. 14

In this regard, the representative of Blacks Lives Matter, Opal Tometti denounced that racism was a new way of slavery that prevented equality for black communities," product of Western policies". "I am also aware that justice has to do with the racial aspects. What we are experiencing is the manifestation of anti-black racism and this is State violence, we must call it by its name. The brutality of the police, the murders of blacks, violence against Afrodescendant community, everything is evidence of the violence of the State," he complained, referring to the various murders recently perpetrated by security forces against members of the black community in the United States. Meanwhile, Ivette Modestin, member of the Black Institute and the Movement of Women of African Descent, warned that the fight against racism is everyone's responsibility and that unity must prevail in this fight. He also presented a platform of demands within the framework of the International Decade of descendants of Africans that began last 1st January, 2015, agreed on in 2013 in the United Nations (UN).According to her, the people of African descent should enjoy equal civil rights, the right to education, proper health, gender equality, access to justice and to extend protection to children and adolescents.

President Maduro recognition The Venezuelan Head of State received on Monday recognition by the leaders of African descent to vindicate the rights of the Venezuelan people, and it was delivered by Senator Bill Perkins. Continuation

"President Maduro was a big supporter of Hugo Chavez. He began fighting in 1999 when he was elected to the Constituent Assembly, where he began to work steadily in the defense of the rights of the people (...) served as a deputy of the National Assembly that he then presided in 2005 ", before being appointed as Foreign Minister by Chavez, "until in 2013 when he was proposed by the Commander to be his predecessor and thus the people elected him President of the Republic," Perkins said. In turn he highlighted the role played by Maduro in social policies in continuation of the legacy of Chavez and serving the most vulnerable sectors of the country, including the Afro-descendant community that lives in Venezuela.

Alliance between countries with same ideals In order to vindicate the rights of the countries attacked by the imperial interference of US, the Venezuelan president informed that he would propose on Tuesday -during his speech at the UN General Assembly a new partnership for the total reconstruction of the nations affected by invasions, which led to a massive displacement of its citizens to Europe.

"Convene a summit of peoples, social movements and leaders who love their people and seeking justice and we can define joint plans, seeing opportunities available within the perspective of building a new power to replace the powers that exploit us, rob us," he said. He also indicated that the objectives agreed in the UN connect with the aspirations of people and social struggles, while committing to comply -together with the Bolivarian Revolution - with the 17 points and include them in the Plan Homeland created by the commander Hugo Chavez. Also he considered it important that the people of the world are aware of each of the decisions made at the UN in favor of the development of mankind, especially the social movements that do not stop their struggle against racism, discrimination and human exploitation. "Let's have full knowledge of this historic UN decision and we can engage our local, sectoral, regional, national struggles with a global struggle for these lofty goals that can bring humanity to a higher state of spiritual, social, ethical, physical and material development," said the President. The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda is the plan of action for the international community and governments to promote common prosperity and welfare for the next 15 years. Among the 17 agreed targets, the first focuses on the fight against extreme poverty in all its forms. This considers the fight against hunger, progress towards food security and sustainable agriculture.

"We must demand a reconstruction plan for Africa, Syria, Iraq; return to these people the ability to rebuild in peace, " he said in response to the devastation left by bombardment by Washington and its allies that have killed thousands of innocent and caused the migration of at least 300,000 people to European nations such as Italy and Greece in search of refuge. He also emphasized the need to take as an example of "stormy failures of imperialist unjust wars of the last 10 or 15 years," military attacks on countries like Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq, to observe from another angle human tragedies caused by the empire for the sole purpose of satisfying their own interests.

Gran summit in Caracas In the activity President Maduro proposed to all the leaders of social movements and groups of African descent, a Summit of the People in Caracas in the coming days to discuss the 17 targets agreed at the Summit Agenda 2015-2030 held at the UN.

It also raises as an objectives: ensuring a healthy lifestyle and promoting the welfare of people; ensuring an inclusive, equitable, quality education and promoting learning opportunities; achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. Also, ensure the availability of water and its sustainable management; ensure access to affordable, safe, sustainable energy; promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth; full and productive employment and decent work for all; promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Such objectives seek to reduce inequalities within and between countries, the adoption of urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects, and the protection, restoration and promotion of sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, the promotion of peaceful societies and access to -justice, among others. Source: AVN, September 29th,-2015


Venezuela, where the Oil is at the service of the people and the environment

Fauna, Flora & Oil

By Mayerling Valladares

Released Species Arrau Turtle: 100,000 Tortoise: 2,000 Deers: 30 Bear Melero: 2 The Orinoco Crocodile: 3 Babos Ilaneros: 10

(Sometimes Called Baby Aligators By Its Size):

Terecay Turtle: 2,000 Ornamental Birds: 300 Giant Anteater: 2 Capybara: 1 Galapagos Tortoises: 30 Snakes: 30

The Manuel Cedeño Environmental Centre, located in the production block of Petrocedeño, in San Diego Cabrutica is a biological station and exhibition centre for the breeding and for the reinsertion of wildlife. 16

In an area of 504 square kilometers of PDVSA Petrocedeño, located in municipality of San Diego of Cabrutica, Monagas, and south of Anzoategui state, the Manuel Cedeño Environmental Centre (CESA) develops its work to protect wildlife within the oil production block and its their areas of influence, and thus ensure biodiversity. CESA, which is also known as the Biological Station and Exhibition Centre, for Breeding and for Reintroduction of Wildlife of Petrocedeño SA, is attached to the Management of Sustainable Development of the joint venture, of Orinoco Oil Belt Executive Management. The Biological Station, inaugurated on July 20, 2006 in order to help establish the technical basis for the conservation, the rational use and management of wildlife, is working on raising and breeding of seven species: the white-tailed deer, the Arrau turtle, the capybara, the Orinoco crocodile, tortoise and the terecay turtle, and to facilitate the nesting of some birds species in the surrounding areas. The coordinator-director of CESA, Raimundo Rodriguez, notes that some species are supplied by the Ministry of People’s Power for Ecosocialism and Water and the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) which have been confiscated. “We’ve received different species of birds, snakes, tortoise, deer, iguanas, porcupines, melero bears, among others which are then released into their habitat”

Annually, PDVSA Petrocedeño, a joint venture formed by PDVSA, Statoil and Total, in synergy with the Ministry of People’s Power for Ecosocialism and Water as the governing entity. Conservation Program of La Tortuga Arrau performs the release of Arrau turtles in the context of World Environment Day celebrated on June 5 every year. “By 2014, the reintroduction of 19,000 species in the Orinoco River is expected. This action helps to increase the rate of survival of the species. The medium rate in captivity is around 88% and in our facilities we have managed to achieve a rate of 98% since the reinsertion is not only done during the harvest” said Rodriguez.

Harmonic Synergy PDVSA Petrocedeño is the only company in the world that has a biological station display like CESA within its block of oil production. “Other companies might support such initiative, but do not have this type of installation in the area of oil production,” Observes Rodriguez. Optimum performance of the Environmental Manuel Cedeño Centre has also enabled the development of related programs and community environmental training, as part of the social action of PDVSA Petrocedeño in its area of influence, besides serving as a motivating axis and a multiplier of environmental education. Thus, with the Biological Station of PDVSA Petrocedeño shows that it is possible that the oil industry and the environment work harmoniously, in line with the Venezuela´s Socialist Plan of the homeland 2013-2019 that in its fifth objective calls to contribute to the preservation of life on the planet, as well as to develop a comprehensive policy for the conservation, sustainable use and protection of biodiversity and the water reservoirs of the country. Source: Orinoco Magna Reserva, PDVSA July 2014, Page 46-47

Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America Peoples’ Trade Treaty


SPECIAL DECLARATION OF THE ALBA-TCP COUNTRIES ON THE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA 4th EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE POLITICAL COUNCIL OF ALBA-TCP Caracas, 10th August 2015 We, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Political Council of ALBA-TCP in light of the terrible humanitarian situation taking place in the Mediterranean Sea, hereby declare: 1. The main cause of the humanitarian tragedies that have turned the Mediterranean Sea into a huge and deep graveyard is the colonial and neocolonial capitalist model, which has plunged the peoples of Africa and Asia into under development and destroyed their productive models putting them at the service of the western metropolis. In 2015, over 2,000 people have died fleeing from the instability and severe living conditions of Africa and Asia. 2. The African economies were crippled under the heavy burden of taxation imposed by the European imperial metropolis, thus generating humanitarian crises in many of its countries, and jeopardizing all attempts to kick-start their economies for the benefit of the African peoples. 3. The West applies terrorist violence to overthrow legitimate governments which do not implement its capitalist model of exploitation and do not satisfy its voracious interests. 4. With the sponsorship and the complicity of the West, violence has become widespread in African countries, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and the Middle East perpetrated by unpunished terrorist groups that have caused deep suffering to the peoples of these vast regions. 5. The processes of destabilization of the region are added to the already negative consequences of colonialism and neocolonialism. An ultimate example of this is the way how Libya was torn apart in 2011. The illegitimate ousting of its government, contrary to the International Law, has forced the displacement of thousands of citizens, who, trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea, risk their lives in order to escape from the terrorist violence and the shortage promoted by the West.


Saint Lucia


6. Likewise, the West intends to oust the legitimate and constitutional government of Syria by further promoting terrorist violence and destabilisation throughout the region. 7. We hereby warn that this new imperial adventure will boost by millions the current humanitarian tragedy, and Europe will be the primary focus of the terrible human consequences stemming from this action, which is contrary to the fundamental principles of the International Law. Currently, two hundred thousand people in Africa and Asia are willing to risk their lives in the Mediterranean Sea to reach any European country. 8. We call on Europe to wake up and swiftly react with justice and sensibility, and accept its historical responsibility which exceeds the limits of the human tragedy. 9. The ALBA–TCP countries call on the governments and peoples of the world to build a Solidarity Plan for the nations that suffer today the consequences of international terrorism, and invest 20% of the world military spending to support the right to health, education, food, housing and fundamental human rights of millions of citizens beset by terrorism promoted and supported by the West. 10. Similarly, we express continuing grave concern with the ongoing deportations and forced removals of Dominican nationals of Haitian descent, and reaffirm the fundamental human rights of those individuals being displaced, and we call for a just and peaceful resolution of this crisis in accordance with the principles of international law. Caracas, August 10th, 2015





Sait Vincent & The Grenadines



Antigua & Barbuda

Saint Kitts & Nevis


The Mediterranean, the common grave of migrants from the violence caused by Europe

organization of the Arab countries reported that in the first six months of this year more than 1,300 people disappeared Hundreds of thousands at sea. None of them survived. of Africans and Asians are In July 2014, UNHCR presented a report of crossing the Mediterranean to 224,000 refugees and immigrants who had arrived by sea to Europe, precisely the continent Europe. 34% of them were Syrians and 21% African. In that has produced the greatest 2015, 2,000 people died trying to cross the sea. state of violence in countries like Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, But while UNHCR has diagnosed a crisis in Somalia, Eritrea, Yemen, Europe, the head of European diplomacy, Federica Libya, North Africa and the Mogherini has recommended the military option to stop the Arabian Peninsula in general. wave of migrants. The Media Observatory of the African Knowledge Center presents an overview of the humanitarian plight of migrants who today in the Mediterranean, are in a crisis that is the responsibility of the European which their rulers refuse, once again, to face and pay. History

The migration of people across the Mediterranean has recently occupied the attention of everyone for the number of victims that it has claimed and the painful and frequency of the tragedy of a shipwreck, a very typical issue for media that thrives announcing the hardships of others. But this situation is not new. For over ten years the eventual passage of Moroccan migrants to Europe through the Strait of Gibraltar would be gradually replaced by more frequent trips and navigators of other African nationalities. Morocco was the first door of clandestine migration from Africa to Europe, either in zodiacs or in boats called rafts through the Strait of Gibraltar, either jumping the fence of Ceuta and Melilla, either crossing the Atlantic to the Canary Islands also in small boats. In 2006 this route had become tragic: the Red Crescent, an


Europe's position Fortunately, even the cruel diplomatic recommendation has not prospered, but has not been ruled out. The civil police are still responsible for the situation of illegal migrants. For now, the European Union has taken the following steps to stop this migration: 1) The physical fortification of Europe, by promoting the construction of physical barriers such as the Ceuta and Melilla fence [1], strengthening the External Surveillance Integrated System (SIVE). To this end, the European Union has allocated over 200 million Euros to increase the size of the fences of Ceuta and Melilla, and increase the level of surveillance in the border and create repressive agreements with African countries bordering the Mediterranean and the north African Atlantic coast, and 2) Creating seeking immigration laws on the one hand to reduce the flow of migrants and on the other maintaining low vulnerability to the migrants already established on European soil and select specific groups of migrants. In this sense they have promoted the signing of immigration agreements with African countries, where visa quotas allocated preferentially to specific professional areas. This theft of "brains" means, for example, there are more Beninese doctors are working in Europe than in Benin.

With all this, large groups of young Africans are willing to overcome these risks to reach Europe. Franco Franttini, European Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs says there are about 30,000 immigrants waiting to jump the fence of Ceuta and Melilla. Although, as mentioned earlier, this present tragic and difficult situation is not new, it has certainly resembles situations or exceeds those that have already been lived before. The destruction of Libya in 2011, source of the migration What the NATO leadership presented through the media as the arrival of democracy in Libya, literally destroyed by bombing and internal fighting, became the fall of the containment of African migration. The once prosperous Libya sheltered hundreds of thousands of Africans who got jobs and housing in the country, but once fallen Gaddafi they had to flee to the Mediterranean and neighboring countries, victims of persecution and extreme poverty. Therefore, the root of this new wave of clandestine migrants is none other than the NATO invasion of Libya in 2011 and the subsequent assassination of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Since then, destabilization has spread not only to Libya but also to the Sahel region (North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula), and this destabilization has been carried out by terrorist groups, many of them linked to the so-called Islamic State.


July - September 2015 Volume 3, Issue. 3

140 000 rescued in two years The figures in this new wave speak for themselves: from 2013 to 2014, 140 thousand people have been rescued at sea trying to reach Europe, mainly through the island of Lampedusa (Italy), the nearest point to the Libyan coast. But the tragedy continues: on 6th August, 2015, about 200 people were killed when a boat shipwrecked in the Mediterranean. This time, the vessel sank 24 km from the Libyan coast. With this fact, over 2,000 victims in this African clandestine migration to Europe have died in 2015; 3,500 died in 2014, according to the UN. All this means that this number will continue to increase, it is estimated between 100 and 200 thousand people are waiting on the Libyan coast, for any type of boat that would allow them to cover the 300 km to Lampedusa. While the bloody attacks to destabilize Syria continue, funded by Europe itself, the number of migrants crossing into the sea will continue to increase, risking their lives. Equal reference deserve refugees fleeing the tragedy caused by NATO in Afghanistan. 12% of refugees in Europe come from that country.

August, 2015, about 200 people were killed when a boat shipwrecked in the Mediterranean. This time, the vessel sank 24 km from the Libyan coast. With this fact, over 2,000 victims in this African clandestine migration to Europe have died in 2015; 3,500 died in 2014,

going back. They know that Africa is not poor but has been impoverished. They have political consciousness. For many the solution is summarized in the phrase that was said by the former President of Tanzania, Julius Nyerere, when offered economic aid from Europe: "we do not need to be lent a hand, simply take your foot off us." From Our America, Eduardo Galeano was also very clear: "Migrants are not going because they want to, they leave because the cast away". August 13th, 2015 We recommend that you watch the video, The Invisible Wall of Carlos Feo, in the multimedia section saberesafricanos.org Author: Media Observatory African Knowledge Center Research Coordination: Carlos Feo and Reinaldo BolĂ­var.

The deep origins remain the same and what is happening now in Libya is just the latest example of how a European action perpetuates neocolonial imperialist relationship between Europe and Africa. Africa still has 30% of the hydroelectric potential of the world and 20% of world oil reserves, Libya is precisely one of the main reservoirs of oil (and water) on the African continent. While all this happens, the migrant has enormous potential installed in Europe. Today, there are over 60 million migrants living in Africa. 20 of them are from Africa. Many of them say they only follow the path of their plundered resources. Most of them are not "integrated" only seeking money to send back to their families, their communities. They have Africa in their heart. And think of



Kenya Starting point for the formation of the Network in Defense of Humanity. The different views within the universal thoughtallowed in Kenya, that a group of Kenyans, Sudanese and Ugandan thinkers and political activists converge, in order to meet and discuss the formation of the Network of Intellectuals, Artist and Social Movements in Defense for Humanity in the Kenyan territory. This network organized in various countries of Europe, America and in two African countries, seeks to arrange ideas, thoughts and attitudes to the various challenges and problems that the world is suffering because of the policies of plunder that capitalism imposes. This network is a space for reflection and essentially seeks to defend the essence of the human being favoring the social being and the starring role of this in each territory. Today its Kenya turn, with its intellectuals, artists and social activists to join this great forum for economic, social and cultural political thought, for the dreams of great leaders like Fidel, Kruman, Nyerere and Chavez to continue to be present in the struggles against injustice, interference in the affairs of each people, and defend policies that work in favor of social welfare that have as a premise man and woman as a historical subject. Celebrating the 61th anniversary of the birth of Commander Chavez, professors, intellectuals andsocial activists who have traveled the African political agenda, meet for the first time to lay the foundation of the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity Kenya chapter. An idea captured by one of the leaders of this world, that in his commitment to propagate this network, extended his invitation to these great men who continue the legacy of social justice as a flag to have a better world. In this meeting the rich debate, fueled by the different views and approaches of the participants demonstrated once again the need for discussion with a transverse direction which allows for the opening of a new platform to defend the moral principles of a just society. It is in difficult times where the great concerns and doubts shine, the experimenting of new instruments so that the voice of those who dare to think and express it by their actions.


Venezuela encourages Kenya, with its great economic perspective, stimulates men and women to design tasks for the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity to be constituted in order to propose alternatives to the rapid development of this nation, where the Kenyan who built the different infrastructures of this country will be the biggest beneficiary of social welfare that by nature they deserves. Prof. Edward Oyugi, University professor, a prominent political activist; Peter Adwok Nyaba Former Minister of Higher Education and Technology of South Sudan, political activist, researcher and author; Dr. David Anyoti Former Ugandan Minister of Information; Zahid Rajan prominent political activist and editor of the Kenyan Magazine Awaaz and Booker Ngesa Kenyan Political activist and member of the SDP, Social Democratic Party of Kenya, were protagonists of this panel discussion and constructive dialogue on the beginning of this network and the study of thought of Hugo Chavez Africa. With the expression of the Ugandan Professor David Anyuti: "Chavez is Venezuelan but his ideas are universal" the meeting was loaded with interesting interventions that fed ideas that at one time was a dream of some, to start laying the foundations of this Network, and now join wills and efforts of men and women to the completion this great project, so that it could spread to other corners of the geography of eastern Africa. Here from this humble space we want to highlight the restless and inclusive vision of Hugo Chavez, not only through the relations between states, but also with humans, which Chavez called "Diplomacy of the people" who can draw space in the heart of the Kenyan who dreams of a fair and hopeful Kenya, a Kenya that through the streets of Nairobi and Nakuru or any other city and town of this great nation, know the thoughts of a man who began to let free his ideas to open future paths and clear those rocks that are blocking and do not allow the continuation of these ideas of edifying the search of humans. The Libertarian thought of President Chavez, that has been attacked from the spaces where disinformation and lies that are manufactured and propagated by media networks, claims through this great call to be part of this new network, where all those see the horizon of challenges and hope are invited. They will join an existing global network, to connect and participate in the defense of the new man, the historical subject, the social being that has as an objective the wellbeing for all. The doors are open and we are sure they will not be closed.


Meeting with the University of Nairobi At the Institute of International Studies and Diplomacy (IDIS)

Prof. Balza proceeded to inform these directors that Venezuela intends to maintain a permanent link with the institution through various activities. He also reported on aproposed Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation between diplomatic institutions that is under negotiation between the two countries. Professor Maria Nzomo, Director (IDIS), Professor Jhony Balza, Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Professor Gerishon Ikiara Deputy Director (IDIS).

The Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the Republic of Kenya, Professor Jhony Balza held a meeting in the University of Nairobi, with the director of the Institute of International Studies and Diplomacy (IDIS) of this University, Professor Maria Nzomo, Professor Gerishon Ikiara Deputy Director and Professor Anita Kiamba Lecturer; in order to discuss possible areas of cooperation between this institution and our country. The main objective of the meeting was to strengthen ties with this prestigious educational institution in order to achieve cooperation in the educational field especially in the dissemination of Venezuelan foreign policy among the students of this institute and training of professionals of international relations of both countries.

The directors were very interested in the proposals of Prof. Balza highlighting the importance of both countries which are very similar to narrow relationships in academia and in the framework of the South-South cooperation, especially in an area as diplomacy where there are many lessons to share and learn. Prof. Balza also commented on the presidency of Venezuela in the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) from the first quarter of 2016 and urged the directors to collaborate in some activities being planned from this Diplomatic Mission together with representatives of Iran and Egypt, especially to involve young students of international relations at the revitalization of the ideas in this important multilateral body through research and other academic activities.


Advancing the cultural agreement between Venezuela and Kenya

Meeting between the Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Culture and the Arts of the Republic of Kenya, Dr. Hassan Wario Arero and Venezuelan Ambassador, Jhony Balza Arismendi,

Promoting the plans of cooperation between the Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts of Kenya and Venezuela, under the Cultural Agreement signed between the two countries in 2007, Ambassador Jhony Balza Arismendi held a second working meeting on Wednesday 24th June 2015 with Minister Hassan Wario Arero and members of his team. During the meeting both representatives discussed various common points of interest, they reviewed the outstanding issues of the first meeting of February 2014 and also discussed other proposals for joint work that will serve as a reference point for strengthening the relationship. With regard to the positive comments that Dr. Wario expressed about Venezuelan films shown during the Venezuelan Film Festival in March 2015, he also showed interest in learning about the Venezuelan experience in the national film industry. Ambassador Balza briefly commented on the successful experience that Venezuela has been living since 2006, promoted by President Chavez, especially the experience of the “Villa del Cine� and some of the public policies implemented in the country to support national film production. Ambassador Balza requested Dr. Wario to work together to revitalize the existing Cultural agreement, emphasizing that the agreement has 7 years of existence and despite covering important 22

areas of cooperation, it is wise to have it checked between the two parties to strengthen and adapt it to a growing need for further cooperation between the two countries. Ambassador Balza said that as part of the efforts to strengthen cultural ties between the two countries he visited on Monday, 22nd June 2015, the Director of the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) Dr. Mzalendo, to further explore areas of cooperation between this institution and its counterpart in our country the National Museums of Venezuela Foundation. Dr. Wario, welcomed this news and advice Ambassador Balza to continue encouraging this strategic relationship. He also said that the museum is the best place to build a relationship of successful cooperation; he said that the museum is a window into Kenya. The Minister also noted that unfortunately the official history tries to hide facts about the origin of humanity in Africa and it is the responsibility of the countries of the south to cooperate to dismantle these versions and tell the true story of Africa. Finally Ambassador Balza reiterated Venezuela's interest in this topic, and in the spirit of reciprocity promised to hold a meeting with the competent authorities in Venezuela to explore this possibility and evaluate the disciplines in which Venezuela would be interested to seek cooperation from Kenya given the sporting potential of this country.

“ ... if we wish to have by 2030 a common house, we need to think of a common house without imperialist wars, without destruction, without racism, without xenophobia, without looking down on others, without inequality. Let us think of a common cause of the people whose relations are based on the respect for the international laws and let the people take on the 2030 Agenda as the great human agenda for the construction of peace, happiness and universal justice....” Nicolás Maduro Venezuela President 2015

“ Migrants... they are fleeing from the violence and poverty created by the west in their countries �

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