Special Bulletin Bolivarian Government of Venezuela
Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs Office of The Deputy Minister for Africa
2nd June 2016
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Kenya Concurrent to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia
Latin America and the Caribbean unite against the USA to defend Venezuela
Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations Environment programme (UNEP)and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (ONU Habitat).
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Embassy in Kenya Ministry of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs CommuniquĂŠ The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically rejects the application submitted by the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, which aims to fraudulently invoke Article 20 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter. The Secretary General violates the legal and constitutional order in Venezuela, conferring himself supranational powers, and violating the OAS Charter, particularly Article 118. Venezuela denounces the action outside his competence with overreach of functions and abuse of power by Mr. Luis Almagro as Secretary General of the OAS, which prevents proper operation in accordance with Article 116, contrary to the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of this Organization. Luis Almagro has been biased, without any scruples and ethics, with the putschists, violent and anti-democratic sectors, with support from international interfering factors, and promotes the overthrow of the legitimate and constitutional government of President NicolĂĄs Maduro Moros. Almagro is an outstanding actor of the sustained forging and systematic false assumptions that have risen up against Venezuela, by the imperial powers and their local operators, with the sole purpose to justify foreign intervention, including military, to seize the immense natural resources in our Homeland. We warn the world that isunderway, again, a coup that seeks to alter the sovereign will of our people. We call on the people and sovereign governments and particularly the countries of the South, to condemn this new attempt to destroy the Bolivarian constitutional democracy and its conquests on Human Rights, inaugurated by our Supreme Leader Hugo Chavez, and make express their support for our people at this crucial moment in history for independence and freedom. Venezuela is today an example of sovereignty and self-determination. The imperialists and their local agents intended to tear down this impenetrable wall of sovereign dignity, built on the historic invincible strength of our Liberators. With Simon Bolivar Founding Father, we say: "LOVE FOR THE COUNTRY WILL WIN" Caracas, May 31st, 2016
Foreign Minister Rodriguez categorizes as a victory for Venezuela in the OAS Permanent Council’s statement in support of dialogue and peace
The Chancellor Delcy Rodríguez classified as a victory for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela before the Organization of American States (OAS), on gaining support for the national dialogue with the accompaniment of the Union of South American Nations -Unasur-, the National Constitution and the peace in the country. "They will not manage with the people of Venezuela! We congratulate Ambassador Alvarez and our mission for the forceful defense of our country in the OAS," wrote the Minister of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs in her account @DrodriguezVen. In the same means, the Venezuelan diplomatic outlined: "We thank the countries of the region that support the rule of law in Venezuela, full sovereignty and constitutional democracy". She commented that only the Government of Paraguay withdrew from the consensus in support for dialogue accompanied by UNASUR and the former presidents of the Dominican Republic, Lionel Fernandez; of Panama, Martin Torrijos and Spain, Jose Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. She stressed that the victory in this continental body is the recognition of the constitutional government of President Nicolás Maduro and the democratic system of promotion of human rights. ‘‘ In any international scenario we will defend this country with the invincible force of our people! Love for the country will overcome! ’’ She concluded. www.mppre.gob.ve June 1st, 2016
With Simón Bolívar Founding Father, we say: "LOVE FOR THE COUNTRY WILL WIN"