The Messenger - SPRING 2017

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Venice Presbyterian Church

MESSENGER To Know Christ


To Make Christ Known


new life. new hope. By: Lyn Olson

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this: that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:3-6). Paul wrote these words from prison, after he had spent considerable time with the Philippians, bringing the Gospel to them. He dearly loved them. These words resonate deeply within me, as I prepare to depart from you the end of April (not for prison, however)! Some call this my retirement. But I see it as a recalling, an obedience to follow the Lord into a new – yet to be revealed – future, that he has prepared for Ron and me to go. And it is the most beautiful time in the life of this church that we take our leave; for God has done, and is doing, a mighty thing among you who will remain to see it through. I thank you for the time I have had to see the miracles of faith and works blossom, to the glory of God. And the best is yet to come…for us all.

As I pray about the next chapter for us, we are certain we will continue to serve God wherever we are. Perhaps in a more informal way – pouring into our children and grandchildren the good news of Jesus Christ. Being good neighbors in our Venice community, connecting with new friends outside the walls. As Paul and his companions traveled on their missionary journeys, led by the Spirit here and there, we expect to be moved by the same Spirit, to develop new relationships, commit to new adventures, serve in new ways, always open to whatever is next. I believe my future ministry will be “outside the gates” of church, connecting, listening, sharing life with those who do not know the love and hope of Jesus Christ. God has already shown me I am suited and prepared for this. That’s how God speaks: when you feel that pleasure and excitement that perhaps, “the best is yet to come.” Yet, in Christ, we also know that nothing shall separate us from the love of God in Christ we have shared together these last 8 ½ years at VPC. We love you dearly and will never forget you. Please pray for us as we shall pray for you, for we share God’s ministry wherever we go. Ron and I offer Paul’s words again as we prepare to leave you: And this is [our] prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you [too] may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God (Philippians 1:9-11).

in this edition Easter Happenings 2 Mark your Calendars 3 Annual Meeting 4 The Good Steward 5 Committee Updates 6 Light a Fire for Christ 7 April/May Calendar 8-9 New Members 10 Stephen Ministers 11 Lenten Devotional 12 Music Notes 13 Need a Ride? 14 Library Corner 14 New Life. New Hope. 15 Like What’s Important 16

New Life. New Hope. Springtime SUNDAYS 8:30am & 10:30am

Easter Service Schedule April 9 | Palm Sunday 8:30am | 10:30am

April 13 | Maundy Thursday February 26 – April 9

Learn about the traditions of the 7 feasts of Israel and how they relate to modern Christianity. Each Sunday immerse yourselves into the history of the Israeli Culture with live music, theatrics, and educational and inspirational messages.

7:30pm Service

April 14 | Good Friday 7:30pm Service

April 16 | Easter

8:00am | 9:30am | 11:00am

Beginning May 21, 2017 We will begin our Summer Worship Service Time Join us on Sundays at 10am

In Memory of....In Honor of....In Thanksgiving for...

cut here

Share the beauty of Easter by sponsoring a lily or lilies to be used as decoration in the Sanctuary. Donate, fill out an envelope in the pews or fill out the form below and place your donation in the offering plate. The deadline is Palm Sunday, April 9th.

NAME: ____________________________ Envelope #__________ In memory of :__________________________ In honor of: ____________________________ In thanksgiving for: ______________________ THE MESSENGER



By: Paige Pierce Director of Communications

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” (Jeremiah 1:5) We believe each life is created by God on purpose and for a purpose. Venice Presbyterian is a proud sponsor of the 2017 Walk for Life at Maxine Barritt Park on the Island of Venice on Saturday, April 8th. VPC will join over 500 walkers from our community and our Ignite Youth Group will be handing out water to the walkers. Consider joining in prayer, walking, and/or sponsorship as we strive To Make Christ Known in our community. Sign up online





benefIt Concert

By: Glen Breitzig Missions Committee

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat...” The congregation of VPC continues to hold this verse from Mathew 25:35 in its heart as it Makes Christ Known. This winter Pastor Chris and Eric Waters performed a benefit concert featuring the Best of Cole Porter which was attended by 250 members and friends from the community. This effort raised almost $4,000. VPC also has $4,000 of the mission budget scheduled annually. A quarter of that was distributed to the four food banks we support, Community Assistance Ministry, Center of Hope, Laurel Civic Association and South County Food Pantry. Also, our spring food drive collected 400 bags of food which was picked up by the food pantries Monday morning. Additionally, the congregation gave designated monies to the food pantries amounting to $140. In addition, ‘3 Cents a Meal’ donations for January & February amounted to $1006. The bottom line, VPC has donated to local food pantries food and cash to have 44,000 pounds of food available to help those of our neighbors who need a bit of assistance. Well done VPC!!


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Come on Down!

The Presbyterian Women & Company invite Y’ALL to come and enjoy a Country Shindig on Friday, April 21st. A casual BBQ dinner on the church lawn (yes, there are plenty of tables and chairs) at 6pm followed by a performance from The Steppin’ Country Line Dancers. Everyone is welcome to learn an easy line dance together or just enjoy the show! Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online or tickets are being sold on the patio after Sunday Worship. No tickets available at the door. Call Kathy Wood 492-4851 | Gail Thompson 908-415-4691 3


Annual Meeting Highlights a Period of Growth and Change and Points Toward a Bright Future with Continuing Development. By: Elder Robert L. Johnson

The Annual Meeting of Venice Presbyterian Church was held Sunday evening, March 19, preceded by a pot luck dinner in Fellowship Hall. The Annual Report for 2016 was accompanied by the Financial Report and 2017 Financial Plan, as Session and staff continue their efforts to bring transparency to the work and operations of the church. Ruling Elder and Clerk of Session Laurie Wright welcomed everyone, declared a Quorum present, and opened with prayer. Then Senior Pastor and Moderator Chris Romig presented an extensive review of the life of our church, celebrating the Goodness of God during a time of change. Ministry Architects Helped in Goal Setting Almost a year ago, we embarked on a general review of our church, employing “Ministry Architects” to guide us through the process. Key to its success were the results gleaned from interviews with small groups of parishioners and staff, from which a Vision Time-line was established. In spite of mostly unanticipated staffing changes since then, Pastor Chris pointed to “the amazing progress” which has already been accomplished, while recognizing that more work remains to be done and is underway. A two-page update on the goals was distributed at the meeting and copies are available in the church office. Over the last year, 6 staff members have moved on a different path, Lyn is retiring May 1st and Glen will be following his passion of teaching in June. It’s amazing that we could accomplish so much in a year when two thirds of the staff is new. God is so good. Pastor Chris pointed out that, though it would not be unreasonable to experience a time of disruption at such a period of dramatic change, God lead us through this transition, putting the right people into the right places at the right time and ending up with a happy and smooth running operation. He introduced Christine O’Brien, our new Executive Director, who leads Staff Meetings and effectively runs our operations. Although she is not ordained, she has a “minister’s heart” and appreciates our vision “To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known.” She follows in the work of Ruling Elder Alan Penick, whose contributions were recognized during his two-year time serving as our first Executive Director of Administration. This role, now being expanded by Mrs. O’Brien, according to Pastor Chris has taken a tremendous work load off of his shoulders, allowing him to concentrate on those areas for which he has specific talents and responsibilities. “I’ve never been more energized,” he exclaimed. Leadership Changes Two Ruling Elders, Alan Penick and Dr. Eileen Reamy, are completing their terms on Session, and Pastor Chris thanked them for their prayerful guidance and leadership. He also recognized and thanked the three Trustees who were stepping down, Jim Garard, Megan Lechlitner, Bob Cheeley and Ron Olson. Elder Dennis Mock, Chair of the Nominating Committee, then presented those chosen to stand for election: new Elders Cris Anderson and Tom Hoffman and returning Elders Dick Edmunds and Bob Painter; and new Trustees Lou Citro, Ina Maske, Skip Sayers, and Ann Woody. They were approved unanimously by those in attendance. Pastor Chris, noting the upcoming retirement of Pastor Lyn, said that, while “it is hard to imagine this church without a fulltime Associate Pastor,” the staffing needs are still being studied and “vision drives structure.” God is not done with His plan for us, and He will continue to guide us in amazing ways. Sabbatical Planned for Pastor Chris It was announced that Pastor Chris would take his earned sabbatical from July 23-October 23 of this year. A question was asked about the ability to function without a full-time pastor on board, and Pastor Chris indicated that Assistant Pastor Burke Johnson would be available, as would Elder Nick Clemmer who is also an ordained pastor, and the Rev. Charles and Polly Marshall, new members who will assist the team. He also announced that the pulpit would be filled each Sunday by a distinguished preacher, as a “Festival of Worship” is being planned, and the schedule, with brief biographies of each speaker, will be published. It was agreed, however, that the Wednesday morning Communion Service in the chapel will be suspended for those three months. This sabbatical was well received, with a round of applause being offered enthusiastically. More information about the sabbatical will be in the next Messenger. THE MESSENGER



ANNUAL MEETING CONTINUED Other Actions Taken The re-election of two members to the Congregational Nominating Committee, Marika Fries and Dennis Mock, was approved unanimously. Ruling Elder and President of the Board of Trustees Dick Armstrong presented the Church financials, painting a picture of encouraging numbers, and his accompanying article explains more fully these figures. The Pastors’ Terms of Call were presented, with Pastor Chris having a ‘”Sabbatical Support Fund” included in his package, and Pastor Lyn’s package pro-rated for four months, until her departure May 1. These Terms of Call were approved unanimously. It was approved to have VPC request the Peace River Presbytery to abolish the position of Associate Pastor for Next Generations, effective April 1, since that action is required to eliminate certain costs which would otherwise continue to be charged to us. Summary It is impossible to summarize all the achievements which were recognized during the meeting. With the addition of Conrad Knepp as Youth Leader, our youth has more than doubled in the past three months. With the addition of Marlene Hammond, MyVPC has taken off and our SHAPE information has increased. “The Messenger,” under Paige Pierce’s guidance, is published on a growing schedule, enhancing our communications, and our Website is useful and informative. The establishment of a Worship Committee, the planned Endowment growth through Legacy Giving, the increasing support for Outreach both near and far, the continuance of our annual Lenten Worship Guide, the growth of Stephen Ministers from 14 to 40, the participation of 20 active Shepherds, the beauty of the campus … the list goes on and on. Venice Presbyterian Church is a blessing to us, and we are a blessing to the community and the world. May God’s name be praised!

Board of Trustees- The Good Steward By: Dick Armstrong, Chair, Board of Trustees Original Loan $1.3 Million Uncommitted Balance $186,030

Pledged (over 3 years) $458,870

In 2012 we initiated building and renovation projects totaling almost $3 Million which added worship, fellowship and other space, as well as functionality and enhancements to many areas of our campus. During construction, donations covered approximately $1.7 Million and the rest was covered by a bank loan of $1.3 Million. In January, 2017, with our only remaining debt standing at $720,000, we initiated a campaign to make the church debt free within 3 years. We are excited to report that as of 2/28/17, we have received pledges, which when paid over 3 years, will leave only an uncommitted balance of $186,030. Our 3-year goal is well on its way to being met!! The congregation has stepped up in a very big way. Thank you to all who have been able to contribute in this area and for bringing us this close to our target. Also good news is that pledges received toward the 2017 Operating Budget exceed those received for the year 2016. We anticipate receiving additional pledges (from some who have yet to pledge) for the Operating Fund so that we can meet the 2017 Operating Budget. Our giving priority is for the Operating Fund for 2017. Please do not give to the Loan Retirement Fund if you are not able to give to the Operating Fund.

Paid (as of 2/28/17) $655,100

A huge thank you to our Members, Affiliate Members, Snow Birds, Friends and Guests who contribute so generously to the work of Venice Presbyterian Church as we strive To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known.




Committee Updates

A note from the Clerk of Session

Dear Congregation: It is such an honor to serve on Session. It is a humbling experience to make decisions for the good of the congregation through prayer and discernment. Session members serve 3-year terms, with the possibility of a second 3-year term. The Nominating Committee searches for Session candidates to be presented to the congregation. This is a very important task. That is why filling out your attributes on MyVPC is so important. This program will help us to find the members that God wants on Session and the various other important committees of the church. Instructions for filling out your SHAPE on MyVPC: To sign up, contact Marlene Hammond at Once you receive your email and password, go to our website, You will find the MyVPC logo on the top right of the page. Sign in. Once on MyVPC, click HOME. From the drop down menu, click MY PROFILE. Click SERVING. Under ATTRIBUTES you will see different tabs for Spiritual - Heart - Abilities - Personality - Experience - Qualifications. Click the first tab, Spiritual. Click on the pencil icon in Spiritual and check the appropriate boxes; when you are done, go on to ABILITIES tab and do the same thing and so on. When you are done with all the tabs, down in the right-hand corner click SAVE. This only takes a few minutes, but will be a tremendous help in connecting you in the church family. God has a plan! Let’s follow it! Love in Christ, Laurie Wright, Clerk of Session

Human Resources By: Dick Edmunds

The Human Resources Committee activities/plans looking forward the next several months in 2017. 1. Assist/support the Executive Director 2. Develop and finalize plans relating to Lyn’s retirement 3. Assist in recruiting/filling of staff vacancies 4. Revisit/adjust succession plan as vision and staffing evolve 5. Assist in transition of new Director of Music Ministries 6. Recruit a Director of Children’s Ministries 7. Update VPC Employee Handbook

Worship Committee - Volunteer Spotlight All Things Beautiful By: Sheryl Morford

What a gem we have in Karen Schoenthaler. Her love of art and the Masters have graced many galleries and homes. She started painting in grade school and has studied with many famous artists, including Rose Frantzen and Ed Scheer. Her style and passion for art is influenced by the Old Masters. Presently in the church library you can view “St. Matthew And The Angel Writing His Gospel.” Just recently her donation, “Boy At The Sea,” sold at auction and raised $1,600 for the local Food Bank. We are delighted that The All Things Beautiful Committee has refurbished room #6 with plans for the addition of Karen’s new painting, “An Act Of Mercy: Giving Drink To The Thirsty.” If you have a passion for design and restoration at VPC please call Sheryl Morford at 412-612-0515 THE MESSENGER


Boy At The Sea


Mission Update By: Lois Weeks

Picture yourself living in the mountains of Guatemala. You are Mayan. You live in a small adobe or wood slat home. On the floor you have three stones holding your pot as it boils, but the fire is unventilated. Your lungs are full of smoke, and your eyes sting. Your baby on your back coughs. The threat of burns is ever present. But that is about to change. You will soon get an Onil stove in your home. You saved for months to pay your part, and a church in Florida paid the rest. You took classes on how to use your new stove. It will be raised off the floor, insulated so the sides are not hot, vented so the smoke goes outside the house, and you will burn 70% less wood than with your open fire. What a savings of money, trees and health...what a change for your family, thanks to the members and friends of Venice Presbyterian Church. VPC has had an ongoing partnership with Helps International, working in the Ixil triangle of Guatemala, installing efficient and safer stoves as well as water filters. The project was birthed by Don O’Neal, an engineer from Texas who saw firsthand the disfiguring burns Helps’ surgeons worked to repair, as well as damaged lungs and irritated eyes, problems related to the use of unventilated, three stone fires for cooking in homes. Don invented a portable, award winning, culturally acceptable stove (the Onil stove) which VPC teams have been installing for the past 10 years. The stoves are insulated, raised off the floor, stable, vented, and use 70% less firewood. Families save a significant amount of money buying less firewood, and ecologically, each stove saves one tree per month. VPC members have installed stoves in about 72 homes per year, truly lighting a fire for Christ. The families share in the cost of the stove, so they are vested in using it. Local Helps staff screen and prep the families as well as provide follow-up care and support. This month, the VPC Stove Team shared the love of Christ with 80 families, installing stoves in and water filtration units in their homes. They also installed new stoves and new water filrations units in a local school. Thank you to all who support this ministry.

For more information about HELPS or to get involved: Venice Presbyterian Church or visit the Helps website THE MESSENGER























New Members These new members were received into our community in March of this year. Please join us in welcoming this wonderful group to our VPC family. Paula Chisholm

Paula is retired and has been coming to VPC for six years. She thinks the sermons are wonderful.

Duane Plummer and Ken Pavel Duane loves the music and drama program at VPC. Ken is employed in Pt. Charlotte where they both live.

Jim and Pat Prather

Jim was an elder at his church in CA. Pat was a deacon. Both are retired and came from Morgan Hill, CA.

Dana Cales Dana is from West Virginia. A retired teacher, she still subs at Venice Elementary. Dana loves the music, sermons, and friendly atmosphere at VPC. Keith and Joyce Edleman

Jennifer Rowe

Bruce and Mary Jane Lowery

Su Ulrich Su has been visiting many years. Her mom, Dorothy was a member here. Su loves the preaching and is involved with the Drama team.

Sue Meadows From Kentucky. she and her husband have been coming to Florida for four years. They love VPC’s community outreach programs.

Mark and Shelly Wharton Just back from VPC’s Guatamala mission trip, the Wharton’s joined us from Holland, MI. They are just recently retired. Shelly is a retired RN. Shelly’s sister and husband, Tom & Laura Saye are recent new members.

Gretchen Moyer Gretchen is from Wayne, PA. She sings in our choir and is here part of the year. She is retired from nursing.

Dick and Heather Warde Dick and Heather are moving from affiliate to members. Dick is a Stephen Minister and Heather is very involved with activities at the church including the Knit One Pray Two group.

Keith & Joyce like the music program. They are both involved with the Bell Choir and Chancel Choir.

From North Carolina and Grand Rapids area, the Lowery’s love the music and Glass House cafe.


Jennifer grew up in Sarasota. Her husband is from Venice. They have a three year old daughter, Allison. Jennifer loves the traditional feel of VPC. Jennifer’s mother, Barbara Hill is also a recent new member. David and Pam Russell The Russell’s have been in FL for one year. They grew up in Wisconsin and have lived in Chicago. They are both retired now. They think VPC’s service is a joyous praise and great experience.



Stephen Ministers Fourteen new Stephen Ministers were commissioned on March 26 after 50 hours of intensive training. They will work with people who are in pain, including those who are depressed, hospitalized, terminally ill, bereaved, going through divorce, in spiritual crisis, by praying, listening, supporting and encouraging. Paula Carlsen

Flo Raber

Jennie Chaplin Since arriving here in 1974, I have been a

Nancy Savenko

Jane Clemmer

Laura Saye Tom and I moved to Venice from Michigan in 2015. I retired after 31 years of teaching at a community college and I am enjoying the richness of being part of the Stephen Ministry at VPC.

Linda Ford

Married to Ron, 53 years. Retired from OH religious publisher. Came to FL 2003. I anticipate continuing to learn from our Stephen Ministers and to sharing God’s care with others.

Susie Gottschalk My name is Susie Gottschalk, attending VPC over 11 years. Through this Church, I have learned to love, heal, connect, grow, & serve. Stephen Ministry is just one demonstration that all these things & more are possible with God.

Don McClenathan Betty and I started our VPC affiliation 15 years ago. What a Blessing! I care, I listen, I encourage, I support, and I continually Praise the Lord. I am a Stephen Minister!

June Hauck We came to Venice from Hamburg, N.Y. We have been at VPC about 3 years. I was a second-grade teacher and am an avid reader, so enjoy playing bridge and knitting.

Bob Jelenchick I’m from Wisconsin. The Packers reign supreme. My heart surgeon brought me back to life; my children gave me purpose and strength. I have been called to offer an ear and hope.

Lois Morgan My husband Bill and I retired in 2008. We became permanent Venice residents in 2013 and chose Venice Presbyterian Church as our spiritual home. Through Venice Presbyterian Church leadership, I was led to serve in Stephen Ministry. Joyce Scheidt My name is Joyce Scheidt. I live at Pelican Point and belong to Venice Presbyterian Church. I am enrolled in the Stephen Ministry Class. I love being involved in the church.

I joined the church in 1992. I have a passion for serving the needy and will use my Stephen Ministry training to minister to the clients of the Community Assistance Ministry.

A snowbird from Southampton, LI and member of VPC. I’m blessed to be a new Stephen Minister. My interests are reading, socializing with friends, golf, knitting, cooking and memorizing scripture. My husband and I have been living the dream, in the Paradise known as Venice for nearly 5 years. Beach Yoga, Pickleball and Stephen Ministry all contribute to a fulfilling & rewarding life.

legal assistant, homeschooled my daughter & worked 20 years in church administration. Recently widowed, I’m thankful for being led to VPC & excited to begin serving. Nick and I started attending VPC in 2011. We have been involved with support/recovery groups for many years and felt the Lord was directing us to another chapter, including Stephen Ministry.

Skip Sayers Moved to Nokomis 2 years ago. Connie and I raised Bison along with running a communications group. I was an Elder at the Potosi Presbyterian Church. The Stephen Ministry experience has been a life changer. THE MESSENGER



Lenten Devotional Contributors Needed for Next Year’s Lenten Worship Guide By: Editor Robert L. Johnson

“The 2018 Lenten Worship Guide will be the eighth edition promulgated by Venice Presbyterian Church,” according to Elder Bob Johnson, “and it will be my third year to be its Editor.” As we end this year’s Easter season, planning is already underway for next year, where Easter falls early, on April 1, and Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, occurs on February 14. The 2017 edition, which was our seventh year of publication, was well received, with 1,200 copies printed and distributed, plus on-line availability. Pastor Lyn developed the theme, “Taste and See That the Lord is Good – The Church in Lent, as a Shared Meal,” and she selected the daily devotionals. Fifty four members and friends of the church then wrote individual devotionals for inclusion. “So much of the credit goes to our Affiliate Members Blair and Chris Dowden, who spent countless hours applying their scholarship and skills in editing each entry, as Co-Editors of Devotionals,” said Bob Johnson, “and I am delighted that they will be back with me for the new one.” Paige Pierce, who designed the cover, will work again with Alan Penick in the final layout, completing the team. The Theme for 2018 is “Scripture Favorites: The Impact of God’s Word,” and each writer will select their favorite scripture, give it a short descriptive title, and where it is found in the Bible. They will then describe its meaning and context, and reveal its special significance in their life, finally closing with a short prayer. With a total length of 400-500 words, “each reflection is intended to guide our readers into a deeper understanding of Scripture and a closer relationship with Christ,” explained Blair Dowden, who is a Snow Bird and the retired president of Huntington University, a nationally ranked one hundred-twenty year old Christian liberal arts school in Huntington, Indiana. To sign up for consideration as a contributor, please add your name to the list in the Glass House, including your phone and e-mail address, or contact the church office directly to be put on that list. Next month you will be sent a welcoming letter and instructions and guidelines to help you in your work, which needs to be completed prior to October 15. May we continue to glorify God’s kingdom with worship through the 2018 Lenten Worship Guide.



Venice Presbyterian Campus occupies 9+ acres of land. VPC was one of the first drive-in churches in America? Our mission and outreach ministries span over 7 countries, 9 states and 14 cities and towns. We have over 25 published authors in our congregation that have books available in our library.




Music Notes Following a Passion

By Paige Pierce Director of Communications

Glen Olsen came to VPC with big church thinking and goals of growing and enhancing the worship experience for everyone that attend our services. Through this vision, Glen developed a multigenerational orchestra; children singing and leading in worship; a youth hand-bell ensemble; more recently, a youth praise team and an adult male quartet; also, we strengthened the “lead worshiping” aspects of the Chancel Choir, built a Summer Choir, and continued growing the Men’s Gospel Chorus and the Covenant Hand-bell Choir. Not only has there been musical growth, but also spiritual growth and the equipping of volunteers to use their gifts in worship and leadership. Glen also sees many possibilities for the future worship experience at Venice Presbyterian. The team has explored many different forms of accompaniment for worship each week. Scheduling of those accompaniments at different times during the service, ensuring the worship is only consistent in the way the Holy Spirit moves, not the music. For example, one Sunday, the sanctuary is filled with beautiful orchestra music; the next Sunday it would be the powerful organ, a percussionist, or just a cappella. He says, “We encouraged other forms of expression for worship, most notably the inclusion of drama and readers theatre, all centered around the proclamation of God’s Word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the joy of the Holy Spirit.” Glen will be leaving us in June of this year. He has a love for teaching and is currently assisting a very young school to build a music program; teaching full-time at The Classical Academy of Sarasota. Wanting to remain in ministry, he will also continue to search for a part-time position at a church. Join us in prayer to guide his steps in this process. Glen Olsen has gifted us with many innovative worship ideas and two highly successful interns. One of the interns, Jamal Sarakoki, is our new Director of Music Ministries. He will being leading Worship Services June 18th. The definition of Worship is: “the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for God.” Glen has undoubtedly fulfilled his position as worship leader.

VPC Music Department Celebrates and Plans Ahead

As this busy Easter season rapidly draws to a close, the Music Department celebrated its work and looked forward to the upcoming calendar.

Annual Party

More than sixty members and guests of the Chancel Choir, the Bell Choir, and the orchestra joined together at Mission Valley Golf & Country Club Thursday evening, March 30, to celebrate their season and to honor our Minister of Worship Glen Olsen. He and his wife Amy entertained the group with nearly thirty minutes of musical magic, beautiful while being fun. And Cindy Bischoff, representing the group, presented the gift of a “Blue Plate Special,” consisting of many certificates for eating out at a variety of restaurants in the area.

Upcoming Schedule

The Chancel Choir sings for the last time early next month, and the Men’s Gospel Chorus then sings on Mothers’ Day Sunday, May 14, concluding its season. But the Summer Choir then takes over the choir chairs, and you will recognize many faces from the Chancel Choir in the group. So, if you are a worshiper of Jesus Christ and if you can carry a tune, please get in touch with Dr. Glen Olsen and he will give you the details. Practice before each Sunday service. No robes, just a white top and black bottom. No ties either! You will enjoy your participation and will enrich our worship in a special way. THE MESSENGER



Need a Ride?

Need a Ride?

By: Christine O’Brien, Executive Director

March 26th Venice Presbyterian Church officially rolled out a new ministry, literally! If you were able to attend services you may have seen Bill, our weekend custodian, providing a new arm of hospitality from the parking lot to the front door! Our Trustees and Session approved the purchase of a gently used, but quite snazzy, Golf Cart to help provide a new level of hospitality to those attending services at VPC. Warmly named the “Courtesy Cart”, we were able to provide a warm welcome not only to those attending Sunday Worship but to welcome people to our concert Friday, March 24. For those who used the service, reviews were positive. The parking lot can be a real obstacle for some. Yes, VPC provides many handicapped parking spaces but when we reach capacity there are not always enough. The Courtesy Cart is not only for those who need the handicapped parking! It is for those who may be running a little late, for a hot morning when a ride would just be nice, or just because there is a really friendly person behind the wheel and it looks like fun! To take advantage of the fantastic opportunity, either find your way to the nearest sidewalk or wave Bill down as he is making his way through the parking lot! For a ride back to your car after Sunday Worship, wait at the Courtesy Bench placed on the outside circle across from the Bell Tower (soon the bench will have a sign). Enjoy the ride!!!! Starting with this issue, The Messenger, as a standard feature, will include a column titled Library Corner. library corner If have not visited our Library, we are open to the congregation and friends each Monday through Thursday from 8am to12pm. Come and let me show you around. You will be surprised and delighted by the resources available to you! The first Library Corner features Jack Perkins’ review of “Your Call”, a novel by Ed Frierson. Copies are available in our Library. Come “check it out”! Baseball is back and just in time to welcome one of the most creative, suspenseful and By: Ardith Pinner engaging baseball novels to explode on the scene. And its author is one of our own! Librarian

VPC’s Dr. Ed Frierson has crafted a classic – with YOUR help. That’s right. The author gives us all the dramatic, end-of-the-ninth-inning facts but ultimately leaves it to us to finish the story. For the bulk of the book, he introduces us to his cast of characters – the Rookie Sensation pitcher for the Manhattan Monarchs who has tricks some think illegal, the team’s wily veteran catcher soon to be Review by: Jack Perkins retired but invaluable to the Rookie star, the other team’s league-leading hitter come up to the plate at the most critical moment with the game in the balance; the gamblers who have $10,000,000 riding on this deciding game of the World Series, the Monarch’s shady team owner who needs that money for the most nefarious reason, and the hard-challenged umpire who, at the end, has to make the one critical call that will determine the winners and losers. All these and many more are the pieces of the puzzle Frierson lays before us. He provides clues, gives us fair guidance but ultimately leaves it up to us to solve the challenge he lays before us. “Your Call!” That’s his title. His subtitle: A Baseball Dilemma Frierson is certainly no stranger to baseball. His son, Eddie, for many years has traveled the country performing a one-man show he wrote on the great old-time pitcher, Christy Mathewson. Today, he heads the “Mathewson Foundation.” Like father, like son. Baseball is in their blood. As Dr. Ed’s new book may just get in yours. Be you a fan of baseball or just good writing. Available on Available, signed, at our VPC church library. THE MESSENGER



New Life. New Hope

By: Paige Pierce, Director of Communications

“No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending” -Author Unknown

We don’t start over; but we begin again right where we are, making things better in our lives. As believers in Christ, we do not have to live in regret. Everyone has said, “I should have done this” or “I fell short of doing that....” Remember that the Holy Spirit is all redeeming, all loving, and always guiding us in all areas of our lives. We simply cannot understand the “why” in our lives and it’s just simply impossible to do everything with the success in which we plan. We all fall short of our goals. We all fall short in different things at different times. Financially, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. We all fall short of glorifying Him. But our reactions to those situations are what determine your new ending. Regardless of the outcome, we should be asking the Lord to help us each day, to pray and honestly Yield to His Will for our lives. When there is a split in the road, do we pray for discernment and guidance? When a tragedy happens, where do we turn? He yearns for a relationship with His children. We do not know the plan or the “why”, but we don’t need to. We need to remember the He’s got this. He is in control. His desire for us is to fall deeper and deeper in love with Him...just so that our focus will be set on the things of heaven and not on all this earthly stuff we all get wrapped up in so easily. He wants us to say, “I am more than enough. I am more than enough in every area of my life.” Instead of, “If I would have done ______ in my life so it would be better.” It’s already better because God has lead you where you are. How much more could we invite Him in, making Him our all in all. He wants our undivided attention in spite of the distractions and temptations that lie waiting around the corner. The Lord has to be our main focus. Keeping our eyes on Him will keep our path straight. Today can be your new beginning. Your new hope. The more you give up of yourself, the more He will fill in. The real ending in our life will be when Jesus says well done my good and faithful servant. That statement will be for someone who took the time to get to know Him, love Him, and that obediently followed Him. Hopefully we all strive for that in our lives. Tenth Avenue North, reminds us that His grace can be seen in both triumph and tragedy. There is a New Life and a New Hope for the future.

“I Have This Hope” Tenth Avenue North

As I walk this great unknown Questions come and questions go Was there purpose for the pain? Did I cry these tears in vain? I don’t want to live in fear I want to trust that You are near Trust Your grace can be seen In both triumph and tragedy I have this hope In the depth of my soul In the flood or the fire You’re with me and You won’t let go But sometimes my faith feels thin Like the night will never end Will You catch every tear Or will You just leave me here? But I have this hope In the depth of my soul In the flood or the fire You’re with me and You won’t let go So, whatever happens I will not be afraid Cause You are closer than this breath that I take You calm the storm when I hear You call my name I still believe that one day I’ll see Your face




WATCH. SHARE. INSPIRE. By: Paige Pierce, Director of Communications

If you haven’t “liked” our page on Facebook yet, you may want to now. Thanks to modern technology, VPC is now live-streaming the Sunday Worship Services. Each Sunday, our 10:30am service is broadcast as far as our “Facebook Likes” will take us - making our reach to the community larger than ever before. Imagine the possibilities TO MAKE CHRIST KNOWN in the world. How many times have we listened to a sermon and thought, “I wish my neighbor, my friend, my family... could hear this. It would help them through ....” Well, what a blessing technology can be to give us the opportunity to WATCH the sermons and the messages, SHARE them with your friends and family, and INSPIRE others to follow Christ. Those who are unable to worship with us in person, can share in the experience. You will never miss the service again! Don’t worry about rushing to your computer at 10:30am. When the service is over, the live feed automatically saves as a video on Facebook that can be viewed and shared to inspire others. You can use your tablet, your smartphone, or your computer. You can also comment and send love, likes and laughs during the live feed. Another resource is our YouTube Channel. Just go to and search for our channel, Venice Presbyterian Church. You can “subscribe” to automatically be sent an email with a link weekly when we post our sermons. We also post other things like the Hebrews Bible Study and certain Mission highlights. These sermons and Bible studies are also shareable to your friends. If you have not visited Facebook or YouTube, please consider one of these resources. If you are moved by a service, please share with your never know how far that LIKE will take our message.

WORSHIP WITH US Sundays 10:00am

Wednesdays 9:00am

V enice P resbyterian C hurch

To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known 825 The Rialto | Venice, Florida 34285 941.488.2258 | Chris Romig, Senior Pastor THE MESSENGER 16


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