MLM for Stay at Home Moms

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Network MarketiNg -earNiNg opportuNity for Stay at HoMe MoMS

iNtroDuCtioN Stay at home homes cannot commit to an entirely office environment because of the responsibilities of their home and family life. Network Marketing, is not a job but a business model, an income opportunity which allows stay at home moms to work within the confines of their home at their own pace.

aDVaNtageS • • • •

The best of both worlds Flexible working hours Socializing and Increase in Social Network Personal Growth & Development

tHe BeSt of BotH worLDS Network Marketing offers stay at home moms the best of both worlds, the home and office. It helps them strike a balance between their work and family commitments. There are no overheads involved and can be operated from the confines of their home.

fLeXiBLe workiNg HourS The only times that moms have some spare time is when children are away at school or are asleep. Network marketing gives them the flexibility to work at times which best suits them. They can even work part-time as per their convenience.

SoCiaLiZiNg & iNCreaSe iN SoCiaL Network Stay at home moms have the widest social circle, the carpool, playground, school, besides their family and friends. This wide social network can be used to their advantage in network marketing.

perSoNaL growtH & DeVeLopMeNt

Network Marketing opens up a wide range of opportunities for moms to earn an income, they become financially dependent and it enhances their self-confidence. Besides, this it also develops their marketing and social skills, giving them a sense of pride.

CoNCLuSioN Network Marketing give moms an opportunity to earn an income by staying close to home, so that they are always at hand to fulfill their commitments at home.

CoNtaCt uS Sankalp Computer & Systems Pvt Ltd Srv No 440/441, First Floor Narpatgiri Chowk, Mangalwar Peth Pune, Maharashtra, India 411011 Email: Contact No: (91) 20 41062300/ (91) 9561091225 Website:

tHaNk you

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