Alberta Innovators - Spring 2014

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Spring 2014

Flood Findings How the CEAs helped rebuild after the waters receded

The annual magazine of Consulting Engineers of Alberta

Tomorrow’s BUILDERS Meet the engineers who will lead the next generation

Industry experience, plus the corporate perspective, help build our society Find the right firm: Pullout guide inside




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alberta innovators


Published For: Consulting Engineers of Alberta Phipps-McKinnon Building Suite 870, 10020 - 101A Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 3G2 Phone (780) 421-1852 Fax (780) 424-5225 Email: ChieF exeCutive oFFiCer and registrar Ken Pilip, P.Eng.

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sa 9 th ge f e P rom re m ie r Me ss 11 a an CEA ge d C Pr fro EO es m /R ide e g nt ist AC ra r EC Ch Me air ss 13 an age d P fr re om sid M Yo e en un ssa t g P ge ro fr fe om 34 ss t io he na C ls E’s CE Gr AB ou p oa rd of 3 CE Di 8 AM re ct em or be s rs hi p D 61 ire ct In or de y xo fA 6 dv 9 er tis er C En od s gi e o ne f C 7 er on 0 in s g E ul th tin ics g

Media and governMent relations CEO, Ken Pilip; President, Craig Clifton; and Honorary Director, Ed Stelmach

Features Infrastructure With Care CEs don’t travel the easy road. Many have industry experience that allows them to see the corporate perspective as well as the public one


When the Water Came A recovery plan eight years in the making kicked in, even as the floodwaters of June rose


Tomorrow’s Builders Meet five young engineers who will lead the pack in the next generation of Alberta’s CEs

28 When his British company ceased Canadian operations, Paul Breeze decided to stay on

Keeps on Rolling Art Washuta has spent 40 years creating complicated infrastructure, and he’s not slowing down

41 43

alberta innovators

FinanCe Manager Sharon Moroskat event Manager Kary Kremer


New Horizons

direCtor oF oPerations Lisa Krewda

A Winning Award


Spare a thought for the engineering and the artist behind the actual Lieutenant Governor’s award: Don Chambers


inForMation sPeCialist Inderjeet Singh adMinistrative sPeCialist Barb Senko Published by: Venture Publishing Inc. 10259 105 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 1E3 Toll-free 1-866-227-4276 Phone (780) 990-0839 Fax (780) 425-4921 Publisher and editor-in-ChieF Ruth Kelly assoCiate Publisher Joyce Byrne direCtor oF CustoM Content Mifi Purvis art direCtor Charles Burke assoCiate art direCtor Andrea deBoer assoCiate art direCtor Colin Spence ProduCtion Manager Betty Feniak Smith ProduCtion teChniCians Brent Felzien, Brandon Hoover viCe-President, sales Anita McGillis

2013 Showcase Awards Valued professionals are celebrated

Lieutenant Governor, President’s, & Young Professional awards

Contributing writers Collen Biondi, Carissa Halton, Jen Janzen, Lewis Kelly, Jordan Wilkins, Shelley Williamson Contributing PhotograPhers and illustrators Buffy Goodman, Raymond Reid, Constantine Tanasiuk, Joey Podlubny, Randy Wiens Cover illustration by Raymond Reid Contents © 2014 by Consulting Engineers of Alberta. No part of this publication should be reproduced without written permission. Non-deliverable mail should be directed to CEA: Suite 870, 10020 - 101A Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5J 3G2.

Printed in Canada

Consultant, Brian Stecyk sPeCial ProJeCts - Past President Art Washuta

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N BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA, I am pleased to offer my best wishes to the Consulting Engineers of Alberta for the 2014 issue of Alberta Innovators. As Albertans, we take great pride in the role innovation plays in our province. Along with our self-determination and resiliency, innovation is what help to define us. We are known for being leaders at the forefront of research and development – from nanotechnology to computer sciences, energy to infrastructure – and engineers help drive these innovations. To move forward, we must continue to attract the best and brightest minds into this wonderful profession. It is fitting that your theme for the upcoming year is Building Our Place in the Community. During the floods of 2013, engineers and their respective firms were heavily involved in the disaster relief and rebuilding efforts. I know in the upcoming months and years, Albertans will be relying on the excellence of our engineers so our province can continue to rebuild, grow and prosper. The Consulting Engineers of Alberta has been supporting professional engineers, technologists and support staff in this province for more than 30 years. I wish you continued success and congratulations on the publications of the latest issue of Alberta Innovators.

Alison M. Redford, QC 2014




Building our plACE in thE Community

Momentum Moves Forward

T Craig Clifton, P.eng. President, CEA

Ken PiliP, P.eng. CEO & Registrar, CEA

hE Consulting EnginEErs of

Alberta (CEA) have reached a milestone of 100 membership f irms employing 10,000 people. We’re proud to celebrate our 36th anniversary. From humble beginnings we have evolved into a legislated body – the Consulting Engineers of Alberta. CEA fosters excellence among consulting engineers, while guiding the profession with a strong Code of Ethics and Member charter. Our goal is to attract and celebrate the best. This year we are honouring Mr. Cory Broks P. Eng. and Mr. Leo Broks P.Eng., founders of Al-Terra Engineering Ltd. Their leadership and commitment over 37 years of consulting engineering has established Al-Terra as a premier firm. In Alberta, we benefit from many of the Brokses’ projects. They have demonstrated excellence through innovation and integrity. They are being honoured with the CEA Lieutenant Governor’s Awards for Distinguished Achievement. Their leadership in contributing to Alberta’s economy, their engineering endeavours and their personal involvement in the community sets them apart. Just as previous winners have, they personify the principles upon which the consulting engineering profession is founded: excellence, innovation and integrity. We must continue to attract the brightest and best minds from our engineering and technical schools and grow a strong local consulting industry in Alberta. Our professional associations, APEGA and ASET are key to ensuring that professional standards are high and that young graduates have a high level of academic and applied skills to ensure engineering excellence. The CEA has faced some challenges largely because the selection of consulting services is often based on price rather than qualifications. The lowest price isn’t as significant as the best qualifications and experience. Contracting for the delivery of knowledge-based consulting services is different than buying a commodity. CEA works to educate people to help them understand that they can get more for less if they use a more appropriate selection process. The Qualifications Based Selection system provides

the answer. QBS starts with selection of a qualified consultant, who then works with the client to define the objectives and scope of work. Following that, the parties negotiate a suitable price and undertake the work. Organizations using this approach, such as the City of Calgary, report fewer change orders; very few cost-overruns, and greater innovation.

thE unitEd stAtEs mAndAtEd thE QBs system under the Brooks Act of 1972. It has worked so well for procurement of consulting engineering services that most states have voluntarily adopted the federal legislation. It’s time to legislate that model here. QBS will sustain our industry and ensure the viability the field, as well as providing the Province of Alberta with the engineering expertise to meet the future with confidence. We thank our industry partners, the Alberta Construction Association, the Consulting Architects of Alberta, and the Alberta Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association for their support of the QBS model. Consulting engineering companies answered the call with the flooding disaster in southern Alberta by volunteering, and providing money and services. President Craig Clifton’s theme for the year “building our place in the community” was put to the test. On behalf of our president, board and staff we offer thanks to all. We also thank the province for mobilizing and responding to the immediate needs of families and businesses. Unfortunately, recent events in the Province of Quebec are very serious for the consulting engineering profession in Canada. The Charbonneau Inquiry dealing with unethical behaviour will negatively impact our reputation. The unethical actions of a few can undermine the foundation of trust that underpins our client relationships. In Alberta, the CEA wants the public to know that the unethical activities exposed in Quebec will not be tolerated. Thanks goes to our dedicated staff, helping our association be as organized and successful as it is. The whole community benefits. By working together and helping others achieve a better understanding of what we do and the role we play in enhancing our communities, the future of the consulting industry in Alberta will be strong and vibrant. alberta innovators


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Industry’s National Voice


hE AssoCiAtion of Consulting

Engineering Companies - Canada (ACEC) is proud to be the national voice of consulting engineering. Representing nearly 500 firms, ACEC’s vision for the future is a successful, trusted and sustainable consulting engineering industry. ACEC would like to thank Consulting Engineers of Alberta and its members for their ongoing support at the national level. By working together, we have a stronger voice and greater capacity to strengthen our communities, promote economic growth and protect our environment. Together, consulting engineers will contribute to a bright future for Canada. With the support of our provincial and territorial member organizations, ACEC undertakes activities in four key areas:

1. Advocacy on national issues

JOHN GAMBLE, CET, P.Eng. President, ACEC

ACEC influences the federal government and other national stakeholders to create a regulatory and business climate that is favourable to consulting engineering companies. ACEC’s annual “Parliament Hill Day” provides an opportunity for representatives of member firms to meet with Members of Parliament and raise awareness of issues affecting our industry. In October, ACEC applauded the government’s commitment to a 10-year infrastructure program but stressed the urgent need for planning and application processes to begin. ACEC also highlighted the need for investment in northern infrastructure to access and transport Canada’s natural resources. ACEC is increasing outreach to organizations that represent private sector clients. We’re collaborating with the Mining Association of Canada, Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada and NWT Chamber of Mines to study the challenges of doing business in the North and identify strategies to encourage private investment. ACEC recently adopted a position on oil and gas transportation. Expanding and modernizing oil and gas transportation infrastructure is vital to prosperity. ACEC will also expand its advocacy to include a new Parliamentary Partners program. Under this new initiative, ACEC supports members building relationships with local MPs.

2. Image and profile building

ACEC enhances the prof ile of consulting engineers and showcases the contribution of

consulting engineering to Canada’s social, economic and environmental quality of life. Each year, ACEC hosts the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards, a marquee industry event that in 2013 saw 26 presentations, including Awards of Excellence and Special Achievement Awards. We encourage all members of Consulting Engineers of Alberta to enter their projects in 2014 and participate in this national showcase of excellence in our industry. ACEC partners with organizations and supports programs that provide opportunities to raise the profile of consulting engineers among clients, politicians and other industries. We promote consulting engineering through student outreach activities, a proactive media strategy and by being an influential participant in the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC).

3. Client liaison and business practices

We are recognized by public and private sector clients, and by the consulting engineering sector, as the authority on business practice issues. ACEC works with industry experts to offer professional service agreements for use by consulting engineering companies and their clients. We continually monitor trends through benchmarking and industry surveys. Our annual summit offers a business program geared to industry leaders, and we regularly provide training seminars that help engineering companies succeed. ACEC encourages the use of qualifications-based selection (QBS) to provide the best value to clients.

4. Member engagement and communications

We encourage member participation and demonstrate value through effective communications and engagement. ACEC creates regular opportunities for discussion, collaboration, and networking. Each year, ACEC conducts a national tour of member organizations to solicit industry feedback on issues and trends. In serving our members, we continue to improve and modernize our communication tools enabling more targeted and strategic communications. We value the input of our members and invite them to discover the benefits of getting involved in ACEC. To find out more about ACEC and what we do for our members, please visit alberta innovators



alberta innovators

BY Colleen Biondi | ILLUSTRATION BY RAYMond Reid

CEs don’t travel the easy road. Many have industry experience that allows them to see the corporate perspective as well as the public one


o be a consulting engineer (ce) in alberta is not to take

the easy road. In fact, working with industry types and government personnel to assess the best way to proceed with a resource development enterprise – while mitigating negative impact on the environment – results in the odd sleepless night and a few extra grey hairs. But Shawn McKeown, principal at Golder Associates Ltd., would have it no other way. “There is a lot of contention about the oil sands,” says the seasoned professional who has been in the business since 1977. “But we like to think of ourselves as the honest brokers of scientific information.” That means a good deal of work at the permitting and application level and helping businesses with environmental impact assessments (EIAs). These very detailed documents focus on how projects can get done without leaving behind a large footprint that requires extensive ecological remediation. Consulting companies have the “dedicated and disciplined manpower” to complete these documents properly. Wildlife experts, vegetation specialists, biodiversity people and fish biologists all may contribute to the – typically massive – reports. “We are the second most writing-intensive business in the world after journalists,” he adds. alberta innovators


CEs do not decide which oil and gas or mining project goes ahead and which one is nixed. Industry people might abandon the project themselves in its early stage if it is not deemed to be financially viable or if issues with stakeholders – landowners, investors or First Nations communities – are too unwieldy, or if fluctuation in the value of commodities is too uncertain. But if a project proceeds, the final decision is made by multiple levels of government after the project meets every regulatory standard. What they do provide is the answer to this critical question: what is the current level of eco-functioning at the site and how much will it be affected when roads, pipelines, well pads and facilities are built? CEs also assess social considerations. How will this development impact the people who live there, economically and lifestyle-wise? Will it provide jobs? What happens to the community’s welfare after the project closes and the jobs are over? CEs evaluate terrestrial disciplines (soil, vegetation and wildlife). Does the project take into consideration the caribou zone, and does it protect natural flora? What are the implications if the proposed project does not consider these? Creative reclamation plans are critical. CEs look to the plan to find how the project stakeholders will later take down the pipelines and pads. They’ll examine how the project proposes to replace topsoil and trees. Golder has hired people in retirement homes near Fort McMurray to collect native seeds, which they send to Smoky Lake Forest Nursery to be planted into seedlings and then replanted in reclamation processes. Archeological finds, of particular interest to First Nations and heritage experts, require special consideration (30 people at Golder are archeologists). The Quarry of the Ancestors, an outcropping of sandstone rock discovered near Fort MacKay in 2006, was used to make tools for thousands of years. A recent paleontology find in Grande Prairie’s oil sands region expresses information about how the land was traditionally used versus how it is used today. Archeologists have deemed both sites as historically significant, and requiring sensitive care during development. As well as these preliminary phases, CEs are involved in the development process itself, measuring and monitoring wildlife and wetlands issues during operations,


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Some mines were abandoned and not reclaimed well. “The mining just stopped and everybody left.” – Paul Ruffell, President, Tetra Tech EBA and in the wrap-up or evaluation stage. “Big companies don’t want to take shortcuts,” says McKeown. “They know it will get them in the long run.” The worst-case scenario is for government to shut down a project once operations are rolling. No company needs that kind of negative publicity. But they want to execute efficient and costsaving measures that won’t adversely affect their bottom line. To do that, companies need the expertise of trusted and experienced consulting engineers to balance environmental concerns with profit margins. Trust allows for honest conversations about checks and balances; experience means they’re going to get the job done well. Plus, CEs who are working on many projects can share best practices and recommend steps to clients based on previous successes. Since McKeown began working, there

have been advances in processes which will protect the environment but are not “economic killers.” One example is the commercialization of solvent extraction in underground production chambers; this process requires less steam and improves energy economics. And research is currently underway all over Alberta (spearheaded by groups like Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance, the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute and the Ecological Monitoring Committee for the Lower Athabasca) to develop improvements in biodiversity issues, reclamation techniques, technological upgrades and air emission quality. Most are incremental but some – tailing management developments, for example – are transformative. Alberta is also making strides with detailed land use plans, water allocation and management and environmental monitor-

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ing of the oil sands. In fact, this province was the first jurisdiction in North America to put a price on greenhouse gases. But there is always some room for improvement. Paul Ruffell, president of Tetra Tech EBA, has been committed to improving the practice of responsible resource development for 34 years. He worked in the Arctic for 15 of those years, moved into management then did some work with a waste management company. Although a high-ranking executive, he still likes to be on the ground. You’re “relevant and credible” when you are where the action is, not behind a desk, he says. One of his areas of expertise is the mining industry. His company has been involved in northern development since the early 1970s, starting with the Ekati Diamond Mine and moving into the Diavik Diamond Mine, both of which are located approximately 300 kilometres northeast of Yellowknife. “Diamond mines work because you don’t need to fly thousands of tonnes of ore out of the mines. You just need a box of diamonds,” Ruffell says. EBA is also involved in gold mining – near Wawa, Ontario – and iron ore mining on the coast of Baffin Island. CEs provide a key role in resource development by pulling comprehensive plans together for client groups, recommending mine design, blast plans, transportation and slope stability options. They bring a perspective like no other and are “uniquely positioned” to bring all aspects of environ-

mental sensitivity to one development. They also provide advice regarding “orphan mines.” Built in the 1950s and ’60s, these are mines whose operations have been discontinued and which have been left with no ownership structure. At the time the mines were abandoned, they were not reclaimed well – or at all – with old equipment left on site or tailings left exposed. “The mining just stopped and everybody left,” Ruffell says. Today governments and

other stakeholders are cleaning some of them up. Others are becoming operative again as new extraction techniques extend the life of them. For example, the federal and territorial governments and a mining company are committed to cleaning up and restarting the Bellekeno silver mine in Yukon after it was abandoned in the 1980s. Advances in extraction technolog y (including bio mining and the Albion oxidation process) are also able to draw more

“Consultants need to remember that they work as part of a chain. If they fail, the chain fails.� – Paul Ruffell, President, Tetra Tech EBA ore from old tailings, to access product that wasn’t recoverable earlier. Further, soil and vegetation consulting specialists can respond to the issue of acid rock drainage (ARD), which is a key problem with mining. When rock is exposed over a long period of time, the water that runs from it is acidic and hampers efforts to revegetate. If the process can be mitigated by covering the rock, ARD stops in its tracks. For the consultation process to succeed, there needs to be mutual respect and rapport – and experience on the part of the consultant. “Trust comes into play from having gone to the wall for a client,� Ruffell says. The same industry people move frequently into and out of myriad business ventures. A consultant’s experience with them will form the foundation of his or her reputation. Many of the best consulting engineers have come out of industry. They understand the pressures about what to do and what not to do at certain stages. When Ruffell returned from his self-imposed sabbatical in the waste management field, he was intimately familiar with considerations unique to that industry. “The prime thing you learn in working in industry is to think like the client and understand his problems from

his perspective.� One example was the critical importance of budget and time frames to the client. “Often I had to work hard to justify my (waste management) project and get it approved – and the basis for that approval was a schedule and budget derived from the consultant.� If the project went late or over-budget, Ruffell had to go to his supervisors and “beg for forgiveness,� which is not something you want to do with any frequency. “Consultants need to remember that they work as part of a chain. If they fail, the chain fails.� Owners of consulting companies understand this. “We are more useful to our clients if we understand their business first, their problem second,� Ruffell says. Junior CEs can learn from people inside the consulting organization who have worked in industry. But if you don’t have industry knowledge, resist trying to fake it for the industry professionals, recommends Ruffell. “They can see an imposter from 50 yards.� Consulting engineers provide a critical role in safely and securely developing our natural resources. They continue to execute leadership in the field and will be the key to ensuring the sustainability of our province’s most precious commodities.

AGENTS OF CHANGE: The Canadian International Institute For Extractive Industries And Development (CIIEID) What it is: A world-renowned centre of expertise that will help developing countries reap the full benefit of their natural resources. It will share best practices, consult about capacity building, policy, legislation and regulation development and support education and research innovation to create jobs and prosperity. Where it is: At the University of British Columbia, operating in conjunction with Simon Fraser University and École Polytechnique de Montreal. International partners will also provide consultation and expertise. When it began: Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the announcement in October 2011. The UBC became the operational site in November 2012. Who it will help: Initial analysis suggests assistance to Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Who funds it: The Canadian International Development Association (CIDA) provided $25 million. For more information: Contact Bern Klein, acting executive director, at

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STAMPEDE PARK: Less than 10 days before the 2013 Calgary Stampede, the floods threatened the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.


alberta innovators

A recovery plan eight years in the making kicked in, even as the floodwaters of June rose BY Carissa Halton

and over the next four days, large angular rock was brought in to stabilize the banks at risk. sky in the backyards of the evacuated Of course, it wasn’t the only flood story of community of Grayling Terrace. the year. Less than two weeks later, Cougar On any other day, they might have Creek and the Bow, Elbow and Highwood been hikers or dog walkers enjoying the banks rivers (among others) would become churning of Fort McMurray’s Hangingstone River. torrents: ripping houses, animals and forests Except on this day the dependably placid from their banks and distributing the debris river was rushing faster than most people had across southern Alberta. ever seen it. As the Hangingstone scrambled Calvin McClary, Calgary manager of ISL higher, its banks balked and surrendered to the Engineering and Land Services, has been in careening trees and clawing water. The two the consulting engineering business for 35 people, spotters actually, stood facing the erodyears. “It didn’t ing banks. “Two feet completely surprise right,” said one into me,” he says. “Years a radio.“Yeah, yeah, ago in a f i rstswing it to the left,” the year engineering other answered.“Right – Gordon Stewart, Recovery Director, Recovery Operations Centre Task Force course at the Unithere. Now!”As they versity of Calgary, spoke into their radios, they watched the 40-metre arm of a 500-tonne way and was encroaching on what we knew to I had a professor explain that there is always a crane drop engineered concrete interlocking be a water main and sanitary line in the area,” risk that a large storm that centres on the Bow blocks in place. The crane was parked on the he says. “The question put to us was, ‘What River basin will cause significant flooding. That is where the flood in the early part of the other side of the houses. In the centre of a quiet has to happen to lift the evacuation order?’ ” What Vanderzwaag found was something last century came from. When I heard that 150 cul de sac, it lifted the blocks between houses even more emergent: A retaining wall, sup- millimetres of rain was due in the province, and dropped them at the spotters’ directions. Seated safely in his office, Jason Vanderz- porting the only access road to the Waterways I said to my wife, ‘There’s going to be a flood waag remembers that day. “We had no road and Draper communities from Highway 63, tomorrow.’ ” Of course, McClary didn’t expect the kind access to the actual river,” says Vanderzwaag, was at risk. He advised the municipality that the of flooding unleashed on southern Alberta Associated Engineering project manager in Fort McMurray. “So we worked closely with evacuation order in Ptarmigan was second- on June 20, 2013. Twenty-nine states of local the contractor and collectively came up with ary and that other infrastructure needed to emergency were declared, 100,000 people were the solution to park a crane in the cul de sac.” be addressed immediately. The municipality displaced and four people lost their lives. The Slowly, a stable wall rose to protect the fragile responded with a green light to mobilize crews, floods were the costliest in Alberta’s history wo people stood under a grey

riverbank and reduce the impact of flooding in the community. Grayling Terrace wasn’t the only community threatened by flooding in Fort McMurray. A day after the peak flooding occurred on June 10, 2013, Associated Engineering was called by the municipality’s emergency response team and asked to assess locations where flood damage had been reported. Vanderzwaag went out to review a section of river that had cutaway banks close to the evacuated Ptarmigan trailer court. “The river had partially eroded a road-

“In the recovery, everyone in the industry has said, ‘We can start right now or sooner.’”

alberta innovators


REBUILDING: Much of the industry’s post-flood continues to be focussed on recovery of the areas hardest hit, such as Kananaskis.

and, while the recovery continues, estimated damages could exceed $5 billion. As the rain came down and it became clear that Canmore would be severely impacted, McClary called the ISL Engineering office there. “I have five guys, three trucks and three portable generators. Do you need them?” McClary asked. “Yes,” said his lead in Canmore. “I’ll get them to you as soon as we can,” McClary confirmed. (One of the five volunteers who left that day would return to his drowned car bobbing in water in a parking lot that no one had realized was below flood level.) When the five arrived in Canmore, they were positioned wherever the town emergency personnel needed them. “Our folks watched slopes that were sliding, bridges that were failing and we reported back.” As Cougar Creek receded, their structural engineers entered the homes damaged by the flood. One engineer inspected 117 houses in two days. “He had to determine if the home would fall down or not,” McClary pauses, seemingly in respect for those homes he had no choice but to condemn. “It’s a tough thing to do.” Back in Calgary and four days after the f lood, McClary started work on the Scollen Bridge that crosses the Elbow River on 25 Avenue SW and connects the commu-

nity of Mission to Macleod Trail. The flood had captured a construction trailer somewhere upstream and carried it until the trailer lodged on the bridge. It effectively rerouted water into the neighbourhood of Mission. The east approach to the bridge was completely washed away. The Stampede was set to begin in less than 10 days and the City wanted McClary to assess whether the bridge could be ready by then. PCL was contracted for work on the bridge and Standard General for the roadwork. “I’ve worked with them for many years,”

That phenomenal capacity was not happenstance. The City of Calgary’s response to the 2013 f lood was eight years in the making. The City’s framework for response and recovery was developed after the 2005 floods. Named the top weather story of that year by Environment Canada, heavy rains had caused flood damage to about 40,000 Calgary homes (roughly one in 10 homes in the city) and evacuated more than 1,500 people. Insured and uninsured losses topped $400 million. According to Gordon Stewart, recovery director with the Recovery Operations Centre Task Force, the City built an emergency response and recovery framework now considered best practice by the Conference Board of Canada. ”We’re working with a number of large international firms that have done recovery work in areas damaged by Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy,” says Stewart. “When they give us advice – it’s already been implemented.” This recovery plan kicked in even as the floodwaters rose. “The recovery started being planned the first day.” But the floods of 2005 didn’t just provide a clear guide for future recovery efforts. It also set in motion significant mitigation efforts that led to city infrastructure weathering the floods this time around. For instance, the experts anticipated the pressure of a flood on the city’s water treatment facilities and, over the past eight years, the City has invested more than $400 million to upgrade treatment plants. Stewart explains, “If you do a review of most f lood events, one of the first things that happens when a f lood occurs is a boil water order.” For the 2013 floods, while the City released an advisory to reduce water use, Stewart says there was never any concern for the quality or safety of the drinking water. City staff, with significant support from consulting engineers, assessed and solved numerous problems in advance. “We put the money into infrastructure,” says Stewart. And in the face of Alberta’s worst flooding in recent memory, he confirms, “It worked really well.” Much of the work, both in the recovery and mitigation efforts, carries the fingerprints of consulting engineers. “A lot of my work is done by the consulting engineers

When he heard 150 millimetres of rain was due, Calvin McClary told his wife, “There’s going to be a flood.”


alberta innovators

says McClary. “The second day we were there, I said that I thought it would take seven days. I told the City that if they could get us the materials, we could do it.” Despite the feat of co-ordination, materials and work required, they pulled it off. “The commitment of the folks that worked for the contractors really allowed this to happen. The crews would commit to getting something done in a day and they’d stay until it got done,” says McClary. “And hats off to the City. The competence and ability of my contact with the City to deliver what needed to happen, and to effectively organize for the people at the site to get the work done, was phenomenal.”

industry,” says Stewart. “While there are many engineers working within the city’s organization, for the largest things that we do, we go to the consulting industry to provide that expertise to us.” “And in the recovery, almost everyone in the industry we’ve called has said, ‘We can start right now or sooner – what would you like us to do?’ ” says Stewart. Much of the industry’s work continues to be focused on the recovery. In High River, ISL Engineering is helping to rebuild bridges and patch roads so they’ll last the winter. The company is in the Hamlet of Exshaw and in Big Horn. It is rebuilding forestry trunk roads, and infrastructure along Highway 66. Moving forward, however, the cities and province will need the best minds in the consulting engineering industry to focus on matters of mitigation. Building further resilience into new infrastructure projects will be critical. The province’s Flood Recovery Task Force, as it moves into the long-term planning phases of recovery, will require the industry’s expertise. The City of Calgary’s Flood Recovery Operations has struck an expert panel on which consulting engineers will play a key role assessing what is needed to make things better in the future. When it comes to rebuilding, Stewart reflects, “At the end of the day, we have to talk about what the [mitigation] measure is, what the cost of the measure is, and what is the risk that these dollars will mitigate. It will be about weighing this many dollars against this much risk. Council needs to make these kinds of decisions.”

Whatever these projects of the future look like, no doubt they will continue to showcase not only the industry’s expertise, but also its relationships. The work that occurred because of the 2013 f loods could not have happened without the co-operative relationships consulting engineers, contractors and local governments have built in offices and ditches, on drenched roadways and windy bridges. “In the infrastructure business,” McClary says, “no one gets it done by themselves.” This co-operation isn’t limited to industry partners, either. The work of consulting engineers during and after the f loods reinforced the industry’s community connections. “It was amazing to work in that environment,” recalls McClary. “We were in one of the worst hit f lood areas in Calgary. Folks around us were struggling to empty out their basements, yet were so supportive of what we were doing. Ordinary citizens came down to hand out food to volunteers and included us in the bunch.” For the first time in McClary’s 35-year career, a team of nuns supported him on the job. Their retirement building was not far from the crippled Scollen Bridge and, despite experiencing their own losses, the women stopped by the construction site with baked goods. “Muff ins, anyone?” the nuns asked. They handed out the treats, and it was one of the few times the crews would take a break that week.

GRAYLING TERRACE: Fort McMurray was one of many municipalities affected by the June floods, which involved the help of consulting engineers early on.

REBUILDING HOPE Andre Corbould, chief assistant deputy minister of the Southern Alberta Flood Recovery Task Force, recalls his role in early recovery efforts, and predicts the future of flood mitigation. I got called on June 21 and was asked to go to the provincial operation centre and start thinking about taking over the flood recovery effort. Essentially, my role has been to put together a task force. But it’s not just the Government of Alberta that’s going to recover; it’s all Albertans who need to recover from the flood. We got about 85 stakeholders together in the first week, including the municipal associations, road builders, and of course one of our key stakeholders was the Consulting Engineers of Alberta. We wanted to brief consulting engineers on the plan for recovery. Since then, we’ve put out several requests for proposals, where we’ve had consulting engineers come in to work on specific projects, be they long-term flood mitigation or other things. The first priority is people’s essentials of life, such as heat, shelter, and food. The next priority begins the recovery effort – how quickly we can get back to normal. It varies between individual homes and individual circumstances. After those priorities come the greater pieces, such as provincial infrastructure. On a large scale, we’ve repaired most of the highways and bridges. We’ve repaired, to at least an operational state, most of the hospitals. We’ve either repaired the schools or built temporary ones. And those three items in particular – from an infrastructure perspective – are tied to people’s needs. By the time we’re done full recovery – once people are fine and they’ve got new homes, bridges are back up, and we’ve actually mitigated and reduced the risk of future events – that long-term recovery could take 10 years. We’ve allocated funds to come up with more resilient designs for bridges and roads in flood-affected areas. Transportation has done excellent analysis based on what happened in 2013, and they’re in the process of working through with consultants to enhance our designs. We’re open to anything that will help us reduce the risk to Albertans. -As told to Shelley Williamson

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TOP FIVE: Consulting engineers have a smaller cohort in the 20- to 40-year-old age group. Meet tomorrow’s leaders.

Builders BY Lewis KeLLy & sheLLey wiLLiamson | PHOTOS BY Constantine tanasiuK

Meet the engineers who will lead the pack in the next generation of Alberta’s consulting engineers 24

alberta innovators


rom the struCture of the offiCe towers where we

work and the houses in which we live to the wastewater systems that keep both safe and pleasant, engineers build the world around us. Talking to the rising stars of consulting engineering, then, can reveal the personalities that will shape our lives and those of our children and grandchildren. Innovators caught up with five of the industry’s Young Turks for some insight on where they come from and how they plan to build our world.

Patrick FleMing, Principal, kFr engineering

Patrick Fleming comes from a family of builders – architects, engineers, lego enthusiasts, you name it. A childhood dream of building jet planes and a dalliance with fluid mechanics in university funnelled him into mechanical engineering as a young man. But the mid-1990s, when he finished his master’s degree at the University of Alberta, was not a great time to enter the workforce as an engineer. He took a job investigating motor vehicle accidents, using physics to figure out who did what to whom in collisions. Fleming found the work interesting, notwithstanding the odd grisly accident, and he appreciated the ability to put groceries on the table. But his heart wasn’t in it. “There’s some fascinating science in that world,” he says, “but it really wasn’t a passion for me. I investigated a couple hundred accidents, and I’d pretty much had my fill at that point.” So, when demand for mechanical engineers returned, Fleming moved to Stantec. He jokes that Stantec gave him just enough rope to hang himself. Instead, he grabbed that metaphorical rope and made like a daring young man on the flying trapeze. His first leap was to capitalize on the considerable opportunity for mentorship that was in front of him. After four years at Stantec, Hemisphere Engineering lured him away with the chance to work with Robert Campbell, whom Fleming regards as the finest mechanical engineer in Western Canada. Fleming worked on a variety of high-profile projects while at Hemisphere, including the design of the National Institute of Nanotechnology on the campus at the U of A, and an award-winning air quality control system at the Kinsmen Fieldhouse in Edmonton. He also met Dwayne Rose and Migo Kelada there. The trio realized they shared a common ambition: to build a new company. They formed KFR Engineering in 2009, an engineering consultancy that designs labs,

hospitals, energy efficiency upgrades for old buildings, and more. The company has grown to around 20 employees since its founding. Fleming has positioned himself and KFR to act on his vision of building a better future through engineering. Alberta has invested a lot in infrastructure in the last decade and, he says, it will need more in years to come. “Alberta won’t meet its growth requirements without strong, empowered engineers,” Fleming says. “It’s timely for engineers to step up and talk about the importance of engineering.” He also wants to entrench KFR as a flat consultancy, one in which even the most senior staff still do substantial amounts of engineering themselves. Fleming says this makes an engineering business stronger, but it also keeps the principals connected with the youngest engineers and able to provide what they need most: mentorship. “The market is such in Alberta, because of oil boom-and-bust and recessions, there’s a scarcity of engineering talent in their late 20s to early 40s,” he says. “It’s critical to carry knowledge to the younger generation.”

gible results, with her surveying work contributing to the realignment of Highway 13 just west of Wetaskiwin. She knows most people don’t pause to give thanks to the engineer who made sure the road is straight and level. She likes it that way. “There’s something nice about knowing that you’ve done your job so well that no one has to think about it,” says Leithead. She says engineering will need to change gears to keep pace with the modern world. Engineering serves society, so when society changes, so must those who build and maintain it. Leithead says we’re increasingly concerned with resource conservation and modes of transit other than the car. Tomorrow’s infrastructure will need to integrate residential and commercial buildings more frequently, and cater to all kinds of transit. Leithead would also like to see engineers foster personal bonds with clients. “Historically, we haven’t been so good at celebrating the successes of the profession,” she says. “People talk about ‘my doctor’ or ‘my lawyer.’ I think it would be nice if ‘my engineer’ was used like that.”

Dana leitheaD, Municipal infrastructure manager, al-terra engineering

Jackie Mykytiuk, Process engineer, associated engineering

None of Dana Leithead’s friends like travelling with her. It’s not that she’s rude or insists on listening to Nickelback on the car stereo. She just gets sentimental. “I’ll be driving along and I’ll go, ‘Oh, I did this project! I remember this culvert!,’ or ‘That piece of subgrade was really problematic,’ ” Leithead laughs. “No one wants to drive with civil engineers.” But everyone wants well-engineered roads to drive on. After 15 years at Al-Terra, dating back to her days in the University of Alberta’s co-op program, Leithead finds projects on which she has worked all over the place. Even her first co-op term with Al-Terra yielded tan-

As chair of the CEA Young Professionals Group’s Edmonton wing, part of Jackie Mykytiuk’s job is to promote the glamorous lifestyle and satisfying work of a consulting engineer to undergraduates. Given the attention span and interests of most students, this is no small task. Mykytiuk’s approach is as elegant as it is timeless: lure them there with free pizza. Once trapped, the students are in for some persuasive testimony on the benefits of consulting engineering as a career choice. Mykytiuk went into her engineering degree expecting to spend her career designing bridges. By the time she graduated, she was more fascinated with wastewater treatment plants than bridges. “There’s more opportunity for company alberta innovators


ownership and making a difference in the engineering world,” says Mykytiuk, on the consulting side of things. As much as being in charge, she likes the variety of projects consulting lets her work on, and getting to travel to different areas of Alberta for work. Mykytiuk does see some problems in the industry, though. Engineers are not famed for their eloquence and charisma, and sometimes they fail to pipe up for the worthiness of their work. And this has significance beyond understroked egos. When government decides to tighten its belt, as tends to happen periodically in oil-powered Alberta, infrastructure is often the target. If infrastructure spending falls into that category, consulting engineers who deal with the province’s highways, water treatment plants, bridges, and landfills will be left high and dry – along with Alberta’s citizens. “Engineers haven’t done a good job advertising or marketing as a profession,” she says. “We don’t provide just another commodity. It’s the taxpayers’ money. When you’re putting in a sewer or a road, you want it to last a long time, so you go through those extra hours of engineering time to make sure it does.”

TODD McGaw, vice-president of mechanical engineering, Hemisphere engineering

To hear Todd McGaw speak about the process of designing mechanical systems for buildings, you would think he was waxing poetic about a painting or a piece of sculpture. “It’s a creative process to bring together mechanical and electrical systems; I liken them to the lungs and veins of the body. Your building takes life when you start it up and it does have a life of its own. There’s creativity in bringing those systems to life,” says the consulting engineer and vice-president of mechanical engineering at Hemisphere Engineering.


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The 20-year veteran learned his craft at the University of Victoria, where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering through a co-op program. He highly recommends this hands-on learning route to the next generation of engineers. “I had that opportunity and it was a good way to find out what those industries were really like,” says McGaw, who relocated to Edmonton for professional opportunities two years ago. “You have this image of what it’s like to work in a lab, but until you work in a lab, you don’t know. If you can find out in a co-op environment, you’ll set yourself up for success once you graduate.” McGaw was the managing principal on the newly-opened Edmonton Remand Centre, which is about to complete its year-end warranty review. He is also the managing principal at work on the Edmonton Federal Building renovations. Preserving the art deco landmark, that project challenges McGaw to make the building sustainable with a LEED Gold rating. On the horizon, McGaw has a supervisory role in Edmonton’s planned downtown arena project. Along with the impressive dollar value of the high-profile projects – at $1.6 billion all told – the buildings have brought and will bring their share of challenges, which include the opportunity to take on a supervisory role, McGaw says. Painting a picture that’s far from the dry reputation engineering normally gets, what McGaw likes best about mechanical and consulting engineering are the daily opportunities to learn. “From the technical side, it’s always changing. I never get the feeling that I’m stagnating,” he says. “There’s always something new to learn or to understand, or troubleshoot. There’s always something new happening.”

DaviD OfielD, environmental engineer in training, Stantec

It’s tempting to think of immigrants as economic refugees: the housing market in Ireland or the cod stock in Newfoundland collapses and Alberta’s labour pool becomes bigger. David Ofield doesn’t fit this image. What with the global financial crisis and all, Hamilton wasn’t exactly a boomtown when he finished his master’s degree at McMaster University in 2008. Ofield could still find work in his native Ontario. “Infrastructure needs don’t go away. You still need your water, your roads, your buildings,” Ofield says. “We’ll always be in demand, and that’s why I think engineering is a great career path, but I wanted something more than the typical engineering life.” That desire for something more, plus a passion for hiking around and over mountains, drew him west to work for Stantec. “Consulting engineering was attractive for me because I wanted diversity, the ability to experiment with multiple disciplines. That was one of my goals when I started at Stantec,” Ofield says. At Stantec, he ultimately chose to specialize in wastewater treatment and drainage, keeping Edmonton’s basements dry and its citizens hydrated. Ofield takes pride in every project he works on, but he especially relishes the chance to contribute to something in his community. He loves to run past the Rossdale water treatment plant south of downtown Edmonton, where an award-winning dechlorination system he had a hand in keeping the North Saskatchewan a healthy waterway. The number of people aware of his work on it are a minuscule fraction of those who benefit from it. That doesn’t bother Ofield. “There’s some satisfaction in being behind the scenes, making a significant contribution to society without being praised for it,” he says. “The fact that those parts of our society run smoothly is all the credit we really need.” That willingness to stand in the background presents a problem for the field. Ofield, along with the other up-and-comers mentioned in here, would like to see young consulting engineers become more comfortable in the spotlight, enticing more young graduates to jump into the profession and reap its rewards. “It’s so neat to see your ideas come to life,” Ofield says. “To be able to see a need for something within society and a need within your community and meet it is tremendously satisfying.”

Picture Perfect The CEA would like to thank Jake’s Framing for the expertise it brings to making our certificates and awards look special Jake’s Framing is an independent picture framing retailer operating in the city of Edmonton, Alberta. Jake’s was established in 1993 and currently employs a staff of two.

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Design Dreams Thanks goes to Artsmith Communications for the exacting design skills it puts into the CEA’s Showcase Awards suite of products Artsmith Communications is a multiple award winning creative collective of illustrators, designers and writers. For over 25 years Artsmith has been developing Brands, Advertising Creative and Design initiatives for organizations throughout Alberta and Canada. A fixture on the 104 Street hub of Edmonton since 1989, you will often see members of the organization grabbing coffee, meeting clients, or taking their office ‘Frenchie’ Jean Guy for a walk. You can find out more about the company at


When you congratulate the Lieutenant Governor’s awards winners this year, spare a thought for the creator of the award: Don Chambers BY JorDAn WiLKins | PHOTOS BY BB CoLLeCtive


he CeA LieutenAnt Governor’s

Award for Distinguished Achievement recogniz es its recipients’ accomplishments and contributions to the consulting engineering industry and to their communities across Alberta. It’s the highest individual honour the CEA bestows upon its members. It’s only fitting, then, that since the inception of this prestigious award in 2007, a little extra ingenuity has gone into its design and creation.


alberta innovators

Don Chambers, a past president of the CEA and founder of Walters Chambers & Associates, spent the majority of his career as a structural engineer, but since retiring several years ago, he’s had more time to devote to hobbies. But, like most people, Chambers f inds that even a pastime is easier to engage in when there’s a deadline. Luckily, there’s one ever y year. Since 2007, Chambers has handcrafted each award that winners receive at the annual

Lieutenant Governor’s Award ceremony. As anyone who’s been lucky enough to receive this honour knows, this isn’t just a simple wood carving; Chambers constructs an intricate kaleidoscope from scratch. “The idea came from discussions with the CEA executive committee,” Chambers recalls. “They knew I had an artistic side – woodworking, pottery, stuff like that – and they wanted to do something special for this award. The idea grew from there.”

AWARD Chambers customizes the bearings, an area that kaleidoscope makers overlook. “I guess that’s the engineer in me,” he says.

Chambers had made some simple kaleidoscopes previously but he wanted to make sure these CEA awards pieces were worthy of the prestigious title. He also thought it was important to incorporate aspects of engineering, which is why each kaleidoscope can also double as an engineer level, something that CEA CEO Ken Pilip says makes the award that much more special. “The award always looks amazing,” Pilip says. “It adds to the prestige of winning, and it epitomizes the engineer level – something we’ve all used. Our recipients are proud to accept the Lieutenant Governor’s Award.” And there’s no shortage of worthy CEA members. Narrowing it down to just one recipient was a challenge for the first several years, but this problem was alleviated in

2012 when the award was first presented to multiple deserving members who embody the spirit of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award. The same thing happened in 2013, and again this year. While having multiple winners is a testament to the community involvement of CEA members, it has made award season a little busier for Chambers, not that he minds. Actually, the engineer in him relishes the opportunity to build multiple kaleidoscopes each year; it’s made him more efficient. Chambers has the art down to a science and can construct an entire award – complete w ith a matching wood stand for the kaleidoscope – in two or three weeks. Quite impressive, considering the number of the tools he has to call on. “A lot of it is done on lathe,” Chambers explains. “I also use a band saw, table saw, sand belt, glass cutter and a few more.” Fortunately, Chambers has always had a workshop at home, and when he moved into his current condo, he made sure there was space. “There’s a lot of dust control,” he laughs. Because there are so many different approaches to kaleidoscope building, Chambers has allowed his design to evolve over the years. This year’s award is about 10 inches long with a cylinder nearly two inches in diameter. There are two main parts; an eight-inch portion that includes mirrors and a two-and-a-half inch rotating section with

crystals. Chambers says the design is based on the classic kaleidoscope blueprint, but to make sure the moving parts function, he puts special work into customizing its bearings, an area that a lot of kaleidoscope makers overlook. “I guess that’s the engineer in me,” Chambers says. He says that, deep down, all engineers are artists. The engineering community has shown its appreciation for the Lieutenant Governor’s Awards over the years, but that admiration goes beyond the community, too. Before the award could bear the title of “Lieutenant Governor,” the Lieutenant Governor himself, then the Hon. Norman Kwong, had to give his approval. “He really liked it,” Chambers recalls. “It is pretty unique as far as awards go and I’ve heard a lot of nice feedback. It really gives me a warm feeling when I think about it; it’s a nice pat on the back.” Pilip, too, has heard positive reaction and hopes this CEA tradition will continue for as long as possible. In addition to it being a great way for Chambers to remain involved with CEA during his retirement, he says it’s also a special way to honour the award recipients. “These awards have a very lasting appeal and I know people really cherish them,” Pilip says. “This isn’t something you’re going to tuck away in the corner; you’re going to display it proudly. It’s a one-of-a-kind representation of a truly great achievement.” alberta innovators


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Myriad for Display Myriad for display Sidebar head


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NEW HORIZONS When his British company ceased Canadian operations, Paul Breeze decided to stay on BY JEn JanzEn | PHOTO BY JOEy POdLuBny

nE OF thE FIRst thIngs PauL BREEzE

noticed about Alberta when he stepped off the plane in February 1976 was how much bigger everything seemed compared to the United Kingdom. “Wide streets, big cars, big skies,” he says. Breeze was in Edmonton on business, scouting Canadian opportunities on behalf of the engineering firm he worked for in the U.K. He liked what he saw, and returned to Edmonton to represent his company four months later, this time with his wife Pam and their two children. “The lady at the airport said, ‘We’re going to rush you through immigration because I know you’ll want to go to the Rainmaker Rodeo in St. Albert,’ ” he recalls, laughing. “We didn’t even know what that was.” When the U.K. company that sent him here ceased its Canadian operations the following year, Breeze joined MB Engineering as a senior structural and project engineer. He soon traded one prairie province for another and moved to Regina to become the manager of engineering for Con-Force Products Ltd. (the name soon changed to Con-Force Structures), a firm that specialized in precast concrete. Breeze’s balance of technical and management skills led him to a variety of work and increasing responsibility. After Saskatchewan, he moved to Calgary in 1980 to become part of Con-Force’s senior management team, and in 1988, he and a few colleagues acquired Con-

Force Structures from CBR Cement Corporation. At that time, Con-Force was one of the world’s largest producers of precast concrete. That year he was also appointed vice-chairman of the Canadian Technical Committee on Reinforced Concrete Design. And in case he wasn’t busy enough, Breeze co-authored handbooks on best practices for reinforced concrete design. He punctuated his time in Calgary with three years in Detroit as the managing direc-

Breeze’s balance of technical and management skills led him to a variety of work and increasing responsibility. tor of engineering at the American Concrete Institute, serving the membership base of 20,000 professionals and supporting more than 100 technical committees. While in Detroit, Breeze formed the Strategic Development Council, a concrete technology marketing group. He returned to Calgary in 1997 to join Reid Crowther & Partners as manager of the company’s structural division. Breeze says the secret to his success has been his focus on team-building. “Some people are project-oriented,” he says. “I’m more about teams. I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve reported to and worked with people who have been some of the strongest in the business.” His no-regrets HR philosophy is simple: surround yourself with the right people and you’re halfway to success. For Breeze, the alberta innovators


We are pleased to partner with our colleagues at CEA to foster a positive business environment for design in Alberta. Advocating for enhancements to the way projects are: • Procured; • Contracted; • Delivered; and how • Services are valued

The Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association would like to acknowledge our 2013-2014 Chairman, who is returning for a second term!

Dwayne Berlando Lahrmann Construction Inc.

right people aren’t necessarily the ones with the most experience; they’re the ones with the can-do attitude. “Qualifications are important, but skills can be upgraded,” he says. “Attitude is there to stay.” In 2012, with a desire to focus on helping engineering firms operate better, Breeze hung out a shingle for PBreeze Consulting. He created promotional material, then spent the better part of a week crafting individual emails to the 836 people on his contact list. “I personalized it depending on how well I knew the person,” he says. “I still believe that was the right thing to do.” Ken Pilip, CEO of CEA, worked with Breeze at MB Engineering in 1978 and 1979. After 30 years of lost contact, the two were reunited in 2011 when Breeze volunteered with CEA. Pilip now routinely seeks Breeze’s counsel. “His personality is always positive,” Pilip

says. “He has always been a team player and a competent professional engineer.” More than anything, Breeze enjoys implementing corporate sustainability, something he defines as building an organization that, fortified with good planning and best practices, practically runs itself. “In engineering, if you’re not careful, you’re constantly putting out fires,” he said. “You need to be reactive, but you should have some contingencies in the background.” Business has been steady, allowing Breeze to vacation with his wife in their holiday trailer, with work to come home to. It’s a good balance for the engineer who says he’ll never totally retire. “As much as Pam and I lead a very happy existence, I think Pam would prefer that I’m busy and out of the house,” he says with a chuckle. “As long as I find the work enjoyable, I’ll continue to keep my hand in it for as long as I can.”

Let’s Make a DeaL Describing himself as “not very bright” in his high school years – blaming poor grades on his weekend job at a gas station and an addiction to playing chess with his friends – Breeze was inspired to become an engineer while he was stationed with the British Army in 1964. He helped build bridges, demolish old buildings, and generally got his feet wet in the world of military engineering. When he left the army in 1966, he went back to high school to get enough credits to apply to Kingston University. Breeze married Pam in April 1969, but before they could truly settle down, he found out that he had been accepted to university. That’s when the negotiating began. Pam said she’d support him through university if he would support her wish to raise children once he finished his training. They didn’t exactly shake on it, but four years later, Breeze graduated. Their first daughter, Katie, was born in 1974. Simon came in 1975, just before their move to Canada, and Lucy – “the real Canadian,” jokes Breeze – was born in 1977. Pam has remained the matriarch of the Breeze family, which now includes two teenage grandsons.

The future of self-regulation is in your hands. The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta invites its members to help shape their Association and their professions. Vote in the 2014 APEGA Council election. They are your professions and your Association. Online polls open at 9 a.m., Monday, March 3 and close 12 noon, Sunday, April 6.

Visit to learn more.


A Good Start

Young professionals can look forward to a bright future in Alberta’s consulting industry


ur industry is changing and

expanding with new project challenges, technology and innovation – it’s an exciting time to be a young professional in consulting engineering in Alberta! Over the past five years, I’ve considered myself lucky to have had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects ranging from small railyard expansions to large municipal projects to multi-disciplinary projects for the private sector. One of the reasons I love consulting engineering is the variety of clients and projects that provide me with new challenges daily. I am very excited to see what the future has in hold for the next five, 10, and 20 years of my career. I’m glad that the CEA’s CEO and Registrar Ken Pilip, agrees. “The young professionals are an important component of the Consulting Engineers of Alberta,” Pilip told me. ‘They provide us with new perspectives, innovative approaches to engineering and the enthusiasm of youth. The companies they work for and the clients they serve are all better off because of the talents of the Young Professionals.” At the CEA young professionals’ events, we emphasize the importance of networking with

other young professionals to share experience and hear about the variety of projects that are happening within our industry. It is also a great chance to meet with our peers and discuss the different aspects of consulting and daily challenges. We often discuss design approaches and project management challenges that we face daily. We hold technical tours, workshops, mixers, and speaker series throughout the year to promote the participation and development of young professionals in our industry. We are currently planning our first young professional CEA conference, which will happen in Edmonton on May 2, 2014. We’re holding a mixer the night before the conference that will allow the attendees to network. Our guest presenter that evening is discussing the theory and techniques of networking. The next day, it’s a full-day conference with a variety of speakers focusing on career planning and progression. The conference finishes with a reception, dinner and keynote speaker. The goal is to provide a conference specifically designed to benefit young professionals in the consulting engineering industry, and to answer some of our common questions.

Courtney Bourgeois, P.Eng. Hatch Mott MacDonald YP Director

We have established young professional (YP) groups in Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer. Our mission is to enhance the growth of the CEA and the consulting engineering industry by promoting the participation and development of young professionals. In order to achieve success, we have four fundamental goals: 1) To improve communication 2) To improve participation 3) To provide professional and personal development for young professionals 4) To increase recognition and celebrate the successes of young professionals The YP groups in Calgary, Edmonton, and Red Deer plan events throughout the year, focused on achieving these goals. We define young professionals as those engineers who have worked for less than 10 years in our industry. For more information, or to learn about YP events in Alberta, please visit YP webpage under committees at


alberta innovators


Keeps on Rolling Art Washuta has spent 40 years on complicated infrastructure such as dams and LRT projects. And he’s not slowing down BY JEn JanzEn | PHOTO BY buFFy gOOdman

alberta innovators


o r Ar t WA s h utA , Wo r k i n g o n Edmonton’s recent LRT expansion

project is a trip down memory lane. One of his first-ever postings was that of resident engineer for the construction of the CN Rail/Edmonton transit underpass near the Coliseum (now Rexall Place). It was 1974, and Washuta was fresh out of the University of Alberta’s civil engineering program. Edmonton was the first city with a population of less than a million to implement a light rail transit system, and Washuta was thrilled to work on it. “That was leading-edge work for a small city,” he says. In 20 0 0, when the City of Edmonton started to expand the LRT track south towards the university, Washuta was back where it all began. He has continued to work on the different phases of the LRT, helping to design and build tunnels, grade separations and stations to accompany the extended tracks. His work with the City of Edmonton counts as a career highlight, and it’s working with long-term clients that gives him a strong sense of pride.

From the days of helping his dad around the house with various projects – they once jacked up the house to retrofit it with a concrete basement – Washuta has always been building things; the larger and more complex, the better. When the province built and maintained its own infrastructure, he worked with Alberta Transportation as one of several engineers responsible for design and construction of the province’s bridges.

project but he likes complicated endeavours. One of his pet projects was the Old Man River Dam spillway, north of Pincher Creek. The largest spillway in Alberta, it required 150,000 cubic metres of concrete and was designed to carry 7,200 cubic metres of water per second as the “probable maximum f lood.” Washuta was the project’s design manager, and he worked to incorporate the best practices of the time. “Our designs were reviewed by independent experts who had experience in similar projects around the world. It was a great opportunity to be exposed to these experts.” Liaising with experts has been a consistent theme in Washuta’s four decades of engineering. His approach is simple: bring global best practices to local projects. “I believe in diverse teams,” he says. “Instead of trying to do everything within our company, bring the best available experts to the project.” One of his most challenging projects was building short-range radar stations for the Department of National Defence in the mid1980s. Intended to detect aircraft intrusions into Canadian airspace, these were difficult due to their remoteness – along the Arctic Coast from Yukon to N.W.T. – and due to the permafrost in many of them. “We had to develop innovative designs for the foundations,” Washuta says. Washuta has worked with the Department of National Defence and Defence Construction Canada since 1992, cleaning up Distant Early Warning line sites. This is another of his long-term client relationships. Along with the DND and the City of Edmonton, Washuta entered into a three-year agreement with the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo to deliver engineering for 80 per cent of its capital program from 2010 to 2012. With large teams supporting complex projects, communication needs to be a main focus, and Washuta has enjoyed figuring out how to keep dozens of people on the same page. “You need a proven strategy to bring teams together to adopt effective communication, to clarify roles and responsibilities,” he says. “Basically, you’re trying to trans-

“I believe in diverse teams. Instead of trying to do everything within our company, bring the best available experts to the project.” After a year with the government, he was ready to move his career into high gear. “I wanted to diversify my experience and get involved with other major projects,” he explains. Washuta took a position with UMA Engineering Ltd. in 1977 and has remained with that legacy company (now AECOM) ever since. He’s hard-pressed to name a favourite

OLD MAN RIVER: Among Art Washuta’s projects is the Old Man River Dam spillway, the largest of its kind in Alberta.


alberta innovators

EDMONTON LRT: Since its creation in 1974, Art Washuta has long been called to work on the city’s LRT.

form a group of strangers into an effective team.” He hires a facilitator – often several times throughout a project – to lead a teambuilding session so the group can go over essentials like scope of work and roles and responsibilities. Now the senior vice-president of transportation at AECOM, Washuta has been in the field for 40 years, but doesn’t envision stepping out any time soon. “Engineers don’t retire. They just keep going,” he says. Even his hobbies are related to building: Washuta has been a member of the Edmonton Potters’ Guild for 15 years, and relishes the chance to spend time at the pottery wheel, wrestling with the mud. “It’s a total diversion from work life. You get to use a different part of your brain on something that’s more creative.”

DEW LINE: Among his DND projects were building short-range radar stations along the Arctic coast.

THree TiPs To CrafT a Winning ProPosal Washuta says right off the bat that he may be a rare species. “I’m one of the few engineers who really enjoys writing proposals,” he says. Over the years, he’s had a chance to hone his skills, and has boiled it down to three main objectives: 1. Have a champion. Washuta says a champion is “somebody who lives and breathes the pursuit of the opportunity, somebody who is driven and enthusiastic and wants to win the job.” Ideally, this champion would also be the future project manager if work goes ahead. 2. Understand the client’s needs. What’s their project history? If you know where your potential clients are coming from, you’ll be able to forecast the kind of work they’re looking to have done. 3. Plan, plan, plan. How are you going to approach the project? What are you going to do differently from your competition? Look for innovative solutions. “Emphasize the strengths of your team and think carefully about what you’re going to do to neutralize your own weaknesses,” Washuta says. And use graphics – it has to look as good as it reads.

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Matt Brassard Vice President Urban Systems Ltd.

Sheldon Hudson, P. Eng. Past President Al-Terra Engineering Ltd.

Patrick Fleming, P. Eng. Director KFR Engineering Services

Heinrich Heinz, P. Eng. Director Thurber Engineering Ltd.

Dwayne Johnston, P. Eng. Director Morrison Hershfield Limited

Manoj Mistry, P. Eng. Director Stantec Consulting

Eva Schulz, P. Ag. Director AECOM Canada Ltd.

John Slater, P. Eng. Director AMEC Earth & Environmental

Doug Olson, P. Eng. Treasurer Associated Engineering Ltd.

Todd McGaw, P. Eng. Director Hemisphere Engineering Inc.

Deon Wilner, P. Eng. Director ISL Engineering & Land Services Ltd.

Kelly Yuzdepski, P. Eng. Director CIMA+

Courtney Bourgeois, P. Eng. YP Director Hatch Mott MacDonald

Gord Johnston, P. Eng. ACEC Liaison Stantec Consulting

Paul Ruffell, P. Eng. ACEC Liaison Tetra Tech EBA

Dick Walters, P. Eng. APEGA Liaison Walters Chambers

Ed Stelmach Honorary Director Consulting Engineers of Alberta

Art Washuta Past President Board Member AECOM

Brad Kennedy CAA Liaison Brinsmead Kennedy Architecture

alberta innovators



Craig Clifton, P. Eng. President Clifton Associates Ltd.

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Community Builders In Winfield, Alberta in the 1960s, there wasn’t a huge emphasis on education. Most of Leo Broks’ buddies quit school after Grade 10. “My parents insisted that we graduate from high school,” Leo says, so that’s what he and his younger brother Corry did. Both Broks boys had an academic bent and the principal of his school took Leo to a varsity weekend at the University of Alberta. “That was my first taste of higher education, Leo says. Still, he joined the ranks of general labourers alongside his buddies after high school graduation. “There was a foreman on site whose main form of instruction was yelling at us,” Leo recalls. It was enough to drive him away, so Leo applied for, and got accepted to, engineering. He has since had time to think about his regrets: “I regret not sending that foreman a thank-you note.” He graduated as a P. Eng. in civil from the U of A in 1970 and worked for a few years managing an Edmonton satellite office of a Calgaryheadquartered company. The experience was valuable he says, and he learned enough about himself and the industry that he knew he wanted more autonomy. He incorporated Al-Terra Engineering Ltd. on December 2, 1976. Leo’s brother Corry had followed his brother’s example and entered engineering, and Leo convinced him to join the company 18 months later. The Brokses started work developing the firm’s expertise in land development engineering, urban transportation, urban renewal, highway engineering, and transportation planning. In the late 1970s, there was a lot of work in land development, but when the recession of the 1980s hit, that kind of work dried up and Al-Terra was forced to reconsolidate and diversify. Times were lean and most of the employees went their own way. “For a while it was just Corry and I and a secretary, Karen Rowland,” says Leo. They nurtured their few infrastructure clients from those lean times 30 years ago, and have gained repeat business in the intervening years, right up to the present. “We first joined the CEA in the mid-1980s. It brought us into close, trusting contact with numerous firms in the and we’ve benefitted from the collective knowledge, both technical and business wise,” says Leo. The brothers are low-key about their business, their success, and their points of pride; the humility may be partly a Broks thing and partly an engineer thing. Leo says that his career highlights include

Corry G. Broks, P.Eng. President, Al-Terra Engineering Inc.

Leo Broks, P.Eng. Board Chairman, Al-Terra Engineering Inc.

going beyond clients’ expectations. “I get satisfaction from adding value to a project,” he says. “I like to save money for the client, and I like to use land in a more productive way.” “I like being able to offer low-cost solutions with high returns,” Corry says. He offers some examples from Al-Terra’s recent portfolio. “We designed a jug-handle on 17th Street and Baseline Road,” he says. “It was an area of high collisions and putting in an interchange was cost-prohibitive. The jug-handle removed left turns and made the area safer.” Likewise, there are the rural roundabouts. Thinking outside the box, Al-Terra came up with roundabouts as a studied, low-cost solution to four- and five-kilometre queues forming in peak times at intersections on Highways 11A and 20. Dedicated mentors, the Brokses believe that taking care of the next generation of engineers is the best way to ameliorate the dearth of professionals in the 20- to-40-year age group. “And mentorship is how you achieve controlled growth,” Corry says. They are the progenitors of two namesake $5,000 engineering scholarships. “One of the gratifying aspects of developing Al-Terra,” says Leo, “has been mentoring young people, who’ve developed into exceptional engineers and leaders, many from the U of A and U of S co-op programs.” Their company is built on the premise that they give back to their community in tangible ways, too. “We give to a number of charities,” Leo says. “We donate about one per cent of our gross,” Corry adds. “Every year we identify a charity, and usually charge a junior person with overseeing the process.” Both Brokses married school teachers, who helped them get through the rough times in the 1980s to later prosperity. Both raised three sons, and both have a clutch of grandkids to dote on. It’s fitting that, in recognition of their many years of excellence in civil engineering and community service, they both receive the CEA’s Lieutenant Governor’s Award for distinguished service. Congratulations, Messrs. Corry and Leo Broks.

alberta innovators


aWards 2014


presidenT’s aWard To honour an individual ouTside The profession

former speaker honoured by Cea The newly created Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA) President’s Award will be presented to former MLA, Deputy Premier, Cabinet member, and Speaker of the Alberta Legislative Assembly, Ken Kowalski. The award was created to recognize and honour an individual outside of the consulting engineering profession who has made an outstanding contribution to the consulting engineering profession. Ken Kowalski was born in Bonnyville and pursued a career as an educator. He moved to Barrhead to teach social studies – politics was not on his mind. He liked Reach for the Top, the CBC television program that pitted students from one school against another in an academic competition. Alarmed that Lorne Jenkins High School could not participate because of prior poor performance he went all the way to Ottawa to get special dispensation and received provisional permission to enable his school to participate. Then he got to work. His magnetic enthusiasm and organizational skills led to creation of intramural Reach for the Top competitions. One former student says there were more students involved in Reach for the Top than there were playing sports. The Barrhead team succeeded – undefeated all the way to national champions in 1973 making six other national appearances in the 1970s and considered “the program’s most successful competitors.” This story is typical of the way Ken Kowalski lives his life. His successes show that, for him, nothing is impossible. In 1974 Deputy Premier and Minister of Agriculture Hugh Horner recognized the talents of the young teacher and convinced Ken to change jobs and become his assistant. Thus began a new career. When Horner became Minster of Transportation, Ken became assistant deputy minister shortly thereafter – the youngest deputy minister in the province’s history. His relationship with the engineering profession had begun. In 1979, Hugh Horner retired from politics and Ken ran in the by-election. Again his infectious enthusiasm and ability to meet people on their terms made him successful – through nine elections and four premiers. He served as Minister of Environment; Minister of Career Development & Employment; Minister of Public Works, Supply, and Services; Minister of Economic Development & Tourism; Deputy Premier; Government House Leader; and then as Speaker of the Legislative Assembly until his retirement in 2012.


alberta innovators

CEA was originally established in 1978 as an association of consulting engineering firms. Although successful, CEA always wanted to have their organization formalized and after discussion with Ken Kowalski a decision was made to develop a Consulting Engineers Act. As Minister of Public Works, Supply and Services, Ken Kowalski introduced and carried the Act through the legislature. He said, Ken Kowalski “Mr. Chairman, could I repeat again during committee … that this Act was built, manufactured, written in consultation with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta as well as the organization known as the Consulting Engineers of Alberta.” He also commented, “What this Bill will do, Mr. Speaker, is allow members of the Consulting Engineers of Alberta the right to title and the utilization of the phraseology “Member of the Consulting Engineers of Alberta” and to use the abbreviation MCEA after their names.” In 1992, the Consulting Engineers Act formalized the profession and with the by-laws and code-of ethics leads the consulting engineering profession today. “In his typical consultative fashion Ken Kowalski met with us over and over to ensure he fully understood our objectives and then he represented our interests in the legislature. He answered the questions and defended our profession during debate. We owe him a great deal of thanks,” says CEA President Craig Clifton. “We have right to a title and it is thanks to Ken Kowalski.

David was a site engineer for a Northern Alberta Oil Sands Project (CNRL Horizon) for two years where he led a pond optimization redesign that reduced capital costs by $15 million and led a $5-million wastewater rehabilitation, including an innovative rehabilitation of a failed intake pipe. David later joined the Program Management Team for the Runway Development Program at the Calgary International Airport. He also wore his liaison hat for the RDP with the City of Calgary. The Director of the Runway Development Project wrote, “AECOM’s David Nagy has been instrumental in monitoring, reporting and coordinating ATT efforts to ensure no impact to our schedules.”

Cory’s area of practice includes transportation planning, design, traffic analysis and sustainable transportation. One of Cory’s achievements was project managing the Mill Road Corridor, a contentious, $100-million project to upgrade an arterial corridor in Auckland, New Zealand, for which he received significant praise from client and employer. Cory was also the project manager for the NE Calgary Transportation Network Study, responsible for managing all components of the study. “Cory has a talent for developing practical, innovative solutions that aim to save the client time and money,” wrote his company vice-president. “He understands client’s objectives and constraints.”


Cory Wilson, P.Eng. Transportation Planning Manager, McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.



In addition to the Lieutenant Governor’s Award,CEA recognizes another individual with the Harold L. Morrison Rising Young Professional Award. Alberta Innovators typically only prints the award winner, but this year the CEA acknowledges all the nominees. The winner will be announced at the CEA gala event. In no particular order, we are pleased to present the nominees for the 2014 Young Professional Award.

David Nagy, P.Eng., MBA, Design Manager, International Facilities Project , AECOM


The Ones to Watch



Jackie Mykytiuk, P.Eng. LEED AP, Associated Engineering Jackie joined Associated Engineering in 2008 as an Engineer-in-Training in the Urban Infrastructure Group, where she started as a construction inspector. Jackie transitioned to water process engineering, where she gained experience in civil infrastructure and water and wastewater treatment design and construction. For the last two years Jackie has been working with a team on the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, developing a Wastewater Master Plan. Her manager says, “Jackie’s organizational skills are invaluable. She coordinates the multiple engineering disciplines as well as the client’s departments, keeping everyone abreast of progress, milestones and deliverables.”

Mr. Sheldon Hudson, P. Eng, Al -Terra Engineering,

CEA Past President

Mr. Paul Breeze, P.Eng.,PBreeze Consulting Ltd. Mr. Paul Ruffell, P. Eng., Tetra Tech EBA, ACEC


Mike Hopkins, E. I .T., Design and Field Engineer, Urban Systems Mike has been engaged in the land development and community practice teams at Urban Systems, focusing on detailed engineering design for subdivisions, contract preparation and administration, and construction inspection. He played a significant role on the Misericordia Community Hospital project, developing a design promoting drainage with minimal earthworks. He was field inspector in for Buckingham Business Park, a 160-acre commercial/industrial development in Sherwood Park, before he progressed to project management in 2013. His supervisor wrote: “What has impressed me is his diligence and commitment to exceeding expectations of the team and client at each stage, positive energy,and his selfawareness.”

Elliot Digby, P.Eng., Mechanical Engineer, FVB Energy Inc. Elliot has worked on various projects across Canada and the U.S. including those in the energy business, carrying out business case analysis, energy efficiency improvements, feasibility studies and project management. Recently, he acted as design engineer for the Copps Coliseum arena cooling system. And he has been conducting a residual heat feasibility study in Hall Beach, Nunavut, acting as both project manager and design engineer. “Elliot is an excellent example of the kind of engineer that most professional engineers should aspire to become,” wrote one of his clients. “He is able to prepare a design/engineering solution targeted at the key factors that drive his customers’ success.”

alberta innovators



awarDS 2014

Sacramento Municipal Utility District

SuStainable DeSign


FirM: Stantec Consulting ltd. Client/Owner: Sacramento Municipal utility District lOCatiOn: Sacramento, California, uSa SUb COnSUltantS: buehler & buehler Structural engineers; rSC engineering inc; turley & associates COntraCtOrS: turner Construction Company; aCCo engineered Systems inc.; redwood City electric; intech Mechanical Other Key PlayerS: Stantec architecture inc.; rnl Design; Stantec Consulting ltd. the Sacramento Municipal utility District (SMuD) is showing its clients what’s possible. When america’s sixth largest utility district outgrew a 19-acre maintenance yard, it wanted a new facility to accommodate future growth and unite employees on one campus. as a major utility, SMuD takes energy efficiency seriously, so it incorporated stringent requirements into the design-build specifications, creating a genuine challenge for competing teams. the results are impressive. the team delivered a netzero campus with an advanced, hybrid energy system, balancing energy efficiency with capital costs.


alberta innovators

jUDgeS’ COMMentS: “real world proof that a zero-net energy design doesn’t have to come at a premium. Well done.”


awaRDs 2014



North LRT Drainage Projects FiRm: SMA consulting Ltd. CLieNT/OwNeR: city of Edmonton LOCaTiON: Edmonton, Alberta The North LRT Drainage Projects rerouted and augmented drainage for Edmonton’s new North LRT with a new 500-metre storm tunnel and the relocation of a large double-barrel tunnel. The downtown location of the tunnels meant encountering abandoned I-beams and concrete pilings. There were other major challenges: wet, sticky ground conditions, LRT coordination, traffic management, and tight laydown areas. SMA implemented rigorous planning and cost and schedule controls for the tunnels, including value engineering, constructability review, risk analysis, earned value analysis (EVA), Last Planner lean project management, and construction simulation. Ultimately, both tunnels were completed on schedule and well under budget.

juDges’ COmmeNTs: “This is an excellent example of the integrated application of project management tools and systems to overcome multiple complex challenges.” “An excellent project that showcased the value engineering, risk analysis and simulation expertise of this small firm. Well done.”

alberta innovators


awards 2014


gold Bar thickener/Fermenter operational simulation Firm : SMA Consulting Ltd. client/owner: EPCOR location: Edmonton, Alberta



alberta innovators

EPCOR’s Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant treats more than 100 billion litres of wastewater a year. That’s 280 million litres – enough to fill 110 Olympic swimming pools – every day. Edmonton’s Combined Sewer Overflow Control Strategy means Gold Bar will receive even more wastewater, up to 1.2 billion litres per day. Innovation is necessary but difficult, because of environmental and regulatory constraints and Gold Bar’s complex processes. SMA Consulting developed an operations simulation model for the thickener/ fermenter tanks, generating 24 million pieces of data and 16,000 lines of code to allow EPCOR to test strategies for handling these loads safely and with full control.

judges’ comments: “This project demonstrates the great impacts a small firm can have in protecting our environment.” “What set this project apart are the significant environmental benefits and risk management. The continual environmental value is significant and ongoing, whether optimizing the plants operation or training the operators.”


awards 2014

glacier skywalk Firm: read Jones Christoffersen client/owner: Brewster Travel Canada location: Jasper national Park, Alberta sub consultants: Sturgess Architecture; SMP Consulting Electrical Engineers; Thurber Engineering ltd.; urban Systems ltd.; golder Associates ltd.; rWdi group of Companies Consulting Engineers & Scientists contractor: PCl Constructors inc.

glacier Skywalk is a thrilling and dramatic structure. it features a geometrically complex kiosk, two pathways built into the side of the cliff with three distinct nodes – one cantilever, one cave, and one tunnel. The path ends at the discovery Vista, a 30-metre curved glass walkway extending up to 50 metres from the cliff face and 280 metres above Sunwapta Valley. read Jones Christoffersen (Prime Consultant and Structural Engineer), PCl Construction Management (Project lead, Construction and Quality Management), and Sturgess Architecture (Architect) led the delivery for owner Brewster Travel Canada. You don’t have to be a design or construction professional to appreciate the complexities of this project!

Building EnginEEring judges’ comments: “Pure excitement to attend this engineering marvel in Alberta.” “A beautiful example of engineering harmonizing with nature.”

alberta innovators


awaRdS 2014

Shawnee Park Subdivision Land Use Re-designation and Outline Plan FiRm: AECOM Canada Ltd. CLient/OwneR: Geo-Energy LOCatiOn: Calgary, Alberta OtheR Key PLayeRS: Dillon Consulting COMMUniTy DEvELOPMEnT AECOM worked with Geo-Energy Enterprises on the Land Use and Outline Planning and successful approval of the Shawnee Park development. This project will transform the former Shawnee Slopes golf course into a sustainable and bio-diverse residential development. The development will be characterized by retaining the majority of the beautiful mature trees, and will provide a variety of different housing types, shopping and employment opportunities. AECOM was instrumental in supporting Geo-Energy in securing the necessary approvals from the City of Calgary. Professional services provided included environmental, geotechnical, storm water, landscape architecture, infrastructure and transportation engineering.


alberta innovators

jUdgeS’ COmmentS: “Excellent design and consultation to do an infill housing project right.” “A complex project in an existing neighbourhood. The team did an excellent job of dealing with the issues and being sensitive to the community’s needs. Well done.”


AwArDS 2014


Linking Science and Community in a Changing North Firm: Golder Associates Ltd. CLieNt/OwNer: Kuglutuk Angoniatit Association & Angoniatit Niovikvia Ltd. LOCAtiON: Kugluktuk, Nunavut The environment is changing in the Canadian Arctic, where traditional users rely upon fish and wildlife for both subsistence and commercial livelihoods. In response to community concerns over declines in Arctic char fish harvests, Golder Associates worked with the Kugluktuk Hunters and Trappers Organization to study and address fish passage at a historically significant stream. Channel surveys and subsequent engineering to restore low-flows were guided by traditional knowledge. Community involvement and capacity building for Kugluktuk youth and residents was an integral part of the project, providing the community with the tools and knowledge to continue the project in perpetuity.

juDgeS’ COmmeNtS: “This project stood out because of its overall long-term impacts. These include the continuation of a local, and essential, food source along with the domestic Arctic char fishery. This returns and strengthens the viability of local traditions and an important food source that has been in place perhaps for thousands of years.”

alberta innovators


AwArds 2014


gregoire east sanitary sewer outfall Firm: Associated Engineering Alberta Ltd. client/owner: Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo locAtion: City of Fort McMurray, Alberta sub-consultAnts: Thurber Engineering Ltd.; CCI Inc. contrActor: DIRECT Horizontal Drilling The Gregoire East Sanitary Sewer Outfall Project expands the capacity of the City of Fort McMurray’s sanitary sewer system and enables future growth and economic development. The project involved open-cut construction in a busy commercial area and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) for large diameter steel pipelines passing under an actively sliding slope and protected waterway, through a geologic formation consisting of oil sands, and underneath the environmentally sensitive Saline Creek valley. Associated Engineering implemented a project management plan addressing technical and environmental challenges, including a steep terrain, restricted construction space and a multitude of public stakeholders and permit providers.


alberta innovators

judges’ comments: “This project had many obvious challenges that were handled in a very methodical manner to reduce the risk to the public. It created a large benefit to the community. “ “A very successful design to use technology that is used in oil pipeline industry for an urban drainage line, very little environment impact.”

the consortium of tailings Management consultants (aMec, Bgc engineering inc., golder associates ltd., Klohn crippen Berger ltd., NorWest corporation, thurber engineering ltd., and the university of alberta geotechnical group), was contracted by alberta innovates – energy and environment solutions and the oil sands tailings consortium to create an oil sands technologies deployment roadmap and action plan. the purpose of the plan was to assist government and industry to understand the available technologies, achieve more timely deployment of end-to-end tailings solutions, and develop a sustainable management plan for the oil sands industry.

Natural resources, MiNiNg aNd iNdustry

judges’ comments: “this admirable ‘roadmap’ project involves the collaboration of industry, government, academia and engineering consulting firms. it’s an important contribution to identifying technological solutions for the responsible management of problems associated with oil sands tailings ponds, and to alleviating adverse environmental impacts of oil sands processing operations.”

alberta innovators



FiRm: golder associates ltd. (as part of the consortium of tailings Management consultants) client/owneR: alberta innovates - energy and enviromental solutions locAtion: calgary, alberta sub-consultAnts: aMec; Bgc engineering inc.; Klohn crippen Berger ltd.; NorWest corporation; thurber engineering ltd.; and the university of alberta geotechnical group

AwARds 2014

oil sands technology deployment Roadmaps

awardS 2014

North Highway Connector Firm: Stantec Consulting Ltd. ClieNt/OwNer: City of Red Deer lOCatiON: Red Deer, Alberta SUB-CONSUltaNtS: ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd.; Parkland Geotechnical Consulting Ltd; Thurber Engineering Ltd. CONtraCtOr: Pidherney’s Trucking Ltd. OtHer Key PlayerS: Border Paving Ltd. (Subcontractor); Proform (Sub-contractor); Timcon Construction Ltd. (Sub-contractor); and Appollo Landscaping Services (Sub-contractor) Stantec provided detailed design and construction services for the first phase of the City of Red Deer’s 30-year plan to build a ring road expressway around the east side of Red Deer. Stantec provided project management, preliminary and detailed design, tender preparation, and services during construction and post construction. This project will improve the existing road network providing a more efficient means of access for the community to residential and commercial areas as well as connections to provincial highways. The cross section was designed with a vision for expansion, while minimizing any environmental impacts for future roadway improvements. jUdgeS’ COmmeNtS: “This project successfully resolved numerous challenges that included multi-modal interchanges, wildlife corridors and pedestrian/bicycle passages.”



alberta innovators


AwArdS 2014


EVIMS (Earned Value Integrated Monitoring System) FIrM: SMA Consulting Ltd. ClIEnt/OwnEr: SMA Consulting Ltd. lOCAtIOn: Edmonton, Alberta SUB-COnSUltAnt: DRAXware Solutions OthEr KEy PlAyErS: City of Edmonton; AECOM EVIMS, the Earned Value Integrated Monitoring System, is SMA Consulting’s answer to uncertainty management and forecasting on infrastructure projects. This server-based solution integrates proven earned value techniques with Monte Carlo risk analysis, change management, and 4-D CAD visualization to allow performance monitoring and robust cost/schedule forecasting from anywhere, during any phase. The advanced rules of credit and state-of-the-art forecasting of EVIMS offer value to owners, consultants, and contractors by improving decision-making in uncertain conditions. Built on years of academic research and with the technical support of DRAXware solutions, EVIMS has seen success on close to $1 billion worth of projects.

jUdgES’ COMMEntS: “An excellent tool that is flexible, transparent and mitigates risk.”

alberta innovators


aWaRDs 2014

Wandering River Pipeline and Reservoir Design Build FiRm: Stantec Consulting Ltd. Client/OWneR: Athabasca County lOCatiOn: Wandering River, Alberta COntRaCtORs: Graham Construction and Engineering, a JV; M. Pidherney’s Trucking Ltd.; Schendel Mechanical Contracting Ltd.; and Vector Electric and Controls Inc. OtheR Key PlayeRs: Associated Engineering Alberta Ltd. The Wandering River regional waterline project was the first regional water project in Alberta completed under a designbuild delivery model. It’s the world’s longest fusible polyvinyl chloride pipe (FPVC) system. The method of installation was directional drilling for over 95 per cent of the 88-kilometre system. Through close cooperation and teamwork by Stantec, Pidherney’s, and Graham Construction along with Owners and Regulators, the project was designed, constructed, and put into operation in just 13 months. It services the communities of Grassland and Wandering River, and provides safe, secure water to 70 rural residences along the alignment. juDges’ COmments: “I liked the fact that Stantec used a design-build delivery model. This shows innovative out-of-the-box thinking instead of falling back on the same old ways of doing things. I liked the stakeholder consultation and risk allocation.”



alberta innovators

The City of Lethbridge completed a significant infrastructure project with the construction of sanitary sewer and treated water pipelines to service the West Lethbridge Employment Centre. MPE Engineering Ltd. provided engineering services and EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. provided quality assurance services for sewer and water lines that cross the Oldman River, ascend the river valley along Bridge Drive, and cross the CPR Railway and University Drive to service West Lethbridge. A partnering process was employed to establish positive working relationships between the owner, the consultant, and the contractor. Whissell Contracting Calgary Ltd. started construction August 22, 2011 and completed the project March 26, 2012, two months ahead of schedule.



Firm: MPE Engineering Ltd. Client/Owner: City of Lethbridge lOCatiOn: Lethbridge, Alberta SUB-COnSUltant: EBA, A Tetra Tech Company COntraCtOr: Whissell Contracting Calgary Ltd. Other Key PlayerS: Hogeweide Management Inc.

awarDS 2014

Bridge Drive Utility Corridor

jUDgeS’ COmmentS: “MPE Engineering Ltd. provided exemplary design and project management service for the timely completion of a technically and time constraint challenging utility corridor project that provides new service lines across the Oldman river to West Lethbridge. The new infrastructure that was put in place will allow continued growth and development of a key part of the City of Lethbridge.”


Southern alberta Disaster relief efforts Firm: OPUs stewart Weir Ltd. Client/Owner: OPUs stewart Weir Ltd. lOCatiOn: Calgary and High River, Alberta After the floods in southern Alberta this summer, Opus stewart Weir went into action. In addition to an immediate monetary donation to the Red Cross, it was obvious that we needed to do more. Opus stewart Weir made the decision to donate over 700 volunteer hours totaling $25,000 in support of relief efforts. As we look back, we are proud that our true values and commitment to the community rose to the challenge. We were compassionate, strong and made a conscious decision to help those in-need with planned and decisive actions; by showing leadership by giving back to the community when it was desperately needed.


jUDgeS’ COmmentS: “I support giving both the Excellence and Merit Award a first place finish. They both brought tears to my eyes as I read them. Both score high on contributions and services for the community. Both have left lasting legacies. Both show true concern for sustainability and depth of purpose. Both have demonstrated the strength of human spirit in the face of changing environment.”

alberta innovators


AwArds 2014

emergency operations centre Firm: Stantec Consulting Ltd. client/owner: The City of Calgary and the Calgary Emergency Management locAtion: Calgary, Alberta sub consultAnts: Mulvey + Banani International (Alberta) Ltd.; Manasc Isaac Architects Ltd.; Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.; and Enersys Analytics Inc.; contrActors: Hoover Mechanical Plumbing and Heating Ltd. other Key PlAyers: Bird Construction during an emergency event or disaster, the Emergency operations Centre (EoC) coordinates the activities necessary to ensure citizen safety and essential services are maintained. This vital facility is the eyes, ears, and hands protecting citizens, property, and equipment. The EoC includes both emergency measures and the new City data Centre over three stories, with two levels underground where majority of people and equipment are located. The team designed, assisted through construction, and tested the mechanical heating and cooling, fire protection, sanitary, and backup power solutions for this mission critical facility.

BuILdING ENGINEERING judges’ comments: This project demonstrates ingenuity in the province for a critical function in balance with the interests of the neighbouring community.

glacier skywalk environmental Assessment and monitoring Firm: Golder Associates Ltd. client/owner: Brewster Travel Canada locAtion: Sunwapta Canyon Viewpoint, Jasper National Park, Alberta sub-consultAnts: Talus Environmental Consulting Inc. other Key PlAyers: Parks Canada Agency


Brewster Travel Canada retained Golder Associates Ltd. to conduct an environmental assessment of the redevelopment of Sunwapta Canyon Viewpoint into a new interpretive attraction: the Glacier Skywalk. The high-profile nature of the Skywalk provided unique challenges. Golder used an innovative approach to study design and data collection, in order to understand and mitigate the project’s potential effects on mountain goats, and reduce the associated risks for Brewster. This approach ultimately allowed Parks Canada to approve the project, which will provide benefits to visitors of Canada’s Four Mountain Parks. The Glacier Skywalk is set to open to the public May 2014. judges’ comments: “Congratulations to Golder for their innovative mountain goat and bighorn sheep monitoring program and technically excellent assessment of the potential impacts on goat and sheep of Brewster’s Glacier Skywalk project. Their exceptional contributions were instrumental in Brewster’s Glacier Skywalk project and in Brewster receiving approval to proceed with construction of this attraction in the Canadian Rockies.”


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AwArDS 2014

Geomorphic Design of west Overburden Disposal Area FIrm: cH2M HILL canada Limited ClIEnt/OwnEr: Shell canada energy lOCAtIOn: Shell jackpine Mine (near Fort McMurray) Sub COnSultAntS: Kc Harvey LLc

naturaL reSourceS, MInIng anD InDuStry

the West overburden Disposal area is the first retrofitted, geomorphically-designed landform constructed at Shell canada energy’s jackpine Mine. Designed by cH2M HILL and subconsultant Kc Harvey environmental, this new approach uses quantitative geomorphology to design hillslope and valley morphometry similar to natural landforms. Designed transitions from hillslopes to valleys provide direct control of where channels begin on the landform. retrofitting an in-construction landform to a geomorphic design decreases cut/fill, material stockpile, and haul truck time, as well as long-term maintenance costs and limits erosion and sedimentation. the geomorphic design enhances long-term stability, decreasing risk of catastrophic landform changes beyond closure.

juDGES’ COmmEntS: “this project required a high level of innovation to make a man-made landform operate like a natural land form. great use of modern technology to create a selfsustaining landscape. It’s great to see that reclamation of mine lands can be done so well that – in a generation or two – no one will be able to distinguish the manmade landform from the natural one.”

Edmonton International Airport – Expansion 2012 Project ManageMent

FIrm: MMM group Limited ClIEnt/OwnEr: edmonton regional airports authority lOCAtIOn: edmonton, alberta Sub COnSultAntS: Hanscomb OthEr KEy PlAyErS: PcL constructors Inc.; ellisDon; and Stuart olson Dominion construction Ltd. MMM group Limited managed, on behalf of the edmonton regional airports authority, a five-year $650-million redevelopment program. our team’s role involved the technical and financial management of a multidisciplinary implementation team of over 100 companies consisting of engineers, architects, vendors, and contractors in the implementation of state-of-the-art improvements undertaken within a live operating airport environment. the new facilities opened to the travelling public and staff in 2012, within the original time schedule and under the capital cost budget established at the onset in 2008. juDGES’ COmmEntS: “the project description clearly addresses and meets the judging criteria used for a project for an award of Merit.”

alberta innovators


aWardS 2014

Highway 63 Widening in Fort McMurray: Pinch Point Secant Pile Wall FirM: AECOM Canada Ltd. Client/OWner: Alberta Transportation lOCatiOn: Fort McMurray, Alberta Sub-COnSultant: Thurber Engineering Ltd. COntraCtOr: Graham OtHer Key PlayerS: Tervita; Red Deer Piling; and Stantec Consulting Ltd.


The secant pile wall with strand anchors fulfills an important role in the Highway 63 widening project in Fort McMurray. This 420-metre-long, nine-metre-high wall retains a steep, unstable hillside where the roadway alignment is tightly constrained at the base of the hill by the Athabasca River. This slender wall design maintains roadway geometry and safety standards along this portion of the highway. AECOM was responsible for the wall design and Thurber provided geotechnical input. This project demonstrated excellent collaboration with the contractor, and the design had to consider complex loading variables and multiple stages of wall construction.

Jasper Place library FirM: Williams Engineering Canada Inc. Client/OWner: City of Edmonton/Edmonton Public Library (owners) and Dub Architects, HCMA Architects (clients) Client/OWner: Edmonton, Alberta Sub COnSultant: Fast & Epp COntraCtOr: Stuart Olson Dominion After 25 years since its last major renovation, the City of Edmonton and Edmonton Public Libraries deemed that Jasper Place Library was in need of a fresh new look. Williams Engineering Canada partnered with HCMA and Dub Architects, Fast & Epp (structural), and Stuart Olson Dominion (contractor) to create a sustainable, open, and adaptable environment. The library is a LEED® Silver potential building that achieved 51 per cent energy savings and 52 per cent water savings. Jasper Place Library represents a significant community achievement that WEC is proud to have provided mechanical and electrical engineering services for. JudgeS’ COMMentS: “Aside from all the complexities of this project, it is simply a cool building that will stand the test of time. This is no ordinary library!”


alberta innovators

JudgeS’ COMMentS: “Excellent design and quality control in a difficult area.” TRAnSPORTATIOn InFRASTRuCTuRE

2013-2014 Showcase Awards Judges Al Maurer, P.Eng. City Manager, Retired, City of Edmonton

Doug Wright, P.Eng. CD Retired, Leduc County Manager

Brian Soutar, P.Eng. P.Q.S. Executive Director, Project Services, Alberta Infrastructure

Fred Otto P.Eng. Dean Emeritus, Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta

Brian Williams, C.E.T. Business Development Manager, Nilex Inc.

Jennifer Enns, P.Eng. Manager Engineering & Energy Services, City of Calgary

Bruno Zutautas, P.Eng. Assistant Deputy Minister, Alberta Transportation

Patricia Armitage, M.Eng., P.Eng. Director, Engineering and Construction, Industrial Development Branch, Alberta Enterprise & Advanced Education

David Burstein , P.E. Principal, PSMJ Resources Inc. Peter Wallis, BA, LLB, LLM President & CEO, The Van Horne Institute Don Mah, P.Eng. Associate Chair – Bachelor of Technology in Construction Management, NAIT

Shane Freeson, P.Eng. Site Director, Cenovus Primrose Assets, Cenovus Energy

Tim Robbie, P.Eng. Manager, Health Safety & Environment, Vermilion Resources Ltd. Tom O’Neill, P.Eng. Executive Director, Technical Services, Alberta Infrastructure


AAGuebert & Associates Consulting Inc. 13 Simcrest Manor SW Calgary AB T3H 4K1 Tel: (403) 809-9254 AECOM 200, 6807 Railway Street SE Calgary AB T2H 2V6 Tel: (403) 270-9200 Fax: (403) 270-9196 300, 340 Midpark Way SE Calgary AB T2X 1P1 Tel: (403) 270-9200 Fax: (403) 270-0399 17203 - 103 Avenue Edmonton AB T5S 1J4 Tel: (780) 488-6800 Fax: (780) 488-2121 17007 - 107 Avenue Edmonton AB T5S 1G3 Tel: (780) 486-7000 Fax: (780) 486-7070 10216 Centennial Drive Fort McMurray AB T9H 1Y5 Tel: (780) 715-1655 514 Stafford Drive N Lethbridge AB T1H 2B2 Tel: (403) 329-4822 Fax: (403) 329-1678 Almor Testing Services Ltd. 7505 - 40 Street SE Calgary AB T2C 2H5 Tel: (403) 236-8880 Fax: (403) 236-1707 Al-Terra Engineering Ltd. 5307 - 47 Street NW Edmonton AB T6B 3T4 Tel: (780) 440-4411 Fax: (780) 440-2585 Al-Terra Engineering (Red Deer) Ltd. Suite 202-4708 50 Avenue Red Deer AB T4N 4A1 Tel: (403) 340-3022 Fax: (403) 340-3038 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure Bay 1, 5506 - 50 Avenue, Box 7699 Bonnyville AB T9N 2K8 Tel: (780) 826-4759 Fax: (780) 826-7044 140 Quarry Park Boulevard SE Calgary AB T2C 3G3 Tel: (403) 253-2560 Fax: (403) 258-1016

5681 - 70th Street Edmonton AB T6B 3P6 Tel: (780) 436-2152 Fax: (780) 435-8425 10204 Centennial Drive Fort McMurray AB T9H 1Y5 Tel: (780) 791-0848 Fax: (780) 790-1194 469 40 Street S Lethbridge AB T1J 4M1 Tel: (403) 329-1467 Fax: (403) 327-4938 PO Box 11606. 2B, 5803 - 63 Avenue Lloydminster AB T9V 3B8 Tel: (780) 875-8975 Fax: (780) 875-1970 964A - 23 Street SW Medicine Hat AB T1A 8G3 Tel: (403) 527-5871 Fax: (403) 528-3860 4, 5551 - 45 Street Red Deer AB T4N 1L2 Tel: (403) 343-8566 Fax: (403) 342-5850 AN-GEO Environmental Consultants Ltd. 204, 8708 - 48 Avenue Edmonton AB T6E 5L1 Tel: (780) 450-3377 Fax: (780) 450-3232 Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. 9-2611 37 Avenue NE Calgary AB T1Y 5V7 Tel: (403) 250-8199 Fax: (604) 597-9061 ARA Engineering Ltd. Bisma Centre, Suite 101, 110 Country Hills Landing NW Calgary AB T3K 5P3 Tel: (403) 735-6030 Fax: (403) 735-6035 Arrow Engineering Inc. Suite 202, 13167 146 Street Edmonton AB T5L 4S8 Tel: (780) 801-6100 Fax: (780) 801-6199 Associated Engineering Alberta Ltd. #400, 600 Crowfoot Crescent NW Calgary AB T3G 0B4 Tel: (403) 262-4500 Fax: (403) 269-7640 1000 Associated Engineering Plaza, 10909 Jasper Avenue Edmonton AB T5J 2B9 Tel: (780) 451-7666 Fax: (780) 454-6798 211, 9912 Franklin Avenue

Fort McMurray AB T9H 2K5 Tel: (780) 715-3850 Fax: (780) 715-3851 1001, 400 - 4th Avenue South Lethbridge AB T1J 4E1 Tel: (403) 329-1404 Fax: (403) 329-4745 #3, 5 Strachan Bay SE Medicine Hat AB T1B 4Y2 Tel: (403) 528-3771 Fax: (403) 528-9701 303, 5913 - 50 Avenue Red Deer AB T4N 4C4 Tel: (403) 314-3527 Fax: (403) 314-4968 BBA Inc. Suite 100-227, 11 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2R 1R9 Tel: (403) 770-2111 Fax: (450) 464-0901 BPTEC Engineering Ltd. 200, 4220 - 98 Street Edmonton AB T6E 6A1 Tel: (780) 436-5376 Fax: (780) 435-4843 BSEI Municipal Consulting Engineers Centre Eight Ten, #110, 7777 - 10 Street NE Calgary AB T2E 8X2 Tel: (403) 247-2001 Fax: (403) 247-2013 Buckland & Taylor Ltd. 1700 College Plaza, 8215-112 Street NW Edmonton AB T6G 2C8 Tel: (780) 246-4902 CH2M HILL Canada Limited 1100 - 1 Street SE Calgary AB T2G 1B1 Tel: (403) 407-6000 Fax: (403) 237-7715 Suite 800-10010 106 Street NW Edmonton AB T5J 3L8 Tel: (780) 409-9298 Fax: (780) 409-9302 CIMA+ 15 Royal Vista Place NW, Suite 280 Calgary AB T3R 0P3 Tel: (403) 775-0100 Fax: (403) 775-0102 10235-101 Street, 4th Floor Edmonton AB T5J 3G1 Tel: (780) 297-2462 Fax: (780) 428-3073 425 Gregoire Drive

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Fort McMurray AB T9H 4K7 Tel: (780) 743-2038 Fax: (780) 743-4708 Clifton Associates Ltd. 2222 - 30 Avenue NE Calgary AB T2E 7K9 Tel: (403) 263-2556 Fax: (403) 234-9033 4409 - 94 Street Edmonton AB T6E 6T7 Tel: (780) 432-6441 Fax: (780) 432-6271 #10 6309 - 43 Street W Lloydminster AB T2V 2W9 Tel: (780) 872-5980 Fax: (780) 872-5983 Coffey Geotechnics Inc. Unit 21, 3030 Sunridge Way NE Calgary AB T1Y 7K4 Tel: (403) 250-8850 Fax: (403) 291-0186 Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Ltd. 205 - 3445 114 Avenue SE Calgary AB T2Z 0K6 Tel: (403) 271-2000 Fax: (403) 271-3013 CTM Design Services Ltd. 210, 340 Midpark Way SE Calgary AB T2X 1P1 Tel: (403) 640-0990 Fax: (403) 259-6506 D.E.S. Engineering Limited 8407A Coronet Road Edmonton AB T6E 4N7 Tel: (780) 801-2700 Fax: (780) 801-2701 DCL Siemens Engineering Ltd. 101, 10630 - 172 Street Edmonton AB T5S 1H8 Tel: (780) 486-2000 Fax: (780) 486-9090 Delcan Corporation Suite 100, 808 - 4 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 3E8 Tel: (403) 228-9450 Fax: (403) 228-9455 DIALOG 300, 134 - 11 Avenue SE Calgary AB T2G 0X5 Tel: (403) 245-5501 Fax: (403) 229-0504


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10154 - 108 Street Edmonton AB T5J 1L3 Tel: (780) 429-1580 Fax: (780) 429-2848 Dillon Consulting Limited #200, 334-11 Avenue SE Calgary AB T2G 0Y2 Tel: (403) 215-8880 Fax: (403) 215-8889 Eagle Engineering Corp. PO Box 208, 19 White Avenue Bragg Creek AB T0L 0K0 Tel: (403) 949-3362 Fax: (403) 949-9116 Emans Smith Andersen Engineering Ltd. 420, 840 - 6 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 3E5 Tel: (403) 261-8897 Fax: (403) 233-0285 Eramosa Engineering Inc. 600 Crowfoot Crescent NW, Suite 400 Calgary AB T3G 0B4 Tel: (403) 208-7447 ESE-LSS Life Safety Systems Technologies 531, 9768 - 170 Street NW Edmonton AB T5T 5L4 Tel: (780) 482-6050 Fax: (780) 482-5624 exp Services Inc. 375, 7220 Fisher Street SE Calgary AB T2H 2H8 Tel: (403) 509-3030 Fax: (403) 509-3035 101, 8616 - 51 Avenue Edmonton AB T6E 6E6 Tel: (780) 435-3662 Fax: (780) 435-3663 Focus Corporation 127, 808 42 Avenue SE Calgary AB T2G 1Y9 Tel: (403) 272-8080 Fax: (403) 272-8081 135, 808 42 Avenue SE Calgary AB T2G 1Y9 Tel: (403) 272-8080 Fax: (403) 668-5776 5018 - 52 Street Camrose AB T4V 1V7 Tel: (780) 672-2468 Fax: (780) 672-9146 Suite 1000, 9225 - 109 Street Edmonton AB T5K 2J9

Tel: (780) 466-6555 Fax: (780) 466-8200 Bay 1, 118 Millennium Drive Fort McMurray AB T9K 2S8 Tel: (780) 790-0704 Fax: (780) 790-0117 10127 - 120 Avenue Grande Prairie AB T8V 8H8 Tel: (780) 539-3222 Fax: (780) 539-3343 #110, 719 4 Avenue S Lethbridge AB T1J 0P1 Tel: (403) 328-8393 Fax: (403) 359-5698 Suite 302, 623 4 Street SE Medicine Hat AB T1A 0L1 Tel: (403) 527-3707 Fax: (403) 526-0321 #3, 8909-96 Street Peace River AB T8S 1G8 Tel: ( 78) 624-5631 Fax: (780) 624-3732 FVB Energy Inc. 350, 13220 St. Albert Trail Edmonton AB T5L 4W1 Tel: (780) 453-3410 Fax: (780) 453-3682 GeoMetrix Group Engineering Ltd. 1227 - 91 Street SW Edmonton AB T6X 1E9 Tel: (780) 738-3303 Fax: (780) 738-8808 Golder Associates Ltd. 102, 2535 - 3 Avenue SE Calgary AB T2P 3T1 Tel: (403) 299-5600 Fax: (403) 299-5606 16820 - 107 Avenue Edmonton AB T5P 4C3 Tel: (780) 483-3499 Fax: (780) 483-1574 340 Maclennan Crescent Fort McMurray AB T9H 4B5 Tel: (780) 743-4040 Fax: (780) 743-4237 1A, 7887 - 49 Avenue Red Deer AB T4P 2B4 Tel: (403) 309-7309 Fax: (403) 309-0013 Great Northern Engineering Consultants Inc. 8703 53 Avenue NW Edmonton AB T6E 5E9 Tel: (780) 490-7141 Fax: (877) 765-8551 Hatch Ltd.

ǁǁǁ͘ŬůŽŚŶ͘ĐŽŵ Suite 340, 840 - 7 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 3G2 Tel: (403) 269-9555 Fax: (403) 266-5736 Hatch Mott MacDonald Ltd. 1250 - 840 7 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 3G2 Tel: (403) 234-7978 Fax: (403) 920-4054 #200, 10830 Jasper Ave NW Edmonton AB T5J 2B3 Tel: (780) 421-0787 Fax: (780) 421-8694 HDR Corporation 4838 Richard Road SW, Suite 140 Calgary AB T3E 6L1 Tel: (403) 537-0250 Fax: (403) 537-0251 Hemisphere Engineering Inc. 202, 838 - 11 Avenue SW Calgary AB T3C 3P6 Tel: (403) 245-6446 Fax: (403) 244-0191 10950 - 119 Street Edmonton AB T5H 3P5 Tel: (780) 452-1800 Fax: (780) 453-5205 IBI Group Suite 400 – 1167 Kensington Crescent NW Calgary AB T2N 1X7 Tel: (403) 270-5600 Fax: (403) 270-5610 #300, 10830 Jasper Avenue Edmonton AB T5J 2B3 Tel: (780) 428-4000 Fax: (780) 426-3256 #102, 9908 Frankin Ave Fort McMurray AB T9H 2K5 Tel: (780) 790-1034 Fax: (780) 790-1790 ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. 1, 6325-12 Street SE Calgary AB T2H 2K1 Tel: (403) 254-0544 Fax: (403) 254-9186 101, 621 - 10 Street Canmore AB T1W 2A2 Tel: (403) 678-4211 Fax: (403) 608-0437 100, 7909 - 51 Avenue Edmonton AB T6E 5L9 Tel: (780) 438-9000 Fax: (780) 438-3700 202, 10537 - 98 Avenue Grande Prairie AB T8V 0S3 Tel: (780) 532-4002 Fax: (780) 539-1656

ISO 9001:2008 REGISTERED FS 62747



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Down to Earth. hƉ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ŚĂůůĞŶŐĞ͘

416B Stafford Drive South Lethbridge AB T1J 2L2 Tel: (403) 327-3755 Fax: (403) 327-3454 210, 4711 - 51 Avenue Red Deer AB T4N 6H8 Tel: (403) 342-1476 Fax: (403) 342-1477 J.R. Paine & Associates Ltd. 17505 - 106 Avenue Edmonton AB T5S 1E7 Tel: (780) 489-0700 Fax: (780) 489-0800 11020 - 89 Avenue Grande Prairie AB T8V 3J8 Tel: (780) 532-1515 Fax: (780) 538-2262

7710 - 102 Avenue Peace River AB T8S 1M5 Tel: (780) 624-4966 Fax: (780) 624-3430 Jacobs Canada Inc. (NAI) 205 Quarry Park Boulevard SE Calgary AB T2C 3E7 Tel: (403) 258-6441 Fax: (403) 255-1421 1800, 10065 Jasper Avenue Edmonton AB T5J 3B1 Tel: (780) 451-4800 Fax: (780) 451-5900 Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. Suite 110, 1212 1 Street SE Calgary AB T2G 2H8 Tel: (403) 262-4241

Inspiring Sustainable Thinking Committed to integrating sustainable solutions into our project work and our corporate culture, ISL Engineering and Land Services delivers planning and design solutions for transportation, water and land projects. ISL is dedicated to working with all levels of government and the private sector to deliver planning and design solutions that address the challenges that come with growth in urban and rural communities.


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KFR Engineering #100 11404-142 Street NW Edmonton AB T5M 1V1 Tel: (780) 488-6008 Khanatek Technologies Inc. 2048-43 Street Edmonton AB T6L 6L7 Tel: (780) 702-0613 Fax: (780) 702-0612 Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd. 500, 2618 Hopewell Place NE Calgary AB T1Y 7J7 Tel: (403) 274-3424 Fax: (403) 274-5349 301, 2627 Ellwood Drive SW Edmonton AB T6X 0P7 Tel: (780) 444-0706 Fax: (780) 481-2431

KTA Structural Engineers Ltd. 702, 7015 Macleod Trail SW Calgary AB T2H 2K6 Tel: (403) 265-4405 Fax: (403) 245-6545 Laviolette Engineering Ltd. 7609 - 115 Street, Unit B Edmonton AB T6G 1N4 Tel: (780) 454-0884 Fax: (800) 308-3102 Levelton Consultants Ltd. 203-6919 32 Avenue NW Calgary AB T3B 0K6 Tel: (403) 247-1813 Fax: (403) 247-1814 8884 - 48 Avenue Edmonton AB T6E 5L1 Tel: (780) 438-0844 Fax: (780) 435-1812 LVM Engineering Ltd. 4530 - 50 Avenue SE Calgary AB T2B 3R4 Tel: (403) 255-3273 Fax: (403) 266-8825

16114 - 114 Avenue Edmonton AB T5M 2Z5 Tel: (780) 481-1416 Fax: (780) 481-9008 Magna IV Engineering 200, 688 Heritage Drive SE Calgary AB T2H 1M6 Tel: (403) 723-0575 Fax: (403) 723-0580 1103 Parsons Road SW Edmonton AB T6X 0X2 Tel: (780) 462-3111 Fax: (780) 462-9799


8219D Fraser Avenue Fort McMurray AB T9H 0A2 Tel: (780) 791-3122 Fax: (780) 791-3159 Maskell Plenzik & Partners Engineering Inc. Suite 206, 610 - 70 Avenue SE Calgary AB T2H 2J6 Tel: (403) 509-2005 Fax: (403) 509-2006 McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. Suite 500, 999 8 Street SW Calgary AB T2R 1J5 Tel: (403) 262-5042 Fax: (403) 262-3337 #203 - 502 Bow Valley Trail Canmore AB T1W 1N9



Tel: (403) 609-3992 Fax: (403) 609-3989 14904 121A Avenue Edmonton AB T5V 1A3 Tel: (780) 809-3200 Fax: (780) 809-3212 McIntosh Lalani Engineering Ltd. Bay 10, 4604 - 13 Street N Calgary AB T2E 6P1 Tel: (403) 291-2345 Fax: (403) 291-2356

MDH Engineered Solutions, Member of the SNC-Lavalin Group 4th Floor, 909-5 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 3G5 Tel: (403) 253-4333 Fax: (403) 253-1975 Suite 201 - 8915 51 Avenue Edmonton AB T6E 5J3 Tel: (780) 436-9400 Fax: (780) 438-0549 MechWave Engineering Ltd.

300, 1111 Olympic Way SE Calgary AB T2G 0E6 Tel: (403) 802-1090 Fax: (403) 244-4440 Metallurgical Consulting Services Ltd. #209, 5403 Crowchild Trail NW Calgary AB T3B 4Z1 Tel: (403) 235-5456 Fax: (403) 212-0315 Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd. 217, 811 - 14 Street NW Calgary AB T2N 2A4 Tel: (403) 592-6180 6111 - 91 Street Edmonton AB T6E 6V6 Tel: (780) 496-9048 Fax: (780) 496-9049 MMM Group Limited 5151 - 3 Street SE Calgary AB T2H 2X6 Tel: (403) 269-7440 Fax: (403) 269-7422 203, 729 - 10 Street Canmore AB T1W 2A3 Tel: (403) 678-3500 Fax: (403) 678-3501 #200, 10576 - 113 Street Edmonton AB T5H 3H5 Tel: (780) 423-4123 Fax: (780) 426-0659 8026A Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray AB T9H 5K3 Tel: (780) 743-3977 Fax: (780) 743-3981 Morrison Hershfield Limited 300, 6807 Railway Street SE Calgary AB T2H 2V6 Tel: (403) 246-4500 Fax: (403) 246-4220 Suite 300, 1603 - 91 Street SW Edmonton AB T6X 0W8 Tel: (780) 483-5200 Fax: (780) 484-3883 MPA Engineering Ltd. #312, 9804 - 100 Avenue Grande Prairie AB T8V 0T8 Tel: (780) 814-2392 Fax: (780) 814-5872 9930 - 102 Street Peace River AB T8S 1T1 Tel: (780) 624-8151 Fax: (780) 624-5676 #304 - 85 Cranford Way Sherwood Park AB T8H 0H9 Tel: (780) 416-3034 Fax: (780) 416-3037

MPE Engineering Ltd. 1F, 333 2 Street W Brooks AB T1R 1G4 Tel: (403) 362-8545 260 East Atrium, 2635 - 37 Avenue NE Calgary AB T1Y 5Z6 Tel: (403) 250-1362 Fax: (403) 250-1518 300, 714 - 5 Avenue S Lethbridge AB T1J 0V1 Tel: (403) 329-3442 Fax: (403) 329-9354 40, 1825 Bomford Crescent SW Medicine Hat AB T1A 5E8 Tel: (403) 348-2626 Fax: (403) 348-7773 302, 4702 - 49 Avenue Red Deer AB T4N 6L5 Tel: (403) 348-8340 Fax: (403) 348-8331 120, 20 Circle Drive St. Albert AB T8N 3S6 Tel: (780) 460-7777 Fax: (780) 460-7766 NORR Architects Engineers Planners 100, 221-10 Avenue SE Calgary AB T2G 0V9 Tel: (403) 264-4000 Fax: (403) 269-7215

Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd. 9819 - 12 Avenue SW Edmonton AB T6X 0E3 Tel: (780) 436-5668 Fax: (780) 436-1645 Omicron Canada Inc. 500, 833 - 4 Ave SW Calgary AB T2P 3T5 Tel: (403) 262-9733 Fax: (403) 262-9750 OPUS Stewart Weir Ltd. 4808A - 50 Avenue Bonnyville AB T9N 2H3 Tel: (866) 812-3183 Fax: (780) 826-7545 300, 926 - 5th Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 0N7 Tel: (403) 264-2585 Fax: (403) 264-2501 99, 11030 - 78 Avenue Grande Prairie AB T8W 2J7 Tel: (877) 814-5880 Fax: (877) 814-5973 30, 491 W.T. Hill Boulevard S Lethbridge AB T1J 1Y6 Tel: (403) 320-1135 Fax: (403) 320-1185

140, 2121 Premier Way Sherwood Park AB T8H 0B8 Tel: (780) 410-2580 Fax: (780) 410-2589 Parsons Brinckerhoff Halsall Inc. 5940 Macleod Trail SW, Suite 900 Calgary AB T2H 2G4 Tel: (403) 255-7946 Fax: (403) 255-7996 Pasquini & Associates Consulting Ltd. 300, 929 11 Street SE Calgary AB T2G 0R4 Tel: (403) 452-7677 Fax: (403) 452-7660 Patching Associates Acoustical Engineering Ltd. 9, 4825 Westwinds Drive NE Calgary AB T3J 4L4 Tel: (403) 274-5882 Fax: (403) 546-0544 Protostatix Engineering Consultants Inc. 1100, 10117 Jasper Avenue Edmonton AB T5J 1W8 Tel: (780) 423-5855 Fax: (780) 425-7227

WE HAVE THE MEANS TO FULFIL YOUR AMBITIONS You can count on us to help you soar to new heights. Bruno Mercier, CIM, CFP Madeleine Mercier, CFP Senior Investment Advisor 780-412-6614 1-800-537-0569

Investment Advisor, Vice President 780 412-6603


National Bank Financial is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of National Bank of Canada which is a public company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (NA: TSX). National Bank Financial is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF).

Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd. Suite 500, 1816 Crowchild Trail NW Calgary AB T2M 3Y7 Tel: (403) 283-5073 Fax: (403) 270-8402

Tel: (403) 270-8833 Fax: (403) 270-9358

Suite 100, 17415 - 102 Avenue Edmonton AB T5S 1J8 Tel: (780) 452-2325 Fax: (780) 455-7516

412, 515 - 7 Street S Lethbridge AB T1J 2G8 Tel: (403) 327-9433 Fax: (403) 327-9455

Ready Engineering Corporation Suite 200, 708 - 11 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2R 0E4 Tel: (403) 301-5250 Fax: (403) 960-6664

Suite 101, 10835 - 120 Street Edmonton AB T5H 3P9 Tel: (780) 482-5931 Fax: (780) 488-9784

303, 4719 - 48th Ave Red Deer AB T4N 3T1 Tel: (403) 340-2676

540 - 36 Street North Lethbridge AB T1H 5H6 Tel: (403) 327-2919 Fax: (403) 327-2915

SNC-Lavalin Inc. 8 floor, 909 - 5 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 3G5 Tel: (403) 536-6129 Fax: (403) 253-1975

209, 215 McLeod Avenue Spruce Grove AB T7X 3A4 Tel: (780) 960-6663 Fax: (780) 960-6664

608, 10235 - 101 Street Edmonton AB T5J 3G1 Tel: (780) 426-1000 Fax: (780) 412-6288

Sameng Inc. 1500 Baker Centre, 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton AB T5J 1G4 Tel: (780) 482-2557 Fax: (780) 482-2538

Stantec Consulting Ltd. Suite 200, 1719 - 10 Avenue SW Calgary AB T3C 0K1 Tel: (403) 245-5661 Fax: (403) 244-4701

SarPoint Engineering #6, 3530 - 11A Street NE Calgary AB T2E 6M7 Tel: (403) 210-0661 Fax: (403) 210-0665 9763 - 62 Avenue Edmonton AB T6E 5Y4 Tel: (780) 453-6228 Fax: (780) 437-0201 SCL Engineering Ltd. 200, 7205 Roper Road Edmonton AB T6B 3J4 Tel: (780) 440-6262 Fax: (780) 440-4311 Sereca Fire Consulting Ltd. 106, 5855 9 Street SE Calgary AB T2H 1Z9 Tel: (403) 984-5800 Fax: (403) 984-5809 SMA Consulting Ltd. 230 Sunlife Place 10123 - 99 Street Edmonton AB T5J 3H1 Tel: (780) 484-3313 Fax: (780) 497-2354 SMP Consulting Electrical Engineers 403, 1240 Kensington Road NW Calgary AB T2N 3P7


alberta innovators

Suite 300, 805 - 8 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 1H7 Tel: (403) 269-5150 Fax: (403) 269-5245 200, 325 - 25 Street SE Calgary AB T2A 7H8 Tel: (403) 716-8000 Fax: (780) 716-8109 Suite 222, 4000 - 4 Street SE Calgary AB T2G 2W3 Tel: (403) 214-3520 Fax: (403) 214-3599 Suite 340, 1200 - 59 Avenue SE Calgary AB T2H 2M4 Tel: (403) 216-2410 Fax: (403) 216-2144 200 - 37 Quarry Park Boulevard SE Calgary AB T2C 5H9 Tel: (403) 252-3436 Fax: (403) 252-3464 10160 - 112 Street Edmonton AB T5K 2L6 Tel: (780) 917-7000 Fax: (780) 917-7330 212-300 MacKenzie Boulevard Fort McMurray AB T9H 4C4 Tel: (780) 791-7117 Fax: (780) 791-0144 290, 220 - 4 Street S Lethbridge AB T1J 3L8 Tel: (403) 329-3344 Fax: (403) 328-0664 1100, 4900 - 50 Street Red Deer AB T4N 1X7 Tel: (403) 341-3320 Fax: (403) 342-0969

Stephenson Engineering Ltd. 608 7 Street SW, Suite 200 Calgary AB T2P 1Z2 Tel: (403) 648-0033 Fax: (403) 648-0035 Tetra Tech EBA Inc. 115, 200 Rivercrest Drive SE Calgary AB T2C 2X5 Tel: (403) 203-3355 Fax: (403) 203-3301 14940 - 123 Avenue Edmonton AB T5V 1B4 Tel: (780) 451-2121 Fax: (780) 454-5688 442 - 10 Street N Lethbridge AB T1H 2C7 Tel: (403) 329-9009 Fax: (403) 328-8817 Thurber Engineering Ltd. 180, 7330 Fisher Street SE Calgary AB T2H 2H8 Tel: (403) 253-9217 Fax: (403) 252-8159 200, 9636 - 51 Avenue Edmonton AB T6E 6A5 Tel: (780) 438-1460 Fax: (780) 437-7125 TWD Technologies Ltd. Calgary Place 1, 330 5th Avenue SW Suite 750, Calgary AB T2P 0H9 Tel: (403) 262-3083 Fax: (403) 263-8450 Unit 287, 2055 Premier Way Sherwood Park AB T8H 0G2 Tel: (780) 410-0542 Fax: (780) 410-0549 Urban Systems Ltd. 101, 2716 Sunridge Way NE Calgary AB T1Y 0A5 Tel: (403) 291-1193 Fax: (403) 291-1374 200-10345 105 St NW Edmonton AB T5J 1E8 Tel: (780) 430-4041 Fax: (780) 435-3538 V3 Companies of Canada Ltd. 300, 6940 Fisher Road SE Calgary AB T2H 0W3 Tel: (403) 860-1262 Fax: (403) 253-1985 Suite 200, 9945 - 50 Street NW Edmonton AB T6A 0L4 Tel: (780) 945-2576 Fax: (780) 424-3837 Walters Chambers & Associates Ltd. 501, 10709 Jasper Avenue

Edmonton AB T5J 3N3 Tel: (780) 428-1740 Fax: (780) 423-3735 Watt Consulting Group Ltd. 310, 3016 - 5 Avenue NE Calgary AB T2A 6K4 Tel: (403) 273-9001 Fax: (403) 273-3440 Williams Engineering Canada Inc. N195 - 3015 5 Avenue NE Calgary AB T2A 6T8 Tel: (403) 263-2393 Fax: (403) 262-9075 Suite 200, 10065 Jasper Avenue Edmonton AB T5J 3B1 Tel: (780) 424-2393 Fax: (780) 425-1520

Bay 26, 7875 - 48 Avenue Red Deer AB T4P 2K1 Tel: (403) 755-2395 Fax: (403) 755-4049 WSP 305, 1331 Macleod Trail SE Calgary AB T2G 0K3 Tel: (403) 248-9463 Fax: (403) 250-7811 7710 Edgar Industrial Court Red Deer AB T4P 4E2 Tel: (403) 342-7650 Fax: (403) 342-7691 132, 2693 Broadmoor Blvd Sherwood Park AB T8H 0G1 Tel: (780) 410-6740 Fax: (780) 449-4050

Index of Advertisers

Associate Members Arup Canada Inc. Darryl Doucet 2 Bloor Street East, Toronto ON M4W 1A8 Tel: 416-515-0915 Fax: 416-515-1635 C-FER Technologies (1999) Inc. Dawna Bergum 200 Karl Clark Road Edmonton AB T6N 1H2 Tel: 780-450-3300 Fax: 780-450-3700 City of Calgary Jennifer Enns Manager, Engineering & Energy Services PO Box 2100, Stn ‘M’ Calgary AB T2P 2M5 Tel: 403-268-1765 Fax: 403-268-8291 City of Edmonton Lorna Rosen General Manager – Financial Services 3rd Floor 9803 – 102A Avenue Edmonton AB T5J 3A3 Tel: 780-496-5656 EPCOR Water Services Susan Ancel, P.Eng. Manager - Network Services 10065 Jasper Avenue Edmonton AB T5J 3B1 Tel: 780-412-7633 Fax: 780-412-7679

Yellowhead Engineering Services Inc. 17312 - 106 Avenue Edmonton AB T5S 1H9 Tel: (780) 444-2406 Fax: (780) 444-2506

Geotech Drilling Services Ltd. Jason Oliver 5052 Hartway Drive Prince George BC V2K 5B7 Tel: 250-962-9041 Fax: 250-962-9046 National Bank Financial Bruno Mercier 3500 Manulife Place, 10180-101 Street Edmonton AB T5J 3S4 Tel: 780-412-6614 Fax: 780-424-5756


Page No.



Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Assoc


Al-Terra Engineering

35 8



Associated Engineering The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)


Brandt Industries Ltd.


Clifton Associates Ltd.


Consulting Architects of Alberta

34 8

DCL Siemens Engineering Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta

Spatial Technologies Richard Andrews #2, 21 Highfield Circle SE Calgary AB T2G 5N6 Tel: 877-252-0070 Fax: 403-259-3992 TD Meloche Monnex Inc. Mandeep Chauhan Relationship Manager 10025 - 102A Avenue NW 23rd Floor Edmonton AB T5J 2Z2 Tel: 780 -409-3233 Fax: 780-420-2323

Student Member Diana Nada University of Calgary


pullout guide

Golder Associates


Hatch Mott MacDonald Hemisphere Engineering Inc.


ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd.


Kerr Wood Leidal

29 9

KFR Engineering Klohn Crippen Berger


McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.


NAIT - Corporate and International Training (CIT)


National Bank Financial


NWS Inspection Inc.

29 18

Opus Stewart Weir


PCL Constructors Inc. RBC Equipment Purchase Line


RWDI Group of Companies


Sameng Inc.


SMA Consulting Ltd.


Spatial Technologies Partnership Group

8 71

Stantec Inc.

TD Meloche Monnex Financial Services Incorporated 42 Tetra Tech EBA


Thurber Engineering


Urban Systems Ltd.


Williams Engineering Inc.


alberta innovators




CONSULTING ENGINEERS of ALBERTA CEA member firms impose upon themselves a very strict Code of Ethics requiring disciplined fulfilment of their duties with honesty, justice and courtesy toward society, clients, other members of CEA and employees. ongoing regulation by peers ensures quality management practices and the integrity of all CEA members. CEA membership accreditation criteria are stringent. In addition to conforming with the standards of practice set by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and the requirement to hold an APEGA Permit to Practice, member firms must maintain permanent facilities with employees in Alberta; be managed by one or more professional engineers; have at least two years operating experience as a consulting engineering business; and employ an individual in Alberta who has at least five years experience in consulting engineering as a professional engineer. Clients benefit directly by dealing with CEA member firms, professionals who are keenly interested in maintaining and promoting their own business association which, in turn, advocates the veracity and trust which can be expected from each of its members.


1. Members shall practise their profession with concern for the social and economic well-being of society. 2. Members shall conform with all laws, bylaws and regulations and with the APEGA Code of Ethics. 3. Members shall satisfy themselves that their designs and recommendations are safe and sound and, if their engineering judgment is overruled, shall report the possible consequences to clients, owners and, if necessary, the appropriate public authorities. 4. Members expressing engineering opinions to the public shall do so in a complete, objective, truthful and accurate manner. 5. Members are encouraged to participate in civic affairs and work for the benefit of their community and should encourage their employees to do likewise. Clients 6. Members shall discharge their professional and business responsibilities with integrity. 7. Members shall accept only those assignments for which they are competent or for which they associate with other competent experts. 8. Members shall immediately disclose any conflicts of interest to their clients. 9. Members shall respect the confidentiality of all information obtained for and from their clients but shall deal appropriately with any matters which may place the public in jeopardy. 10. Members shall obtain remuneration for their professional services solely through fees commensurate with the services rendered.


alberta innovators

11. Members shall promote consulting engineering services in accordance with a qualifications-based selection system endorsed by CEA. Other Members 12. Members shall relate to other members of CEA with integrity and in a manner that will enhance the professional stature of consulting engineering. 13. Members engaged by a client to review the work of another member of CEA shall avoid statements which may maliciously impugn the reputation or business of that member. 14. Members shall respect the clientele of other members of CEA and shall not attempt to supplant them when definite steps, including negotiations for an engagement, have been taken towards their engagement. 15. Members, when requesting professional engineering services from other consulting engineering businesses, including members of CEA, shall promote the use of a qualifications-based selection system endorsed by CEA. Employees 16. Members shall treat their employees with integrity, provide for their proper compensation, require that they conform to high ethical standards in their work and fully understand this Code of Consulting Engineering Ethics. 17. Members shall not require or permit their employees to take responsibility for work for which they are not qualified. 18. Members shall encourage their employees to enhance their professional qualifications and development through appropriate continuing education.

We design the structures that connect, the infrastructure that supports, and the facilities that sustain communities around the world

Our local strength, knowledge, and relationships, coupled with world-class expertise, enable us to meet our clients’ needs in creative, personalized ways. Design with community in mind

Associated Engineering is a Canadian, employee-owned consulting firm specializing in planning, engineering, environmental science, and landscape architecture. We provide consulting services in the transportation, infrastructure, water, environmental, energy, building, and asset management sectors. Sustainability is part of our business and part of every project we undertake. This is our commitment to giving back to our community, improving the environment, and reducing our carbon footprint. For more information, please visit

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