Good Vibrations
How to live in a way that keeps the good vibes flowing BY CINDY CLARKE
We had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Sinatra recently about this very topic, tapping into his renowned expertise on health, heart and healing and the energetic frequencies that power up our lives. He explained that “Our minds really are the greatest tools we have for raising our vibration. Our knowledge of high and low vibrational foods helps us make the best choices about what to eat and drink each day. Understanding the energetic nature of our thoughts and feelings allows us to work with them, and create vibrational experiences that support rather than diminish, our health and wellbeing.” “Literally every aspect of our lives affects vibration,” he said. The grumpy man you meet while getting your morning coffee gives off vibes that bring you down. The stranger you sit next to in the movie theater whose presence makes you feel uneasy. The little girl whose laugh makes you break out into a smile. Your pet that welcomes you home each day with an enthusiastic wagging tail. We are all vulnerable to the vibrational energy of others, good and bad. Even rocks and trees have vibrations. Everything does. Medical researchers have long talked about the vibrations of cells, noting the difference between healthy and dysfunctional ones. Illnesses, like cancer and malaria, can slow down and lower the vibration of cells, as can depression and other mental and emotional conditions. Healthy cells pulsate effortlessly. The higher the vibration, the stronger and healthier we become. Lower vibrational ener-
are all life forms. From the tiniest cells in our
through everything we know and are on Earth.
bodies to our vital organs and the essence
It’s the feeling that vibrates through us when
of life itself, energetic vibrations govern all
rage, jealousy and grief. On the other hand,
we interact with loved ones and strangers,
of our interactions. How they impact our
love, kindness, joy and the like are higher
when we swim in the ocean or walk barefoot
health and influence our choices are key to
vibrational emotions that buoy your spirit and
along the beach. It’s in the food we eat, the air
living our best life says integrative medicine
lighten your load.
we breathe, the emotions we feel, in what we
specialist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a board-certified
We live in an environment that is contam-
think, how we act and where we live. It can be
cardiologist, anti-aging physician, bioenergetic
inated with invisible energy vibrations that
good or bad, nature’s own or manmade. It can
psychotherapist and author of dozens of
can seriously impact our health. These come
heal or harm, and it is wholly responsible for
holistic health books, including Heartbreak
from technologies we’ve developed to make
our overall well-being, body, mind and soul.
and Heart Disease and an upcoming one on
our lifestyles easier, including computers, cell
high vibrational living.
phones, microwaves ovens, and cordless
The human body is an energetic being, as 122
gies weaken our vital force and can make us
Energy. It’s the vital force that pulsates
sick. Fear is a lower vibrational emotion, so are