About the culture
Appropiation O
ne of the reasons why cultural appropriation is harmful is that, sometimes, it has the power to create stereotypes about the origin culture among people. It can also show a version mostly created by people who do not come from that culture and, ultimately, is wrong. A consequence of this may be that people read that culture as “foreign” or “exotic” because our only contact with the other culture is through people of our same culture. This usually happens when a culture that has a position of power over another usurps elements of the latter, thus establishing stereotypes and creating a new idea of its nature that undermines the considerations that this culture had origin people. Another argument in favor of the toxicity that this appropriation provokes is that both the customs and the history that both can have, can get to receive a condescending treatment on the part of the people alien to that culture. In this way, a person who considers them both, customs and history, an important part of their culture, will consider that they receive a disrespectful and even offensive treatment.
Cultural appropriation is defined by taking an object or style without permission, for commercial purposes
“A multicultural society does not reject th listen, to see, to dialogue and, in the fina culture without compromising its own.”
he culture of the other but is prepared to al analysis, to possibly accept the other’s
Made in?
excluding, precisely, the community that originally created it. With this gesture, on one hand, the idea that white people give authority is perpetuated, on the other, stereotypes tend to be promoted and, finally, any kind of economic benefits are taken away from those who originated it. One of the reasons why cultural appropriation is harmful is that, sometimes, it has the power to create stereotypes about the origin culture among people. It can also show a version mostly created by people who do not come from that culture and, ultimately, is wrong. A consequence of this may be that people read that culture as “foreign” or “exotic” because our only contact with the other culture is through people of our same culture. This usually happens when a culture that has a position of power over another usurps elements of the latter, thus establishing stereotypes and creating a new idea of its nature that undermines the considerations that this culture had origin people. ultimately, is wrong. A consequence of this may be that people read that culture as “foreign” or “exotic” because our only contact with the other culture is through people of our same culture. This usually happens when a culture that has a position of power over another usurps elements of the latter, thus and creating a new idea.
The New York Times Magazine
Special Edition