2017 portfolio

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Introduction & Reseme


Graphic Design, 05/ Bauhaus Postcard 07/ Dessert Recipe 09/ Skateboard Design 11/ Wine Ads 13/ Story Opening Spread 15/ Magazine Review Layout 17/ Condo Ads 19/ Font Book I 21/ Font Book II





25/ VIFF Movie Poster 27/ Cyberbully Poster

39/ Transport Campaign Ads 41/ Dietary Supplement Rebranding






53/ Lost in the Flow 65/ Light Carries On

Logo Design, 47/ Restaurant Logo 49/ Bike Company Logo

57/ Art Recreation 59/ Matte Painting/ City Attack 61/ Matte Painting/ Love Last 63/ Matte Painting/ Landscape 65/ Season Transition

About, As Jawaharlal Nehru said “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” To relish this remarkable ride and to feel the overwhelming satisfaction, I paint my life heartily. I ventured outside my world to find myself. With perseverance, passion, curiosity, positivity and hope, I feel, I learn, and enjoy design with all my heart. Being ready to embark on another epic adventure, I’m looking forward to hear from you.


Education 2016 - Lasalle College, Vancouver 2013 - Tunghai University Major: B.A. in foreign language and literature. (Training: teaching training) 2010 - Na onal Cingshuei Senior High School ​ Experience ​Club experience 2015 - 2016 - FLLD senior play stage design 2010 - Art editor in high school ​ Volunteer experience 2015/ 9 - 2016 / 2 librarian in Beishin Elementary School ​ Work experience 2015/ 7 - 2016 / 8 teaching assistant and front desk receptionist of Maple Language School,Taichung 2013/ 5 - 2014 / 1 assistant of Jing Dian children art class, Taichung 2013/ 7 - 2014 / 2 clerk of Zhu Guan art supply store, Taichung ​ Skills ​ Language Native Mandarin Chinese Fluent spoken Taiwanese Communicable English ( Certificate: TOEIC 885 ) ​ Software Word, Power Point Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, AdobeFlash, Premiere, Lightroom, 3DMax, After Effects, Xamarine



1 Bauhaus Postcards, Taking Bauhaus as style guide, the following is Vancouver art gallery invitation postcards design. 6



Dessert Recipe,

Playing layouts with color, shape, lines, and fonts



3 Skateboard Design , To match the vibe of skateboarding and to show the uniqueness, I use artistic and casual freestyle illustrations of zebra and wood feature for this project.




Wine Ads,

​ lavour of Spring Wine Ad Designs with F springy and flowery style.


5 13

Story Opening Spread, It’s an illustrated story project done for Editorial Publication Design course in Lasalle College. I create three different opening spread styles for different target audiences.


6 15

Magazine > Review Layout,


7 Condo Ads, 17

For this condo ads assignment, I started from making the logo and then tried different layouts and formats for a full page ad, a brochure, and a skyscraper with same style to keep the consistency



Font Book I, trying different layouts with people illustrations and fonts. ​ ​





Font Book II,

Using fashion as the overall theme, I played with double exposure, lettering, and watercolor effect elements in different layouts to create the font book.






Here are the poster designs for Vancouver movie festival. The designs of the movie poster emphasize the characteristics of the festival that it includes more independent movies with different genres.

Viff Movie Festival Poster,


11 Cyberbully Poster,



12 29

Packaging > Eco,

Background ​According to statistics in 2014, there are about 16,836 handmade drink shops in 36 000 square kilometers country, Taiwan. In some places, there are even ten handmade drink shops within 100 meters. Approximately, Taiwan consumes 1.5 billion disposable drink cups per year. However, the container materials cause serious. Handmade drink has become a part of Taiwanese culture. However, the container materials cause serious pollution.

Problem Identify ​There are two main kind of materials used for handmade drinks, plastic and PE Coated Paper. However, if the temperature is over 70 degrees, it dissolves plasticizer and it accelerates the soften speed of the cup when it contains acidic drinks. Also, it’s sealed with high temperature 110 degrees which releases more plasticizer. Therefore, people replace it with Polylactic Acid (PLA). It is considered environmentally friendly for it’s made by agricultural products. It can be metabolized by microorganisms into water, carbon dioxide, and methane in composting environment with specific humidity, oxygen conditions

and the presence with suitable microorganisms. However there are few drawback of PLA. • The decomposition rate is extremely slow in the general environment decomposition rate is. It must be sent to a closed garbage treatment plant and be decomposed by Anaerobic bacteria. If people mistakenly believe that PLA can be decomposed by the environment and self-buried or litter randomly, it will cause pollution. • It is hard to distinguish the difference from general plastic which results in the trouble of recycling.

Although there is a PLA mark “7” to tell the difference, most people won’t pay attention to that and just throw into plastic recycling. However, it will greatly damage the physical properties and processing if plastic mixed with starch and fiber (PLA) once mixes with the traditional recyclable plastic. The entire batch of plastic recycling materials is no longer usable. The production process does reduce carbon dioxide emissions but in Taiwan’s case, most of the raw materials are imported. The carbon footprint should be taken into consideration.


Shipping ​In 2015, Paris Climate Summit, unless you bring your own cups, otherwise you have to rent the cup. The ides of eco cups can be used for handmade drink shops. Taking it as inspiration, The shipping system plan for this eco cup is that all shops can join the program. People can rent the cup when they buy drinks. Pay for the cup when they buy the drink. They can use and return it in all shops with in a period of time like one month in every shops in the program. They can get refund when they return the cup back or they can keep the cup which just means they buy a pretty and useable cup that they can still use when they buy drinks other times. The cups will be distributed to whichever shops in need in the program. This way, they will be recyclable cups for all people.


Materials needed, Environmental concerns ​Also, to make the cup good enough that people won’t feel sorry even they forget to return the cup and have to buy the cup. Other than a pretty look, it has to be usable. And it has to be low-cost to produce and eco-friendly. Bamboo would be a great material. There are some features that make it a good option for the material of handmade drink cup. • It can adjust the humidity between itself and the environment because of the vitality of the fiber. The fiber inside bamboo can automatically remove the superfluous water in in ventilated and dry environment. • Natural, no chemical toxic effects. • It is low thermal conductivity, won’t release harmful substances under high temperature • Light, easy to carry • firm, not fragile


13 33

Packaging > Art Supply, Design Cocept Usually the packaging of watercolor boxes are thin and weak, also, hard to take out for you have to take the whole thing out of the box to use it. Once you open it, you don’t know whether to keep the box or not because it’s probably already pretty worn out. However, customer do need a box to keep th paints so they can bring it to school or studio or wherever so they usually spend extra money to buy another bag to put the paints which is annoying to most of the people. It would be great if the packaging itself is a storage box. To solve the problem, I decide to use thicker craft paperboard for this set of two packaging design of watercolr and colored pencils. Also, to make the packaging more userfriendly and convinient, I designed it as the way pencil box works. Moreover, I make it with a little transparent window so customer can see what’s in the box without opening them.




14 Packaging > Red Wine, Artsy, vintage, geometry vintage color palette with the colors that reflect the feeling to the wine,dense,deep, firm, but smooth and mild.



15 39

​Transport Ad Campaign, Here are some pieces of concept development and brand-identity works in an advertising campaign for a fictional bus company. Shift is a public transit company that provides efficient bus transportation with their own bus way to solve the traffic overcrowed and disordered problem in busy traffic areas. The streamline icon of the logo suggests the infinite, free-flowing bus way Shift provides. It unknots the disorder of the messy traffic in the city. The first ad idea shows the bus company helps to smooth the traffic by usesing trail lights photos to bring out the slogan, “Keep the flow going.“ The second ad concept, “Sometimes it’s fun when things are messy. Sometimes it’s not” emphasizes SHIFT untangles the mess.


Rebranding > Nature Made, Target Market Geographic: •Globally sales marking •Mainly focused on urban areas Demographic: •middle age group •stable income •family with elder people or with busy students •males and females Psychographic: •meticulous people (who pay more attention to health care) •people with busy lifestyle( that they eat food outside and don’t have time to really take the nutrition they need) Behavioristic: •regular use •high royalty for brands •looking for the high price–performance ratio products •health conscious individuals


Current Ads analysis Compared with old adds, current ads seem to try to have a younger look. The layout and square frame of the new adds does look more appeling. However, it still emphaizes it’s healthy which is boring and obvious sinece it’s dietary supplement that it can’t achieve the desired result Brand Position For vitamins and dietary supplements industry like the brand I chose, Nature Made, the target market is usually middle age users. However, compare with other dietary Supplements brands, the strength of Nature Made is its affordable price. Not most effective but has nice

16 42




Brand Reposition During the research, I found that because the target audience is middle age group, the advertisements don’t really pay attention to the design or how it’s presented before. However, since the trend of health and wellness living style in modern society, not only middle age people can healthcare now and also the brand’s strength of the affordable price, I think it has a potential to approach young group who doesn’t have enough money to buy expensive dietary supplements but still care healthcare into it marketing audience. In the current advertising, the product has bad layout poster and unattractive packaging. Regarding to the design aspect, to shift the perception of the brand and to include more marketing audience, I want to change the old boring design in order to disconnect the concept that dietary supplements are for old people. Young people care more about the look, how the products say about their style. Therefore, I would like to give it a total different look, young, simple, and trendy to promote the aspect of health and wellness living style attitude. Make the idea of buying dietary supplements feel like buying a style, a living attitude. With unique ad design and promotion angel, the new marketing direction will help Nature Made stand out among other ordinary brands.


17 47

Logo Design > Restaurant,

Here is the logo mock-up of a new restaurant which has a vintage, artsy, and rustic style, like those secret restaurants in small ally where people can enjoy their own time with simple but exquisite meal and dessert while reading their books. ​ combination of tablewares and the shape of vine The echoes the rustic style of THE WANDER which helps the viewers to relate the feeling of the restaurant and its logo effectively and makes memorable impression.




Logo Design > Bicycle,



Version 1: The bike combines capital “M” and the streamlines which indicate the idea of freedom and ease. M, the first letter of the company’s name is also the shape of mountain which symbolizes nature bringing out the concept of fitting in nature.

Version 2: The various circles that symbolize the wheel of bike with different sizes and color create a feeling of speed. Also, green points out the nature and brown indicates safety and steadiness.


19 Lost in the Flow,

It’s a world that respects critical thinking and values individuality. We are given the precious right to speak and to share our opinions freely. However, there is a problem that is corrupting it. There is a saying in Chinese, “ 隨波逐流 ” which means people go with the flow and they are rushed to wherever the flow goes. People are trained to follow instructions from the authority, teachers, and the elder step by step, especially in Asia. We are told there’s always a “correct” answer for every question and it’s either right or wrong during our education. We are labeled and criticize by our performance on the tests. Thus, we just follow blindly from what we are told without thinking and questioning. Because we are too afraid to make mistake and to be judged, we lose our voice and uniqueness. We lost the ability of critical thinking and most importantly, we lost ourselves. There are so many beautiful traditions in our culture but the virtues of our culture that supposed to be our gift and asset but somehow turn into the prison for people, trapping us in the darkness and innocence just because we allow the traditions to confine us. It’s sad that people live in a world where we are given the right to give opinions but most people are scare to speak up, to share their brilliant thoughts, and just wasting our right.​​​​​​​ The wooden feature on the girl implies that people are turned into human puppy controlled by the string of the society. Even though the flood is coming, she doesn’t do anything and just waiting for the flow to crush her and bring her far away from herself just like most of the people who forget how people used to stumble, fall, struggle and fight for the freedom to be able to have the right to speak. We have the most beautiful wings but we don’t fly. However, if we want, if we are willing to spread our wings and look around, we can still fly to the wide sky. We can still be alive, be free, and be ourselves.




Postcard Design > Light carries on,


Inspired by Sleeping At Last "Saturn" ​

You taught me the courage of stars before you left. How light carries on endlessly, even after death. With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite. How rare and beautiful it is to even exist. I couldn’t help but ask For you to say it all again. I tried to write it down But I could never find a pen. I’d give anything to hear You say it one more time, That the universe was made Just to be seen by my eyes. I couldn’t help but ask For you to say it all again. I tried to write it down But I could never find a pen. I’d give anything to hear You say it one more time, That the universe was made Just to be seen by my eyes. With shortness of breath, I’ll explain the infinite How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist.


21 57

Art Recreation, Inspired by Adele Bloch-Bauer by Gustav Klimt


22 59

Photoshop City Attack,




Love Last, This work is inspired by the story of Chinese Valentine's Day in which the seventh daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, the Weaving Maid, and an orphaned cowherd were separated by the Emperor with the Milky Way; the girl was forced to move to the star Vega and the cowherd, to the star Altair. They were only allowed to meet on the magpie bridge over the Milky Way once a year on the day of seventh day of seventh lunar month which is Chinese Valentine's Day.




Photoshop Landscape Matte Painting,


25 65

Photoshop Weather Transition,





shinstart0117@gmail.com https://shinstart0117.wixsite.com/mysite 70

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