Verb Issue S183 (March 30-April 4, 2012)

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Mar 30–Apr 4, 2012 • Pass it on


$3.7M Legislative Renos Spark Debate

Dome, Garden Upgrades Planned P2


Saskatchewan Artist On Not Gathering Dust P12

Mirror, Mirror

Fairytale Remake Visually Stunning P15

Colleen Brown

Dog Dials Cops

Choking Hound Phones, Saves Self P7

Folk Singer Dishes About Creating Dirt P11 Photo: courtesy of the artist

Section Local Page 2

Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

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$3.7M For Legislative Renos Sparks Debate Upgrades Planned For Dome, Gardens, But Opposition Declares ‘It’s Not Fair’ Alex J MacPherson

saskatoon, SK — The provincial government has earmarked $3.7 million in this year’s budget to celebrate the 100 th anniversary of the Legislative Building, a move that has drawn fire from the opposition. According to Harley Olsen, CEO of the Office of the Provincial Capital Commission, the money will be used to upgrade the building and grounds, and to educate and inform the public. Opposition finance critic Trent Wotherspoon is critical of the budget as a whole, calling it “a story

of misplaced priorities and poor Olsen disagrees, noting that choices … [and] the wrong signal categorizing this expenditure as to send to Saskatchewan people.” “a $4 million party is not correct.” He is skeptical of the govern“That gives us a great opportument’s decision to invest $3.7 mil- nity to highlight both the vision of lion in a celebration while “mak- 100 years ago, and begin to think ing cuts and about what we reductions that “[T]his budget … makes want this provimpact the lives choices that aren’t in ince to look like of Saskatchewan the best interest of 100 years from people.” The Sask. now,” he explains. Party, he contin- Saskatchewan people.” “We have to -Trent Wotherspoon make our contriues, is asking people to pay more and get less. butions now in terms of maintain“It’s not fair and consistent with ing and preserving the integrity of the priorities of Saskatchewan peo- the building and the institution.” ple, but it doesn’t have to be this The Legislative Building was way,” he says. designed by Montreal architects Edward and William S. Maxwell at the turn of the last century. Construction began in 1908; the building was officially opened in 1912 by Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, who was then governor general. “After 100 years the dome of the legislature is badly in need of repair,” Olsen says. “What we’ve done is set aside a major chunk of money, and the department of government services is now reviewing all the structural integrity [and] the stonework. We’ve set aside some money … to renovate the dome.” Olsen isn’t sure of exactly how much the renovations will cost, but expects an estimate from Government Services when the review is completed. The budget also includes “about $600,000” to upgrade the Queen

Photo: courtesy of Jordon Cooper

Elizabeth II Gardens, Olsen says. Bernadette McIntyre, CEO of Wascana Centre, is enthusiastic about the renovations. “This is something [we have] wanted to do for awhile,” she declares. “There are five million visits a year to Wascana Centre — the gardens are starting to show some wear and tear. [They need] some refreshing, a facelift.” McIntyre says the first phase

of the project will strip away old lighting fixtures and replace them with new, energy efficient units. Subsequent phases will upgrade pathways through the gardens and replace aging benches with 14 Tyndall stone seats. Upgrades to the garden coincide with Wascana Centre’s fiftieth anniversary. The $3.7 million will also pay for an artist-in-residence program, which is intended to produce a number of works for the Legislative Building art collection, a public display of material from the 1909 cornerstone-time capsule, several educational initiatives and a public ceremony in October. Wotherspoon isn’t impressed. “We certainly believe it is important to celebrate our history and our heritage,” he explains. “That’s something important to the province. But what we’re looking at in this budget is a budget that very much makes choices that aren’t in the best interest of Saskatchewan people.” He is adamant that the budget should have offered more support for other programs, including the controversial film tax subsidy. Only then, he says, would it be permissible to pass “a responsible and reasonable plan [to] celebrate the centennial … at the Legislature.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Curbside Recycling Delayed For Present Complicated Process Of Picking Contractor Pushes Decision To Next Month Alex J MacPherson

Saskatoon, SK — Citywide curbside recycling has hit yet another stumbling block in Saskatoon. Contractor evaluation and the selection process are taking longer than expected. A report naming the winning contractor or contractors was scheduled to go before council recently, but environmental services manager Brenda Wallace says the complicated and rigorous

“The last thing we want to do is recommend to council an unsustainable or unrealistic price.”

-Brenda Wallace evaluation process has pushed that back until mid-April. “We hope to be in a position where we’re selecting our preferred proponent on April 11th,” she says “Then we hope to have a recommendations report to council for the April 16th meeting.” “We made sure that we followed the good practices that the City of Saskatoon has always used for procuring services, but looked for opportunities to increase the rigour in areas,” she continues. Councillor Charlie Clark, who is not involved in the selection process, agrees. “This is one of the most complicated requests for proposals we’ve done in a long time, given

All-Green Recycling currently offers curbside services to some residents that you’re balancing the needs circumstances.” model. of residents [and] the interests Requests for proposals were Proposals are being evaluated of industry. I can appreciate that separated into three groups: col- by a five-member committee, and the evaluation of the proposals is lections only, processing and mar- for bids to be considered they must probably a particularly challenging keting only, and those offering the meet certain technical and financial process.” complete service. The service could requirements, including efficiency, But, he adds, “I do want to see be provided by two independent sustainability and convenience to that we get it right, as we make companies working in tandem, residents. sure [the recommendation] is the and bidders could select a singleThe city has established a best possible outcome under the or multiple-container collection price ceiling of $27.4 million for a

Photo: courtesy of All-Green Recycling

seven-year contract. “We spent an awful lot of time … looking at the price question,” Wallace says. “The last thing we want to do is recommend to council an unsustainable or unrealistic price so that we have a company that may try to meet that only to fail … If we establish a budget that is not lean, we’re not doing the taxpayers a good service in terms of prudent spending.” The program’s financing was not helped by the provincial budget, which does not include funding for a significant recycling subsidy — the Multi-Material Recycling Program (MMRP) — but Wallace doesn’t foresee any funding problems: “We try to get rid of the unknown variables as much as possible and plan with the knowns,” she says. “[W]hether the MMRP takes another few more years to come out or not is not going to have an effect on the work we’re doing right now. We’ve taken the approach that [it] just helps us do more; it doesn’t determine whether we get off the ground with a program.” Wallace says details of the proposals are confidential and cannot be released. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Possible Baldness Cure Eyed Adam Hawboldt

Stay Slim With Chocolate

Treat Linked To Lower Body Mass Index: Study Adam Hawboldt

san diego, CA — Chocolate lovers rejoice! A new study suggests that eating the delicious treat can actually help you keep the pounds off. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego found that people who eat chocolate

frequently tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) than people who don’t eat it as often. “Our findings … are intriguing,” writes researcher Beatrice Golomb. Golomb and her fellow researchers posed questions that pertained to how often they ate chocolate in a week, their diets and their overall lifestyles to 1,017 men and women

aged 20-85. The scientists then accounted for factors such as saturated fats, calories and mood, and suspect that antioxidents in cocoa could be behind this benefit. “Our findings [suggest] that the composition of calories, not just the number of them, matters,” says Golomb. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

By identifying one of the key factors in baldness, the researchers Philadelphia, PA — A cure for hope to create a topical ointment baldness could be on the horizon. that can target the protein. A study conducted at the Univer“Although a different prostaglansity of Pennsylvadin was known nia has found that “About 80 percent of men to increase hair a protein called experience some form of growth, our findp r o s t a g l a n d i n baldness.” ings were unexD2 appears in abpected, as prosta-Adam Hawboldt glandins haven’t normal amounts on the scalps of men with male been thought about in relation to pattern baldness. The researchers hair loss,” says Dr. George Cotsarelis, discovered that the protein stops who led the study. the growth of hair by causing hair About 80 percent of men experifollicles to shrink and produce tiny ence some form of baldness. hairs that grow shorter. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance popcorn beats veggies — Scientists have found that popcorn is good for you and contains more of the healthy antioxidants called “polyphenols” than fruits and veggies, a chemical that can

lower cholesterol and help prevent certain types of cancer. Furthermore, the hulls have the highest concentration of both polyphenols and fibre. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Ban On Brothels Struck Down By Canadian Court Adam Hawboldt

Toronto, on — Banning brothels is unconstitutional and puts prostitutes at risk, Ontario’s top court has ruled. The Ontario Court of Appeal has determined that two provisions

of the Criminal Code — one prohibiting common bawdy-houses, another that prohibits living off the avails of prostitution — are both unconstitutional in their current form. What’s more, the court has also recommended that sex workers be allowed to work safely indoors.

“The world in which street prostitutes actually operate is a world of dark streets and barren, isolated, silent places,” said the five-judge panel in their ruling.“ The case is expected to be appealed. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Redheads Hurt Hair Colour Causes More Pain Adam Hawboldt

Southampton, England — Redheads may feel more pain than their blonde or brunette counterparts, researchers suggest. Southampton University Hospital scientists have initiated a trial to determine whether pale-skinned, red-headed people react to pain differently than those with darker hair and darker skin. They have recruited redheaded volunteers over the age of 30, anesthetized them and administered small electroshocks to their thighs. The results more painkillers than those with will be compared to the relative tresses of a different colour. Seven pain thresholds of blondes and years later, the same U.S. researchbrunettes. ers found that not just women, but The trial was initiated because people with red hair in general researchers bewere more anxlieve the gene “Redheads experience ious about going that determines more pain from a given to the dentist and if someone has stimulus…” twice as likely to red hair is also avoid treatment. -Edwin Liem involved in the “Redheads exproduction of endorphins — the perience more pain from a given body’s natural painkillers stimulus and therefore require This isn’t the first link explored more anesthesia,” Dr. Edwin Liem, between redheads and pain. A 2002 who led both the U.S. studies, tells American study found that women The Telegraph. with red hair required 19 percent Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Global At A Glance smelly food drops weight — The smellier your food is, the less weight you’ll gain, suggests new research from the Netherlands. The researchers state that smelly food leads to smaller bite

sizes, which require more chewing. The more you chew the sooner you feel full, and the sooner you feel full, the less you’ll eat. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Canoeist Crosses Atlantic Solo Adam Hawboldt

Dog Dials Cops

Hound Calls ‘999,’ Saves Self Adam Hawboldt

West Yorkshire, England — Some dogs are clumsy, some are lucky. And George, a basset hound from West Yorkshire, England, is a little bit of both. When George’s owners — Steve Brown and his daughter Lydia — were out, the curious hound knocked over a phone and got so tangled up in the cord that he began choking. In a panic, George, 2, began pawing to free himself and managed to dial 999 — the British equivalent to 911. The emergency operator became concerned with the heavy breathing on the other end and dispatched police to the empty

house. Paul Walker, a neighbour, saw the officers preparing to break down the door and rushed over with a key. It was Walker who found the dog in the living room. “He was absolutely terrified and could not free himself,” Walker tells The Sun.“Incredibly you could see where his paw print was on the phone to ring 999 — he literally saved his own life.” “By the time I got back [to the house] the police had gone and George was looking a little sorry for himself,” Lydia says. “We still don’t know how he managed it … he’s not usually very smart. He’s really dopey and just likes to chew socks.” George has fully recovered. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Man Busted For Tractor ‘Donuts’ Adam Hawboldt

Pembroke, MA — A man has been charged with driving under the influence after cops busted him doing “donuts” in the middle of the street — in his Bobcat tractor. Jeffrey Sevigny of Pembroke, Massachusetts received the charge after residents saw him driving in circular maneuvers and leaving skid marks. According to WCVB Boston and The Patriot Ledger, neighbours called the Pembroke police after they saw the 49-year-old roasting his tires down the town’s main roads in his massive tractor.

When authorities finally caught up to him, Sevigny was ripping it up in a dirt parking lot. The police also found fresh tire marks in the street, which supported the neighbours’ accounts of the incident. According to Pembroke police lieutenant Mike Jenness, operating tractors on public roads is illegal. Needless to say, Sevigny was arrested and charged with driving under the influence, as well as driving with a suspended license and negligent driving. Sevigney is being held on $2,500 bail. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Offbeat At A Glance tweeting submarine — Two solarpowered robot submarines developed at the University of South Florida and currently exploring the Gulf of Mexico are live-updating where they are by

tweeting their location. “This is a really exciting area of machine intelligence,” says David Fries, director of USF’s Marine Systems Technology Group. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

was completely incommunicado because his 7.5-metre vessel capBudapest, Hungary — Gabor sized and all his communication Rakonczay has become the first equipment, including his satellite person to paddle solo across the tracking system, was damaged. Atlantic Ocean. Ye t e ve n The 30-year- “I was very interested in though Rakoncold Hungarian’s discovering what it’s like zay had no way of epic journey be- to be all alone…” communicating gan on December with his family, -Gabor Rakonczay his wife Viktoria 21st in Lagos, Portugal, and he ended the 5,600-ki- remained convinced her husband lometre journey 76 days later when was alright. he reached the Caribbean island As for Rakonczay, he knew his of Antigua. family would be going through “I was very interested in discov- rough times while he was incomering what it’s like to be all alone municado and was genuinely on a ship in the ocean,” Rakonczay touched by the faith they showed explains to The Telegraph. “It was in him. my childhood dream.” “I was positively surprised in Not only was he all alone in his those at home,” Rakonczay admits canoe, but for 50 days Rakonczay Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Contrary to popular belief, quinoa is not a grain, but a pseudocereal.

important to remember ■to It’s wash quinoa thoroughly

with water before cooking, as it has a coating of saponin — a bitter tasting chemical — in its natural state that can cause a bitter after-taste

■ Quinoa is gluten free is rich in iron and ■thusQuinoa can be of benefit to people with cardiovascular problems

Our bodies cannot digest ■quinoa instantly, so it releases its carbohydrates gradually, which means we feel full longer and will eat less

Garlic Guru: Fresh, Diverse Treats Photos: Courtesy of Adam Hawboldt

Farmer’s Market Eatery Wields Key Ingredient With Passion Adam Hawboldt

Garlic is easily the best and most versatile member of the onion family: Roman brides carried bouquets of it instead of flowers, it is believed to ward off heart disease, cancer and the flu, and,

properly employed, it can repel vampires. Not only that, but garlic is pretty darn delicious, too. Especially the way the good folks at Garlic Guru employ it. Nestled just inside the east entrance of the Saskatoon Farmer’s Market, the Garlic Guru is a cute little restaurant that offers meat, vegan and gluten-free options constructed around this tasty and versatile ingredient. To start things off, I sank my teeth into a piece of quinoa lasagne, served with salad greens and a side salad of black-eyed beans, corn, red peppers and cilantro. The side salad was fresh and the greens, topped with sliced almonds and a honey-mustard vinaigrette, hit the spot. And the lasagne, well, I’ve never had anything quite like

it before in my life. It was a hearty pizza there was some of the best in slab of meatless and noodleless the city. They weren’t lying. heaven, made by layering a quinoaServed on a focaccia crust, the and-sauce concoction with cheese. pizza — which can be made both Next up was Garlic Guru’s vegan and gluten-free for anyone spinach cheese with more specifs q u a r e. M a d e “[T]he pizza … is topped ic dietary needs w i t h c o t t a g e with sun-dried tomato — is topped with cheese, spinach, hummus, … garlic dip, sun-dried tomato shredded carrots hummus, death and chilli flakes, caramelized onions…” by garlic dip, car-Adam Hawboldt amelized onions, this dish was pleasantly surprising. The heat and roasted peppers and cheese. This zing from the chilli flakes comple- pizza definitely lived up to its repumented the square perfectly, but tation, and is a filling and hearty wasn’t too hot to be overpowering. option. After the spinach cheese square As if that wasn’t enough, I also came the dish I was waiting for — tasted the combo platter. Consistthe roasted vegetable pizza. More ing of quinoa super salad, Souththan one person, after telling them I western lentil salad, red pepper was going to eat at the Garlic Guru, hummus, spinach balls and pita promptly informed me that the chips, this dish had a little bit of everything, a great option for those who just can’t decide what to get. And with many freshly made items on their menu, Garlic Guru, I suspect, runs into the problem of indecision fairly often. For dessert I finished up with their three-fruit energy bar (healthy, gooey, scrumptious), the raw silk chocolate pie (lush and sweet), and a brownie (fluffy, and perfect for any chocoholics out there). So make a trek out to the Garlic Guru next time you have a chance. It’s a great little place to grab a bite of lovingly prepared food in downtown Saskatoon. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Garlic Guru

Address: 414 Ave B South (at the

Saskatoon Farmer`s Market)

Hours: Tuesday– Friday: 10am-5pm

Saturday: 8am-2pm, Sunday: 10am-3pm

Reservations: 370-0033


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

The SLGA Shouldn’t Regulate Morality Telling Us What We Can Watch While Drinking Is Outdated And Insulting The Editors of Verb

saskatoon, SK — The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority has been regulating what adults can and cannot do while drinking an alcoholic beverage for years, and we think it’s time they stopped. We think that the regressive mandate endorsed by the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) — that people cannot consume alcoholic beverage while in the vicinity of someone who is stripping — is outdated, unnecessary and frankly a little insulting. Under the SLGA umbrella falls Saskatchewan’s Alcohol Control A recent Chippendales performance in Saskatoon caught the attention of the SLGA; the incident is being investigated regulations. This document contains the narrow-minded Section Events Centre in Saskatoon fea- charges against what they deem in- day, repealing this idiotic law isn’t attractive women lose their clothes, 63, which prohibits alcohol any- tured Vegas’ famous Chippendales appropriate behaviour. Perhaps the an attack on anyone’s morals, but we should be able to — without where there is “any nude activity dancers — buff, muscled men who most outrageous of these cases was standing up for our own rights. fear of government thugs shutting or entertainment; or any activity suggestively remove their clothing when morality police inspectors And if we want to sip a drink the whole thing down. or entertainment that consists of while dancing around to music, shut down an aerobic exercise at while watching hunky men and/or Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372. a striptease performance or wet though they never get fully nude. the 1992 Buffalo Days beer garden. clothing contest.” Even though the In the Chippendales case, fury This is a clear “[T]he SLGA has no show made al- has been heightened by the nature demonstration business determining terations to ac- of the evening. It wasn’t a pornoof regulating the what … adults can … do commodate the graphic freak party or a swingers’ moral behaviour SLGA’s rigid rules gathering, it was a fundraiser for of the residents while consuming alcohol.” — the dancers breast cancer. But let’s be perfect-Verb’s Editors would perform ly clear: regardless of the hosting of Saskatchewan; there is no rational purpose behind onstage, then quickly run off and event, the fact that the government this restriction. SLGA inspectors remove an article of clothing before has given itself the powers to diccan visit an establishment to en- returning — the venue could face tate what grown adults can and sure all rules are being followed. punishment if the SLGA deems they cannot observe while sipping on Should they notice an infraction, infringed on Section 63. an alcoholic beverage is ridiculous. the venue can receive a notice of And this is not an isolated inciSo we think it’s time to cut the non-compliance, which carries with dent. The SLGA has a long history apron strings and demand our it the threat of a fine or liquor li- of issuing reprimands and levelling right to choose. At the end of the cense suspension. In extreme cases, inspectors can close down a watering hole for good. The absurdity of this arrangement is illustrated by the fact that Saskatchewan is the only place in Canada that enforces regulations of this nature. What’s worse, our provincial government shows no signs of repealing this ridiculous law. Tim McMillan, an SLGA Minister, took to John Gormley’s radio program to say that changing this proclamation is not currently a priority of the government. To us it’s clear: the SLGA has no business determining what consenting adults can and cannot do while consuming alcohol. You only have to look at the latest incident of our provincial government’s needless nannying — the Chippendales’ debacle — to see just how ridiculous this is. A recent show at the Odeon Photo: courtesy of CityShake


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

First Nations Winter Games Bigger, Better

Saskatchewan Athletes ‘Meet And Connect’ In Hockey, Volleyball And More Sebastien Dangerfield

SASKATOON, SK — Sometimes plans change. It’s as simple as that. The universe conspires against you and, no matter how much problem solving you attempt, you end up having to throw Plan A out the window and going an alternative route. Just ask Eugene Arcand. As chairperson for the 2012 Saskatchewan First Nations Winter Games he knows a thing or two about making sudden adjustments. Initially this year’s Games were supposed to be held in North Battleford, but they’ve since been

moved to Saskatoon. the day we had to do it.” “North Battleford didn’t have the And while moving the Games capacity,” explains Arcand. “They created some extra work for orgawon the bid, but we were depend- nizers, the very thought of needing ing on the new facility — the multi- bigger and better venues is almost purpose facility — a welcomed one for volleyball and “[N]ow [the Games] are when you conbadminton. They building blocks for our sider how far the couldn’t make the community.” S ask atch e w a n April deadline, First Nations Win-Eugene Arcand ter Games have plus the rink s there don’t really have the capacity come since their inception. to stay open in April because their Founded in the mid-’70’s by ice plants aren’t strong enough.” Chief Tony Cote, the Winter Games “We had to make a business deci- initially only featured tournaments sion, quick.” says Arcand. “So that’s in hockey, curling and volleyball. what we did. Some people aren’t Since then, they have expanded happy about it, but at the end of to include basketball, broomball and badminton. The Winter Games have changed in other ways as well. Whereas once the competition was based on a reserve-versus-reserve format, they now feature matches between tribal councils — a competition that, this year, is expecting to draw more than 3,500 athletes, coaches, referees and chaperones. “They’ve grown big time,” admits Arcand. “When they first started they were really just very large tournaments. But now they [both the Summer and Winter Games] are building blocks for our community.” Which, according to Arcand, is exactly what the founder of the event intended. “[Tony Cote] saw a need in our community,” he says. “He saw there had to be a promotion of positive lifestyle through sport, culture and recreation.” What’s more, in the beginning, the Games were meant to open new avenues for the participants. “Long before Facebook and Twitter, these Games are where kids would meet and connect and network and be part of the bigger picture,” says Chief Felix Thomas of the Saskatoon Tribal Council. “They helped cast a wider net of exposure in the world.” Though changing the event did create a hurdle or two at the outset, once the conclusion to shift the event from North Battleford to Saskatoon was reached, things progressed rapidly. “After we made the decision to move them, we did all the rest of the stuff in about a day,” says Arcand. All it took was a few phone calls in regard to facilities, a few more about hotels and accommodations,

Photo: courtesy of Eagle Feather News

and soon everything fell into place for the Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs, the group responsible for this year’s event. The Saskatchewan First Nations

Winter Games will be running at various venues from April 8th to 13th; see http://batcwintergames. ca/ for more information. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Arts One

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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Colleen Brown Dishes On Creating Dirt

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Folk Singer Discusses Her Latest Album, And Being A Woman In The Business Alex J MacPherson

record. “There’s always a measuring SASK ATOON, SK — When stick, especially with age and esexpectations don’t align with pecially with women,” says Brown. results, it can be difficult to carry “I’m not afraid to call that out.” on. Just ask Colleen Brown. “It’s just the idea of letting go [of] When Brown’s 2008 album Foot that expectation of being a woman in Heart failed to meet her high as a sexual object, a woman as a expectations, the Edmonton-based good girl while still being feminine songwriter chose to reconsider why and a woman but finding strength she was writing and recording in that,” she explains. music. Concluding that expectaBrown admires artists like Christions were at best unhelpful, she sie Hynde and Joni Mitchell, both jettisoned her dreams of critical of whom are widely regarded as and commercial artists who hapsuccess — and “There’s always a pen to be women, then she made measuring stick, not women who the best album especially with age and style themselves of her career. as artists. The 2011’s Dirt is a especially with women…” distinction may -Colleen Brown seem trivial, but stunning accomplishment. Packed with deeply per- if Brown had to choose, she would sonal lyrics, Brown’s new record take the artist every time. illustrates the notion that the ab“Pretty much all of the women sence of expectation can produce that I really admire in the music astonishing results. industry, they are trailblazers,” she “I had to totally reimagine what says. “They are stylish and cool and my career is,” says Brown. “The only didn’t always pander to the idea of thing I can do is make something what is attractive. I think sometimes that satisfies me as an artist [and] it’s easy to forget when you look has the love and joy of making at the music industry as a whole music in it. Anything outside and that there are people who are in beyond that is, well, it could happen the industry who are real artists. or it might not happen.” That’s exactly what I’m trying to Dirt is the strongest album of accomplish.” Brown’s career because it is the Brown’s penchant for tackling most honest — rather than make challenging issues head-on invites music for someone else, Brown categorization, but lumping her made music for herself. in with other introspective female “It’s the heavier stuff, real stuff songwriters seems restrictive. that’s important for me to talk Whether she is performing with a about,” explains Brown. “Some of full band or alone at the piano, she it is really personal, but it’s impor- wields her voice like a weapon, givtant to talk about real stuff. I really ing songs like “Good Girls” and the wanted this album to come out rousing anthem “7 Hours & 15 Days” as a genuine article. I was writing the dynamic range they deserve. about things that meant something But records can never be more to me.” than a moment in time; Brown The standout track on Dirt is knows this, and works hard to keep “Good Girls.” A raucous funk song her music immediate through live driven by Brown’s rolling piano, a performance. spirited electric guitar and a punchy “Music is a really great medium horn section, “Good Girls” is a med- for art in that it can keep changing itation on the role of women in over time and never be exactly the music, a theme that pervades the same as it was on the recording,”

she states. “I’m different as a human being [now] and my focus has shifted. Maybe I’m not as angry and cynical as I was. Maybe the tone will shift. And maybe it’s a full moon. The energy shifts.” But Brown is reluctant to discuss performing live, if only because talking about it creates expectations. “That opens a can of worms for me,” she laughs. “As a person and

as a musician I’ve been trying to release myself from those expectations … I guess I know what I want to do in a performance and what I want to put out is the love of music and the joy of existence.” “I had this idea that by the age of twenty-seven I had to be able to accomplish a certain number of things, and when that didn’t happen it felt like I’d failed,” says Brown, reflecting on the past.

“But when I look at the type of music I’m able to do … I feel like I’ve come so far. How can I look at that as a failure?” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Event Info

Collen Brown

Where: April 6 When: Christ Church Anglican Cost: TBD

ArtsSect &C

Shift Shaping Exhibit Illuminates Maturation, Rites Of Passage Alex J MacPherson

them all together — I didn’t have the space in my studio. The whole Saskatoon, SK — June J. Ja- exhibition evolved over that four cobs spent more than half a decade to five year period.” creating Shift Shaping, an exhibit Jacobs’s work is loosely cencurrently on display at Affinity Gal- tred around the twin themes of lery. In that time aging and matushe didn’t once “In all of our stages of life rity. Born from her see all of the we put on the appropriate exploration of the pieces together. robe.” form and function “In order to of clothing, Shift -June J. Jacobs Shaping includes a concentrate on a body of work it takes both a number of fibre-based sculptures, headspace and a freedom from many of which are based on simple other things to work on them,” she dresses, which Jacobs sees as useful explains. metaphors. “Over ’08, ’09 and ’10 I kept add“When I started making these ing pieces but I could never see pieces I had a robe and a cape

and … a pair of overalls,” she says. “These are basic textile forms but the simple dress I kept coming back to. In all of our stages of life we put on the appropriate robe. Really, the dress is just a storyboard for my personal expression.” “I chose the dress because it represents a rite of passage,” Jacobs explains. “The baptismal gown, the marriage gown, the birthing gown — all of these things are like a robe we wear. Whether you’re male or female in that robe doesn’t matter; we all go through rites of passage in our lives.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Event Info


Where: Amigos Cantina When: April 11 Cost: TBD

Shift Shaping Where: Affinity Gallery When: Now ‘til April 15 Cost: Free!

The Vibrating Self Where: Paved Arts When: Now ‘til April 14 Cost: Free!

Want some coverage for your upcoming event? Email ASAP!

Five Ques

Northcote Singe Alex J MacPherson

Matt Goud, who records under the moniker Northcote, was born in Carlyle, Saskatchewan. Just 26, the ambitious songwriter has been touring his latest record, Gather No Dust, relentlessly. And while his songwriting is introspective, often profound, his performances are downright energetic. Verb caught up with Goud to chat about living on “The title … is the prairies, leaving time in my life a metal band and venturing…” traveling across the country. Alex J. MacPherson: How does being from Saskatchewan influence your music, if at all? Matt Goud: I think the space of the prairies is like nothing else. If you’re going to move somewhere, in a big city centre, that’s the one thing you miss is the extreme weather. I’m not sure why. And there’s definitely the landscape. Being from Saskatchewan makes the arts from there unique because it’s so small and isolated. I think that brings out some cool qualities but I’m not sure if I see it in my music. AJM: You’ve changed hats recently, from being in bands to setting out on your own. Why? MG: I was in a post-hardcore metal group

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Alex J MacPherson

stions: Matt Goud

Photo: courtesy of the artist

er/Songwriter Gathers No Dust

ever since I was in eleventh grade. We played a bunch of shows around Saskatchewan, Manitoba. As that thing grew we got to go down all around the States. I saw what it was like to be a touring musician. But with Northcote I wanted to be a songwriter. That was the thing that clicked in my head. AJM: Tell me a bit about your record, Gather No Dust. MG: At the time s about a I was writing the ree when I was cord I was moving cities. I moved to Yellowknife for awhile, -Matt Goud then Vancouver and eventually Victoria. These are songs I’d written all over, trying to keep up with work and also with touring. The title for me is about a time in my life when I was venturing, literally venturing, and taking risks and succeeding and failing. It’s some kind of mantra, gather no dust. My mindset for this record. AJM: There are a lot of preconceived notions about guys with acoustic guitars… MG: I think I consciously avoid that, and I think everyone goes through a little bit of torture. I like getting to express myself and play live. It’s really fun, I really enjoy it. It’s very physical and a really good release, spiritually. It’s fun, it feels good.

PAVED Arts Hosts Intriguing Show Vibrating Self

AJM: Gather No Dust is about moving. What is your next project about? MG: We’re starting to talk about what’s next for Northcote right now. I’ve been writing a lot over the winter. I can’t give away too much about when it’s going to be out because the plans aren’t really there yet, but the direction I’m headed is celebratory. That’s where I am at right now. Feedback? Text it to 306–8818372.

Olejnik chimes in. “We read this book, The Practice of Everyday Life Saskatoon, SK — Sometimes by Michel de Certeau, and he talks the simplest things are the most about how as a consumer in a capiexpressive — if we take the time talist society you can still be a sort to look at them. of a producer. One of the examples “It’s the act of engaging we’re he uses to talk about that is how interested in, and what better place when you’re reading a book it’s to start than with like you’re writing ever yday situ- “We tried to literally it. Your interpreations?” muses show this kind of act of tation matters as Wojciech Olejnik, engaging in something.” well.” whose work with Because the -Wojciech Olejnik video installations Sarah Jane Gorlitz is now being shown at PAVED Arts. are confusing, or even disarming at Olejnik and Gorlitz make video first, viewers are obliged to spend installations using stop motion time with them. photography. Their exhibition, The And interpreting these works Vibrating Self, explores the connec- isn’t easy, as the installations depict tion between the mundane and common images in an uncommon the profound. Striving to show that way: the shadow of a bird through habit strangles thought and reflec- a window is distorted by time, a tion, Gorlitz and Olejnik have woven together a collection of images that force the viewer to engage with the art. “We are very much engaged in something here,” explains Gorlitz. “We want to share that with the audience. It creates the curiosity: why do they do this? What’s going on here? I don’t understand how this is made.” “We would like to have this sort of an active disposition to life in general, and to our experiences,”

photograph leaps in and out of focus. These are things we experience every day, only turned on their head. “We deal with encounters, when something happens,” explains Olejnik. “What happens when we meet something totally new and how we deal with that. We tried to literally show this kind of act of engaging in something.” “We pass our daily lives so quickly,” continues Gorlitz. “We get into routine and habit, and so often I think it’s engaging if we take the time to stop and pay attention to something, a streak of light on the pavement. I think that those kind of moments can be really important in having the space to think about who you are.” Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Section Movies

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Wrath Of The Titans Outstrips Prequel

Great Action Sequences Can’t Salvage Poor Acting In Franchise’s Second Chapter Wrath of the Titans

Runtime: 100 Minutes Rated: 14A Adam Hawboldt Sequels are rarely better than the original — especially when it comes to movies. That’s not to say it doesn’t happen. I mean, The Dark Knight was infinitely better than Batman Begins (the first three Batman flicks don’t

really count), Mad Max 2: The Road But that’s not really saying much. Warrior outshone Mad Max, The I mean, even though the 2010 verEmpire Strikes Back far exceeded sion grossed something like $493 Star Wars, and some would even million worldwide, let’s face it — say The Godfather it was all kinds of Part II was better “[A]s in the first film, star terrible. than the first in- Sam Worthington just So Wrath of the stallment (though doesn’t feel right in the Titans didn’t have I disagree with to reach too far to role of Perseus.” that). be an improve-Adam Hawboldt ment. And that’s Those, however, are unusual cases. For the most the problem: new director Jonathan part, sequels pale in comparison. Liebesman (The Killing Room, Battle: So that’s why I was surprised Los Angeles) reaches far enough to with Wrath of the Titans. A sequel be better than the original, but not to 2010’s Clash of the Titans, this far enough for his movie to actually movie was certainly better than be considered good. its predecessor. When the film opens we find Perseus (Sam Worthington) — whom we last saw in Clash of the Titans slaying the evil sea monster, the Kraken — retired from his gig as hero, demi-god and son of Zeus, living the simple life as a fisherman caring for his young son. Things are good for ol’ Perseus. That is, until his dad (Liam Neeson) gets kidnapped by the evil god of the underworld, Hades (Ralph Fiennes). See, Hades wants to steal his brother Zeus’ power and give it

Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

to their father, Kronos. This is bad news and it puts the entire universe in peril. So what does Perseus do about this? He leaps into action, of course, and along with few key allies plunges into the fiery depths of hell to rescue dear old dad.

Wrath of the Titans’ screenplay by Dan Mazeau and David Leslie Johnson is superior to the original,* and avoids the pitfall of getting heavily bogged down in Greek mythology. The story is streamlined and simple and, dare I say, entertaining. What’s more, this time around the production design, CGI effects and action sequences are infinitely better, and Liebesman uses 3D quite well. However, much like the first installment, Wrath of the Titans fizzles anytime anyone opens their mouths (except for the quirky Hephaestus, played by Bill Nighy … he’s pretty funny). Also, as in the first film, star Sam Worthington just doesn’t feel right in the role of Perseus. Maybe it’s his accent, maybe it’s his mullet, maybe it’s the downto-earth vibe he gives off. I didn’t buy him as a demi-god in Clash of the Titans, and I still don’t buy him as one now. I guess the best way to end this is to say that if you enjoy cool action sequences, you might enjoy this movie. If it’s a deep, compelling story and good acting you’re looking for — look somewhere else. Anywhere else. *Author’s note: when I say the “original” I, in no way, shape or form, mean the 1981 film Clash of the Titans starring Laurence Olivier and Honey Ryder, err, I mean, Ursula Andress. That version of the Perseus myth was miles better than the 2010 installment and Wrath — put together. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

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Magical Mirror, Mirror Visually Stunning Photo: courtesy of Relativity Media

Fairytale Remake’s Special Effects Wow In Sweet Retelling Of Childhood Classic Mirror, Mirror

Runtime: 106 Minutes Rated: PG Adam Hawboldt There are two movies about Snow White coming out this year. One — slated to open this summer — takes the original Grimm story, tosses it in the fire, adds a bit of gas, and portrays Snow White as an armour-wearing badass who leads armies and fights like a sword-swinging demoness out of hell. The other one —the one being released this week — is much truer to the original. And by “much truer” I mean it’s almost exactly like the original, at least plot-wise. Which means, with a few exceptions, Mirror, Mirror doesn’t surprise too much in the way of what’s going to happen. Directed by Tarsem Singh (who brought you such mind-bending movies as The Fall and The Cell), Mirror, Mirror tells the tale of Snow White (Lily Collins), a princess who has been locked up in a castle by her evil stepmother, Queen Clementianna (Julia Roberts). While trapped, Snow White blossoms into the fairest beauty in all the land. So beautiful, in fact, that she catches the eye of the handsome Prince Andrew (Armie Hammer), who is staying at the castle. The thing is, Clementianna wants Andrew to herself, so she tells her tortured footman Brighton

(Nathan Lane) to take her porcelain- dark and at times fairly creepy. If you skinned step-daughter out into the think I’m kidding watch it again, wilderness and leave her there for and imagine seeing it through a dead. Brighton does what he’s told, five-year-old’s eyes. Snow White doesn’t die, she meets As for Mirror, Mirror, though, it’s seven dwarves, etc., etc., etc. decidedly not creepy. In fact, proAnd while Mirror, Mirror does pelled by the nutso vision of Singh, stay fairly close to the original’s the film is a sweet, uncynical, lyrical storyline, the screenplay by Me- retelling of a well-known legend. lissa Wallack and What’s more, Jason Keller does “Mirror, Mirror does the visual effects contain some dif- stay fairly close to the are amazing, and ferences. like other Singh original’s storyline…” Take, for inmovies, the imag-Adam Hawboldt es on the screen stance, the seven dwarves. In the original story their flat-out sing. It’s easily the best part “occupation was to dig under- of Mirror, Mirror. ground among the mountains.” The worst part? Well, there are In this version, they’re a band of a few. First off, there must have renegade criminals with a social been some serious miscommuniconscience. cation going on during the meetThen there’s the entire feel of the ings where the actors all agreed movie. That’s changed too. Snow on which accent to use. You’ll see White and the Seven Dwarfs, which what I’m saying when you watch was put out by Disney in 1937, was the movie.

Another off-putting aspect of the film is the narrative itself. Wallack (Meet Bill) and Keller (Machine Gun Preacher) infuse the world of fairytale with a modern perspective of sorts, which doesn’t really work. Neither, for me, did the ending, which they changed.

Still though, Mirror, Mirror is well worth a watch even if only for the special effects, art direction, costume design and decent acting. Younger kids are going to gobble this up. The next Snow White movie … not so much. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

This Week: Bye To The Queen? Last week we asked if you thought we should cut our ties to the Queen and the monarchy — here’s what you had to say! Next week’s topic: see page 9 — do you think the SLGA should

On Topic Canada should cut its ties to the Queen and become an independent country, this make sense. We don’t need the Queen its usuless its just more money but if we get rid of her I wanna see the tax break of not havin her in my tax return otherwise government will spend the $50M it cost to have her wave her hand in Canada

stop dictating what people can do when they drink? Text FEEDBACK and your thoughts about the topic (or anything else) to 306–881-VERB (8372) and you could see your text printed in next week’s issue!

as an independent, democratic, nationstate we must completely sever our ties to it.

I just read your article and it is simply stupid and outrageous. If not for the Queen and Canada’s ties with UK, we would be a third world country by now. I am hapilly paying taxes for what we are and who is Canada in the world. Shame on you and your publisher. Daniel Saraolu

Grow up Canada. We don’t need a Queen any more for our country to survive. It costs of millions of dollars to host the monarchy when they visit Canada. They are all spoiled and are a poor example of how citizens should behave. Let’s focus our attention on the governor general who needs to earn respect to fulfill that position.

The Monarchy is an outdated relic of Colonial past. If we are to move forward

Cut the ties to the Queen? Isn’t that just what the USA did? Now they’re a

militarized state run by unchecked warlords. The monarchy is a final check on wannabe dictators passing unchallenged edicts. That said, the Saskparty & NDP have several times bypassed royal assent & passed edicts in Sask’s legislature in under two minutes flatUnchecked Prorogue? Ha! … not even close to Saskparty/NDP abuses! What get rid of the queen? No way shes awesome! <Cody> That economic analysis is a little suspect. How much more expensive is the monarchy compared to a non-royal head of state? Casting Obama to ceremonial functions costs plenty but the US isn’t ditching the Prez. I believe Canada should cut it’s ties with the queen i’m sick of hearing about her birthday or seeing her on our money she’s not even Canadian!

Come on the queen is awesome and though she may be old she’s smart. Besides remember when she came 2 Saskatoon in 2005? Everyone went crazy 4 her! God save the Queen!

Off Topic Re: “STC Costs Too Much Money And It Needs To Go,” Opinion page, March 2nd issue

The opinion article about STC was very misleading and lacked research. There is definitely a case for Crown transport services - which other provinces across our country have seen. You focus on Greyhound which is only surviving because of govt subsidization. SOS Crowns Re: “City Eyes Bridges To Ease Traffic Conjestion,” Local page, March 23rd issue

The north Traffic Bridge Should have been built 15yrs. Ago. There is to much thinking in the now. In city hall. Re: “Hunger Games Leaves You Wanting More,” Movies page, March 23rd issue

Hunger games movie review. It’s Liam HEMSworth with an s..


Re: “Saskatoon Should Have More Street Art,” Opinion page, February 24th issue

If you don’t understand graffiti is a legit art form you don’t get to vote on the issue! Re: “Canada Should End Mandatory Sentencing,” Opinion page, March 16th issue

Mms is dumb. We should bring back public excution. G.W Mort To the 2 trucks that so blatantly drove through the 4 way stop at Clarence and Wilson, your luck will run out. I just hope you don’t take a person’s life in the process. Saskatoon is booming so much it is making our roads crumble. Saskatoon must keep its name as a most livable city in canada. City hv to focus & invest more on educa tion,health,environm ent,research,training & development.New well paid Job creation makes city & its residents live better. Balance of work-Life is the best tool to measure about city. -Hem Raj Pandey For the woman who says to drive down 20th slower cause there is kids walking to school. Where are their parents? There are so many little

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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

children wandering by themselves not old enough to go to school and they could be kidnapped or hit by a car. Where are the parents? Text is a legitimate form of communication nowadays, but it’s embarrassing to read some of the comments people write on this page. If you don’t spell or punctuate properly, how are people ever going to take your comments seriously? -Scott S (Math Major) Dear person with no manners, Please do your part to alleviate the cost of healthcare in Canada. Cover your mouth when you cough. Sincerely, The Guy you’ve just coughed on. You guys should really look into editing your stories I have read a lot of spelling mistakes... just saying. I would like to laugh Kids should appreciate and respect their parents for one day they will no longer be with you until you realize how much you want them back, do things for your parents without being asked by them to do stuff they want you to do and

tell them that you love them. YB As cute as it may seem to have your dog on your lap while you drive, it is very dangerous. If you are ever involved in an accident, your dog will be the first thing that the airbags will make contact with and could prove to be fatal to our pet. Food processors put expiry dates on for good reason. It defines the period when the preservative chemicals are stable. There’s little data on what they break down into or how the products react with the chemistry of the food. God knows what the health impacts will be for a generation of children raised on expired food. Don’t waste electricity. Would you like it if I turned you on and walked away? To those who are worked up about Graham James, there will never be justice for those sexually abused in Canada. I have first hand experienced the abuse from someone who abused at least 25 kids for years and all he got was a year in prison. Our government doesn’t

care. Screw anyone who thinks drivers should slow down in this city. Down with school zones!The speed limit should be 60 on almost every street. God I HATE doddlers. I’m late, I have placed to be. Move it or lose it, jerk. If you’re putting money into a parking meter take video evidence because even if the meter is broken the city WILL make you pay.

Everybody respects and admires a good entrepeneur who goes out into the world as it is and gets wealthy. But these other “business people” who need to hijack government and pilfer the public purse to make their money are a very far cry from true entrepeneurs! That’s the most ridiculous and stupid idea you’ve ever had...I’ll be there in 5 minutes. The opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily Verb’s.


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Saturday @ Louis’ Venue

Louis’ Pub on Saturday, March 24th


Room 110, Place Riel Student Centre, #1 Campus Drive

Playing on Arrival

Live performance by Jeans Boots

Music Vibe

College rock

Popular Drink

Great Western beers on tap

Food of Choice

Photos courtesy of Barrett Russell (

Excalibur burger — two 1/2 pound prime rib burger patties topped with cheese, bacon, fried mushrooms, lettuce and tomato, all nestled between two grilled cheese sandwiches

Coming up

Upcoming shows include Cat Empire on April 5th, the USSU Spring Fling on April 4th and Joel Plaskett on April 20th


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Saturday @ Staqatto Venue

Staqatto Piano Lounge on Saturday, March 24th


416 21st Street East

Playing on Arrival

Live performance by the Dueling Pianos

Music Vibe

Varies all the time

Regular Gig

The Dueling Pianos on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights

Popular Drink

Tropical Hurricane — bananas, Malibu rum and pineapple juice

Photos courtesy of Patrick Carley (

Food of Choice

Crepes — balsamic, strawberries, Chantilly cream and chocolate

Coming Up

The Duo Competition returns this May

Check out all of Verb’s past nightlife photos on our facebook page


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Friday 30

House DJs — Funk, soul & lounge DJs liven up the atmosphere at 6Twelve. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover.

The Wooden Sky — This country-folk/ indie-rock five-piece from Toronto have a chemistry that’s hard to match and a sound that will seduce you. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets $18, available at Piano Fridays: Brett Balon — Feel like taking in some smooth jazz stylings? Come check out this talented musician tickle the ivories of the Kinsman Yamaha S6 grand piano. 4:30pm, The Bassment. No cover. (NEXT WEEK) DESPITE THE REVERENCE @ LOUIS’ pub — Since coming together

in 2011, these local musicians — Tommy Liska, Johnny Fast, Jordan Poelzer and Brad Zimmer — have worked hard to hone their infectious hard-rock/metalinfluenced sound, and boy has it been paying off! With a gripping stage show

Photo: courtesy of the artist

that includes lights and smoke, these guys put on one heckuva performance. Add to that the fact that this is the CD release party for their debut LP, and it makes for a show you won’t want to miss. They’ll be at Louis’ on April 7th. Tickets $5. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Calgary’s Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. DJ CTRL opens. 11pm, béily’s ultralounge. $5 cover. Hurricane Cletis — If you like hard-rocking songs mixed with some vulnerable ones, and enjoy stellar musicianship, come check out these local rockers as they do their thing. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. $6 cover. Untimely Demise — With Matt Cuthbertson on lead guitar/vocals, Murray Cuthbertson on bass and Scott Cross on drums, this local thrash/deathmetal band is here to rock you. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. Tickets $10. DJ Eclectic — Local turntable whiz

DJ Eclectic pumps snappy electronic beats. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ J-Mats — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. Blackberry Wood — With a sound that can best be described as an altcountry-ragtime-gypsy-circus blend, this eclectic nine-piece from Vancouver plays music that’s simply infectious. 10pm, Lydia’s Pub. Cover $5. DJ Big Ayyy — This Saskatoon DJ is the resident country rock turntabilist at Outlaws. Outlaws: your party place to be! 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover. Matt Hunter — Check out this talented local musician as he treats you to some smooth stylings on his instrumental guitar. 8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover. On Rotation DJ Series: DJ Albert — Come out and enjoy this hip Reginabased DJ as he spins late into the night. 10pm, Spadina Freehouse. No cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8pm, $5 thereafter. The Nobel Liars w/ Sayde Black — The Nobel Liars, a local three-piece, sure

know how to rock. Come check them out. Also playing B.C. songstress Sayde Black, who blends acoustic, country, soul and rock n’ roll in her music. 10pm, Vangelis Tavern. Cover $5.

Saturday 31

House DJs — Resident DJs spin deep and soulful tunes all night. 9pm, 6Twelve Lounge. No cover. The Rebel Spell — A DIY punk band from Vancouver, The Rebel Spell are currently on tour, bringing their raucous, in-your-face sound to venues near and far. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets TBD. Don Griffith — Have a jazz favourite you want played? Well, head on down to The Bassment for an intimate evening with Don Griffith as he put down his director hat and pulls on his piano-playing pants. With more than 250 jazz, blues and pop songs in his head, Griffith is promising to take any and all requests. 9pm, The Bassment. Tickets $12/15. Austen Roadz — With over 25 years of DJ experience, Calgary’s Austen Roadz throws down a high-energy top 40 dance party every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. DJ CTRL opens. 11pm, béily’s ultralounge. $5 cover. Hurricane Cletis — If you like hard rocking songs mixed with some vulnerable ones and enjoy stellar musicianship, come check out these local rockers as they do their thing. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. $6 cover. Band Warz 8 — With a rock line-up featuring Bass Invaders, Pirate Fridays, Slypstreme and Six Blocks, and a metal line-up that includes the likes of Brutal Machine, Capitoline Escape, Lunacy and Agony Spawn, this is a battle you won’t want to skip. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. Tickets TBD. DJ Kade — Saskatoon’s own DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover DJ J-Mats & DJ Sugar Daddy — Able to rock any party, these local crowd favourites have always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. They are sure to have you on the dance floor in no time! 9pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover. Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers — This six-piece from Winnipeg is obsessed with folk tales and rock operas, and offer up an eclectic and infectious sound. 10pm, Lydia’s Pub. $5 cover. Young Jeezy — Since releasing his debut album, Let’s Get It: Thug Motivation 101, this Atlanta-based rapper has been dropping hot 16‘s with reckless, adept abandon. You won’t want to miss him when he rolls into Saskatoon. 8pm, The Odeon Events Centre. Tickets $50, available at DJ Big Ayyy — This Saskatoon DJ is the resident country rock turntabilist at Outlaws. Outlaws: your party place to be! 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover. Ellen Kolenick w/Straight from the Fridge — This singer/songwriter from Saltcoats, SK, and her musically talented jazz ensemble are sure to delight.


8pm, Prairie Ink. No cover.

On Rotation DJ Series: MitchyTheKid — Come check out this popular local DJ as he spins the kind of beats that’ll get you up and moving. 10pm, The Spadina Freehouse. No cover. Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes an- audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover until 8, $5 thereafter.

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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Big Dave McLean — One of Canada’s definitive bluesmen, this musician from Yorkton combines his gravelly vocals with masterful guitar playing to put on a show you won’t soon forget. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. Cover $6. Johnny Sinclair and Leslie Stanwyck — This local acoustic duo are nothing if not talented. 7pm, Crackers. No cover.

DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. 9:30pm, The Double Deuce. $4 cover. VERB PRESENTS OPEN STAGE — The open stage at Lydia’s has hosted many of Saskatoon’s finest performers, and is a chance for bands, solo artists and even comedians to showcase original

Dubz Birthday — Come out and celebrate DJ Mikey Dubz birthday with a line-up consisting of DJ Pooh Bear, DJ Tyrannical, CHAN-L, DJ Ignizyn, Kidalgo, Alberto, Conky Showpony and Mr. Mern. 8pm, Tequila Nightclub. Tickets TBD. The Nobel Liars w/ Sayde Black — The Nobel Liars, a local three-piece, sure know how to rock. Come check them out. Also playing B.C. songstress Sayde Black, who blends acoustic, country, soul and rock n’ roll in her music. 10pm, Vangelis Tavern. Cover $5.

Sunday 1

DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. 11pm, béily’s ultralounge. No cover for industry staff, $4 otherwise. SUNDAY FUNDAY — Local talent Manny Thomson, Jason Hattie and Chad Reynolds will be spinning some quality dance hits every Sunday. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. $5 cover at the door. DJ KADE — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. DJ Heywood and Scott Turner — Come down and check out two wildly talented locals as they spin the night away. 10pm, Scratch. SUNDAY JAM — The Vangeli’s Sunday Jam is an institution, offering great tunes from blues to rock and beyond. 7:30pm, Vangelis Tavern. No cover.

Monday 2

Awolnation — Formed and fronted by Aaron Bruno, formerly of Under the Influence of Giants and Hometown Hero, this American electronic rock band’s first single “Sail,” from their album Megalithic Symphony, was a bona fide hit. This talented six-piece has blends soul, electronica, rock and hip hop into a seamless sound. 7pm, Louis. Tickets $28, available at DJ SUGAR DADDY — Able to rock any party, this crowd favourite has always been known to break the latest and greatest tracks in multiple genres. Doors 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover.

Tuesday 3

TOPS — A fantastic, quirky, colourful, indie-pop band from Montreal that a strong synth presence and very lyrical, almost Fleetwood Mac-esque quality to their songs. This is a band to look out for. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets TBD.


punk tickles your fancy, then prepare to be tickled silly when this four-­‐ piece from Toronto rolls into town. Consisting of Liam Cormier (vocals), Scott Middleton (guitar), Mike Peters (drums), and Jaye R. Schwarzer (bass),

Photo: courtesy of the artist

the Cancer Bats have been doing their thing since 2004, and maintained a raging, in-your-face sound that’s simply contagious. They’ll be playing the Sutherland Memorial Hall on April 8th. Tickets $15, available at ticketscene. ca. -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.


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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12

Open Mic — Come out to show your talent. 7pm, The Somewhere Else Pub. No cover.

Dueling Pianos — Terry Hoknes, Neil Currie and Brad King belt out classic tunes and audience requests, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga. 10pm, Staqatto Piano Lounge. No cover.

Wednesday 4

Thursday 5

material. 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover.

HUMP WEDNESDAYS — Resident DJ Chris Knorr will be spinning all of your favourite songs and requests, every Wednesday night! Doors at 7pm, DJ takes requests at 9pm, 302 Lounge & Discotheque. No cover until 10pm, $3 thereafter.

(Coming Up) AVICII @ CREDIT UNION CENTRE — Also known as Tim Bergling,

Swedish DJ Avicii has taken the international electronic scene by storm. His most recent single, “Levels,” which was released in 2011, hit top-ten territory in Croatia, Austria, Belgium, Australia, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland,

Photo: courtesy of the artist

Italy, the Netherlands and the U.K. Not only that, Avicii was ranked #6 on the Top-100 DJs list compiled by DJ magazine. This Swedish superstar will be spinning at CUC on July 4th. Tickets will be available at -Adam Hawboldt. Feedback? Text it to 306-881-8372.

Big Dave McLean — One of Canada’s definitive bluesmen, this musician from Yorkton combines his gravelly vocals with masterful guitar playing to put on a show you won’t soon forget. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. Cover $6. The Avenue Recording Company presents Open Mic — Hosted by Chad Reynolds. Sign up and play at this weekly event. 10pm, The Fez on Broadway. No cover. DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose & Hydrant. No cover. Dr. J ‘Souled Out’ — Dr. J spins hot funk and soul every Wednesday night. Doors 9pm, Lydia’s Pub. No cover. WHINE UP WEDNESDAYS — A night dedicated to promoting the best in reggae, roots, dancehall, African beats, Kwaito & hip hop. Hosted by Scott Turner & DJ Heywood. 10pm, Scratch. $5 cover.

Theresa Sokyrka — Since finishing runner-up on the second season of Canadian Idol, this local singer/songwriter has been busy. Not only has she released a handful of albums (the most recent being a self-titled LP), but Sokyrka has also spent much of her time criss-crossing Canada, creating music and performing all along the way. The result has been a smoothly sharpened sound that is at once moody, folky and jazzy. 10pm, Amigos Cantina. Tickets $13, available at

Roots Series: Anderson Burko — This duo, comprised of Roy Anderson and Darrell Burko, have slowly and surely built quite a reputation for themselves around town — a reputation for being engaging, entertaining and pretty damn awesome. 9pm, The Bassment. Cover $12/15. Big Dave McLean — One of Canada’s definitive bluesmen, this musician from Yorkton combines his gravelly vocals with masterful guitar playing to put on a show you won’t soon forget. 10pm, Buds on Broadway. Cover $6. Throwback Thursdays — Come experience the best in retro funk, soul, reggae and rock provided by Dr. J. 8pm,

Earls. No cover. Hip Hop Night — Hosted by Ease, this is a night of live performances, rap battles and DJs, with $150 in prizes to be won. Don’t miss it. 9pm, The Fez on Broadway. No cover. DJ Kade — Saskatoon DJ lights it up with hot tunes. 8pm, The Hose &Hydrant. No cover. DJ Sugar Daddy & DJ J-Mats — Local DJs J-Mats and Sugar Daddy will be rocking the turntables to get you dancing on the dance floor! Every Thursday night will be filled with passion parties, pole dancing, shadow dancers and much more! 8pm, Jax Niteclub. $5 cover, free cover with student ID before 11pm. The Cat Empire — This jazz/ska/funk/ rock band from Australia are is nothing short of sensational. Their sound will blow your hair back, their show — honed on at festivals, clubs, and venues from Oz to Canada — is more than entertaining. 8pm, Louis’ Pub. Tickets $29.25, available at DJ Big Ayyy — This Saskatoon DJ is the resident county rock turntabilist at Outlaws. Outlaws: your party place to be! 9pm, Outlaws Country Rock Bar. $5 cover. TRIPLE UP THURSDAY — Come start your weekend early at Triple Up Thursday! With these top 40 dance and electro resident DJs, you’ll be shaking it on the dance floor in no time. 8pm, Tequila Nightclub. $3 at the door.

Want your show listed? Email!

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Don’t be afraid to dream a little dream, dear Pisces. It’s not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but with a little effort, anything is possible, so follow the path you’ve always wanted.

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Pisces (Feb 20–Mar 20)

Don’t sweat the small stuff — sure, that may seem somewhat clichéd but this week it holds true, dear Virgo. Denying your feelings could cause more harm than good, so let’s try to keep things light.

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Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22)

This week you’d be doing yourself a favour by planning ahead. It never hurts to think about the future, but remember to be flexible. After all, the future is what you make it. Dare to make it great.

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Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 19)

Go forth this week, dear Leo, and accept all the challenges that come your way. But try not to run into the fray like a frothy-mouthed berserker. Instead, make a game plan.

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Leo (Jul 23–Aug 22)

Feel free to match your plaid shirt and neon green kicks this week, dear Capricorn. It’s time to embrace your inner oddball. If there was ever a time to let loose, this is it. Enjoy!

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Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19)

Be careful of hurting others’ feelings this week. Even if it seems as though people have turned against you, don’t lash out in anger. Sometimes it’s best to let things slide, dear Cancer.

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Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 22)

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This is not a good week to be guessing, dear Sagittarius. When it comes to making decisions and acting, you’ll be better served if you are absolutely sure before you make a move.

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Confidence — that’s the word of the week, dear Gemini. If you tackle things in a confident manner, not only will you succeed but others will believe in your efforts and follow your lead.

Sagittarius (Nov 23–Dec 21)

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Gemini (May 21–Jun 20)

You may be feeling extra creative, dear Scorpio, but remember the Greek philosopher Epictetus once wrote, “no great thing is created suddenly.” If you envision something, don’t just let it be.

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Scorpio (Oct 24–Nov 22)

It would be wise to avoid conflict as best you can this week. Remember: when you choose your battles wisely, you tend to win more than you lose. So step back, take a breath and reassess the situation.

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Taurus (Apr 20–May 20)

This week may be one of meeting others in the middle, dear Libra. There will be a lot of give and take going on, so what you have to do is find the right balance in order to make everyone content.

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Libra (Sept 23–Oct 23)

Let your instincts guide you this week, dear Aries — rationalizing it or letting your emotions take control may muddy waters here. Things will turn out if you just go with the flow.

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Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19)

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Mar 30–Apr 4, ‘12 6 3 8 4 2 7 1 5 9

Time Out

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Directions: Fill each box with a digit from 1-9, following these conditions: - Each row must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each column must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once. - Each of the nine 3x3 boxes must contain every digit from 1-9 once and only once.

3 6

6 4 2

9 2 3 9 1 4 5 6 9 2 4 8 1 6 3 2


7 8 4

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3 1 1 8 2 6 2 5 3 6 7 9 8 1 9 4 7 8 6 7 9 4 5 3

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