E284 October __,

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NJ Laws Email E284 October __, 2008 Kenneth Vercammen, Attorney at Law 732­572­0500 1 5. Upcoming community events. 6. Fun charity Running Races


obstetrician who proceeded to let his patient deliver her baby vaginally after a partial failure of the fetal monitoring devices, only to see the baby born with evidence of severe oxygen deprivation and permanent neurological problems, will pay the child his full malpractice insurance limit of $1 million in settlement of Krikheli v. Skorenko. The electrodes monitoring Rachel Krikheli's fetus began to show disturbing signs of the fetus's condition soon after Dr. Kenneth Skorenko arrived to oversee her delivery at Monmouth Medical Center in May 2001 but then became completely uninterpretable. Skorenko did not follow the normal practice of applying a new electrode to the fetal scalp to learn more but went ahead immediately with delivery, justified, his attorneys argued, by the rapidity of labor and some partial but reassuring signs from the monitoring equipment. However, the newborn immediately showed signs of difficulty, which eventually solidified into spastic quadriplegia, delays in development and other problems that will prevent her from ever living independently and will probably shorten her life. The parties arrived at their settlement before trial began before Monmouth County Judge Mark A. Sullivan. John J. Ratkowitz and Amos Gern of Starr Gern Davison & Rubin in Roseland represented the Krikheli family. Source: NJL Daily Briefing - 09/26/2008 5. Upcoming community events. If you will be attending any of these events, send our office an email response. Sometimes we car pool or meet at community events Saturday, Sept. 27 Sea Bright Restaurant Trolley Tour A Taste of Sea Bright" Ride the trolley and hop to 27 different stops for samplings of food, drinks, cocktails, door prize drawings, and incredible free giveaways! Oct. 4

Metuchen Fair

Oct. 6 1:30 Biz Mania Woodbridge

Oct. 21

Wills East Brunswick 7:00­8:30 Tuesday

Oct. 11 Thin Mike Sydor & Lance Tkacs almost 50 Party 6. Fun charity Running Races 10/5 Sunday East Brunswick 1pm RVRR well run event Road closed to traffic 848­391­ 0200. ebrrinc@gmail.comm www.ebrr.org http://www.ebrr.org 10/11/2008 The Rat Race­Fall 5k­5miles, 10:07am beer

Wall NJ Hashing & free

10/12 Deal 5 miler 5 mile Deal hot dogs & beer 10/19/2008 Seaside Half Marathon & 5K 10:10 Seaside Park NJ

13.1 mile run ,10am,13.1 walk, 9am, 5k

10/26 Trick or Trot 4 mile run 4 mile Long Branch party at Celtic Cottage after run If you are attending any of these races, please email Ken. Often we car pool or met at these events. If you can run, you and often volunteer, or walk the course. NJLaws.Com LINKS Main Website with 500 + articles and 1,000 + links (732) 572­0500 Thank you for reading our newsletter! God Bless America USA #1 We have decided to try to double our subscriber list in the month of April. Our hope is that every one of our current subscribers will sign up at least one friend as a new subscriber to the NJ Laws Newsletter. If you know someone who would also like to receive this email newsletter, please have them email us at newsletter@njlaws.com, or log on to: http://visitor.constantcontact.com/optin.jsp?v=001Jzhx8uVKgrNReKXBwbjJVqrFeOQhpqxW

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"Celebrating more than 22 years of providing excellent service to clients 1985­2007" Former Prosecutor Free T­ shirts and soda can holders available for all current and past clients. Please come into office. Editor's Note and Disclaimer: All materials Copyright 2008. You may pass along the information on the NJ Laws Newsletter and website, provided the name and address of the Law Office is included. KENNETH VERCAMMEN & ASSOCIATES, PC ATTORNEY AT LAW 2053 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08817 (Phone) 732­572­0500 (Fax) 732­572­0030 website: www.njlaws.com Admitted to practice law in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, US Supreme Court and Federal District Court

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