E308 June 24, 2009

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NJ Laws Email Newsletter E308 June 24, 2009 1 Recent Cases: Police cannot search car passenger compartment if occupant already arrested. 2. Ordinance can bar taking of photos for sale. 3. Rat balloon ordinance violates free speech. 1 Recent Cases: Police cannot search car passenger compartment if occupant already arrested. Arizona v. Gant 129 S. Ct. 1710 (2009) Police may search the passenger compartment of a vehicle incident to a recent occupant's arrest only if it is reasonable to believe that an arrestee might access the vehicle at the time of the search or that the vehicle contains evidence of the offense of arrest. The Arizona Supreme Court's reversal of Defendant's drug conviction is affirmed. 2. Ordinance can bar taking of photos for sale. State v. Chepilko 405 NJ Super. 446 (App. Div. 2009) The taking of photographs of persons walking on the Atlantic City Boardwalk and then attempting to sell the photographs to the subjects does not constitute expressive conduct entitled to First Amendment protection that insulates a person engaged in this activity from prosecution for a violation of municipal other Boardwalk. 3. Rat balloon ordinance violates free speech. State v. DeAngelo 197 NJ 478 (2009) The Lawrence Township sign ordinance violates the First Amendment right to free speech and is overbroad.

4. Friends of Kenneth Vercammen and Jim Capraro are invited to their 50th Birthday Party Saturday July 18 5pm­ 11pm Join us for an exciting evening. Swimming Pool, Food, 8 person Hot tub plus Tiki Bar. DJ Blender drinks LOCATION: South Brunswick NJ at 16 & 17 Ireland Brook Dr. near Farrington Lake, off Route 130 and Rt. 522) Directions: Visit our website at www.njlaws.com for directions to Ireland Brook Dr., or email/fax/call and we will send directions

Kenneth Vercammen, Esq. at (732) 572­0500 (Law office) Yes, We will be attending the party ­ email yes kenvnjlaws@verizon.net Name: _____________________________ or fax back to Law Office Fax: (732) 572­0030

Name: _____________________________ No gifts please. Ok to bring something for the Tiki Bar! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=91508471625

5. More New Legal Podcasts & Video on the Kenneth Vercammen YouTube Channel: Federal Estate & Gift Tax changes 3:14 Inheritance Tax Returns Duty of Executor of Will

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