E324 December 27, 2009

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NJ Laws Email Newsletter E324 December 27, 2009 New Year's Resolution ­ Put your estate planning in order. You need a Power of Attorney and Living Will/ Advance Directive. Modern medicine and machinery can keep a person alive for long periods of time. Unfortunately, a person is often kept alive in great pain or under circumstances that render him or her unconscious as to everything around them, while causing pain and anguish to the family. Our state has passed a "Living Will" law, often called a "Death with Dignity" law, which allows a person to direct that heroic measures not be taken to prolong life in these unhappy situations. This "Living Will" is not a substitute for a regular Will, which affects property rights. The "Living Will" is an independent document to be signed in addition to your regular Will. Please let us know if you want a Living Will/ Advance Directive prepared. I would like to thank my friends for another good year in 2009, despite the bad economy. This year was our single best year for referrals. So many of you were kind enough to tell others about our services. Since 1985, I have helped individuals and businesses with legal matters. With changing laws, it is important that your estate planning documents are updated to reflect your most valuable investments. As you know, all business must grow, and one of the safest ways to grow is to get referrals from satisfied clients. Thank you for referring friends and family. May 2010 bring happiness and good health to you and those you love. FREEZING COLD HASH RUN ­3 ­ 5 MILE GROUP RUN Sat. Jan. 9, 2010 9:50am START: Kenneth Vercammen Law Office 2053 Woodbridge Ave., Edison, NJ 08817. Free open bar 7:30­10:30 Register online at www.active.com. See info at www.njlaws.com/FREEZING_COLD_HASH_RUN.htm For details Call run “hare” Ken Vercammen (The runner in the red, white & blue flag shorts) at 732­572­0500 or email: kenvnjlaws@verizon.net Please make $12.69 checks payable to Vercammen Assoc. PC, and mail to: Kenneth Vercammen Law Office, NJ Personal Injury Law Center


2053 Woodbridge Ave, Edison, NJ 08817 FREE BEER FOR WOMEN 21­69 $12.69 TO RUN. FREE T­SHIRT AND OPEN BAR FROM 7:30AM – 11:30AM for Pre­registered. $15.00 DAY OF EVENT. VOLUNTEERS RECEIVE A SHIRT AND OPEN BAR! PLEASE BRING A CAN FOOD DONATION FOR THE ST. JAMES FOOD BANK. $5.00 FOR THE POST RUN SOCIAL HELD AT THE GREEN DERBY BAR, SITE OF THE "ON­ON" BREWS. A fun time is guaranteed! You must be over 21 years old to participate. No times are recorded. A sense a humor is a must. Prizes and giveaways at the post race social Volunteers needed….. Other exciting details: POTENTIAL EXCITING DANGERS / CHALLENGES ­ Get bitten by starving animals ­ Slip on ice & break bones ­ Buried bombs with mustard gas ­ Cut your leg on sharp branches ­ Slip on snow and break arm ­ Touch 29,000 Volts of Electricity ­ Run into tree branches, poke eye out ­ Angry deer with huge antlers ­ Fall into Raritan River and get swept out to ocean ­ Frozen Rats & other dead animals ­ Exploding gas pipelines ­ Bad drivers from New York who don’t speak English ­ Sticker bushes ­ Crawl under barbed wire ­ Get hit in head with cement falling ­ Slide off mud cliffs off bridges Tired of the same old neighborhood roads, traffic, bad drivers? Join the off­road runners for a great and unusual training run. See the swamps and wooded areas saved from development. The Rumson Hash House Harriers again return to the woods and marsh of Edison. Hashing is not a race but a non­competitive group run which follows an off­road course laid out with baking flour. If you like trail running without the competition of a formal race, this will be a fun switch for you. This is a complex and different course through woods, grass, swamp and marsh. Wear old running shoes. Follow the trail to the finish. DIRECTIONS: http://www.njlaws.com/directions_to_office.htm 2006 YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kvercammen#p/search/1/hB­A7he7­ 2



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