ABA GP Solo ELDER LAW COMMITTEE update December, 2009 ABA General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division Chairs Kenneth Vercammen, Edison, NJ and Jay Foonberg, Beverly Hills, CA In this issue: Charlie Sabatino, Director ABA Commission on Law and Aging is suggesting an Elder Law list serve for the ABA. I wanted to share our emails with members of the Elder Law committee. The suggestion by Charles Sabatino is a great idea. i have worked with Charles on GP programs on Elder law in Hawaii and New York. This would help the GP solo's Elder Law committee. KENNETH VERCAMMEN ATTORNEY AT LAW 2053 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08817 7325720500 NJ LAWS LEGAL WEBSITE: www.njlaws.com Friends & colleagues, One of the ideas that arose in recent discussions of our Commission on Law and Aging is to find a way to link together the elder law related committees of the sections and divisions, so that the disparate members who have an interest in elder law at least know a little about what others are doing in the ABA related to the subject. One way to do this could be to set up an email list among the members, staff, and/or chairs of those committees to share information, resources, and announcements. Our Commission would be willing to set up and manage such an email list, if there is support for the idea. We are aware of elder law or elder rights related committees in Criminal Justice, Family Law, General Practice/Solo, Health Law, Individual Rights, RPTE, and Senior Lawyers, and as a result, this email is going to the staff of those sections. Because Section and Division functioning is fluid, there may be more that we haven’t caught up with yet. If you will let me hear your and your committee chair's thoughts on this strategy, we'll make a decision on whether and how to move ahead.
Thanks, Charlie Sabatino, Director ABA Commission on Law and Aging ____________________________________ THE GP LAW TRENDS CAN PUBLISH YOUR ARTICLES The GP Solo Division is now using Law Trends Newsletter as the primary Newsletter for GP Solo members. You can become a published ABA author. Send in your articles & ideas General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division: Elder Law Committee Who We Are This committee focuses on improving estate planning skills, substantive law knowledge and office procedures for the attorney who practices estate planning, probate and trust law. This committee also serves as a network resource in educating attorneys regarding Elder Law situations. To help your practice, we feature in this newsletter edition a few articles and tips on marketing and improving service to clients. But your Editor and chairs can't do it all. Please send articles, suggestions or ideas you wish to share with others. Let us know if you are finding any useful information or anything you can share with the other members. You will receive written credit as the source and thus you can advise your clients and friends you were published in an ABA publication. We will try to meet you needs. We also seek articles on Elder Law, Probate, Wills, Medicaid and Marketing. Please send your marketing ideas and articles to us. ________________________________________
The Elder Law Committee of the ABA General Practice Division is directed towards general practitioners and more experienced elder law attorneys. The committee consistently sponsors programs at the Annual Meeting, the focus of which is shifting to advanced topics for the more experienced elder lawyer. This committee also focuses on improving estate planning skills, substantive law knowledge and office procedures for the attorney who practices estate planning, probate and trust law. This committee also serves as a network resource in educating attorneys regarding Elder Law situations. Kenneth Vercammen, Esq., CoChair Jay Foonberg, Beverly Hills, Cochair, Author of Best Sellers "How to Start and Build a Law Practice" and "How to get and keep good clients', Beverly Hills, CA JayFoonberg@aol.com> KENNETH VERCAMMEN & ASSOCIATES, PC ATTORNEY AT LAW 2053 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08817 (Phone) 7325720500 (Fax) 7325720030 Kenv @njlaws.com Central Jersey Elder Law www.centraljerseyelderlaw.com NJ Elder Blog http://elderlaw.blogspot.com/