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Concerts during COVID-19
AGIANT SPIDER WAVING the front row,” Muneyb said. “You can see artists, the audience experiences the closeits eerily long legs sets the stage everyone and everything that is going on.” up element for a fraction of the price in a for Billie Eilish’s performance In addition to the up-close experience, virtual environment. of “You Should See Me in a the stunning visuals of Eilish’s virtual con- However, the online format is cheapCrown” in her October concert. Jumping cert, including the giant spider, a virtual er for a reason. The ambience of a virtual on the stage, she belts out the lyrics flaw- forest and a larger than life shark that swal- concert does not come anywhere near the lessly. But when the song wraps up, the lows her whole, could never be replicated at kinetic, uninhibited atmosphere of standexpected thunderous applause is absent. an in-person event. ing in a packed venue surrounded by the The attendees to this show, as with many The online format allows the artist to energy of the crowd. others in the era of COVID-19, are watching through a screen from the comfort of their homes. In light of Cen“I liked how it was like you were sitting in the front row.” have creative control over the vision they want to present, without constraints of what can come on tour or be realistically construct“I don't think I would choose it over an in-person concert,” Muneyb said. “I miss the experience in a stadium with live music.” Unfortunately, there is no telling of when concerts in the traditional format will ters for Disease Con- — SANA MUNEYB, junior ed. be widely available and safe to attend. Some trol and Prevention “I thought it was artists, including Maroon 5, Harry Styles recommendations, cool to see the editing and The Weeknd, have postponed their many artists were forced to cancel their and the graphics they used,” Muneyb said. plans for in-person concerts to 2021. Howtours and move their concerts online. “You don't get that in real concerts.” ever, if the coronavirus is not under control
While the environment is certainly not In addition, venues can make attend- by then, they risk postponing even further. the same, junior Sana Muneyb recog- ing concerts accessible. Whereas front row “While COVID-19 continues I think nizes some advantages. tickets might have cost I would go to another one [virtual con-
“I liked how it was like into the hundreds of cert],” Muneyb said. “It is a pretty good you were sitting in dollars for well-known substitute.” v