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created the Sister City program to foster international relationships and understanding post-World War II and to prevent another global conflict. Now, programs like AEP aim to promote intercultural unity even within the nation’s borders.

According to Paly history teacher Caitlin Drewes, who serves as the school’s AEP exchange coordinator, the program purposefully matches participants with communities significantly different from their hometowns in order to create a more meaningful experience.

“We’re politically divided, culturally divided,” Drewes said. “There are all these huge divisions in our country. So [AEP]’s goal is to help bridge that divide with re- ticipated in exchange programs and served in the Peace Corps, and she emphasized how impactful staying with a local family can be in building intercultural connections — especially in comparison to tourist-oriented travel.

“It’s very important for people to become immersed, actually living somewhere, even if it’s only for four weeks,” Drewes said. “With a family, you’re finding out what’s important to them — you’re finding out that they eat their main meal in the middle of the day and all sit down together, or that they go for walks together, you know.”

But Drewes also said that such a fully immersive experience exchange program scary to leave your house at 15 and go live in another country [or community] for months,” Drewes said. “I think it takes a really certain kind of person to do it.”

That “type of person” doesn’t have to have previous international experience, but according to Ogunlade, it certainly helps. Having lived in Nigeria until high school, Ogunlade said she is no stranger to culture shock.

“I’ve said that phrase [culture shock] over and over again,” Ogunlade said. “Because once you immigrate somewhere, it is just a part of your everyday life.”

Exchange programs can be especially eye opening for students from Silicon Valley, according to Ogunlade. In her expe-

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