Verena Marmion ‘Closed Pose’ 19.02.21 - 03.03.21 The works in this exhibition depict the model in what artists refer to as being ‘Closed pose’. Physically, this means that the figure is hunched or has their limbs crossing the body. Psychologically, the poetry of the closed pose captures nuances of experience not typically expressed in the classical poses of life drawing. The more common open pose is idealised, assertive, present and direct whereas a closed pose is more introspective, reflective and protective. Open pose is directed at the outer world and closed pose - the inner.
KEN T STRE E T G A LLE RY V ictor ia Pa r k Ce n tre fo r th e Ar t s 12 Ken t S tre e t , E a s t Vi c to r i a Pa r k 08 6454 1803 | ad mi n@ vi c p a r ka r t s. org . au