umass dartmouth charlton college

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We’re only missing one thing...

Campaign for the Charlton College ofCampaign Business for The

Charlton College of Business


A place to call home. Charlton College of Business

Architect’s rendering of the proposed Charlton College of Business building addition.

The Charlton College of Business at UMass Dartmouth is a growing enterprise. Enrollment is increasing, the faculty is expanding, and we are adding new programs and pursuing a broader range of initiatives. The rate of progress is breathtaking. So what’s missing?

A bu ildin g for ou r stu den ts.

As we continue to explore new ventures and enhance our ability to serve business students in this region and beyond, we are also moving forward with a state-of-the-art addition to our existing Charlton College of Business (CCB) facility. To augment the Phase I faculty and staff spaces that opened in 2004, this 24,000 sq. ft. Phase II expansion adds crucial learning venues for CCB students, including technology-enabled classrooms, a trading room, a computer lab, and breakout areas where student groups can meet and collaborate. By consolidating Charlton’s programs and spaces under one roof, the new addition will also bring faculty and students together in more meaningful ways, strengthening the CCB identity and fostering a greater sense of loyalty, belonging, and community. A higher level of interaction within the community will deepen existing bonds and forge new ones, giving Charlton students even better access to the practitioners and real-world experiences that will help them become the leaders of tomorrow. We invite you to join us in this exciting endeavor as we take the Charlton College of Business to the next level.

Campaign Campaign for for The The Charlton Charlton College College of of Business Business

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Building momentum The new Charlton College addition is designed to accommodate our growing student population while also responding to the evolving global business environment. Key elements of the addition include:

• 24,000 square feet of new space

• Trading room

• Built to achieve LEED Platinum certification

• Two seminar rooms

• An auditorium-style classroom with a capacity of 100 people • Four technology-enabled “smart” classrooms with tiered seating

• Two collaborative classrooms • A computer lab • Four breakout rooms and a variety of alcoves for group work

As shown in this artist rendering, the auditorium-style classroom will enable the University to host prominent speakers in a spacious, comfortable, and effective lecture environment.

The new trading room (shown here in an artist rendering) will prepare students for success in the finance world by providing opportunities to work with cutting-edge technologies in a real-life trading atmosphere.

A stronger community

More opportunities

A destination of choice

Students will have a well-defined home base on campus that improves and augments their connections to each other and the faculty while helping Charlton’s identity crystallize as a whole.

Seminar rooms and small group meeting spaces will enable students to work in teams and collaborate more effectively, acquiring crucial skills necessary for success in today’s professional environments.

By implementing improvements across the board, Charlton will meet and exceed the expectations of student and faculty prospects, resulting in greater retention and a higher demand to join the Charlton community.

A deeper experience

A global reputation

State-of-the-art classrooms and real-world learning environments will enhance Charlton’s programming and help us prepare students for the realities of the global business world.

Leading-edge learning spaces and expanded programs will elevate Charlton’s standing among other academic institutions across the region, the nation, and beyond.

Campaign for The Charlton College of Business


8 a.m. - Marketing 101 (CVPA Building).... 10:0 12:00 - Class (Liberal Arts Building).... 2:00 Soon after I arrived at UMass, I realized the business programs at Charlton are

4:30 p.m. - meet with professor (Charlton offic

10:00 p.m - Dorms, homework/studying/prepare fo

superb, and I switched my focus to marketing. Charlton taught me that marketing isn’t about being corporate – it’s about being creative.

Nia Barbosa, ‘14


Endeavor Scholar

As an Endeavor Scholar and a Charlton student, I have countless opportunities to develop leadership skills, network, and perform community services. I’m also gaining exposure to the real business world, even in my first year. My goal is to work in advertising, and I know Charlton will get me there. The key factor is our faculty. They know who we are, and they want to help us achieve our dreams. Once Charlton has its own building, everything the school offers will be enhanced. Our education will be even more cohesive, and we will cultivate an even stronger sense of identity as a thriving business community.

Asking the right que

00 a.m. - Breakfast.... 10:45 a.m. Study group (Library).... p.m. - Lunch (Campus Center).... 3:00 p.m. - Class (Science & Engineering Building)....

ces).... 6:00 p.m. - Work off-campus....

or next morning....


Campaign for The Charlton College of Business


Building A stronger community Since 2000, undergraduate enrollment at Charlton has increased by 58 percent, and graduate enrollment has grown by 238 percent, making the Master of Business Administration (MBA) the largest graduate program on campus. Among the various UMass Dartmouth colleges and schools, Charlton is second only to the College of Arts and Sciences in enrollment. Yet we are the only school on campus without a dedicated building to house our classes and student activities. As a result, despite their dominant numbers, Charlton students feel displaced among their UMass peers. Their classes are scattered across campus, and they struggle to develop a sense of fellowship.

How will the new addition help anchor Charlton’s community? A spacious and welcoming home base Everything relating to Charlton will be consolidated under one roof, from classrooms and faculty offices to public spaces and alcoves for individual or group work. And as enrollment increases, Charlton will be better able to meet the demand for additional resources and facilities. More meaningful interactions Students will have greatly improved access to both their professors and their peers, which will facilitate the sharing of knowledge and inspire a deeper camaraderie and loyalty to Charlton. A strengthened identity As the students build more connections within the Charlton community, they will experience the new building as a place where they belong, and the Charlton identity will become stronger and more defined.

The Charlton College of Business is the only business college serving the Southern Massachusetts region to receive accreditation from The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International. AACSB International accreditation represents the highest standard of achievement for business schools and provides assurance that the school:

• Manages resources to achieve a vibrant and relevant mission • Advances business and management knowledge through faculty scholarship

Charlton’s new addition is designed to respond to the AACSB International accreditation requirements and will be essential in maintaining our accredited status as we evolve.

• Provides high-caliber teaching of quality and current curricula • Cultivates meaningful interaction between students and a qualified faculty • Produces graduates who have achieved specified learning goals

Campaign Campaign for for The The Charlton Charlton College College of of Business

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8:00 a.m. - Breakfast.... 10:00 a.m. - Class (C

1:00 p.m. - Class (Science & Engineering Buildi

5:30 p.m. – internship meetings…. 6:30 p.m. - d The marketing program at Charlton is phenomenal. Every day, there’s new material to learn, and everyone is active, aware, and involved. On some days, the work may be challenging, but the professors genuinely care about us and make every effort to help us succeed.

Thomas Barry, ‘12


Social Media Intern

I’m on a path that makes me happy – social media marketing – and I feel secure about my future. People get about 90 percent of their information from social media these days, so it’s huge. In my paid internship, I’ve established new social media marketing venues for Charlton — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. These are the best ways to reach people now. When Charlton is ready to open its new addition, we’ll use social media to get the word out. Everyone is excited about it already. Our resources will all be in one place, and we’ll have better opportunities to connect with our peers and professors. Social media is fascinating, but nothing beats in-person interactions.

CVPA Building)….11:00 a.m. - Class (Liberal Arts Building).... 12:00 - Lunch....

ing)…. 2:00 p.m. -Work study (Campus Center).... 4:00 p.m. - Track Practice...

dinner…. 8:00 p.m. – homework, emails....

Searching for a connection.

Campaign Campaign for for The The Charlton CharltonCollege Collegeof ofBusiness Business 11 9

Building A deeper experience As a school experiencing steady expansion, Charlton has found itself in need of more space and resources. What’s more, the space and resources currently available to us are now outdated, making it difficult for professors to prepare our students for the business world of today. Our graduates, particularly those in the MBA program, need to be comfortable with the very latest business technologies, tools, and resources. They should also be gaining critical exposure to practitioners and mentors through in-house events and collaborations with the local and regional business communities.

How will the new addition improve our students’ education? State-of-the-art technology and expanded learning spaces The added space will encompass new classrooms equipped with cuttingedge technologies and tiered seating, collaborative work spaces, and an auditorium with the capacity to seat 100 people. Charlton will be able to host events within its own building – and the auditorium will help meet a critical university-wide need for more rooms of this size. Trading room and computer lab Students will have more opportunities for hands-on experiential learning in a new computer lab and a fully-functioning trading room, enabling them to develop an up-to-date understanding of current market issues and available web-based data sources. Real-world experience By gaining more first-hand experience with the realities they will face in their business careers, Charlton students will graduate with a greater sense of confidence and follow a more direct path to success.

Architect’s rendering of the proposed computer lab in the Charlton College addition.

“As a professor, one of my goals is to always make a positive difference in my students’ lives. Charlton students are capable of competing with the best in the world – but we have to challenge them and stretch their imaginations in an applied setting. The new addition, with classrooms, a trading floor, and consumer behavior research labs, will give our students a better sense of realism in their education and will immerse them in the global nature of today’s business environment. Having this mindset will be crucial to their success in business and life. The new building ought to have a positive impact on their education.” Dr. Godwin Ariguzo Assistant Professor of Marketing

Campaign Campaign for for The The Charlton Charlton College College of of Business

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At Charlton, we learn about the real world. We can use what we’ve

9:00 a.m. - Meeting in Sail activity.... 10:00

11:00 a.m. - psychology class (Science and Engi

learned in class to do marketing

1:00 p.m. - work study…. 3:00p.m. - Rotaract ex

research for any company, and a lot of

6:00 p.m. -

our projects are experience-based. It’s

8:30 p.m. - Homework and check emails between t

a great education because it prepares us for real jobs.

Danielle Figuerino, ‘11


President, Charlton College Rotaract (2010-2011)

This approach is exactly why Charlton students need a building of our own, designed with us in mind. To succeed in business, we have to collaborate and work effectively in groups – but right now, there’s nowhere for CCB students to meet up and work with each other. Once we have outreach rooms and other innovative spaces, the learning environment will match the caliber of our education. The new addition will also give us an opportunity to finally express our pride. Charlton students are very loyal to the business programs and to our professors, and we need a place that brings us together and reinforces our strong positive connection to this college and these people.

Group Meeting, advertising class i

a.m. - Sustainability class (Liberal Arts Building)....

ineering Building)…. Noon -

advertising class (Science & Engineering building)....

xecutive board meeting (Charlton Offices).... 4:00 p.m. - Home to the dorms and quick dinner….

in the Library....

three other group projects, professors, job possibilities, and Rotaract club….

Thinking outside the box.

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Building More opportunities The evolving business world has recently been revolutionized by social media and the resulting steep uptick in personal interactions. Very few people work alone these days, and today’s professional must manage multiple peer-to-peer communication channels – and should be comfortable with a wide variety of collaboration techniques. At a fundamental level, the ability to collaborate effectively is first developed through in-person group work. Charlton’s students have faced a serious challenge in this realm because they lack the physical spaces that would make this kind of work possible. At best, student teams gather in the library or cafeteria, attempting to work in locations that are full of distractions and offer no privacy.

How will the new addition support and encourage collaboration? Seminar rooms, breakout rooms, and alcoves Students will be able to choose from a variety of spaces – including two seminar rooms, two large breakout rooms, two small breakout rooms, and various alcoves – where they can meet in teams and work collaboratively under conditions that are sufficiently private and conducive to spirited interaction. Essential skills By the time they graduate, Charlton students will be entirely proficient in the essential art of collaboration and will understand its benefits and challenges.

“It’s hard for anyone to find inspiration when they don’t have a home. The students of Charlton need a new building. They need an ecosystem of technology, collaboration, and entrepreneurship that cultivates not only inspiration but also brilliant ideas. Believe in and support an underdog, and it will not only change their world, it will change yours forever.” Kel Kelly, ‘84 Founder and CEO, Kel & Partners

“Charlton offers a tremendous education – but the student experience here is too fragmented. Freshmen and sophomores taking general education courses need a place to go where they can interact with other business students, and our commuter population needs the same thing. Even residential students in their final years at Charlton don’t have the sense of community we’d like them to have. The new addition will help build cohesion and identity. And for the alumni who care about the college, this is an opportunity to help Charlton hold the line in terms of what we offer our students – and even push forward, despite the economic challenges of our time. We’d all like to see Charlton’s facilities catch up with the exceptional quality of its instruction and programming.” Dr. Paul Bacdayan Associate Professor of Management

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8 a.m. - Class (CVPA Building).... 9:30 a.m. One thing I’ve learned at Charlton is that it’s very important to cultivate strong connections to both people and places. I founded the Class of 2011 Scholarship in part because it will give my classmates a tangible way to stay connected forever, both to each other and to our college.

Ashlee Mastrangelo, ‘11


Senior Class President, 2011 Student Advisory Board Founder, Class of 2011 Scholarship

By building a new addition, Charlton will help all of its students feel more connected to the college. We’re already very connected in non-physical ways, but we need a physical place that will give us a deeper sense of community, identity, and togetherness. A place that is all ours – a home base. We may seem like nomads right now, wandering all over campus, but in fact, that’s not who we are. The culture at Charlton is incredibly close and supportive, with faculty members who take a personal interest in your education and success. The new building will pull this all together and make it even more clear that Charlton’s absolute top priority is its students.

2:00 p.m. - Lunch.... 2:30 p.m. - Class (Libera

9:00 p.m. - dinner…. 10:00 p.m -homework, email

Breakfast.... 11:00 a.m. - Class (Library)‌. 12:00 - Student Advisory Board meeting....

al Arts Building).... 5:00 p.m. - Work fundraising event in Campus Center....

ls, prepare for next day‌.

Making it real.

Campaign Campaign for for The The Charlton Charlton College College of of Business

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Building A global reputation

Certain schools and universities around the world are so well respected that the school’s name alone triggers instant recognition, interest, and admiration. The Charlton College of Business is poised to become one of these schools. To achieve this status, Charlton must demonstrate its dedication to students and prove its worth relative to peer colleges and competitors. We have to show that our programs are growing, our facilities are excellent, and our ambitions are without limit.

How will the new addition advance Charlton’s position? Enviable learning venues Charlton students will be pursuing their studies in brand new classrooms and with exceptional learning resources at hand, including the auditorium, breakout rooms, and trading room. As a result, their education will be broader, deeper, and more relevant to current business practices. New programs and initiatives The new facilities, technologies, and learning spaces will enable Charlton faculty to engage students through innovative new programs, projects, and initiatives. Students will be able to choose from an even greater range of majors and minors. No holds barred The substance and impact of Charlton’s new addition will make a clear statement to the world that we are fully invested in our students and determined to keep rising in their esteem and in the eyes of our peers.

“One thing that makes Charlton unique is its AACSB International accreditation. Charlton worked hard to achieve this prestigious designation and must keep working to maintain it. Once you receive AACSB accreditation, you must hold faculty to a much higher standard in their research and publications, and you must also pursue high standards in terms of facilities, resources, and programs. Charlton’s achievement is meaningful to me because now I’m a graduate of an AACSB-accredited college.” “It was once enough just to earn a degree, but today you need to have a degree from a well-regarded school if you want to stand out. For alumni, the value of our UMass degree has increased dramatically thanks to the work that’s been done at Charlton. Now it’s time for us to give back and help Charlton build the addition that will make a difference for tomorrow’s students.” Robert Karam, ‘67 Karam Financial Group Campaign Campaign for for The The Charlton Charlton College College of of Business

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This is the only school at UMass Dartmouth that’s associated with a name: Charlton. Yet we are also the only school on campus without our own building for classes.

Mark Realbuto, ‘11


Campus Orientation Leader Student Coordinator, Orientation Program Student Advisory Board Business Community Advisory Board The impact of the Charlton name is growing, not just across the state, but across the country – and I give credit to our faculty. They are hardworking and intelligent, they know what they’re talking about, and they want the best for us. We learn more than what’s in the textbooks. Our projects give us hands-on experience, and we do research using databases and programs we’ll use after we graduate. When we start our jobs, we’ll already know how everything works. The new building will be a great opportunity for students to share real-world experiences and build even more confidence. An investment like this shows us how much the Charlton community cares about the college and respects the students and faculty – and it’s a way to tell the world that Charlton is here to stay.

7 a.m. - Meet with business advisory board memb

10:00 a.m. - Orientation Meeting (Admin. Buildi

2:00 p.m. - Lunch.... 2:30 p.m. - Class (Libera 9:00 p.m -homework/emails/prepare for class….

Investing in the future.

bers at breakfast.... 9:00 a.m. - Class (CVPA Building).....

ing).... 11:00 a.m. - Class (Science & Engineering Building)‌. 12:00 - Student Advisory Board meeting....

al Arts Building).... 5:00 p.m. - dinner... 6:00 p.m. - Work Study...

Campaign Campaign for for The The Charlton Charlton College College of of Business Business

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Building A destination of choice UMass Dartmouth faces a variety of challenges as a mission-driven public university dedicated to providing excellent undergraduate and graduate programs to students across the region and beyond. The demand

How will the new addition help draw top prospects? A better experience for more students

forward with projects like the new addition at Charlton,

The additional teaching spaces in the new Charlton addition will ease the campus-wide concerns about available space. In conjunction with the ultra-modern facilities and innovative programming supported by the new addition, this will enable the college – and the university as a whole – to serve more students without compromising quality.

the quality of the UMass experience will suffer, and top-

Improved stability overall

for an affordable high-quality education is increasing, and the university must find ways to accommodate more students and respond effectively to their needs. If UMass – and Charlton in particular – does not move

tier student and faculty prospects are more likely to attend or join other institutions.

The enhanced learning experience, underscored by the tangible commitment UMass is making to its students and faculty, will help Charlton and the university attract and retain more high-caliber students and faculty members. Before long, the stability and appeal of the business programs at UMass Dartmouth will result in an even higher demand for these programs.

With eight separate colleges and schools, 57 undergraduate fields of study, and a diverse community of more than 9000 students and 350 full-time faculty members, UMass has a lot to offer. One of its most impressive achievements is the Center of Marketing Research, where graduate and undergraduate UMass students provide affordable, highquality business services – including research, training, and consulting – to a broad network of local and regional clients. The Center also hosts a celebrity scholarship dinner each year and has awarded more than $80,000 in student scholarships so far. Nora Barnes, Director of the Center, emphasizes the importance of building on the student experience at Charlton. “Everything we do here should be with the students in mind,” she says, “because that’s why we’re here. The clients at the Center work directly with Charlton students, and they love them. They like their energy, enthusiasm, passion, and willingness to work hard – and they hire our students right out of school. In my opinion, Charlton needs to build this new addition. The students always do their best for us, and it’s our job to do our best for them.”

Campaign Campaign for for The The Charlton College College of Business Campaign for The Charlton College of Charlton Business at UMassof Dartmouth

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Dear Friends: The expansion of the Charlton College of Business is more than just a building. It is a recognition of the College’s accomplishments and the success of its alumni. The Charlton addition will position this campus to build on its faculty and program strengths, providing even greater opportunities for our students in today’s highly competitive and innovationdriven business market. In keeping with UMass Dartmouth’s commitment to continuously meet the evolving needs of our students, Charlton’s new building will be equipped with the facilities and technologies necessary to support a 21st-century business school experiencing substantial growth in enrollment and activities. It will also be constructed with the goal of achieving LEED Platinum certification, to reflect the University’s commitment to sustainable practices. UMass Dartmouth is a valuable asset to the community, generating countless opportunities for both students and supporters to make significant contributions to the region, to the Commonwealth, and beyond. The Charlton College of Business is central to our efforts. Our foundation is strong, and I hope you will join us as we create this new environment to embrace both our educational experience and our ethos, promoting sound business education principles coupled with a spirit of entrepreneurship — a combination we know is bound to succeed. Most sincerely,

Jean F. MacCormack, Chancellor University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

This is more than just a building. This is an opportunity to inspire and sustain a powerful surge forward at Charlton, in the community, and at UMass Dartmouth as a whole. Please join us in this exciting venture by adding your support to the Campaign for the Charlton College of Business. (508) 999-8200

E. P. (Chuck) Charlton II Honorary Doctor of Business Administration UMass Dartmouth 1996

Coming soon...

Charlton College of Business at UMass Dartmouth

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