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Cover Story: Chapel Buddies Returns

Chapel Buddies Returns

With a two-year hiatus, the Chapel Buddies program has returned to the Veritas campus for the 2022-2023 Academic Year! An added bonus with this year’s Chapel Buddies program is the incorporation of specific chapel buddies colors, which were specific for each corresponding group of buddies. Mr. V, during the first Chapel Buddies Chapel, even described our students in Foundation Hall, as “a bag of skittles organized by their colors.” Corresponding with the program, Veritas also welcomed back monthly All School Chapels where Foundation Hall is once again filled with the entire school community, from Early Education to Middle School students. Rings of laughter and joyous clamor envelops Foundation Hall before each All School Chapel as each group enters the auditorium. Older chapel buddies routinely pick up their younger counterparts to walk them to Foundation Hall which creates a sense of anticipation for Veritas’ younger students. At the conclusion of each All School Chapel, students hang out and play together with their chapel buddies. These pockets of time spent together provide opportunities for full community building, the formation of relationships between students across departments, mentoring opportunities for older students, and countless memories! The Chapel Buddies Program also produced the desire for the various chapel buddy groups to have other opportunities for interaction outside of All School Chapel days. Included in these were an “orangethemed Thanksgiving Party” between the 7th grade and Kindergarten students (who obviously have orange as their chapel buddies color) and a “squishmallow” gift exchange for Christmas. More excitement is anticipated in the second semester as the Chapel Buddies Program continues!

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