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Parental Involvement
Veritas House System
Veritas House System
New for the 2023-2024 Academic Year, Veritas will adopt a House System for all students, families, faculty, and staff to further encourage a stronger sense of community. As part of the experience, the House System will include Chapel Buddies (within the houses), social events, and All School events and competitions.
Parent Teacher Fellowship
Parent Teacher Fellowship
The Mission of Parent Teacher Fellowship
Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) exists to strengthen the relationships between home and school by promoting and encouraging communication and enhanced relationships among parents, teachers, students, administration, and the community. PTF provides support and enhances the educational experience at Veritas Christian Academy through activities, events, and fundraisers that bring the community together to worship, fellowship, and nurture one another in Jesus Christ.
Information regarding signing up to volunteer will be emailed soon.
Facts Facts
• Click on the FACTS SIS link on the front page of www.veritasca.org
• Select Parent in the login options
• Enter VCAH-TX into the District Code field
• Log in using your previously created credentials
If you have forgotten your username or password, click on the link provided by FACTS SIS.