Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Chief Medical Olficer of
Public Health Division 11th Floor, Hepburn Block Queen's Park Toronto 0N M7A 1R3
Telephone: (416) 212-3831 Facsimile: (416)325-8412
Ministdre de la Sant6 et des Soins de longue dur6e
Fo ntario
M6decin hygi6niste en chel
Division de la sant6 publique Edifice Hepburn, 11e 6tage Queen's Park Toronto ON M7A 1R3 T6l6phone: (416) 212-3831 T6t6copieur: (416)325-A412
Linda Heron Chair Vermilion River Stewardship 379 Ronka Road Wofthington ON POM 3H0 Dear Ms. Heron: Thank you for your letter of March 16, 2013, requesting supporl for warning signs to be posted for residents who use the water for swimming, saunas and boating during the winter months in your community. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your inquiry. Staff of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) contacted the Sudbury & District Health Unit (SDHU) and were advised that France G6linas, MPP Nickel Belt had raised your concerns with them directly through a separate correspondence. Dr. Sutcliffe, Medical Officer of SDHU, subsequently responded to the concerns by way of a letter dated March 27, 2013. The correspondence is attached for your information.
The MOHLTC relies on local medical officers of health, through their legal mandate under the Heatth Protection and Promotion Act,lo ensure that public health unit staff investigate reports of potential health hazards and take appropriate action. I would encourage you to follow up with Dr. Sutcliffe, should you have further concerns or require any clarification of the information provided. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Yours truly,
Chief Medical Officer of Health c: Allan McDougall, Sudbury & District Health Unit Drew Brennan, Senior Environmental Officer, Ministry of the Environment France G6linas, MPP Nickel Bell Jacques Barbeau, City of Sudbury Councillor Eija Hietaharju, President, Beaver Lake Sports & Cultural Club
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