The Vermont Academy Way: Summer 2024

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The Vermont Academy Way

Dear Friends,

An exciting year of celebrating student achievements has drawn to a close, and once again, I was impressed with and amazed by the multi-faceted talents and passions of our students. From the shy and tentative faces that I saw in August, to the confident young adults I saw in the last weeks of the term, it has been a year of growth and wonder. Our students have learned in the classroom, on the field, and in the studio, and we have learned from them as well! That reciprocity of teaching and learning lies at the heart of the Vermont Academy Way.

We will share our own personal growth when we welcome new students next year. Faculty have been working on collaborative, interdisciplinary projects, and we now have additional electives for students to take. Our new schedule has afforded more opportunities for students to be mentored by faculty, to pursue independent projects, and to take a deep dive into a subject of interest to them. Our new initiative, Vermont Academy at Mount Snow, has enabled us to continue offering immersive athletic and artistic experiences for students, as we do with our LaLiga soccer program, our capstone program, and independent projects in art and music.

Two of the first remarkable students you will read about are Class of 2024 graduates Sofia Bianconi and Tony Gao. Both were intrigued by an idea in their junior year, and rose to the challenge to undertake a capstone project. Both tackled topics that would intimidate many, but they presented their findings with grace and intelligence before the whole school in May. The number of their peers in the class of 2025 who expressed interest in a capstone project has increased significantly. I know Sofia and Tony inspired this.

We will also be sharing photos and stories of some of the remarkable art created by our students this year - items ranging from clay to charcoal to installations that were introduced to the greater community during our Spring Arts Weekend in early May. Visual Arts Department Head, Lisa Eckhardt McNealus ‘79, P ’14 notes, “Pottery instructor Ryan Burch and I were delighted with the show this year. It was especially nice to have Jess Shapiro ’23 return for the opening since her show last year inspired several of our students this year. The quality of the work speaks for itself as most of the students fully sold out their shows!”

Finally, we profile two professionals who will be joining our staff this fall. Ben Gardner comes to Vermont Academy from the Telluride Mountain School in Colorado to lead our sports on snow program, including the exciting VA at Mount Snow venture, and Vincent “Butch” Schuck ‘94, is returning to the hilltop to lead our business office as COO/CFO. We welcome them both to our community and look forward to their input in helping us achieve great things next year and well into the future.

In conclusion, I hope you have a wonderful summer! If your travels take you to Vermont, please stop by campus. We would love to share information about the renovation projects we have in progress that include a new fitness center and new dormitory spaces for our growing student enrollment numbers. Perhaps you can spend an hour or two on a beautiful summer day at our idyllic campus where we can dream together and share stories of past, present, and future students and the role VA has played, or will play in their success.

Warm regards,

Head of School

An Invitation to Support the Vermont Academy Mission

Your unwavering support has fostered an environment of growth, discovery, and transformation for Vermont Academy students. Thank you! If you have yet to make a donation to the Annual Fund, please do so by June 30, the end of our fiscal year. We invite you to join a community of alumni, parents, faculty, and friends dedicated to supporting Vermont Academy’s mission.

Central to VA’s mission is the core belief that education extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. From the arts to athletics, from service learning to global exploration, Vermont Academy provides countless opportunities for students to pursue their passions, discover new talents, and forge lasting connections. Vermont Academy graduates engage in the world as critical thinkers and make a positive difference in the global community.

As we approach the end of the fiscal year, we invite you to join us in supporting our goal to unlock the potential within each and every student. Your donation, no matter the amount, will not only help us continue to provide transformative education to our current students, but it will also ensure that future generations of students have the opportunity to embark on their own journey of growth and discovery. Together, we can continue to cultivate a learning environment that inspires and empowers the next generation of leaders, innovators, and change-makers.

We invite you to take action now by using the QR code to the left or mailing a check using the enclosed envelope. Thank you for being part of the Wildcat Community!

VA Robotics Team at the New England FIRST District Championship

Capstone Projects Highlight Academic Careers

Senior independent research projects are a long-standing tradition at Vermont Academy and while they have taken different forms over the years, some key elements have remained constant: an area of passion and interest to explore; the support of mentors in the field; an integration of acquired knowledge plus real-world application; analytical, logical, and creative thinking used to solve problems; and a final paper and presentation.

The current iteration - the Capstone Project - was designed and initiated in the spring of 2018 by Science Faculty Member Jim Frey ‘66 and World Language Chair Laura Frey. It uses the key elements described above and adds structure and high standards to result in a rigorous academic experience. This year two students, Sofia Bianconi ’24 and Yilai “Tony” Gao ’24, chose to undertake a capstone project.

Sofia Bianconi - Cancer Treatments

Sofia’s project, titled, “What Can Blood Cancer Patients Do When They Have Exhausted All Options? Manipulating the Immune System to Treat Relapsed/ Refractory Hematologic Malignancies,” explored three types of blood cancers and discussed common treatments for each. The decision to delve into the topic stemmed from her keen interest in medicine. It also grew out of a personal experience as her mother recently underwent cellular immunotherapy for liquid malignancy lymphoma and had success with CAR T cell immunotherapy, one of the treatments Sofia presented in her project.

As part of the project, Sofia interviewed five people who have or have had cancer, and surveyed twenty more, discussing their definitions of survivorship and what it might mean to them. Through her interviews, Sofia was able to glean what life is like for patients with and after cancer. With the knowledge that transitioning to a post-cancer life can be extremely difficult, she presented a list of the long-term effects, along with options that help with the transition, such as support groups, healthcare providers, caretakers, spirituality, and support from family and friends.

At the conclusion of her presentation, an audience member asked, “How unique was it to be around patients who had these difficult experiences?” Sofia responded, “It has been so helpful to have this experience. It has given me more insight than I could have ever gotten online or through straightforward research.” Sofia will be attending Amherst College in the fall.

Sofia Bianconi ’24

Yilai “Tony” Gao - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

As the Capstone Project timeline goes, Tony Gao chose his topic during the summer, deciding to center his thesis on social science and political policy, particularly the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. When the conflict exploded in October, Tony had to adapt, altering the topic he originally intended to use and applying an additional layer of sensitivity to the subject. Throughout his presentation, he emphasized that his work was devoid of any biases, and his public-facing findings were presented in a neutral fashion.

Relying heavily on his critical thinking skills, Tony conducted a historical exploration of the subject throughout his project, titled, “Paradigm Shifts in the Middle East: How Do Historical Contexts and Contemporary Ideas Shape the Dynamics of the Current Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?”

Tony noted that a challenging facet of his project was that there are decades worth of information to sift through. His solution was to synthesize this information into chronological order, starting with the emergence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and filtering the information from that point on into a timeline. Tony used four original illustrations to explain the origin of the conflict, dating back to the beginning of the Ottoman Empire.

Tony plans to continue his work by studying public affairs in college. “I was born and raised in China, and it can be hard for others to understand what is happening there,” he shared. “We need policymakers to effect change.” In future research, Tony seeks to use an interdisciplinary approach to explore how global superpowers have historically influenced policies in the Middle East and how they have changed with the global power structure. Additionally, he intends to examine the social structure of Israel and Palestine, including social class, political divisions, public opinion, and diplomatic history, and how these factors affect the peace process. Tony will be attending the University of Toronto in the fall.

Attendees at the presentations noted how inspiring it was to see Vermont Academy students exploring such vital topics. Congratulations to Sofia and Tony for successfully completing their Capstone Projects and we look forward to seeing the Class of 2025 Capstone Project participants present their work in May 2025!

Yilai “Tony” Gao ’24

Commencement 2024

On a sunny day in May, our community, the graduating class of 2024, and their families and friends gathered on South Lawn for the One Hundred and Fortieth Commencement Ceremony. The joyous celebration was a tribute to the hard work the students put in during their time at VA.

Students Receive President’s Volunteer Service Award

This year, Vermont Academy students completed 3,564 hours of community service and seven students received the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA).

The PVSA was founded in 2003 to recognize the importance of volunteer work in the United States. Eligible service denotes unpaid acts of volunteer service benefiting others. The award recognizes U.S. citizens who positively impact communities and encourage others to do the same through their work. Recipients are honored with a personalized certificate of achievement, a letter signed by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and a commemorative pin.

The following students earned this honor this year:


Destiny McKinley ’26, 165 hours

Dane Mulverhill ’24, 251 hours

Sydney Shaw ’25, 320 hours


Ana Hernandez-Merkle ’25, 130 hours

Suzanna Lambert ’25, 150 hours

Lola Rothschild ’25, 100 hours

Lucas Sinacola ’25, 110 hours

Vermont Academy has an active community service program that requires each student to complete 10 hours of community service every year. Community service projects included local clean-ups, food waste reduction efforts, Cardz for Kidz, the Keene International Festival, Zooniverse research projects, and more.

Please join us in congratulating all of our students for the impact they have made in their community.

New Leadership on the Administrative Team

This summer, Vermont Academy will be welcoming two new key members of our leadership team: our next Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer, and our Director of Vermont Academy at Mount Snow.

New CFO/COO Vincent “Butch” Schuck is no stranger to VA, having attended Vermont Academy and graduated in 1994. He is the fourth of his siblings to attend, and his first job out of college was working at VA in a residential life role.

“Returning to Vermont Academy, where both my educational and professional journeys began, is both exciting and deeply meaningful,” he shared. “I’m eager to approach this role with fresh perspectives, leveraging my cumulative experiences to contribute to the school’s ongoing success and vibrant community.”

Butch earned his B.A. in history from Keene State College and his M.B.A. from the University of New Hampshire.

Coming to us from Holy Trinity School in Laconia, NH, Butch has a robust resume, having previously served in the Marine Corps, and held a role as COO of an insurance company.

“I am most excited about collaborating with the talented people I met during the interview process,” Butch shared. “My goal is to build on the existing strategic plan and discover new opportunities that will ensure the school fulfills its mission and allows every member of the VA community to thrive.”

Our current CFO/COO Matt Emsley will be assisting Butch in his transition into this new role. We are grateful to Matt for not only his service to VA but also his willingness to aid Butch in getting settled into our community.

The first thing Butch plans to do upon his return to campus is to take his wife and their son Andrew, an incoming VA ninth grader, and their Vizsla, Brick, for a run to explore the extensive trails around campus and the arboretum. “This will be a wonderful way for us to reintegrate into the VA community and its surroundings.”

“My goal is to build on the existing strategic plan and discover new opportunities that will ensure the school fulfills its mission and allows every member of the VA community to thrive.”

— Butch Schuck ’94

Butch Schuck

Ben Gardner, our Director of Vermont Academy at Mount Snow, joins VA from Colorado’s Telluride Mountain School where he served as Director of Winter Sports. During his time there, he taught science and mathematics, served as director of lower school student life, and led experiential educational trips with curricular ties to geology, ecology, and cultural studies. Additionally, he developed the school’s “Genius Hour,”a program focused on student-led learning to solve real-world problems and build 21st-century skills.

An experienced educator and leader, Ben is passionate about creating a community and culture that reflects VA core values such as respect, integrity, love of learning, and outdoor stewardship. He is enthusiastic about being a lifelong learner, staying current on best practices and new ideas, and gaining a deeper understanding of how to support human interactions with the natural world.

“I couldn’t be more excited to join the already amazing team at Vermont Academy at Mount Snow. Becoming the director is a dream come true for me,” said Ben. “I am deeply grateful and excited to have the opportunity to bring my vision to an already strong program.”

Ben is a veteran of the world of mountain sports and education, making him a great fit for his new role. At Telluride, his mountain experience was extensive- including seven years of freeride/ freestyle snowboard and ski coaching, six years of leading backcountry ski trips, and teaching avalanche education. In addition, he developed and implemented the Telluride Mountain School Ski Physical Education program that supported their mission.

“I am approaching this position with an eagerness to collaborate with everyone and a guarantee that I will put in the hard work necessary to help Vermont Academy at Mount Snow reach new heights.”
— Ben Gardner

Ben earned his B.A. in Geology at Colorado College, and his M.A. in Educational Psychology at the University of Colorado Denver. He is no stranger to the East Coast, or to independent school life, having spent his high school years at Holderness School in Plymouth, NH.

“I am approaching this position with an eagerness to collaborate with everyone and a guarantee that I will put in the hard work necessary to help Vermont Academy at Mount Snow reach new heights,” he shared. “I love building community and creating events that help bring people together in a meaningful way. I can’t wait to arrive in Vermont and begin dreaming with colleagues about what Vermont Academy at Mount Snow can and will be.”

Welcome, Butch and Ben!

Ben Gardner

Vermont Academy Artists Shine in Culminating Shows

On the first weekend in May, as part of the annual Spring Arts Weekend, Vermont Academy celebrated the talented members of this year’s graduating class who chose to register for advanced art and music classes as part of their final year curriculum.

Honors Advanced Art is taught by long-time faculty member and Visual Arts Department Chair Lisa Eckhardt McNealus ’79, P ‘14. The class is open to seniors and post-graduates and is known for its rigor. Throughout the year, students create projects that reflect art history, closely study an artist of their choice, and ultimately study independently to prepare a year-end show.

This year, a record ten students enrolled in the course and delighted the VA community and the general public with an exhibition of their work at locations throughout campus. These students were Cole Allen, Sofia Bianconi, Tony Gao, Mac Knisley, Abby Mellen, Dane Mulverhill, Khiêm Nguyen, Sydney Palmiotto, Pinky Rasmussen, and Bowen Xiao.

Selected works are presented here.

Dane Mulverhill
Yilai “Tony” Gao
Abby Mellen
Sydney Palmiotto

Similar to Honors Advanced Art, Advanced Music is only offered to members of the graduating class. This full-year course allows students to pursue their individual performance, technical, or compositional goals, and to develop the skills and repertoire necessary to gain acceptance to college music programs or pursuits of similar stature. This course is led by Performing Arts Chair Steve Cady.

Zoe Jacobs, the sole student in the course, presented the writing, producing, and singing process of her EP. “I learned to pull certain words that helped me articulate how I was feeling, and how to make the songs sound fuller through the music theory taught by Mr. Cady,” she shared. Zoe will be continuing her musical career next year as a student at the New York University (NYU) Tisch School of the Arts.

We congratulate the artists of the Class of 2024 for finishing their creative career at VA. They are leaving a lasting impression on our community with their talents.

Khiêm Nguyen
Zoe Jacobs

P.O. Box 500 Saxtons River VT 05154

Upcoming Vermont Academy Events

San Francisco Brunch

July 14, 2024 | 11 a.m.

Enjoy an intimate brunch with Head of School Dr. Jennifer L. Zaccara and Director of Advancement Tonia Fleming P ’18 at the Laurel Court Restaurant & Bar.

More information:

Bob Harrington Golf Classic

July 26, 2024 | 10 a.m. shotgun

Hit the links for a day at the Brattleboro Country Club during this fundraiser for the Harrington Scholarship. More information:

Upper Valley VT/NH Reception

September 12, 2024 | 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Join Head of School Dr. Jennifer L. Zaccara and former Headmaster Mike Choukas ’46 for refreshments and quality time with fellow Vermont Academy community members. More information:


Fall Alumni Day at

October 2024

Gather on Vermont Academy’s picturesque campus to enjoy a cookout lunch while taking in the colors of autumn. More information:

Burlington, VT Reception

November 19, 2024 | 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Gather for an evening of art and camaraderie as we dive into the Jane Kent exhibit at the BCA Center in Burlington, VT. More information:

Scan the code to view all upcoming Alumni events!

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