TrainGermanShepherd.Net EPISODE 2 “Is it Necessary to Train German Shepherd Puppies? German Shepherd Puppies?
German German shepherds shepherds are different from all other dogs. h d
They are not only more agile Th l il and intelligent but also and intelligent but also wilder than other dogs.
German Shepherds follow the Alpha German Shepherds follow the Alpha culture of wolves. They believe and work with the principles of a pack.
There is an alpha dog and a beta and a beta dog for every pack.
For him to obey For him to obey you, you must you, you must claim the position of Al h Alpha.
It's advisable to go about it It's advisable to go about it the the tough way because they often try tough way because they often try to claim your Alpha position.
It is therefore preferable to use the It is therefore preferable to use the carrot and stick method.
You need to be cautious but not harsh.
Make sure that your little pup gets treated as the Beta dog.
Make him feel that he's in a position M k hi f l th t h ' i iti of authority but also make sure he of authority but also make sure he obeys your commands.
Train your puppy right Train your puppy right away y because it gets g really difficult to train an adult German Shepherd. d l h h d
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