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Prepping for Back-to-School

Here are a few different ways that you can prep for backto-school in the traditional classroom or under virtual learning


Article By Alexis Murray

Going back to school can either be a joyful time or a draining one—depending on the individual. Some are excited to see what the new school year has to bring—where it’s new experiences, new friends, or new opportunities. Grade school kids may be excited to see their friends or a new backpack, college students can be excited to leave their hometown again, and grad school students could be excited for deeper knowledge in their chosen field. Some also are drained about the new school year approaching because of endless homework, study hours and tests. But, with the COVID-19 pandemic still in full effect, one might just not know what to look forward to.

As unforeseen circumstances unfold, it is a smart idea to prepare for back-to-school in person and online.

Traditional Classroom

School grounds and campuses will have a definite and unrealistic shift as teachers and administration try to keep students safe. The mere benefit of in-classroom teaching is that students can gain more understanding of their school work as they are face-to-face with teachers. Another benefit would be the socialization aspect. After months of quarantining and ending the school year early, students are eager to socialize and interact with peers—especially grade school students. This can also help the mental health of students who struggle to be alone or feel isolated at home.

Although times are not normal, normalcy for students can ease their minds and provide more clarity and support to complete their assignments. School systems can offer more cleaning supplies (wipes, gloves, etc.) and masks to make sure everyone is staying safe and teachers can enforce or set up classrooms so everyone can stay socially distanced.

Virtual Learning

While in-person learning has some benefits, e-learning does as well. As some would say, taking classes online might possibly be the safest way for children to continue education during this time. With online classes, students are able to complete their assignments anytime of the day (within a professor’s given time limit) and their health would not be at risk. For many students, especially col lege students, the flexibility of online classes will provide them more time to for jobs or internships.

Some teachers are also more attentive and available since it can be harder to teach online—with video calls through companies such as Zoom, Skype or Blue Jeans, teachers are more receptive to extensive teaching and office hours. Documentation is another aspect that can be very beneficial. Everything will be submitted online which makes it easier for many teachers to keep track of assignments instead of handling multiple papers for students. Online classes cause also provide a sense of ease because students will not be worried if their health is at risk (which will not allow them to focus) and the environment will not be as intense and structured. As stated above, comfortability will be the most important aspect when it comes to online learning. Not only can one be in the comfort of their home. But also, comfortable knowing that their health is not at risk. It is important to be prepared to have the best online learning Experience.

In Classroom:

Paper Pencils/Pens Bag/Backpack Laptop (optional; especially needed for college/ graduate students) Planner Notebooks Binders Masks Disinfected wipes


Laptop or computer (or electronic device that allows one to complete assignments) Wi-fi connection/Internet Access A quiet study area Comfortable seating Printer (optional; only if needed) Earphones Planner/Calendar Traditional school supplies (ruler, pens/ pencils, paper, etc.) Basic Software (Microsoft Office, Adobe, etc.)

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