Shakeology recipe guide

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Shakeol ogyi smuchmor et hanyouraver agemealr epl acement .Over al lst abl eheal t h i st hekeybenef i tofShakeol ogy .Themealr epl acementshakesassi styourbody’ s syst emswi t habsor bi ngt hepr opernut r i ent snecessar yf orgoodheal t handdi seasepr event i on.I naddi t i ont ot hedi gest i vei mpr ovement st heshakespr ovi de,t her ear emany ot herbenef i t sofi ncor por at i ngShakeol ogyshakesi nt oyourdai l ydi et–i ncl udi ng ant i depr essantbenef i t s. Shakeol ogyshakesar emadewi t hapr opr i et ar ybl endofhi ghl ynut r i t i ousvi t ami nsand mi ner al st hatf unct i ont oget hert oi ncr easeyourover al lheal t handpr ovi dest hef ol l owi ngessent i alheal t hbenef i t s: * I mpr ovesdi gest i veheal t h * I mpr ovesbowelr egul ar i t y * Lower sover al lchol est er olaswel lasbadchol est er ol * El i mi nat eshar mf ulbui l dupoft oxi ns * Pr event si nt er naldamagef r om f r eer adi cal si nt heenvi r onmentcausi ng di seaseandheal t hcompl i cat i ons * Ai dsi nef f ect i vewei ghtl ossandr educt i onofst or edbodyf at * Boost sdai l yener gyl evel s Shakeol ogyshakesar emadewi t hal l nat ur al ,heal t hi ngr edi ent sandcont ai nsnopr ocessedorar t i f i ci alpr oduct s.Shakescansuccessf ul l yr epl aceupt ot womeal sadayt o ai di ncl eansi ngt hebodyandpr omot i ngheal t hywei ghtl oss.Shakeol ogymealr epl acementshakesar eal so100% caf f ei nef r eeandcanbeaheal t hyaddi t i ont oaveget ar i an di et . Shakeol ogyshakesar eanef f ect i vewayt oensur eyourbodyi sr ecei vi ngt heessent i al vi t ami nsandmi ner al snecessar yi noneconveni entdr i nk.I ti spackagedf oront hego i ndi vi dual swhoot her wi sedonoteataheal t hydi etdur i ngbusydays.I naddi t i ont oa mealr epl acementopt i on,Shakeol ogyshakescanal sobeat ast ydai l ysnackf ul lof enoughheal t hy ,nut r i t i ousi ngr edi ent st okeepyourbodyf i tont hei nsi de.Theheal t h benef i t sofShakeol ogyshakesar enumer ousandcanbeconsumedbyanyonel ooki ng t oi mpr ovet hei rheal t hespeci al l yt hoset aki ngr egul armedi cat i on.Theshakeshel pt o i ncr easeyourbody’ sabi l i t yt oabsor bkeynut r i ent swhi chi snecessar ywhent aki ng cer t ai nmedi cat i ons.

1ScoopChocol at eShakeol ogy 8oz.Al mondMi l k 1Banana 2Tbsp.Nat ur alPeanutBut t er 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopChocol at eShakeol ogy 4oz.Al mondMi l k 8oz.Col dCof f ee 2Tbsp.Nat ur alCar amel 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopChocol at eShakeol ogy 10oz.Al mondorCoconutMi l k 1/ 8t spVani l l aExt r act 1/ 4t spCoconutExt r act 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopChocol at eShakeol ogy 10oz.Or angeJui ce 1/ 4CupCot t ageCheese 1/ 8t spVani l l aorAl mondExt r act 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopChocol at eShakeol ogy 10oz.Al mondMi l k 1Banana 1/ 2CupFr eshorFr ozenSt r awber r yHal ves 1/ 8t spVani l l aorAl mondExt r act 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopTr opi calSt r awber r yShakeol ogy 10oz.Al mondMi l k 1Banana 1/ 4CupFr eshorFr ozenSt r awber r yHal ves 1/ 4CupFr eshorFr ozenBl ueber r i es 1TbsPl ai nGr eekYogur t 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopTr opi calSt r awber r yShakeol ogy 10oz.Wat er 1TbsFr eshLi meJui ce 2TbspChoppedFr eshMi ntLeaves 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopTr opi calSt r awber r yShakeol ogy 10oz.Or angeJui ce 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopVani l l aShakeol ogy 12oz.Pi neappl eJui ce 1/ 2CupPi neappl eChunks 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopVani l l aShakeol ogy 1Or ange( peel ed& sl i ced) 3/ 4CupWat er 1/ 2CupAl mondMi l k 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopVani l l aShakeol ogy 1/ 2CupUnsweet enedAppl esauce 1t spci nnamon 1/ 2CupAl mondMi l k 3/ 4CupWat er 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopVani l l aShakeol ogy 1Cupcol dFr enchVani l l aCof f ee 1/ 2CupAl mondMi l k 1t spPur eMapl eSyr up 1CupI ceandBl end

1ScoopVani l l aShakeol ogy 1/ 2CupAl mondMi l k 3/ 4CupCol dWat er 1/ 2t spCi nnamon 1/ 2Gr aham Cr acker 1CupI ceandBl end

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