Internet Marketing Mommy Society Endorses Kimberly Jessy Companies According to - Internet Marketing Supagirl Shawna Singer joins forces with the one and Only Kimberly Celebritypreneur Jessy! Upon working with Kimberly Jessy Shawna has obtained several new clients, went further into profit mode, enhanced her brand and has been exposed to Million Dollar Experts and new ways of doing her business! Shawna singer offers, high alexa ranking bloggings services, video marketing, web design, and graphic design for her clients. Shawna and Kimberly discusses the power of having a strong web presence, the power of blogging on a blog system that is already high on Alexa Ranking and beating the dead beat nobody is reading my blog or my blog is lost in cyber space brick wall most bloggers face! Kimberly discusses being an Internet Celebrity and why it is going to add to your bottom line! Kimberly says if your not seen, how can you possibly be heard? Kimberly Jessy is A Stand Out Expert that teaches "Stand Out From the crowd and be the Star of Your Life & Business". Kimberly Jessy's Celebritypreneur(TM) Brand helps clients brand their businesses in ways so that they can get Celebrity Clientele. Celebritypreneur's(TM) Motto is. What feeling does a Customer or Potential Customer Get when they look at YOUR BRAND? Does it really represent who you are? Or better yet, does it represent the "Feeling" THE Person want's to have doing business with you! Want to Sharpen Your Business Image? Want to build a Celebrity Business from the Ground up? Want to learn the essential keys needed in order to be considered a REAL CELEBRITY BRAND? Want to be the brand the TV Hosts & Journalist go to? Want to Create your own Magazine Site? Want to learn how to contact Celebrities? Easily? Want to learn how to put on an Event and Invite Celebs? STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD AND BECOME THE "STAR BRAND" IN YOUR NICHE! If you don't stand out from the crowd you DON'T STAND A CHANCE IN YOUR BUSINESS!! Kimberly Jessy Companies runs an International Online Publicity Boutique specializing in Online Publicity, Online Marketing, and Branding. Kimberly Jessy Companies has several mega brands, including, Paper Doll Branding(TM), Doll Phace Press(TM), Once Upon A Story Book Publishing(TM),
Glamourpreneur(TM) and more. Kimberly Jessy has been dubbed "The Lady Gaga of "Marketing & Branding" Kimberly Jessy is a "STAND OUT EXPERT" that teaches: Flamboyant Marketing, That Attracts, Intrigues, & Inspires ~STAND OUT & Be the Celebrity In Your Niche .. Kimberly Changes Lives. The Proof is there!! This client is LIVING what Kimberly Jessy Bowles Taught her! Photo: Photo: What do you think of this story? Select one of the options below. Your feedback will help tell CNN producers what to do with this iReport. If you'd like, you can explain your choice in the comments below. Be and editor! Choose an option below: