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President’s Letter
Welcome to UniSA for 2023. Welcome to all new students joining for the first time in 2023, and welcome back to those returning for another year. The last couple of years have been unusual for everyone; things have changed a lot, whether you were studying at Uni, finishing high school or taking a not-so-normal gap year. 2023 will be distinctly different. The unknown about exactly how the year will play out is the scariest and most exciting part about studying in 2023.
When I started University in 2020, the year began much like any other. Though 3 weeks in, the pandemic hit for the first time. Since I was elected as student President in 2022, I have been driven to reconnect students here at UniSAreconnecting with services, reconnecting with one another, and reconnecting with a sense of purpose.
At the UniSA Student Association (USASA), we empower you to help shape your university journey. Our new student board is driven and ready to tackle the year’s challenges. There will be many opportunities and challenges in the year ahead. Whether it’s joining clubs and meeting new friends, participating in fun events, seeking help with study, finding an inclusive and welcoming community of peers or turning your vision into a reality - through it all, at USASA, we’re here for you.
Ngaityalya (Thank you) (Nai-chal-ya)
Isaac Solomon