Shower Wall Porcelain

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Tub and Shower Porcelain Large Panels USA Office: Canada Office: 501 Silverside Rd OMB #384 Wimington, DE-19809, +1 (302) 690 2334 34 Minowan, Miikan Lane Toronto, ON-M6J0G3, +1 (209) 898 3506 SALES@VERTEXFURNITURELLC.COM GET IN TOUCH

Smooth and sultry, the stylish Romance Porcelain Slab Collection provides the elegance of natural stone with the artfulness of porcelain. Cool, neutral tones and a sleek polished finish add elements of sophistication and complement a range of design styles. Ideal for indoor and outdoor applications, revitalize floors, walls, tub surrounds, facades, countertops, and more with these stylish porcelain panels. Available in two colors, Glacier Pearl and Glacier Statuary, Romance can turn your space into something you love.

Technical I nformation

Primar y Colors : White Cool

Material T yp e : Por c elain

F inish : Polished

I nstallation

1/8" Gro u t Si z e is re c ommended on all tile installation. All fl oor and wall a pp li c ations re q u ires a li pp age p revention s y stem (leveling s p a c er).

Please note this p rod uc t is onl y sold in sets of 4.

D isclaimer : Wet Cutting Instruction: We re c ommend wet cu tting or the s c ore & sna p method d u ring the installation p ro c ess. Do not dr y cu t p rod uc t u sing p ower tools d u ring the installation p ro c ess. Im p ro p er installation te c hni q u es c o u ld e x p ose installer to harmf u l sili c a d u st.

Variation in shade is an inherent attrib u te of p or c elain tile. To ens u re cu stomer satisfa c tion : Make s u re to look over all tiles before installing. Please sele c t tile from same lot : same si z e, and n u meri c al shade. Inters p erse tiles thro u gho u t y o u r j ob from di ff erent bo x es. Rotate the tiles so there won t be re p etitive p atterns.

No c laims a cc e p ted after tile installation.

Features At A G lance

Available in two c olors, Gla c ier Pearl and Gla c ier Stat u ar y

Ideal for indoor and o u tdoor a pp li c ations

Ne u tral tones and a sleek p olished fi nish add elements of so p histi c ation and c om p lement

Large format tiles : It ismandator y that the mortar c overage on the fl oor s u rfa c e and tile be greater than 95% c overage to be f u ll y s upp orted. Voids d u e t o ins u ffi c ient c overage will res u lt in c ra c king and tile dis p la c ement.

Tub and Shower Porcelain Large Panels USA Office: Canada Office: 501 Silverside Rd OMB #384 Wimington, DE-19809, +1 (302) 690 2334 34 Minowan, Miikan Lane Toronto, ON-M6J0G3, +1 (209) 898 3506 SALES@VERTEXFURNITURELLC.COM GET IN TOUCH 32X64 Polished 3/8" NGLACPEA3264P-SET NGLACSTA3264P-SET 32X96 Polished 3/8" NGLACPEA3296P-SET NGLACSTA3296P-SET Size Thickness STATUARY PEARL RESIDENTIAL LIGHT COMMERCIAL III V3 <0.42 Resistant >275 lbf <0.5% 7 IV Resistant HEAVY
Application Flooring Count ertop wall PEI Rating Variation COF Freeze/ Thaw Breaking Strength Water Absorp tion Hard ness Abrasion Resis tance Chemical Resistance

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