Factors Influencing Incoming Freshmen to Take up Architecture

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MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of Architecture, Industrial Design, and Built Environment


AR290 - Research Methods and Statistics



June 30, 2014


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006




THE RESEARCH PROBLEM ………………………………………2 1.1

Background …………………………………………………………………3


Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………...3


Theoretical / Conceptual Framework of the Study …………………………3


Research Goals and Objectives ……………………………………………..3







Note: Timetable, Budget & Bibliography are no longer included in this submission as Instructed.


CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………28


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006






A good preparation before enrolling in the BS Architecture Course is the right decision or choice for that certain college course. This preparation starts with students graduating from secondary schools. Influences to these graduates usually affects such decision and is an important consideration in the enrolment campaign of architecture schools be it thru a Career Guidance and Orientation of by others means to reach public awareness of the course and the Architecture profession as a whole. Scenes during enrolment shows a bulk of enrollees in the freshman. The 2nd year up to the 4th year shows a bloated-baloon illustration representing the so called “irregulars”. These irregulars are students who failed in their subjects and encounters problems in pre-requisites and schedule. Another scene shows the terminal year, the 5th year where only a few reached such most esteemed landing of the architecture curriculum ladder. Here can be seen a small cone-like representing the students who ends up to the Bachelor Degree in Architecture Graduation rites. The period of the “irregulars” is considered as the period of disillusion, a temptation to retreat to those students who has a weak back-up or support from families and a “fightingback” period for those students who are blessed with a strong encouragement from their love ones. Many students review their choice of course or that field of study. Those who had definite stand for their choice of the course makes their last kick to excel and go back to the row of regular students but those who had weak foundation on their choice of the course tends to shift to other courses.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


This trend which is already an accepted routine in most architecture schools should be taken attention to as it affects not just the students but also the parents, the school and the

generation of these young adults. Tendencies are when these young adults finally drops off, they ends up “ out of school� where our society does not want to happen. With so many conditions affecting this concern, this research had focused on the very first consideration. The state of mind of the incoming freshmen as influenced by the society. In this research, the identification of these influences shall be done and instruments such as Survey, Interviews and Observation will justify that Influences to the freshmen plays a vital role in determining their choice of the Course that may lead to success when they finish the BS Architecture Degree or failure when eventually stop schooling or shift to other courses.



This research shall identify if what are the factors that influences the incoming freshmen to take up Architecture which is a useful tool for the Career Guidance. Some of the assumptions to these says that students who has Architects as their nearest kin or family are most likely to finish studying because of the direct support students avail. These supports are not just moral but in a practical scenario is the technical support. Another assumption is, that the publicity of Architecture profession performance thru the internet such as but not limited to the websites, blogs and social media had moulded the minds of the incoming freshman to venture enrolling in the course without any family or nearest kin intervention. The evident dollar earners abroad which constitute a big architecture community had also been a strong influence regardless of the enrollee has knowledge or background of what the of the course is all about or not. But the dilemma poses when these are already admitted in architecture schools. School performances now distinguishes the student who has in inborn talent, the student who was just told by parents to be an Architect


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


so he can work abroad, the student who was just told by the family of architects to be an architect too for the Clan to flourish and the confused student who just marvel at the architecture works thru the net and wonder if he too, can make it. The Career Guidance as provided by the schools and even performed by parents has to know these factors that influences the incoming freshman as their checkvalves and once identified, can be strengthened, to guide more enrollee to finish the course.



This research shall justify the following : Students who has families or nearest kin who is also an architect, most likely enrolls BS Architecture. Students who see themselves having an inborn talent enrolls BS Architecture. The loud publicity in the internet of the architecture profession encourages more enrollees to the course. This type of research is identified as Correlational in nature. It shall present the environment of the incoming freshmen as the “cause” and the decision of the students to enroll as the “action” .



The GOAL of this research is for the academe to make it self clear in terms of right admission of applicants for enrolment specifically in BS Architecture. This starts from the preparation of the mindset of the incoming freshmen in their choice of the course which is dictated by the influences around him. Identifying these factors that influences the incoming freshmen and having an on-hand knowledge of the outcomes if these influences are considered, can help trim the bulk or irregulars in architecture schools and focus more on producing quality graduates for a competitive Architect Professional. The specific objective of this research is to know what are the Factors that influences incoming freshmen this opening of classes June 2014 at National University College of Architecture.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


This research is useful for the follow up and more expanded researches in the future in knowing more the Plight of Women in Architecture.


Is Architecture a pure Science or an Art? How does it affects admission? The Editors of the “Choose Architecture and Built Environment” of the The New Castle University in Australia had seemingly put poetry in its introduction as quoted here, “ As a child, did you look into the sky and wonder if you could build a tower to reach the clouds? Did you dream up sophisticated building designs or imagine new products to change the way we do things? If you‟ve always thought big, love challenges and wanted to help change the world, so the

degree in Architecture, construction management or industrial

design could be for you.” This research would like to figure out the Factors that influences the incoming freshmen to enroll in Architecture. But what really is the Basis of Admission for the schools and what really must be within the incoming freshmen to be a promising element for him to Complete the BS Architecture program in the Philippines and abroad? Peter O Adewale and Olansunmbo „Bolanle Adhuze, (2013) in their research titled, “Entry Qualifications and Academic Performance of Architecture students in Nigerian Polytechnics: Are the admission requirement still relevant?”, had investigated the relationship between the entry requirements versus the performance of students in Nigeria and found out that there is a weak relationship between the two variables (physics and mathematics). This is contrary to the expectations of most scholars and policy makers who opine that student‟s proficiency in these subjects would enhance their performance at higher levels. The paper traces the contradiction to the poor handling of public examinations and misconception of architecture as being pure science. It holds that if these requirements are still relied upon for the admission of students into schools of architecture, wrong candidates


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


would continue to gain entry into the profession. The paper concludes by recommending certain measures that are capable of reversing the trend. In the Philippines, it is customary to build a Clan of Same profession and that dictates the decision of incoming freshman. Together with it is the belief that an inborn talent to draw and conceptualize the artistic way is an advantage if you enroll in architecture. In the same paper is stated, “ Architectural Design, a distinct and vital aspect of architecture, has been described as a problem-solving activity that seeks to develop satisfactory solution into accommodation problems. Problem itself, which is a matter or situation of specific skills that facilitate application of knowledge ha has on a wide variety of issues and methods. Architect needs graphical communication skill such as drawing and a variety of other skills associated with model-making, printing, photography and graphic arts to effectively communicate his ideas to his clients and other members of the construction team.” There is a point to linger on in this conclusion by Adewale and Adhuze in the phrases of Vitruvius ( 1914) that shows the fundamental need for this multidisciplinary approach to architectural education is his description of the essential qualities of the architect saying: “ Let him ( the Architect) be educated, skillful with the pencil, instructed in geometry, know much history, have followed the philosophers with attention, understand music, have some knowledge of medicine, know the opinion of the jurists and be acquainted with astronomy and the theory of heavens” Consequently, the researchers said, all schools of architecture the world over devote one large part of architectural education to transmitting knowledge and problem-solving methods, and the other to the development of appropriate skills.

Is gender an Issue in Architecture ? A gender sensitive issue had been a clamour worldwide in line with courses considered maledominated like Architecture. This can be an impression or this can be a fact. But why there are less women in the success ladder of the profession? Why there are less women‟s name published in the Philippine publications, Internet postings and press releases? A little


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


impressive are the number of women in the international arena like Zaha Hadid and others and the more than 50% of female students nowadays seen in the classrooms in the Philippine Architecture Schools. Still, this is created a question. “Many people think architects are mostly men. Its true that traditionally there are more male architects than females but today‟s women are turning this tradition around! These days, there are thousands of professional female architects with career they love – a job they find intellectually and creatively stimulating and challenging. Employers have discovered women are a dynamic addition to the architecture world because they contribute another mindset to a traditional male dominant field and are able to tackle challenges from a different perspective.” , excerpts from the Editors of Choose Architecture and Built Environment; ( 2012) The New Castle University, Australia. Why do women leave architecture? was a study conducted by Ann de Graft-Johnson, Sandra Manley and Clara Greed of the University of the West England, Bristol, May 2013 that had shown the phases of the move of women towards equality for women in the world.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006

Stolen Shots of

the students of Arch Ma. Elena Lamasan


at National University,

Department of Architecture. A Classroom Simulation using Styrofoam in the Topic: Wood and Wood Joinery. The photo shows almost 50% of this 2nd Year students are female.

The research findings shows that there are those graduates of architecture program who did not ended up working on architectural practice but had ended up with the following:            

Teaching English in Japan An access Consultant Working I a Hospital as a Client‟s Representative Working in the property section of a bank On maternity leave Running a Home Improvement Agency Specialist as Roofing Contractor Architectural Publishing Landscape Architect Research and Development in an Architect‟s Office Left Architectural Practice because of Childcare Responsibilities Has problem in finding work related to Architecture.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


The study had touched on topic on Culture whether if it affects the women in the profession. In the preceeding paragraphs taken from the mentioned research, it only talks about women who are already graduated and are at present in the professional playing field.

Excerpts: “Does the culture of the profession remain in a paradigm that sees women as inherently inferior in terms of capability as architects and thus in need of protection? The short answer to this is yes. Again evidence shows that women, particularly after career breaks as equals. Their work is often sidelined or compartmentalised. They may be treated as people in need of protection or on the other hand disregarded or demeaned. It is very worrying that reports from some schools of architecture indicate that the treatment of women


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


does not bear close scrutiny. Universities should be leading the way in changing attitudes and culture of the profession to accommodate diversity. Popular debate about the differences between the male and female brain has reinforced stereotypical attitudes towards gendered ability and skill. Assessment of actual ability should always be made on an individual basis and not by group sample. These attitudes in many cases have prevented women from realizing their potential and in the future may deter from joining the profession. Even during the course of this project instead instead of focusing on the real reasons why women leave the profession the media in particular have dwelt on the extent to which women are capable of becoming architects in terms of 3D visualization skills. There is a feedback to indicate that women out perform men in schools of architecture and it is evident that many women have the visual and other skills necessary for the profession. This should be recognized and the capability of women architects celebrated through raising the profile of their work. “


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


The research done by the University of West England shows that the summary of reasons of women leaving architecture is the accumulation and drip drip of their negative experiences rather than one single overriding issue which leads to frustration, disillusionment and eventual departure. To recall the Objectives of this research which states No.1, To avoid future problem in the student life in terms of wrong choice of College Freshmen in Career Path during enrolment, these results of the West England College shows us the terminal scenario. It maybe that the choice was so wise during the Freshmen Enrolment but as the student which later becomes an Architecture Graduate becomes a Registered and Licensed Professional ( RLA) problems had posed in her way and made her one of those who left architecture in the course of time.

Selective Retention Policy (SRP) Architecture Schools had resorted to the so called SRP or the Selective Retention Policy to give attention and remedy if not totally regularized Probationary or irregulars in the middle part of the course. This usually happens in the 2 nd semester of the First Year until the 5th year. As this was mentioned in the first part of this research, the author has chosen to show the Article, “The Profile of FEU Students Under the Selective Retention Policy (SRP) for Academic Year 2011-2012 and its Impact on their Academic Performance” of the Far Eastern University, Research Digest Volume 1, Issue 2. Here, it is stated that the absences due to health reasons and the Lack of time management is on the top list. Another reason is superior IQ level which is contrary to the belief that students in the SRP might be having poor „IQ” level. In relating to the bloated number of architecture students considered as irregular students, when superior IQ is within them, this may mean the period of being irregular students is a period of moonlighting, still on the


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


process of deciding to proceed completing the course and become Architects or to shift to other courses. Based from the List of Findings with the SRP in FEU, the following conclusions were drawn. 1. Fifty-two percent (52%) of the participants undergoing the said program were lifted from the probationary standing. Hence, the SRP activities under STAR Program is said to be beneficial to students. 2. The absence of both parents due to work plays a vital role in the academic performance of the students under the Selective Retention Policy of the University. 3. Absenteeism is the primary factor that leads to the failing of their subjects. SRP students missed a lot of chances to learn and acquire necessary skills needed to pass their subjects, thus, resulting to failure, 4. More than half of the student population under the SRP belong to the “Superior” IQ level. This means that they have the capability and intelligence needed to make it to the top but due to some factors affecting them, they are not able to perform well in their studies. FEU recommended in this study the need for an extra academic help coming from their same age group. Peer Tutoring will be beneficial for SRP Students. The extra effort of help from the parents is vital. In this scenario, there is a second thought on why there is a Superior IQ that forms part of the SRP in FEU. Upon thorough correlations of related literature, these factor maybe address to the weak choice of course. There might be some ineffective factors that influenced the College Freshman during the enrolment period. In a way, the agonizing SRP period serves as a moment of second decision for a choice of course.

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research tool maximized is the web-based survey thru Google, ( submitted herewith is the Link of the Live Questionaire and Survey Result) it‟s a questionnaire to examine if what are the factors that influences the incoming architecture students to take up Architecture at National University. It‟s a survey conducted not just to incoming freshman but at least to 50 students of each of the four school years of 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14. The survey was done between June 5 up to June 15, 2014.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


Both the Quantitative and Qualitative processes were used to derive results. Though it had made only a Google Survey as its prime tool, the respondents had shared in the school campus their views thru an informal interview with the author. They reinforced their explaination on the Answer No 5 ( other reasons why you decided to study Architecture). Thru the Google Survey sent to 50 students thru their Facebook Accounts, 41 had responded. There were 22 Male respondents and 19 Female respondents. The evident Variables considered were AGES, SEX, YEAR OF ENROLMENT, REASONS WHY THEY STUDIED ARCHITECTURE. THE LOCATIONS OF THE HIGH SCHOOL WHERE THEY GRADUATED FROM is also of significance in the determination whether Mass Media as an Advertisement Toll by the University is handicapped or effective in other parts of the country. These were the basis of recommendations.

The Questionaire covers the Participants necessary data including the year they enrolled in the Department of Architecture. The decision of considering the last four years is to see if there is a difference in the years when the Social media and the Internet Publications were used as an Advertisement Tools by the school compared to, when this was not used four years ago. The survey in a checkbox format facilitates easy and fast ticking of the answers. It focussed on the two major question. One, the Factors that influences the student to take up Architecture and two, how did they came to know BS Architecture as a Course. Each question row is provided with a Paragraph Box for the respondent to express more of their sentiments or to say more of what they wanted to add to their checkbox answer. This box for the paragraph answer is intended to gather a Qualitative Result.

Below is the Image of the Google Survey Form sent to Students thru their Facebook Accounts.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HlKTP0AWcraoPpjR9VX43Tn6QyBzpfyySMDd_Ou1_lc/viewfor m?c=0&w=1


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006



Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006



Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006



Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006



Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006



Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006



Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006



Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006



Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006



Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006



This research derived its findings in a Quantitative and Qualitative processes. Though it had made only a Google Survey as its prime tool, the respondents had shared in the school campus their views thru an informal interview with the author. They reinforced their explaination on the Answer No 5 ( other reasons why you decided to study Architecture). Thru the Google Survey sent to 50 students thru their Facebook Accounts, 41 had responded. There were 22 Male respondents and 19 Female respondents.

The evident Variables considered were AGES, SEX, YEAR OF ENROLMENT, REASONS WHY THEY STUDIED ARCHITECTURE. THE LOCATIONS OF THE HIGH SCHOOL WHERE THEY GRADUATED FROM is also of significance in the determination whether Mass Media as an Advertisement Toll by the University is handicapped or effective in other parts of the country. These were the basis of recommendations.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


The first question asked for the complete name. The second question asked for the ages as shown in the Graph. 46% of the respondents were at age 18 years old, 27% at ages 17 years old, 15% at ages 19 years old while 7% are at ages 19 years old. Ages 16 years old and 20 Years old constitute 2 % of the respondents. These are from one School, the National University Department of Architecture.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


The reason on Dignity and Prestige to be called Architect was best chosen together with the „Other� which reflects the passion, inborn-talent felt and a more higher thinking and regard on the Architectural Profession. To the impression of the Author, these group of students surveyed were the Top 50% of the class. Most likely they answered well like an essay on the reasons why they take up Architecture. There could be more surprising result if the survey was done to the at little bit poor absentee students, it is presumed that they may answer the First and Second choice in the Question No. 7.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


The responses in Question No. 9 Where and How did you first came to know the course Architecture show almost 20% from a Friend referral, 22% thru a Career Guidance Seminar and 42% from other reasons that are sensible, mostly due to influences of family and personality. This is a good sign that respondent are sensible enough and expressive enough for their future but this is also a sign that the University must reinforce the visibility and impact of their image in Media, Website promotion and Net Exposure.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


Above is the Graph showing the Number of Daily Responses during the Survey Period June 2, 2014 up to June 7, 2014. This was the period were live survey are responded though the Questionaire remained online up to June 15, 2014.

Below is the typewritten portion of responses of Question No. 10.

Write a Short Paragraph to Explain more about What Influence you to Study Architecture. 1. My cousin is an Architect and he is the one who influence me. When I was in grade school I saw some of his works and I found those interesting. 2. I have my drawing skill and joined art organization when I was in high school. I also had drafting subject before. 3. Studying architecture influence me to learn some new and create different designs. 4. I really donâ€&#x;t like to be an architect actually, but instead to be an interior designer/Graphic Artist. But Iâ€&#x;m a 3rd year architecture from now and I found myself on this profession. 5. Because I found that im good on thinking on how I can help people for their living space. 6. When I was in high school we have our drafting subject. I had fun everytime we are doing plates. 7. I made it as an inspiration and from then I did my best to get high grades so that I can pursue the course Architecture in College.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


8. Maybe because I like to draw to learn about their stuff and I really wanted to build a house for my parents with all my hardwork as an Architect. 9. At first, I do not know anything about Architecture, I don‟t even know what Architecture means. But as I was studying Architecture, it became my dream and believing that this is distined for me. That one day, I would become one of the greatest architect that the world ever know. 10. I may lack of some things related to Architecture. But it does not stop me for pursuing my dream. And one day, I will make my parents, relatives and school be proud of me.That is my influence. 11. Since Elementary and Highschool I love to draw, since I took up the course which I can use my sort of talent in drawing and that is Architecture. 12. I was always been fascinated behind the Science of Structures even before I was Introduced to Architecture. 13. Curiosity, mostly influences me to study architecture. 14. I took up architecture because I really like this course and I want to be great architect someday. 15. I think this course suits me because designing, sketching, planning is what I want to do. 16. My dream to have a beautiful house designed by myself influenced me to study architecture. And also, I‟m a little bit confused on how does architects design beautiful houses. 17. It is due to the legacy that my dad left me when he died way back 2008. He wants me to continue his works and designs. Hence I really want also to try this course because it challenges me a lot not only in designing or modeling but also to think creatively and critically. 18. One factor that influences me to study architecture is I what to see a new, unique and beautiful designs of structures that this world can say that the structure nowadays are more beautiful and creative that the past few years. 19. I took architecture because it is inclined to arts and since my parents don‟t want me to take up fine arts, it is my brother who says that I must try this course since I love arts. 20. My father is an engineer and work together with my Mom. They are both contractor. Also my sibling took up courses which are related to my parents job. Since I‟m a kid I already know what architecture is because my father often ask me to help with their project.

5. CONCLUSION: The responses above are expressive of an individual‟s passion. Influence of the nearest kin and interest of the arts side of the Profession and the Architectural Profession as a whole. As per the personality of the respondent that the Author know so well, it shows that if the incoming freshman‟s decision is influenced by his own Curiosity and Love of the Arts , moreover when the family pushes for it. It‟s the strongest and most effective influencing factor. Most likely the influence of the Family if followed thru until the Graduate become a Board Passer and Becomes a Successful Architect.


Factors that Influences Incoming Freshman to take up Architecture MA. ELENA EVANGELISTA-LAMASAN STUDENT No. 2013490006


REFERENCES: 1. The Editors; Choose Architecture and Built Environment; ( 2012) The New Castle University, Australia http://www.newcastle.edu.au/what-can-i-study/ 2. Paul C. Cosby, Scott C. Bates; (2012); Methods in Behavioral Research; 11 th Edition; Mc GrawHill http://www.mhhe.com 3. Peter O Adewale, Olansunmbo ‘Bolanle Adhuze, (2013) Entry Qualifications and Academic Performance of Architecture students in Nigerian Polytechnics: Are the admission requirement still relevant?; Department of Architecture Technology,Nigeria; ScienceDirect http://www.elsevier.com/locate/foar 4. Ann de Graft-Johnson, Sandra Manley and Clara Greed, Faculty of Built Environment, Why do women Leave Architecture, University of West England, Bristol ( 2013) funded by RIVA

5. Z. Ozlem Parlak Bicer, (2013), I s Gender Important On Understanding Construction Course in Architectural Education?; Erciyes University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Turkey http://www.sciencedirect.com

6. Research Digest, University Counseling and Career Office, (January 2013) Volume 1, Issue 2, Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines. 7. Rick O’Bryan and Ron Severtis, Jr. , 2011-12 Entering Student First Choice Report by Indiana University Southeast.


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