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honors & ap admission CRITERIA
Because of the demands, rigor and focus of AP courses, it is important that we help students make thoughtful decisions with regard to AP classes and the Honors courses that often lead into them. The first step is establishing a thoughtful pattern of academic growth and maturity. Therefore, VES has set the following limits on the number of AP courses a student may take without seeking approval from the Associate Head of School.
Grade 9 – no AP classes (Students may apply for a waiver if they are exceptionally advanced in a subject area.)
Grade 10 – 1 (Students accelerated in math or a world language may appeal to take 2.)
Grade 11 – 3 (Students accelerated in math or a world language may appeal to take 4.)
Grade 12 – no limit
We also encourage the student, the advisor and the parents to consider the demands of Honors-level courses as they plan for and review the student’s overall schedule.
Note that most every AP course has required summer work.
To determine the student’s strong aptitude, achievement and interest in the particular subject matter, and to aid students in making thoughtful academic decisions with regard to Honors/AP coursework, the Academic Departments present the Honors/AP course options and course admission criteria listed on the following pages.