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Honors Geometry
Prerequisite: Algebra I or permission of the Department Chair
Algebra I, the introduction to mathematics at VES, is a vast world of functions, graphs and the fascinating exploration of numbers and their invaluable uses and qualities. The course seeks to develop a facility in working with numbers, variables, graphs, inequalities, tables and various equations. Particular emphasis is placed on solving word problems and reading questions carefully. This process helps build algebraic skills and strengthens the understanding of needing to solve problems in a context, rather than from drill and practice alone. Topics include the study of equations and graphs (linear and quadratic), linear data versus nonlinear data, exponents, inequalities, radicals, solving fractional equations, special products and factoring.
Prerequisite: Algebra I or permission of the Department Chair
This course is designed to integrate algebra with the foundations of geometry. Topics include, but are not limited to angles, triangle congruences, parallel lines, polygons and polyhedrons, area, volume, circles and spheres, similarity, right triangle trigonometry and transformations. Independent thinking and discovery are encouraged throughout the course, as well as the study of and defending geometric proofs. This course seeks to demonstrate math’s usefulness and encourages students to see connections to real-world problems. Problem solving, logical reasoning and critical thinking skills will be emphasized through the use of cooperative learning, manipulatives and technology.
The study of Honors Geometry encompasses far more than its definitions, postulates, and theorems. Students will consistently be challenged to reason analytically. The process of formal proof is emphasized early in the course, and direct proofs are investigated extensively. Proofs include parallel and perpendicular lines, congruent triangles, parallelograms, and geometric inequalities. Emphasis is also placed on applications. Topics include circles, right triangle trigonometry, coordinate geometry, areas, and volumes. Technology is used to model and explore the geometry presented within the course.
Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry or permission of the Department Chair
This course provides an extension of the basic algebraic concepts from Algebra I and Geometry. Students discuss, represent, and solve increasingly sophisticated problems using more advanced algebraic techniques, bringing opportunities for doing mathematics into focus. Incorporating appropriate technology, they study the properties and algebra of quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, and rational functions, systems of equations, and inequalities, and applied right triangle trigonometry. This course provides a sound understanding of basic linear, polynomial, and trigonometric functions.