GCOOS Commentary for Marine Technology Society Journal

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Opportunity Lost? Ocean Observing in the Gulf of Mexico AUTHORS Stephanie Watson Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System Regional Association Barbara Kirkpatrick Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System Regional Association and Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University Nadine Slimak Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System Regional Association and Vetted Communications, LLC


f you were asked whether new, sustained ocean observing assets were put in place in the Gulf of Mexico in the 6 years following the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill disaster, would you say yes? If so, you would be wrong. Surprising, but true. Despite the billions of dollars available from many funding sources in the post-DWH era that are to be dedicated to restoration and improved understanding of the Gulf so we can be prepared for future disasters, no money has been allocated to new, sustained observations that provide real-time or near-real-time data about the Gulf of Mexico to support these efforts. While the DWH was certainly the largest spill in our nation’s history, it was by no means the only spill. Since 1979, there have been six significant


spills and numerous smaller spills in the Gulf. During Hurricane Katrina alone, the costliest hurricane in U.S. history at $41.1 B (Insurance Information Institute, 2015), more than 146 spills were recorded; 113 offshore platforms were destroyed, and 457 pipelines were damaged. With the current level of oil and gas production in the Gulf—there are more than 4,000 oil and gas platforms in the region—and more leases expected in the future in the deep water of the United States and in Mexico, there are simply not enough tools in place that will allow us to adequately respond to another spill. On April 4, 2016, U.S. District Court Judge Carl Barbier approved an $18.7 B civil settlement in the deadly 2010 DWH disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. We must take the opportunity now to ensure that a portion of these funds are dedicated to supporting an increased understanding of the Gulf of Mexico as a whole.

Why Ocean Observations Matter Sustained real- and near-real-time observations are essential not only for operations but also for longer-term restoration activities and scientific understanding in the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean observations support safe oil and gas production, safe shipping, public health protection (e.g., monitoring harmful algal blooms [HABs], pathogens, and chemical pollutants), public safety from storm events and

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other disasters, and healthy ecosystems (e.g., healthy fisheries). Scientific observations will also support and, in some cases, help determine the success of the many individual and publicly funded “on the ground” restoration projects that will eventually contribute to an improved Gulf ecosystem. Over the long term, we also need to develop a better understanding of the Loop Current, heat flow and upper ocean heat content, migratory paths of protected species, and much more. Ocean observation capabilities are at the root of all of this. The tragedy of the DWH oil spill provided a common focus for many in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists, government officials, emergency responders, educators, data managers, and more came together following the spill to tackle the massive response effort. Now, we need to continue to work together to achieve a larger common vision: protecting and preserving the Gulf. And we need to put the assets in place now so that we can achieve this shared vision.

Observations “Essential” to DWH Response Real-time and near-real-time observations were critical to the DWH response (Jochens & Watson, 2013). For example, the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System Regional Association (GCOOS-RA), the Southeast Atlantic Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA), and the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System

(SCCOOS) of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) deployed a fleet of seven autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) with sensors and helped identify the subsurface extent of the oil spill and forecast its movement. Concurrently, highfrequency radar (HFR) stations—to measure surface current speed and direction in near-real time—in the northern Gulf were rapidly re-deployed (after suffering hurricane damage) by Dr. Stephan Howden at the University of Southern Mississippi to areas at risk for oiling. HFR along the coast of south and southwest Florida, maintained by Dr. Nick Shay, University of Miami, and Dr. Robert Weisberg, University of South Florida, also supplied data immediately needed in response to the spill.

But Observation Capabilities Were Severely Limited Although the utility of sustained real-time and near-real-time observations in the Gulf of Mexico during the DWH was clear, these observations had been suffering due to federal budget cuts and were much thinner than required at the time of the spill (Voosen, 2010). The USF Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System had decommissioned 10 of 14 buoys off Florida’s west coast due to budget cuts, HFR stations in the northern Gulf were minimally funded and had been pulled due to hurricane damage and to make way for beach replenishment projects, and there were —and still are—large gaps in HFR coverage due to lack of funding throughout the Gulf of Mexico, including the Louisiana coast where much of the impact occurred (Figure 1). Dr. Jane Lubchenco, former NOAA Administrator, told reporters after the spill, “The ocean observing system is

nowhere as comprehensive as would be [preferred] And it would be extraordinarily valuable in this instance to be able to understand in a more dynamic sense, for example, what the Loop Current is doing beneath the surface and what the flows are at different depths. We have a general understanding, but nowhere near what would be useful” (Voosen, 2010). Insufficient observations and scientific information were the limiting factors in the DWH response in the Command Center (Liu, Weisberg, Hu, & Zheng, 2011). In a “lessons learned” section of an article on the role of science in the DWH response, a National Academy of Sciences team noted many lessons, including the need for additional Gulf observations in providing baseline information essential for oil spill response (Lubchenco et al., 2012).

Putting More Assets in Place Is Critical Research scientists from the public and private sectors along with government officials have repeatedly called for sustained Gulf observations and the need to fill observational gaps for operational needs, restoration, and scientific understanding. In 2011, the Ocean Studies Board established a “Committee on an Ocean Infrastructure Strategy for U.S. Ocean Research in 2030.” Their report called for sustained, continuous time series observations and the need to expand capabilities for autonomous monitoring at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales with greater sensor and platform capabilities (Committee on an Ocean Infrastructure Strategy for U.S. Ocean Research in 2030, 2011). Observations are fundamental to the scientific method for understanding how something works and are necessary for hypothesis testing through

models, according to a 2011 MTS Journal commentary (Weisberg, 2011). Observations are used to initialize and validate models and are also essential as the foundation of an effective, comprehensive, sustained observing system for the Gulf of Mexico. The GCOOS Build-out Plan (http://gcoos.tamu.edu/BuildOut/ BuildOutPlan-V2-1.pdf ) identifies gaps in observations in the Gulf of Mexico and lays out a plan to fill them over 10 years (GCOOS-RA Board of Directors and Office Staff, 2008, 2011, 2015). More recently, GCOOS and SECOORA collaborated on a white paper on the needs for HFR in the Gulf of Mexico, which identified huge gaps in HFR coverage despite calls for a Gulf-wide system following the DWH spill in 2010 (Watson & Subramanian, 2014) (Figure 1). In their recent report, Charting the Gulf: Analyzing the Gaps in Long-Term Monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico, the Ocean Conservancy noted significant gaps in information offshore and at depth in the Gulf. This is an important statement supported by the actual decrease in offshore and deep Gulf observations. There are just a few remaining deep ocean observing programs, including the Argo float program, which measures temperature and salinity of the upper 2,000 m of the ocean in or near real time. The Argo currently has only 14 floats in the Gulf of Mexico out of 3,918 worldwide— or less than 1%—as of March 13, 2016 (Figure 2). The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE; formerly Minerals Management Service) “Notice to Lessees,” which requires that Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) be placed on oil and gas platforms, expired on January 27, 2014, and needs to be renewed. Many of those ADCPs are offline (Figure 3).

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FIGURE 1 Map of IOOS HFRs that provide real-time surface currents. View more at http://cordc.ucsd.edu/projects/mapping/. (Color version of figures are available online at: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mts/mtsj/2016/00000050/00000003.)

FIGURE 2 Only 14 of the 3,918 Argo floats deployed globally are in the Gulf of Mexico (as of March 13, 2016) (http://www.argo.ucsd.edu/).


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And these two programs only address the physical oceanography of the Gulf. The Ocean Conservancy summarized the need for biological and habitat observations as well: “As a group, the species and habitats in the offshore environment are monitored to a lesser degree than coastal or terrestrial species and habitats (Figure 4). Addressing the currently disjointed monitoring system and moving toward a Gulf-wide ecosystem monitoring network will provide a more efficient, integrated and accessible tool for ecosystem information.” (Love et al., 2015).

FIGURE 3 This image of the GCOOS data portal taken on March 13, 2016, shows that many of the oil and gas industry ADCPs in the deeper Gulf are red—no longer reporting data.

Despite these well-documented needs for observations, no new, sustained Gulf observations are being funded through post-DWH monies. But let’s return to the discussion about DWH and the progress that has been made. The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GOMRI) has funded numerous modeling efforts and indeed made significant progress in modeling different sections—deep water and coastal—of the Gulf in preparation for the next oil spill. But, as stated by Weisberg et al. (2015), “a systems science approach requires the coordination of models with observations, requiring a suite of platforms and sensors to capture the threedimensional, spatially vast ocean.” And although some baseline information is being collected through the

Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) process, it is specific to the restoration needs for the DWH disaster and will not necessarily provide sustained information applicable to other scenarios or areas beyond the northern Gulf of Mexico. GOMRI-funded projects are providing important research information, but these efforts are time-limited and only occasionally offer real-time and near-real-time information. Monitoring is a component of many RESTORE-funded activities, but it is project-specific, time-limited, and may not provide real-time or nearreal-time information. Numerous other entities continue to conduct long-term analyses of gaps for future observations and monitoring in the Gulf, including the NOAA

RESTORE Science Act Program, the National Academies’ Gulf Research Program, and the RESTORE Council. Now is the time for funding agencies to reject the traditional approach of minimal monitoring strategies nested within individual research or restoration projects. We must come together to implement a coordinated observations system for the benefit of all.

Achieving a Common Vision In response to a requirement in the Integrated Coastal Ocean Observation System (ICOOS) Act of 2009, the GCOOS-RA coordinated the development of a stakeholder-based long-term Gulf-wide observing system plan. This

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and/or as beta testing platforms of payload innovations. ■ Building better models—Improved models are needed, especially for the ecosystem, nearshore, wave action, surf, inundation, circulation, water level and salinity within estuaries and along the coast. Improved models are necessary to support actions that improve coastal resilience. These components, along with buoys, improved biological and chemical sensors, platforms, and other elements of an observing system, should all be integrated through a national data-sharing program.

FIGURE 4 Ocean conservancy monitoring effort summary.

Leadership by Funding Agencies

plan, originally published in 2011, is a living document, with the most recent updates in 2015 (GCOOS-RA Board of Directors and Office Staff, 2008, 2011, 2015). It is one example of a common vision for Gulf observations and has been developed with the input of 630 individuals representing 297 organizations and priorities from over 90 other regional plans, including the NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program Science Plan (NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program, 2015) and the Gulf Monitoring Network: Monitoring Design (Gulf of Mexico Alliance Water Quality Team & GCOOS, 2013). The plan builds on existing observing and modeling activities, integrates them, and calls for additional observations and models, as required, to meet the public needs of safe marine operations, healthy ecosystems, coastal hazards, public health, and long-term change.


DWH monies committed to the Gulf are finite. If we want to use them effectively and efficiently for the Gulf as a whole, we need to move forward under this shared vision and take advantage of the funding opportunities that exist now for us to secure a better future for the Gulf. Here are some early, clear priorities: ■ HFR Network in the Gulf and Southeast Atlantic—HFR needs are well documented in a 2014 white paper outlining gaps, priorities, and costs (Figure 5) (Watson & Subramanian, 2014). ■ AUV assets—AUVs are relatively inexpensive, quick-to-relay data, easily deployable, can be capable of sampling at depth, and provide good spatial coverage. One of the most commonly used type of autonomous vehicle is the glider— both surface and underwater. These can be implemented as a network

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Ideally, the comprehensive, sustained Gulf observing system would be funded by a line item in the federal budget that would cover the full costs of establishing, operating, and maintaining a sustained, comprehensive Gulf observing system. Unfortunately, this scenario is unlikely. We need decision makers to step forward as leaders to help catalyze the process of adding new, sustained observations in the Gulf. Many decision makers give the idea of funding observation systems in perpetuity the cold shoulder. But we are not suggesting that. Instead, incremental implementation using a longer term, but finite view, similar to a National Science Foundation Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program, could mean the difference between talking and action. No single organization, agency, or state must support the capital and operating expenses of a full Gulf observing system. The funding can come together incrementally through existing frameworks. Ideas for coordinating funding for Gulf observations exist and have been



Committee on an Ocean Infrastructure Strategy for U.S. Ocean Research in 2030. 2011. Critical Infrastructure for Ocean Research and Societal Needs in 2030. Available at: http://www.nap.edu/read/13081/ chapter/1. (accessed May 28, 2016).

Current and proposed HFR sites for the Gulf of Mexico.

Environmental Law Institute. 2016a. Building Bridges: Connecting the Overlapping Goals, Resources, and Institutions of Gulf of Mexico Restoration and Conservation (State Plans and Programs). Available at: http:// eli-ocean.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/FullReport-Final.pdf. (accessed May 28, 2016).

proposed in several initiatives: the Gulf of Mexico Alliance’s Gulf Research Funders Forum; the RESTORE Council’s Gulf-wide foundational efforts, the Environmental Law Institute’s (ELI) 2016 reports, “Building Bridges: Connecting the Overlapping Goals, Resources and Institutions of Gulf Restoration and Conservation: State Plans and Programs” and “Building Bridges: Connecting the Overlapping Goals, Resources and Institutions of Gulf Restoration and Conservation: Federal Plans and Programs”; the 2016 ELIsponsored webinar, “Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Using Coordination and Leveraging to Enhance Gulf Restoration”; as well as other formal and informal coordination efforts. “The DWH event did result in legislation and other vehicles by which resources could be directed. In particular, monetary sources were established through the RESTORE Act, the British Petroleum funded Gulf of Mexico Research Institute, the National Fish and Wildlife Federation, and the National Academy of Sciences.

To date, however, none of these entities has advanced the concept of a sustained observing system, either for the Gulf of Mexico as a whole, or for the coastal ocean portion that spans the continental shelf and the estuaries” (Weisberg et al., 2015). In short, there has been much discussion about widespread coordination for Gulf monitoring and observations. The question remains, will we take action?

Acknowledgments The authors applaud the efforts of many individuals, agencies, and programs trying to restore the Gulf and working toward a sustained, comprehensive Gulf observing system. Support was provided by Grant #NA11NOS0120024 from the U.S. IOOS Program Office.

Corresponding Author: Barbara Kirkpatrick Executive Director, GCOOS-RA Email: Barb.Kirkpatrick@gcoos.org

Environmental Law Institute. 2016b. Building Bridges: Connecting the Overlapping Goals, Resources, and Institutions of Gulf of Mexico Restoration and Conservation (Federal Plans and Programs). Available at: http://eli-ocean.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/ files/Building-Bridges-Federal-Report.pdf. (accessed May 28, 2016). Environmental Law Institute. 2016c. Webinar: “Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Using Coordination and Leveraging to Enhance Gulf Restoration”. Available at: http://eli-ocean.org/gulf/webinarseries/ #summaries. (accessed May 28, 2016). GCOOS-RA Board of Directors and Office Staff. 2011. Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System Build out Plan V.1.0. Available at: http://gcoos.tamu.edu/BuildOut/ GCOOS_BuildoutPlan_V1.pdf. (accessed May 28, 2016). GCOOS-RA Board of Directors and Office Staff. 2015. Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System Build-out Plan V.2.1. Available at: http://gcoos.tamu.edu/BuildOut/ BuildOutPlan-V2-1.pdf. (accessed May 28, 2016). GCOOS-RA Observing System Committee. 2008. Gulf of Mexico Ocean Observing System Regional Association Observing System Plan V.1.1. Available at: http://gcoos.tamu. edu/documents/ObservingSystemPlan_v1_1. pdf. (accessed May 28, 2016). Gulf of Mexico Alliance Water Quality Team and GCOOS. 2013. Gulf Monitoring

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Network: Monitoring Design. Available at: http://www.gulfofmexicoalliance.org/projects/ ďŹ les/goma_gulf_monitoring_network_ design_report.pdf. (accessed May 28, 2016).

Weisberg, R.H. 2011. Coastal ocean pollution, water quality, and ecology: A commentary. Mar Technol Soc J. 45(2):35-42. http:// dx.doi.org/10.4031/MTSJ.45.2.1.

Insurance Information Institute. 2015. Hurricanes. Available at: http://www.iii.org/ fact-statistic/hurricanes. (accessed May 28, 2016).

Weisberg, R.H., Zheng, L., & Liu, Y. 2015. Basic Tenets for Coastal Ocean Ecosystems Monitoring. In Y. Liu, H. Kerkering, & R.H. Weisberg (Eds.), Coastal Ocean Observing Systems, pp. 40-57. London, UK: Elsevier. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-8020227.00004-3.

Jochens, A.E., & Watson, S.M. 2013. The Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System: An integrated approach to building an operational regional observing system. Mar Technol Soc J. 47:118-33. http://dx.doi. org/10.4031/MTSJ.47.1.11. Liu, Y., Weisberg, R.H., Hu, C., & Zheng, L. 2011. Tracking the deepwater horizon oil spill: A modeling perspective. Eos. 92(6)11833. 8 February 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10. 1029/2011EO060001. Love, M., Baldera, A., Robbins, C., Spies, R.B., & Allen, J.R. 2015. Charting the Gulf: Analyzing the Gaps in Long-Term Monitoring of the Gulf of Mexico. New Orleans, LA: Ocean Conservancy. Lubchenco, J., McNutt, M.K., Dreyfus, G., Murawski, S.A., Kennedy, D.M., Anastas, P.T., ‌ Hunter, T. 2012. Science in support of the deepwater horizon response. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 109(50):20212-21. http://dx.doi. org/10.1073/pnas.1204729109. NOAA RESTORE Act Science Program Science Plan. 2015. Available at: https:// restoreactscienceprogram.noaa.gov/wp-content/ uploads/2015/05/Science-Plan-FINAL-forwebsite.pdf#page=5. (accessed May 28, 2016). Voosen, P. 2010. Federal Funding Cuts Leave Oceanographers, Spill Responders in the Dark. Available at: http://www.nytimes.com/ gwire/2010/06/03/03greenwire-federalfunding-cuts-leave-oceanographers-spil74436.html?pagewanted=all. (accessed May 28, 2016). Watson, S.M., & Subramanian, V. 2014. Surface Current Monitoring for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Southeastern U.S. Coasts: What We Have and What We Need. Available at: http://gcoos.tamu.edu/?p=8229. (accessed May 28, 2016).


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