New Budget, New Rates
As such, rates and fees will be adjusted across most of the VFC’s services. The new rates and fees will be provided separately by e-mail to all VFC members to ensure everyone is informed, with copies also being made available at the Dispatch desk. The website will also be updated in January.
On a positive note, the 15% discount on rental rates for the C-172SP and the recreational fleets, as well as purchases in the pilot kit shop, will continue as a reward for the commitment of our Lifetime and Sustaining members. Furthermore, the 10% discount will continue for everyone who fully pays their annual 2022 aircraft parking fees by 31 January, and the “block rate” for C-172SP rentals will also be available for those who maintain an account credit of $500.00 or greater.
n behalf of the VFC Board of Directors, please note that rates and fees will increase modestly in January 2022. Although the decision to raise rates was driven by caution and necessity, it was not taken lightly. As with last year, the impacts of COVID-19 continued to be felt though increased supply chain costs as well as hikes in consumables, insurance, and other services necessary for the VFC’s regular operations. In fact, these financial impacts have been seen across the broader economy in Canada and beyond. In addressing these financial challenges, the Board of Directors has a fiduciary responsibility to its membership to ensure the long-term financial solvency of the Club while also shaping its strategic direction in adapting to changing circumstances and opportunities.
As fellow VFC members, we all want to see the VFC continue its legacy through to its centennial anniversary, having already established itself as a civil aviation icon over the past 75 years. We trust that you recognize the value of life cycle planning as a sound strategy to reinvest in key assets (or to eventually replace them)while ensuring a better financial footing to weather future “storms” such as what we’ve experienced with COVID-19. On behalf of the Board of Directors and your Management Team, allow me this opportunity to thank-you in advance for your understanding and support! BGenNRetedOGregoryC8P8Matte6CD6PhD