1 minute read
Canso Road

Pics from our members on Instagram who shared with us using the #flyvfc tag. From top, left to right: burtonader. Feb. 29, 2020. "Not too bad of a day at @yyjairport especially when Mount Baker has a fresh layer of snow on it." Harrygkw. Feb. 23, 2020. The VFC ramp. Kengminer. Mar. 1, 2020. Pacificnorthwestspotter. Feb. 22, 2020. "VIVA AEROBUS AirBus A320 seen taxing at CYYJ." Westviewflyingclub. Feb. 1, 2020. "Freil Lake sends her water over 1400 feet down to Hotham Sound. Just one of the amazing sights near YPW!" Spaceoverthesea. Dec. 14, 2020.