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ANZAC Day, Berlin
10506, Berlin
Post 10506 Berlin laid a Wreath at the ANZAC DAY ceremony at the Berlin British War Cemetery on 25 April, In attendance were Col. Scott Maxwell, Senior Defense Official and Defense Attache at the US Embassy Berlin, Germany. There were also two retirees, Life members of the Berlin post, Chris McLarren and Ralph Van der Wyst.
ANZAC = (Australia New Zealand Army Corps)
History of Anzac Day

The Anzac tradition - the ideals of courage, endurance and mateship - was established on 25 April 1915 when the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula. It was the_start of a campaign that was to last eight months, resulting in over 130,000 casualties from both sides. Ofthese, the 11,410 Australian and New Zealand dead represented a huge lass for the two fledgling nations. The men who served on the Gallipoli Peninsula, however, created a legend, adding the ward ANZAC to the Australian and New Zealand vocabularies and creating the notion ofthe ANZAC spirit. Iri 1916, the first anniversary of the landing was observed in Australia, New Zealand and England and by troops serving in Egypt. That year, 25 April was officially named Anzac Day by the Acting Prime Minister of Australia, Geoirge Pearce. Anzac Day is now a day of national commemoration for New Zealand and Australia across all wars and conflicts.
Veteran humor...
Zaneb Ahmed