1 minute read

Department Comman epartment omman worD

Angelo Aldridge



This year has been quiet rewarding for me and the VFW. National Council Member Pete Mascetti, SVC Mark Primmer, JVC Dwight Johnson and Chief of Staff James Vergott went to Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. during the national Legislative Conference and spoke with Congressmen and women. They listened to testimony from Commander-in-Chief Tim Borland, who gave a compassionate speech that was very educational and let the congress know how veterans really feel and what we need and what we want to make it better for each and every veteran.

At the January Department Council of Administration, the National Junior Vice Commander, Alfred J. “AL” Lipphardt was here to attend the meeting. Al was impressed with the Department of Europe, so let us keep up the great work that we have been doing.

Afterword’s, several of us went to dinner for a meet and great with Al at the Schnitzel Queen in Wiesbaden. It was a very informative but yet laidback evening.

I want to say thank you to each and every one of you for the great job that you have done this year.

I told you that I am a winner but, without you I am no one. So, I want to thank you again for making me a winner.

Also, don’t forget membership. Let us try to get 100 percent membership at all Posts. I know you can do it. Thank you again for keeping it moving and giving me all you have, 100 percent.

In June we have the Department Convention in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. I would like to see everyone there looking good and standing tall. Make sure you to make your room reservations as soon as possible.

I would again like to say thank you. The main thing is membership, and continue to support all things that will make The Department of Europe better. Thank you again

Angelo Aldridge Commander Department of Europe 2022-2023

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