4 minute read
Why is the Veteran Important?
A submission by Anna Galeano
It’s early in the morning. Dark. The roads are deserted as he is heading out. He greets his team members like he does every morning and practice begins. He has been coaching youth swimmers for years. Sharing his experience and knowledge - sharing their triumphs and setbacks. He is cheering for them, encouraging them, mentoring them - he is a Veteran.
She is rushing out of the meeting to talk to her friend on the phone. Her friend is in need - crushed, needing encouragement. Active duty military life is tough. She is consoling her. Listening quietly, reliving her experiences in her mind. Sharing some advice and making plans to meet her friend that evening. She, too, is a Veteran.
He is entering the auditorium, high fives a freckled student who is excited to see him. He‘s got their back just like he got his team‘s six back in Vietnam. The school board meeting starts. He is proposing drastic reforms to support his students - all 7,232 in the district. As the head of the school board, he knows their needs and potentials. He is pushing for positive change and won‘t give up until “mission complete” - He is a Veteran.
Veterans are the glue of our society. They connect. They guide. They mentor. Each Veteran has their own story. It has always been like this and always will be. Growing up in a military family, I learned this early on. When placing flags next to graves at the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial in Margraten and Henry-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial in Belgium, my mom told me several stories of these Veterans. Now that I am older, I am more aware of the contributions of our Veterans who are among us. My swim coach, my mom‘s best friend, my uncle - the superintendent. It‘s also my brother‘s Scoutmasters, my best friend‘s dad, my assistant principal. Each person is making a difference in the lives of others. They all contribute to our community. They are the glue. Their values guide them. They pass on their wisdom, the creed they were first introduced to in the military - the same creed they still live by.
Sure, I could provide you with a wide variety of stats and quotes to rationalize why a Veteran is important. There is no need. You, too, know a Veteran. Maybe you are one yourself. Reflect for a moment. Your service has shaped you. Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, personal courage - commitment. As a Veteran, you are still committed. Committed to your brothers and sisters in arms - those who are serving and those who have served. You are committed to your community. Committed to the youth. You share these important attributes.
Honor, courage, commitment ... selflessness.
This is why a Veteran is important.
National Fifth-place winner Anna Galeano, from Stuttgart, Germany, represented the VFW Department of Europe, and was awarded the $5,000 Floyd County VFW Post 3281, New Albany Indiana Scholarship.
My Pledge to our Veterans
Victoria Bracey
A pledge is a promise. Our veterans pledged to fight for a better tomorrow and I pledge to do the-same. Veterans deserve to be treated with honor and respect. This is something that I will do and hopefully I can inspire others to do as well. Our veterans fought to preserve and protect our country and its values. Their fight for a better future continues, and with that comes hope. The hope that one day, we can all sit together as one nation, one community, and honor those who have fought for peace.
Many veterans have given years of their lives to help make the world a better place. My pledge is to continue what they have done and I plan to do the same by becoming more involved in my community. It can be the smallest things that make the biggest difference. For example, I can volunteer at organizations that train dogs to help with PTSD. Or I can help veterans with disabilities to perform daily tasks, such as grocery shopping or babysitting their kids.
Another way to honor veterans is by sharing their stories. I believe that there are a lot of veterans out there who have many interesting stories to tell. Stories of people who suffered injuries and what they did to recover. Stories of friendship, loss, perseverance and so much more. I pledge that I will help these stories find a place in this world in the ears of those who can be inspired by them.
I pledge to remember. To remember everything that they did for our country; for our people. The challenges and hardships they faced shall not be forgotten. Veterans persevered through hard times. They have suffered a lot, but they are here today. Their sacrifices to this country should be remembered, and I pledge to keep honoring them.
The services that veterans have done for this country should not be forgotten. I won‘t forget, and I will do what I can to make sure that those around me don‘t forget either. I pledge to honor, remember and share all that they have done for this country, all that they have done to bring us to this moment. Everything that the veterans have done was to protect our country and its values and I will try to do the same. A pledge is a promise, and this is mine.
National Eighth-place winner Victoria Barcey, from Vicenza, Italy, represented the VFW Department of Europe, and was awarded the $1,500 John F. Gwizdak Award.
DoE Chaplain
Stanley "Spike" Richardson
Hello Comrades,
Just to remind you the chaplaincy, being non-sectarian, must seek to minister to the needs of all, without regard to either church/synagogue/ mosque affiliation or non-affiliation.
During these hectic times, I feel it is important for all of us to take a moment and to be thankful for what we have. I think it is also important that we take the time to reach out to our comrades whom we haven’t spoken to in a while and ask how they are doing. Making that single phone call to a comrade or family can make an enormous difference in his/her life and shows that we care.
I would like to send the following prayer to everyone:
May the strength of Almighty God sustain us; may the power of God preserve us; may the hands of God protect us; may the way of God direct us; may the love of God go with us this day & night and forever. These blessings I ask upon you. Amen
I’m available 24/7 at +49-171-147-7878 if you have any concerns or questions.
Thank you again for your support!