June 26-28, 2023

Check out the convening app at:
All speaker bios and session descriptions available on the app. To download, search for STEMNext MGM on the Apple Store and Google Play.

TUESDay, June 27, 2023
Monday, June 26, 2023
2:00 - 4:30 pm
Welcome and Registration
Ellington Prefunction, 14th Floor, Loews Atlanta
4:30 - 5:00 pm
Buses leave to the Georgia Aquarium
5:00 - 9:00 pm
Girls Build Solutions
Celebration and Dinner
Georgia Aquarium

225 Baker Street Northwest, Atlanta
8:30 - 9:45 am
Overlook East, 14th Floor Networking Breakfast
9:00 - 10:00 am
Overlook West, 14th Floor
10:00 AM - 12:30 pm
Salon DEF, 14th Floor
Invitation only: Breakfast for STEM Next Funders
Exploring STEM Possibilities:

A Deep Dive into Creating Pathways to Tomorrow’s Workforce
Teresa Drew, Deputy Director, STEM Next Opportunity Fund
Dawn Jones, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer and Vice President of Social Impact, Intel Corporation
The Honorable Cindy Marten, US Deputy Secretary of Education
Joel Vargas, Vice President, Education, Jobs for the Future
Sam Whiting, Director, Boeing Global Engagement
Mayumi, Flight Crew Member, Million Girls Moonshot
Leena, Flight Crew Member, Million Girls Moonshot
Sydney, Flight Crew Member, Million Girls Moonshot
Mapping STEM Experiences: The Journey from Afterschool to Workforce

12:45 - 1:30 pm
Overlook East, 14th Floor Networking Lunch
Transition to Capacity Building Institute for Networks and Partners
1:30 - 2:30 pm
Salon DEF, 14th Floor
Creating Inclusive Engineering Experiences: Messaging Matters
Tricia Berry, Executive Director, Women in STEM (WiSTEM)
Nikole Collins-Puri, Chief Executive Director, Techbridge Girls
Sabrina Gomez, Advisor, STEM Next Opportunity Fund
Errika Moore, Executive Director, STEM Funders Network
Thea Sahr, Deputy Executive Director, DiscoverE
TUESDay, June 27,
Capacity Building Institute - Shifts in Systems
2:30 - 3:30 pm
Salon DEF, 14th Floor
Million Girls Moonshot Innovations:
3:30 - 3:45 pm Break
3:45 - 5:00 pm
Salon DEF, 14th Floor
Network Share
Let the Youth Decide: Centering Youth Voice, Cultivating Changemakers
Katey Ahmann, Director, Teen Science Café Network
Latoyia Mosley, Teen Science Café Moonshot Fellow
Abbey Mae Pitcher, Program Manager, Technovation
Leah Silverberg, Project Manager, Afterschool Alliance
Zelda Waymer, President and CEO, South Carolina Afterschool Alliance
Jamora A-J, Flight Crew Member, Million Girls Moonshot
5:00 - 6:30 pm
The Terrace, 14th Floor
Networking Reception - Loews Rooftop
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Capacity Building Institute - Strategies to Tactics
8:00 - 8:45 am
Overlook East, 14th Floor Breakfast
8:00 - 8:45 am
Overlook West, 14th Floor
9:00 - 9:15 am
Salon DEF, 14th Floor
LEAP Grantees Breakfast
Charting New Territory: What’s Next for the Moonshot
Teresa Drew, Deputy Director, STEM Next Opportunity Fund
9:15 - 10:00am
Salon DEF, 14th Floor Partner Charging Stations
Informal and engaging interaction with Moonshot Implementation Partners exploring how to leverage the richness of resources available.
10:00 - 10:15 am Break
10:15 - 11:30 am
Going Deeper Into The Transformative Practices Choice
Reimagining Family Engagement in STEM: Strategies and Tools for Lasting Impact
Overlook West, 14th Floor
Patricia Allen, Ph.D., Director of Research, Institute for the Study of Resilience in Youth (ISRY) at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Linda Kekelis, Family Engagement Advisor, STEM Next Opportunity Fund
Strategies for Supporting Program Providers with Corporate Volunteers
Salon A, 14th Floor
Holly Bluhm, Manager of Programs, Scientific Adventures for Girls
May Howell, Director of Operations, Scientific Adventures for Girls
Jessica Johnson, Researcher, STEMconnector
Roadmap to Building a Computer Science System
Salon B, 14th Floor
Tanner Bergamo, AspireIT Program Manager, The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)
Lyn E. Swackhamer, Ph.D., Director of Aspirations Evaluation, The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)
Strategies for STEM Access for AllLessons from a Community of Practice
Salon C , 14th Floor
Brenda Britsch, Ph.D., Director of Research and Evaluation, National Girls Collaborative Project
Brittiany Jones, Senior Manager of Partnerships, Techbridge Girls
Nashira Williams, Ph.D., Manager of Membership and Events, Techbridge Girls
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Capacity Building Institute - Strategies to Tactics
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Capacity Building Institute - Strategies to Tactics

11:30 am - 12:45 pm
Overlook East, 14th Floor Lunch
12:45 - 1:00 pm Break
1:00 - 2:15pm Going Deeper Into The Transformative Practices Choice Strategies for Seamless Transitions and Sustainable Learning Ecosystems
Salon A, 14th Floor
Teresa Drew, Deputy Director, STEM Next Opportunity Fund
Kylie Peppler, Ph.D., Professor of Informatics and Education, University of California Irvine
Career Exploration and Workforce Readiness: Supporting the Field
Salon B, 14th Floor
Melissa Moritz, Director of Policy, STEM Next Opportunity Fund
Chris Neitzey, Director of State Policy, Afterschool Alliance
Stephanie Rodriguez, Ph.D., Workforce and Training Policy Fellow, Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
From Project to System Building: Connecting Moonshot to Quality Systems
Salon C , 14th Floor
Victoria Wegener, Partner, Mainspring Consulting
Debbie Zipes, President, Debbie Zipes Consulting Building Engineering Mindset - Open Source Content, Training and Resources to Support Programs
Overlook West, 14th Floor
Kathryn M. Bateman, Ph.D., Youth Engineering Solutions (YES), Program Manager
Holly Bluhm, Manager of Programs, Scientific Adventures for Girls
Sabrina Gomez, Advisor, STEM Next Opportunity Fund
Rob LaSalvia, Partnership Manager, Office of STEM Engagement, NASA
2:15 - 2:30 pm Break
2:30 - 2:45 pm
Salon DEF, 14th Floor
2:45 - 3:00 pm Break
3:00 - 4:00 pm Data Breakout Sessions
Refining and Scaling Moonshot Reach and Engagement
Salon A, 14th Floor
Anat Berday-Sacks, Associate, Public Profit
Anna-Francesca Magat, Associate, Public Profit
Collecting Program & Youth Data: Pain Points and Strategies
Salon B, 14th Floor
Andria Parrott, Ph.D., Program Associate, STEM Next Opportunity Fund
Celebrating Data – Exploring Best Practices for Collecting, Reviewing & Reporting Findings
Salon C, 14th Floor
Kristin Lewis-Warner, Senior Consultant of STEM Partnerships, PEAR But Wait, There’s More! Making the Most of the Other Data You Have for the Moonshot
Overlook West, 14th Floor
Corey Newhouse, MPP, Founder and Principal, Public Profit
4:00 - 4:10 pm Break
Demonstrating Impact: Using Data from Youth to Systems
Andria Parrott, Ph.D., Program Associate, STEM Next Opportunity Fund
4:10 - 4:30 pm
Salon DEF, 14th Floor Closing Discussion: Staying on Course
6:00 - 8:00 pm
675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, Atlanta
SPEAKER: Ron Ottinger, Executive Director, STEM Next Opportunity Fund
Informal Fun at Ponce City Market
Join us at Atlanta’s hottest spot for fun! Ponce City Market is a vibrant converted historic Sears building, now a market with a food hall and shops. We’ll have a private space with food and plenty of time to explore.