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JUNIN AND PASCO JUNIN Their capital Huancayo. The relief of the Department of Junín embraces mountain areas like of Forest (Amazonía). The western side in the limit with Lima, the mountain range presents summits escarped covered with snow. The landscape is prolonged toward the east with valleys glaciers of great altitude and high plateaus, until changing definitively when descending of the Andes, to open the way to the forest brow. In this area the narrow and deep canyons and cloudy forests are plentiful. The Valley of the Mantaro is one of the most important areas in the Department, concentrates the population's bigger percentage. The city of Huancayo possesses a rainy and cold climate, with a temperature half annual maxim of 23.6°C. and minimum of 4.3°C. The rain season begins in October and prolonged until the month of April. CHANCHAMAYO Botanical garden “El Perezoso” 15 km of the city of the Merced, in the highway to San Luís of Shuaro, to few meters of the Bridge Reither. It was founded in the decade of the seventy to preserve and to show more than 10 thousand species of plants, among the most representative species they highlight: the parrot pick, the emperor's cane, ribs of Adam, rib of Eva, lotus flower, real palme, aguajes, palm cocotera, among others. The journey lasts near two hours. Tyrol Waterfall To 5 Km to the east of San Ramón's city (10 minutes in car approximately) to the town of Beautiful Beach, from there you a travels on the way to horseshoe of 2 km (45 minutes on foot). He/she has a height 35 meters. In the road toward the fall of water one can observe a very varied flora highlighting the orchids, lianas and lianas. TARMA Mr. Muruhuay Sanctuary To 11.5 Km to the north of the city of Tarma (20 minutes in car approximately) It was built in 1972 in the same hill in which crucified Christ appeared. The biggest altar is decorated with two big tapestries, made by artisans of San Pedro of Boxes that represent the Resurrection and the last Dinner. In the plazoleta of the sanctuary there is a pileta that has become famous because the pilgrims attribute him healing properties. The Guagapo Grotto To 33.5 Km to the north of the city of Tarma (40 minutes in car approximately) The term" guagapo" it means" grotto that cries." This name is due to the continuous infiltrations of water that drop to drop, they cross the calcareous material of the hill of Rapasmarca. To the cave of about 2 km, it is entered by the low part of the hill. For the floor of the grotto an underground creek of clear waters that you throw in small cascades toward a covered humedal for plants and flowers of the area when leaving to the exterior reflects.

PASCO Their capital Cerro de Pasco. The Department of Pasco has a varied relief that includes high plateaus and fry mountains and the high forest toward the east. Their territory is marked by the presence of the two flanks of the chain of the Andes, the Western Mountain range and the Oriental. The capital of the department, Cerro of Pasco, is located in the Plateau of Chocolate, an extensive plain that is prolonged until the department of Junín. The city of Cerro of Pasco possesses a rainy climate and semifrígido with presence of rains in the three stations (autumn, spring and summer). The temperature half annual maxim is 12.4° C and the minimum 0.6° C. OXAPAMPA City of Oxapampa. To 396 Km to the east of the city of Lima (9 hours of trip in bus approximately) Sacred Rosa of Oxapampa was founded by a group of German and Tyrolese colonists that they came from Pozuzo in the year 1891, on the right riverbank of the river of Chontabamba. In the city they highlight the church and other buildings with European characteristics. The name Oxapampa, would mean Pampas of since Straw literally it comes from the union of the word Pampas with the Quechua voice" Ocsha" that means" straw." Oxapampa is today a mixture of customs and German, Austrian traditions and Peruvians that are manifested in its gastronomy, dances and parties. Inside their tourist attractiveness we can visit Santa Rosa's Church, National Park Yanachaga Chemillén, Town of Rich Villa, Waterfall The Charm, Waterfall the León and the Town of Pozuzo. BM60: CHANCHAMAYO / OXAPAMPA / TARMA SIERRA AND CENTRAL FOREST 4 DAYS / 3 NIGHTS DAY 1: THURSDAY LIMA. CHANCHAMAYO 9:30 P.M. Exit LIMA of the meeting place that is indicated It is recommended to travel with coat clothes (coat with hood or cap shawl, gloves) to pass TICLIO (4832 msnm) higher strong point of the World" The Anticona" landscape with snow, continuing the trip inside the Dpto. of JUNIN, we will go by the Capital OROYA Metalúrgica of the Peru, from where we will take the deviation Route toward TARMA until arriving to the VALLEY DE considered CHANCHAMAYO the" Door of Gold of the Central Forest", of warm climate (800 msnm) with exuberant vegetation. DAY 2: FRIDAY LA MERCED. SAN ROMAN Arriving approx. a.m. at 6:00 o'clock to the City of the Merced to leave suitcases until room readiness in the elected INN. A.M. continental Breakfast: La Merced – San Roman A.M. AT opportune hour, exit to visit the THE TYROL WATERFALL with impressive aprox fall 40 m, where we will make a walk for a path among the vegetation (to use nonskid shoes, ample repelente,ropa) P.M. Lunch in country tourist restaurant that has pool where they will be able to make use (to take bathroom clothes) P.M. Exit to visit the Hanging Bridge Kimiri on the river Chanchamayo, we will appreciate the beautiful landscape, it visits to the Botanical Garden the Lazy of exotic plants of the Forest, then visit to the Native Community of the Ashaninkas Pampas Mishi, where we will observe their typical housings and way of life. P.M. Return to the inn, dinner, rest and spend the night

DAY 3: SATURDAY OXAPAMPA (Colonized for Austro-German in 1891) 7:00 A.M. typical Breakfast 7:30 A.M. Exit with address to OXAPAMPA. In the road we will appreciate the landscape of High Forest with mountains and exuberant vegetation. We will make a stop in the natural Mirador in the

Village of Mesapata to take pictures of the landscape, then from the neighborhoods of Llamaquizú and Miraflores we will observe Houses to the Tyrolese style of the fams. Loechle, Scherader, Frec., Schlaefli, Schutz, Mayer, Muller, Albengrin, Koell and others. Arriving to the Principal Square 10:30 a.m., installation in the elected lodging. City Tour will observe their MAIN CHURCH (typical European) all wooden one inclusive its images, the Walk of the Colonists. Then we will visit the district of surrounded CHONTABAMBA of countryside and cattle raising, we will know the" Guarapo" (cane juice) where the liquor is elaborated, we will enter the Tunqui Cave (to take lantern) cavern of calcareous stone and formations of stalactites are observed. PM. I eat lunch in country tourist restaurant, where then we will have a show of TYROLESE TYPICAL DANCES and demonstration of Dexterity of the daily chores. It visits to the Plant Milkmaid where they elaborate milky products to the Swiss style. PM. Dinner, Disco, Rest, Spend the night. DAY 4: SUNDAY Return to LIMA visiting TARMA 6:30 a.m. Typical breakfast 7:30 a.m. Exit, to travel with clothes of half station until Chanchamayo and to take clothes of shelter to the hand. PM. Arriving to TARMA district of Acobamba. Visits to the Sanctuary of the Mr. of Muruhuay PM. Lunch, in tourist restaurant, then Walk for the Principal Square of Tarma, appreciating their Streets típicas,la Cathedral Santa Ana, the Municipality of Colonial style, they can make their manjarblanco purchases. We continue trip. 9:30 pm Approx. arrival to the city of LIMA It is recommended to travel with coat clothes to pass MATUCANA, THE OROYA, TARMA and when arriving to CHANCHAMAYO clothes of half station / Summer, to TAKE document of identity, reserve slippers, backpack for the walks, lantern for the Grotto, repellent, etc. THE TOUR INCLUDES:  PRIVATE TRANSPORT TOURIST with seats reclinables and TVHS  FEEDING 03 BREAKFASTS, 03 LUNCHES, 02 DINNERS  VISIT GUIDED according to that programmed  PERSONALIZED ATTENTION FROM LIMA  LODGING: Inns in comfortable rooms with bathroom private hot water and TV. BM61: CHANCHAMAYO / OXAPAMPA / POZUZO / TARMA SIERRA AND CENTRAL FOREST 5 DAYS / 4 NIGHTS

DAY 1: LIMA. CHANCHAMAYO 9:30 P.M. Exit Lima of the meeting place that is indicated It is recommended to travel with coat clothes (coat with hood or cap shawl, gloves) to pass TICLIO (4832 msnm) higher strong point of the World" The Anticona" landscape with snow, continuing the trip inside the Dpto. of JUNIN, we will go by the Capital

OROYA Metalúrgica of the Peru, from where we will take the deviation Route toward TARMA until arriving to the VALLEY DE considered CHANCHAMAYO the" Door of Gold of the Central Forest", of warm climate (800 msnm) with exuberant vegetation. DAY 2: LA MERCED. SAN RAMÓN

Arriving approx. a.m. at 6:30 o'clock approx. 7:00 a.m. Breakfast LA MERCED. SAN RAMÓN AM At opportune hour, exit to visit the THE TYROL WATERFALL with impressive aprox fall 40 m, where we will make a walk for a path among the vegetation (to use nonskid shoes, ample repelente,ropa) P.M.Lunch in country tourist restaurant that has pool where they will be able to make use (to take bathroom clothes). P.M.Depart to visit the Hanging Bridge Kimiri on the river Chanchamayo, we will appreciate the beautiful landscape, it visits to the Botanical Garden the Lazy of exotic plants of the Forest, then visit to the Native Community of the Ashaninkas Pampas Mishi, where we will observe their typical housings and way of life. P.M. Return to the inn, has dinner, rest and spend the night DAY 3: OXAPAMPA (Colonized for Austro-German in 1891) 7:00 A.M.Typical breakfast 7:30 A.M.Depart with address to OXAPAMPA. In the road we will appreciate the landscape of High Forest with mountains and exuberant vegetation. We will make a stop in the natural Mirador in the Village of Mesapata to take pictures of the landscape, then from the neighborhoods of Llamaquizú and Miraflores we will observe Houses to the Tyrolese style of the fams. Loechle, Scherader, Frec., Schlaefli, Schutz, Mayer, Muller, Albengrin, Koell and others. Arriving to the Square of Weapons a.m. 10:30, installation in the elected lodging. City Tour will observe their MAIN CHURCH (typical European) all wooden one inclusive its images, the Walk of the Colonists. Then we will visit the district of surrounded CHONTABAMBA of countryside and cattle raising, we will know the" Guarapo" (cane juice) where the liquor is elaborated, we will enter the Tunqui Cave (to take lantern) cavern of calcareous stone and formations of stalactites are observed PM Lunch in country tourist restaurant, where then we will have a show of TYROLESE TYPICAL DANCES and demonstration of Dexterity of the daily chores. Visits to the Plant Milkmaid where they elaborate milky products to the Swiss style. PM dinner, Disco, Rest, Spend the night DAY 4: FULL DAY TO POZUZO (Colonized for Austro-German in 1859 6:30 AM Typical Breakfast 7:00 AM Exit with address to POZUZO in the itinerary will go by the towns of HUANCABAMBA and in the impressive Canyon we will observe the WATERFALLS Of RAYANTAMBO AND TORREBAMBA, rivers mountains with exuberant vegetation that they are part of NATIONAL PARK YANACHAGA CHEMILLEN, then will appreciate the countryside with typical houses arriving to the district of POZUZO of warm climate (700 msnm), where the population prevails with European features, descending of colonists German austro. In the HISTORICAL CENTER of the Colony we will visit the 1ra. Chapel SAN JOSÉ, the Plazuela with a Monument in Honor to the Rvdo. Father JOSÉ EGG, founder of the Colony, Cemetery (1ros Colonists) Visits to the Museum Francisco Schafferrer (collection of objects and pictures delos first colonists German Austro).

Then we will cross the Hanging Bridge VOGT, to visit a typical house of the Fam.

SCHULER VOGT, where they conserve a wooden trapiche that was used formerly pulled by the force of a Horse to extract the juice of cane of sugar and to make the chancaca and also the liquor, we will also appreciate an it rotates Hydraulic that formerly was used for pillar the rice and the coffee. 1:30 PM Lunch with music's Show in vivo,con Accordion of Mr. Koell

At hour opportune return to Oxapampa, arriving aprox to the 8:00 pm PM. dinner, Spend the night DAY 5: OXAPAMPA. TARMA - LIMA 7:00 a.m.Typical breakfast, 7:45 LEFT am with the whole baggage. To travel with the clothes of half station until Chanchamayo, to take the coat clothes to the hand. PM. Arriving to TARMA district of Acobamba. Visits to the Sanctuary of the Mr. of Muruhuay PM. Lunch in tourist restaurant, then Walk for the Square of Weapons of Tarma, appreciating their Streets, Cathedral Santa Ana, the Municipality of Colonial style, they can make their manjarblanco purchases. We continue trip. 9:30 pm. Approx. arrival to the city of LIMA. We recommended to travel with coat clothes to pass MATUCANA, THE OROYA, TARMA and when arriving to CHANCHAMAYO clothes of half station / Summer, to TAKE Lantern, bathroom zapatillas,ropa and towel for piscina,mochila (as hand handbag) for the walks etc. IT IS INCLUDES:  TRANSPORT TOURIST PRIVATE with seats reclinables and TVHS  FEEDING 04 BREAKFASTS, 04 LUNCHES, 03 DINNERS  VISIT GUIDED according to that programmed  PERSONALIZED ATTENTION FROM LIMA LODGING: Inns in comfortable rooms with private bathroom, dilutes hot and TV.

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