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See each product's warmth rating so you can enjoy the ideal temperature. Pick out
Products with the highest coolness rating so you can enjoy the ideal temperature.
Find the most absorbent towels.
Discover products inspired by the latest trends Find the highest.
Quality products.
Identify the finest fiber on products for ultra-soft support.
It will help you identify which of our products incorporate special technology.
Identified products treated to repel liquids.
Identify products that are made to be easy to wash at home.
For products that, due to their composition or structure, are easy to store.
Identify elastic fabric for a perfect fit.
Identify the boldness of the products.
Identify the thickness of the products.
Exclusive line with premium materials and trendy colors.
Identify the ressistance on the products.
Identify products with special fabrics that add freshness because they're breathable.
Our Via-Cool products possess a special coolness.
For products that are larger than the standard size.
All ergonomically shaped pillows that help you with your posture.
Textiles with colors that, due to their composition, last longer.
All designs, trademarks, trade names, slogans, copyrights or any other way of intellectual property in this catalogue, are of exclusive property and are protected. Any whole or partial reproduction of the work contained in this catalogue by any way, wether it could be electronic, photomechanic or mechanic, incluiding photocopies, sound recording, or any other way of reproduction, directly or by a third party (indirectly), will be repressed trough the appropiate legal actions and in the presence of the proper legal authorities.
Todos los diseños, marcas, avisos, nombres comerciales, derechos de autor y/o cualquier otra figura de propiedad industrial e intelectual presentes en este catálogo, son propiedad exclusiva y se encuentran protegidos a favor de sus titulares. Cualquier reproducción total o parcial de esta obra o cualquier medio, ya sean electrónicos, mecánicos o foto mecánicos, incluyendo foto copia, grabaciones magnetofónicas o cualquier sistema de almacenamiento de información, por cualquier medio, ya sea directa o a través de terceros, será reprimida a través de las acciones legales procedentes y ante las autoridades correspondientes.
*Prices subject to change without notice. MARCH 2023 / RR / VHUS-23-01
*Precios sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso. MARZO 2023 / RR / VHUS-23-01