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Contours of a new decade

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Jolien Hermans

Jolien Hermans

Have you ever wondered what the future will be like? Where you would live, what you would do for a living and with whom you would live? If you answer yes to this question, I know for sure that you are not the only one to do so. For example, there is a famous movie called ‘Back to the future’ where they thought everyone would use a flying board to transport themselves by now. Furthermore, in 1900, an engineer named John Elfreth Watkins made a list of predictions for the coming century; He predicted tanks, photography and telephones which all became true as we know it nowadays. He also made the prediction of strawberries the size of an apple, unfortunately that didn’t come true (1). In this theme section we will dive deeper in the topic of the future, what it will bring and how it can be anticipated accordingly. Since there is no future without a past we will also look at some progressive solutions from the past.


I hope these articles may inspire you and make you enthousiastic to see what the future holds!

Miriam Pouwels

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