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V GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, AND CIVICS SERIES One Country, One People 6 Teacher’s Manual Fourth Edition 2009 ISBN 978-971-07-2561-8 Copyright © 2009 by Vibal Publishing House, Inc. and Cynthia A. Sancha All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher and authors. Published and printed by Vibal Publishing House, Inc. Main Office: 1253 Gregorio Araneta Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines Regional Offices: Unit 202 Cebu Holdings Center, Cebu Business Park, Cardinal Rosales Ave. Cebu City Kalamansi St. cor. 1st Avenue, Juna Subdivision, Matina, Davao City Unit 6, 144 M. H. del Pilar St., Molo, Iloilo City Bldg. A, Unit 4, Pride Rock Business Park, Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City Member: Philippine Educational Publishers’ Association; Book Development Association; Association of South East Asian Publishers; Graphic Arts Technical Foundation


Preface The Goal-Oriented Instructional Model (GOIM) is the design followed in the preparation of the Teacher’s Manual that accompanies the fourth edition of One Country, One People (OCOP) Worktext series. This model is adapted from the paper presented by Dr. Minda C. Sutaria at the UNESCO Institute for Education. If objectives are not The Model:

The instructional design of the model serves as the “melting pot” of the total instructional system. It is here where materials appropriate for the lesson, be it print or non-print, are utilized to make learning picturesque and the text matter easier to understand. Materials are organized in a logical presentation of topics. Methodologies provide a background information, systematic reviews, and check-up activities.

achieved, adjust

Specification of objectives



Motivational strategies such as advance organizers, puzzles, music, dance springboard, and games are used to the maximum. High level of questioning leads to the development of concepts and challenges the learner to develop higher order thinking skills (HOTS), including creativity, solving problems, and analytical/critical decision-making skills.


Activities and exercises are varied and instructions are suitable for different ability levels or individual differences such as remediatics (slow), reinforcement (average), and enrichment (fast). Assessment of the student’s learning is an ongoing evaluation. It will gauge the student’s attainment of essential learnings starting when he or she is at the beginning of the total essential expectations up to what he or she should be.

If objectives are achieved, augment

In this fourth edition of OCOP, the objectives and skills listed in the Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies (PELC) of the latest Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) issued by the Department of Education (DepEd) were faithfully adhered to by VPHI. The content/subject matter of Social Studies emphasizes universality of concepts and ideas, adaptability, and relevance to the changing times. Furthermore, values pertinent to Social Studies highlights love of and pride in our country as demonstrated by the great Filipinos worth emulating by our young citizens. It is still within the Social Studies area of responsibility to uphold and respect the Constitution and other laws related to it; to respect the cultural diversity of the different ethnic communities, the differentlyabled and the old population of the country. The basic needs of the Filipino family is part of the content that should be understood and addressed. They comprise the population of the community which makes up the nation. Social content is extracted from the sap of our own culture that makes One Country, One People truly a handiwork of Filipino authors.

The evaluation and assessment parts of the instructional design provide appropriate measures and instruments for evaluation of the student’s performance on the three domain of objectives: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Features of the Teacher’s Manual The Teacher’s Manual that accompanies each worktext of the OCOP series is just like two peas in a pod, each is useful as enhanced by the other. The OCOP Worktext and Teacher’s Manual are interrelated so that skills, knowledge, and activities stated in the students’ book can be effectively taught with the use of the manual that targets the total development of the child. iii

One Country, One People, in its fourth edition, still carries on the basic tenets of modalities in forging lessons close to reality. Social Studies, better known as life itself, is therefore taught the way life should be lived, the way people should manage a living style towards a better life. After all, Social Studies is about people. The components of the Teacher’s Manual spelled out in every unit and chapter, are as follows: I.


General Objectives for the unit Specific Objectives for the chapter • Cognitive — for knowledge, facts, and skills • Affective — highlights national values to intensify love of country, appreciation of Filipino culture, history, and the arts • Psychomotor — application of all essential learning developed

Main menu for Filipinism CD-ROM 6

Filipinism CD-ROM

Topics Content provided by the major concept for the unit and specific to the chapter

The fourth edition of OCOP series has a complementary Filipinism Interactive CD-ROM for each level. This CD-ROM is designed as a supplemental tool in the students’ mastery of the lessons in Geography, History, and Civics. The CD-ROMs will automatically run on Windows 98 PC. Each CD-ROM has the following features: 1. The content is presented in two languages – English and Filipino. 2. Unit titles comprise of topics which correspond to those in the worktext. By clicking the title, the user can directly go to the presentations. 3. Units are presented in slide show and/or video format. Clickable icons guide the user in switching from one slide or video to the next.

III. Materials Print and non-print and what is most recent in the information technology IV.

Methods For the development of the lesson with adequate preparatory activities and application of skills with pertinent exercises


Evaluation Feedback exercise for non-graded formative evaluation and at the end of the unit, a final test that will determine entry behavior to the next unit

— clicking this icon will lead to slide shows of the subtopics under each unit

VI. Enrichment Activity Searching for further knowledge seems endless. This part calls for a breath and depth of all sorts of multimedia materials within the reachable environment of the learning child. This brings us to a wide spectrum of rainbow-hued modern techniques in our changing world.

— this icon will enable the user to view the slide presentation with audio — this icon will enable the user to read the text of the slide presentation iv

— located at the upper right-hand corner of the slide, this icon opens to the additional relevant or trivia information in each slide

Table of Contents

— this icon will show the enrichment activity integrating livelihood education


— this icon links to the video presentation of topics in each unit — this icon links to interactive quizzes and exercises that provide fun while assessing the students’ level of learning 4. Other navigation keys and control keys are readily accessible when exploring specific features, thus making the interactive CD-ROMs user friendly.


THE CITIZENS IN NATION-BUILDING ......................




Human Resources of the Philippines ……………




Population and Migration …………………………




National Unity and Development ………………








Location of the Philippines ………………………


Each CD-ROM is best used in the school computer laboratory or through a personal computer (PC) at home. With the teacher’s assistance and/or parents’ guidance, the students can easily follow the instructions under the Things to Learn on My Computer in selected lessons in the worktext. Some of the activities in the CD-ROMs are also published online at www.vibalpublishing. com. Embedded supplementary web links may also be conveniently accessed through this website. The students can directly access the OCOP e-learning supplements through i-learn.vibalpublishing. com by clicking at the Social Studies tab (see photo at left).



The Natural Resources of the Philippines ………


III THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT AND THE FILIPINOS ...............................................


The Author

Interface of OCOP Grade 6 at i-learn.vibalpublishing.com.

Unit Chapter


The Importance of Government …………………




Effective Governance and Responsible Citizenship ……………………………………………




Philippine Sovereignty ……………………………




The Philippines in World Affairs …………………





10 Promotion of National Development ……………




The Government and National Development …



12 The Citizens and National Development ………




Scope and Sequence Objectives/Skills


Lesson Number

B. Students appreciate the Filipino values that help in the making and progress of a country

Page in the Book


Recognize the values and beliefs that unite the Filipinos





Discuss how values can help or hinder the progress of a country



Proud of the Filipino citizen and their being part of the Philippines


Give the meaning of equality of men



A. Students value the citizens as an important element of the State 1.

Recognize the characteristics of the population that can meet the progress of our country

II. The Territory of the Philippines 1


Give importance to the territorial limits of a country and wise decision in using and taking care of natural resources

1.1 Tell the total population of the Philippines


1.2 Analyze the structure of the population according to age and sex 1.3 Explain the factors that have something to do with population growth 1.4 Explain the importance of the healthy and intelligent citizen for the country’s progress 2.

Describe the difference in population in urban and rural places




Recognize the difference in the distribution and density of population in every region




Enumerate the causes of migration




Give the effect of migration in places where people left and where they will go





Students use the map for identifying the boundaries and extent of the Philippine territory 1.

Identify the boundaries and extent of Philippine Territorial limits




Describe the insular and vicinal location of the Philippines




State the importance of the location of the Philippines on Earth



Students form wise decision in proper use and proper management of our country’s natural resources 1.

Identify the natural resources of our country




Group the natural resources according to kind




Identify the resources located in the different places in the Philippines with the aid of an economic map




Analyze the intelligent and non-intelligent ways of using and managing our natural resources




Explain the effect of the intelligent and non-intelligent utilization of natural resources




Discuss the laws that has something to do with the management of the country’s natural resources




Form conclusion that the intelligent and management of the natural resources is related to the country’s progress





A. Students realize the importance of the government and appreciate what the government is doing in taking care of the welfare and security of the citizens 1.

Explain what a government is




Identify the characteristics of a democratic country




Compare and contrast different government based on its kind and form




Analyze the system of government of our country 4.1 Analyze the different branches of government and the role of each in performing their duties






Enumerate the ways and means being done by the government to take care of the well being and security of the citizens



Realize the importance of having an honest leader and responsible citizens 1.

Appreciate the honest services of the leaders and their staff




Analyze the characteristics of a good means of governing




State who is the Filipino citizen based on the Constitution




State the basic rights and the freedom enjoyed by the Filipino citizens based on the Constitution of 1987




Analyze the ways and means that help take care of one’s rights




Discuss the events that hinder in attaining one’s rights




Explain why it is important to attain the freedom and rights of the citizens




Discuss that there is corresponding responsibilities for every right one enjoys




Appreciate the role of the citizens in pushing through good governance



III. The Government and the Good Governance Give importance to the role of the government and the citizens for the good of the country

4.2 D i s c u s s t h e l e a d e r s o f e a c h branch of government and the duties and responsibilities of each one of them

IV Maintaining the Freedom and Independence of the Country Give importance in maintaining the independence of the country A. Realize the importance of having sovereignty in maintaining the freedom of a country 1. Gives conclusion that a free country has sovereignty 1.1 Explain the importance of internal sovereignty of a country 1.2 Explain the importance of external sovereignty of a country 2. Give value to the rights attained 3. Gives reason why there is a need for the citizens to protect and fight for the freedom and territorial limits of the country B.

Students give importance to the good relationship of the Philippines with other countries and the contribution of the Philippines to the world 1. Discuss the ways of Philippine relationship with other countries at present 2. Explain the importance of the external relationship of the Philippines towards the progress of the country 3. Discuss the support of the Filipinos as citizen of the world and the contribution of the Philippines in regional and international organization 4. Give importance to the Philippine membership to regional and international organizations 4.1 Enumerate the regional organizations in which the Philippines is a member







8 8

128-131 131-135







A. Analyze the meaning of development and characteristics of a develop country 1. State the meaning of development 2. Enumerate the indicators of a develop livelihood 3. Describe the livelihood of a develop country







10 10

155-156 156-166











The Citizens and Government in the Progress of the Philippines Appreciate the efforts of the citizens and the government for the Philippines to development



4.2 Discuss the effect to the country in being a member of the regional and international organization Form conclusion with regards to the good external relationship of our country

Students appreciate the ways and means done by the government in pushing through the development of a country 1. Explain how the present government is pushing through the development of our country 1.1 Enumerate the policies and economic programs the government is launching at present 1.2 Discuss the ways and means that the government is doing for improving the quality of education 1.3 Discuss the ways and means that the government is doing in improving science and technology 2. Relate the importance of education and health of the citizens in developing and improving the livelihood of the country


Give reason on the ways the government is doing to keep abreast with globalization 3.1 Discuss the meaning of globalization



3.2 Identify the ways the government is doing on the citizen for them to keep abreast with globalization



3.3 Explain the importance of having foreign investors in our country



3.4 Form conclusion towards the globalization of the country



1.4 Appreciate the happenings/events and the contribution of the Filipinos in the different parts of the world towards the development of the country 2.

Tell the characteristics of a person who has desirable attitude towards work




Tell the characteristics of an intelligent customer




Relate the importance of patronizing our own products towards the development of our country




Recognize the ways of proper use of products and services




Explain the importance of improving and developing the kind of products or merchandize of a country for the development of its livelihood



1.1 Explain the importance of having good health to help in the country’s development


Discuss the importance of recycling




Show the relation of conserving energy with the development of a country



1.2 Explain how developing one’s potential and skill can help support in forging the development of the country


Discuss how social issues like drug abuse, child abuse, destroying the environment, crime, discrimination and other can hinder the development of the country




Give realistic suggestions in solving national problems and issues



C. Give importance to the role of the citizens in supporting the development of the country 1.

Explain how the citizens support the development of the country



1.3 Give the meaning and characteristics of being a productive citizen



Page in the Book

Page in the Teacher’s Manual





Human Resources of the Philippines





Population and Migration





National Unity and Development








Location of the Philippines





The Natural Resources of the Philippines








The Importance of Government





Effective Governance and Responsible Citizenship





Philippine Sovereignty





The Philippines in World Affairs








Promotion of National Development





The Government and National Development





The Citizens and National Development









Chapter Title


Number of Days






_(True)_ 13. The opening of Philippine ports has contributed to the income of more Filipinos.


True or False. Write True if the statement is true. If false, underline the word or words that made it incorrect and write the correct answer on the blank.

_(True)_ 14. The Philippines may not have diplomatic relations with other countries.

_(True)_ 1. Population or the number of people in a territory is the most important element of a state.

_______ 15. The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao is one of the autonomous regions in the Philippines. (the only)

_(True)_ 2. The Philippines is among the countries in the world that has a big population.

_(True)_ 16. E c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t m e a n s h a v i n g m o r e production.


3. A foreigner who wishes to acquire a Filipino citizenship through naturalization must be at least 18 years old. (21 years old)


4. Rural areas are densely populated due to migration. (Urban)

_______ 17. Sovereignty refers to the power of the government to enforce its wishes and to require obedience from all citizens. (State) _______ 18. Globalization as an economic system is being proposed by the United Nations. (World Trade Organization)

_(True)_ 5. The barangay is the smallest government unit in the country. _______

_______ 19. The National Commission for Culture and the Arts is the lead agency which supports the skills and talents of Filipino citizens. (Cultural Center of the Philippines)

6. Illiteracy can only be solved through reading exercises. (proper education)

_(True)_ 7. Geography affects progress and unity of a country.

_______ 20. Birth rate can be determined by adding the number of births of a given year by the total population in the same year and multiply it by 1,000. (dividing)

_(True)_ 8. The Philippines has a tropical climate because it is near the equator. _(True)_ 9. A government is democratic if its power is in the hands of the people.

II. Fill in the Blanks. Choose from the box the correct word that will complete each statement.

_(True)_ 10. The Constitution provides the structure, form, duties, and powers of the government.

1. The movement of a person from one place to another is called ________. (migration)

_______ 11. If a consumer has complaint against a product that he or she has purchased, he or she can go to the Department of Energy. (Department of Trade and Industries)

2. The ability to read and write with understanding simple messages in any language or dialect. (simple literacy)

_______ 12. Under the Archipelagic Doctrine, the boundaries of the Philippines should consist of straight lines connected by appropriate points at the innermost islands or edge of the archipelago. (outermost)

3. The piece of paper used to cast a secret vote during election is called ________. (ballot) xi

4. The program of the Department of Health that adds micronutrients such as Vitamin A, iron, and/or iodine to certain foods to make them nutritious is called ____________. (Food Fortification Program)

2. The local police suddenly entered the premise of a private company because they were tipped by an informant that a fugitive is hiding in the area. (right against unlawful searches and arrests)

5. The percentage of the entire population that is currently employed and earning some form of income is called ____________. (employment rate)

3. Sherly and her friends are planning to spend their summer vacation in Australia. (freedom of abode and travel) 4. The National Statistics Office posted on their website the initial result of the 2007 national census. (right to information)

6. A country that is ruled by a hereditary chief of state with life tenure and powers varying from nominal to absolute, has a ____________ form of government. (monarchial)

5. The 1987 Constitution guarantees that Filipinos are free to choose their own religion. (freedom of religion)

7. Every right has a corresponding ____________ to perform. (duty)

6. Carl has been saving his money so that he can buy his first car. (right to property)

8. When a person accomplished a work later when it is possible to do that particular work now, that person is ______________. (procrastinating)

7. The employees of a private company recently formed a cooperative where they will pool their savings together as capital. (right to form union, associations, and societies)

9. Leaves and left-over food are examples of ____________ that break down and disintegrate over time by burying them in the ground. (biodegradable)

8. When Mario, a market vendor, was accused of theft, he called help from the Public Attorney’s Office. (right of an accused person)

10. If a person is accused of a crime, he or she has the right to due process of ____________. (law) law



simple literacy




employment rate


Food Fortification Program

9. Leila, who just turned 18, registered at the local office of the Commission on Elections so she can vote in the next election. (right of suffrage) 10. The 1987 Constitution provides that the Filipinos will receive free basic education. (right to education) IV. Enumeration. List down the items being asked in each number. 1. Bodies of water that bound the Philippines a. north — Bashi Channel and South China Sea

C. Identification. Name what right is being exercised or violated in each situation.

b. south — Sulu Sea, Celebes Sea c.

1. A group of students marching in the streets, bearing placards (freedom of speech, expression, and assembly)

east — Pacific Ocean and Philippine Sea

d. west — South China Sea xii

b. repatriation

2. Classification of natural resources


a. land resources b. forest resources c.

d. serving in the armed forces of another country

water resources

8. Rights of a Filipino citizen (the student may name at least five)

d. mineral resources e.

fishery resources


energy resources

a. freedom of religion b. right to information c.

3. The elements of a state

right to due process of law

d. freedom of abode and travel

a. citizens b. territory c.

taking the oath of allegiance to another country upon reaching the age of 21



right to life, liberty, and property


right to equal protection of the law

g. freedom of speech, expression, and assembly

d. sovereignty

h. right to private communication and correspondence

4. Types of migration

9. Rights of a sovereign state

a. external migration

a. right to diplomatic relationships

b. internal migration

b. right of independence

5. Political divisions of government based on the extent of powers they exercise


right of jurisdiction

d. right of equality

a. national government


b. local government

right to property

10. International organizations wherein the Philippines is a member

6. Three branches of a democratic government a. executive branch

a. Group of 77

b. legislative branch

b. United Nations




World Trade Organization

d. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

7. Ways on how a Filipino can lose his or her citizenship


a. naturalization in another country xiii

Association of Southeast Asian Nations





1. Express concern on the effects of rapid increase in Philippine population 2. Express the important role of the government, church, and the people in solving Philippine population problems 3. Analyze that the key to progress is on the quality of population a country has

There are three chapters in this unit. Chapter 1 Human Resources of the Philippines Chapter 2 Population and Migration Chapter 3 National Unity and Development

Chapter 1



To show pride in being a Filipino




Cognitive 1. Describe the Philippine population based on its growth rate, distribution, density, age, sex, literacy rate, life span, and the urban and rural population 2. Enumerate the qualities of the population that can help in the development and progress of a country 3. Discuss the causes and effects of the rapid increase in Philippine population 4. Analyze the factors that affect the distribution and density of Philippine population 5. Predict the consequences on the continuous increase of the annual population growth rate 6. Draw conclusions based on the concepts learned about population and migration


Psychomotor 1. Research the latest data about Philippine population 2. Present a report on Philippine population using the graph, chart, table and other audio-visual materials 3. Interpret the data on the chart and graph to show the trend of the Philippine population 4. Write a slogan on the theme “Human resources in national development�


The people is the most important resource of a country. The development and progress of a country lies on the quality of people the country has. It is important to know and make a study about its population, how it can affect us and how we can help solve our present and future population problems.


II. TOPICS The Philippine Population, pages 3-7; Characteristics and Structure of the Philippine population, pages 8-15; Regional Population Distribution, pages 16-19.

III. MATERIALS Textbook, pictures, overhead projector (OHP), mobile computer with internet connection, chart, graph or table.


Preparation 1. Put one whole sheet of newspaper on the floor. Ask a student to step on the newspaper. Call another student to do the same thing. Continue until the newspaper is crowded with students. 2. Ask the students: How can you compare this activity to the Philippine population? Why did you compare this situation to population?


Development of the Lesson 1. Using an OHP, show data on Philippine population and let the students analyze the rank of the Philippine population in Asia and the world. 2. Divide the class into eight groups. Let them choose a topic they want to research and report on: a. Population growth rate, birth rate, death rate b. Characteristics and structure of the Philippine population c. Life expectancy and literacy rate in the Philippines d. Population density e. Population in urban and rural areas f. Programs of the government, church, and the private sector on how to control the rapid increase in the Philippine population g. The stand of the government and the church on population control h. The qualities of a population that can help in the development and progress of the Philippines 3. Tell the students to be creative in presenting their topic. They may use panel discussion, newscasting, role playing, and other techniques. 4. Require them to use additional research to support their topic. 5. Encourage them to use technology in presenting their research (OHP, mobile computer, radio, audio-visual presentation, etc.). 6. Give the students time to gather data using the library and internet. They may also invite resource persons. 7. Let each group present their topic creatively. 8. Process the report of each group. 9. Ask the audience to make a generalization about what they have learned from the group report. 10. Write a slogan on the theme “Human resources in national development”.


Application of Skills Have the class share ideas and opinions on the following questions: 1. Drawing of Conclusions. Why do you think a highly literate population is an important factor in the rapid development of a country? 2. Predicting Consequences. What do you think would happen to the Philippines if the annual population growth rate continues to increase? 3. Give conclusions based on your findings and on the concepts you have learned about migration. 4. Guide the pupils in doing Things I Will Do on page 23.


EVALUATION 1. Let the students answer Check Yourself on pages 10 and 19. 2. Let the students do Things I Learned on pages 20-22. 3. Give to students as homework Things I Can Do on page 23. Let them use newspapers, articles, sources from the internet, or interview parents to answer the homework.


Check Yourself, page 10 1.

It is through their intelligence and skills that they are able to obtain raw materials from the country’s natural resources and transform them into food, clothing, shelter, medicine, machineries etc. They are the most important element in attaining national progress.


The consistent decline in the average growth rate of the Ilocos Region and Eastern Visayas may be attributed to the migration of the Ilocanos and Visayans to other areas, regions, or countries where there are better job opportunities, climatic-conditions, and opportunities for personal advancement.


Most of the time, NCR has high population growth rate compared to other regions.




Check Yourself, page 19 1. There is an unequal distribution of population in the Philippines because people tend to live in areas, provinces, or regions where there are more job opportunities, better chances of educational advancement, there is good governance, the peace and order situation is not a problem, there are available means of transportation, good weather conditions, lack of geographical barriers, abundance of natural resources, presence of recreational and cultural activities and many more. 2. CALABARZON has the highest population because it is an industrialized zone that provides many job opportunities. 3. 2. 04% is considered rapid growth rate because the Philippines ranked seventh among Asian countries with the highest population, 12th among the countries all over the world. 4. The current population growth of the Philippines has become a national concern because it could have bad or negative effects on the people and on our natural resources. Things I Learned, pages 20-22 A. 1. population 2. unit area

3. 4.


birth rate population density

5. 6. 7.

demography sex ratio population census

8. 9. 10.

fertility rate life expectancy population growth rate


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

C W—increase C C W—big C

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

W—do not W—no C C C W—blend of urban and rural


1. 2. 3.

c d a

4. 5.

b d


1. 2. 3.


4. 5.


Things I Can Do, page 23 Answers may vary

VI. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Make a research on the population of the Philippines number of births and deaths in year 2003, 2006, and 2009. 2. Compute the birth rate, death rate, and population growth rate of the Philippines from 2003, 2006, and 2009. Country

Year 2000

Population 76,504,077

Number of Births 1,766,440

Number of Deaths

Birth Rate

Death Rate


366, 391

2003 2006 2009

3. Refer the students to the website provided on page 19 of the textbook for comparison of the Philippine population with those other populous countries. A direct link to this website is also available at i-learn.vibalpublishing.com 4

Chapter 2


GENERAL OBJECTIVE To understand and analyze the trends in Philippine migration in order to weigh its causes and effects.


III. MATERIALS Textbook, graph, chart, OHP, mobile computer with internet connection, Philippine and world maps, newspapers, pictures.


Ask the students the following questions:Who has relative or friends abroad? Where are they? Why are they in another country? How do we call the movement of people from one place to another?

Migration affects the distribution of population in the Philippines. It has advantages and disadvantages to the people and to the country itself.


SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES A. Cognitive 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Compare internal migration from external migration Differentiate the different patterns of migration Enumerate the factors affecting migration Identify the two causes of migration Explain the positive and negative effects of migration

Affective 1. Express the feeling about the continuous flight of the Filipino workers working abroad 2. Express the importance of cooperation among the government, the private sector, and individuals in solving brain drain in the Philippines


Psychomotor 1. Report creatively in front of the class important data about migration 2. Use graphs, charts, maps to explain migration data in the Philippines

II. TOPICS Types of Migration, pages 24-28; Pattern of Migration, page 29; Factors affecting Migration, page 30; Causes of Migration, pages 30-31; Effects of Migration on population change, page 32.



Development of the Lesson 1. Show a part of the film “Milan” or any film related to migration. Ask them what they feel about the Filipino working abroad. Ask the students whether or not it’s a neccessity for the Filipinos to migrate? What will happen if this will continue? Tell them that these questions and other data about migration will be answered on their group report. 2. Divide the class into five groups. Ask them to choose a topic they want to research and report on. Give the following topics: a. types of migration b. patterns of migration c. factors affecting migration d. causes of migration e. effects of migration 3. Give the students time to gather data about their report. Ask them to use the textbooks, articles from the internet, magazines, newspapers, and other materials. 4. Encourage the students to use role-playing, panel discussion, film showing, news reporting, and other techniques. 5. Process the report of each group. 6. After the Group One presentation, ask the students the following questions: a. What are the two types of migration? 5

b. How will you compare internal migration from external migration? Give examples. c. What are the laws and policies that you know about migration? What other migration policy would you like to suggest? Why? 7. After the Group Two presentation, ask the students the following questions: a. What are the different patterns of migration discussed by the group? Give your own example. b. Aside from the patterns of migration given by the reporter, what other patterns of migration do you observe nowadays? Ask the students to give a summary about the report. 8. After the Group Three presentation, ask the students the following questions: a. Based from the pictures that you see, who has the tendency to migrate? 1. Old or young? Why? 2. Educated or uneducated? Why? 3. Working people or jobless people? Why? b. What are the factors of migration? Ask the students to give a summary about the report. 9. After the Group Four presentation, ask the students the following questions: a. What news about Filipino migration did the group report on? Write the titles of the news on the board. b. Classify the news based on the push and pull factors. c. Why did you classify the first set of news under the push factor? Give your own example. d. Why did you classify the second set under the pull factor? Give also examples. 10. After the Group Five presentation, ask the students the following questions: a. What is the most important reason why Filipinos migrate? 6



b. Where do you prefer to work in the future, in the Philipines or abroad? Why? c. What can the government do with the increasing population in urban areas? d. How can we solve the brain drain problem in our country? Ask the students to give a generalization about the topic. Ask the students to sing the song Pagbabalik by Asin thru this link: http://www.kumanta.com/lyrics/view/14396/ Pagbabalik and have them give their reactions to the message of the song.

Application of Skills 1. In the street or barangay where you live, interview and gather information on the following items: a. residents who have come from other regions, provinces, towns and cities b. places or offices where they work c. reasons for moving to your barangay 2. Summarize the information you have gathered. 3. Prepare a short report. 4. Let the students do Things I Will Do on page 35.


EVALUATION 1. Let the students answer Check Yourself pages 28, 29, and 32. 2. Let the students answer Things I Learned pages 33-34. 3. Give to students as homework Things I Can Do on page 35.


Check Yourself, page 28 1. Population growth is affected by migration because it increases or decreases the population of a place. 2. The Middle East is the favorite destination of Filipino overseas workers because of the following: a. Professional and skilled workers are given high salary rates. b. Board and lodging are shouldered by employers.


Check Yourself, page 29 Answers may vary.


Check Yourself, page 32 1. It affects the population growth rate of their places of destination either positively or negatively. 2. Many people are attracted to a certain place because of job, educational opportunities, and other pull factors. 3. The push factors drive people away from a certain place.


Things I Learned, pages 33-34 A. 1. C (experience) 2. A (employment opportunities) 3. B (Middle East)

4. 5.

A (higher-paying jobs) C (brain drain)

4. 5.

U.S other countries


1. 2. 3.

True True True



Internal migration is the movement of people within their country of origin while external migration is the movement of people from their home country to another country to stay there for a long period of time or permanently. People move from rural to urban areas because of employment opportunities, quality education, better health and sanitation services and many others. Many people want to work abroad to seek for higher-paying jobs in order to support their loved ones. People are forced to leave a particular place because of push factors such as unemployment, poor quality education, etc. External migration has positive and negative effects on the family and country. More young people migrate to other places.


3. 4. 5. 6. ˛

1. Ask the students to watch movies or documentary films about Filipinos working abroad. 2. Encourage the students to read articles on the plight of Filipino workers abroad. 3. Tell the students to interview friends and relatives of Filipinos working abroad. 4. Ask the students to visit the website provided for on page 28 of the textbook. This link may easily be accessed at i-learn. vibalpublishing.com together with another weblink on an article containing interesting thoughts and stories about OFWs as our modern-day heroes.

Rapid urbanization offers many job opportunities so people migrate for personal and professional advancement.

Things I Can Do, page 35 Answers may vary.

Chapter 3


GENERAL OBJECTIVE To appreciate the values, beliefs, traditions, and culture which Filipinos are proud of and which have united them as a people and as a country

MAJOR CONCEPT The Filipinos have common beliefs, values, traditions, and culture that unite them as a people and as a country.


SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES A. Cognitive 1. Explain the importance of unified values and beliefs among the Filipino people 2. Identify the different values and beliefs that unite the Filipino people 3. Explain how values and beliefs help or hinder the development and progress of a country


Affective 1. Show pride and appreciation for the values and beliefs that unite the Filipino people 2. Express disagreement on the Filipino values that hinder the development and progress of the nation 7



b. Valuing moral character c. Valuing the majority and rights of the minority d. Valuing friendship and cooperation

1. Report creatively values and beliefs that help or hinder in the development of a nation 2. Gather data on the different values and beliefs that help or hinder the development and progress of the Philippines

II. TOPICS Factors Towards Unity, pages 36-39; Factors Towards Progress, pages 39-40; Traditional Values of Filipinos, pages 40-42.

III. MATERIALS Textbook, tape, interview, documentary films, folksongs, Powerpoint presentation, OHP, Filipinism CD-ROM 6, computer with internet connection



IV. METHODS A. Preparation 1. Watch the documentary film “People Power.” Ask the students what they have heard or learned from their parents about People Power. Discuss about the documentary film. Use the following guide questions in the discussion: a. What makes us proud of being a Filipino in this historical event? b. What values and beliefs did the Filipinos show in this film? 2. Allow the students to give their opinions, comments, and experiences related to the topic.


Development of the Lesson 1. Divide the class into eight groups. Ask each group to choose a topic they want to research and report on. Give the following topics: Factors Toward Unity a. Valuing education




6. 7. 8. 9.

Factors toward progress e. Valuing good health f. Valuing labor g. Valuing self-confidence h. Valuing equality Ask the students to read the topic assigned to their group from the textbook. Require them to use other references to prepare for creative presentations. They may also use internet, interview, or film related to their topic. Challenge the students to be creative in their presentations. Combine their Powerpoint presentation with any of the following techniques: dramatization, panel discussion, human painting, commercial, television shows, news reporting or one-on-one interview. Give the students time to prepare for their presentations. Using an overhead projector show a drawing of a stair to the students. Ask them to write five valuable things in their life. Ask them to rank these from 1 to 5 wherein number 5 is the most important. Discuss the answers of the students. Ask why they value these. Through the presentation, they will identify what Filipinos value most and how it contributes or hinder in the national development. Let the audience give their comments after the presentation. Ask the students to make a generalization about the group presentation. Play the song “Magkaisa” (song used during EDSA I) or any song about unity (Isang Dugo, Isang Lahi, Isang Musika). Let the students do the first activity under Things I Can Learn from My Computer on page 45 of the textbook. This activity may also be accessed online at i-learn.vibalpublishing.com.


Application of Skills 1. Writing Effective Paragraphs. While listening to the song “Magkaisa,” ask the class to write a short paragraph on any one of the eight topics discussed by the groups. An effective paragraph has the following characteristics: 1. Unity • There is one main idea. • All details support the main idea. 2. Adequate Development • The main idea is explained clearly. • Examples, experiences, or illustrations are used to further expound the main idea. 3. Coherence • Sentences are arranged in a sequential manner. • Words are clear and easy to read. • Paragraphs are presented in an interesting manner. 2. Let the students do Things I Will Do on page 45. 3. Let the students do Things I Can Do on page 45.




5. 6. 7.


Things I Learned, pages 43-44 A. 1. labor — work 2. cooperate — work together 3. values — moral principles 4. bayanihan — cooperation B.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Answers may vary

EVALUATION 1. Let the students answer Check Yourself on pages 42-45. 2. Let the students take the interactive quiz on the Filipinism CD-ROM 6 and Summary on pages 46-48. See Things I Can Learn from My Computer on page 45.


Check Yourself, page 42 1. National unity is valuable to all countries because it is the key to progress and national development. 2. National unity can be achieved through education because through it the people attain the right knowledge and skills, good health, and values that make them productive citizens.


The parents sacrifice a lot to send their children to school. The children usually cooperate with the parents. The Philippine Government provides free elementary and secondary education to all public schools. Friendship brings about respect and because of this misunderstanding among groups and countries are solved through peaceful and diplomatic means. Filipinos value freedom and liberty, courage, nationalism, human dignity, respect for the law and many others. Colonial mentality hinders progress because people refrain from patronizing locale products. Successful Filipinos abroad inspire us. There are also instances wherein successful Filipinos come home to share their blessings with us like the “Balik Scientist Program” of the DOST. Filipinos abroad also send remittances back to the country, which helps out in boosting the national economy.

No Yes Yes No Yes No No

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Yes No No No No No No

Summary, page 46 1. People migrate because of bright job prospects, quality education opportunities, safer environmental situation, etc. 2. The Philippines has a young population. This means that the Filipinos who are of working age have to work doubly hard in order to support the country’s young population. A greater part of the government budget will be allotted for education and health care programs for children and youth.



4. 5.







Migration has positive and negative effects in countries depending on the nature of migration, for example, the people who migrate to a foreign country, specifically ask for them due to economic reasons, such external migration is beneficial to the accepting country. On the other hand, the developing countries from where these professionals and skilled workers originated are at a disadvantage because these countries lose some of its finest and most talented professionals to the developed countries where they migrated. Answers depend on the situations. People flock to urban areas because of the following reasons: better job opportunities, educational advancement, cultural interests, recreational facilities, health benefits, and better living conditions. Problems that may arise in an overpopulated place include lack of decent housing, increase in criminality, improper garbage and sewerage disposal, overcrowding in schools,unsanitary living conditions, traffic congestion, pollution, flooding, increase incidence of sickness, and many others. The characteristics of an urban area include the: presence of multi-ethnic groups; proliferation of commercial and business establishments, government buildings and offices, educational institutions, hospitals, commercialized amusements, parks, various types of transportation, illuminated streets, and avenues, and many others. Some of the factors that hinder the progress of a nation are the negative traits of the people such as colonial mentality, laziness, ignorance; too much dependence on the government; graft and corruption in the government; an uneducated citizenry; lack of natural resources, and poor climate conditions. Education is a big factor in migration. Educated people normally migrate more than the less educated people. The educated people look for greener pastures where they are assured of finding jobs appropriate to their educational attainment. Solutions to the problem of population increase: a. Advocacy of the planned parenthood program b. Increasing the legal age for marriage c. Providing incentives to families with only two or three children d. Health workers conducting seminars for young mothers on the importance of family planning.



Reason why Filipinos have a large family size a. Filipinos believe the bigger the family, the happier the family will be. b. In the rural areas, many hands are needed in working in the farm, so the more people there are in the family, the better. c. The Filipinos believe every children is a gift from God. It enables us to know if there is an increase or decrease in the population such that we are able to foresee possible population problems and solutions that may arise in the coming years.

VI. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Have the class interview the members of their family. Ask them to write other common Filipino values they have observed in their own family. Ask them to fill-in the chart. An example is given as guide. FILIPINO VALUES OBSERVED IN THE FAMILY Filipino Values Example: Pakikisama

Contribute Promotes cammaraderie and friendship



Abuse powers or friendship

2. Have a contest on promoting positive Filipino values using any of the following activities. a. caricature making e. essay writing b. poster making f. Powerpoint presentation c. song writing g. slogan writing d. poem writing

Acknowledge the contest winners through the following: • Publish the works of the students in the school newspaper • Present winners during the flag ceremony or school programs • Have the winners recite their winning poem and essay, or sing their winning song during the school programs


It refers to a place where there is a blending of the rural and the urban community.


The movement of people from one place to another within a country or outside the country.


3. Have each class name their class after a value or trait. You can conduct a survey what trait the students want their class to be called.

The movement of people from their home country to another country to stay there for a long time or live in a permanent basis.


The movement of people within their country of origin.


4. Collect compact discs (CDs) promoting positive Filipino values. Play these songs in the classroom.

The phenomenon of bright and young professionals leaving the country to work in a foreign country.


Cooperation of people in a community activity.


A trait which focuses on a person’s belief in his or her capabilities and skills.


A term which refers to something regarded as desirable, worthy, right as a belief or ideal.


A state or a quality of being one, a state of mutual understanding.


A government in which political control is shared by all the people, either directly or by representatives, whom they elect.


State of advancement from a lower level to a higher level.


KNOWLEDGE OF TERMINOLOGY Write the word or group of words being defined or explained in the following sentences. 1. It refers to the total number of people or inhabitants in a particular country or region. 2. A social science which is concerned with the study of population 3. A periodic governmental enumeration of population. 4. A measure of the number of people per unit area. 5. A percentage of a country’s population, ten years old and above who are able to read and write 6. Percentage at which the population of a particular place increases or decreases over a certain period of time 7. The projected number of years of life of people based on statistical probability 8. It refers to a place having the characteristics of a city. 9. It refers to a place having an agricultural way of life.

II. KNOWLEDGE OF SPECIFIC FACTS Write the letter of the word or words needed to complete each sentence. 1. The first official census in the Philippines was taken in __________. a. 1571



b. 1878

d. 1903

2. A region in the Philippines with the highest density of population is region __________. a. ARMM



b. Cagayan Valley

d. NCR 11

3. The city with the highest population in NCR as of 2007 is __________. a. Caloocan c. Pasig b. Manila d. Quezon city 4. The smallest island province in the Philippines is ________. a. Batanes c. Guimaras b. Camiguin d. Pangasinan 5. The province with the largest population in the country is _________. a. Bulacan c. Laguna b. Cavite d. Pangasinan 6. A region with one of the lowest urban population is __________. a. CALABARZON c. Eastern Visayas b. Central Luzon d. NCR

III. KNOWLEDGE OF CAUSE AND EFFECT Match the list of causes in column A with the list of effects in column B. Write the letters only. B A a. Cooperation in any community 1. Intelligent and welleducated Filipinos b. Eradications of graft and corruptions in the government 2. Bayanihan spirit c. Filipinos fought to gain independence 3. Healthy workers d. Dependence on government assistance 4. Self-reliant Filipinos e. Increased production in a 5. Filipino’s love for freefactory dom and liberty f. Innovative ways of helping themselves 6. Love for imported g. Local industries will fold up, goods employees/workers will be laid off 12

7. Young migrants 8. Dedicated public officials 9. S e l f - c o n f i d e n t Filipinos 10.

Respect for elders

h. Hasten progress in country of destinations i. Lack of initiative and resourcefulness j. Reduction of poverty among the people k. Seek advice from parents on important decisions to be made l. Success in undertakings

IV. CLASSIFICATION Find out which among the options does not belong to the group. Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. Countries where most Filipinos migrate for permanent residence a. Canada c. United States b. Australia d. Russia 2. Government agencies assisting OFWs going abroad a. Department of Finance b. Department of Foreign Affairs c. Department of Labor and Employment d. Philippine Overseas Employment Administration 3. Asian countries where Filipinos have high prospects for employment a. Malaysia c. Brunei b. Singapore d. Bangladesh 4. Middle East countries where many Filipinos work a. Saudi Arabia c. Nigeria b. United Arab Emirates d. Kuwait 5. Character traits public officials must possess a. honesty b. integrity c. dedication to one’s work d. concern for one’s personal interest

6. Rights of the minority a. right to disobey the law b. right to express one’s opinion c. right to question any wrong procedures d. right to suggest ways to run a government agency efficiently 7. Principal government agencies which look after the health of the people a. Department of Education b. Department of Health c. Department of Agriculture d. Department of Social Welfare and Development 8. Filipino heroes who have exhibited greatness through their courage and nationalism a. Dr. Jose Rizal b. Emilio Jacinto c. Andres Bonifacio d. Heneral Fermin Jaudenes 9. Factors which hinders progress a. colonial mentality c. graft and corruption b. brain drain d. nationalism 10. Examples of equality a. No one is above the law. b. Everyone should be treated as equals. c. Treatment of citizens before the law depends upon one’s financial status in life. d. Every person’s right is assured by the Constitution.


ANALYSIS Identify the type of migration being described in the following examples. 1. A family from Ilocos Norte migrated to Makati City because of the educational, health, financial and other benefits being provided to all the residents of the city.

2. A family from Laguna moves to San Pedro, Laguna to live in a newly-established subdivisions. 3. An Ilocano family from Narvacan, Ilocos Sur migrated to the agricultural town of San Mateo, Isabela to start a new life. 4. During the harvest season, agricultural workers from neighboring towns may look for employment in another town or province where there is need for additional workers to work in the farm. 5. A family from Nueva Ecija transffered to Manila to avail of the educational opportunities in the city. Later, the family migrated to the United States.

VI. SYNTHESIS A. Answer the following questions 1. Give three factors contributory to a longer life expectancy. 2. Give three reasons why NCR and CALABARZON have the highest concentration of people. 3. Give three reasons why CAR is sparsely populated. 4. Enumerate five characteristics of an urban area. 5. State three characteristics of a rural area. 6. Cite three ways of decreasing rapid population growth. 7. Give three push factors which cause people to migrate. 8. Enumerate three pull factors which encourage people to move in to a new place. 9. Write three problems related to the migration of OFWs. 10. Give three main objectives of education in the Philippines. 11. Give three traditional values observed by Filipinos. B. After studying Unit I, design a personal program for your selfimprovement. The following is a suggested outline. My Personal Program for Self-Improvement: 1. Physical Development 2 Social Development 3. Intellectual Development 4. Spritual Development 13



Knowledge of Specific Facts 1. b 3. 2. d 4.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

migration external migration internal migration brain drain bayanihan self-confidence value unity democracy development

d a

5. 6.

III. Knowledge of Cause and Effect 1. j 6. 2. a 7. 3. e 8. 4. f 9. 5. c 10.

g h b l k

IV. Classification 1. d 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. d

a c d d c



Knowledge of Terminology 1. population 2. demography 3. census 4. population density 5. literacy rate 6. population growth rate 7. life expectancy 8. urban 9. rural 10. rurban

Analysis 1. rural to urban 2. urban to rural 3. rural to rural

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 4. 5.

temporary two-step

b c

VI. Synthesis A. 1. Factors contributory to a longer life expectancy a. Improved public health system b. More medical care services c. Eating habits and diet d. Climate and location of a country 2. Reasons why NCR and CALABARZON have the highest concentration of people a. Highly urbanized area b. Offers many opportunities for self-advancement c. Provides employment opportunities d. Educational, cultural and recreational opportunities 3. Reasons why CAR is sparsely populated a. mountainous topography b. lack of employment opportunities c. poor medical services d. lack of educational facilities 4. Characteristics of an urban area a. Densely packed population b. Presence of the following • many private vehicles and a modern public transportation system • modern townhouses and tall buildings • squatters living in creeks, vacant lots, and sidewalks • wide roads • commercial establishments • recreational facilities • banks, schools, churches, hospitals • government agencies 5. Characteristics of a rural area a. Sparse population b. Houses are far apart c. Fresh air and clean environment d. Rice fields, forests, and pastures e. Dusty and unpaved roads






Ways of Decreasing Rapid Population Growth a. Natural family planning b. Use of contraceptives c. Delayed marriages d. Giving incentives to families with small number of children Push Factors which cause People to Migrate a. Economic factor, due to unemployment, a person leaves his place to move to another place where chances of employment is high. b. Environmental factor, a warm and humid climate may force people to transfer to other places where the climate is cool and mild, remote places where there are mountain barriers or bodies of water may force people to go to the lowlands to work. c. Political factor, the problem of peace and order may force people to leave the area and go to the city where the peace and order situation is not a problem. Factors which Encourage People to Move In a. Good climate b. Employment opportunities c. Amenities of a highly-urbanized living d. Educational advancements Problems related to the Migration of OFWs a. Jobs offered abroad are not appropriate to the educational attainment of the OFWs. b. Many OFWs are being maltreated by their employers. c. Many applicants are victims of illegal recruitment. d. OFWs are paid low wages by some employers. e. Security risks in countries where peace and order is a problem Main Objectives of Education a. Provide a broad general education b. Train the nation’s manpower for middle-level skills and highlevel professions c. Foster nationalism among the youth







Traditional Values Observed by Filipinos a. Filipinos value freedom and liberty b. Filipinos value a person’s dignity c. Respect for authority of leaders d. Obedience to laws at all times e. Respect for parents and elders f. Peaceful alliances g. Utang na loob Physical Development a. Eat a balanced diet and the right kinds of food. b. Exercise regularly. c. Have regular hours of sleep. d. Have eight hours of sleep. e. Take vitamins and minerals. f. Observe personal cleanliness. g. Keep away from drugs. h. Follow doctor’s advice to protect oneself from catching flu. Social Development a. Develop one’s social skills to improve one’s human relations. b. Develop good manners. c. Be careful in choosing one’s friends. d. Develop a hobby. e. Obey school rules and regulations. Intellectual Development a. Develop proper study habits. b. Observe personal discipline. c. Read books on self-improvement. d. Strive to be a model student. e. Develop one’s talent and skills. f. Seek advice of one’s tutors and parents. Spiritual Development a. Attend to one’s religious duties regularly. b. Show kindness, compassion to others. c. Show respect to one’s elders. d. Obey one’s parents. e. Read the Bible and practice God’s teachings in one’s life.





1. Show skills in locating different places using maps and globes 2. Use the Philippine maps and tables in explaining concepts about the Philippine territory

There are two chapters in this unit. Chapter 4 Location of the Philippines

II. TOPIC The National Territory, pages 49-53

Chapter 5 The Natural Resources of the Philippines

GENERAL OBJECTIVE To understand and define the scope and limitations of the Philippine territory

Chapter 4


III. MATERIALS Textbook; world and Asian map; OHP; mobile computer with internet connection; Powerpoint of different bodies of water; tape interview; news item about territorial issues; Filipinism CD-ROM 6

IV. METHODS A. Preparation 1. Show a video on the different beautiful spots of our country. Use the Filipinism CD-ROM 6 for this activity. Ask them to point out the Philippines on the world map and an Asian map. After pointing our country on the map, ask if they know any problem regarding the country’s territory. 2. Ask them why there is a need to know about the Philippine territory its location, boundaries, and measures to protect the country from foreign intervension.

MAJOR CONCEPT The Philippine archipelago can be easily identified because of its strategic location and unique topography.



Cognitive 1. Know the exact location, boundaries, and territorial limits of the Philippines 2. Discuss the importance of the lines of longitude and latitude 3. Describe the general topography and climate of the Philippines and their effects on the lives of the people 4. Enumerate the agreements, laws, and doctrines that are used as legal basis for determining our territorial limits


Affective 1. Appreciate the laws and treaties that serve as legal bases for the Philippine’s territory 2. Show pride for the Philippine’s unique physical characteristics which are assets to economic development




Development of the Lesson 1. Divide the class into eight groups. Ask them to choose the topic they want to discuss and research on: a. Groups 1-2 — legal bases for Philippine territory b. Group 3 — vicinal location c. Group 4 — insular location d. Group 5 — significance of the Philippine’s strategic location e. Group 6 — issues related to the Philippine territory f. Group 7 — role of the government g. Group 8 — the role of the People in protecting Philippine terrritory

2. Using the overhead projector, show a map of Asia. Groups 1 and 2 reporters may use it while presenting their topics about the legal bases of Philippine territory. Ask them to use a chart in their presentation like the one below . Laws/Treaties on the Philippine Territory

6. Listen to the tape interview about World War II experiences of their grand parents. Show the Philippine map and the world map. Ask the following questions: a. What is the significance of our location? b. Why were we colonized by foreigners? c. How did the Philippines get involved in the World War II? d. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the country’s location? 7. Let the students read a news item about territorial issues. Let Group 6 connect their topic to the lesson. Cite how the government is protecting our territory. 8. Let the students give reactions after each presentation of the group. Encourage the students to formulate questions on the group presentation. 9. Let the students make a generalization about the topic after each presentation. 10. Play the song “Bayan ko” by accessing this link: http://www. opmpinoy.com/opm-bayan-ko-lyrics-9648.html-

Part of the Philippine Territory

3. Ask two students to have a telephone conversation in front of the class. One student will invite his or her classmate to his or her house by giving her or him the complete address. Connect this conversation on how to locate a country. Ask the group reporters to use an overhead projector or mobile computer to review the importance of the following: a. latitude d. Prime Meridian b. longitude e. grid c. equator After the group presentation, review how to locate a country using its latitude and longitude. Conduct a group contest to master this skill. 4. Have group 6 dramatize a fire scene. Have a reporter call the fire department informing them of a house on fire in their vicinity. The reporter should be able to provide accurate directions so that the firemen will be able to reach the fire scene immediately. After the short dramatization, find out from the class if the directions given were clear and accurate. 5. Group 4 can start their group presentation using a Powerpoint presentation about the different bodies of water in the Philippines. Connect the presentation with the maritime location of the Philippines.


Application of Skills 1. Ask the students to copy the coordinates of the exact location of the Philippines on page 52 of the textbook. Then tell them to double check these coordinates by visiting this website: http://wikimapia.org. 2. Ask the students to give the exact location of the countries that bound the Philippines from all direction. a. north — Taiwan, South Korea, China b. south — Indonesia c. east — Micronesia and Marianas d. west — Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand 3. Ask the students to research about the most recent law enacted regarding the Philippine territory, specifically the Philippine Baseline Act of 2009. Ask the students to point out the most important provisions of this law. Let them make a comparison between this law and other laws discussed in the textbook. 17

4. Guide the students in forming their own generalization about the lesson. Let them read Things to Remember on page 54 after they have given their generalizations. 5. Let the students do the activities under Things I Can Do on page 55. 6. Let the students answer Things I Will Do on page 55.


Chapter 5

GENERAL OBJECTIVES To appreciate, value and conserve the rich and varied natural resources of the Philippines for the use and equipment of the present and future generations.



Let the students answer Check Yourself and Things I Learned on pages 53-55.

The Philippines is rich in natural resources. We depend on them for our livelihood. Our development and progress today and in the years to come depend upon their wise use and conservation.



Check Yourself, page 53 1. The national territory is composed of the Philippine islands, the water around it and all other territories over which the Phillippine has jurisdiction. 2. Countries should know their territories and territorial limits so that they can appreciate, develop and protect it. 3. Our long coastline needs an efficient, well-equipped and patriotic coastguard that can police our waters and arrest smugglers and for problems that may arise. Things I Learned, page 54-55 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b

5. 6. 7.


SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES A. Cognitive 1. 2. 3. 4.


b c c

VI. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Write an essay about some Philippine territorial issues. Publish the best essay on the school paper or on the local newspaper. 2. Ask the students to visit the website presented on page 53 of the textbook for them to explore places in the Philippines. A direct link to this website is also available at i-learn.vibalpublishing.com. 3. Ask the students to do the activity on Things I Can Learn from My Computer on page 55 of the textbook.

Identify the Philippines natural resources Classify these types of natural resources Explain the importance of each natural resources Discuss ways and means on the proper utilization of these natural resources

Affective 1. Value the importance of these natural resources 2. Recognize the government’s efforts in the preservation and conservation of these natural resources 3. Appreciate the contribution of the private sector in the preservation of these natural resources




Psychomotor 1. Use the Philippine economic map in identifying the location of various natural resources 2. Participate in programs or projects that help in the conservation of the environment

II. TOPICS Natural Resources, pages 56-61; Protection and Conservation of Natural Resources, pages 62-67; Enviromental Laws, pages 68-70; Sustainable Development, pages 70-71.


5. Group reporters should include in their research and presentation the role of the private sectors, current data, and information on the different natural resources of our country. Show slides, Powerpoint presentation, data on natural calamities which have occured in our country and in other countries like flash floods, soil erosion and drought.

Textbook, economic map, pictures, Powerpoint presentation, OHP, mobile computer with internet connection, realia (real objects from our natural resources such as marble etc.); Filipinism CD-ROM 6


6. Encourage the students to ask questions after each group had presented.

Preparation Introduce the lesson by using the Filipinism CD-ROM. Do the first activity as indicated under Things I Can Learn from My Computer on page 75. This activity may also be accessed online at i-learn.vibalpublishhing.com.


7. Motivate the students to come up with a generalization after each group presentation. 8. Ask the students to think of slogans on the proper use and conservation of natural resources.

Development of the lesson 1. Divide the students into six groups. Ask them to choose a topic they want to research and report on. Assign the following topics: a. Land resources b. Forest resources c. Water resources d. Mineral resources e. Fishery resources f. Energy resources h. Protection and Conservation of Natural Resources i. Enviromental laws 2. Ask the students to read the topic assigned to their group from pages 56-71. Require them to use other references such as the internet or interview local officials to help them gather data. 3. Tell the students that creativity is important in presenting their assigned topic. Use Powerpoint, data from internet or documentary film to support their presentation. Real products or materials are also encouraged as examples. 4. Let the students use panel discussion, television shows like “Imbestigador,” news report and other techniques for their group presentation.


Application of Skills 1. Using the information given in a resource map, answer the following questions: a. What resources do the following regions have? •

Region 1

Region 5

Region 3

Region 7

Region 4

Region 11

b. What regions have tourism as one of its primary activities? c.

Compare the resources in NCR with that of Region?

d. What regions have gold deposits? silver? copper? chromite? e.

Which region has discovered oil in its territory? What is the significance of this natural resource?


What natural resources do regions have in common?

g. What conclusions can you state regarding the status of the country’s natural resources? 2. Let the students do the suggested activities on Things I Can Do on page 75. 19


EVALUATION 1. Let the students answer questions on Check Yourself on pages 58,61,64,67,69, and 71. 2. Let the students answer Things I Learned on pages 72-73. 3. Let the students give reaction in Things I Will Do on page 74. 4. Ask the students to take the interactive quiz as presented in the second activity on Things I Can Learn from My Computer on page 75. 5. Let the students answer the Summary questions on pages 76 and 77.






Check Yourself, page 58 1. a. Agricultural products such as rice, corn, coconut, abaca, sugar cane, rootcrops, fruits, and vegetables are harvested from the country’s land resources. b. Forest products such as lumber, plants, animals etc. are included too. 2. a. Forest lands serve as a source of water, energy, food, firewood and other raw materials used for domestic and commercial purposes b. It also protect us from landslides, floods, droughts, pollution, etc. Check Yourself, page 61 1. Fish and marine resources include round scad, frigate tuna, anchovies, milkfish, tilapia, prawns, crabs, mussel, seaweeds etc. 2. Our energy needs include the ones used at homes and industries such as hydro-electric, geothermal, sun, wind, oil, etc. Energy is needed in providing electricity to homes, industries, and offices. Check Yourself, page 64 1. It is important for Filipinos to protect and conserve the natural resources because we depend on our natural resources for our everyday life and many natural resources are non-renewable which will deprive future generations if there are not properly used and conserved in the present generation. 2. We can preserve properly the fertility of the soil by using organic fertilizers, strip cropping, fallowing etc. The fertility of the soil



may be preserved by applying organic and chemical fertilizers allowing the land to lay fallow for a period of time and engaging in strip cropping 3. Our forests are being destroyed by slash and burn agriculture, illegal logging, charcoal making, conversion of forest to commercial area etc. Check Yourself, page 67 a. The Government has undertaken many measures to ensure the protection and conservation of the country’s natural resources through: 1. Creation of several executive departments tasked with the management and supervision of the country’s natural resources namely, DENR, DA, DoE. 2. Implementations of a conservation plan. 3. Enactment of several laws directed to protect and conserve natural resources. Check Yourself, page 69 1. The Mining Act of 1995 states that no ancestral land shall be subjected to mining without the consent of the indigineous cultural community living in that place. 2. Some areas of our country are declared as protected areas because they are the home or habitats of rare and endangered species of plants and animals. 3. Republic Act 9147 is known as Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of 2001. a. It aims to conserve and protect wildlife species and their habitats in order to promote ecological balance and promote biological diversity b. It also plans to regulate the collection and trade of wildlife. c. It also aims to support scientific studies on how to conserve biological diversity. Check Yourself, page 71 1. Activities that pollute the air are smoking, smoke belching, burning trash such as plastics, rubber, wood, leaves etc; spraying with pesticides and insecticides etc. 2. a. By obeying all the environment laws, we can help in our country’s sustainable management of natural resources. b. We should also cooperate or join activities of NGOs or other civil society groups that are involved in the sustainable development of our natural resources.



Things I Learned, pages 72-73 A. 1. Palawan 7. ancestral lands 2. renewable 8. muro-ami 3. cement 9. sustainable development 4. deep sea fishery 10. hot springs 5. animal manure 11. mineral 6. soil erosion 12. DENR B. 1. d (Romblon) 2. b (coastal fishing) 3. a (animal manure) 4. a (DENR) 5. a (plant) 6. c (reforestation) 7. c (promote sustainable growth) 8. d (the State) 9. d (composting and recycling) 10. d (toxins and wastes dumped in the rivers) Summary, pages 76-77 A. Answers may vary. B. 1. The Archipelagic Doctrine is suited to the Philippines, because this doctrine ensures that the waters between islands are part of the Philippine territory. 2. It is important to know the location of our country so that we will know, understand and appreciate its uniqueness and protect the country against the encroachment of other countries in Philippine territory. 3. All activities against the laws and policies of the agencies tasked by the government to take care of the environment are harmful to the environment. 4. The indigenous sources of energy being developed to meet our energy needs are solar power, carbon, wind power, biomass, hydro-electric energy, fuel, geothermal, oil, and natural gas. 5. The fishing methods that are destructive to fishery resources are the use of dynamite, cyanide, electricity, muro-ami, fine nets, overfishing, destruction of coral reefs etc. 6. Environmental laws should be strictly implemented in order to protect the people and the enviroment for the benefit of the present and the future generations.


8. 9.


11. 12.

We can help in achieving sustainable development by obeying environmental laws and cooperating with government agencies such as the Community Based Forest Management Our water resources are, rivers, lakes, ponds, brooks, bays, gulfs, etc. The following are the proper ways of using water: a. Faucets and water pipes should be well-maintained so that water is not wasted due to leaks. b. Water consumption should be at the minimum everytime one takes a bath or washes dishes. c. Follow conservation measures. When the mining and quarrying companies do not abide by the anti-pollution laws and regulations, they contribute to environmental destruction. Filipinos can use the country’s resources wisely by obeying laws and regulations enacted to protect our natural resources. a. Population increase affects the environment because it causes increase in the use of natural resources, that is why our natural resources are depleted at an alarming rate. b. It also results in lacked of decent housing, problems on food and water supply, unemployment, rise in criminality etc.

VI. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Make an individual ID pin about preserving our natural resources. 2. Conduct a contests on the theme “Preservation of our Natural Resources” such as: a. painting contest b. rap-song writing contest c. t-shirt designing contest 3. Introduce recycling. Recycle materials to help preserve our natural resources. 4. Encourage the students to join in different environmental programs being undertaken by the government to help conserve the environment. Research some programs which your class can join in. An example is the Give the Gift of Trees project by Haribon Foundation. To know more details about this project, visit their website at http://www.haribon.org.ph/. 21



Fishing which is done within three miles of the country’s territorial waters.


Fishing that is done by commercial vessels in the deeper positions of sea.


Energy coming from the force of flowing water.


2. It is the study of the Earth and how people use Earth’s resources.

A fishing technique used by young swimmers wherein they continuously pound corals with rocks attached to ropes to drive fishes into the fishing net.


3. It determines the precise location of a place on a map by using geographic tools.

Gradual removal of topsoil in plains or uplands by means of the natural action of water or wind.

KNOWLEDGE OF TERMINOLOGY Write the term being defined in the following sentences or phrases. 1. A group of islands.


4. Distance, measured in degrees, east and west of the Prime Meridian. These lines are imaginary circles that go around the Earth and pass through the North Pole and the South Pole.

The process of allowing a field to lay idle for a particular period to restore the fertility of the soil.


5. Distance, measured in degrees, north and south of the Equator. These lines are used to locate places on a map and globe.

All lands exclusively and actually possessed, occupied, or utilized by indigenous cultural communities in accordance with their customs and traditions.


It refers to remarkable areas and biologically important public lands that are habitats of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, bio-geographic zones and related ecosystems, whether terrestrial, wetland or marine.


The kind of development which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising or preventing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.


The preservation of natural resources.


Contamination of the environment by fumes, industrial, chemical, and domestic wastes.

6. It determines a country’s location by its maritime position or the bodies of water surrounding it. 7. It determines a country’s location by means of its relation to other neighboring countries. 8. A state which does not possess a common land boundary with an adjacent state. 9. Material things that are part of the natural environment and which have economic value. 10.

A resource which can be used in many ways.



A resource that once used can be replaced by nature or by people.

Radiation from the sun, especially in the infrared range, technologically convertable to domestic and industrial uses.


A resource that once used, cannot be replaced by nature or people.

All the plant material in a given area, especially when considered as an energy source.


It refers to wild animals collectively.




Lands which are not suited for forest resources and can be sold.


That division of biology which treats of the relations between organisms and their environment.


Fishing which is done in lakes, rivers, or swamps.


Variety of species or organisms living in a particular area.

II. FILL IN THE BLANK Choose the letter of the word or words in each sentence that will complete each sentence. 1. The Philippines is located in the continent of ____. a. Micronesia c. Southeast Asia b. Oceania d. Asia 2. The scope and territorial limits of the Philippine territory is defined in ___________. a. Philippine history books b. tourist brochures c. 1987 Constitution d. congressional journals 3. The three largest island groups in the Philippines are ______ ____. a. Palawan archipelago b. Sulu archipelago c. Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao d. Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan 4. In terms of area, the Philippines is about the same size as __________. a. Italy c. Japan b. United Kingdom d. Hawaii 5. The Philippines has about __________ islands. a. 7, 100 c. 7,177 b. 7, 107 d. 7,777 6. The Philippines is divided into ___ administrative regions. a. three c. 18 b. 17 d. 19 7. The treaty which ceded the Philippines from Spain to the United States is the __________. a. Treaty of Tordesillas c. Treaty of Paris b. Treaty of Zaragosa d. Treaty of Versailles

8. The nearest island north of the Philippines is ___________. a. Saluag c. North Borneo b. Taiwan d. Marianas 9. The northernmost island of the Philippines is ___________. a. Saluag c. Y’ami b. Babuyan d. Taiwan 10. The southernmost island of the Philippines is ___________. a. Saluag c. Y’ami b. Borneo d. Babuyan 11. The Philippines has a ___________ climate. a. equatorial c. savanna b. tropical d. desert 12. The Philippine province with 90% of its area covered with forest lands ___________. a. Davao c. Palawan b. Quirino d. Agusan 13. Huge nickel deposits are found in ___________. a. Ilocos Norte b. Paracale, Camarines Sur c. Nonoc, Surigao del Norte d. Iba, Zambales 14. The biggest marble deposit in the Philippine is located in ___________. a. Romblon c. Cotabato b. Bulacan d. Cebu 15. A huge deposit of chromite is located in ___________. a. Masbate c. Agusan del Sur b. Zambales d. Isabela 16. Guano deposits are located in the caves of ___________. a. Callao c. Palawan b. Angono d. Nueva Vizcaya 23





The lead agency of the government concerned with energy exploration, development, utilization, distribution and conservation of the Philippines. a. DOE c. DAR b. DENR d. DA In 1992, a natural gas field has been discovered in ________. a. Isabela c. Batanes b. Palawan d. Ilocos Norte One of the energy sources being tapped in Bangui, Ilocos Norte is ___________. a. wind power c. geothermal power b. solar power d. carbon The energy source being generated from Tiwi, Albay is ___________. a. natural gas c. biomass fuel b. geothermal d. hydroelectric

III. CLASSIFICATION Write the letter of the word which does not belong to the group. 1. Countries surrounding the Philippines a. Taiwan c. Laos b. China d. Vietnam 2. Bodies of water surrounding the Philippines a. Indian Ocean c. Babuyan Channel b. South China Sea d. Celebes Sea 3. Biggest islands in the Philippines a. Luzon c. Mindanao b. Visayas d. Palawan 4. Examples of non-renewable resources a. oil c. silver b. gold d. rice 5. Examples of renewable resources a. copper c. coconut b. vegetables d. root crops 24

6. Examples of hardwood a. banana c. mahogany b. narra d. molave 7. Examples of rivers a. Laguna de Bay c. Agno b. Cagayan d. Angat 8. Examples of lakes a. Taal c. Lanao b. Pampanga d. Naujan 9. These are metallic resources a. gold c. chromite b. guano d. lead 10. These are non-metallic resources a. asbestos c. clay b. carbon d. iron 11. Important fishing grounds a. Visayan Sea c. San Miguel Bay b. Sulu Sea d. Boac River 12. These are agricultural crops a. rice c. pili nut b. sugar cane d. corn 13. Alternative sources of energy in the Philippines a. hydroelectric power c. geothermal power b. atomic power d. wind power 14. Saltwater fishes a. frigate tuna c. tilapia b. anchovies d. mackerel 15. Wind resources a. Batanes c. Ilocos Norte b. Babuyan Island d. Mountain Province 16. Wildlife a. tarsier c. native pig b. tamaraw d. Philippine eagle





Water power a. Angat Dam


b. Ipo Dam

d. Typhoon “Isang”

8. dumping of industrial and chemical wastes into bodies of water 9. mine tailings being dumped into the river 10. swamps being converted to real estate projects

La Mesa Dam

Fresh water fishes a. catfish



b. mudfish

d. tilapia

Guano deposits a. Palawan


b. Pampanga

d. Cebu


Hot springs in the country


ENUMERATION List down the items being asked for in each number.

a. Tiwi, Albay

1. The scope of the Philippine territory as stated in the 1987 Constitution.

b. Arayat, Pampanga c.

h. landslides i. many species are threatened by extinction due to lack of habitat j. opportunity for tenants to own lands k. serious health problems among residents

Los Baños, Laguna

2. Three advantages of the Philippines being an archipelago

d. Mambucal, Negros Occidental

3. Three international organizations where the Philippines is a member

IV. CAUSE AND EFFECT Choose which effect listed in column B will match the causes in column A. A 1. Archipelagic Doctrine 2. muro-ami 3. deforestation 4. soil erosion 5. slash and burn agriculture 6. conversion of agricultural lands to real estate projects 7. conversion of forest lands to agricultural lands

a. b. c. d. e. f.


B death to fish and marine life decreased rice production decreased water level destruction of coral reefs destruction of forests exclusive right to utilize and develop all living and non-living resources within the country’s territorial limits imbalance in the biodiversity

4. Examples of natural resources found in the Philippines 5. Four destructive methods of catching fish 6. Three practices which destroy fish resources 7. Three ways to conserve energy resources 8. Three benefits of the Renewable Energy Law 9. Three ways of conserving land resources 10.

Three ways of conserving forest resources


Three ways of protecting endangered species


Three ways of conserving water


Three ways of conserving mineral resources


Environmental laws passed to protect and conserve natural resources 25



Knowledge of Terminology 1. archipelago 2. geography 3. absolute location 4. longitude 5. latitude 6. insular 7. vicinal 8. insular state 9. natural resources 10. inexhaustible resource 11. renewable resource 12. non-renewable resource 13. alienable or disposable 14. inland fishing 15. coastal fishing

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

offshore fishing hydroelectric energy muro-ami erosion fallowing ancestral lands protected areas sustainable development conservation pollution solar energy biomass fuel wildlife ecology biodiversity

Fill in the Blanks 1. d 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. c 10. a

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

b c c a b c a b a b

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

a a b b d

III. Classification 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. a


11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

d c b c d

IV. Cause and Effect 1. f 2. d 3. c 4. h 5. e V.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

c d c b b

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

b i a k g

Enumeration 1. Scope of Philippine territory • Islands and waters • all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty • terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, insular shelves and other submarine areas • waters around, between and connecting the islands of the archipelago 2. Advantages of the Philippines being an archipelago • Fine harbors suitable to maritime trade • Fine beaches which are good for tourism • Abundance of fishing grounds • Long coastline 3. International Organizations of which the Philippines is a member • ASEAN • APEC • United Nations 4. Examples of natural resources • land • forest • water • mineral • fish and marine resources




Destructive methods of catching fish



Ways to protect endangered species

use of dynamite

use of electricity

Putting up of animal conservation centers

use of cyanide


Declaration of protected areas

Identification of Key-Biodiversity Areas

Suggest for conservation activities and programs

Practices which destroy fish resources •

Encroachment of commercial fishermen into shallow waters

Construction of too many fishponds

Clearing of mangrove forests

Pollution of rivers


Ways to conserve energy resources •



Continuous exploration, development and use of indigenous energy resources

Ways of conserving water •

Careful use of tap water

Recycle water

Proper allocation of available water resources

Adaption of water-saving technologies

Large-scale utilization of new and reusable energy sources

Launching of river rehabilitation programs

Encourage greater participation and investment by the private sector

Prohibition of dumping of industrial, domestic and chemical wastes in bodies of water

Promotion of the conservation and wise use of energy

Benefits of the Renewable Energy Law


Ways to conserve mineral resources •

Establishment of offices that will implement various conservation programs

Economic security

Participation of the country in the collective and global effort to stop climate change

Suspension of mining and quarrying operations of companies that do not abide by the anti-pollution laws and regulations

Government levies fees on mine waste and tailage to mining companies in order to rehabilitate damages done to the environment

Promotes sustainable growth

Energy independence

• •

Ways of conserving land resources •

Use of fertilizers

Strip cropping


Stop conversion of farmland to other uses

Ways to conserve forest resources •

Discontinuance of cutting of mature trees

Reforestation in critical forest areas

Ban on exportation of logs and lumber

Prohibition in engaging in slash and burn activities


Environmental laws to protect and conserve natural resources •

Philippine Mining Act of 1995

National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act of 1992

Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of 2001

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000





This unit is composed of four chapters. Chapter 6 The Importance of Government Chapter 7 Effective Governance and Responsible Citizenship Chapter 8 Philippine Sovereignty Chapter 9 The Philippines in World Affairs

GENERAL OBJECTIVE Understand and appreciate the important role of the government and its citizens in nation building and in establishing good relationships with other countries

Chapter 6


MAJOR CONCEPT The Philippine government is important in carrying out the affairs of the State.



Cognitive 1. Discuss the meaning, characteristics, and forms of government 2. Differentiate the national government from the local government 3. Analyze the three branches of government 4. Discuss the role of the government in looking after the welfare of the people


Affective 1. Appreciate the efforts of the government in looking after the welfare of the people 2. Show respect and courtesy to others 3. Develop pride in being a Filipino



Psychomotor Create diagrams and charts to show the branches and forms of government

II. TOPICS The Meaning of Government, page 80; Characteristics of a Democratic Government, pages 80-81; Belief in a Democratic Government, pages 82-83; Forms of Government, pages 84-85; The Philippine Government pages, 86-88; The Three Branches of Government, pages 88-90; Coordination of the Three Branches of Government, page 91; The Government and the Needs of the People, pages 92-98.

III. MATERIALS Textbook; pictures of the President of the Philippines, Malacañang Palace, Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Senate President, and judges in robes, different diagrams and charts; news headlines from newspapers; illustration board; computer with internet connection; Filipinism CD-ROM 6


Preparation 1. Show a collage of headlines taken from various newspapers. Let them give their reactions to these headlines. 2. Prepare “smileys” and indicate the following:




Examples of headlines: Let them read each headline. •

Government to grant pay hike to employees

World Bank accuses government of graft and corruption

Trade agreement with Russia approved

Congress okays bill on cellphone loads

3. Let the students explain their answers. 4. Pick out or underline the following words: pay hike, corruption, trade agreements, Congress. 5. Ask the class where these words are associated. Introduce the topics to be taken up.


Development of the Lesson 1. Divide the class into four groups. The first group will discuss the meaning, characteristics, and forms of government using the diagram below. Government




2. Group 1 will supply the details and data until the diagram is completed. The class may ask question for further clarifications. 3. The group can give as many examples to show the characteristics and forms of government.

4. Group 2 will differentiate the national government and the local government using the Venn diagram from the last page. 5. The group can provide examples of offices and agencies under the national and local government. Group members can use games to identify whether an agency is under the national or the local government. 6. Group 3 will start its activity by analyzing the diagram on page 87 of the textbook. 7. Afterwards, the members of the group can show pictures of Malaca単ang Palace, the President, Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Senate President and judges in robes. Let the class guess to what branch of the government each picture is associated. 8. Group 4 will discuss the duties, programs, and services that the government provides to its citizens. One good activity is the matrix or retrieval chart. Each group member will place specific programs and activities on how the government addresses the needs of the people. Education





Differences Local Government

National Government


9. After each group has presented, let the class answer the following processing questions: a. Why is government important? b. Why is there a need for separation of powers among the three branches of the government? c. What is public service? 29


Application of Skills 1. Go back to the retrieval chart that the class prepared. Ask each student, which of the services given by the government is the most important to them. Let them explain. 2. Make a survey, of the five services of the government which are considered by the students as the most important to the least important. Let them rank these list of services. 3. Let the students form their own generalization about the lesson. Then let them compare the generalization listed under Things to Remember on page 99. Let the students accomplish the activity under Things I Can Do on page 101.



Answers may vary but the following may be considered:

EVALUATION 1. Let the students answer all questions under Check Yourself on pages 81, 83, 85, 91, 92, and 98. 2. Let the students answer Things I Learned on pages 99-100. 3. Let the students answer the interactive quiz in the Filipinism CD-ROM 6. Refer to the third activity under Things I Can Learn from My Computer on page 101.

Check Yourself, page 83



A government of laws and not of men is a principle which means that no department, agency, or office of the government shall act beyond what is provided for in the Constitution and other related laws. Government officials must act in accordance with law, lest their acts will be considered as illegal. In like manner, the citizens should conduct their daily activities in accordance with the law.


A republican government is one where people elect the officials of the government to hold office for a definite period of time in accordance with the law. The Filipinos entrust the power to govern the country to these elected officials.


Allowing people to elect or choose their officials is one way of letting them feel the true sense of democracy. People elect these officials with confidence that they will make effective leaders and that the people’s rights are respected and their needs in society are served well.


Governments are classified based on the number of people who hold power; the scope of authority of the national government; and the link between the executive and legislative branches.

Check Yourself, page 85 1.

Characteristics of the following forms of government: a.

monarchy — usually have boundless authority over state affairs. The duties of a monarch are usually outlined in the constitution. He or she is just a symbolic head of state because real powers lie in the hands of a prime minister or the government itself.


presidential — in this form of government, the executive is constitutionally independent of the legislative. The exercise of executive power is vested in the president.


parliamentary — the real executive power is vested in the prime minister and his or her Cabinet, composed of members of the legislature. In a parliamentary government, a king or a queen or a president can become the symbolic head of state but the prime minister actually runs the government.


aristocracy — refers to the government of a few. Those who rule the government come from a privileged class. The ruling elite possesses high social status, wealth, and political power.


Check Yourself, page 81 The students may have the following answers: 1. The term government comes from the Latin word gubernatio, which means management. It is the agency through which the state makes known its wishes and attains its aims. A government is an essential element of the state. Without it, there will be chaos and anarchy in a country. 2. Government of the people, by the people, and for the people means that democracy prevails in a country where people freely exercise their rights, especially in choosing their leaders to exercise governance and serve them.



Check Yourself, page 91 1.




Executive branch — Which is headed by the President as the Chief Executive has the function of implementing or enforcing the laws enacted by Congress.


Legislative branch — compose of the Congress of the Philippines, enacts laws and has the power to make, amend, and repeal laws.


Judicial branch — composing of the Supreme Court and other lower courts, its main function is to interpret the laws and see to it that they are not contrary to the Constitution.


Check Yourself, page 98 1.

The Local Governmnent Code of 1991 paved for the decentralization of powers from the national government to the local government. Through this law, local governments are given more powers to lead their respective communities to the road of development. Local governments become more self-reliant; as such, they become more effective in contributing to national development.


The system of checks and balances ensures the smooth implementation of the principle of separation of powers. Without checks and balances, the three branches of government may abuse their powers, act arbitrarily and whimsically and their acts may redound not for the benefit of the people but for their own selfish ends.

c. education — The government, through the Department of Education, provides free education in the elementary and secondary levels as mandated in the Constitution. The DepEd also offers distance learning programs for elementary and high schools for those who are in the remote areas; BEC to enhance the students’ knowledge in Mathematics, Science, and English; Presidential Task Force on Education, which recommended several measures aimed at improving the quality of education in the Philippines. d. labor —Through the DOLE, the government assists the people in finding job opportunities for its people. It also provides skills training and short-term courses through the TESDA and the TLRC. It also protects and promotes the welfare of the workers. e. housing — The government provides housing through the NHA. In addition, the PCMH was also created to promote the housing program of the government. The HUDCC was also created to formulate national objectives, policies, and strategies for housing programs and/or projects. The people are also provided housing assistance through the PAG-IBIG Fund where they can borrow money to buy or construct their houses

Check Yourself, page 92 Answers may vary but the following may be considered: It is important to prioritize the programs of the government, especially in public service, because the citizens are considered the most important resource of the country. They are a big factor in the development of the country, hence, their needs in health, education, housing, security, and others must be met.

security —The government provides security through its agencies, led by its principal agency which is the Department of National Defense. The National Bureau of Investigation, Armed Forces of the Philippines, and other agencies are given their respective tasks to give security to the people.

b. health — Through the Department of Health that promotes family planning to curb the rising population. It engages in programs like food fortification to improve the nutrition of the people and provides for immunization and sanitation. It gives reminders and warnings to the public on how to keep away from diseases; monitors and ensures compliance of manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of processed food etc.

Under the decentralization system, the President is still the one who has the general supervision and control over local governments. The President ensures that all actions and decisions of local governments are in accordance with their powers and responsibilities. To achieve this, various agencies of the national government coordinate with the officials in the particular locality of the local government unit.




Answers may vary.



Things I Learned, pages 99-100 A.


















Note to the teacher: There is no possible, clear answer among the choices in the textbook. It may be best to tell the students that choice letter c (can do anything) also connotes democracy but there should be explanation that in democracy, a person can do anything as long as it is not against the laws of the country.

10. B.


Department of Education


executive branch


House of Senate




Department of National Defense

C. 1.









cooperate with one another


can veto


True ( limited delegation only)








Chief Justice

1. To know more about the executive branch of the Philippines, ask the students to visit the website refer to on page 89 of the textbook. Links to this website are available at i-learn.vibalpublishing.com. 2. Let the students do the first, second, and fourth activities on Things I Learn from My Computer on page 101 of the textbook. The second activity may also be accessed on line at i-learn.vibalpublishing.com. 3. On an illustration board, prepare an organizational chart of the three branches of the government like the example given below. Prepare three illustration boards. Then group the class into three. Give each group an illustration board. Beside the chart, let the members of the group name the leaders who are currently holding the top positions in the executive branch. For the Cabinet positions, let the students name at least ten heads of departments. Executive Branch President Vice-President Cabinet Governor Mayor Barangay

Chapter 7


2. Give a follow-up question: Why do we consider people as the greatest asset of a country?


3. Introduce the word CITIZEN to the class. Ask: Are you a citizen of the Philippines? Let us see.

Filipino citizens have rights and corresponding duties as provided for in the Constitution.


SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES A. Cognitive 1. 2. 3. 4.


Identify the Filipino citizens according to the Constitution Discuss how citizenship can be acquired, lost, and reacquired Explain the rights of the Filipino citizens Identify the duties of Filipino citizens

Affective 1. Show love of one’s country by performing our duties as citizens of the Republic 2. Develop the spirit of solidarity among the citizenry


Psychomotor Make slogans or posters on good governance and responsible citizenship

II. TOPICS Public Accountability, pages 102-103; Citizenship, pages 103-104; Kinds of Filipino Citizens, pages 104-106; Rights of Filipino Citizens, pages 107-112; Other Rights of the Citizens, pages 112-113; Obstacles in the Enjoyment of Rights, page 114; Safeguards of the People’s Rights, pages 114-115; Duties of Filipino Citizen, pages 116-119.

III. MATERIALS Textbook, bond paper and other drawing materials,a copy of the Constitution of the Philippines; computer with internet connection

IV. METHODS A. Preparations 1. Ask the class: Can we consider all the people living in the Philippines today, its citizens? Let the student explain his or her answer.


Development of the Lesson 1. Present the drawing to the class. Call one student after another, to write around and inside the drawing, the answer to the question: Who is a Filipino citizen? (sample given) 2. After writing all the answers, tell the class: That, you can conclude that this drawing is a Filipino citizen and that drawing is YOU!

right to vote



Member of an individual political community

resides in the Philippines

3. Give another case, but this time divide the class into two groups. One group will tackle case A: James Black, an American, who lived in Palawan for five years. He wants to acquire Filipino citizenship. Let the group tackle the process known as Naturalization. 4. The other group will tackle case B: Christopher Cruz, a Filipino, would like to give up his Filipino citizenship. What will he do? 5. The teacher can process the activity and formulate a generalization that even a person is a Filipino citizen by birth, he or she can acquire, lose, and reacquire his or her citizenship through a legal process. 6. Ask the question: Is dual citizenship allowed by law? Give time for the class to share their ideas regarding the topic. 33

7. Divide the class into three classes. Distribute the topics regarding the rights of citizens. Divide the rights into three categories: Natural Rights

Constitutional Rights

2. Read Things to Remember on page 120 of the textbook. 3. Ask the students to form a dyad, then let each pair do the silent argument. Each student will get 1/4 sheet of paper and write his or her answer on the second question under Things I Can Do on page 123 of the textbook. Ask the students: Why foreigners want/don’t want to become naturalized Filipino. Then ask one pair to read their answers. 4. Prepare a slogan or poster reminding Filipino citizens of their obligations to the Republic. For example: Pay your taxes willingly. 5. Let them work on Things I Will Do on page 122.

Statutory Rights

V. Each group will show examples of rights under each category through a skit, dramatization, or role-play. 8. Give each group time to present their activities. Then identify the rights presented and give follow-up questions. 9. The class will finish the matrix or retrieval chart as summary of their activities. 10. Let the class complete the diagram below.

EVALUATION 1. Let the students answer Check Yourself on pages 106, 111, 113, 115, and 119. 2. Let the students answer Things I Learned on pages 120-122. 3. Let the students work on first and last activities under Things I Can Do on page 123.




Check Yourself, page 106 1. False — are required to obey the laws 2. False— not all the rights 3. True 4. False — 1987 Constitution 5. True 6. True


Check Yourself, page 111 1. Freedom of religion 2. Freedom of abode and travel 3. Right to information 4. Right to form unions, associations, and societies



Application of Skills 1. Process the whole activity, then let the class formulate the generalizations which may be similar to the following: a. You are a Filipino citizen because you are born here with a Filipino mother and father. b. Citizenship can be acquired, lost, and reacquired. c. For every right, there is a corresponding responsibility.




Check Yourself, page 113 Answers may vary.


Check Yourself, page 115 1. Answers may vary. 2. a. The Commission on Human Rights — investigates cases of human rights violations; files the necessary complaint for violation of human rights; sets policies that safeguard the rights of people; renders free legal assistance; conducts programs, research; monitors the government’s adherence to international agreements on human rights, etc. b. DepEd — teaches citizen’s rights through imposing in its curricula the provision for a clear and full explanation of student’s rights. c. Philippine National Police — conducts seminars for its police force to teach them about the rights of the people, including those suspected of committing crimes, those charged with crime, and those who are in jail. d. NGOs — some were organized to protect the rights of children, women, to uphold the rights of migrant workers, to give assistance to victims of heinous crimes, etc. e. Media — by reporting incidents of violations of human rights.



Check Yourself, page 119 1. The government collects taxes in order for the bureaucracy to function properly and efficiently. 2. The Filipinos should know the laws of the country because it is through these laws that their daily activities are governed. These laws determine their rights as citizens. Likewise, the dictum, “Ignorance of the law excuses no one,” encourages people to know and obey the laws so as to avoid being punished for their ignorance. Things I Learned, pages 120-122 A. 1. F 2. NF 3. F B. 1. N 2. N 3. Y

4. 5.


4. 5.







a. b. c. a. b.

Constitution existing laws international pacts or agreements naturalization repatriation or taking oath of allegiance to the Philippine government c. an act of Congress a. education of citizens b. vigilance c. police protection The answers will be any of the following: a. paying taxes honestly and on time b. respecting and obeying the law c. voting wisely and honestly d. participating in civic actions e. patronizing local products f. getting involved in the implementation of government programs and projects a. natural-born citizens b. naturalized Filipinos


1. 2. 3.

True False False

4. 5.

True True


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Right to life Freedom of abode and travel Freedom of speech, expression, and assembly Right to rest and free time Right against unlawful searches and arrests

VI. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Ask the students to explore the website provided on page 106 of the textbook. A direct link to this website are available at i-learn.vibalpublishing.com. 2. Put up a bulletin display in your classroom about rights and duties of children. 3. Copy the text on rights of children or watch the TV ads on rights of children. 35

Chapter 8




1. Show pictures of some national symbols of the Philippines. policemen and soldiers, students in flag ceremony; heroes like Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Andres Bonifacio; and contemporary heroes like Ninoy Aquino etc. 2. Ask the student’s reaction about the picture. Note all the important data mentioned which will support your topic. 3. Guide the class through questions. 4. Tell the class: That the symbols of the country represent that we are an independent state. Soldiers and policemen protect our country in case of any danger internally and externally. Continue the explanation. 5. Ask the students to draw a diagram like the one below to show the topics given.

Sovereignty or freedom from interference from other country is an important element of a State.


SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES A. Cognitive 1. Define sovereignty and its importance 2. Enumerate the characteristics and elements of a sovereign state 3. Explain the importance of the rights of a sovereign state 4. Discuss why Filipinos need to protect and defend their sovereignty


Affective 1. Express one’s feelings and opinions affecting the sovereignty of the country 2. Show respect and protect our freedom fought for by our forefathers




Psychomotor State

1. Make a scrapbook or album on the different activities in one’s community which endanger our freedom 2. Write a short essay on how to protect our sovereignty

II. TOPICS Elements of a Sovereign State, pages 125-126; Kinds of Sovereignty, pages 126-127; Rights of a Sovereign State, pages 128-131; Defending the Country’s Territory, pages 131-135.

III. MATERIALS Textbook; map of the Philippines; pictures of symbols of the Philippines, policeman and soldiers, students in a flag ceremony, national heroes, old magazines, bond papers, paste, and a pair scissors; Filipinism CD-ROM 6 36





Development of the Lesson 1. Divide the class into four groups. Group 1 will conduct a panel discussion to explain the importance of the different elements of the state and the different kinds of sovereignty. 2. Let the students do the activity under Things I Can Learn from My Computer on page 139.


3. Group 2 will discuss the rights of a sovereign state by presenting various examples of each right. Each example will be written in a flashcard or strips of paper, to be pasted in a retrieval chart according to the following categories: Right to Independence

Right to Jurisdiction

Right to Equality

Right to Property

1. After the group presentation, process the activities to determine whether the class understood the topic. 2. Sovereignty is an important element of the State. The checklist below will determine whether a state like the Philippines is sovereign or independent from external interference. Just put a check mark (✓) on the aspect that shows sovereignty. a. Make and implement laws b. Provide services to its citizens c. Call the United States in case of eminent danger d. Maintain peace, order, and security e. Establish diplomatic ties with countries who are allies of United States only. 3. To give due respect to our heroes who fought for our independence, the class can stage a mock awards nights wherein a star will be presented to show our appreciation for them. Example: • Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Graciano Lopez Jaena — for fighting for our independence by the use of pen. • Corazon Aquino — for bringing back democracy

Right to Diplomatic Relationship

4. Group 3 will discuss ways of defending our country from any danger whether internal or external. The group can use editorial cartoons or caricatures or they can even create their own caricature. Example: Explain how the State defends itself from dangers.

me Ar

State or Government

e dD

pl Di




Guide the class titles to be given to our heroes or freedom fighters. 4. Guide the students in doing Things I Can Do on page 138.



y ac



Application of Skills


V. Spratlys


The group can even ask the class to share their opinion about the cartoon.

EVALUATION 1. Let the class read and explain the Things To Remember on page 136. 2. Let the students answer all the Check Yourself on pages 127, 133, and 135. 3. Let the students answer Things I Learned on pages 136-137. 4. Let the students do Things I Will Do, on page 138. 37



Check Yourself, page 127 1.

Answers may vary.


A territory is a tract of land inhabited by the citizens of a particular country.


Answers may vary.

While internal sovereignty has control over all the affairs within a state, and the welfare of the country, external sovereignty has complete independence from the outside control.


The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is tasked with defending the country. The Constitution states that it is the duty of the members of the AFP to protect and maintain the sovereignty of the country against internal and external dangers.

Right of diplomatic relationship Right to property Right of jurisdiction Right of independence Right of equality Right of diplomatic relationships Right of equality

Over the past years, the Filipinos have shown their valor by launching revolts against the Spaniards. Our heroes who organized the Katipunan sacrificed their lives to obtain freedom. The same thing is true during the American and Japanese occupations.


1. Compile news items on the following: Balikatan exercises between Filipino soldiers and American soldiers; terrorism, bombings, rallies against the government. Paste them on a bond paper. 2. Let the students choose one issue from these news items and write a short explanation on this. Explain that the emphasis will be on how this issue could endanger our sovereignty.


MAJOR CONCEPT The Philippines, being a member of the family of nations, plays a vital role in world affairs.

Answers may vary.


Things I Learned, pages136-137 A.


Chapter 9

Check Yourself, page 135



Internal sovereignty refers to the power of the state to govern its people and to control the activities and problems within its territorial jurisdiction.




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8.

Check Yourself, page133 1.




d (territory)





























SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES A. Cognitive 1. Discuss the ways on how the Philippines establishes a relationship with other countries 2. Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages in having foreign relations with other countries


Affective 1. Appreciate the Philippines’ involvement in various regional and international organizations 2. Develop friendship and goodwill with other nations in order to maintain peace and order in the world


Psychomotor 1. Locate places using the world map 2. Draw cartoons or a caricature depicting the topics

II. TOPICS Philippine Foreign Policies, pages 140-142; Foreign Policy: A Tool to Economic Development, pages 143-144; The Philippines in Regional and World Organizations, pages 145-148.

III. MATERIALS Textbook; map of the Philippines; flashcards/strips of papers; newspapers; magazines; drawing materials; pictures; computer with internet connection


Preparation 1. Ask the students to study the pictures on page 140. Let them describe the pictures there. Do the same with the pictures found in the different pages of the book. 2. Let the class read the famous quotation. “No man is an island.� Let them explain the quotation, or show the cartoon or caricature which is similar to this one:

3. Introduce the topic by saying that even if the Philippines is an independent state, there is a need for our country to establish relationships with other nations.


Development of the Lesson 1. Write on the flashcards or slips of papers the following terms: global village, foreign policies, regional organizations, United Nations, developing countries. Ask the students to give the definition of each. 2. Divide the class into three groups. Group 1 will conduct a mock interview with the Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs about the foreign policies of the Philippines, his functions as Secretary, and the mission and objectives of the Department. 3. Group 2 will present a newscast regarding the topic on foreign policy as a tool for economic development. Members of the group will use the map of the Philippines to locate the countries in the region and in other parts of the world where the Philippines has diplomatic relations. 4. Group 3 will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of having foreign relations with other countries using the chart below. FOREIGN RELATIONS Advantages


5. Process all the activities of the group using the following questions: a. Why is it important for our country to establish good relationship with other countries? b. How does closer ties with other countries contribute to our social, economic, and cultural growth? c. Do you agree that our country should select or choose countries that it would forge ties with? Defend your answer. 39


Application of Skills 1. In the diagram below are three concepts. Group the pool of words given below under each of the concepts related to them.

Regional Organization

2. 3.

4. 5.


Benefits from Foreign Countries


Check Yourself, page 144 1.

Answers may vary


The Department of Foreign Affairs carries out its missions and objectives by:

Department of Foreign Affairs

• Secretary of Foreign Affairs • Association of Southeast Asian Nations • gives positive image of the Philippines • trade and other investments • APEC • represents the Philippines in meetings abroad • minimizes terrorism • BIMP-EAGA • lower trade taxes and tariffs • educational aides Ask the class to give the summary of the lesson or let them read Things to Remember on page 149. For the last activity, ask the students how they can establish friendly and harmonious relationships with other classmates. Let the students prepare a pantomime of their ways. Let the students perform what is asked for in Things I Will Do and Things I Can Do on page 151.

EVALUATION 1. Let the students answer Check Yourself on pages 144 and 148. 2. Let the students answer the Things I Learned on pages 149-151. 3. Have the students answer the questions under Summary-B on pages 152-153.





coordinating with other countries in solving problems that affect national security through diplomatic means.

promoting socio-economic development by ensuring cordial trade relations between the Philippines and other countries.

implementing the Migrant Workers and Filipino Overseas Act of 1995 to protect Filipino workers abroad.

enhancing the image of the Philippines through the Filipino diplomats, thus enticing foreign investors.

fostering international understanding of Filipino culture in order to establish good relations with other nations.

The country’s association with developed countries gives the government the opportunity to encourage foreign investment to local economy as well as seek loans and monetary assistance from these countries. With its association with developing countries, the Philippines finds an ally in these developing countries because they join together in solving their economic interests and other problems afflicting their respective countries.

Check Yourself, page 148 Developed and developing countries


Things I Learned, pages 149-151 A.


Global Village — refers how all countries in the world become united in helping and cooperating with one another as if they are living in one small and compact village.


Foreign relations — political, economic, social, and cultural policies and directions a country takes in its dealings with other countries.


Foreign policy — principle that governs a country in dealing with other countries


Security — freedom from danger; freedom from fear or anxiety





9. 10.




Group of 77 —a loose grouping of developing countries which aims to promote economic interest and solve common problems affecting them. Developed countries — countries which have a relatively high level of industrializations and standard of living and a high literacy rate. Developing countries — countries have a relatively low economic level of industrial production and low standard of living, lacks a high degree of infrastracture, and sophisticated technology. Ambassador — an official envoy or diplomatic agent of the highest rank given the proper credentials to a foreign government as the resident representative of his own government. Globalization —worldwide in scope or applications APEC — acronym for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. It is composed of 21 countries in the Asia-Pacific region whose primary purpose is to open up the economics of membercountries and to increase trade among them. Policies the Philippines follow regarding relations with other countries a. The government gives support and importance to the country’s objectives regarding security, stability, development, and social justice. b. The Philippines participate and coordinates with the United Nations in all its programs. c. The government maintains good foreign relations with other countries, both developed and developing countries. d. The government supports the move towards a free and open trade among countries of the world in accordance with globalization. e. The government supports the aspirations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as an instrument of peace, progress, and stability in the region. The DFA is the lead government agency that deals with matters relating to the diplomatic relations of the Philippines with other countries. Its primary mission is to advance the interest

of the country and the Filipino people in the world community. It ensures that the external affairs of the country are always in order. It acts as the representatives of the county in both regional and international conferences. It acts in behalf of the Philippines in meetings that discuss issues affecting the country. 3.

Ways the DFA helps the Filipino working and living abroad a.

Through the Migrant Workers and Filipino Overseas Act of 1995, the DFA tries to protect and take care of the rights of Filipinos in other countries.


It conducts dialogues with the Foreign Affairs offices of other countries where there are OFWs regarding the security and welfare of the Filipino workers.


Assistance is extended by embassies and consulates to Filipino workers who are victims of abuses and crimes.


Importance of the UN as an international body aims to foster world peace, economic development, human rights and social progress. It has been helping its 192 member-states in solving their problems, particularly in dealing with monetary debts of developing countries. The UN has launched many programs related to education, peace, science and technology, human rights, environment issues, global warming, culture, development and many others.


The Philippines is not selective of countries that it deals with. All countries are treated as friends since they are fellow members of the United Nations and are not perceived as threats to the State. This policy helps in maintaining the country’s good relations with v a r i o u s d e v e l o p e d a n d d e v e l o p i n g countries.


Forms of Assistance that developed countries give to boost economic progress of the Philippines a.

Developed countries give the government loans and monetary assistance. These loans are used for various economic and infrastructural needs of the country.


Good relations with developed countries will invite foreign investors to invest in the country. The putting up of new industries would mean jobs for the Filipinos and increased income for the country.





It is important for the Philippines to become a member of regional and international organizations. • The Philippines can have a proper forum to address the many issues and problems that affect the Filipino people and which may be affecting the other member-countries as well. • The organizations can serve as a venue for the discussion of territorial disputes between the contending countries, thus preventing a war or further conflict between the quarreling countries. • The Philippines can increase its exports with other countries considering the countries who are members of these organizations. • The Philippines, together with other countries, can join force in fighting global terrorism and maintain regional and international peace and order. Ways regional and international organizations help the Philippines • APEC — the Philippines with a bigger market for its products; serves as a venue for the exchange of ideas, information and knowledge on economic issues and problems related to trade and commerce; challenges the Philippines to produce high quality products to become competitive in the world market. • United Nations — the United Nations is an organization whose main objective is the maintenance of peace. As a member of the UN, the Philippines has become the recipients of aid in the fields of agriculture, education, health, finance, science and technology, labor and other areas. The UN has also extended financial aid to developing countries like the Philippines. The UN has also led in the crusade against the violation of human rights. Hence, human rights violations being committed in the Philippines are being monitored by the UN. • World Trade Organization — the main aim of this organization is to supervise and liberalize international trade. It has 153 members, that wants member-countries to remove all the barriers on goods coming from other countries. This means removing tariffs on products. As a result, the citizens of a

particular country can buy goods at a much cheaper price due to coming in of more goods from other countries. The Philippines is a member of the WTO. It has opened the country to world trade. This means more goods from other countries are being sold in the Philippines. Some of these goods are very cheap that low-income Filipinos will be able to buy these goods.



The main objective of the ASEAN is to forge a stable and closer relationship among member-countries in the areas of diplomacy, economy and culture. The ASEAN has been beneficial to the Philippines in many ways. First, friendly relations has been established with the other countries in Southeast Asia. Second, increased trade between the Philippines and the 10 membercountries have been made possible with the development of friendly relations among the ten countries.


The Brunei-Darussalam, Indonesia, M a l a y s i a , P h i l i p p i n e s – East ASEAN growth area. Is an organization that hopes to hasten economic development in areas long neglected by the government but are rich in natural resources. It aims to accelerate trade, tourism, and investments in the sub-region.

Summary, pages 152-153 1.

Under international law, there is no specific form of government that a country must follow. It is the citizens’ decision to choose the form of government that suits their needs and ideals.


There are two political divisions in government based on the extent of powers they exercise — the national government and the local government. The national government is composed of three separate but co-equal branches of government — executive, legislative, and judicial. The executive branch administers the projects and other matters related to the country as a whole. It enforces the law. The legislative makes the necessary laws of the land. It has the power to create, amend, and change laws. The judiciary interprets the law and administers justice. The government’s primary role is to implement national projects of the different departments under the President. The local government consists of the provincial, city, municipal, and barangay governments. The local government takes care of the needs and welfare of its constituents.



The system of check and balances ensures the smooth implementation of the principle of separation of powers. Under this principle, one branch checks the action of another branch. P e o p l e h a v e v a r i o u s n e e d s s u c h a s s e c u r i t y, h e a l t h , education,employment and housing. These needs are being addressed by the various agencies of the government. a. Need for Security. The agency tasked to guarantee national security is the Department of National Defense (DND). It provides and maintains the conditions of security, stability, and peace and order conducive to economic growth and national development. The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is mandated to address peace and order concerns as well as the safety and security of the country.The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) protects the country against foreign invaders while the Philippine National Police (PNP) maintains peace and order within the country.The Philippine Coast Guard arrests those who try to smuggle goods into the country by way of the seas. b. Need for improving the health conditions of the Filipinos. The Department of Health (DOH) is tasked with safeguarding or improving the health conditions of the people. Some of its programs for the people are family planning and reproductive health to curb the rapid growth of population; vitamins A supplementation and food fortification to add more nutrients to the food intake of the people; expanded programs on immunization, nutrition, safe water, sanitation; improvement of medical equipment in public hospitals and health centers; implementation of the Doctors to the Barrios Program; promotion of the use of herbal medicines; programs for the care of pregnant women, youth and elderly people; monitoring of illness like cancer, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases; issuance of reminders and warnings to the public regarding the emergence of new diseases; assistance to victims of calamities and armed conflicts; the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) monitors and ensures compliance of manufacturers, distributors and retailers of processed foods, drugs and other health-related products; and monitored the outbreaks of the Ebola reston virus among pigs.


Need for providing quality Education. Government provides free education in the elementary and secondary level; these are programs that provide free education, scholarship grants, loans, financial assistance, and other incentives to poor but deserving students; distance learning programs for elementary and high schools are extended to those who do not have the means to study; out-of-school adult learners can receive education through the Alternative Learning System (ALS). A new curriculum, the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum has been introduced to cope with the changing times; the Presidential Task Force on Education has recommended measures aimed at improving the quality of education in the Philippines such as mandatory free school, compulsory career aptitude exam for highschool graduates entering college, and at least five years of college education.


Need for employment. Through the Department of Labor and Employment, the government assists the people in finding job opportunities for its people. It ensures the protection of workers and that employers recognize the rights of their employees or workers. The government sets appropriate daily wages to workers. The DOLE sees to it that work places are clean and safe for the protection of the health of workers and employees. The government fosters a good relationship between the employees and employers. The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and the Technology and Livelihood Resource Center (TLRC) provides skills training and shortterm courses to improve the abilities and skills of the people in vocational and entrepreneurial fields. The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) helps Filipinos find jobs abroad.


Need for housing. The government, in cooperation with the private sector, works hard to provide affordable but decent houses for the people, particularly the poor. The National Housing Authority (NHA) is tasked with the implementation of government policies on housing. The Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council is in charge of formulating national objectives and policies for housing and urban development.



The 1987 Constitution mandates free education in the elementary and secondary levels. This is to ensure that all Filipino children of school age will receive basic education. The government has programs that provide free education, scholarship grants, loans, financial assistance, and other incentives to poor but deserving students.


A person may lose his or her citizenship either voluntarily or involuntarily as provided by law. Voluntary renunciation or giving up of Filipino citizenship takes place through any of the following: naturalization in another country; repartriation or open renunciation of Filipino citizenship; taking the oath of allegiance to another country upon reaching the age of 21; serving in the armed forces of another country. Involuntary loss of citizenship happens when the certificate of naturalization is cancelled or when found guilty deserting the Armed Forces of the Philippines to side with the enemy.


All persons residing in the country are entitled to equal protection of the law. The government cannot discriminate persons or classes of people. Everybody must be treated in the same manner. The same penalty should also be improved on two different persons having the same offense for reason of his or her family’s influence or position in the government.


Rights and Responsibilities of student are right to life, liberty, and property; freedom of speech, expression, and assembly; equal protection of the law; right to private communication and correspondence; due process of law; rights of an accused person; freedom of religion; right to form unions, associations, and societies; freedom of abode and travel; right to information; right against the impairment of contracts; right to citizenship; right to suffrage; right to rest and free time; right to education; right to participate in cultural affairs, arts and sciences. Duties are loyalty to the government; service to the country; respect to the flag and national anthem; intelligent and honest voting; self-improvement; respect for law and authority; knowledge of basic laws.



When one does not exercise his or her right to vote, the person loses his or her chance or right to choose the leaders who will run the country. He or She loses his or her right to express his or her opinion on significant issues through a plebiscite or referendum.

1. Clip items from newspapers and magazines regarding benefits that the country gets when the President travels abroad. 2. Let the students answer this question: What benefits does the Philippines get from the President’s travels abroad? Do you favor the President’s (and other officials) frequent travels abroad? Why? 3. Ask the students to explore the website provided on page 148 of the textbook. A direct link to this website can be found at i-learn.vibalpublishing.com.


FILL IN THE BLANKS Circle the letter of the correct answer. 1. The fundamental law of the land and the basis of other laws is the __________. a. resolution c. by-Laws b. Constitution d. ordinance 2. The following are elements of a state except __________. a. people c. sobriety b. Territory d. Government 3. Foreigners can become Filipino citizen through legal process known as __________. a. sterilization c. legalization b. globalization d. naturalization 4. The system of government that has three branches which are equal but independent of each other is called __________. a. republic c. federal b. parliamentary d. presidential 5. “A public office is a public trust” refers to __________. a. accountability of public officials b. empowerment of public servants c. management skills of public officials d. graft and corruption of public officials

6. All of the following will happen to a state if there is no government existing therein except __________. a. no one will regulate the relations of people b. there is an orderly and peaceful society c. public services cannot be delivered d. there will be chaos and anarchy


All of the following are programs of DOH to safeguard the health of the people except __________. a. importation of melamine for infant formula b. influenza vaccination c. food fortification d. cheap medicines

7. Presidential appointees such as Cabinet secretaries must be confirmed by the Commission on Appointment of the Congress. This shows that __________. a. Congress is more powerful than the President b. Congress feels that presidential appointees are not qualified for the position c. there is checks and balances among the three branches of the government d. there is connivance between the legislative and executive branches


Alternative Learning System and other non-formal education are designed for the __________. a. academically gifted b. technology-Oriented students c. special arts and Sports students d. out-of-school youth, adult, and disabled


Bombings, mutiny in the high seas, rebellion, kidnapping are activities which constitute __________. a. coup d’ etat c. political conspiracy b. crimes of terrorism d. extrajudicial killings


The Balikatan Exercises, the Visiting Forces Agreement, and the Mutual Defense Treaty are examples of __________. a. war reparations b. economic package c. bilateral agreement d. military alliances and treaties


Good governance must be able to __________. a. deliver services for the good of the majority b. love preference to powerful citizens c. enact as many laws as possible d. unify the political parties


The agency in charge of matters relating to the diplomatic relations with other countries is the __________. a. Department of National Defense b. Department of Foreign Affairs c. Department of Education d. Department of Tourism

8. All of the following are indicators of national development except __________. a. high underemployment and unemployment b. 10% increase in the remittances of OFWs. c. high per capita income for every citizen d. high literacy rate 9. Every right has a corresponding duty. You have the right to life but it is your obligation to __________. a. respect the flag b. work and satisfy your needs c. live in accordance with your desires d. depend on the Government for your needs 10.

If citizenship could be acquired, then it could be lost due to __________. a. traveling to another country b. laws of Congress c. allegiance to a foreign land d. naturalization




The following are regional organizations where the Philippines is a member except __________. a. Association of Southeast Asian Nations b. North Atlantic Treaty Organization c. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation d. Asian Development Bank


It is an international organization that is intended to supervise and liberalize international trade __________. a. Group of 77 c. GATT b. APEC d. WTO


A regional organization composing of ten member-nations belonging to the same geographic region in Asia. They bind themselves for economic and cultural stability. a. APEC c. SEATO b. BIMP-EAGA d. ASEAN


Like its citizens, the state has the right to own property. In what country does the Philippines own land and a building? a. Japan c. China b. USA d. Saudi Arabia


Our government has difficulty coping with the problem of squatters, because they violate other’s right of __________. a. property c. travel b. abode d. information


The power of the President to disapprove or reject laws is called __________. a. impeachment c. immunity b. veto power d. power to grant amnesty


The form of government led by a few individuals who belong to a small or privileged class is called ________. a. aristocracy c. republican b. democracy d. monarchy


Under due process of law, person who is accused of a crime is ________. a. presumed guilty b. tried before a jury c. presumed innocent d. sentenced to prison term 25. The term government comes from the Latin word which means __________. a. citizen c. sovereignty b. territory d. management

II. KNOWLEDGE OF TERMINOLOGY Name the agency or concepts being describe in each number 1. An agency whose primary duty is to look after the welfare of the people. 2. It is a form of government of the people, by the people, and for the people 3. It is the fundamental law of the land. 4. It is a type of government where the head is called President. 5. The official who exercise the executive branch of government in the Philippines. 6. The branch of government which has the power to enact, amend, and repeal laws. 7. The branch of government which has the power to hear and resolve conflicts between citizens or between citizens and the government. 8. It is the membership of an individual in a political community. 9. It is the term given to a world where all countries help and cooperate with one another as if living in just a small community. 10. It is the right to vote.

III. CLASSIFICATION Write the letter of the word which does not belong to the group 1. Characteristics of a democratic government a. government of laws c. all citizens are equal b. all citizens are not equal d. government of men

2. Services of government a. maintains peace and order b. takes over property of citizens c. provides basic services d. safeguards welfare of citizens abroad 3. Basic principles of Philippine government a. sovereignty resides in the President b. constitutional government c. republican state d. rule of majority 4. Local government a. province c. town b. country d. city 5. Executive branch a. Chief Justice c. Executive Secretaries b. President d. Government 6. Legislative branch a. Senators c. Senate President b. Congressmen d. Mayor 7. Judicial branch a. Justices of the court of Appeals b. Justices of the Sandiganbayan c. Speaker of the House d. Chief Justice 8. Security needs a. DND c. NBI b. Dep Ed d. AFP 9. Employment a. DOLE c. NHA b. POEA d. TESDA 10. Rights a. freedom of speech c. right to life b. loyalty to the government d. freedom of religion







18. d





19. d





20. a





21. b





22. b





23. a





24. c





25. d




Department of Social Welfare and Development








president of the Philippines


congress/legislative branch


judiciary/supreme Court




global village



III. 1.


6. d



7. c



8. b



9. c



10. b





This unit is composed of three lessons. Chapter 10 Promotion of National Development Chapter 11 The Government and National Development Chapter 12 The Citizens and National Development

GENERAL OBJECTIVE Understand and appreciate the role of the people and the government in the development of the country.


Cut and display pictures of cultural events and Filipinos who excel in the different sciences, arts, and literature in bulletin board.

II. TOPICS Meaning of Development, pages 155-156 and Indicators of Development, pages 156-166.

III. MATERIALS Textbook, pictures of cultural agencies, national artist and tourist spots, graphs and charts, statistical data; computer with internet connection

IV. METHODS A. Preparation


Ask the class to look around or observe their own community. List down the changes they have noticed in their community such as road repairs, construction of new buildings, installation of telephone lines, opening of new businesses. Tell the class that what they have seen are signs of development.

MAJOR CONCEPT The promotion of national development lies in the hands of the government and the Filipino citizens.



Cognitive 1. Explain the meaning of development 2. Enumerate the indicators of development 3. Discuss the different agencies in charge of the country’s cultural development


Affective 1. Appreciate the programs and policies of the government in promoting national discipline 2. Give the highest esteem to artist, writers, and scientist who elevated the Philippines to international level




Development of the Lesson 1. Write the word DEVELOPMENT on the board. Ask the students to give a word that they associate with this term. Then guide them in forming their own definition of development. 2. Clarify to the students that there are many indicators of development. Refer to the textbook on the different indicators of development in terms of economic, political, social, and cultural conditions. Discuss and analyze how these indicators of development are used as manifestations of the country’s economic progress. Use statistical data in the discussion. You can visit the website of the National Statistics Office at http://www.census. gov.ph/ for these data. Use the following questions as guide in the discussion: a. If you compare the different indicators in different years, what do you observe?

b. Do these indicators reflect development and progress in our economy? Why? c. In which economic sector do you think the Philippine government should concentrate more — in manufacturing, agriculture, or services? Why? 3. (Students should be assigned before this lesson to gather pictures of cultural agencies, national artists, or tourist spots in the country). Ask the class to show the pictures they have gathered of cultural agencies (e.g. Cultural Center of the Philippines), national artists (Nick Joaquin), or tourist spots in the country (Mayon Volcano). Then group the students according to the pictures they brought. Let each group give a brief description about their pictures. Let them discuss how these cultural agencies, national artists, or tourist spots in the country help promote national development. 4. Let the students do the first activity under Things I Can Do on page 169. The students can use the list they have made at the first part of the lesson.



Check Yourself, page 158 1. Development refers to various steps taken by the government to provide for the needs of the people, for the improvement in all aspects of life. Indicators of development includes economic, political, social, and cultural. 2. GNP refers to the total of all the goods and services produced within and outside the country in a given year, while the GDP refers to the total of all the goods and services produced only within a country in a given year. 3. Because the manifestation of improvement of the quality of life can be equated if there is economic development. 4. Because the Philippines is an agricultural country, by focusing on this, food production will be sufficient for the people, it can also provide raw materials needed by the country and abroad.


Check Yourself, page 166 1. Through People Power I and II, Filipinos regained their right to freely choose/elect the official they wanted to lead the country. 2. a. Through HDI, where it measures and evaluates the well-being of the citizens by analyzing their average life expectancy, health condition, and level of education. b. literacy makes an individual achieve his or her goal,develop his or her potential and participate effectively in the development of society. c. The longer the life of a people in particular country, the longer it can contribute to the development of their country. 3. As an Indicator of development, cultural development can be achieved by taking care of one’s heritage. The government promote cultural development by creating agencies, such as NCCA and NHI and by giving awards and honors to the Filipinos who excel in the arts and sciences.


Things I Learned, page 167 A. 1. d 2. b 3. e

Application of Skills 1. Ask the class who among them have parents and relatives working abroad. Ask the ones who have, if they agree that their parents have contributed a lot to national development and in what way? 2. Make a survey among your students on how many of them will go into the following: professionals, overseas workers, businessman, artists etc. Ask them how they can promote national development. 3. Give to the students as homework the last two activities under Things I Can Do on page 169.


EVALUATION 1. Let the students answer Check Yourself on page 158 and page 166 of the textbook. 2. Let the students answer the questions under Things I Learned on pages 167-168. 3. Have the students do Things I Will Do on page 169.

4. 5.

c a



1. 2. 3.



C. 1. 2. 3. ˛

Answers may vary If the country has a high GNP but with a large population, their per capita income will remain low. Because the Philippines is an agricultural country, using agriculture as the main source of production can translate into bigger profits and more agricultural workers can benefit from it. a. The Cultural Center of the Philippines – supports the skills and talents of Filipino artist. b. The National Academy of Science and Technology – reccomends not more than ten scientist annually to the President for the conferment of “National Scientist” title. c. The Records Management and Archives – takes care of the important documents that were turned over by the Spanish and American authorities to the Philippine government. d. The Commission on Filipino Language – cultivates the Filipino language as a tool for national development. Architecture — Pablo Antonio, Juan Nakpil, Leandro Locsin Dance — Francisca Reyes-Aquino, Leonor Orosa-Goquingco, Ramon Obusan, Lucrecia Reyes Literature — Francisco Arcellana, Virgillio S. Almario, N.V.M Gonzales, Nick Joaquin, F. Sionil Jose etc. a c a

Things I Will Do, page 169 1. D 2. D 3. DD

4. 5.

2. Let the students interview their parents, by asking them about their income. Tell them to inquire how such income contributes to the national development of the country. Let the students report the results of their interview in the next meeting. 3. Ask the students to visit the websites provided on page 166 of the textbook. Links to these websites can also be accessed at i-learn. vibalpublishing.com.


The government leads the country towards national development.


SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES A. Cognitive 1. Discuss the economic policies and programs of the government that promote development 2. Explain the role of science and technology, education and health in attaining national development 3. Discuss the meaning and manifestation of globalization 4. List down the advantages that young people get out of the programs implemented by the government.

b d

B. 4. 5. 6.


1. Let the students research on some of the famous works of our national artists. Example: for dance, the work of Francisca Reyes-Aquino or Ramon Obusan; for literature, Nick Joaquin etc. 50

Affective 1. Relates the efforts of the Filipinos to cope with the challenges of globalization 2. Think of ways on how to contribute to the efforts of the government toward national development




Psychomotor Make posters or signages encouraging young people to contribute to national development

II. TOPICS Economic Programs, pages 170-177; Science and Technology, pages 172-173; Quality Education, pages 173-175; Good Health, pages 176-177; The Phenomenon of Globalization, pages 178-179.

III. MATERIALS Textbook, brand names and labels, news clippings on the different programs of the government, pictures; Filipinism CD-ROM 6; computer with internet connection


Preparation 1. Show brand names and labels like Lee, Levis, Coke, Marlboro, Toyota, Toblerone, Louis Vuitton etc. to the class. Ask how did we become familiar with these products? 2. Read news items or headlines regarding programs of the government on livelihood, education, health and science and technology. 3. Explain that this programs of the government will respond to the needs of the different sectors of our country. 4. Have the students do the activities on Things I Can Learn from My Computer on page 183 of the textbook. The first activity may also be accessed at i-learn.vibalpublishing.com.


3. Guide or suggest activities on how to present the data. Example: Mock interview on vendors or sellers in a famous market. Ask them regarding the DTI support and government assistance in terms of loan or capital-need. 4. Let the other groups continue the matrix on the different progress in education, health and science and technology. 5. To process the activities and data presented by the groups, use the spider web diagram to analyze the effects of the different programs to the country. Economy


Science and Technology

Effects of the Programs: Government


Development of the Lesson 1. The materials to be used should be categorized into the following labels.





6. The class can discuss the phenomenon of globalization through this concept map: Meaning

Science and Technology Effects




7. Allow the class to complete the diagram with facts and details. 2. Distribute the topics to the groups. Give them time to prepare for the activities.

8. Form two groups. The two groups will conduct an informal debate on this issue: Is globalization beneficial to us? 51


Application of Skills 1. Draw inferences based on the different programs implemented by the government to promote national development. Example: Through the different programs implemented in education, the Philippine literacy rate will increase. A healthy citizenry can contribute to the promotion of national development. 2. Ask the students to lists down the benefits that they get out of the programs in education implemented by the government. 3. Recall the activity on brand names and labels. Majority of these came from other countries through trade liberalization. Ask if trade liberalizations is good for our economy. 4. Guide the students in forming their own generalizations about the lesson. Then, ask them to read the Things to Remember on pages 180. 5. Guide the students in doing Things I Can Do on page 183.


It is the response of the government to malnutrition by giving them important micronutrients such as Vitamin A, iron, iodine, to make sure foods are nutritious.

Ë› Check Yourself, page 179



Globalization refers to the world economy of free trade and trade liberalization. It is manifested through the use of internet, patronizing foreign products, foods, watching foreign T.V shows and movies.


Answers may vary.

Things I Learned, page 180-181 A.























Implement effective economic programs to reduce inflation rates and unemployed individuals; provide adequate education, health services, housing, water, and electricity to the underprivileged; modernize the agricultural sector, implement land reform and improve infrastructure; and carry out effective governance, curtail corruption and enhance coordination with the civil society and the private sector.


Because of globalization, it is said that science and technology will be the significant component that can help facilitate and sustain progress of the economy. They must continue to invest in research and development, trainings in science and technology and infrastructure facilities.


Globalization refers to the world economy of free trade and trade liberalization. It is manifested in our country by the use of internet, cellular phones,latest gadgets, patronizing foreign products, foods, watching foreign T.V shows and movies.


The marginalized sector of our country and the local farmers cannot cope with current trends because of the lack of technology; the ancestral lands of indigenous people are being taken by capitalist and big corporations.

EVALUATION 1. Answer Check Yourself on pages 175, 177 and 179. 2. Guide the students in answering Things I Learned on pages 180182 of the book. 3. Ask the pupils to answer what is ask on Things I Will Do on page 183. 4. Ask the students to write an essay on how they can contribute to the effort of the government toward national development.




Check Yourself, page 175 1. Educated citizen is an important factor for the success of a country, as shown in developed countries with higher literacy rate, compared with slow developing countries with low literacy rate. 2. Higher cost of education, lack of continuous training for teachers, ineffective programs.

5. 6. 7.




C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Answers may vary. It was implemented in order to solve the country’s large budget deficit. because through education, one will be able to use their knowledge, skills, and abilities that can help in the development of a country. Effective governance means that leaders and officers of government are very clear in their goals for the country and are efficiently doing/implementing programs and projects towards the achievement of these goals. Most especially the people must feel/experience the benefits of their programs. It promotes the welfare of businesses and consumers, create new job opportunities, they ensure the well-being of all the consumers and guarantees the value of products and services that they pay for and make sure that the consumer rights are respected and upheld. By implementing projects such as building of farm-to-market roads, introduction of new technologies in farming and fishing, implementation of conservation programs of the environment. F O F F O

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Chapter 12 THE CITIZENS AND NATIONAL GOVERNMENT (17 days) MAJOR CONCEPT A productive citizenry contributes to the promotion of national development.



Cognitive 1. Explain how citizens can be more productive for our country 2. Enumerate the rights of the consumers 3. Analyze the factors that hinder development


Affective 1. Recognize the importance of unity in attaining the goals of national development 2. Give importance to citizen’s participation in national development


Psychomotor 1. Practice good habits, manners, and attitudes 2. Cultivate one’s skills and talents in order to become a productive citizen 3. Draw symbols or sketches showing how you can contribute to national development


VII. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY Make posters or signages to encourage other pupils to promote the programs of the government. Put them on an illustration board and display them around the campus. Example: Study Harder

Taking Care of One’s Health, pages 184-185; Enriching One’s Skill and Talent, pages 185-186; Being a Productive Citizen, page 186; Right Attitude in Work, pages 186-187; Wise Consumer, pages 187188; Patronizing Filipino Products, page 189; Wise Use of Goods and Services,pages 189-190; Recyling, pages 190-191; Conservation of Energy, page 191; Hindrance to Development, pages 192-197.

III. MATERIALS Education: Weapon vs. Poverty

Textbook, pictures related to the topic, bond paper and drawing materials; Filipinism CD-ROM 6 53








Good Singing Voice


IV. METHODS A. Preparation 1. Ask students to get their notebook, and let them copy the sketch. 2. Instruct them to write their own qualities in any parts of their body. See example. 3. Ask them how these qualities or characteristics contribute to their growth and development. 4. Release the sketch to introduce the topic on this lesson on the role of citizens in the promotion of national development



Development of the Lesson 1. Ask the class to get a partner. On a 1/4 sheet, each student will write down how do they take care of their health. After three minutes, call one member of the pair to read his or her partner’s answer. The pupil will say “According to Ryan, he eats nutritious food everyday.” 2. Explain to the class that a healthy citizen is an asset of the nation. 3. On the reverse side of the 1/4 sheet of paper, the pairs will write what skills, talents, and attitudes each student has. Follow the same procedures. 4. Emphasize that each individual is gifted with certain skills and talents. The government sees to it that all talents and skills are enhanced and protected through various programs and projects. 5. Present a situation to the class similar to this one: You wanted to have a cellphone of your own, your mother refused because she considers three factors before buying a certain thing. Ask the students what are those factors. 6. Give other situations that show a wise consumer with rights protected by the government.


7. Divide the class into four groups. Each group will show through drawing or sketch the following: a. Group 1 — How to patronize Filipino products b. Group 2 — Wise use of goods and services c. Group 3 — Recycling d. Group 4 — Conservation of energy Let them explain their work afterwards 8. Come out with an analysis on how the national development is being disrupted. Use this fishbone or Ishikawa diagram.


9. Process all the activities and let the class summarize the lesson. Ask the students to read Things to Remember on page 198.


Application of Skills 1. Recall the drawing that the students have in their notebook. 2. Analyze how their qualities, attitudes, and skills can contribute to the development of the nation. 3. Ask the students, how many of them have contributed a lot in the development and how they become a hindrance to development. 4. Guide the students in doing Things I Will Do and Things I Can Do on page 200.


EVALUATION 1. Ask the students to answer Check Yourself on pages 188 and 197. 2. Ask the students to answer Things I Learned on pages 198-199.





Check Yourself, page 188 1. Because the citizens are the greatest asset of a country, their healthy body will make them productive citizens. 2. The three factors that contribute to how consumers buy products are economic, psychological and sociological. 3. The consumers have the: Right to be protected, know the truth about the products and services they are consuming, choose the products and services they want to purchase, file a legitimate complaint against a defective product or services they purchase or acquired. Check Yourself, page 197 1. By helping one another, through collective effort in solving these hindrances to development. 2. Answers may vary. Things I Learned, pages 198-199 A. 1. c 6. d 2. c 7. d 3. c 8. d 4. a 9. b 5. c 10. b B. 1. a. Eat the right kinds of food such as, fresh fruits and vegetables; regular visits to health centers or to the doctor; take food supplements like vitamins regularly; drink at least eight glasses of water everyday; visit the dentist at least twice a year; sleep eight hours at night; keep the environment clean; wash hands before and after eating and after using the toilet; have a positive outlook in life, be happy, and cheerful. b. Emulate the Filipino traits of being hardworking, creative, and skillfull; join organizations and contests to hone your talent and skills. c. Practice prudence and show practicality when it comes to selecting goods and services; buy only those things that are needed; avoid spending too much money; considers the benefits of a certain product; consider the quality of goods before buying them.

2. 3.



Use various products and services wisely; practice recycling; conserve water; to save on electricity see to it that only sufficient lighting is used, turn the lights on only when needed, clean the light bulbs frequently and use the light coming from the sun. Answers may vary depending on the students If Filipinos do not patronize local products, the government will not be able to develop a self-reliant and independent national economy. Filipino industries will not be encouraged to improve their products and make them at par with imported goods. Destruction of the forests by illegal loggers; water pollution as a result of the toxins and wastes dumped into rivers and creeks; mining resulting in environmental degradation; dynamite and cyanide fishing destroying coral reefs.

Summary, pages 201-203 B. 1. a. The DTI is the lead government agency tasked to address the needs of businesses and consumers in order to promote development. It promotes the welfare of business and consumers. It encourages a favorable climate for commercial activities. By fostering trade and industry, it hopes to create new job opportunities for the Filipino workers. b. The DAR formulates programs for the upliftment of the conditions of farmers in the provinces. c. The DA is the principal agency that boosts the agricultural sector for it to become part of the national development efforts. d. The principal task of DOLE is the generation of new job opportunities. 2. Eating the right kinds of food will nourish the body. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet. Junk foods should be avoided; regular visit to the doctor should be observed; food supplements like vitamins strengthen the body’s resistance against disease; drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday is healthful; visit the dentist at least twice a year; regular exercise and engaging in a sport will keep the body fit; going to bed early and waking up at the proper time will keep the body alert; alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and illegal drugs should be avoided; keep the environment clean, wash hands before


and after eating and after using the toilet; maintain a positive outlook in life, be happy and cheerful, avoid thinking of too many negative things in life. 3.



A wise consumer is a person who practices the following: exhibits prudence and practicality when it comes to selecting goods and services; sees to it that he or she get what they really paid for; buys only those things that are needed; avoids spending too much money; considers the benefit of a certain product; considers the quality of goods before spending his or her hard-earned money; knows his or her rights as a consumer.

These changes are good for the country for the Filipinos once again have regained the freedom they lost during the martial law years. Filipinos can now speak without fear of being apprehended or jailed. Media can now freely publish and report on what is happening in the country especially regarding the government. Graft and corruptions and other anomalies in the government can now be monitored and exposed to the public. The freedom regained has resulted in an inquistive, alert, and well-informed citizenry.

Biodegradable — are wastes that break down and disintegrate over time by burying them in the ground. Compostable — wastes which can be transformed into fertilizers through the action microorganisms. Recyclable — things which can still be used.


Sangkap Pinoy is a seal stamped by the Department of Health to inform the public certain products have been fortified with additional ingredients or micronutrients to make them more nutritious.


People must be watchful and vigilant concerning matters that could threaten the community and national security; refrain from buying smuggled goods; engage in sports activities; stay away from people who are engaged in unlawful activities; report to proper authorities suspicious activities going on in the community; join campaigns against illegal drugs, pirated videos, smuggled goods, criminality.



An improved agricultural sector will hasten the development in the provinces through modernization in agriculture and the fishery sectors, increased infrastracture development will help link the communities in the provinces and ensure swift movement of produce to the markets; increased food production in the agricultural sector will result in more products being sold in local and foreign markets thereby helping improve the standard of living among farmers and increasing the revenue of the government.

The People Power I Revolution changed the curse of politics and governance in the country. Democracy was again regained by the Filipino people after years of authoritarian or dictatorial rule; the right of suffrage was fully regained by the Filipino people. They were able to freely elect again whoever official they want to lead the country. They began to freely participate in political activities such as elections and political rallies.


Answers may vary


D e v e l o p m e n t p ro g r a m s i n t h e p ro v i n c e s m u s t b e implemented are livelihood projects; community services and projects on culture, agriculture, and rural industries; establishment of economic zones to hasten industries and firms.


Couples and individuals need to be informed on family planning and responsible parenthood so that they will be prepared when they start their own families.


Enriching one’s skills and talents will enhance one’s capability as an individual and better equip oneself with the necessary knowledge and skills needed in order to survive in the competitive world of work with improved skills, a mind full of fresh ideas, exhibiting resourcefulness, industry and creativity in one’s work, a Filipino will have the confidence to compete and surpass the performance of other people.


Practice cleanliness to avoid getting sick are draining all water in the surroundings to prevent mosquitoes from multiplying in these stagnant waters; covering garbage bins to avoid the proliferation of flies and other insects; washing of hands before and after eating and after using the toilet.


Countries are experiencing many economic difficulties as a result of the global financial crisis. The percentage of unemployment has increased as a result of many industries or factories laying off employees or closing their business. Exports have decreased as a result of countries especially the developed ones reducing the volume of their orders due to huge losses or bankruptcy in their businesses. There will be more widespread poverty in the developing countries due to lack of jobs, decrease in revenues, and lack of investments. Job opportunities for Filipinos abroad have dropped due to the financial crisis. Due to the lack of demand for electronic goods, factories and companies in Taiwan and even in the Philippines have laid off workers. Some workers in the Middle East have also been laid off. The recruitment of nurses in the United States have been on hold resulting in unemployment for many nurses. The tourism industry has also suffered. Fewer tourists are visiting other countries resulting in a reduction in tourism earnings.

15. Investments in research and development, training in science and technology and infrastracture facilities will hasten development in poor countries. 16. Suggestion to improve the quality of basic education are continuous training for teachers; rehabilitate physical facilities in schools; revise the school curriculum; provide more textbooks, references, and equipment; increase salaries of teachers.

VI. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES 1. Prepare a short program that will showcase the skills and talents of each student. 2. Plan an exhibit where you display the drawings, sketches, and posters of the students. 3. Guide the students in doing the activity on Things I Can Learn from My Computer on page 200 of the textbook.



Read and understand each item. Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. 1. It refers to any educational, political, economic and social advancement of a country. a. development c. productivity b. sustainability d. progress 2. Which of the following is a sign of economic development? a. high rise buildings b. more money in circulation c. more imported goods in the market d. sufficient and efficient distribution of goods and services to the entire Filipino nation 3. Based on the per capita income, which of the statement is not true? a. When the GNP is high and the population is small, per capita income is high. b. The remittances of overseas Filipino workers increase the per capita income. c. When the GNP is low and the population is large, per capita income is low. d. Development of the country is slow when the per capita income is low. 4. If the GNP include earnings of Filipino abroad, which indicator of development does not include earnings from abroad? a. Human Development Index b. Gross Domestic Product c. per capita income d. importation 5. Nick Joaquin, F. Sionil Jose, Jose Garcia Villa are outstanding Filipinos in the field of a. music c. dances b. literature d. visual Arts 57

6. This government agency is tasked with eradicating graft and corruption in the bureaucracy. a. barangay bureau b. local government units c. Ombudsman and Sandiganbayan d. Regional and Metropolitan Trial Courts 7. The NSO recorded 93.4% simple literacy rate and 84% functional literacy rate. What inferences can we get from the data? a. Many Filipinos finished elementary but did not reach the secondary level. b. What they learned is simply being able to read and write. c. Filipinos have the ability to read, write, understand, and communicate but they cannot use these abilities to improve their living conditions. d. There is a need to improve our educational system. 8. Which of the statement needs to to be proven? a. Illiteracy is a social problem. b. Living in poverty is an individual choice. c. In the Philippines female have longer life expectancy than males. d. Almost all societies in the world have citizens living in poverty. 9. The government honors Filipinos with significant contributions to the development of music, arts, theater, literature by conferring this title a. Outstanding Artists c. Star Awards b. Gawad Kalinga d. National Artists 10. Aside from artists, the President confer title of National Scientist based on the recommendation of this agency a. National Science Development Board b. Department of Science and Technology c. National Academy of Science and Technology d. National Commission for Culture and the Arts 58

II. KNOWLEDGE OF TERMINOLOGY Write the term being defined in the following sentences. 1. It refers to the economic and political advancement of a nation 2. It is the sum of all the goods and services produced in and outside the country in a given year. 3. It refers to the average income of every Filipino in a given year 4. It refers to the sum of all goods and services produced within a country in a given year. 5. It is the percentage of the entire population that is currently employed and earning some form of income. 6. A system of measuring and evaluating development through an analysis of the well-being of country’s citizens using data on average life expectancy, health conditions, level of education. 7. The abiliy to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute, and use printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. 8. It refers to the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. 9. The minimum level of income that is necessary to attain an adequate standard of living in a society. 10. It refers to the world economy of free trade and liberalization.

III. KNOWLEDGE OF SPECIFIC FACTS Write the letter of the correct answer being asked for in each number. 1. The country’s unemployment rate in 2007 is _________. a. 4% c. 6% b. 5% d. 7% 2. In 2007, the country’s GDP registered at a. 5% c. 8% b. 7.3% d. 9% 3. Remittances of Filipinos abroad account for ________% of the GNP a. 10% c. 11% b. 10.5% d. 12%

4. Filipinos proficiency in the English language has made it a popular choice for this industry _________. a. movie c. call center b. financial d. multimedia 5. The US Naval Base has been transfered into a _________. a. historical site c. educational center b. recreational facility d. tax and duty free zone

3. High literacy rate

6. The People Power I Revolution took place on _________.

5. National Artists for Architecture

a. Febuary 22-25, 1986


b. September 21, 1972

d. January 17-20, 2001

a. January 17-20, 2001 b. May 10, 2007


d. June 12, 2007

a. Filipino managed air base


b. freeport zone

d. agricultural zone


a. 95%


b. 93.4%

d. 98%

a. 90%


b. 95%

d. 84.1% 10.


a. GNP


b. per capita income

d. population


GDP 12.

2. Major Industries a. electronic components



b. car manufacturing

d. services



b. CCP

d. NHI

a. Fernando Amorsolo


Juan Nakpil

b. Pablo Antonio

d. Leandro Locsin

a. Luis Brocka


b. Joel Lamangan

d. Gerardo de Leon

Ismael Bernal

a. Ramon Obusan


Eddie Elejar

b. Francisca Reyes-Aquino

d. Lucresia Reyes-Urtula

a. Francisco Arcellana


Virgillio Almario

b. Ambeth Ocampo

d. N.V. M Gonzales

9. National Artist for Music


Write the letter of the word which does not belong to the group. 1. Indicators of development


8. National Artist for Literature


The functional literacy rate in 2003 _________.

South Korea

7. National Artist for Dance

commercial center

9. The simple literacy rate in the Philippines in 2003 _________.

d. Singapore

6. National Artist for Film and Cinema

Febuary 22-25, 1986

8. Clark Air Base has been converted into a _________.


b. Philippines 4. Cultural agencies

August 21, 1983

7. Second People Power Revolution occurred on _________.

a. Japan

a. Levi Celerio


Lucio San Pedro

b. Ambeth Ocampo

d. Ryan Cayabyab

National Artists for Theater and Film a. Lamberto Avellana


Atang dela Rama

b. Joy Virata

d. Wilfredo Ma. Guerrero

National Artists for Sculpture a. Ramon Valera


b. Abdulmari Imao

d. Guillermo Tolentino

Napoleon Abueva

National Artists for Painting a. Bencab Cabrera


Carlos Francisco

b. Carlos Quirino

d. Vicente Manansala 59





Improved agricultural sector a. increased raw materials b. agricultural exports c. high income for farmers d. decreased food production Economic zones a. Arayat National Park b. Luisita Industrial Park c. Industrial Park d. Bataan Export Processing Zone National Scientists for Agricultural Sciences a. Francisco Fronda c. Juan Salcedo b. Eduardo Quisumbing d. Benito Vergara



CAUSE AND EFFECT Match column A with column B. Write the letters only. A 1. Scarcity of agricultural resources 2. GNP is high and population is small 3. GNP is low and population is large 4. People Power I Revolution 5. Globalization 6. Good health 7. Patronizing Filipino products 8. Recycling 9. Water pollution 10. Distruction of forests


B a. boosts local economy b. conservation of habitat for wildlife c. good job performance d. inadequate food supply e. landslides f. lesser problem of waste disposal g. per capita income is high h. per capita income is low i. protectionism j. restoration of democracy k. rivers are biologically dead l. trade liberalization

Multiple Choice 1. a 2. d 3. b 4. b 5. b

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Knowledge of Terminolgy 1. development 2. Gross National Product 3. per capita income 4. Gross Domestic Product 5. employment rate 6. Human Development Index 7. Literacy 8. life expectancy at birth 9. poverty line or poverty threshold 10. globalization

III. Knowledge of Specific Facts 1. d 6. 2. b 7. 3. a 8. 4. c 9. 5. d 10. IV. Classification 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. a V.

c b d b c

Cause and Effect 1. d 2. g 3. h 4. j 5. l

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

a a b b d

b c b d b

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

c a f k e

a b d a c

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