Vibrant Living Project

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Copyright 2021 by Vibrant Life Source All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner.


Table of Contents _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ode to the Healers Vibrant Living Project Manifesto Introduction

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The Healers’ Contributions Hope Healing Courage Finding Self Finding Passion Finding Humanity Finding Purpose Finding Connection Contribute Acknowledgements About the Authors

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Ode to the Healers _________________________________________________________________________________________________

You give of yourself -- what you learned on your journey You pass your wisdom on without hesitation You are to be revered You, the kind hearted healer, we salute you You give so others don’t have to go through what you did Your sharing of yourself is selfless You keep trauma at bay for us You minimize our pain You enrich our lives Your reward is simply knowing you helped us Your gift to the world is your benevolence And for that, we thank you We applaud you We celebrate you 5

Heal on, oh healer And know that we feel your power We see you, we hear you But, most of all, we need you


Vibrant Living Project Manifesto _________________________________________________________________________________________________

What a gift it was to read through these initial heartfelt responses. The theme of Benevolence quickly emerged and messages were repeated throughout what we received. This manifesto is a collection of the most common phrases found in the answers sent in. Some of them are even direct quotes from these gracious healers. I hope you can use this to inspire your healing journey. Thank you, dear healer.


Introduction: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

How I got here... This project began as an inkling in my brain, a feeling in my toes, a spark in my heart. I reached out to my friend and writer who is a fellow brainstormer, shared the bits of an idea, and here we are a year later. I felt I was spoken to, moved to create this Vibrant Living Project. And it’s mostly thanks to the pandemic lockdown. 2020 forced us all not only to stay in, but it also demanded we look inward. At our broken parts, our ignored areas, and our connections with one another. That time helped shut out the external noise in my brain.


As a Health & Nutrition Coach, Integrative Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, and Wellness Speaker, I was already isolated in my business. That’s the nature of it. Yes, I worked with clients but usually one on one and I had even already switched much of my business to a virtual approach. Sure, I am a healer but I still need my own healing and connection. And so does the world. If the pandemic isn’t proof of that, I don’t know what is.

Why I got here... It got me thinking about my colleagues and how they were handling this inward shift. So I started reaching beyond the void to connect with healers of all sorts through LinkedIn.


And boy did I make connections. By the hundreds. The responses were incredible. My fellow health and fitness professionals were eager to connect. I was astounded by how easy it was to find camaraderie online. I was inspired to find out why healers become healers. And I was also struck by how easily we healers are given power over our clients. I wanted to unveil the mask people seem to make healers wear and let others see that we are all just as human as any non-healer. I wanted to knock over the pedestal that clients tend to put us on and see where we land. After all, we have tender underbellies too. Just because we help others change and grow and heal doesn’t mean we are superheroes or superhuman or even have super powers.


What is healing... So what does it mean to be a healer? Why do people choose this path? Why are they drawn to helping others heal? Because you certainly don’t choose this path for the money. More often than not, the path seems to be chosen for you. Well, first, we need to discuss what healing is and why we do it. What is the purpose of healing? Why is it that the best healers seem to be the people that were the most broken? I define healing as the process of becoming your best self. That process can be physical, mental, spiritual or all of the above. For some it means changing their diet, for others it’s about moving your body. And for others still it’s a mindset shift. The people that guide you through these processes, they are healers. 11

Most of them started as seekers looking for answers to their own health issues. Conquering those issues often sparks a transformation in a person and they decide to become a healer to pass on what they learned. They want others to feel better too and become their own best selves. It’s a metamorphosis, if you will. And, indeed, that is what I found here. Once I made all these connections, I wanted to make my wondering official. So I created a set of questions to draw out the individual journeys of these healers and see what they had in common. Each healer was asked to make a contribution to the project based on three questions: the Share, the Lesson, and the Offer. I wanted them to share the story of how and why they became a healer, to let me know what they’ve learned thus far on their journey of healing, and I asked them to offer 12

advice, a tip, or a trick and give the readers something they could try or ponder to help spur their own healing. All these questions were chosen to help create connection and understanding between and about healers and those they serve - to bridge the gap.

Who is here... As you know, healers are needed now more than ever. And the value of healers is finally becoming more widely known. I believe healers are the next frontline, essential workers. A healer can be anything from a traditional background Western healer to an energy healer to an alternative medicine healer to even a best friend. I reached out to fitness instructors, private trainers, health coaches, nutritionists, and health and wellness practitioners. And what I found is, 13

no matter what they call themselves, at the heart of it, they're all healers. And reading through these stories, a theme began to emerge. At first, why most became healers was to overcome a personal obstacle or a challenge. And under that was an overwhelming desire to help others do the same.

What is here... Behind that desire is the true common thread that I believe all healers share: Benevolence. Benevolence is the desire to do good to others. That is what healers have in spades. Droves. Bushels. Barrels. And heaps. Especially the healers that answered my call for answers here.


That’s actually what touched me more than anything: the fact that these healers trusted me enough to share so honestly. After all, you may create the space, but you never know how open a person's willing to be with a complete stranger. And the fact that people were willing and open to share so completely… Well, humbled. That’s the word. I’m so humbled and grateful to these healers for stepping into the space I created, out of the shared void of a tremendous need for healing in the world.

What I found here... This project is a not-for-profit effort born of my desire to give of myself, my heart, my mind, my soul, my experience. I decided to let the material we receive dictate what it would become and the obvious choice was to let it live and breathe. Let it 15

be its own entity. Let it be a living book. And, fortunately, creating such a living book is easy these days thanks to virtual strides. I feel that was the right call - to wait and let the contributions guide us. This space is a living, breathing thing. And it’s still growing. At least, I hope it will and does keep growing for a long time to come.

The spirit here... The first time that I read these submissions I was astounded. It was way more intense than I ever thought it would be. I always knew that the stories, the contributions received would guide our process. I literally had no plan. I was just willing to put it out there, without knowing if anyone would respond.


And what we got was this really beautiful outpouring of honesty. It feels like it’s actually a gift for the healers represented here. It’s a validation. Validation that you are amongst people that have gone through some challenges, that have gone to the other side of whatever you were dealing with. That you are part of a group of people that understand at a greater depth why we do what we do. Because we all know anyone that does this type of work has a story similar to yours. You know they do it for a deeper story. They do it because it means something. I think healing initiates you into a specialized group of people that believe in not just helping people, but in thriving.


What stories are here... Once I stepped back and read these submissions as a whole, I realized we needed to categorize them further. So you can find the inspiration you’re looking for. There are eight categories to dive into. But please feel free to explore them all as, in life, many of these healing stories overlap into other categories. Most of all, enjoy.

Want to belong here... I encourage you to share this book with your family, friends, coworkers, clients, and patients. And please, if you feel so moved, contribute. If you've got a story to share, if you're a healer, go here. There's always a space for you to join us. 18

And my hope, my vision is that by simply visiting this site and reading a story or two, you will receive some healing as well. Thank you for being here.


The Healers’ Contributions _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Finding Hope _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sometimes it just takes putting one foot in front of the other to get through a crisis, life cross-roads or even a health challenge. And often that simple act is inspired by hope. I believe these stories will leave you feeling optimistic and ready to change -- with more than enough strength to pick those feet up and get healing.


Michelle Ann Collins Healing Modality: Yoga Therapy, Wellness Coaching, Reiki

I've always been an athlete but a series of injuries brought me to yoga. Once I realized the value of yoga to not only heal the physical body but connect to mental/emotional and spiritual well being, I pursued yoga teacher training then yoga therapy. I wanted to create lasting change in my clients' lives so I became a certified Wellness Coach, as well as Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor. With this skill set and my personal growth through a number of challenging times including the death of my mother from cancer, and my husband's suicide. I practice daily to maintain my health and wellbeing so I can then serve others.


I've learned that we all have the skills to have joyful lives if we so choose. Joy is not based on circumstance but rather it is our birthright. We just have to stay committed to being in alignment with our higher purpose. Meditation is the number one source of well being. A daily meditation practice brings you the power to control your mind, instead of it controlling you. When you can witness your thoughts rather than suffer from them, and therefore respond to challenging circumstances rather than let them ruin you, then you can constantly grow through challenges and live a joyful life.


Natalie Parrish Healing Modality: Yoga, Acupuncture, Prayer

For many years I was tired and so fatigued, I could not climb a flight of stairs. This was not me as I have always had so much energy! After a couple of years of seeing specialists, I decided to enroll into a health coach program to work with my doctors. Long story short, I had major gut issues, inflammation and a weakened immune system with no answers or specific diagnosis. I had not dealt with a lot of trauma in my life. I was just sick a lot and always at the doctor! During that time, I began to understand how important it was to ensure all areas of life are balanced and how if one area is unbalanced it impacts all other areas of your life. After going through an assessment of my own health such as nutrition, physical activity, career, relationships, 24

education, joy, spirituality and finances, I quickly discovered where I was fulfilled and where I was not. I started to set actionable goals to work on the areas where I was not fulfilled. Over time, synchronicities started to happen that told me I was on the right path! I started to feel better. Diet based on bio individuality is most important for good health and energy to really live! Also having an outlet to express yourself - my favorites are prayer, yoga, and acupuncture


Jann Spallina Healing Modality: Essential Oils, Reiki, Healy

For me, the turning point came 34 years ago. Sitting in the doctor’s office, I was stunned by the news: “You have cancer.” Images of my possible future flashed through my mind: chemotherapy, hair loss, constant sickness. Six months later, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. I had never had cancer in the first place, and my hormone levels had shot up because I was growing a new life inside me-- not because of a tumor. It felt like life gave me a second chance. That was the icing on the cake for me with allopathic medicine.


I've always thought out of the box. I don’t see problems, I see challenges. You could rewind time back three decades, to when I was misdiagnosed with cancer, or you could go back to just 8 years ago when my house burned down: I’ve always risen from the ashes like a phoenix. Yet positivity doesn’t change the harsh realities we sometimes face. It doesn’t make it any easier to move into a hotel because you don’t have a home anymore. I was a burned-out teacher with a burnt-down home. That house fire made me realize I didn’t enjoy being a teacher any more. I decided to switch careers to a home-based business that would allow me to live freely and focus on my health. I had lived the holistic lifestyle for many years and knew, as a teacher, I could share it. I have learned that many physical and emotional issues arise from trapped emotions. That led me to learn EFT 27

and Emotion Code to better support my customers. I also learned that healing is a constant, there are always layers to release, providing us ways to continually grow and learn to better support others. The answer is always love! Love and forgive yourself before you can love and forgive others. Be grateful for all things, because they all hold a gift. The key is identifying that gift! And finally, have a daily self care ritual because the first person to take care of is you. You can't fill from an empty vessel!


Dorrin Rosenfeld Healing Modality: Chiropractic

I was teaching HS science in Belize (Peace Corps). I was a pedestrian hit by a tortilla truck. After a year and a half in the hospital where the MD's fixed me, but did nothing to heal me, I returned to Belize and met the one Chiropractor in the country. He helped me so much, I went to Chiropractic College myself. While there, I discovered Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care and how beneficial it is for brain injuries of all sorts. I met another head-injured student there and we got married and set up a practice together. He was formerly an industrial blue-collar worker, so our practice focuses on industrial workers and those who have had strokes or accidents. We're all human beings with our own situations and stories. Most of the people we see feel left out 29

of the mainstream in one way or another. If they are truly listened to and heard, it can make an amazing difference. I didn't realize this as a child or young adult, but it becomes increasingly clear to me every day. I still need to practice listening, but most of us do... I want to urge people to never give up. Time and patience are amazing healers, as is daily awareness of our food and activity level. Simply paying attention can lead to amazing results. Another hint I want to offer is to listen to your body. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Our bodies are amazing healing machines and they know if things are not right. (They often cannot fix themselves, but they can tell us if they are right-on or not.) A useful 1st step is to get the brain/spinal cord connection healed (by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor) because then, anything (and everything) is possible. 30

Keith Bossier Healing Modality: Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist

After my college track career as a high hurdler came to an end, I didn't have a reason to continue my training other than to look good and that just wasn't enough to keep me committed as a 20 year old. Consequently, I was in and out of the gym and starting over on multiple occasions. I reached my early 30's and it was during one of the periods that I was out of the gym that I strained my back pretty bad simply getting out of bed and putting on my socks. I was completely caught off guard and confused. After all, I was just putting on my socks! It made me feel like a helpless, elderly man only in my 30's. I took care of the injury but this happened two more times during periods when I was out of the gym and I finally realized that was the problem...a weak core and out of shape. I didn't like the feeling of being helpless or elderly 31

as a young man. This was the motivation I needed to stay in shape and truly value health and fitness. I learned not to take health and wellness for granted. It is something to be treasured and appreciated. Furthermore it takes dedication and work to retain, but the rewards are immense and lifelong! The biggest change in my behavior has come in the way of education. I seek out all the information I can get my eyes on for myself and to share with others. When it comes to living healthy, my passion is through the roof. When it comes to our personal well being I have found it very powerful to consider the people that love and rely on us being alive and healthy. Ask yourself, "How does my health affect those closest to me?" "Would my children or siblings be responsible for taking care of me if I don't do what I know I should with my body?" I've asked myself these questions and more. Personally I 32

don't desire to lose my autonomy as a human does. I certainly don't desire to burden my children because they deserve to live their lives uninhibited. I also consider how many lives I can touch in a positive way as I get older by remaining in impeccable condition. Lives I couldn't touch if I let myself go. This is just something to chew on. Be your best and be blessed.


Finding Healing _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Healing is an act of stitching together what’s come apart. The power in that reconnection is what makes us feel the triumph in our souls that we are, or can be, whole again. The needle might be heavy and the thread might get tangled in the process but once the disparate parts are melded again, healing has taken place. These stories will help you pull yourself through.


Xenia Kachur Healing Modality: Multimodal, Full Body Mitochondrial Stimulation

In 2017, I sustained my 12th concussion while taking a 15-foot fall from a rock climbing slab in central Oregon. I lost my ability to run, think clearly, control my mood, sleep through the night, and to connect with the people I care about. I felt like I lost a part of myself. Since then, health and managing its effect on my quality of life have been my biggest priority. Through my healing journey, I’ve learned a lot about the link between my body, brain, and mind. I found experts in brain health, nutrition, sports medicine, and mental health and told them I was willing to try anything to get my health and quality of life back. I dove into everything from changing my diet and ancient medicine (saunas, 35

acupuncture, Chinese herbs) to supplements and new technologies (neurofeedback, Vasper, sensory deprivation tanks). I wanted to know what worked and what didn’t. And I tracked everything: sleep metrics; heart rate; heart rate variability; activity; body temperature; respiratory rate; and a slew of blood-based biomarkers. Through this process, I not only *felt* what worked the most effectively, but I had the data to support why my quality of life was finally getting better. Our understanding of health and well-being is evolving every day. My new health and wellness technology venture is committed to exploring the fundamental science and cutting-edge technologies that better our bodies, brains, and minds, creating a higher quality of life. Each of us deserves to feel present, connected, and strong these are built upon a foundation of good health.


Carrie K. Company Healing Modality: Exercise and Self-Reflection

After having four children and feeling empty, I realized that I needed to fuel my own soul. I cried uncontrollably one day at the thought that my life was for the sole purpose of caring for my husband and children.... I was empty. I needed to find a way to create purpose in my life as I cared for my family. I needed to find a way to care for myself and I cared for those that I loved. My marriage was based on emotional abuse aimed at keeping me in my place so that my husband could thrive without having to partake in household chores or care for the children. I needed to find myself and my strength so that I could be the mother that I wanted to be for my children. I wanted to be a parent and a role 37

model who was caring, strong, and independent. I started to train for adult sport competitions. I completed my first half-marathon and moved to a triathlon. My first triathlon, I literally finished dead last. I used the upcoming year to become a student of the sport and train my body. I returned the next year physically and mentally trained and I finished first overall female. I went on to qualify and compete in Spain as a Team USA member in world-championships as I championed wellness within my community. I partnered with Olympian Jackie-Joyner Kersee as we created and delivered the "Heptathlon of Healthy Habits." I could feel my body and mental health heal and thrive! My children respected and modeled my healthy behaviors as they participated in swim team and local running events. I found my strength. I found my power!


I have learned that to live to our absolute potential, we must take care of ourselves, both in mind and in body. My active and purpose-driven life fueled my parenting, my community involvement and my desire to go on and complete an additional Master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I am now an active mother of four, NBC-HWC and Licensed Professional Counselor. In time, I found the strength to leave my marriage and dream about my own life passions. I am happier than ever and filled with hope for the future. I had to heal my body and find my strength to be able to change my life. My children are thriving, as am I, but it took courage and a lot of sleepless nights. It was not easy but with self-care and self-compassion, I am now in a much better place. As women and mothers, we absolutely need to care for ourselves first. Healthy lifestyles, exercise, sleep, and self-compassion fuel life!


Colleen McArtor Healing Modality: Nutrition

As a young girl I struggled with eating challenges and low self esteem. I really did not like how I looked. I was heavy as a young girl and wanted to be thin like the other girls my age. I started dieting and looking at myself as less. I tried all the diets out there- some successful, some not. I decided to study nutrition when my nursing track went south. My mom mentioned since I was always on a diet and watched what I ate it would be a good fit. The journey has been challenging, but worth it. Now my passion is helping women dump diets and live a life they were truly created for. Weight is more than what is on the lies deep in the inner voices that hold us back from our true self. I have learned that there is no one size fits all plan. 40

We are all created differently and we have to find the right solution to what holds us back from the life we truly desire. My personal takeaways are that all of the excess weight and struggles were necessary because they allowed me to truly reach more women who struggle with dieting and self esteem. Finding your true self comes from daily affirmations, prayer and surrender. It is breaking down your day to fit in what you really want, the non-negotiables in your health/self care. It is never selfish to take care of you. It also means looking at your environment and assessing who around you is causing you unnecessary pain or guilt that holds you down and keeps you stuck in the unhealthy lifestyle you are living in. Truly finding you is soul searching and faith in God.


Jeanna Finch Healing Modality: Functional Health Coaching

I battled with health issues starting in college, although looking back there were signs my whole childhood. At a mere 19 years old I started experiencing chronic fatigue, an increase in migraines, and constantly getting sick. I went to doctor after doctor and no one could figure it out. I even had a doctor tell me it was in my head. I was so frustrated! For years I just dealt with it the best I could and tried to take good care of myself. Then in my late 20s it got worse. I had constant stomach pain and constipation, on top of the other symptoms I had been dealing with on and off for years. After 3 visits to the ER in 6 months due to gut pain, a nurse suggested I find a naturopathic doctor someone with a more functional and holistic 42

approach. The decision to find that person changed my life. Through a food elimination protocol we were able to identify that I have an extremely high sensitivity to gluten. I had been tested for Celiac Disease and so I thought gluten was not an issue. But I learned that far more people suffer from Non-celiac Gluten Sensitivity than from Celiac Disease itself. Removing gluten transformed my health and I went a solid 10+ years with no health issues, except an occasional cold. It was wonderful to feel like I had gotten my health back, and all from removing gluten, adding more fat into my diet, and moving away from processed foods. The seed for my future work had been planted! Then years later, after 2 difficult births and the challenges of caring for a special needs daughter (with hydrocephalus and 3 rare forms of 43

intractable epilepsy) the stress triggered the rheumatoid arthritis that runs in my family. I knew immediately that the answer to healing was in my nutrition approach, and I took my paleo diet to the next level and started eating AIP (autoimmune protocol). Since then I have fully controlled my RA symptoms with diet and lifestyle alone. I should also mention that during this time our daughter started a ketogenic diet to help control her epilepsy, and although it has not given her seizure freedom, it dramatically improved the severity and frequency of her seizure clusters. She has been on the keto diet for almost 3 years and is thriving! Life has shown me the power of healing the body through nutrition, lifestyle habits around sleep, stress management, movement, mindfulness, and time in nature. To be able to help others on this 44

journey to a healing and nurturing lifestyle is a passion that was born of my own struggles, and that is fueled every day by the results I see our clients achieve! My journey allowed me to see nutrition and health in a whole different light. It not only changed my behaviors and lifestyle choices, but it also means that my entire family is living this lifestyle. The root of disease is in the lifestyle choices people make, so it makes sense that the key to preventing and reversing disease is also in our lifestyle choices. My advice to anyone on a healing path is to find the right support. Whether that is a functional health coach (like me), a nutritionist (like my husband), a functional medicine doctor, a chiropractor, or other support person, the right people are key to learning and implementing the tools needed to take your health and wellness vision and goals 45

into your own hands. You do not have to do this alone! On this path, I also feel it is vital to come into each day with a clear intention around your health and wellness. Maybe it is a mantra you incorporate into your meditation, or it could be something you journal about in the morning as you begin the day, or you could simply state your intention out loud as you are getting ready. An intention is not just a thought; it is an active choice that you consistently focus on to create a mindset that is centered on self-care. You will be amazed at how powerful an intention can be when it is always top of mind!


Ya-Ling J. Liou, D.C. Healing Modality: Chiropractic

I would describe the path that I’m on as a mission to empower patients to know that with just a little guidance we are all, in fact, our own best pain experts. When I was 7 years old, I found myself with neck pain that brought tears to my eyes. I simply woke up with it one day and couldn’t move my head without searing pain. It made no sense to me and that felt very scary - as most first-time pain can be. My dad took me to my mom’s chiropractor and that experience is what shaped how I practice today and it's not in the way that you might think. My experience with that chiropractor was a terrible one. After speaking with my father, without explaining anything to me directly, he 47

took my head into his hands and did sudden maneuvers that hurt and scared me more. The pain did not go away nor get better. I just left that day more upset and exhausted from the adrenaline rush. What I learned was how detrimental it can be to not be listened to and how important it is to be given agency in the care of our own body. Now there’s neuroscientific evidence that what we do, as soon as pain strikes, can profoundly impact the trajectory of that pain for years to come. This is the guiding principle of the Stop Everyday Pain® project. Helping people feel seen and heard is what I do best and this deep listening is what I see transforming patients’ pain-experiences before my eyes. It's okay to pay attention to small pains. It’s 48

essential to pay attention to early pain. How we pay attention makes all the difference. Find someone who can honor your agency and make space for you to learn what it is that you need to move forward with less pain. There’s always a way.

Marie Scicchitano Healing Modality: Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Ayurveda, Holistic Nutrition

I have a unique background that brought me to where I am today. Originally a research scientist at a children’s hospital, my love of working with and helping others led me to become a science teacher. When faced with decisions on how to treat chronic Lyme disease, I turned to holistic measures which brought about complete 49

remission. I decided to study those methods further to help others in their journey to wellness. I genuinely love helping people and watching them transform from the inside out. I continually study alternative medicine in order to share that knowledge and empower others to take control of their own health. Through my struggles with chronic Lyme disease, I learned the importance of the mind-body-spirit connection. Taking a supplement or herb to treat an ailment without addressing how you may be feeling or what is happening in your life is simply putting a bandaid on a problem without treating the root cause. You may temporarily fix one issue for another one to pop up. The mind is not separate from the body. If you are stressed, it will show up somewhere as a physical ailment. Your body is giving you messages all the time if you take the time to listen. Meditation was a game 50

changer in my healing journey and is something I cannot do without every day. Taking that time to connect with my body and really listen to what it needed allowed me to make necessary changes in my life to slow down, reduce stress and make better nutritional choices. I would encourage you to connect with your soul. Take time to sit every day and just listen. Connect to your breath, connect to your heartbeat, listen to your body. What is it telling you? How do you feel? Use the information you receive to make better lifestyle choices. Take time to express gratitude for the amazing body that you have and all it allows you to do each and every day. Sending loving thoughts to yourself each and every day will do wonders for your overall health and wellbeing.


Betsy Paul Healing Modality: Yoga and Meditation

In 2011, my mom was facing a hip replacement. During this time, I woke up one morning with a pain in my hip, And I could not get out of bed. I think I was having sympathetic pain. I googled pain in my hip and a lot of yoga information popped up. I did yoga on my own for a while and then started a yoga practice. Very shortly after that, I started getting spammed by yoga studios telling me about their yoga teacher certifications. Before that, I didn't even know that was a thing. After some research, I signed up for a 200 hour yoga teacher training. Upon graduation, I knew that I did not want to teach large group classes with hugely diverse populations. So I decided to focus my teaching on women like me, women in 52

their 40s and 50s who had the aches and pains of getting older. After completing my 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2013, I taught small classes for a couple of years. I then learned about a training on teaching private yoga. So I took that training and started teaching yoga one on one, in addition to small classes. I taught slow mindful yoga that would not intimidate women who had not done yoga before. In 2019, I learned about a training that taught slow yoga for nervous system resilience on which there is a lot of research. I took that class, and now I teach that type of yoga to women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Slow yoga for nervous system resilience helps women tune in to interception and proprioception which helps calm the brain. When the nervous system is calm, you know what actions to take and how to react in stressful 53

situations. The journey through the various types of yoga I have taken has been very rewarding, and I love learning about how Yoga positively affects the brain. Yoga is a way to slow life down and get to know yourself better. Yoga is a way to make sense of the crazy world we live in and stay grounded through it all.


Finding Courage _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Much like the Lion in the Wizard of Oz, sometimes you need to act as if you’re brave and stare your obstacle down square in the face. Or courage can creep up on you as you realize how your strength was right there inside you all along. After all, heart is at the core of the word courage. So take some heart in knowing you can get there, like these healers did, even if you have to fake it for a while.


Bethany Perry Healing Modality: Transformational & Resilience Coaching

I was enjoying my life having my own yoga studio in Nova Scotia - a land away from my home of Michigan. Everything was lush and green and I had many hours I could spend each day in the garden tending to flowers or kayaking with my pups in the oceans. It was a magical place in time. Overnight things abruptly changed. My younger brother passed away from a heart attack at 48 years young. Many times we had discussed his body’s response to different foods and his weight struggle. In September 2011, obesity took him to his eternal home and he took my heart with him. 56

Within 3 weeks, I had packed my small car with vacuum sealed bags and my 2 dogs- leaving behind everything and everyone as abruptly as Joel had left my life. I came back to Michigan to be close to my children and their newly forming families. While in Nova Scotia I had taken a Neuroscience Life Coaching training - I didn’t even know what a Life Coach was at that time. Arriving back in the states, returning to my condo I was afraid to “hang a shingle.” Fear consumed me. Since I needed to work, I decided to take a position selling insurance to enable me to make money quickly. I now had bills and a house payment. My house was empty and friends gave me a twin bed, 2 cups, 2 bowls, 2 plates, 2 forks, 2 knives and 2 spoons. My children bought me a coffee pot. It was the beginning and a very rocky one at that. I had one small rocker for my living room 57

and a lamp that I carried from there to my bedroom because neither had an overhead light. It was all I could do to put my feet on the floor each morning. The addition of my granddaughter and grandson were my reason. I held hard and fast to that reason. My job promised my territory would be no more than 20 minutes away. Instead they gave me a territory 1- 2 hours away. I was in a state of fear though, so I did not complain. I drove and I sold. I was helping people for sure, but I was not helping myself. I was eating fast food - me, a complete foodie. An eater of no GMO 90% plant based, all organic. I found myself at Taco Bell and napping in the parking lots because I was on the road many days from 6:00 am to 10-11 pm. It was hard - but I was running from and with my fear. Fear that I would lose my home like I lost my brother. The entire world looked different to me 58

and I didn’t want to slow down enough to face it. After 5 months of this, the toll was evident. I had aged 10 years in 8 months. My best friend discovered the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN). She said, “this is where you should be.” Now school had never been my “thing” even though I had graduated from college. But I loved her, and I looked. The more I read, the more I started to come alive. The seed she planted lives in me today. Needless to say I signed up to begin in May of 2012. What I didn’t realize is the stress, grief and anxiety that had overtaken my life was having its way with me. I was at work one day and I was confused. Having a hard time making sense of my words. My boss was concerned and told me to go home. I blew it off like it was fatigue - after all I was lucky to get 5 hours of sleep a night on a good night. I left the office, and got lost driving. 59

One of my sons “happened” to call me. My conversation was unclear and after some debating he insisted I go buy and take an aspirin. I argued, but succumbed to his request. He stayed with me on the phone until I was at a hospital. It took me 90 minutes to get somewhere that was 40 min away. I didn’t know then that I was having a stroke. Another miracle - in the hospital, I started IIN. I knew from my Life Coach training that it was important to use my brain. I studied and read and studied and read. The fall of 2021 - much sooner than anyone thought possible, I opened my practice to help people with their weight - no diets, with the philosophy that all lives can be healed and stress and emotions were at the base of weight struggles. It is a journey that changed me first as I continue to love all those that come to be served. I also now train Coaches in my method and have created a non-profit. 60

ALL things in our lives help us to live our purpose and to offer others the opportunity to do the same. My personal takeaways are - listen to your body. Say no when appropriate and most importantly let go of fear. We have a choice to live in fear or to live in love. I choose love and help others to do the same. If I could give you only one word of advice? Listen to your thoughts, be mindful of them for they become you. BE the driver of them, don’t allow them to be the driver of you. Don't fear support, no man is an island. You will get through and love, joy, health and peace are waiting for you- yes you!


Deborah Mugherini Healing Modality: Injury Rehab & Body Mobility Influencer

While I grew up being very hyper active, my health really took a turn when I was 15. I was clinically diagnosed as anorexic after losing my period while simultaneously incurring a hip injury in recreational gymnastics. I continued to struggle with food for 17 years but pressed forward with owning and operating a gourmet bake shoppe, high end meal delivery, and catering company as part of my healing journey and discovery of who I am. Unfortunately, these food establishments closed but their lasting impact will spark new creations for the future. During these years, I ignored most of my injury rehab for my hip because my mental health was 62

so fragile. Finally, I started gaining momentum in my mental and physical health so that I could entertain long term rehab. I began studying alignment based yoga and movement principles while attending physical therapy. After working with well-known teachers in the Boston area, I decided to launch Aline Postures as a platform to help people like myself to find freedom in body mobility through the creation of long-term rehabilitation and a movement based lifestyle. I’ve learned to somatically be present in my body. To feel my feelings viscerally and in ways that allow me to consciously make decisions that are self-loving. I’ve learned the angle at which my left hip is higher than my right and at which point the mild scoliosis in my spine throws off my shoulders. How to modify poses, postures and exercises to account for my physical limitations. I've 63

embraced moving in alternative ways in order to safely condition my body. I've learned how to keep myself motivated despite flexibility taking time and any visual signs of improvement being short of my egoic desires. Above all else, I've learned to embrace discipline as a byproduct of getting clear on my reason behind wanting to feel free in my body’s mobility. If you are like me and are working to rehabilitate an injury, here are some helpful questions I ask myself when doing all forms of rehab. This includes cardio, self massage, strength training, and yoga. ● Can you accurately describe the way your limitations feel when you move? ● Do you know your edge on each pose, exercise, or movement pattern?


● Are you self hating on your injuries or are you self loving them? ● If this is a rehab lifestyle journey, what is the rush? ● And lastly, can you enjoy the sensations of your muscles releasing and relaxing?

Julie Phillips, CNHP Healing Modality: Wellness Educator, Coach & Podcast Author

I believe I would be dead of cancer if a prayer hadn’t led me to natural health of which I was totally unaware. Miracles occurred and I have been educating and empowering people for two decades without charging a penny for my time or up-charging a product. It is my purpose and passion to educate and empower the masses about natural health. 65

Twenty years ago, I went in for a routine gynecological exam and ended up afraid for my life with 2 sets of abnormal cells, aged beyond my years internally and told I would be getting unavoidable cancer and it was imperative to start treatments early. I cried, said a prayer and found natural health virtually overnight. Two sets of bad cells, prematurely aged internals and over 16 unrelated health improvements occurred in the first 6 months and 8 more in the next 6 months. I achieved holistic wellness credentials and now serve others with a podcast/Youtube station on wellness and fasting with short 10-15 minute standalone episodes. I learned that the smartest people can be unaware of how they are really doing health-wise. 66

Most people would not invest the time and money that I did to learn natural health. We need easy, quick snippets of learning that is cohesive, consistent, and highly beneficial. That’s why I created my podcast. I’ve learned that AWARENESS and EMPOWERMENT with a sense of self-responsibility is key to great health. Rather than depending primarily on health professionals to tell us how we are doing and what we should do about it, embrace self-responsibility. I've learned that ultra-important topics of hydration, digestion, gut health, and frequencies need far more widespread education. No one-size-fits-all is a solution or great plan for everyone but we’re alike in many ways. The foundation of good health is plentiful pure water, organic whole food, varied diet whenever 67

possible, and listening to your body with awareness and empowerment. Most important to remember are: 1. You are in charge of your health, no one else. Listen to your body and take action, saying no to things like chronic pain, odor, lumps, skin issues, and fatigue. 2. Do your own homework: Become educated and empowered to go to the root cause of health issues and create a clean balanced internal environment and a positive mind/body/spirit connection-- you can achieve your goals! 3. Keep your insides like a clean flowing spring with organic nutrients and plentiful pure water coming in the top, with multiple long brown smooth bowel movements out the bottom. My podcast/youtube is an empowering resource at

68 4. Check into the power of what doctors call “energy medicine.” Energy medicine can be a powerful tool along your healing journey. 5. Invest in the best hydration you can get (not small plastic bottles) drinking ½ your bodyweight in ounces/day.


Finding Self _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Perhaps searching for yourself is a bit cliché these days, but the truth you will find in these stories is not. And you might be so surprised by what you come across on the search for self that it could change the course of your life. All I know is the openness expressed in these stories allows the space for such a change to occur. Will you let yourself in?


Kara Short Healing Modality: Fitness/Nutrition/Life Coach

I started gaining weight after college and it continued at a faster pace during and after each pregnancy of my 3 kids. I basically neglected self-care during the years that my kids were young. As they got closer to school age, I decided it was time to do something about my physical self. I was miserable about the way my body looked, felt, and fit into clothes. I remember feeling embarrassed and ashamed. And, I was tired from the energy I gave to my family and didn’t put back into myself and my health. We joined the local gym and I slowly figured out what to do in the weight room. Strength training was not only transformative to my body, but to my mindset. As I lost weight and gained strength, 71

I believed that I could make positive changes in my nutrition and lifestyle habits too. Basically, I was hooked and everything that felt good became my outlet. Just taking a little time for myself and my health each day made a world of difference, and I became a better person, a better mom, and a better wife. After I got myself in shape, I decided to turn it into a career. If I could do it, anyone can do it. Change takes time, patience, and persistence. It’s important to practice resilience and learn to navigate life’s situations while taking care of yourself and your health. Matching your expectations of things like workouts and eating patterns to what is going on in your life will lead to long term success. Being kind to yourself along the way is a must! No matter what, just keep going.


Commit to a 5 minute action each day to get you going. Most times, if you just get started, you will accomplish so much more!

Uzma Quader Healing Modality: Yoga and Meditation Teacher

When my last child left for college, I was devastated. I was lost and had no clue of what to do next with my life. I had immersed myself in my family and lost my own identity. I was lonely, sad and felt I had no purpose. I had been so involved in my children’s activities and focused on their accomplishments. It had given me a sense of community and confidence. I had created a bubble for myself.


Once my kids left for college I was left with many gaps and thoughts. So, I decided to take charge of my feelings and commit to starting a regular yoga practice. Little did I know, it would change my life. Yoga is an individual practice in which you move your body and sit in your own thoughts. At first, my thoughts were uncomfortable and confusing. My movement was stiff. With consistency and drive I began to release anxiety, clear my brain fog, and find clarity. I realized that as a mom, I never gave myself time. I never thought of what gave ME contentment and satisfaction. Yoga put me on the path of discovery, confidence and healing. I believe it is the first step for anyone who is looking for a purpose. I learned how to be with myself. Love myself and practice self-care. I became clear and calm in my 74

responses and thoughts. I saw how my body changed and my thoughts became positive. It was gradual, but amazing. . I realized that we all have a great power within us. We are in control of how we feel. No one else can create our reality and motivation. It is you who decides what you want your life to be." Consistency and a positive mindset are two important traits that need to be practiced to move forward and live your best life. Your energy and attitude will create your reality.


Jesse N. Thomas Healing Modality: Exercise Science and Psychology

It all started when I was 16 and started lifting weights to gain more size, strength and athleticism. I've always been a science geek and quickly found that the science of the human body was my favorite. I knew I wanted to use exercise to help people change their lives in order to be headed in a more positive direction. I love to learn, and that led me to multiple science degrees in exercise physiology and kinesiology. My story is not like most, in that I didn’t have big injuries or overcome health problems. I’ve been a fit athlete my entire life and I’m one who has unlocked the secrets early and have been 76

spreading the word for 20+ years. The ties between mental and physical strength are indisputable. For the past 20 years I've been helping people overcome physical and psychological issues to help them get their lives back on track. I want to help them be the best version of themselves for themselves and for everyone else around them. Mental health is directly related to physical health. Physical health is directly related to confidence. Confidence is directly related to success. I’ve learned that people have way more potential than they give themselves credit for. I’ve learned that the power of positivity is infinite in its abundance of life changing the effects. I've learned that everyone likes to be led by a great leader and so I've chosen to always lead by 77

example. I've learned that we have the power to choose our direction in life no matter what circumstances we are in. I've learned that consistency is the key to success. Every day is an opportunity to take positive steps forward. Every step in the right direction is a step towards a better version of you. Consistency is the key to success at most things in life. Nothing good in life comes easy, so be prepared to work hard for everything you want. Surround yourself with positive people who lift you up. Cut ties with people who drag you down. The Energy you give is the energy you receive. Never take a day for granted. Every day is an opportunity to walk the life you want to live. How you consistently treat other people is what defines you.


Zach Nuss Healing Modality: Personal Training and Nutrition Coach I’ve been thinking a lot about how my fitness journey began. I have always been interested in sports since I can remember. What really had me interested in personal training and helping others happened at a very young age during my time in Scouts when I was working toward my Eagle award. It was the personal fitness merit badge. It brought to my attention a lot of things about myself and on how to break down your fitness goals into SMART steps. It gave me a great sense of control on my health and ever since that class I wanted to help others achieve that same feeling and change the way they see themselves and others around them. 79

When I was old enough, I started working at gym and health clubs, leading running clubs, and helping out at wrestling teams. I eventually earned my personal trainer certification and then my nutrition coach certification through NASM. Through that process I found I had a good mind for business and eventually started my own health business coaching people in person then eventually online all over the U.S. I've learned that behavior change is the most important thing to accomplish. If I can help you adjust your habits into healthier ones, then we will win this health journey together. For me personal development changed everything. Lots and lots of reading. Start with what you know you can control. You can control your actions and your attitude. Nothing 80

else matters when you're working on you at the base level. You can control your daily actions and daily attitude. Just focus on one day at a time. Yes, have your goals and set SMART goals for sure. But still keep the actions small at first. Perspective is everything with behavior change. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.


Finding Passion _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Passion can be something burning inside without knowing where the flame is coming from. Or it can be so clear that you know exactly where to strike the match. These stories are full of desire to help others heal but they were born from a passion for solving mysteries - very often in themselves. I hope you always allow your burning desires to come to fruition.


Chantal Marie Doriott Healing Modality: Mindfulness, Meditation and Breathwork

After working in an elementary school for 10 years, working in local government for 20 years, raising 3 daughters on my own - I was ready for something new. I said YES to every single thing that interested or excited me. One thing was a 1/2 day Mindfulness Meditation workshop at the U of M and that class changed my life. I ended up taking early retirement, took every class and workshop on meditation that I could, did an internship at the Hudson YMCA and got certified to teach Mindfulness Meditation. I have been teaching for about 5 years now. I have worked through divorce, relationship changes, house move, anxiety issues, personal safety issues, family suicide and abandonment ... Did I 83

mention that that 1/2 day workshop changed my life? And I now share this with others. I have learned that I can breathe through any challenge. I can practice mindfulness anywhere but love doing so in nature. I can meditate anywhere and love taking a 'tried and true' mediation such as the body scan and making it my own. I try to personalize all of my meditations. I meditate on a daily basis either on my own or in class. My life flows to me and through me like a beautiful river instead of me wading through mud and rocks and resisting the flow. Your breath and your body are everything. Literally this is all you need to enjoy amazing life experiences. I have found that all the answers are within and when you learn to be quiet, learn to listen that is when some of the best dialogue occurs.


And I have also learned that people who breathe big and deep, lead big and deep lives. The next time you can - take a meditation or breathwork class. Or at the very least - say YES to everything that interests and excites you. You may find something that changes your life!

Lisa Charles Healing Modality: Health Coach, Breathing Specialist , Transformational Trainer

I have lived a life of transformation. I began my career as a state and federal prosecutor until a moment I had where I let my creativity and my passions led me into a career as a professional singer and actress. After temporarily losing my vocal voice due to mistreatment of my beautiful instrument, I was 85

led to a career and wellness after having successfully shed over 77 pounds without dieting. I am now the CEO of a health and wellness consultancy. My journey and health and wellness is about making health accessible to as many people as I can with a simple premise that change begins from the inside and all is doable one step at a time. This journey can be a fun one when we change our mindset. My personal take away from the journey is that the most important thing that you can do for yourself is to live in love from the inside out. Take time to truly know your innermost core and the things that move you and inspire you. You will begin to live the best qualities of yourself. If you want love, you have to know how to love and to give it. If you want compassion you have to be compassionate.


Phyllis E Parker-Bertun Healing Modality: Yoga, Meditation-Guided, Energy Healing

My journey began years ago with a deep interest in the human body, and the balance needed to live a vibrant life. I pursued an education with kinesiology and psychology as a foundation. One of the last term papers I wrote was on body mechanics and posture, deviations and alignment. Over the years, I took the role of personal trainer, physical therapy assistant, cardiac rehab, and cancer rehab, and taught at the local community college. Being drawn to the mind body programs of Pilates and yoga. I focused on posture and body mechanics. Observing faulty mechanics and how it can eventually reverse all that was hoped for. 87

As opposed to repositioning the body to really draw the mind into what is being experienced. After teaching for 32 years, I primarily teach yoga, conduct yoga teacher trainings as a YACEP in Yin yoga, Biomechanics of Asana and Supported Yoga. In the fall 2021 I will be opening a yoga school for 200/300 hour teacher trainings. My intention is to pass on knowledge gained over 3 decades of working with people to enhance the practice of other teachers. I learned to follow my interests. As I was ready, teachers appeared, which would lead me to developing my passion. I believe that you must come into your practice and experience the offerings of the discipline firsthand, as I did. Then you meet your passion at the heart center. I narrowed down my scope to Yoga, mediation, and healing work to find that balance. I am currently in an Ayurveda program which grew out of an 88

interest in natural alternatives and being in balance with your inner and outer world. Personally I seek this for myself as well as sharing with students. When I wanted to gain Life Coach certification I first had to go through the program to then enter the training. My passion helped me develop my interests and experiences. Discover who you are. Ask questions. Take a course. Be open. Know that if your path encounters a split the road and you take a detour, the road always curves and you can step back on course. As you step back on course you bring with you all you learned. If this is your true passion and life's purpose it will unfold before you...aligning you with teachers, educational 89

opportunities to move forward in your life for yourself and others. As stated by Rumi, "what you seek is seeking you."

Katie Kristoffer Healing Modality: Holistic Health Coach

After quitting smoking (can’t believe I ever did that), I started working out and to make a very long story short - I fell in love with indoor cycling and got certified as a cycling instructor. Through this I learned so much more about our bodies and about heart rate monitors. I taught and created a heart rate monitor cycling workshop, briefly went into personal training (wasn’t for me), and eventually was led to becoming a Holistic Health Coach because many members were always asking me about diet and exercise and I have 90

always enjoyed assisting others in finding a healthier way of life. I have learned much on this path and I’m continually learning and sharing. About four years ago, I changed my diet to a plant-based diet and have never looked back.

Heidi Hackler Healing Modality: Functional Medicine Health Coach

My own health and wellness journey started in the mid-1990’s after a horrible bout of food poisoning while traveling in Thailand led to me eventually being diagnosed with Celiac disease. At the same time I was also diagnosed with a dairy allergy and an egg allergy. I was also vegetarian at the time, so that really threw me into a tailspin. 91

I was fortunate to have one friend who was also Celiac and I learned a lot about being GF from her. And since I had grown up with a health-food-nut/herbalist mom, I was fairly well versed in eating healthy, as well as using herbal remedies for what was ailing me. My friends knew this, and they would reach out to ask me--what remedy should I take for this or that when they got sick or injured. Ironically, soon after I was diagnosed with Celiac, several other friends were as well. So I also started getting lots of questions about how to do this GF/DF diet thing. By then I had it pretty well dialed. I was a gluten-free vegan, and there were starting to be more and more GF/vegan foods and restaurants popping up everywhere in the Seattle area. I started getting into meditation and yoga. I also became a Reiki III practitioner. And we were making self-care a priority with regular visits to 92

massage therapists, acupuncturists, and chiropractors to keep our bodies tuned up. I was feeling physically great, but also feeling like my professional life could be so much more. I wanted to help people live healthier, more vital lives, like we were living. And I was becoming rapidly burnt out from 30-years as a graphic designer/web designer in the fast-paced, high-tech world. I wanted to do something different. Since I was already helping people to live with GF/DF/vegan diets, and take herbal remedies instead of OTC meds, a friend who was then studying Health Coaching at IIN recommended their program to me. Then a couple of years ago I learned about the School of Applied Functional Medicine and I was gobsmacked by what they were offering. THAT was what I wanted to be doing!! Getting to the


true root cause and helping people to not only get better, but stay better! I am grateful to all of the wellness providers I've worked with and learned from throughout my life. And my goal is to pay that forward to others, helping my clients to live more vital, vibrant lives. Every decision we make moves us towards wellness or away from wellness. When we are aware of that fact, and know the why behind our decisions, we can more easily choose health. My passion is to help others avoid the health pitfalls that I’ve been through. When we know better, we do better.


I teach my clients about the Seven Fundamentals of Wellness: 1. Quality Sleep is the cornerstone to health 2. Stay Hydrated 3. Move Your Body Daily 4. Get Enough Daily Vitamins H, J, & L2 (Happiness, Joy, Love & Laughter!) 5. Ditch Crap Food/Eat a Healthy Diet 6. Meditate & Reduce Stress 7. Avoid Toxins


Finding Humanity _________________________________________________________________________________________________

When you boil it down, it’s all about people. Other souls. Needing others. And our connections. Helping someone else heal, get well, get better, or get whole is at the core of these stories. That pure intention of helping is what makes us all human. Simple as it might be, there is nothing more beautiful than helping your fellow humans.


Ari Gronich Healing modalities- multiple

On my 7th birthday, I was in bed with migraines, hot flashes, and nausea while my friends were in the pool having fun. By the time I was 12 yrs old I had to be injected into puberty because my testosterone levels were low and estrogen was high. I also was gaining weight even though I was an avid athlete. At 14 years old I had to have breast reduction surgery due to the increased estrogen. With all of this going on combined with years of abuse and bullying I began learning about alternative medicines while in high school. I also studied different religions, herbology as well as aromatherapy. 97

When I was 18, I went on a white water rafting trip. I was taking a homeopathic remedy that had been prescribed by a naturopath snake venom. The snake venom combined with caffeine and a hot sunny day mixed in my body with a perfect storm. Sunstroke and heat stroke combined with a messy allergic response to the remedy and caffeine sent me to the hospital in anaphylactic shock. By the time I got to the hospital I had stopped breathing and it took them 26 minutes to bring me back. 3 days later I sat up in my hospital bed and said... "I think I need to be a healer" And that was how it all began. I am now 26 years into my career and have practiced in 4 different decades. I have seen the industry change. And not necessarily for the better. 98

If I want to make things better I have to start with myself. I cannot, however, stop there. I am obligated by sheer need to better those around me. Not to lift up but to be a ladder to climb on. I think that being a father has healed me and changed me most of all though. Above and beyond. I am the ladder for my son to climb upon and I can aid him in not falling but I cannot help him climb. That is a big lesson for me and probably everyone. No one can be fixed or helped. The only person is the person in front of the mirror staring back at you and showing you the truth of who you are. I work on being more kind to myself and understanding of who I am these days. I tend to be very introspective before I act or speak. It is hard work to take myself from reactionary to


responsive. And I am a work in progress. But that is a massive shift in perspective. Take off the mask. Stare in your own eyeballs in the mirror even though it is uncomfortable and painful. Do it until you find yourself falling in love with the real, naked true you. Let's do better together. Collaborate on creating the tomorrow you want instead of gathering to complain about the past and present you dislike or long for. Silence is a bully's best friend. So get loud. Find your passionate cause, organize and get loud.


Kim Klein Life and Health Coaching

I was 13, sitting with my mother in the doctor's office as she told him how I had gained a whopping 30 pounds in 3 months. She told him how she cooked the right foods, counted calories, and still, she couldn't explain what was happening. He looked at me, and then looked at her and asked “Is she hiding food under her bed? She must be hiding food somewhere.” I wasn't. I struggled with my weight for the next 5 years. At that time, the school of thought was burn more calories than you consume and “a calorie is a calorie.” There was no thought given to metabolism, hormones, chemicals, allergies, or any other possible explanations. Everyone 101

assumed that if you were overweight, you ate too much and were just lazy. Later, when I finally lost the weight, I hadn't been on a diet...something in my body had changed. I knew then that there were other reasons for weight gain besides the food that we eat. And I wanted to find out what they were. Once you struggle with your weight, you always struggle with your weight. Even if that struggle now just lives in your mind. When I attended Institute for Integrative Nutrition to study nutrition and to become a Health Coach, one of the most valuable things I walked away with was the idea of bio-individuality, meaning, what works for me, might not work for you. We are all different. There is no-one-size-fits-all.


Our weight, and our health, is about so much more than just food. It's how we feed all the areas of our life. We have to work with each individual holistically. We have to look at the whole picture. This is why I went on to become a Life Coach. Go easy on yourself. Journeys have a lot of detours - it's part of the process. Start the practice of self-compassion. Treat yourself as you would someone you love. Talk to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend. Become your best friend. Find the real reasons why you want to make these healthy changes - dig down and find the real "why" - it will help you stay focused on your goal. But remember, you will always be you, whether you're a size 2 or a size 20 - it's your values, your mind, your heart, your essence, your sparkle, your individuality, that make you, you. Work on those things as well.


Chelsea Kidd Healing Modality: Movement

My initial spark of interest in wellness came from childhood. From a young age I was interested in the ties between movement and healthy lifestyle; and how these habits led to improved quality and quantity of life. I will always be grateful to my parents for the positive examples of self-care and wellness that they set for my brother and me. This interest grew into somewhat of a personal philosophy and I sought out the necessary education and certifications to begin helping others utilize exercise as medicine. After completing my undergraduate degree in Exercise Science, the early years of my career were dedicated to personal training and teaching group exercise. This turned out to be an 104

invaluable experience that helped me better connect with and support people from many different walks of life. I have always gravitated towards corporate wellness thanks to truly believing that principles of movement and healthy lifestyle should be bigger than the individual. These cornerstones of human capacity warrant organization-wide support and incorporation into corporate policy. The mission to support corporate-based health and wellness programs eventually brought me to NASA where I had the incredible experience of supporting the Health Education and Wellness Program. While with the agency I was able to take on a large scale injury prevention project. As myself and the injury prevention team began to scale up work on the project, I got a call from back home. A dear friend and mentor had lost his life due to a workplace related injury. This devastating loss had ripple effects in my 105

hometown and stands out in my memory as a major turning point. I knew this was going to be my life’s work and that I had to make a difference. With a blended focus on injury prevention, health, wellness and fitness, I have since had the opportunity to work within many different industries including heavy civil construction, aerospace, health care and technology-based industries. I am continuously expanding my knowledge while learning and adapting to each workforce that I support. There really is no one-size-fits all answer for improved health metrics, boosted morale and employee retention. The journey has been incredible and at the end of the day I always come back to the SiteWell Solutions’ mission: build a healthy world, one organization at a time. Every new industry, client and interaction seems to contain valuable lessons when you are working 106

with the complex topics of human behavior and organizational wellness. When I begin working with a new client, I have learned the value of getting as clear of a picture of the organization, it’s employees, executives, culture, etc as possible While it’s impossible to ever understand all of the nuances that make an organization tick, this detailed overview helps us decide how we can most effectively help. We ask plenty of questions and strongly encourage clients to communicate openly and honestly with us. A detailed initial assessment that has helped guide relationships and objectives have been developed and is always open for improvement. I’ve also learned to always step back and look at the bigger picture. This is especially vital because our impact hinges on long term planning, there’s no quick fix option in this arena. So it's critical to define objectives, realistic milestones and know 107

how to pivot without completely losing sight of the overarching objectives. Personally, my journey down this path has taught me to take better care of myself. I now approach my own health and wellness with more balance and forgiveness than I did earlier in life. I also try to remember to be grateful for the ability to exercise, the fact that we have access to clean drinking water and that I get to choose healthy foods. Knowing how much of an impact these things have on mood, cognition and productivity has taught me to embrace and appreciate them. Avoid judging yourself and others. Something that always pained me to see since my personal training days was how harsh people were with themselves when discussing their personal health. I understand that there should be a level of personal accountability, but largely my clients would not have the necessary understanding of 108

nutrition and movement to help them feel and function their best. To be clear, this lack of health education was not their fault and is no reflection on their intelligence. It's just not part of the play book that led us all into adulthood. Even people who learn health education basics likely don’t learn practical ways to independently incorporate these lessons into their lives as adults and that really hurts us as a society. Furthermore, given that most of us don't have the right tools to take care of our own wellness - we certainly shouldn’t judge others who may come from even more disadvantaged backgrounds. The shame factor seems to keep people from seeking the help they need. It keeps us from being humble enough to soak up the lessons that we urgently need to learn which will help us take proper care of ourselves.


Karen Radtke Healing Modality: Holistic Nurse Practitioner

I felt defeated and disappointed. Seventeen years ago, I was working as a Nurse Practitioner in a small clinic, and one of our well-liked patients, a 42 year old airline pilot, had just learned that he was about to lose his right great toe, due to complications of diabetes. We had tried numerous medications and treatments, but had not been successful. Our whole health care team was devastated. Two weeks later--either by luck or divine intervention--I attended a seminar by an M.D. from the Washington D.C. area, who talked about reversing diabetes with nutrition. I was totally inspired, and it became my mission to learn everything about this approach, which I hadn't learned in grad school. Four years ago, I founded 110

my own company, which is primarily focused on helping people reverse diabetes with plant-based nutrition. I have learned that Food is Medicine, and it can be a powerful tool to reverse chronic disease such as diabetes. I founded my own company, and now devote all my time to reversing diabetes. Food is Medicine, and by learning how food is information for our body, and learning how our body's hormones work, we can reverse chronic disease and reach optimal health.

Abby Mason Healing Modality: Skin Wellness My passion for health and wellness began in my teen years. My mom focused on limiting TV time, 111

playing outside, minimizing sugar, and having a solid spiritual practice. My journey started when I was a sophomore in High School. My best friend was suicidal, and at the same time, my mom was threatening to divorce my dad and move us from the Midwest to Georgia. I felt alone and sad. I couldn’t talk to my best friend because she was dealing with a lot. I didn’t have anyone to listen to my concerns and frustrations and perhaps provide some guidance to pull me out of the dark cloud of sadness that I felt was hanging over my head. I needed someone to talk to who would listen to the internal pain I was feeling. I eventually stopped eating as my way to cope with what I was feeling. I was 85 pounds and falling apart. My skin was becoming a mess. I had never had skin issues before, and my energy level was low. I was part of my high school gymnastics team, and we practiced every day after school. I could barely 112

get through the school day, let alone be my best during practice. I ended up with a severely hyperextended knee. This injury was a wake-up call that I wasn’t thriving emotionally or physically. A few days later, I was in a bookstore looking for a self-help book. On the way back to the section, I walked by a table with a display of journals. I picked up a beautiful journal with colorful flowers on the cover. I started writing in that journal about what I was going through. I was able to pick myself up and focus on what I wanted for my life. It got me thinking about how I wanted to help people as a career when I graduated college. I didn’t want people to have to suffer alone as I did. In my early 20’s I struggled with dry skin and rosacea due to chronic stress and exhaustion. I got married early, and unfortunately, it was an 113

abusive marriage, so I made the huge decision to leave and raise my oldest daughter as a single mom. I quickly found a career in Real Estate. I devoted all my energy to being the best Realtor I could be. I was raising my daughter on my own, and it was challenging. There were days I was so exhausted I felt I couldn’t get out of bed. Eventually, it led to complete burnout. I decided to leave my career as a Realtor. I shifted my focus to begin a career in wellness. I wanted to help myself and help others find a way to have balance in life. I poured my free time into researching more natural and holistic ways to improve my skin and quality of life in general. I realized that just like diet and nutrition, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to skincare. Through experimentation, I uncovered what foods helped my body thrive and what foods my body and skin did not like. I eventually turned my 114

passion for health into a career. Now I coach women on how to get off the hamster wheel of struggling with a skin problem, using skincare to try to fix it, and makeup to hide it. I guide them to understand how to have flawless skin bio-individually through nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset at every stage of life. Helping guide my clients to sustainable change by creating their unique foundation for wellness is what gets me energized! I love to support my clients with their health and wellness goals. As I can provide an authentic judgment-free safe space for them, it allows my clients to gather deep inside to create their positive transformation. My passion is being there as a cheerleader and accountability partner for my clients. They are setting goals and moving through life’s journey to discover how they can bio-individually create balance and longevity.


My life’s journey has taught me to ride the wave of life and accept that challenges do not happen TO me...they happen FOR me. My path has taught me to be so grateful for everything in life, including both the ups and downs. I have worked hard for this life that I have built. The broken road that I chose has led me right where I am supposed to be. A solid support system, sense of community, and weekly self-care are the roadmap to help you weather life’s storms. I am constantly looking for ways to give back to others less fortunate or struggling on their journey in life. One of my favorite quotes is by Maya Angelo. “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.”


I have learned to become more forgiving, authentic, and appreciative of the people in my life. I have the privilege of being a member of a mastermind group of genuine people from all walks of life. Our motto is HOPE: Help One Person Everyday. When you do this, you bring positivity to your life and those around you. When I begin working with clients, I ask them to share their relationship with food when they were growing up. We discuss the food they enjoyed, the food they didn’t and what they remember about holidays and special events with friends and family. I work with them to find balance in their Primary Foods of Life: Spiritual Practice, Relationships, Career, and Exercise. When these aspects of life are in balance, then so will the Secondary Food, which is the physical food on their plate. Each client completes the “Wheel of Life” exercise to 117

understand a starting point of where they are in their life at that moment. We can then create a bio-individual roadmap for a program to work together to help them implement and reach their goals.

Sarah Ortlund Healing Modality: Health Coaching, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Healing, Personal Empowerment

I began my journey as a high-school student. I watched people struggling with their weight and how they felt about themselves. The more I studied, the more I saw the connection between the mind and the body. I have also found that trauma in a person's life can affect their life and health. Now I combine exercise, built for healing, mental and emotional training, as well as self 118

defense to help people build an empowered life and find healing from the inside out. Self care is often confused with being selfish. As a busy mother of two and a business owner, I saw personally how easy it was to allow myself to get overwhelmed, lose myself, and compromise my health. My mental health suffered as well in the midst of an abusive relationship. It took regaining my personal strength, empowering myself to set boundaries, and reestablishing how important self care was for myself, to be of any good to anyone else. I have embarked on my masters in Clinical Psychology to further the cause of the healing of the entire person. This approach has helped me as well as the people I work with, to get out of pain, feel great in their own heads and bodies, and find themselves again.


We often look at making health changes as an all or nothing venture. This leads to discouragement and often to stopping the progression. Setting small, obtainable goals that fit into your life will allow you to progress toward your final goal. Be realistic with what you can and will do. Use a professional to help you set these goals and stick with them. They can help you see steps that maybe you didn't...and help you figure out how to fit it in your life.


Finding Purpose _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why are you here? That’s a big question. But there’s nothing like discomfort to force you to solve those big mysteries of life. These stories will inspire you to see beyond your own personal struggles and the miracles that can occur when you decide to dedicate your life to sharing the answers you’ve discovered on your journey. After all, purpose often reveals herself through her good friend, adversity. 121

Amy McCae Healing Modalities: Mindfulness Based Coaching & Training, Intuitive Energy Healing

From the time I was three I knew I wanted to be a doctor and had a fascination with healing. In 4th grade I wanted to be a brain surgeon and in high school an anesthesiologist. During college I was torn between my fascination with medicine and my love of the arts and literature. Chemistry challenged me and English and literature came naturally. When I was only 20, my mother died of cancer. The magic and power extinguished after watching what my mother endured. She chose surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation because she


believed that was the only way she would live to raise her four children. They failed. My life took an entirely new direction after that. Over the next ten years, I developed multiple chronic health problems. I often went to the bathroom 30-40 times a day and saw nine different Urologists. None helped. Eventually I became so sick that I could not get out of bed to take care of my newborn baby. I was in so much pain that I literally crawled to the telephone and called my sister and asked her to come get my baby. That day changed my life forever. I began a quest to find the answers that would allow my body to heal. I searched for information in places I didn't even know existed before that day. I found that your body has an innate ability to heal itself if you listen to it and give it what it needs.


Fitness, nutrition, and meditation changed my life. My experience helped me rediscover my passion for healing and helping. I went on to pursue numerous certifications in mind-body wellness and eventually started my own business where I coach, teach and do intuitive energy healing. I have learned so much that I don't even know where to start here... ● There will be people that don't love the same way you do. Love them anyway. ● Everyone has a story that will break your heart. Be kind, always. ● When you mess up and aren't kind, apologize and offer to fix it. ● Perfectionism will destroy your life. ● Your worthiness is not based on your jean size, how many things you can do well in one


day, how much money you make, or your job title. ● Absolutely everything is connected. Your thoughts, words, emotions, and actions shape your life, those around you, and the world. Choose wisely. ● Giving life to another human being and being a mom is the hardest thing in the world but it is also the greatest thing I have ever done. ● Your body is designed to heal itself. It has an almost invisible, innate intelligence that is powerful. ● You must eat, think, and move well. ● Wellness is not just the absence of disease. Encompassing body, mind, emotion, and spirit is the path to true healing. ● Not everyone heals the same way or in the same timeframe. ● Emotional Intelligence and more specifically self-awareness is the most overlooked soft skill but perhaps the most vital. This is the 125

leadership skill of the future. If you do nothing else, do this. ● If you really want to be a visionary and raise consciousness, meditate. ● Develop your intuition and your mind. This will give you insight beyond your imagination, literally. ● People are a reflection of you. My dream is to see people be happy and healthy. I want to empower people to live a passionate life that is in line with their values and to use their unique gifts to do good in the world. I intend to support people to become intuitive, creative, and visionary leaders. To do this, you must be self-aware. Learn your core values, tune into your emotions, understand your desires, make friends with the thoughts in your head, know what you are good at, love your body and treat it as such, and train your 126

mind through practices such as mindfulness and meditation. It will change every aspect of your life.

Robert Evans Healing Modality: Personal Training, Home Fitness Equipment

After studying Biology in college with plans to go to medical school, I began to understand that the best medicine is exercise and in particular, strength training. I became a personal trainer in 2009 and have worked out of gyms such as 24 Hour Fitness and Equinox. All along I have had a desire to help people on a broader scale. This goal became front and center for me in 2016 when my little brother, who suffered from bipolar disorder, took his own life. 127

It had been obvious that when I took him to the gym with me he always felt much better after. I blamed myself for not doing more and fell into a severe depression. It was exercise and not medication that lifted me out of it. I soon began looking at ways to go beyond one on one training in order to help those like my brother, who may not have access to a personal trainer. My mom was also really depressed about losing my brother. After taking a terrible fall, she fractured her spine. It became impossible for her to go to the gym. I began learning more about strength training for seniors and discovered that the number one reason the elderly move into nursing homes is losing the strength they need to do basic things such as using the restroom. After looking at the limitations of existing products, I decided that I had to create something 128

new. I bought a sewing machine and began making prototypes. I came up with The DoorGym and I’m happy to say that my mom has made a full recovery. The biggest thing that I have learned is that exercise is not only the best thing for your body, it's the best thing for your mind as well. I read Dr. John Ratey's book, SPARK a few years back and it completely renewed my faith that becoming a personal trainer instead of going to medical school is the best choice I could have made to assist people with their overall health and wellbeing. Don't look at exercise as a way to make you look better. Look at it as a way to make you feel better and looking better will be a nice side effect.


Matthew Lucas Healing Modality: Mobility and Soft Tissue Work

I have been a part-time personal trainer since 2005 and transitioned to full-time in 2018. After I had multiple joint surgeries a couple years ago, and a newborn in tow, I realized my calling. I help parents, like myself, move and feel better. This past year plus has made that really clear: people are moving less, feeling worse, and exercise, mobility and soft tissue work can make a tremendous difference physically as well as mentally/emotionally. You can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself. And nobody needs to be reminded of that more than parents. 130

Nothing worth having is ever easy. Be selfish-selfish for yourself, and your family. You only have one body, invest in it so it works it's best.

Susan Proper Healing Modality: Holistic Coaching, including Yoga & Meditation Burnout was my journey. Plain and simple. I was burned out and banged up from my corporate career. It took me a few years to recognize it and then about another year to finally decide what to do about it. You see, I really loved my job. I got to travel, met wonderful people and to a degree, had fun. Yet, over time the continual lack of support from the Board, the exhausting hours and mindless meetings began to take their toll. 131

I lost my motivation and couldn't get it back. My sleep, eating and health were affected as burnout took over. After a year of soul searching and long, tear filled talks with my husband (who was, of course, along on this journey with me), I decided to give my notice AND we had also decided to relocate to a new home in a different state. Two major changes in my life on top of already being in a state of burnout was probably not the wisest thing at the time... but 3 months later there we were sitting in our new home. That's when the walls crumbled in on me and depression hit like a tidal wave. No job, no identity, no purpose, no friends, no clue what to do. So I went to a nearby yoga studio and took my first ever yoga class. I was hooked at my first Savasana. Yoga set me on a path of self discovery and self healing. The breath work of yoga, the 132

physical work of yoga, the meditative part of yoga is all about introspection and that's what I needed. I found my soul sisters at my yoga studio, but more importantly, I found myself and I've never looked back. I now coach women because I’m passionate about helping them find their paths when they are feeling lost or overwhelmed. It’s about seeing women step out of their shadows and into their own glorious light. I love to share what I’ve learned through my experiences so that other women can feel the joy and peace of being their best Self, maybe for the very first time in their lives. The longer I stayed in the corporate world, the more I realized that the lifestyle was not who I was. I had a lot of fear and self-doubt. Yet it was my comfort zone, so I stayed there. It wasn't until I realized my wellbeing, mental and physical, was 133

being affected that I decided to do something to take care of myself. Not everyone who is feeling stressed out, overwhelmed or even burned out has to leave their job. There are many ways to help yourself mentally and physically but the first step is recognizing that there is a problem and being willing to take steps to address it. My entire life changed from the moment I began to practice yoga. It was as if there was a part of me that suddenly became free. Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Sound Healing... I can never stop learning and so I will never stop teaching and helping other women with these tools. Life for me became so much more precious minute by minute. Enjoying simple things and quiet times. By nature, I'm very much a Type-A personality yet I have slowed down my pace and 134

learned what's best for my body and mind. The phone can wait. The laptop can wait. The TV can wait. Go spend time with your babies. Spend time with your spouse. Enjoy a sweet moment with your parents. Play with your dog. Watch a butterfly in your garden. Listen to a bird sing. Make your heart happy. Begin to make time for yourself on a daily basis to improve your outlook, lower your stress levels and boost your overall well-being. Just 20 minutes a day spent doing something for yourself can have a huge impact for you and your family. Here are a few ideas: ● Eat nourishing foods ● Declutter ● Read a book 135

● Go for a walk ● Listen to music ● Meditate ● Get quality sleep ● Be kind to others ● Put the phone down ● Stop negative self talk ● Try aromatherapy ● Get out in the garden ● Talk to a friend ● Practice yoga ● Make your heart happy


Emily Masnoon Healing Modality: Yoga, Meditation, Transformational Coaching for Women

At the young age of 3 or 4, I had already been conditioned to think that the way to help people be healthy was by becoming a doctor. I enrolled as a Pre-Med undergrad at Boston University, but quickly learned that medicine was so out of alignment from why I was here. I eventually graduated with a Psychology degree from BU and worked in Applied Behavior Analysis with adolescents who had Autism. After a few years, I took a job as an Administrative Assistant, then an IT Tech (luckily, I had some great organizational and technical skills), because I needed to pay my sky-high school loans. The work environment was toxic in basically every office job I've ever had. Yoga 137

found me in 2008, when I began as a volunteer for free yoga. Thank God, because what I haven’t yet told you is that my family life up until this point (and far beyond) had many great memories, and many really traumatic ones; it was riddled with anxiety, emotional abuse, addiction, control. Yoga was the gateway for me, it shifted the course of everything. I believe I was put on this earth to help people (more specifically, women/mothers) be their best selves, feel loved, good enough, strong, held, seen, supported, beautiful, deep and wise, and so much more. I’m here to help these women align themselves, heal themselves, show up as their best selves, and know their own power. More than that, I’m here to help them model that authentically for their own children. Throughout my journey, I have studied so many modalities that I thought I would use to help my 138

own family improve. I learned that the only way to really help others, though, is to simply work on myself, show up as myself, keep shining, find my own path, use what I learn to be my best self. I've also learned that everyone has their own path and it's not for me to say whether their path needs to be changed or what their purpose is for themselves in this lifetime. Everyone is on their own journey and that’s more than's absolutely incredible! My advice is this: work on yourself. Not at the surface level so much (that will create an illusion of productivity, and no real depth), but underneath. Get curious, be willing to see what’s there. Get a coach, go to therapy, go on retreats, do Shadow work, journal, meditate, learn your Human Design, learn your Astrology; whatever it takes to better know yourself, where you came


from, why you do what you do, what you want to change, and what your purpose is. Knowing yourself, and being open to being your best self is the most effective way to: be healthy, help others be healthy, live authentically, parent well, and inspire change in others. Then, of course, you mustn't hide. You must show up. What does “showing up” mean to you? I encourage you to explore that.


Finding Connection _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Coming together, clicking, commonality - there are many ways to connect. And the camaraderie felt when someone shares your experience makes for the strongest of connections. These stories bring those melding of minds to light and your heart to a lighter place once you feel seen, heard, and understood. At long last. Let yourself feel connected to these healers and their brave honesty.


Paulette Fara-Schembri Healing Modalities: Stress Management Health Coach

I founded my business after surviving 13 years in a Human Resources Staffing & Recruiting career in corporate America, going through a horrible divorce, as well as becoming a single mom to a High Functioning Aspergers son. I became a Stress Management Health Coach in the Greater Denver Metro Area and have been providing stress management sessions and fitness instruction for 14+ years. I have over 20 years active involvement in core development with emphasis on using movement, mindfulness and breath for stress reduction and mind/body/soul centering. I have a passion for inspiring others to make healthy lifestyle changes and incorporate Pilates, Yoga, Essentrics®, 142

meditation and Tai Chi to create a new level of appreciation for the body that provides a wonderful workout for mind, body and soul. My background in my former high-stress human resources career prompted me to create a stress management "toolbox"" to help all areas of corporate with their stress management needs. Learning to manage daily stress allows for more productivity, creativity and higher regard for your career and love of life in general. My own challenges with Celiac Disease encouraged me to research food as a therapy for mind/body balance for over a decade. Stress and digestive issues go hand in hand along with difficulty losing weight. As a mother of a son on the spectrum, I have had many years of experience dealing with the ups and downs on my own. I was able to advocate for 143

his education, therapy as well as help him get the right help without the use of drugs. This is not an easy task and we certainly had our moments of exhaustion, frustration and anger, but also many more moments of love, appreciation and compassion. I have more patience, more compassion and more love of life in general after going through the pain and PTSD that I have gone through. Realizing how high my anxiety had been since I was 10 and being able to “walk the walk” with my clients (as well as my son) has helped me better support my clients and those with kids on the spectrum. I would always recommend slowing down every day and becoming more grounded in the present moment. The best way to do this is to do a Daily Gratitude list. Jotting down three things that you are grateful for and one thing you accomplished that day will help boost your mood and 144

self-confidence. If you do this before you go to bed at night, you will also have a better night's rest.

Evan Litchfield Healing Modality: Posture Therapy

I happened to be the fittest person working in an office. Many coworkers came to me for help with weight loss, diet, and exercise. Being a lifelong athlete I decided to get certified and help people for real. But when I got to the Big Box gym, my clients couldn't follow through with their goals due to injuries or movement issues. I dove into corrective exercise and I eventually landed on The Egoscue Method. This method of exercises and therapy helped my clients move forward to their goals from sedentary lifestyles, the fastest. 145

I quickly became the corrective exercise guy at the gym, and then I moved my practice somewhere more suitable. My goal is to help office workers, gamers, and streamers feel better and live more active lifestyles without fear of injury. I've learned there is a lot more to the human body, pain, and posture than doctors give credit for. Many of my clients I get from Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Lawyers, and Physical Therapists. It has been amazing to help people wake up without pain for the first time in years. I want to move forward into Corporate Wellness and expand, because I know I can help more people and businesses with what I do. Four tips: 1. If you want to improve sitting posture, start with your hips. Tilt your pelvis forward to 146

create that lumbar extension. It does NOT start with the chest or upper back. 2. Move well > Move Often. We are built to move, our brain's number one reason is for movement. 3. Try Cat Cow. In yoga there is an exercise called Cat Cow which is a highly underappreciated exercise. 4. An ounce of preparation is better than a pound of cure. If we take care of ourselves and prepare our bodies. we will handle the hard times much better.

Samora Suber Healing Modality: Yoga, Life Coach I was born in New Orleans and raised in Charlotte. My parents divorced when I was four 147

and I never knew what it was like to have two parents in the same house. I traveled a lot between my parents, so structure was something I never knew much about as a child. The one stable thing I had in my life was the arts. I was a child actor and dancer and I LOVED to perform. Unconsciously, the performing arts were very healing and therapeutic for me. I earned a theatre scholarship to Florida State University where I joined the BFA Acting program. After graduation, I moved to NYC, a childhood dream that I realized without a doubt. While in NYC, I was introduced to a non-profit that worked with ""at-risk"" youth in Harlem. I was hired to be a teaching artist and the work really fulfilled me. I was making a difference in my community while sharing a gift I loved. Eventually, I started managing art therapists within another non-profit youth program while simultaneously starting my own healing journey. 148

I realized that there were personal hurdles that were triggered by the work I was doing in non-profit work and I needed to heal myself. I decided to hire a life coach with the guidance of my mentor. My life coach was a beautiful Indian woman who introduced me to meditation. She helped me to take control of my life, release limiting beliefs, and get clear about what direction I wanted to move towards. After working with my life coach for about six months, I decided to move to Los Angeles and revisit my career in acting and producing. Although I did pursue this endeavor (booked a few commercials, produced for people like Oprah), I found myself feeling unfulfilled. As a way to support myself, mentally and emotionally, I started to take yoga classes regularly. This wasn't my first time taking yoga classes but it was the first time that I took them regularly. I fell in 149

love with the practice and decided to take Yoga Teacher Training with the intent to create safe spaces for people of color to be welcomed to the yoga practice. I taught yoga part-time while working in the TV/Film industry. Eventually, I also got certified as a life coach and facilitated international retreats for women of color. I always had the dream of having my own company that entertains, educates, and inspires. Five years later, I am now a full-time yoga teacher and life coach. I use my production background to create content that inspires and educates people about self-care. I also use my acting skills to present and entertain for my content and with other collaborators. I'm grateful for the opportunity to realize my dreams. I know that many people don't have the opportunity, exposure, education, or courage to do the same. My goal is to lead by example. 150

This next phase of my journey will help me to make more of an impact and purpose. [I’ve learned to] follow my intuition. I connect with my intuition via yoga and meditation, writing, and travel. When I learned my personal tools to connect with my inner wisdom, I was able to move forward in life with clarity, focus, and confidence. Connect deeply with your intuition and trust your emotions to guide you.

Jordan Bethany Healing Modality: Personal Trainer My mission is to help nurses build the fitness skills to live healthy and happier lives, despite the 151

demanding schedules many of them are faced with. I have worked as a psychiatric nurse for over 10 years, and I always had this feeling like I needed to do more. During those 10 years I went through my own health and wellness journey. When I made massive improvements to my health, I looked around and realized the majority of the nurses around me were pushing their own health to the side in order to care for their patients. When I became a personal trainer, I envisioned helping nurses in person to make lifelong changes to their habits that would lead to optimal health. I quickly realized if I had an online fitness program I could make a much larger impact and that is where my program was born. My goal is to impact the medical community by helping the professionals within, change their mindset and habits to improve their health and wellness. 152

Health and wellness is number one. When you address everything your body needs, you feel better both physically and mentally and you show up better for others. Physical and mental health is connected and you need to address both when you're on the journey to improve your health. In the past I did not follow this advice and there was a significant difference in my happiness and quality of life. I think when you prioritize your health your entire life will make a positive shift. My Top 3 Tips: 1. Stretch every day! Have a quick 5-10 minutes stretching routine that you do every day. Listen to positive affirmations, music, or audiobooks as you stretch. 2. Walk outside 3 times a week. 3. Be grateful. Every evening before you go to bed, think about everything you're


thankful for or have a gratitude journal and write it down.

Lisa Guyer Healing Modality: Integrative and Functional Medicine

My amazing and vibrant health journey began when I was barely in my teens and my mother (who was always ahead of her time) said to me that we should drink bottled water. At the time, my parents had a well and the water was almost always orange. From that day forward I was passionate about all aspects of our food and sources. I then started to modify my major to Dietetics. I became a part of a radio program promoting healthy eating and subsequently wrote a cookbook, 3 videos and was a guest speaker on 154

countless radio and TV programs. It was a whirlwind. At that time, the public was very interested in learning more about their health but with fear and trepidation. I remember once having a physician on our program who was afraid to talk about probiotics for fear he would be in trouble with medical boards. Wow, how things have improved and become a mainstay for all of us to learn and grow. From there I married, had 6 children (all raised with limited refined foods and sweeteners and as organically as I could find)! My children taught me so much about food, sleep, exercise and overall joy and peace in all things. They became a great source of education. My husband and I founded a medical clinic in Indiana and worked from our van until we could secure space. We were overwhelmed and quickly had almost a year waiting list. We had the honor 155

of caring for patients from around the world. Our therapies and treatments have always been cutting edge and treating the “root” of illness as opposed to symptom-based medicine which is not curative from my perspective. As co-owner of a medical clinic for 20 years, Board member of Women Like Us (created with a mission to inspire and empower women and underserved girls to make a difference, both globally and locally), and now CEO for Guyer Wellness Group, I find my passion is staying current with the latest treatments which requires daily, weekly study and for now many ZOOM meetings! I have always loved my role as a busy mother who juggles the varied activities of her six children and now 3 grandchildren. Overall, in all aspects of her life, whether it is her family, work, patients or lifestyle, ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL. All this training and education has allowed me to be a force for advising and educating women, in 156

their own personal lives but also in the lives and health of their children. Throughout my career and world travels, I have followed emerging advances in nutrition, incorporating cutting-edge therapies into my work with clients and embracing a philosophy that seeks to understand the root cause of illness, not simply addressing symptoms, a conventional approach that often fails to provide sustained improvement. Diet and exercise remain touchstones of optimum health, and with this in mind our medical clinic tailors programs to address the individual needs of her patients.. I advise and encourage our patients to learn and know their bio chemistry. It is the source of where to improve and make changes that could mean life or death. . Find a well trained, passionate provider who thrives on making


changes that will make a difference in your life.

Bo Babenko, DPT, PN1 Healing Modality: Physio & Lifestyle Coaching

My father passed away from a heart attack at the age of 41. It had a lot to do with lifestyle choices at the time and pushed me to a clear vision of avoiding what we can. I personally have been chasing improved longevity and quality of life and have found ways to share this with my clients and friends. My motto has become "Be 1% better everyday" because each day is a gift and if we do not keep an eye on the future we are bound to miss our goals/aims/dreams. My biggest takeaway is that every single meal, workout, interaction, etc. can 158

impact your long term keep an eye on how it all adds up! Get a coach.If you do not think you need one that tells me you REALLY need one. I strongly believe everyone needs a coach who can help keep them on a clear and concise path towards a better life. This is why I coach. This is why I have (many) coaches. Each journey should be individualized and optimized, and this is best done with clear guidance for your personal time, energy, and wellness.

Sheri Traxler Healing Modality: Intuitive Eating Counselor and Health Coach

My passion for exercise and healthy eating took a not-so-healthy turn in my childhood, with dieting, 159

disordered eating and symptoms of anorexia by middle school. I enjoyed exercise and how it gave me energy and made me feel strong. But because I worried about weight, I was constantly counting calories and fretting about food. I went on my first diet - to lose 2 pounds - at age 9. And I continued dieting until my mid-twenties when I read the books Breaking Out of Food Jail and Diets Don't Work. I started learning about a normal relationship with food. Unfortunately at that time there were not the resources there are now. So it took me many years to get free from the diet mentality. Whereas, now, I've seen my clients break free within months. Guidance from a trained counselor makes a difference. On the positive side, I've always had an interest in how the body works and how to live to our highest potential. 160

I remember one morning as a kid fascinated by a Family Health and Wellness Book that was advertised on the back of the cereal box. "Mom, can we order this?" "It's a little over your reading level, honey." "But you can help me read it." I also remember running cross-country in college because I loved running. But not because I was fast. In fact, the coach only asked me to join the team because he needed a fifth runner. He said "I just need you to finish every race so we qualify. You don't have to be fast." Good. Because in my second race I finished last. 161

But I finished. The body is beautifully designed to tell you what it needs, when it needs it, and how much it needs. And that the body loves to move. When we don't put external rules around it, we'll eat and move like we did as kids. If you are trapped in an unhealthy relationship with food, do not stay stuck. Do not waste precious time trying to get free on your own. Reach out to a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and start your journey to a great relationship with food. If you are trying one fitness fad after another and nothing is working for your lifestyle, get with a Certified Health Coach and design a custom program that works for your life. 162

There is no need for you to struggle alone. Caring and trained coaches are now available.

Denise Stegall Healing Modality: Coaching

Not all that long ago I was desperately seeking answers to a health issue that I had been struggling with for months. It was slowly destroying my life. I was happily married to my best friend and traveling the world. I had everything I’ve ever dreamed of; a handsome husband, a great relationship, a beautiful house, the opportunity to travel, and the freedom to enjoy my life to the fullest. 163

I should have been on top of the world. But I wasn’t. Silently, I was struggling with something so personal and private that I was too embarrassed to talk about it. So, I didn't and felt alone. I was tormented by night-sweats. At least 4 times a night my sleep was interrupted by “the sweats” and after each episode, it was more and more difficult to get back to sleep. I was tired. I mean really tired and cranky. I was not myself and did not like the person I was becoming, I’m typically a positive, optimistic person and I have always prided myself for being kind, calm, and thoughtful. The person you could always count on especially if you were having a bad day. Now, it was me experiencing a bad day- every day.


A few years earlier, I had undergone several infertility treatments that were unsuccessful. Unless of course, you consider the weight gain that resulted as a success. At 37 years old, suffering from night sweats, I was also trying for the first time ever to lose weight. I’d weighed 118 pounds since college and was now pushing 140 pounds. I stand 5ft 1in on a good day so according to the BMI chart, I was OVERWEIGHT. So, I did what all of us are programmed to do. I turned to the internet for answers and was astounded by the number of programs, pills, potions, and diets that claimed they had THE answer to weight loss. Except, they all said something different. How could Paleo, Low Carb, and High-Fat diets all be THE answer? Quickly, I realized that the internet was inept at providing reliable information. The website owners were not interested in helping me solve 165

my problem or answer my questions. Their reason for existence was to sell their product. To me or anyone. My experience is a major reason I became a health coach. I hadn’t had a proper night’s sleep in over three months. I felt fat, depressed, and exhausted. Worse yet, it was affecting my relationship with my husband. After one particularly fretful sleepless night, he finally said something. I immediately made an appointment with the lady doctor. He should know how to help, right? Exhausted and on the verge of tears, I told the doctor my situation and asked for help. Instead, he completely dismissed me. He said, and I quote, “At your age, it’s just a phase, nothing to worry about, you’ll get through it.” And then, he walked out. Devastated and desperate to talk to someone, 166

anyone who understood what I was going through, and could actually help me I went back to searching the internet. I was about to give up but decided to give it one last shot and I’m glad I did. On a last ditch effort, I came across a questionnaire that asked about my lifestyle, stress levels, diet, and sleep habits. Questions my doctor, nurse or several of the experts I found on the internet hadn’t bothered to ask. Hopeful, I filled it out, included my phone number and hit send. Ten minutes later my phone rang! On the other end of the line was the nurse who received my form. Empathetically, she listened to my story, heard my anguish, and offered me reassurance. For the first time in months, I found a connection, a real live person, and honest answers.


To my relief she told me that my situation was not unusual for a woman my age. I could take back control of my health. I felt empowered, committed to a wellness plan, and believed that I could get my life back on track. Today, I am healthy, vibrant, and enjoy life to the fullest...all because I was able to find dependable answers and support from someone who cared. Now, my goal is to help other women take control of their health, their body and their spirit. Life is a journey and it’s much more enjoyable when you have someone on your side. I want you to have the experience I had after talking to the right professional. Sometimes it’s a small step. Sometimes it's connecting with an expert and other times it is about going through a program or finding the right product. 168

On my health and wellness journey, I quickly realized that I needed to make things simple. There were many lifestyle changes, more like tweaks that I needed to incorporate into life everyday if I was going to feel great! I wanted to get my energy back, lose weight, vanquish night sweats and symptoms of perimenopause. I wanted my confidence back, to look good in my clothes and do the things I enjoy doing, like hiking and biking. Along my journey I created what is now known as the Living Healthy List Method. At the time I had no idea that it would become the basis of everything I do with my clients. It’s a three-pronged process that creates a foundation of lifelong health and happiness. Each of the components are important. At first you can look at each one individually but the process works best when utilized together. 169

The Living Healthy List Method ● Eat Real Foods ● Make Good Decisions ● Be Accountable Sounds too simple, right? Living a healthy, happy life does not need to be complicated. We always try to make things more difficult than they need to be. We don’t need to.

LeAnn Smith Healing Modality: Certified Health and Nutrition Coach

I had a negative relationship with my body from a young age. Food was a huge part of my upbringing. It’s how my family celebrated, dealt 170

with grief, and emotions. I saw the women around me dieting and belittling themselves...victims of diet culture. I was a product of that and as a result, I plunged into years of extreme fad dieting and body shaming. My first diet was at twelve.. For years after that, food became my foe. My body was something to hide, be ashamed of, and despise. By my twenties, I was beating my body up for hours at the gym, restrictive diets, diet pills, and drinking alcohol excessively. I loathed my body. By my thirties, I was tired of the vicious cycles of dieting, grinding away at the gym. I was exhausted from all the emotional baggage I was carrying. I knew there had to be a better way. I was introduced to yoga about this time. I also started researching diet culture as well as addictions to food and working out. I learned self-acceptance and compassion for myself through yoga and a lot of self work. I got much 171 a more balanced and holistic way. I learned about nutrition, healthy approaches to exercise as well as mindfulness. I was just soaking it in and learning all I could. I was able to get several certifications during that time. In 2010, I was able to start living my passion-- I was able to leave my corporate job to start my own health and wellness business. My own wellness had been stuck for YEARS and I knew how good it felt to move forward in a positive, healthy way. I wanted to help others do that as well! Through my business, I am able to help others who are feeling stuck in life- people who need support to manage their health and learn how to live a balanced life. I help people become their most vibrant selves through food, fitness and fun.


I’ve learned over the years that your journey is never really over. I have evolved so much since that broken person I was years ago. But life continues to be a process of learning and growing. We never just wake up one day to find ourselves 100% well-- it is a matter of taking baby steps...becoming 1% better each day. In time though, all those baby steps really add up. I’ve learned to be present with myself, acknowledge my feelings, live in gratitude, and honor the journey I’ve been on, as well as the journey to come. Sometimes, I still struggle, even today, with body image issues and self acceptance, though it has gotten much easier in time. I have more tools now, and I love helping equip others with new tools as well. One of the best things we can do is be patient with ourselves and keep learning.


Ultimately, the most courageous thing you can do is show up for yourself and ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness but strength. Struggle is a part of life but you don’t have to do it alone.


Want to Contribute to the Vibrant Living Project? _________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you are a healer and would like to help bridge the gap between who you are, what you do, and who you serve, then please join us. The more voices that join in this effort the better and you are welcome. The Vibrant Living Project is a chance to share your story, have a voice, and be part of this inspirational community. Together, we will create a happy, healthy medium where these two groups the healers and those seeking healing - coincide. Please join us and share your story today. How to share your story: 1.Enter your info 2.Submit the form and sign the waiver 3. Wait to see how the project comes to life Click here to share your story! 175

Acknowledgements _________________________________________________________________________________________________

To the Healers Who Contributed To This Project: Thank you for answering the call to share your stories here. Thank you for trusting me with your stories. Thank you for willingness to open up to a complete stranger. Thank you for your honesty. For sharing your wisdom, your journey, and your heart. I am beyond touched by what has been created here. I created this space but you filled it. With your compassion and experience and revelations. And by doing so, you created deep connection with each other. 176

And with those who will visit this space. This gift you have contributed to will continue to give and grow. And you are the seeds, the sprouts, the water, and the sunshine. But mostly you shared with us your soil -however deep, dark, muddy or dry. You tilled it so that others can flower. Thank you for allowing us all to bloom from your knowledge. Be well. Be whole. Be you.


To the Those Who Helped Bring This Project To Life: I also want to thank the magicians behind this project, for that’s what they feel like. To my team - Angelica, Rhonda, and Amandawho organized, designed, marketed, promoted, posted, and made everything I said or thought come to life. Thank you for working together and supporting each other. Thank you for supporting this dream and making my vision a reality. You have helped bring brave healing messages to the world. And you mean the world to me.

A Special Thank You: I want to offer a special bit of gratitude to Katie Grant. She was the first person I spoke to about this idea that went on to become the Vibrant Life Project. She has been an integral part of helping 178

me bring this project to life. Katie has been a trusted advisor, collaborator, friend, as well as the skilled writer who helped bring this book together. Her gift of writing is magical...a work of art. Thank you Katie: for your words, friendship, guidance, and jumping on board with this crazy project of mine.


About The Authors ______________________________________________________

LeAnn Smith is a certified Health and Nutrition Coach who helps people who are ‘stuck’ in their wellness journey. She helps her clients get back to their most vibrant selves through food, fitness and fun. LeAnn provides an individualized approach that meets clients where they are and helps them get back to wellness. When she is not working, she enjoys working out, spending time with her husband, and playing with their Black-Lab, Maggie. LeAnn resides in Washington state.


About The Authors ______________________________________________________

Katie Grant is an award-winning writer who finds people's stories and crafts them into articles, essays, and books. She is a ghostwriter, journalist and copywriter as well as a Top Writer in Parenting on Medium @katiegrantwriter where she tells her own stories. When not writing, Katie chases her preschool daughter around, bakes or watches screeners at home with her husband in Southern California.


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