Valentines Dinner And Dance Saturday 14th February
Pancake Day Races Pancake Lunch Shove Tuesday 17th February Good Fun!!!
INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA FOR ALL ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE of San Pedro - Estepona - Casares Manilva - Sotogrande & Beyond
February 2015 Edition Email:
ICE Magazine Contents Page 23 Details of Galicia Trip Page 24 Golf Society News + Bowling Group News + Nigel’s Classified Ads Page 28/27 Grey Nomading in Australia Continued (Article) Page 29 Leisure Page Page 32 General Information Page 33 Committee and Advert Info Page 34 Just for a Smile
Page 5 President’s Letter + New Club Venture Page 6/7 AGM News & Details Page 8 Bulletin Board Page 9/10 Past Events Page 10 Driving Licence Advice + Chiropractor Article Page 11 February Events + Events For Your Diary Page 12/13 February Calendar Page 14 Blevins Franks Article
Thanks to all those who have contributed items for your magazine, please keep them coming.
President Doug Mitchell Editor Terry Smith Advertising Jackie Simmonds Disclaimer: - The committee wishes to declare that ICE does not accept responsibility for the contents of articles nor the claims made by advertisers. Printed by Digiprint, Avda Litoral, Edificio Visamar, Blq 2 Local 9, 29680 Estepona Visit Our New Improved Club Website: Free Wi-Fi for members at the clubhouse. Now upgraded to 8Mb The magazine is published on the website on or before the first day of each month. PLEASE MENTION ICE CLUB & MAGAZINE WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS.
EDITORIAL: Due to members requests I have once again included a Sudoku puzzle to the leisure page and this time included the answer on the fun page. So what were we up to over the festive season? Well first of all let us not forget the fabulous weather we experienced over the period. Over Christmas we spent time with our family in Gibraltar, a restful period of celebration, grandchildren sorting out their new electronic equipment. What ever happened to playing with the boxes while parents rushed out to find batteries?!!! New Year we spent once again at a great favourite destination of our’s, returning to the Riu Belplaya Hotel situated ideally on the paseo at Torremolinos. This was our fourth visit and again were not disappointed. Only downside I found was the very clingy shower curtain, of which I am still having nightmares!!! Terry Smith DO YOU LIKE PREPARING DESERTS???
Editor Terry Smith Email: Phone 951 276 690 Mobile 677 656 319
To assist the hard working catering teams our catering manager Brenda Taylor is seeking ladies or gents to make deserts of 12 portions at home or the club that can be then frozen or delivered on a Thursday morning. You will have your costs reimbursed. Please contact Brenda Phone 952 805 739 Mobile 654 579 492
All kinds of sewing undertaken
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The Friendly British Hair Salon Unisex Peluqueria For Every Day & Those Special Occasions 952 805 485 Ask For THERESA or SARA We are offering a promotion on Blow-dries, Shampoo and Sets for 12 Euros. Monday to Friday OAP days are Monday to Friday Estepona Port Opposite Club Nautico
At the corner of C/ Sevilla & C/ Lopez de Mena behind the Bus Station in San Pedro Open Monday to Friday 10.00am to 2-00pm
Tel: 952 788 117 4
PRESIDENTS LETTER FEBRUARY 2015 You will all know that the Club is run, almost exclusively, by volunteers: No volunteers, no Club! It’s as easy as that. So this is the time to stand up and be counted: put your name forward for a committee position, new members are particularly welcome as they bring a new enthusiasm and new ideas. If you don’t fancy a committee position, how about being trained to serve behind the bar? This way you get to know all the members very quickly and the high you get by ignoring the member tapping the bar with a coin is marvellous! What about washing up? Again you get to chat with pretty well everyone, and everyone can wash up can’t they, even men? What about cooking or helping prepare the meals on Thursdays? Brenda would love to hear from you and this is probably the most appreciated aspect of Club life. You will be famous! It’s an old adage but so true that the more you put in, the more you’ll get out! Give it a try. Our AGM is on the 12th March and entry will be strictly controlled by showing your 2015 membership card and entry will be by the top door only. Doug PLEASE NOTE: Your 2015 membership fee is now due for payment. Warren Rooke Sandie Lenton Carole Ferrett Jack Jackson Jan Leerkes Steve Bodil Maureen Hayter Anthony Bate
The Club Welcomes New Members Anita Rooke-Wauder Brendan Quinn Carol Ashcroft Monty Hamad Hal Evans Helen Warwick Evans Margot Bangay Monica McGerr John Turner Annamaria Turner Audrey Frew Alan Frew Susan Holland Joe Illingwoorth Angeline Bate Stephen Barker
Muriel Quinn Tony Ferrett Truus Leerkes Alan Lynn Barbara Williams Trudy Van Meesen
***NEW CLUB PROJECT*** COME TO THE NEW I.C.E. WRITING GROUP Meet Peter Brookes at the launch of the Club’s new fortnightly ‘Writing Group’. ‘Writing your Memoirs’ is one of Peter’s intriguing proposals which will link well with Dave Hackett’s Genealogy project. Other writing might include work on your first novel – or that story you never finished. Listen to Peter’s ideas but do bring your own thoughts to the clubhouse at 11am on Tuesday 3 rd February. Peter’s experience in the UK and Spain includes work as an author, bookseller, journalist, ghost-writer, and publisher. He is a member of the Costa del Sol Press Club here and for seven years an aficionado of Californian screen-writing guru Robert Mckee. Peter helped launch several bookshops in London and three in Spain. He also works with other authors in his Work in Progress project here and liaises with Rudling House Publishing Ltd the UK Company he launched six years ago. Peter looks forward to meeting you at the opening session on Tuesday 3 rd Feb 2015 at 11:00 am. Contact Peter on email tel: 619609536 Food For Thought Submitted by Rosemary Ferguson “For centuries, music for the poor was provided by church bells”. I don't understand why anyone would want to be a professional limbo dancer. ……………………………………………………………………………..Even I would never stoop that low!!! 5
POSTAL VOTING The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 12th March 2015. As agreed previously, Members who are unable to attend may vote by Postal Vote. (See below) May I draw your attention to Article 8 in the Club Statutes? Article 8
Subject to the provisions of Article 9, all resolutions proposed at a General Meeting will be
approved only if a favorable vote is forthcoming from a majority of the Members present or represented. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote only. Any Member unable to attend may personally apply to the Secretary for a postal vote for the published agenda. It will be issued specifically for that Member. Such postal vote will be valid only and exclusively for the meeting specified to which it relates and only for the nominated item or items indicated on the Agenda and verified on the postal voting form, which shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of first call for such meeting. The President may direct that a sealed ballot is taken for the vote on any resolution which, in his or her opinion, is likely to be particularly contentious. You can apply to the Secretary for a postal vote in person, by letter, by telephone, by e-mail or on-line via the club web site, ( any time from now until the Sunday before the meeting ( 8th March).** Please apply as early as possible to allow our Secretary time to record your request and obviously if you are applying for a Postal Vote by post and would like to receive your voting papers by post then allow sufficient time. Our Secretary’s details are:Joan Thompson, ICE Club Secretary, C/o The ICE Club, Urbanization Bahia Dorada, Entrance 5, Km. 149, A7, Estepona 29680, Målaga. Tel:- 952 804 799 or 653 488 030 e-mail: Joan will need to know your membership number, your name, your address, your contact telephone number and your e-mail address, if you have one. She also needs to know how you want the Postal Voting Form sending to you i.e. by hand, by post or by e-mail.
The Agenda will be known 20 days before the meeting and the form will be sent to you as soon as is possible after this date. It will be your responsibility to see that the form is returned to the Secretary not less than 24hours before the A.G.M. (i.e. before 10.00am on Wednesday 11th March.)** ** To facilitate both last minute personal requests for a Postal Vote and the return of Postal Voting papers, Joan will be in the Clubhouse (normal opening hours) on both Sunday March 7th, and, for returning Postal Voting papers only, on Tuesday March 10th.
THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Information and advice for Members The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 12th March 2015. Entry strictly by top floor door only. First call 10.30am, second call 11.00am. All Members have the right to participate in any AGM and to vote on all resolutions put forward. Any Member may introduce a proposal at the AGM but must submit the proposal in writing to the Club Secretary not less than twenty days before the Meeting. The document has to be signed by the Proposer and countersigned by a Member seconding and supporting the proposal. Any proposal concerning the Statutes cannot be accepted. Statutes can only be changed at an E.G.M. convened for that purpose. The Agenda for the Meeting will be published in the Club Magazine and on the Club Website and Notice Board on the Club Premises not less than fourteen days before the date of the Meeting. Any Member unable to attend the Meeting may apply personally by telephone, in writing, by e-mail, via web site, or in person to the Secretary for a Postal Vote for the published agenda. Application may be at any time and should indicate the method of delivery of same. No Member may apply for a Postal Vote for any other Member. The Postal Vote will be issued specifically to the applying Member. Such Postal Vote must be returned to the Secretary not less than 24 hours prior to the time of the first call for the Meeting. In "Any Other Business" any item concerning The Club may be discussed. Proposals may be made and voted upon provided that: They do not involve Changes to the Statutes (see the rule above). They do not involve changes to The Rules. Any proposition concerning The Rules must appear on The Agenda so that the Members will have due notice of same.
The following committee positions will be vacant at time of AGM and elections will take place during this AGM: President, Vice President, Secretary and 3 committee positions. Doug Mitchell will resign his position as President at AGM. Anna Tandy resigned her position during November 2014. Sue Potter and Joan Thompson are stepping down from their current positions. The following is a total of 6 committee positions available for nomination and voting at time of AGM. President, Vice President, Secretary and 3 committee positions. The following members are willing to undertake the following positions: Sue Potter President, Joan Thompson Vice President, Margaret Whittley Secretary, 3 Committee Member Positions. Nominations from any member willing to be considered to undertake any of the above positions must apply to the club secretary for nomination form to be completed and returned not less than 20 days before AGM To comply with Club Statutes Article 19: Unless opposed the following committee members are willing to continue their current positions: Ted Lunniss Treasurer, Terry Smith Magazine Editor, Julie Wood Member. Club Statutes Article 19: Any other Member seeking election to the Committee, whether as one of the Principal Officers or otherwise, shall submit written notice of his or her intention to the Secretary, countersigned by ten other Club Members supporting such nomination, not less than twenty days prior to the next General Meeting. The first member to sign nomination form needs to be aware and willing to stand up and introduce the prospective committee member and why they would be eligible for the position for the good of the club. Please note members wishing to apply for the posts of President or Vice President must have been a member for at least 2 years. Closing date for nominations being 20th February. A secret vote will then take place at the AGM for positions stated. 7
Lottery Winners December 1st Roy Gilby 2nd Julie Wood 3rd Carole Murray Club
48€ 24€ 12€ 36€
BOOK LIBRARY: CAN MEMBERS PLEASE NOT SUBMIT HARDBACK BOOKS TO THE LIBRARY, PAPERBACKS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED. Returned books should be placed at the foot of the first half of the alphabet as designated - the librarian will then sort. DVD/VIDEO Library: Can members please ensure they sign for all borrowed films and add membership number, Please return films as soon as possible and sign as returned. Jigsaw Puzzles: There is a selection of jigsaw puzzles available stored under the video library. They are mostly 500 pieces, some 1,000. Glasses, cups etc: Please return to the bar before leaving the club. Please place used unbroken bottles carefully in bin provided, which is positioned under the dartboard. Return plates and cutlery to the kitchen. Terrace Doors: Those people who open terrace doors are responsible for closing same. TRIP CANCELLATIONS MUST BE REFERRED IN FIRST INSTANCE TO THE ORGANISER IMPORTANT: TELL THE BAR STAFF OF ANY BROKEN GLASS AND THEY WILL DISPOSE OF IT.
ICE Ramblers Group
Contact Sue Potter Walk Co-ordinator 637 148 660 or 952 892 386 Ramblers Please Note: The club does not have any Insurance Policy in force in relation to its Rambling activities, and all members and their guests participate entirely at their own risk. Neither the club nor any walk leader will be responsible for any injury or loss suffered by any participant however caused. Those attending rambling events should be suitably attired with stout walking footwear and carry waterproofs in case of weather change. You should carry a packed lunch and adequate liquids for the duration of the ramble. YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU - MORE VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED Your club is run by volunteers, without them we cannot function. Help is required for the following: Bar staff, training will be given, see Mac McIntyre Bar Manager. Help required by catering teams for preparation and serving to members, Thursday mornings, no cooking, no clearing up. See Catering Manager Brenda Taylor. Meeters and greeters to man the front door for just an hour on a Thursday club morning, see Maureen Baldwin-Winckle.
International Emergency 8
Saturday 13th December - Trip to Malaga Lights Myself and Pat decided to stay in Malaga for a few days to see the Christmas lights, bit of seasonal shopping and get the local atmosphere at this time of the year. We stayed at the Ibis Hotel which we found to be very clean and modern, just 5 minutes walk to shopping centre, and secure parking at reasonable daily rate. On the Saturday evening we met up with some of the I.C.E. trippers also enjoying the ambiance. The lights were amazing, giant illuminated arches, we liked it to walking through a cathedral, with illuminated chandeliers hanging that glistened in different colours to the movement of the wind. (Or as Ted Lunniss described it, ‘as walking through a row of giant gazebos!’ No imagination!) The Christmas Tree was also lovely. The club was lucky on their visit as after they left it chucked it down with rain!
Terry Smith
Thursday 16th December - Away Day Lunch As the club kitchen was closed our President Doug arranged a meal at La Rada Pikotio Restaurant, Estepona where an excellent 3 course daily menu can be obtained for just 12€. A wide choice for each course, something to suit everyone, and on this occasion over 30 members attended. If you have not yet tried this restaurant it is well worth a lunch time visit. Thanks Doug for the organising. Thursday 25th December - Christmas Day at the Clubhouse Most Club members know that Maureen Baldwin-Winckle organises a special few hours at lunchtime Christmas Day at the Club. It was good to see quite a few new members participating this year. Maureen provided the usual Christmas surprise of a gift (boy/girl) for everyone who came through the door, and members didn't disappoint in bringing along a plateful of festive food to share. You may have seen a photo of President Doug Mitchell furiously shaking his gift in an attempt to guess the contents - if you haven't, take a look on the Club website for this and other photos of the day. Adrian, Marion and Freddie led a sing-along of familiar carols, Lin, Ian, Michael, Mac and Jackie were among those who helped behind the bar. Also thanks to Georgina and Ken who worked tirelessly with the clearing up. I know Maureen would like to again thank everyone who helped her to celebrate on the day, provided snacks, and donated little gifts. Its a really nice Club tradition, so come along again next Christmas and keep this tradition alive. Submitted by Debra Coleman Christmas day went well, from Tracy and her house guest kindly picking me up, to Audrey Kenyon returning me home. I had lots of help on the day, Lin and Ian, Gina and Ken, Michael, Mac and Jackie all working hard. As soon as Mac arrived he went straight to the kitchen cooking hot food, whilst Tracy, Gina and Ken were busy helping to sort gifts and tables. About 45/50 members turned up, a good turn out. We had carol singers on the stairs: Marion, Adrian and Freddie who added to the great atmosphere. Thank you everyone for supporting me and the club, I had a great time and hope you did to. Maureen Baldwin-Winckle
Tuesday 14th January - Ramblers Get Together and Lunch La Torre, Pedregales Poligono Its amazing with over 60 attending, some having completed the morning ramble. This restaurant never gets phased by the number of customers arriving and always welcoming. They cope very well with no extra staff, orders are taken swiftly and food arrives freshly cooked and hot. More expensive restaurants could probably learn something. A great meal once again, good atmosphere, we can show the Spanish some noise! If you have not yet tried this restaurant it is to be recommended, just 8.50€ for three course menu del dia. And views of the country side, can’t be bad!!!! Thanks Sue for the organising. THOUSANDS of expats could be driving illegally without realising they are doing so. Expats registered as Spanish residents for two or more years will have to update their driving licence to comply with EU regulations. The ruling came into effect on January 19 and applies to drivers whose licenses are valid for 15 or more years. Since 2013, all European Union countries have issued a single driving license, replacing more than 110 types of driving licenses which existed beforehand. Expats in need of a renewal must request an appointment at any provincial traffic headquarters, by calling 060 or going through the DGT website. Payment €23.50 will be charged for the new license. Is your New Year’s exercise program an injury just waiting to happen? One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is starting an exercise regimen. For most, it’s a great idea. Keeping fit is good for both our mental and physical health. From a chiropractic perspective movement is also essential for good neurological health, for your brain and your spine. The bad news is that many of us won’t stick to our exercise regimen. Even worse, many others will injure themselves because they haven’t carefully planned a workout routine that matches their needs and capabilities. Here are a few tips that will help you get in shape without getting in over your head. With exercise, start slowly, gradually increase your workload over a number of sessions. Doing too much too soon is one of the leading causes of exercise related injuries. If you haven’t exercised in a while start slowly. Seek an expert opinion. Most of us tend to think we are more capable and a lot fitter than we are. Before you begin a fitness regimen consult with someone who can help guide you to achieve your fitness goals. Consulting with a personal trainer makes sense. Exercising to get rid of a back or problem actually does not work. See your chiropractor to address the underlying problems before you start. If you have underlying health conditions it may be wise to see your general practitioner. Know your strengths – and your weaknesses. Even if you are fit, starting a new activity often means starting at the bottom and learning the new skill or sport. Take your time with new exercises and master the basics first. You are not in a competition. While training with friends can be enjoyable and motivate you to get to your goals, stick to your long term plan. Don’t let training with friends become a competition. You are only competing with yourself. Accidents still will happen – and problems don’t just go away. Even with care exercising, accidents still will happen. Old problems can return. Seek expert care early so you can continue pursuing your health goals. Pushing through with an injury only ever results in more time off and a longer recovery time. As a chiropractor our focus is on the cause of your problems. We will help guide you, so your body can heal as quickly as possible and you can return to getting in shape. Allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. The Marbella Chiropractic Team 10
Tuesday 3rd February - Writers Group Inaugural Meeting 11.00am Organiser Peter Brookes, See page 5 for further details. Thursday 5th February - Presentation By Manilva Solicitors - Inheritance & Wills Presentation will follow normal club meeting, useful information for members. Friday 6th February - Quiz Night - 8.00 for 8.30pm Monday 9th February - Members Film Night - 7.30 for 8.00pm Saturday 14th February - Valentines Party - 3 Course Dinner By Caterers Del La Mar A very popular event, maximum 70 persons, book early to avoid disappointment. 7.30 for 8.00pm. 25€ members, 28€ guests. Music for dancing the night away. See page 13 for further details & menu. At the club catering for the Valentines Party
Sunday 15th February - Songs of Praise - 4.00 for 4.30pm - Organiser Joan Thompson Tuesday 17th February - Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Races and Pancake Lunch Wednesday 18th February - Ladies and Gents Who Lunch Out Friday 27th February - Mystery Trip - ‘Don’t Know Where Too!’ Organisers Richard & Julie Wood EVENT MAY CHANGE, ALWAYS CHECK CLUB HOUSE NOTICE BOARD, ORGANISER OR STOP PRESS ON WEB SITE
Should you have suggestions for any event or activity at your clubhouse, or for a trip whether for a day or longer period, please contact a member of the committee. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT
Proposed Event - Love and Marriage Fun Evening & ‘Posh Ploughman’s’ Supper Based loosely on a well known UK TV show, Organisers Richard and Julie Wood. Thursday 12th March - I.C.E. Annual General Meeting - See pages 6 & 7 EVENTS FOR Saturday 14th March - Salon Varieties Trip Fuengirola to see Oklahoma YOUR DIARY Tuesday 17th March - St. Patrick’s Celebrations
7.30 for 8.00pm Irish music and dancing, audience participation, always a great night.
Thursday 23rd March - Special St. Georges Lunchtime - Roast Beef Dinner Saturday 28th March - Evening Meal Full Of Eastern Promise Lebanese Restaurant Oriental, Benamara Saturday 4th April - Country and Western Evening With Live Music Texas Pearls with Marcus Myers, very popular evening at the club, American Supper. Tuesday 21st April Golf Spring Cup - See page 25 April 24th, 25th & 26th - I.C.E. Players Presentation - Don’t Laugh, It’s a Comedy Tuesday 5th May - 6 Day 5 Night Trip to Galicia - Organisers Joan Thompson and Danny 100€ deposit each can now be paid to reserve your place. See page 23 for the full program. Wednesday 10th to 17th June Trip to Lake Como, Italy - NOW FULLY BOOKED Saturday 31st October - Walking Treasure Hunt - Venue Manilva Town November 27th, 28th & 29th - I.C.E. Players Winter Presentation - Watch this space for details. 11
February 2015 DATE DAY 1 Feb Sun 2 Feb Mon 3 Feb
4 Feb Wed
5 Feb
6 Feb
7 Feb Sat 8 Feb Sun 9 Feb Mon 10 Feb Tue
11 Feb Wed
12 Feb Thu 13 Feb Fri 14 Feb Sat 15 Feb Sun 16 Feb Mon 17 Feb Tue
18 Feb Wed
12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, 1.00pm Lunch 2.00pm ICE Players 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge
Writers' Group Inaugural Meeting 2.30pm Keep Fit
Presentation during Weekly Meeting by Manilva Solicitors: Inheritance and Wills 11.00am Additional Computer Meeting. Only by prior arrangement and for Beginners ONLY! 8.30pm Quiz Night
10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta 10.30am Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting & Open Forum 1.00pm Lunch, 2.00 pm ICE Players 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist
7.30 for 8.00pm Film Night 2.30pm Keep Fit 2.30pm Committee Meeting
11.00 am Genealogy Group Valentine's Party 4.30pm Songs of Praise Shrove Tuesday Pancake Races and Lunch 11.00am Ladies' Book Club 2.30 pm Keep Fit 1.30pm Ladies Lunch 1.45pm Gents Lunch
10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, 1.00pm Lunch 2.00pm ICE Players 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 11.00 am Mahjong 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting & Lottery 1.00pm Lunch 2.00 pm ICE Players 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge
19 Feb
20 Feb 21 Feb 22 Feb 23 Feb
Fri Sat Sun Mon
24 Feb
25 Feb
26 Feb
27 Feb
10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group
28 Feb
11.00am Computer Group
2.30pm Keep Fit
Mystery Trip
UK Pensions – All Change By Terry Wayne, Partner, Blevins Franks 952 799 752 April will see the biggest reform to UK pensions in almost a century. Initially announced in the March 2014 budget, the Taxation of Pensions Bill was then published on 14th October and confirmed in the December Autumn Statement. With more options available, you need to understand how they all affect you, and the tax implications in Spain, to establish what would work best for you. Here are some of the key changes from 6th April 2015, for those aged over 55 with defined contribution schemes: You will have complete freedom to draw down as much of your pension pot as you wish. The maximum cap on withdrawals and minimum income requirements for income drawdown are removed. You can cash in your entire pension without suffering the 55% unauthorised payment charge. UK residents will pay tax at their marginal rate of income tax. For nonresidents, taxation usually falls to their country of residence under a double tax treaty. You can take a series of lump sums from your pension funds without having to enter into a drawdown policy. UK residents can choose whether to take their 25% tax-free cash lump sum all in one go, or have a quarter of any withdrawals paid tax-free. The 55% pension ‘death tax’ will be abolished. Your beneficiaries will receive the balance tax free if you die under age 75, or pay income tax, or 45% if taken as a lump sum, if you are over 75. This is extended to annuities, where the payment occurs after 6th April 2015. The changes do not affect people in final salary pensions. If you have an existing drawdown plan, you can keep it as it is and retain the current income limits (150% of GAD). This may be of interest to you if you are still able to contribute. It is essential that you consider the Spanish tax implications of each of the options for your pension fund, before you can determine what would work best for you as a Spanish resident. Note that capital withdrawn from a pension fund would become exposed to succession tax and UK inheritance tax, but with expert advice you could avoid exposure to these taxes. This is just a very short summary of some of the points of new and legislation, so please contact me so I can provide more detail and consider your personal situation and discuss effect strategies for you. It is critical that you do not make any pension decisions without all the necessary information and specialist advice. Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual is advised to seek personalised advice.
To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on our website
Open Mon to Fri 10am to 7pm, Sat 10am to 2pm
KM 144.5
To Sotogrande Duquesa
To Estepona Sabinillas
El Rincon Toscano Restaurant Pizzeria Wine Bar Calle Real 22-26, Estepona Telephone 952-795914 Roberto 648 263 369 or Yuri 610 336 547 A little taste of Italy Come and enjoy the excellent cuisine and service provided by Roberto and Yuri Opening hours Lunch every day 1.30 – 4pm Dinner 7pm – midnight Closed on Wednesdays 18
Tuesday 5th May - 6 day Holiday Trip to Galicia Day 1 - Costa del Sol to Galicia Our coach will be collecting us at the usual pick-up points along the Costa del Sol for our transfer to Malaga airport. We will check in for our direct flight to Santiago de Compostela. Once there, our coach will take us to 0 Grobe and our quaint family run Hotel Villa Juanita*** bed and breakfast. Free time for dinner. Hotel web site: Day 2 - Boats, mussels, ribeiro wine and more. After enough time for a leisurely breakfast we take a walk in 0 Grebe and wind up in the port area. Here we board our boat and guide will tell us all about one of the main sources of income in the area: mussels and oysters. The boat will take us out to the farms in the "ria" and the expert crew will show us how this traditional way of life works. The best however is on the way back: we have the chance to sample the beautiful mussels and wash them down with the local Ribeiro wine: eat and drink as much as you like! Once off the boat, we take a stroll across the turn-of-the-century bridge for a visit to la Isla de la Toja, a very exclusive spa area with a lot of interesting facts about it. Free time for dinner. Day 3 - Vigo, Pontevedra and Combarro Today we set off south to Vigo, the biggest city in Galicia and one of the most important ports in Spain. Its location on the ria and its geographical features have made Vigo into what it is today: a hub lot the fishing industry. A walk around the centre of the city will be followed by some free time to sample some of the local delicacies. Our next stop is Pontevedra, the capital of the province, a city with a very nice atmosphere to it, a broad "alameda" and a lovely pedestrianised centre with great chances for coffees or drinks in the quaint little squares. Finally, on our way back to 0 Grobe, we stop at a small and very typical fishing village: Combarro. A walk though Combarro is a delightful experience, with its narrow winding streets, "horreos" in front of each house and the view of the sea down each little alleyway. Free time for dinner. Day 4 - Albarifio wine The most appreciated wine in the region is Albarino. This tasty wine is particular to this part of Galicia and goes very well with all the local foods. We will be visiting one of the local "bodegas" where they'll go through the history of this wine, its production and finally a taste of two of their favourites. I'm sure more than one will take some home! Once done here we continue to nearby Isla de Aruosa, one of the picturesque Galician islands in the ria, where we'll have free time for a walk and some lunch before we return to O Grobe. Day 5 - At leisure After some days of visits, we take a day at leisure in O Grobe. It's a lovely part of the world and walking along its streets and port is a relaxing experience. For those who would like more active alternative, our guide will provide you with suggestions. Day 6 - Santiago de Compostela and return After breakfast, we check out of Hotel Villa Juanita and say "adios" to O Grobe. We take a full day excursion which will include an official guided tour in the cultural, religious and administrative capital of Galicia: Santiago de Compostela. This destination of pilgrims is a stunning city of granite, with a spectacular cathedral and a beautiful old quarter. After our guided tour, we'll have time for lunch in one of the local streets (eg. Rua do Franco, albeit nothing to do with the dictator) and free time in the afternoon before we take our transfer back to Santiago airport. Our coach will also be waiting for us at Malaga airport to take us safely back home. Rasta la vista Danny! 23
'ICE Golf Society'. 'Away Day to El Chaparral Golf Club' Along with most of the other players, 13 in all, on this Away Day, I have never stood on so many Tee boxes, in one round, and thought ''Flippin Eck'' (or similar) ''Goodbye ball''!!! and we did loose a few that's for sure. El Chaparral Golf Club welcomed us warmly, served us well and presented us with the most challenging of courses, culminating in a very enjoyable day out. The weather was great the views were spectacular and trees, although fantastic, were always in the way of my ball and devoured many!! Congratulations to Richard Bearpark for taking the honours with Mariska Turkinburg in 2nd. place closely behind. Our next away day will be on 18th February at La Cala Golf Resort. The Spring cup 2015 will be held on the 21st April at the fabulous Valle Romano Golf Resort, Estepona. The green fee will be about 67€ including shared buggy. The final figure is dependant upon final numbers. Buggies will be permitted on the fairways, except par 3's, subject only to adverse weather conditions at the time. This golf course has been used for the European Tour 'Qualifying School' and is, therefore, maintained at a very high international standard. We will be playing off of the Blue Tees, (5392 meters), for the Gents and the Red Tees, (4935 meters), for the Ladies. This compares to The Estepona Golf Club, used for this years Autumn Cup: Blue 5380m and Red 5073m. For this, and futures event, we will introduce a new prize for non-members. These guests must be invited by a member, will be subject to a two stroke cut in their Club/Federation handicap and, as in previous competitions, can not be awarded the trophies. Please ensure that your guests are aware of these conditions. The entry form will be on the club notice board before the end of the month so get your name down. The more there are the cheaper it will be! Casares Golf Club 'Roll-Up' We play a twice weekly 'Roll-Up' stableford competition on Tuesdays and Fridays at Casares Golf Club where our members benefit from discounted green fees. Tee off times vary a little throughout the year but if you are interested arrive around about 08.00. We often have 12 or more players and it's all very friendly, light hearted, (in other words 'cut throat')!! and open to all levels. A sense of humour is well worth putting in the bag! Our annual 'Order of Merit' trophy is awarded to the player with the best ten cards from these 'Roll-Ups'. Keep your eye on the club magazine and web site for details of all activities. If you would like to become involved, contribute or comment please contact me. Alan Davis Golf Organiser. Tel: 952 897 670 Mob: 699 712 804 e-mail: BOWLING OUR WAY! We meet Monday mornings at Benavista Bowls Club no later than 10.00am for 10.15 start. Late arrivals cannot be guaranteed a game. We normally play 16 ends for just 8€ each, following for just 1€ we play an optional end to win bottle of wine. Dress code is predominately white but the critical factor is footwear, shoes must be smooth soled with no ’pimples or crinkles’. The Management at Benavista strictly apply this rule. Bowls Organiser Alan Whiteman NIGEL’S CLASSIFIED ADS, TO SUBMIT ADVERT: UNLESS REQUESTED ADVERTS WILL REMAIN IN MAGAZINE FOR 1 MONTH ONLY
FOR SALE: Beautiful Chinese rug measuring 10ft x 6ft. The main colours being light blue & beige. Just cleaned, but does not equate with our new fitted carpet. For more details please contact Sue and Les Holland on 952 803759 FOR RENT 2 CAR GARAGE SPACE 9 METRES IN LENGTH Edificio Acuario (across from Estepona Port Lighthouse), price negotiable. Maureen Baldwin-Winckle 952 791 812 24
The all-new most up to date hearing centre in the Costa now opened.
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Call for your appointment. Michael Briales Total dedication to your hearing needs. Mobile 660 892 627
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Grey Nomading in Australia Continued, Diary of Louise and Grahams Travels. Many of the club members will have met Margaret and Vic’s daughter Louise and her husband Graham when they visited from Australia for the occasion of Margaret and Vic’s Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebrations. Lou and Graham are now taking a 2 year working tour, known as Grey Nomading in Australia, by caravan. "Grey Nomads:" many Aussie's travel around Australia when they retire. Tasmania: Just had to go and have a look at “Nowhere Else”, which is very close to “Paradise”. After a stunning drive we had to say that “Nowhere Else” was as stunning as “Everywhere” in Tassy. Our overnight stop in Oatlands, next to Lake Dulverton, was described in a newspaper in 1838 as “A lake of Pestilence and Fever” – we thought it was quite nice. Our trip to Oatlands was monumental for Graham who was delighted to see snow for the first time in his life. He was like a big kid in a lolly shop running around trying to catch the flakes. As a Brit, I could only think of defrosting the car in the morning, grey slushy melting snow and cancelled trains – all you poms will know about that! Off we went to meet Mad Tassie Dick and his gorgeous wife Anita: I am not really sure where to start! Dick and Anita own Lington Farm; it is about 130 acres of pasture and bush. They have cattle, horses, and Josephine the talking bird, most of which is very rude! A vampire cat (that loves blood) and 13 chooks (two that are completely bonkers and should have starred in the Chicken Run Movie!) Dick and Anita built their stunning home, and I don’t mean the employed a builder – they actually made the bricks (6 per night over two years) and built it totally themselves. Obviously they needed somewhere to live during this time so they lived in Lington Shack: Yep – two years in the shack!!!! Living in such a structure would be a challenge, however as you can see from the picture it is COLD in winter. The workmanship that has gone into the house is just amazing and both Dick and Anita should be so proud of themselves. The house is designed very well, and is very cosy. Outside is the huge veggie and fruit garden which produces a huge amount of their food and Dick also has a freezer full of Kangaroo and Venison meat, all from the property; along with a very pretty “English Garden” it is so colourful. I particularly loved the outside bathing facilities, just heat up the water and bathe whilst taking in the views! Now on to the furry family we were here to look after. Josephine is a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, who is very vocal, and most of it is unrepeatable, she was so friendly and I was able to get in her cage and have cuddles and a chat, the only problem is that she won’t let you leave!!! She hangs on and moves from shoulder to shoulder, then on your head whilst all the time chatting away. Her favourite thing is to dig, and boy can she dig. We filled in a couple of holes, one of which was so deep we thought she might pop up in London! I absolutely fell in love with her, even though she did leave me with a few scars so I did not forget her! Then there were the horses, Flora (Flo) is nearly 35 years old and a sweetheart. She always came to say G’day whenever you went to the shed and would put up with untold hours of grooming and cuddles. She enjoyed a bath one day and played with the hose so much that I actually was wetter than her! Nipper is a stunning looking boy; very full of himself and a prancing little show off, but distraught if he can’t see Flo. When he decides you are friendly he just nibbles at your hair, hands and clothes in such a gentle way. I won’t tell him, but he is a very big softy! Speaking of big softies brings me on to Mad Tassie Dick! Dick is the most fit 78 year man I have ever met. I hope he won’t be offended by my telling you his age, but he should be so proud as he has had a pretty tough life and is still an amazingly busy man. He rides his push bike every day, cuts untold amounts of wood, tends to the veggie garden and provides meat. Dick is ex forces and ex police and he has seen some things in his life that would make your hair turn white – well his did anyway! On top of everything he does to run the farm he cares for his lovely wife Anita, who has been unwell for many years. I would never want to get on the wrong side of Dick, but beneath the intimidating exterior is a man with a heart of gold who dearly loves his wife and his animals (except Josephine the swearing bird, and we know where she got that from Dick!) >>27
<<26 Anita is just a gentle soul who we just adored, it must be so hard for her to have continuous chemotherapy, but she just gets on and does what she can, an avid reader – with more books than the local library – she is also a fantastic artist. “Haz” is one tough cat; he is only friendly when he wants to be but can hiss and spit and has a mean set of claws if you annoy him. He wanders about every morning perusing his estate and then sleeps upstairs in the sunlit bedroom all day. Our two dogs were completely intrigued by this cat but were sensible enough to realise that he was the boss, although our tiny poodle did give chase one day and the cat rocketed about 20 foot up the nearest tree! Anita adores him, and Dick tolerates him (supposedly!) He lives on a diet of kangaroo meat and blood, hence the vampire reference. I have to say that he is a stunning looking cat and I did get a few cuddles from him, but I definitely was a little wary of those claws!! We then moved onto Buninyong near Ballarat in Victoria looking after a farm with 10 cows, 10 sheep, 4 goats, 2 cats, a pet turkey called Tabatha, 20 ducks and about 100 chooks; it is difficult to be precise due to the new chicks that arrive daily. It takes an hour to lock up the chooks and carry Tabatha to her “home”, which is not easy as she weights 13 kilos!!! We are staying in the caravan because the chooks in the house (yes the house!) are noisy and to be honest a bit smelly! Next stop Grampians Had a couple of nights at a free camp near Ararat before heading to Roses Gap Recreation Centre to catch up with Kelly & Dan who lived and worked at Mornington Adventure Camp with us in WA. Both amazing rock climbers, the Grampians is the perfect place for them to teach others their amazing skills. Had an awesome catch up and lovely guided tour of the region, which was recently devastated by a massive bush fire. 53,000 hectares were burnt during the fire (for my pommy friends that is ¼ of West Sussex) Many people were evacuated during this period, but amazingly nobody was killed. The views are stunning Kelly and Dan work and live at a fantastic Adventure camp which has some amazing activities, along with the most amazing natural rock climbing and abseiling on the property – and it would have been rude not to have a go! The Giant swing is an amazing adrenaline rush and I think I screamed for most of the ride! I so want one in our back yard!! I know at 46 I should be growing up, but honestly it was soooooooo much fun I had to have another go! After that experience it was out to the mountains for a touch of abseiling, the walk up the mountain nearly killed me, looking down the 50 metre drop I was about to abseil down nearly stopped my heart and I did wonder why I had asked to give this a go. At the top of the rope you can see a dot, that was Dan shouting encouragement such as, “I hope the rope is long enough” and “don’t worry, but if the rope is caught up just let go and unhook it”, and there was much shouting from Kelly and Graham at the bottom of the cliff about my life insurance policy. I can’t tell you my replies, naughtiest words I could think of!! Then Bendigo for a couple of days and had a ride on the local historical tram, dogs were allowed to come on. Tax stuck her head out of the window and enjoyed the ride; Jethro stuck his head under Grahams arm and shook the whole ride!! Had a day out to Echuka on the mighty Murray River and saw a load of paddle steamers, most wood fired. The area has been kept as it would have been in earlier times when the Murray was the major transport route for most goods. The Murray is the 3rd longest navigable river in the world after the Amazon & The Nile. We also found a most amazing tree, only found in Australia I believe, although if found in many other places in the world it would of course be the “Flip Flop Tree!!” We secured a month long house sit in Melbourne for December, which means we get to see the grandkids and my mate Lisa who lodged with me in the UK for several years – I feel a very fun and alcoholic Christmas coming on! Lou and Graham
For all Property Maintenance Services and key holding, let me care for your property whilst you are away!
Gas Service/Installation All plumbing requirements Tiling Home Refurbishments Painting, inside & out General repairs and maintenance to your home & garden or pools Anything from a complete bathroom to a curtain pole or a light fitting. No job too small and all at realistic rates. 35 Years experience. UK Corgi & ACOPS Reg. Telephone for a free, prompt and efficient service on: 650 884 147 or 952 891 619. e-mail:
Monday to Saturday 10.30 - 14.30 hrs. Tel; 952 80 22 21 Mob: 636 538 877 Calle Nuevo 8, Estepona 29680, Malaga
Anglican Church of Costa del Sol (West) Each Sunday we hold Services as follows: San Pedro at 10.15am In the hall adjoining Parroquial Virgen del Rocio (Near McDonalds)
Sotogrande at 11.45am In La Iglesia Sra. de la Merced, the "Big Church"
Coffee Morning each Tuesday in Sabinillas from 11am In La Vicente Square, behind the taxi rank
Home Groups take place every week Everyone is welcome For further details contact: Roger Richards (Church Warden) 952 891 765 Email: 28
Word Grid:
Simple and Quick Tasty Tapa: Morcilla & Apple Ingredients: Morcilla (Black Pudding) Onion (finely chopped) 1 tsp Cumin Seeds 1 Green Apple (peeled and chopped) Dash of Sherry Seasoning Method: Pan fry onion in a little olive oil till soft and lightly browned. Add cumin seeds to release aroma. Who was delivering Add apple and sautĂŠ until lightly browned. your presents last Add morcilla cut into 1cm rings and pan fry. year??? See editor for a Add sherry to deglaze the pan. free drink at the bar. Serve while hot. Optional add a drizzle of honey and chopped parsley.
Find the 9 lettered word and see how many words of 4 letters and over you can make using the centre letter in all words and each letter only once. Answer page 34
I just read an article on the dangers of drinking.... Scared me to death. So that's it! After today, no more reading. Submitted by Joanna Mitchell
1. Who was the first woman in space? 2. Which multi-Oscar winning movie has been described as 'Dangerously close to being a Shirley Valentine for middle aged men'? 3. Who abolished St Valentine's Day, Hogmanay and Halloween as being altogether too frivolous and irreligious? 4. Who, in the title of a Shakespeare play are SUDOKU - ANSWER PAGE 34 Valentine and Proteus? 5. Who was the Greek goddess of love? 6. Plus or minus 100 years, what date was the first recorded Valentine sent? 7. Where do you "wear your heart" if you are quick to show your feelings? 8. Name the leader of the Chicago gangsters responsible for the St Valentines Day Massacre in 1929? 9. Which romantically named actor played Raffles? 10. Which British city did Shirley Valentine abandon for her Greek holiday? 11. According to an old English tradition, what is supposed to happen to the first man a woman sees on Valentine's Day? 12. True or false: Doves mate for life? 29
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English Optometrist now available for consultation on the Costa del Sol.
Jane Staunton Machin BScMB Optom CNOO Av. Litoral – Ed. Vistamar Blq. 2 – Local 1 29680 ESTEPONA MALAGA Tel: 952 806 813 Full Eye Examinations: Glaucoma Screening: Designer & Non-Designer frames & lenses: Sunglasses: (prescription & non-prescription) Domiciliary Visits: (by appointment) Contact Lens Fitting.
Email: Phone: 639823402 Juan Antonio 661195047 David (Above are Spanish speaking) Translation can be arranged with I.C.E. Club member Wilma Keeley 679138952 As recommended by I.C.E. Club member Barbara Salisbury 634311247
Police dogs final test of self control 31
General Information Coach trips: See trip information for times. Please ensure that you sit in the seat numbered on your ticket. We regret that we cannot stop at any other point unless agreed with the organiser, to pick up or put down. The organiser reserves the right to refuse to include any member they feel is not sufficiently able-bodied to follow the itinerary. Members are responsible for own travel insurance. Buying your ticket: Please produce your membership card together with the correct money. Have prepared your choice of menu if applicable. Final ticket booking: All tickets must be booked and paid for on or before the last Thursday coffee morning before the event. Late phone bookings cannot be accepted. Members are advised to attend the last Thursday before a trip in case there are any last minute alterations. Refunds: Cannot be given for either deposits or tickets, unless the organiser is notified in time, always providing the trip is full and a replacement can be found from the waiting list. Tickets are not transferable to other members without authorisation of the organiser. Tips: Included in the cost of coach travel and restaurants, but not for hotels. Smoking: The smoking of tobacco and any other substance is not be permitted anywhere in or on the premises of The International Club of Estepona, Bahia Dorada. Dogs: Dogs are not allowed inside the clubhouse. They are permitted on the lower terrace but only when they are under the owner’s control by being attached to a lead which is held by the owner or attached to one of the hooks on the wall which are provided for that purpose. Club magazine by post: If you leave Spain for longer than a month, your magazine can be posted. Please hand stamped envelopes (correct stamps in Euros), to Terry Smith. On the reverse, please write the months you wish to receive, they will be posted to you as soon as they are issued.
Parking: When visiting the club please park considerately between white lines and never on yellow lines. ACTIVITY ORGANISERS Art Group Regina Stall Books Peter Galloway Bowls Reg Astle Bridge…”Duplicate” Tim Taminiau Club Calendar Co-ordinator Sue Potter Computer Group, Posters Vic Loughran Film Night Sue Potter Gardening Group Sandy Avis Genealogy Dave Hackett Golf Organiser Alan Davis ICE Players (Drama Group) Margaret Hall Keep Fit Sue Jenkins-Better Ladies’ Book Club Krista Carter Ladies’ Lunches Margaret Whittley Lottery Organiser Mavis Tolfree Quiz Night, Songs of Praise, Art Class Joan Thompson Rambling Sue Potter Spanish Lessons Martin Holmes Stitch & Bitch Nina Taminiau Ticket Sales Joanna Mitchell Ticket Sales, Advertising Manager Jackie Simmonds Ticket Sales Patricia Smith Videos Roger Richards Whist Ian & Lin Ingram Writing Group Peter Brookes
663 557 738 952 794 270 637 148 660 637 148 660 699 712 804 634 273 194 696 259 644 634 328 114 653 488 030 637 148 660 607 963 254 652 798 107 677 656 319 669 661 660 619 609 536
951 277 113 952 892 386 952 886 772 952 892 386 952 897 309 952 893 965 952 897 670 952 806 922 951 277 240 951 972 577 952 792 454 952 804 799 952 892 386 952 892 163 951 277 113 952 897 977 952 797 921 951 276 690 952 891 765 952 796 150
CLUB COMMITTEE Doug Mitchell 667 998 800 Sue Potter 637 148 660 Joan Thompson 653 488 030 Ted Lunniss 608 601 230 Terry Smith 677 656 319 Brenda Taylor 654 579 492 Margaret Whittley 634 328 114 Julie Wood 639 542 387 Diane Hackett 626 080 829 Keith H. Ranshaw NON COMMITTEE POSTS Nigel Nevshehir 689 457 410
952 897 977 952 892 386 952 804 799 952 923 892 951 276 690 952 805 739 951 972 577 952 913 174 952 893 965 951 977 223
LOCAL KEY HOLDER 952 791 449 (If available) MAINTENANCE MANAGER Rob Potter 671 725 243 952 892 386 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARIES Margaret Whittley 634 328 114 951 972 577 (Temporary) Tracy Bird BAR MANAGER Mac McIntyre 610 047 228 952 808 556 ASST BAR MANAGER VACANCY AUDITOR Ron Pegrum 680 718 990 952 891 175 ASST. TREASURER Vic Loughran 952 886 772 PUBLICITY VACANCY WELFARE: Members are requested to notify our welfare officer, Barbara Salisbury if they know of any member who is ill. 952 796 368, email HOSTESS : Introduce new members : - Maureen Baldwin-Winckle 952 791 812
MAGAZINE ADVERTISING RATES AS FROM 1ST JANUARY 2011 For adverts presented in desired layout, includes inclusion on our web site with links to your site if applicable. Classified Ads: Members Only, Free Quarter page - 6€ per month - colour 7€ per month Half page - 12€ per month- colour 14€ per month Full page - 24€ per month - colour 28€ per month (Discounts:- for 6 months 10%, and for the whole year 20%) PLEASE NOTE: Colour is only available to inside front and rear cover pages and rear cover, also adjacent to centre pages. Advertising fees to be prepaid before the 20th of the month to:Jackie Simmonds, Advertising Manager, Tel. 952 797 921 or 652 798 107 Copy to be in before the 15th of any month, for inclusion in the following month’s issue. Copy can be e-mailed to: - ICE (Siberme) accepts no responsibility for contents of any advertisement appearing.
INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA (Siberme) I.C.E. Clubhouse, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 5, at Km. 149, A 7, Estepona 29680 Malaga
Clubhouse: Telephone 952 802 549 ICE Web Site: Email: 33
JUST FOR A SMILE Teacher Arrested At London Heathrow Airport - Held In Isolation. A secondary school teacher was arrested today at London's Heathrow International airport as he attempted to board an international flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a pair of compasses, a slide-rule and a calculator. At a press conference, a UK Border Control spokesman said he believes the man is a member of the notorious extremist Al-Gebra movement. He did not identify the man, who has been charged by the Police with carrying weapons of maths instruction. 'Al-Gebra is a problem for us', the Spokesman said. 'They derive solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in search of absolute values.' They use secret code names like "X" and "Y" and refer to themselves as "unknowns;" but we have determined that they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philosopher Isosceles used to say, "There are three sides to every triangle.” When asked to comment on the arrest, Opposition Leader Ed Milliband said, "If God had wanted us to have better weapons of maths instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes." Fellow Labour colleagues told reporters they could not recall a more intelligent or profound statement by the Opposition Leader. Submitted by Anthony Shine A plane is on its way to Toronto, when a blonde in economy class gets up, and moves to the first class section and sits down. The flight attendant watches her do this, and asks to see her ticket. She then tells the blonde that she paid for economy class, and that she will have to sit in the back. The blonde replies, "I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to Toronto and I'm staying right here." The flight attendant goes into the cockpit and tells the pilot and the co-pilot that there is a blonde bimbo sitting in first class that belongs in economy, and won't move back to her seat. The co-pilot goes back to the blonde and tries to explain that because she only paid for economy she will have to leave and return to her seat. The blonde replies, "I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to Toronto and I'm staying right here." The co-pilot tells the pilot that he probably should have the police waiting when they land to arrest this blonde woman who won't listen to reason. The pilot says, "You say she is a blonde? I'll handle this; I’m married to a blonde. I speak blonde." He goes back to the blonde and whispers in her ear, and she says, "Oh, I’m sorry." and gets up and goes back to her seat in economy.. The flight attendant and co-pilot are amazed and asked him what he said to make her move without any fuss. "I told her, first class isn't going to Toronto ". QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. Valentine Tereshkova 2. American Beauty 3. Oliver Cromwell 4. Two gentlemen of Verona 5. Aphrodite 6. 1415 7. Sleeve 8. Al Capone 9. Anthony Valentine
My carpenter friend has always wanted to play for his local football team. The good news is that he's finally made the bench. 10. Liverpool 11. He marries her 12. True 34
Word grid: 9 letter word VALENTINE
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