April 2016 Edition

Page 1

Wednesday 13th April Day Trip To

SEVILLE Free and easy day to do your own thing. Time for optional Lunch 15€ Members

Saturday 23rd April Celebrate St George’s Day With a Truly English Traditional 3 Course Dinner



of San Pedro - Estepona - Casares - Manilva Sotogrande & Beyond

April 2016 Edition www.siberme.com

Email: clubsiberme@hotmail.com


ICE Magazine Contents Page 5 President’s Letter & Other Information Page 6 Bulletin Board & Information Page 8/9 Motoring in Spain Page 9 Contacting Movistar Page 10/11 Technology Matters Page 12/13 Past Events Page 13 Seville Visit - Bowling News Page 14 April Events Page 16 Blevins Franks Article Page 20/21 April Calendar

Page 27 Page 28 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38

Future Events Portugal Trip Details - Recipe Golf Society - Attention Book Lovers Citizens Advice Bureau Releasing Your Grip, Member’s Article Heart and Water - Member’s Article Leisure Page General Information Committee and Advert Information Just for a Smile, Quiz Answers

Thanks to all those who have contributed items for your magazine this month, please keep them coming. WANTED: Further input from members for your magazine, articles , experiences, useful information, recipes, anything of interest. It is getting more difficult to fill the pages.

President: Sue Potter Editor: Terry Smith Advertising: Jackie Simmonds Disclaimer: - The committee wishes to declare that ICE does not accept responsibility for the contents of articles nor the claims made by advertisers. Printed by Digiprint, Avda Litoral, Edificio Visamar, Blq 2 Local 9, 29680 Estepona Visit Our New Improved Club Website: www.siberme.com Free Wi-Fi for members at the clubhouse. Now upgraded to 8Mb The magazine is published on the website on or before the first day of each month. PLEASE MENTION ICE CLUB & MAGAZINE WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS.

Editorial: Another Club A.G.M. done and dusted, welcome to the new committee member Sally Holloway, please give all the committee your support, they are not easy positions, and remember all are volunteers. It was admirable to receive from members their support to confirm trust in the committee to continue in the best interests of the I.C.E. Club. I will be continuing as your magazine editor, I do find it an interesting commitment albeit quite time consuming. I greatly appreciate the help from members with their articles to ensure your magazine is kept interesting, please keep them coming, you will have noticed the number of pages has now increased. Regards

Terry Smith

Editor Terry Smith Email: terrysmith@siberme.com Phone 951 276 690 Mobile 677 656 319


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Presidents Letter: I hope you all had a lovely Easter and remembered to put the clocks forward! The AGM went well, we welcome Sally Holloway on to the Committee, I'm sure she'll be an asset to the Club. All 3 proposals were passed, the Committee has decided to make the lift a priority as we already have chairs and a coffee machine but hopefully we will be able to afford to purchase all 3. Ted bless him keeps having to sit down with the thought of it all!!! This month on 10th we are having a stall for Foreign Residents Day, helpers on the day for 1 hour stints and home made cakes required please. Of course April means Golf Spring Cup on 19th don't forget to buy your lunch tickets and put your name down for golf. There are lots of other activities going on so please check your magazine for details. Please don't leave it until the last minute to buy your tickets. If you have been out of UK for less than 15 years you are still entitled to vote in the Brexit poll, details on how to apply are on the website, your vote is important. Please remember to take your glasses and empty bottles back to the bar. Happy St George's Day, hope to see you at the dinner that Brenda is cooking. Sue Potter The Club Welcomes New Members:

Barbara Sims

David Hodson

Following on from The Club AGM: A request was made from a relatively new member, Terry Clover, for a regular games night, a previously popular event. Terry has offered to organise this event monthly starting Tuesday evening 5th April, please give him your support. IMPORTANT - THERE WILL BE A NEW LINK ADDED TO THE CLUB WEB SITE ~USEFUL INFORMATION.~ Useful information printed within your magazine will now be accumulated by Ron Sykes and added to the above link, as requested by members, this information can then be referred back to at any time. Thanks to Ron for suggesting and taking the time to action this very useful element. For all club members who want to vote on the EU Exit Referendum, the following is the website to register to vote, if they haven’t already: www.gov.uk/register-to-vote Takes about 5 minutes only, and they can vote by proxy or post. Submitted by Doug Proctor WELFARE: After helping a friend of mine who is living alone, I thought some ICE members in similar situations might think about getting an "emergency button" that is worn around the neck while in the home. This is connected to the local National Health services (seguridad social) so you need to be registered with them, have a fixed land line & a 65 green card (tarjeta sesenta y cinco). Armed with your NIE number, social security number & green 65 card, you can call 900.200.165 & order one. The cost is €10.60 per month & takes about 2 months for them to contact you to arrange a visit. Alternatively, Helicopteros Sanitarios supplies this emergency button for their members. You buy the button/necklace for €150.00 & pay either €17 per month or €170.00 per year. It is something worth thinking about especially for the peace of mind of family & friends who may not see you on a daily basis. Unfortunately the former solution has to be arranged in Spanish but I can provide help if needed. Feel free to contact me if you need any clarification, further help or information. Linda Shelley, Home: +34 952.892.332, Mobile: +34 686.605.228, lindasinspain@gmail.com" 5

Lottery Winners February 1st Julie Wood 64€ 2nd Lynne Danby 32€ 3rd Dave Hackett 16€ Club 48€



BOOK LIBRARY: CAN MEMBERS PLEASE NOT SUBMIT HARDBACK BOOKS TO THE LIBRARY, PAPERBACKS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED. Returned books should be placed at the foot of the first half of the alphabet as designated - the librarian will then sort. DVD Library: Can members please ensure they sign for all borrowed films and add membership number, Please return films as soon as possible and sign as returned. Jigsaw Puzzles: There is a selection of jigsaw puzzles available stored under the video library. They are mostly 500 pieces, some 1,000. Glasses, cups etc: Please return to the bar before leaving the club. Please place used unbroken bottles carefully in bin provided, which is positioned under the dartboard. Return plates and cutlery to the kitchen. Terrace Doors: Those people who open terrace doors are responsible for closing same. TRIP CANCELLATIONS MUST BE REFERRED IN FIRST INSTANCE TO THE ORGANISER IMPORTANT: TELL THE BAR STAFF OF ANY BROKEN GLASS AND THEY WILL DISPOSE OF IT.

PLEASE NOTE: NOT IN SPAIN? RENEWING YOUR ANNUAL CLUB MEMBERSHIP CAN BE CARRIED OUT BY BANK TRANSFER. FOR DETAILS PLEASE CONTACT CLUB TREASURER TED LUNNISS 608 601 230 EMAIL: ted_lunniss@hotmail.co.uk IMPORTANT, ALL ORGANISERS PLEASE NOTE: THE CLUBHOUSE FURNITURE MUST BE LEFT AS SET FOR A THURSDAY MEETING BEFORE LEAVING THE CLUB. SWITCH OFF LIGHTS, FANS AND AIR CONDITIONERS. SET BUILDING ALARM AND LOCK DOORS. YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU - MORE VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED - GREAT FOR MEETING OTHER MEMBERS Your club is run by volunteers, without them we cannot function. Help is required for the following: The club urgently requires more bar volunteers, just once a month would be a great help, training available, see Mac McIntyre Bar Manager. Required also catering help to prepare food and serve on occasional Thursdays, no washing up, see Brenda Taylor Catering Manager. Required also meeters and greeters to man the front door for just an hour on a Thursday club morning, see Maureen Baldwin-Winckle. Again just the odd occasion would be a help.

ICE Ramblers Group

Contact Sue Potter Walk Co-ordinator 637 148 660 or 952 892 386 Ramblers Please Note: The club does not have any Insurance Policy in force in relation to its Rambling activities, and all members and their guests participate entirely at their own risk. Neither the club nor any walk leader will be responsible for any injury or loss suffered by any participant however caused. Those attending rambling events should be suitably attired with stout walking footwear and carry waterproofs in case of weather change. You should carry a packed lunch and adequate liquids for duration of ramble.

International Emergency: Phone 112 6


The all-new most up to date hearing centre in the Costa now opened.

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Call for your appointment. Michael Briales Total dedication to your hearing needs. Mobile 660 892 627

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Motoring in Spain Driving in most parts of Spain is generally an enjoyable experience. The roads are good, there is mostly little traffic and petrol is currently cheaper than in other European countries. It’s fair to say that we may forget about what we’re doing when we are driving in Spain, especially if we’re with friends, for the simplest of reasons such as the sun is shining, and perhaps we’re on our way to somewhere exciting. Now it goes without saying that there are rules of the road that everyone knows not to do, for example: drive through a red light or drive without wearing a seat belt, but there are also others so obscure, and some so unbelievable that it is easy to fall foul of the law, and find yourself with a fine without even realizing that you’ve done anything wrong. This sample of just 10 rules all appear in the Reglamento General de Circulación (General Traffic Law), and honestly haven’t been made up! 1. Driving with one hand or arm outside of the vehicle can lead to a fine of 100 euro. Article 18 of the General Traffic Law states that the driver and passengers should always maintain a sensible position inside the vehicle. 2. Driving without wearing a T-shirt or shirt, barefoot or wearing flip-flops comes with a fine of 200 euro for not driving with the correct clothing or footwear, which could diminish the driver’s capacity to control the vehicle. 3. You have to be extremely careful when parking on sand at the beach because if the area is classified as ‘protected’, you could end up with a fine of up to 6,000 euro. 4. Making the most of being stationary at a red light to touch up your make-up or eat something could cost you 200 euro and two points off your license. 5. Driving with the music blasting out in an area where quiet is required, like a hospital, or during the early hours of the morning will be sanctioned with a fine of 80-100 euro. In one case, a fine of 2,400 euro was imposed for not allowing neighbours to sleep. 6. You should only use the car horn in cases of emergency, to avoid an accident or if you want to overtake someone and alert them of your action. Any other use could lead to an 80-euro fine. 7. Driving in the left-hand lane or in the middle lane if the right-hand lane is free could result in a fine of 200 euro, according to Articles 28 and 31. 8. Be careful if you’re having an argument whilst driving, as if you’re seen taking your eye off the road on several occasions, you could end up with a fine of 80 euro. The same amount will be applied if the driver is caught biting his nails, kissing the co-pilot or insulting other drivers using hand signals! 9. Both hands should be kept on the steering wheel whilst driving and driver’s ears should be visible. 10. Filling up the car with petrol with the radio on comes with a fine of up to 91 euro. This list is not exhaustive, so be careful out there!!! Submitted by Doug Proctor Check for Spanish speeding and parking fines for free Buscamultas.com is a website that lets you check for free if you have any parking or speeding fines on your Spanish car. It is a totally free service. The details of every fine are published in pdf format in the boletines oficiales (offical government publications). The Buscamultas.com website searches through these boletines oficiales to see if there are any fines against your NIE and car registration number. In the first text box where it says Tu nº de DNI, type in your NIE. In the second text box where it says Matrícula de tu coche, type in your vehicle registration number. Copy the code shown on your screen, tick the box to accept to continue and click buscar (enter). It is definitely worth a try because of cases in Spain where people have not received any notification by post to say they have a fine, and have only found out when they have gone to do their tax return at Hacienda. 8

Paying speeding fines in Spain: If you have to pay a speeding fine in Spain, you can pay online by accessing the Ministry of the Interior web site at: https://sedeapl.dgt.gob.es:7443/WEB_Sanciones/jsp/sincertificado/identificacionPagador.jsf - private This page of the site is in English and allows you to pay by credit card. Don't forget that you will get a 50% reduction in the fine if you pay within 20 days. Submitted by Ron Sykes July 2015 ROUNDABOUTS (glorietas) : There may be plenty of them, but it would appear few in Spain quite know how to deal with them. The Guardia Civil has finally released a comprehensive guide into using roundabouts so that Spanish drivers can navigate them successfully (we can only hope). Meanwhile, if you are unsure about the correct way to negotiate roundabouts, here are some simple rules to help you enter and exit them safely and use the correct lane. APPROACHING ROUNDABOUTS It’s important to remember to give way to traffic already on the roundabout. If the roundabout is outside urban areas of towns or cities, keep right. If the roundabout is in a built-up area inside a town or city and the lanes are clearly marked, you should use the lane that best corresponds to the exit you need to take. (And what happens when 3 lanes approaching an island suddenly go to two?) LEAVING ROUNDABOUTS This causes the most confusion among drivers. Drivers must exit roundabouts from the right hand lane, because the only way to leave the roundabout is by turning right. However this simple rule can be more complex in practice. EXITING FIRST EXIT Enter roundabout keeping to the right hand lane. Stay in lane until exit is reached. Indicate and exit. (Indication would help!) CONTINUING STRAIGHT ON Enter roundabout keeping to right hand lane. Stay in lane until exit is reached. Indicate prior to exit and leave roundabout. TURNING LEFT OR CHANGING DIRECTION Enter roundabout keeping to left hand lane. Stay in lane until you have passed the exit before your turn off, then change lane by indicating right, giving other road users sufficient time to anticipate your manoeuvre. Please send your clues on how The Guardia Civil are going to activate these instructions on the back of a 10€ note addressed to the editor!!! I had to phone Movistar today to register a fault with my broadband (intermittent, cutting out etc. I dialled their contact number, 1004, and was immediately answered by a recorded voice in English, giving me the usual options. I pressed 1 for technical service and was almost immediately answered in English by a very helpful man. After reporting my fault, I asked him how he knew I was English, after all I had dialled the generic Movistar number – he said that their systems now registered their customers preferred language, based on previous calls to them !! So Movistar has emerged out of the dark ages. Very easy now to report a fault or speak to a technician. Submitted by Doug Proctor

Food For Thought ‘The difficulty lies not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.’ 9

Vic Loughran

Peter Dowd

Matters April 2016 Microsoft Ends Support for old versions of Internet Explorer. From 12th January 2016 Microsoft will only update IE11. This means that earlier versions of IE could have security issues IE11 was never intended for XP or Vista. .The answer? Upgrade to IE11 or use Chrome or Firefox. Clear Cache Many members have reported logging on the club website and finding that the latest pages are not displayed. If this happens to you, you are recommended to press F5 to refresh or “clear the cache� of your web browser. It seems opportune therefore to remind members of the procedures for doing this in the various internet browsers. Using any web browser without clearing the cache can cause problems over time, and the iPad Safari browser is no different. Problems with corrupt page entries can lead to Safari tabs refusing to close, or general slow-loading of pages. To avoid these troubles, next we will show you how to clear the cache on your iPad and iPhone. Internet Explorer 11 Click on the Tools Cog (Top right) Safety | Delete Browsing History Place a tick against Temporary Internet Files and Cookies. Click on Delete. Microsoft Edge Click on the three dots (Top right) Tools | Clear Browsing History.


Mozilla Firefox

Click on the Menu Button (Top right) Choose Options Then from the Menu on the left Advanced | Network | Cached Web Content – Clear Now

Google Chrome Settings | History | Clear Browsing Data Place tick against Cached images and files Click Clear Browsing Data

We suggest you experiment with these options and then next month we will explain how this can be done automatically every time you close the browser. If you have any questions or suggested topics for future editions, please email us: vicloughran@siberme.com or peterdowd@siberme.com 11

PAST EVENTS Saturday 27th February - Murder at the Club House The "Golf Club Restaurant", atmospherically decorated and buzzing with anticipation was full to bursting as we waited for the characters setting the scene to circulate amongst us. This was the first Murder Mystery event we had been to - but quickly got into it as one-by-one the actors sat down with us and wove their stories. Our table chatted energetically over the clues and exchanged numerous theories while a delicious 3-course supper was presented to us! What would we do without the willing volunteers who cook and serve? To them, our thanks and appreciation. We all spotted different things then collectively made our case for the Prime Suspect to two murders. Was it the glamorous Sally, dressed provocatively all in red as "Cupid" or Charlie, her suave coke-snorting husband? And what about the Spanish waitress who was dressed convincingly all in black? Was she actually part of the Cast or a new ICE employee helping out for the evening? I wonder if anyone else was fooled as we were. The room erupted into squeals as Inspector Jack Reagan went round the table where the characters were seated exposing the family's secrets until eventually the murderer was exposed. Who would have thought it. Sally you naughty, naughty girl! And if you weren't there - why not? You missed a treat! Let's hope it will become an annual event. Joan - are you listening? Submitted by Fiona Biddiscombe, photos are fancy dress winners by Joan. Tuesday 8th March - Gardening Club The first Gardening Club Meeting was held at the clubhouse. There was a good attendance of previous members and new. The Rose of Jericho which comes from Israel – was shown to everybody. This is a very dead looking ball of brown grass which when laid in some water slowly begins to open up – much to the amazement of members that hadn’t seen or heard of this rose before. It never dies and will outlive us all which is a bit creepy eh? (If ICE members would like more information or to see this rose, ask Sandy). Incredible photos were then passed to all of the largest garden in the world which opens each Valentine’s day in Dubai. Lots of “wows” and “amazings” could be heard. (If any ICE members would like to see these photos – ask Sandy). Lots and lots of cuttings from Keith and Helen, Joan Thompson and Sandy given out to all plus two nicely shaped terracotta pots and a tall column planter. An interesting ‘Gardening Made Easy’ ring binder had been donated to the Garden Club and appreciated. One of our members offered lots of pots and the offer was soon taken up. Various garden information was exchanged and questions answered. It was an enjoyable meeting. Interesting information: Did you know that the clematis is a member of the buttercup family and can live for 25 years. Originating in China, the clematis has more than 300 species. Princess Diana and Prince Charles have a clematis named after them. Its name means vine in Greek as it is a vigorous climber – reaching up to 30 ft. Submitted by: Sandy Avis Glass takes one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times! 12

PAST EVENTS Wednesday 16th March - Ladies and Gents who Lunch Out For the Juliets this was a new venue, Venta Cozar on the Casares Road, and this time the Romeos were allowed to join them, well almost! The Juliets opted for inside the restaurant. The Romeos were relegated to the warm and very sunny outside terrace area overlooking the fabulous views of the countryside so maybe we wouldn’t complain! Maggie had arranged a varied menu for us to choose from in advance, this was served by very efficient, English speaking waiters. A very pleasant lunchtime, thanks go to Maggie for the organising. If you wish to visit this restaurant they do a menu del dia during the week as well as al la carte menu. Sundays are always busy and you would need to book in advance. This may be of interest for those visiting Seville Duchess of Alba’s palace open to the public, the private home of Spain’s most eccentric aristocrat. The palatial home where the Duchess of Alba spent her final years has re-opened as a museum, offering a fascinating insight into the private life of the charismatic royal. The 15th century Palacio de las Duenas in Sevilla was opened by her son, Carlos Fitz-James Stuart, 19th Duke of Alba, after the house was deemed of cultural interest. The building is preserved the way it was lived in. The Duke of Alba has been heavily involved in the project and always eager to open the palace up to the public. This is an important building and a great insight in the Duchess of Alba’s final years. As well as being the Duchess’s main residence until her death in 2014, the palace was also the birthplace of 19th century poet Antonio Machado, and played host to the likes of Grace Kelly, Jacqueline Kennedy and Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi. The 1,900 m2 grounds showcase some 600 sculptures as well as courtyards, lemon groves and numerous pieces of art and tapestry. Open every day of the year except Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and Three Kings’ Day, tickets cost €8. The palace is situated within the historical centre of Seville. BOWLING OUR WAY! We meet Monday mornings at Benavista Bowls Club. It is quite a sociable morning why not come and join us? 9.45am for 10.00 start,16 ends for just 8€ each, includes hire of woods if required. Dress code is predominately white but the critical factor is footwear, shoes must be smooth soled with no ’pimples or crinkles’. The Management at Benavista strictly apply this rule. Drinks and food available at the bar. Beginners, novices or your guests are always welcome. We have recently had new bowlers join us and given instruction during the mornings play, we are not serious bowlers, just out for a mornings enjoyment and exercise. Organiser Reg Astle 13




Friday 1st April - Quiz Night - 8.00 for 8.30pm Quiz Master Ron Pegrum Tuesday 5th April - Garden Group Meeting The next Garden Club meeting will not be held on the second Tuesday of April as Sandy is on holiday so on this one occasion it will be held on the first at Ken Holloway’s home. Maps to be provided. Tuesday 5th April - Return of The Games Night 7.30 for 8.00pm Organiser Terry Clover, Darts, Board Games, Dominoes, your choice on the night. Sunday 10th April - Foreign Residents Day The Palacio The club are making a presence selling meat butties, tea and coffee, volunteers will be required to man stall. Brenda also requires members to make cakes for sale on the day. Organiser Wilma Keeley. Monday 11th April - Members Film Night Spectre 7.30 for 8.00pm A cryptic message from Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organisation. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind Spectre. Wed 13th April - Day Trip to Seville - Fiesta Time See pages 13 & 21. 15€ members, 18€ guests. Organiser Joan Thompson Friday 15th April - Computer Group 11.00am Now Is The Time To Upgrade To Windows 10. Presentation by Vic Loughran and Sheila Fox, see page 10. Sunday 17th April - Songs of Praise - 4.30 for 5.00pm, organiser Joan Thompson Tuesday 19th April:- Golf Spring Cup and lunch. See notice board & page 30. Organiser Alan Davis. See Peter Henry to book your lunch at Restaurant La Choza, 16€ per person, 3 courses, pick from menu choices. Wednesday 20th April - Ladies and Gents who Lunch Out Organisers Maggie Whittley and Bob Taylor Saturday 23rd April - St Georges Day Celebration Dinner 3 course meal by Brenda Taylor. The menu is pate with toast starter, roast beef , roast potatoes, carrots, peas, Yorkshire pudding, mustard, horseradish sauce and gravy. Apple pie with cream or ice cream. 12€ members, 15€ guests. Wednesday 27th April Caminito del Rey Ramblers Walk Sue Potter is organiser to walk the above. The walk is 7.2 km long, you have to wear a hard hat, not be afraid of heights and be aware there are lots of steep steps. Maybe not for the faint hearted. Saturday 30th April - Ramblers Lunch - Benehavis SHOULD YOU HAVE SUGGESTIONS FOR ANY EVENT OR ACTIVITY AT YOUR CLUBHOUSE, OR FOR A TRIP WHETHER FOR A DAY OR LONGER PERIOD, PLEASE CONTACT A MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT



Principles Of Successful Investing

By Terry Wayne, Partner, Blevins Franks 952 799 752 terry.wayne@blevinsfranks.com Successful investing is hard – financial markets are complicated and can be unpredictable. A better understanding of investment principles will help you avoid some of the common pitfalls. Follow these principles and you can turn your goals into reality. “Is this a good time to invest?” This is one of the questions wealth advisers are frequently asked, and the answer is ‘yes’ more often than not. Successful investors are marathon runners, not sprinters. Staying invested in the markets over the long term usually gives the best returns. When you see the markets fluctuate, it can be tempting to buy and sell investments to chase short-term gains. But this will rarely help you meet your longer-term financial goals. To succeed at investing, we need to be aware of how emotions may affect our actions. As markets peak, we may all feel excited and be tempted to flood into the market. But this is often the worst time to do so, as markets are likely to be over-priced. Conversely, when markets dip, investors often feel panic and the fight-or-flight part of our brains urges us to exit the market. This would lock in your losses. For new investors, this would actually be an opportune time to buy shares. Trying to time the market has plenty of risks, but the biggest may be the risk of missing out. Exiting the market during a downward trend can mean missing some of the biggest rebound days. To put it another way, by selling when the market is near the bottom of a downturn, you can easily miss out on the best of the upside. Missing just a few of the best days over a market cycle can have a significant impact on returns. Let’s look at £10,000 hypothetical investment based on the FTSE All Share Total Return, over 10 year period to 31st December 2014. If you had stayed invested for the full ten year period, you would have enjoyed a profit of £10,754. Investors who missed only the five or ten best days saw profits drop to £4,278 and £1,335 respectively. Those who missed the best 20 and 30 days saw losses of £2,222 and £4,270 respectively1. We believe the wisest investors are those who spend time beforehand creating a good longterm strategy, and then have the discipline to stay in the market when necessary, even if it feels uncomfortable. Statistically, they have the best chance of success. Your strategy should be based on your personal circumstances, objectives, time horizon and risk profile. Russell Investments Limited is the source of some of the above data; any opinions expressed are those of both Russell Investments Limited and Blevins Franks Financial Management Limited. These views are put forward for consideration purposes only as the suitability of any investment is dependent on individual circumstances. The value of investments can fall as well as rise as can the income arising from them. Past performance should not be seen as an indication of future performance. 1 Figures do not include fees or charges. The effect of these would reduce the figures quoted.

To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on our website www.blevinsfranks.com 16




El Rincon Toscano Restaurant Pizzeria Wine Bar Calle Real 22-26, Estepona Telephone 952 795 914 Roberto 648 263 369 or Yuri 610 336 547 rincontoscano@hotmail.com A little taste of Italy Come and enjoy the excellent cuisine and service provided by Roberto and Yuri Opening hours Lunch every day 1.30 – 4pm Dinner 7pm – midnight Closed on Wednesdays 19

April 2016 DATE DAY



1 Apr Fri 2 Apr Sat 3 Apr Sun 4 Apr Mon

10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 4.00 pm Chicago Bridge 1100 Mahjong, 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 4.00 pm Chicago Bridge 1100 Mahjong, 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, Open Forum 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge

8.00 for 8.30pm Quiz Night

5 Apr Tue 6 Apr Wed 7 Apr Thu 8 Apr Fri 9 Apr Sat 10 Apr Sun 11 Apr Mon 12 Apr Tue 13 Apr Wed

14 Apr Thu 15 Apr Fri 16 Apr Sat 17 Apr Sun 18 Apr Mon 19 Apr Tue 20 Apr Wed 21 Apr Thu

10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group Rambling 12.30pm-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 4.00 pm Chicago Bridge 1100 Mahjong, 11.00-2.00pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge

11.00am Gardening Club 2.30pm Keep Fit 7.30 for 8.00 pm Games Night

Foreign Residents Day at Palacio 7.30 for 8.00pm Film Night 2.30pm Keep Fit 2.00pm Committee Meeting Day Trip to Seville (Fiesta Time)

Computer Group 11.00am 4.30pm Songs of Praise

Golf Spring Cup and Lunch 2.30pm Keep Fit 1.30pm Ladies Lunch, 1.45pm Gents Lunch


22 Apr Fri 23 Apr Sat 24 Apr Sun

29 Apr Fri

10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group 10.30am Rambling 12.30am-2.30pm Bar Open & Tapas 2.30 - 5.00pm Art Class 4.00 pm Chicago Bridge 1100 Mahjong, 11.00-1.30pm Bar Open Spanish Classes Beg 10.30 Adv 11.45 7.30 pm Canasta Rambling 7.00 for 7.30pm Whist 10.30am-2.30pm Bar Open 11.30am Weekly Meeting, Lottery 1.00pm Lunch 7.00pm Duplicate Bridge 10.00am - 1.00pm Art Group

30 Apr Sat


25 Apr Mon 26 Apr Tue 27 Apr Wed

28 Apr Thu

11.00 am Genealogy Group St George's Day Celebratory Dinner

2.30pm Keep Fit Ramblers' Walk Caminito del Rey

Ramblers Lunch, Benehavis








EVENTS FOR YOUR DIARY 2nd To 4th May -Trip to Feria del Caballo (Horse Fair) Jerez de la Frontera with 2 nights stop at Posada Hotel, San Luca, optional trip to Doñana National 21st, 22nd May Park. Fully booked, final payment is I.C.E. Players now due. Organiser Wilma Keeley. Friday 6th May - Quiz Night- 8.00 for 8.30 pm Latest Production Quiz Master Richard Wood. An Original Summer Monday 9th May - Member’s Film Night Revue The Lady in the Van Friday 13th May - Afternoon Fashion Show by Elizabeth Couture, With Afternoon Tea with Cup of Tea, 5€ mem’s, 8€ guests, organiser Joan Thompson Wednesday 25th May Trip to Castellar Zoo www.zoodecastellar.es/english/ The Castellar Zoo, an animal rescue centre, is a private initiative started in 1998, which officially opened in 2002 in order to aid animals which were seized by the authorities. These animals that were the victims of the black market were mistreated and uncared. The purpose of the rescue centre is to provide to these animals better living conditions by the best carers. Several years after its commencement, the centre opened its doors to the public for their enjoyment, but also to increase awareness. Gradually, with economic support, the Castellar Zoo is improving its facilities and installations for the public and animals. The centre offers a second chance for the animals, and to the public an entirely different zoo, where visitors may feed the animals and interact directly with them. Then onto a local restaurant for optional lunch. Organiser Di Hackett Sat. 28th May:- Live country music with the Texas Pearls 7.00 for 7.30pm. American Supper, please bring a plate of finger food. Organiser Tracy Bird. 13€ members, 18€ guests. Proposed for Saturday 18th June is the return of a Summer Party at a restaurant. Watch this space. Proposed For June - Trip to Cortes de la Frontera Romera Proposal for September is trip to Gibraltar to go on a boat trip to the Dolphins Tuesday 4th October:- Golf Autumn Cup and Lunch Sunday 9th October - Escorted Trip to Portugal 6 days, 5 nights See page 28 and February magazine for trip and accommodation information. Deposit tickets now available at 100€ per person, organiser Joan Thomson. Proposed for November - Pre Christmas Shopping Trip to Gibraltar Time for 10 pin bowling, visit the cinema, for the very brave ice skating, or have a relaxing lunch somewhere around the marina. Looking forward to 2017 Yes That’s Right 2017 Proposed Holiday Trip To Lake Garda, Italy Should you have suggestions for any event or activity at your clubhouse, or for a trip whether for a day or longer period, please contact a member of the committee. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT 27

Sunday 9th October - Historic Portugal - 6 Day, 5 Night Guided Trip Day 1 – Estepona to Jerez de los Caballeros Free time for dinner. Hotel Los Templarios in Jerez de los Caballeros www.hotellostemplarios.net Day 2 – Towards Lisbon Free time for dinner. Hotel Holiday Inn Liberdade in Lisbon www.holidayinn.com/Lisbon Day 3 – Lisbon, city of discoveries Free time for dinner. Hotel Holiday Inn Liberdade in Lisbon www.holidayinn.com/Lisbon Day 4 – Towards el Algarve Dinner is included at our hotel. Hotel Baia Cristal in Carvoeiro (Algarve) www.baiacristal.com/en/ Day 5 – Lagos, Cape St. Vincent and Sagres. Dinner at our hotel on the Algarve. Hotel Baia Cristal in Carvoeiro (Algarve) www.baiacristal.com/en/ Day 6 – Homeward bound via Tavira. 100€ Deposit tickets now available. I.C.E. organiser Joan Thompson, tour guide Danny Rae Mathias The included visits: Jerez de los Caballeros: Guided tour of the historic quarter Monsaraz: Walk around the town and views Evora: Free time for lunch in the historic centre Lisbon: Panoramic tour with an official guide Pasteis de Belem with custard cake and drink (cost included) Monasterio Jeronimos visit (cost included) Boat trip on the Tagus river (cost included0 Algarve: Silves Moorish Castle (cost included) Historic centre of Lagos Cabo San Vicente Coastal port of Sagres Seaside town of Tavira Crêpes Suzette (for adults only) Ingredients 1 classic pancake recipe 3 tbsp caster sugar 250ml freshly squeezed orange juice (2-3 oranges) zest 1 orange 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tbsp Grand Marnier or Cointreau or Triple Sec 50g unsalted butter Method Prepare pancakes following a classic recipe. Fold the pancakes into quarters. Tip the caster sugar into a non-stick frying pan and set the pan over a lowmedium heat. Allow the sugar to melt slowly without stirring and continue to cook until it becomes a deep amber-coloured caramel. Immediately slide the pan off the heat and add the orange juice – be careful as it may splatter and spit as it hits the hot caramel. Add the orange zest, lemon juice, the Grand Marnier and return the pan to a low heat to re -melt the caramel into the liquid. Add the butter to the sauce in small pieces, bring to the boil and simmer gently until glossy and reduced slightly. Add the pancakes to the pan and warm through. Serve immediately.

When cooking Alphabet Soup, don't leave it unattended, it could spell disaster. 28


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'ICE GOLF SOCIETY'. ‘The Golf Society Spring Cup’ is upon us. Where does all the time go??? This year we are playing Estepona Golf Club on the 19th. April. We have played here many times before, according to recent visitors, it is in good condition. The entry form is on the club notice board and numbers are looking good. Always room for more though! The format remains as an Individual Stableford Competition. Tee off time is 08.45, Shot Gun start. The green fee is 47.5€, including shared buggy, and the entry fee is 5€. There are special prizes for Guests and for Club members who are playing for the first time. Tickets for the ever popular ’Celebration & Presentation Lunch' are now on sale from Peter Henry. My thanks to him for doing all the hard work. The details are on the club notice board.' 'February Away-Day to La Cala Golf Resort’, was a closely fought affair. 12 players joined in at Campo Europa, the first of our three visits here this year. The weather was good, the course was great, and the facilities were superb. Congratulation to Stephen M. for taking first prize and Jan H. for coming a very close second. We will be playing the other two La Cala courses; Campo Asia on the 22nd June and Campo America on the 20th July. Both have green fees of 42€ including a shared buggy and a light breakfast. This is excellent value. 1st. Tee off time 10.00. I am taking names now so just let me know if you wish to participate.' 'May Away-Day’. I am in the process of arranging a visit to Los Arqueros Golf and Country Club for May 18th. This course is, as a matter of interest the first course on the Costa del Sol, to be designed by Severiano "Seve" Ballesteros Sota. As soon as details are confirmed I will send out an e-mail. If you are interested and, maybe not yet on the e-mail, please let me know.' 'Casares Costa Golf Club Roll-Up’. We play a twice weekly 'Roll-Up' stableford competition on Tuesdays and Fridays at Casares Golf Club where our members benefit from discounted green fees. The tee off time varies a little during the year and is currently 8.30am. Please arrive between 8.00 and 8.15. All levels are welcome and we often have as many as 12 or more taking part. It is all very light hearted, (in other words 'Cut Throat’) and it is worth putting your sense of humour in the bag! Our annual 'Order of Merit' trophy is awarded to the player with the best ten cards from these 'Roll-Ups' . Keep your eye on the club magazine and the web site for details of all activities. If you would like to become involved, contribute or comment please contact me: Alan Davis . Golf Organiser. Tel: 952897670. Mob: 699712804. e-mail: alanandsue_hq@yahoo.co.uk Attention Booklovers Unfortunately the book club has ended but those of us who did manage to attend some of the meetings enjoyed discussing books we had read. It was impractical to discuss and analyse just one book, as most book clubs do, because members come and go all the time, which also contributed to the lack of attendance. We introduced each other to different authors which was great and I read books that I would never have bothered to pick up. For instance 'The 100 year old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared' by Jonas Jonasson and 'The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry' by Rachel Joyce. Two very different books. Many books discussed came from the Library at ICE, which is well used and well cared for by Peter. So, would members be interested in submitting and/or reading book reviews in the magazine? Not necessarily about a new publication but perhaps a favourite book that you have reread over the years. Some people have a book that they say changed their lives in some way. It could be an autobiography that has revealed surprising facts about a person or a non-fiction book of interest to members. >>31 30

<<31 Many of us use Kindles now, are there any useful tips you could share? I downloaded a cookery book that was on offer to my Kindle Paperwhite, which meant it was only in black and white, a little disappointing, then someone pointed out that I could also have it on my tablet and there it was in glorious colour. Here's a short review of a book I took home from the ICE Library. 'Losing You' by Nicci French, published in 2008. It's about a mother's frantic search for her teenage daughter, who has gone missing on the day the family should be leaving for a Christmas trip to Florida. They live in an isolated community, on fictional Sandling Island off of the bleak east coast of England. Nina, the girl's mother, fears instinctively that her daughter is in terrible danger but she is frustrated by the lack of urgency in the police's attitude and others to help her. So she embarks on the search alone. The book is written in 'real time', it is not divided into chapters. I couldn't put it down, you can't say to yourself I'll just read to the end of this chapter and then I have to go to bed because there are no breaks in the action. At first I thought Nina was a bit too panicky as her neighbours did but the tension and the atmosphere keeps building up right until the end. It's a well written book in my opinion and as one professional reviewer said it's ' A shocking tale dripping with both menace and love'. So how about it booklovers any recommendations you would like to share? If so please email them to Terry our Editor. Submitted by Sheila Defries Welcome to the Citizens Advice Bureau Spain website http:// www.citizensadvice.org.es/ You will find a link on the I.C.E. website www.siberme .com We hope that you will find the website both informative and useful. Their aim is to provide independent advice, information and support for all interested citizens in Spain, visitors, expatriates and Spaniards alike - for Free. They cover all regions of Spain, the Balearics and Canary Islands. They believe that such an organisation is imperative, especially for hundreds of thousands of non-Spanish residents, who often struggle to understand their rights and the existing and ever changing laws and rules. They are an apolitical concern but with our growing membership intend to become a strong enough force to be able to lobby for our rights. They are also aware that Spain also needs a functional and serious consumer protection agency. The services they provide are free and we are registered as a Spanish Non-Profit/NPO/ONG organisation (Registration nยบ 11253). They are quite convinced that they can make a difference and that we are stronger together! Ask For Advice. As they don't have the resources to have fixed based offices, the website is their main point of contact and also their Advice Centre. Within their Forums is a specific Ask for Advice forum where you can post your question to their team of expert Advisers. Due to the more sensitive nature of some of the problems discussed, this area of the website is not public and you will need to register in order to ask for advice. The other forums can be viewed by the public but you must register in order to post - this is to prevent their forums being filled up with SPAM! 31

Releasing your grip In Robert Pirsig’s best-selling book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, he describes ‘the old South Indian Monkey Trap’, which consists of a coconut, which has been hollowed out and chained to a stake. Inside there is some rice, which can be grabbed by reaching for it through a small hole. The hole is large enough to allow the monkey’s hand to go through, but too small for him to take his clenched fist back out once he has grabbed the rice. He’s suddenly trapped, not by anything physical, but by an idea. The principle ‘when you see rice, hold on tight’ has served him well, but has now turned against him. We also find ourselves trapped by our ideas in exactly the same way. We struggle to accept climate change, because we are trapped by a certain idea of progress, which we can’t let go even though it has turned against us. In the west it’s difficult for us to free ourselves from ideas, like competition and freedom from regulation, even when it’s clear that they work against our best interests. As John Maynard Keynes put it, ‘The difficulty lies not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.’ At least part of the explanation lies in our evolutionary history. Over millions of years we have adapted to our environment to become routine, unreflective thinkers. For much of our existence our survival has depended on rules and patterns of behaviour well tested by the thousands of generations before us. Learning to flee without thought in response to a certain pattern of colours and movement that signalled a predator was essential for survival. Our neural circuits have been designed by natural selection to solve the problems our ancestors faced. Our minds are programmed for survival, not to seek out truth. As evolutionary psychologists are fond of pointing out, our modern skulls house a Stone Age mind. As a result, today we make decisions guided more by unchallenged rules and accepted patterns of behaviour. Despite appearances, we are inveterately conservative. Most of us are blindly confident of the working assumptions we all seem to accept. This has greater importance the older we get. Creative thinking, our ability to think the unthinkable, to pose naïve questions and come up with really novel ideas, is the key not just to countering the threat posed by dementia, but to our general health and happiness. Unfortunately, its influence declines by over 50 per cent between the ages of 20 and 60. Most of us are surprised to learn that we had more individuality at the age of 20 than we do at 60. Life does the reverse of what we tend to think it does: we travel away from original thought not toward it. But, no matter what our age, we can develop our ability to think new thoughts and enrich our mental lives with really novel ideas by regularly challenging our minds to think creatively and conceptually. Neuroscientists have discovered that when we deliberately create new habits and ideas we create parallel pathways, new connections, even entirely new brain cells that can shift our train of thought onto new, innovative tracks. In fact the more things we try, the more inherently creative we become. So, try these: At the start of the Second World War the Brighter Blackout Book was published to entertain people during the blackouts with games, puzzles, stories, short plays, crosswords and so on. One of the puzzles asks you to create a swastika using just four playing cards. Can you do it? Describe how to put 27 animals in four pens in such a way that there is an odd number of animals in each pen. Show how you can arrange 10 pennies so that you have five rows of 4 pennies in each row. Each day you challenge yourself in this way the more likely you are to release your hand from the coconut, rediscover your innate creativity and enrich your life with ideas whose novelty will never fail to surprise you. Submitted by Bryan Greetham 21st February 2016 See also Bryan’s Brain Teaser on the leisure page 31 32

HEART ATTACKS AND WATER ! How many folks do you know who say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed because they'll have to get up during the night. Heart Attack and Water ─ I never knew all of this! Interesting....... Something else I didn't know, why do people need to urinate so much at night time? Answer from a Cardiac Doctor ─ Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body, when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs etc) is level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement! You need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body.. Correct time to drink water. Very Important according to a Cardiac Specialist! Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body. 2 glasses of water after waking up ─ helps activate internal organs. 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal ─ helps digestion. 1 glass of water before taking a bath ─ helps lower blood pressure. 1 glass of water before going to bed ─ avoids stroke or heart attack. Also add to this. A Physician advises that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse. Most heart attacks occur in the day, generally between 6am and noon. Having one during the night, when the heart should be most at rest, means that something unusual happened. Specialists have been working for a decade to show that sleep apnoea is to blame. 1. If you take an aspirin once a day, take it at night. The reason: Aspirin has a 24-hour "half-life"; therefore, if most heart attacks happen in the wee hours of the morning, the Aspirin would be strongest in your system. 2. Aspirin lasts a really long time in your medicine chest, for years, (when it gets old, it smells like vinegar). Please read on: Something that we can do to help ourselves ─ nice to know. Crystal aspirin dissolves instantly on the tongue. They work much faster than the tablets. Why keep Aspirin by your bedside? It's about Heart Attacks. There are other symptoms of a heart attack, besides the pain on the left arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nausea and lots of sweating. However, these symptoms may also occur less frequently. Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack. The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep did not wake up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep. If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water. Afterwards: ─ Call EMERGENCY. ─ Phone a neighbour or a family member who lives very close by. Say "heart attack!" ─ Say that you have taken 2 Aspirins. Take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and ─ DO NOT LIE DOWN! A Cardiologist has stated that if each person after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life could be saved! "Life is a one time gift" Submitted by Nigel Nevshehir I.C.E. Club does not accept responsibility for the contents of articles. 33


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Anglican Church of Costa del Sol West SAN PEDRO at 10-00am Every Sunday we hold an Anglican Service of Holy Communion in the Hall adjoining the Parroquia Virgen del Rocio (near McDonalds). SOTOGRANDE at 12-00pm Every 2nd and 4th Sunday we hold an Anglican Service of Holy Communion in La Iglesia Sra.de la Merced, the ‘Big Church’. 1st and 3rd Sundays are Methodist Worship services. You will receive a very warm welcome at our Churches, and children are particularly encouraged to join in the Sunday school fun activities. We conduct Wedding Blessings, Baptisms, Funeral services, and undertake pastoral care visits to the sick or needy. Coffee Morning each Tuesday in Sabinillas from 11-00am, at the Cafe/Bar Tahona de Chana situated at the eastern end of Calle Duquesa de Arcos. Our newly appointed Chaplain, Adrian Low, is becoming a well known character in our community, and is described as ‘a breath of fresh air’. So do come and meet him together with his wife Joanna. For further details about us, please contact Adrian on 952 808 605 or, Church Wardens:- San Pedro - Roger Richards on 952 891 765 Sotogrande - Ros Burns on 956 795 178 Visit our website for even more information: - www.costachurch.com 34

MARCH QUIZ ANSWERS PAGE 34 - EASY!!! Hanky Panky Rhyme Time Submitted by Terry Clover After each expression write 2 rhyming words to which it refers:E.G. Obese rodent = Fat Rat



Brain Teaser: In the days before watches were invented, clocks were valuable possessions. A man living in a remote area had one that kept very good time. However, he woke up one day to find it had stopped, so he had no idea of the correct time. He decided to walk to the next valley to visit his friend, who also had a clock that kept good time. He chatted with his friend for a while and then made his way home. He didn’t know the exact length of the journey before he started. How did he manage to set his clock correctly when he got home? Answer in next edition Last Months Brain Teaser: A woman has four pieces of chain. Each piece is made up of three links. She wants to join the pieces into a single closed loop of chain. To open a link costs 2 cents and to close a link costs 3 cents. She only has 15 cents. How does she do it? Why not try again? Answer below Brain Teasers submitted by Bryan Greetham

Easy Peasy What replaces the question mark?

Answer page 38 Find the 9 lettered word and see how many words of 4 letters and over you can make using the centre letter in all words and each letter only once. Answer page 38



. Instead of opening and closing links on each chain take one, open its 3 links (6cents) and use them to join the remaining 3 pieces of chain (9cents).

Word Grid:



GENERAL INFORMATION Coach trips: See trip information for times. Please ensure that you sit in the seat numbered on your ticket. We regret that we cannot stop at any other point unless agreed with the organiser, to pick up or put down. The organiser reserves the right to refuse to include any member they feel is not sufficiently able-bodied to follow the itinerary. Members are responsible for own travel insurance. Buying your ticket: Please produce your membership card together with the correct money. Have prepared your choice of menu if applicable. Final ticket booking: All tickets must be booked and paid for on or before the last Thursday coffee morning before the event. Late phone bookings cannot be accepted. Members are advised to attend the last Thursday before a trip in case there are any last minute alterations. Refunds: Cannot be given for either deposits or tickets, unless the organiser is notified in time, always providing the trip is full and a replacement can be found from the waiting list. Tickets are not transferable to other members without authorisation of the organiser. Tips: Included in the cost of coach travel and restaurants, but not for hotels. Smoking: The smoking of tobacco, electronic cigarettes and any other substance is not be permitted anywhere in or on the premises of The International Club of Estepona, Bahia Dorada. Dogs: Dogs are not allowed inside the clubhouse. They are permitted on the lower terrace but only when they are under the owner’s control by being attached to a lead which is held by the owner or attached to one of the hooks on the wall which are provided for that purpose. Parking: When visiting the club please park considerately between white lines and never on yellow lines.

ACTIVITY ORGANISERS Art Group Regina Stall Art Class Mondays Ronnie Lilly Bowls Reg Astle Bridge…”Duplicate” Tim Taminiau Canasta Nigel Nevshehir Chicago Bridge Anne Hardwick Club Calendar Co-ordinator Sue Potter Posters & Tickets Vic Loughran Film Night Sue Potter Games Night Terry Clover Gardening Group Sandy Avis Genealogy Dave Hackett Golf Organiser Alan Davis ICE Players (Drama Group) Margaret Hall Keep Fit Sue Jenkins-Better Ladies’ Book Club Krista Carter Ladies’ Lunches Margaret Whittley Librarian Peter Galloway Librarian Assistant Tracy Bird Lottery Organiser Mavis Tolfree Quiz Night, Songs of Praise, Art Class Joan Thompson Rambling Sue Potter Spanish Lessons Martin Holmes Ticket Sales Joanna Mitchell Ticket Sales, Advertising Manager Jackie Simmonds Ticket Sales Patricia Smith Videos Roger Richards Whist Ian & Lin Ingram


663 557 738

689 457 410 689 380 198 637 148 660 637 148 660 692 866 200 636 326 599 699 712 804 634 273 194 696 259 644 634 328 114 616 199 661 653 488 030 637 148 660 607 963 254 652 798 107 677 656 319 669 661 660

952 800 875 952 800 264 951 277 113 952 791 449 952 113318 952 892 386 952 886 772 952 892 386 951 974 771 952 897 309 952 893 965 952 897 670 952 806 922 951 277 240 951 972 577 952 794 270 952 805 407 952 792 454 952 804 799 952 892 386 952 892 163 952 897 977 952 797 921 951 276 690 952 891 765 952 796 150

CLUB COMMITTEE PRESIDENT Sue Potter 637 148 660 VICE-PRESIDENT Joan Thompson 653 488 030 SECRETARY Margaret Whittley 634 328 114 TREASURER Ted Lunniss 608 601 230 MAGAZINE EDITOR Terry Smith 677 656 319 CATERING MANAGER Brenda Taylor 722 650 449 MEMBER (Housekeeper) Diane Hackett 626 080 829 MEMBER (Welfare, Estepona) Julie Wood 639 542 387 MEMBER (Membership secretary) Tracy Bird 616 199 661 MEMBER Wilma Keeley 679 138 952 MEMBER (Publicity) Sally Holloway 678 897 275 NON COMMITTEE POSTS LOCAL KEY HOLDER Nigel Nevshehir 689 457 410 (If available) MAINTENANCE MANAGER Rob Potter 671 725 243 BAR MANAGER Mac McIntyre 610 047 228 ASST BAR MANAGER Mick Whittley 627 143 345 AUDITOR Ron Pegrum 680 718 990 ASST. TREASURER Vic Loughran ASST MEMBER SECRETARY Sheila Fox 671 232 906

952 892 386 952 804 799 951 972 577 951 276 690 952 805 739 952 893 965 952 913 174 952 805 407 951 170 874 952 808 992 952 791 449 952 892 386 952 808 556 951 972 577 952 891 175 952 886 772 952 808 992

WELFARE: Members requested to notify our welfare officer, Julie Wood if they know of any member who is ill. 952 913 174 , 639 542 387, email: woodiesvine@gmail.com HOSTESS : Introduce new members : - Maureen Baldwin-Winckle 952 791 812

MAGAZINE ADVERTISING RATES AS FROM 1ST JANUARY 2011 For adverts presented in desired layout, includes inclusion on our web site with links to your site if applicable. Classified Ads: Members Only, Free Quarter page - 6€ per month - colour 7€ per month Half page - 12€ per month- colour 14€ per month Full page - 24€ per month - colour 28€ per month (Discounts:- for 6 months 10%, and for 12 months 20%) PLEASE NOTE: Colour is only available to inside front and rear cover pages and rear cover, also adjacent to centre pages. Advertising fees to be prepaid before the 20th of the month to:Jackie Simmonds, Advertising Manager, Tel. 952 797 921 or 652 798 107 Copy to be in before the 15th of any month, for inclusion in the following month’s issue. Copy can be e-mailed to: - terrysmith@siberme.com ICE (Siberme) accepts no responsibility for contents of any advertisement appearing. INTERNATIONAL CLUB OF ESTEPONA (Siberme) I.C.E. Clubhouse, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 5, at Km. 149, A 7, Estepona 29680 Malaga

Clubhouse: Telephone 952 802 549 ICE Web Site: www.siberme.com Email: clubsiberme@hotmail.com 37

Four old retired guys are walking down a street in London. JUST FOR They turn a corner and see a sign that says, 'Old Timers Bar - ALL drinks 10p.' A SMILE They look at each other and then go in, thinking, this is too good to be true. The old bartender says in a voice that carries across the room, "Come on in and let me pour one for you! What'll it be, gentlemen?" Here's a fully stocked bar, so each of the men orders a martini. In no time the bartender serves up four iced martinis shaken, not stirred and says, "That'll be 10p each, please." The four guys stare at the bartender for a moment, then at each other. They can't believe their good luck, pay the 40p, finish their martinis and then, order another round. Again, four excellent martinis are produced, with the bartender again saying, "That's 40p, please." They pay the 40p but their curiosity gets the better of them. They've each had two martinis and haven't even spent a £1 yet. Finally one of them says, "How can you afford to serve martinis as good as these for a 10p a piece?" "I'm a retired tailor," the bartender says, and I always wanted to own a bar. Last year I hit the Lottery Jackpot for £25 million and decided to open this place. Every drink costs 10p. Wine, liquor, beer it's all the same." "Wow! That's some story!" one of the men says. As the four of them sip at their martinis, they can't help noticing seven other people at the end of the bar who don't have any drinks in front of them and haven't ordered anything the whole time they've been there. Nodding at the seven at the end of the bar, one of the men asks the bartender, "What's with them?" The bartender says, "They're retired people from Yorkshire and are waiting for Happy Hour when drinks are half-price!" Submitted by Bob Culley

  

I had a row with my wife last night, she threw a bottle of fabric conditioner at me and it only just missed my head. It must have been Lenor because it was a bit too close for Comfort. I've swapped our bed for a trampoline. My wife hit the roof! Just bought an ABBA toilet....what a loo! My mate makes crockery disappear. I said are you a wizard? He said no I'm a sorcerer.



Unless you have 6 gears

Hanky Panky Rhyme Answers: 1 chief thief, 2 stupid cupid, 3 better letter, 4 double bubble, 5 funny bunny, 6 free bee, 7 nimble thimble, 8 large barge, 9 cross boss, 10 nice vice, 11 pretty city, 12 narrow arrow, 13 middle fiddle, 14 bored lord, 15 Either quaint saint – or odd god 38

Word grid: DAFFODILS

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