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ICE Rambling/Walking Groups

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Ramblers/Walkers Please Note

The Club does not have any insurance policy in force in relation to its Rambling/ Walking activities and all members and guests participate entirely at their own risk. Neither the club nor any walk leader will be responsible for any injury or loss suffered by any participant, however caused. Those attending rambling/walking events should be suitably attired with stout walking footwear and carry waterproofs in case of weather changes. You should carry a packed lunch and adequate liquids for the duration of the ramble.


Sue Potter - Rambling Co-ordinator 686107835

Brian Hooper - Walkers Co-ordinator 662403543

Duquesa Charitable Society Of St George

StGeorgeCharitydeliversanotherbootloadofaidforUkraine,bothforrefugeesinour areaandforshipmenttotheUkraine. Thisconsignmentconsistedofnuts,driedfruit,packetandtinnedsoups,soaps, incontinencewear,pasta,medicalsupports,andmore. WewillcontinuetohelptheUkrainiansonbehalfofourlocalcommunityaslongasitis requiredandrequested. SlavaUkrain!

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